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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

>Additional OC (High Touch! TL, A Dawning Duet)

>[DawnSubs] DP001 & 002

Previous: >>56040996
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This is the thread
Lewdspammers btfo
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Reminder that May has the bigger butt lmao.
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>me bumping all 3 threads
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Lewd is OK but yuri is cringe
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>lewdtards think either of those threads are staying up
no one cares Mayschizo
They are both getting nuked kek
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Thanks Pikabro!
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This is the one!
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Honestly let the lewdfags keep their shit porn threads. Finally we have some peace from their spam, until janny deals with them.
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This is the pan Sinnoh bubble butt thread
any Dawn fanart with Candice?

lewd or cute, either one
This is why Dawn started watching those Trump and Nigel Farage videos.
So the great Dawn Schism finally happened?
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finally .. peace and quiet from lewdspam
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What later character do you wish Dawn interacted with but never did?
Mallow and Lana!
Unironically Serena, so we could see one of, if not both fanbases implode.
Nah, that would've been Serena meeting Misty. Dawn meeting Serena would've been chiller than shippers imagine.
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She was in the oven too long
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>mfw lewdfags think they've "won" by willingly leaving us in peace
noooo please come back. we really miss your garbage spam please don't go...
Dawn works well with all 3 Sinnoh starters!
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How extreme do Dawn's politics go?
vote Dawn 2024
what's her position on Ukraine?
What did you expect from coombrains? Look at the absolute state of that thread. Best thing janny could do for us is leave it be.
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Post some comfy images so I can expand my collection
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Cut off all foreign aid and demand immediate repayment so as to use the money for buying cute clothes.
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I'm voting for May.
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an actual official shiny Dawn!
>no more aid to filthy alolans
>get to see Dawn in more cute outfits
holy Based! She has my vote!
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>I'm voting for May.
What's her policy?
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>tfw that entire degen thread will get nuked and they will all come here for refuge
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Cow tits and lard ass.
>for May.
dead VA = not eligible
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>lewdfags are mocking us for having actual discussion while they literally do nothing but spam lewd art
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my president
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>What's her policy?
Investing in Ukraine in order to have it join NATO (National Ass Treaty Organization) and open up a billion ramen stands from the securing of the swath of wheat fields found within.
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Dawn does NOT support Probopass!
>exposed shoulders
Very lewd!
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I'm listening...
>National Ass Treaty Organization
Mayfags are getting too confident now that they realize she's got a big ass to complement her big tits
She also plans to quadruple the military budget in order to fully develop functioning Thunder Armor for Japan's soldiers.
Da, I agree, comrade.
>t. Kasumi-san from Eterna Oblast
wtf I'm voting for May now
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>lewdfags leave
>/dg/ elects Dawn as President and begins discussing her foreign policy
What else is possible now that we are unshackled?
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The votes are in!
It would seem that May has been elected president with one single vote taking the majority!
Wait... that's not right.
Hang on, we're just getting some new information. We've found the individual who has voted for May in pic related.
>/dg/ elects Dawn as President
Not so fast. Dawn is rapidly losing supporters to her election opponent, May! How will she turn the campaign around?
First Mr. Frog, now May?!
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Cheer up. There's always next race!
>when the thread no longer has lewds
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This just in! After a brief audit, thousands of fake ballots for May were discovered and discarded. The new winner after the recount is...Dawn!
>le stop the count
Nice try.
>May thought she could cheat her way to being president of the Dawn general
cope and seethe, mayfag
May is Dawns mooching friend!
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More like smooching friend!
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Why do Dawnfags concede so easily? And why do they bully Dawn so hard? Based on one single picture she goes from being the big booty girl to being shafted in the ass department in favor of May?
Mayfags never respond to picrel. They cling desperately to one image where funnily enough Dawn's ass is more defined than May's anyway.
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Dawn is cute but lewd, May is lewd but cute
>Dawn is cute but lewd
Not anymore. Starting today Dawn is either cute or lewd but not both.
Get meds, Mayfag
so are we officially /cdg/ and /ldg/ now? how does this work?
we let lewdpedos have their "fun" until their thread gets nuked
I see.
I like Dawn and May having plump booties!
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Dawn losing her winnings at gambling.
Good thing she has a rich boyfriend (me) that will happily supply her with more money to play with. You can't put a price on Dawn's happiness after all.
>You can't put a price on Dawn's happiness after all.
This. Same reason I will care for her penis.
the degenerate thread is over here >>56049035
fuck off
You can't deny the truth
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Cool, I'm going there. It looks more fun than here.
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Good riddance, coomer faggot
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LewdGOD here, janny said to come ASAP!
Ready to behave now, lewdfags?

kys trash
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>containment thread got nuked
They're coming...
>lewd thread got archived
But I hadn't finished yet...
>lewdcucks lost AGAIN
lmao, they just can't stop losing.
at the same time, they're gonna shit this thread up now. was fun while it lasted, cuteGODS.
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Satoshi x Hikari

(fuck pearlfag tho)
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CuteKINGS, you are ALL based
Based May, keeping her holes pure!
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I love cute and lewd so I won
Ash x Dawn*

PearlGOD is based
Cutechads proved that they are the best Dawnfans
Go away, lard ass
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Not even the janny can stop the lewdGOD love for Dawn!
“I thought I had everything I needed to just fix up A New Dawn for a 1.1 release, but I'm finding lots of little things that are missing as I go through it. SuiteNan I miss u ;__;”
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PearlGOD always posts cute stuff, so he's based too
>A New Dawn
Now thats good Dawn content
Oh boy, here goes pearlfag samefagging again
coincidentally, he wasn't here while the threads were split.
Absolutely mindbroken kek
Finally good shit
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Petite Dawn with a body count in the dozens vs oblivious virgin May
Hopefully lewdfags just leave somewhere instead of coming here

If the Journeytards also stay out - we got near-perfect Dawn threads

Mayfag can maybe stay .. if he behaves
Calling himself PearlGOD, not using full stops, the sarcastic laugh at the end, seething at anyone that calls out his samefaggotry... Yeap, another case of Pearlfag samefagging. And now he's going to reply to me - with only one > of course so he won't give a (You) kek - something like cringe or kys.
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yup, definitely mindbroken
>Mayfag can maybe stay .. if he behaves
All Mayfag cares about is May having bigger tits and, now, a bigger ass than Dawn. Thankfully he doesn't seem to care about shipping.
shame. the thread was actually pretty peaceful when his obvious samefagging posts weren't suddenly appearing to eyesore the whole place.
Ahahahaha he got called out so he changed his tactics.
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All of the cancer that plagues this general was gone for a few blissful hours
>pearl/koharu spammer (who are 100% the same person)
Then janny had to ruin it by nuking their thread instead of just moving it to /trash/ where it belonged, so now they're all back.
Dawn jealous of May's big butt!
>pearl/koharu spammer (who are 100% the same person)
that's quite the accusation
I dont think Mayfag is capable of behaving...

And these spammers that have Pearlfag living rent free in their heads need to go too
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dawn's budding breasts
dawn's tummy
dawn's pussy
dawn's thighs
dawn's ass

Threads can never be perfect, thats the eternal burden of /dg/
At least the lewd thread (aka porn thread) got nuked as it should be - real W for the cutechads
Hi Pearlfag!
"Both" of "them" always post at the same time, and only ever reply to "each other." It's one autistic retard samefagging for attention.
Hello schizoid
I guess no one responding to him anymore in /padt/ really got to him.
Nice try, koharufag
Nah, this thread was as close to perfect as it can get, while lewdtards happily exposed themselves as the retarded porn spammers that they are. Now it's back to business as usual.
We won, but at what cost?
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Nothing else can be done
We win by posting more cute in here
Won what? This thread was lame and dead as fuck.
>uwuu guyz let's talk about le Dawn Ukraine policy tee hee
The actual W is having more activity. Cocksucking the mods so they'll archive the other thread isn't a win.
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Mayfag is fine.
>This thread was lame and dead as fuck.
Go away and never return
Find a red board
well I'm not too fond of ther Mayfag (he always to shit on Dawn), but I do like May .. and Misty too
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oras may is NOT fine, though
>oras may is NOT fine

RS May >>> ORASS May
>no arguments
As expected. Now seethe as lewdchads will 'shit up" the threads until the end of time because your mods didn't let the other thread be.
>he always to shit on Dawn
He just teases. Unlike the Koharufag, he doesn't pick fights.
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Cute and lewd can coexist, they're two sides of the same coin
I cant do about anything about your clear mentall illness
okay pearlfag lmao
The Koharufags only respond to Pearlfag because he spams the same thing 3800 times.
>this thread was lame and dead
lmao your thread was literally, L I T E R A L L Y just a porn dump thread
>uwuu guyz i'd love to cum in dawn's tight pussy xDD
Amazing thread. I'd rather have a slow thread and occasional joke discussion than /trash/-tier garbage.
>more activity
Yeah, what we really need is /trash/ quality porn spam to spice up the thread. If that's what you mean by "more activity" then fuck off and kill yourself.
Whats with the Misty hate?
Tell that to the cutenazis that only want the one and not the other.
>y-you are le mentally ill
Grow some balls and have an actual discussion as you claim you do or shut the fuck up.
Misty a boomer shit
The koharufags (or fag) are "only" mentally ill zoomers who dont care about Dawn at all and come here just to shit the threads up with goh/koharu spam
Their retarded reasons dont matter
I'm a boomer
Porn site fucker. Porn board. Go to leddit if you want to "discuss" Dawn. That place seems more up your speed.
>have an actual discussion
We did
Thread was great until the lewdfags came here
I don't get it.

It's May fans that should have a beef with Misty fans (I was there when they replaced Misty with May)

What does Dawn have anything to do with this
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What do you headcanon Dawn's ingame team is?
shit-tier girl that lost her redeeming facotr to some (tsundere personality) the moment she got Togepi, and actually going back to watch the show, she basically does absolutely nothing.
Oh, is she going to do something against someone no named Jessie, James, or Meowth? Fuck you, here's a Psyduck gag. Then Togepi comes along, then the entirety of Johto.
And regarding the whole "snark" thing, she pretty much has no actual battle accomplishments. She beats Ash once in a tournament, but then jobs to a COTD
At least when Iris did it, she actually won the competition.
>TL;DR: Misty's snark is rapidly shaved away, of which said snark has very little accomplishments to back up, and overall doesn't actually do anything throughout the show.
>It's May fans that should have a beef with Misty fans
May fans don't think about Misty.
Occasional lewd is fine. Lewdfags just flood the thread with pics of Dawn in panties until it looks like that abomination of a thread they had earlier.
>have an actual discussion
>about le Dawn Ukraine policy
Literally a hugbox for autistic manchildren to have le comfy threads and talk nonsense.
>more pearlfag ramblings
discarded lol
Misty is just shittier Asuka
>zoomers who dont care about Dawn at all and come here just to shit the threads up with goh/koharu spam

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Misty was great
Anime pokegirls went downhill after gen 4, with the exception of Alola
embarrassing, pearlfag.
Yeah, so no place for you then
She was great with OS Ash.
And what was your thread again? Oh right, a hugbox for retarded pedos to post porn and not talk about anything.
>unironically making fun of actual light-hearted discussion while he spent the last few hours spamming porn
go jerk off, retard.
That still counts.
quit samefagging, pearlfag.
Well at least thread is fast

... except the making of the next thread will be another lewd vs cute schism
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SHE was god-tier, thoughbeit.
Good. I hope we get a containment thread for lewdfags every single time.
Just make every thread an Akari thread!
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I think cutefag (singular) is a woman, probably a fat chick that owns like 10 cats and lives in a small cuckpartment.
Having a general means you use it to post BOTH LEWD AND CUTE you monumental retards

do you understand?
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You WILL post LEWD in the OP to ASSERT DOMINANCE over the JANITOR!
And thats why lewdfags will forever lose
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>i'd love to cum in dawn's tight pussy
This but unironically.
I'm a cuteCHAD but this is Based. Fuck jannies.
That sounds accurate. What does she want then? We'll start posting Dawn x Arcanine then to keep her satisfied.
LewdGODS won the moment they made this general lewd again after it had become a comfycuck shithole for a few months. And that's the biggest W anyone on /vp/ will ever get. They literally Made /dg/ Great Again.
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A little bit of pantsu is OK
>lewdfag admits they enjoy shitting up the general and exist solely to do so.
i rest my case
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>lewdfags enjoy shitting up the general and exist solely to do so.
They always have, those animals
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Goodnight Dawn!
Sweet dreams!
Post the other one.
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Where's the bulge
>lewdposting back then
>lol here's a shot from the anime of Dawn's ass with no hint of panties xD
>lol here's some slightly suggestive artwork of Dawn that's still blue-board safe
>lewdposting now
>50 pics of commissioned SFW porn art of Dawn in panties with visible labia and a suggestive pose spammed on cooldown without even writing anything
that's the difference. the first one is welcome, the second one can fuck off to >>>/trash/
Go away degen

>suggestive artwork of Dawn that's still blue-board safe
>SFW porn art of Dawn in panties
Same thing.
Going back to the roots is not shitting up.
>sfw porn
You're fucking embarrassing yourself. Also by replying to yourself with stupid shower arguments and strawmen. Go to a sex therapist and stop making your CSA history everyone else's problem.
>dawncuck infighting destroys the fabric of their general

ahaha pedos
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All of this would have been avoided btw if we went with the first thread created as always but nooooooooo, some people here want only one type of thread.
>if we went with the first thread
you mean the one that got nuked because you coomer rejects don't learn your lesson?
That was the second and it got archived because the op was too strong. The first is still up.
That particular image has already gotten multiple threads nuked in the past. Just because 1 janny didn't archive it doesn't mean another won't.
No it hasn't you liar. And there's nothing showing. Jannies have no reason to delete it unless you fags mass reported it. Just two threads ago we had Dawn with half her ass out and nothing happened. The entire 2023 we had lewd OPs and nothing happened. Nothing happens when you fuckers don't report to force your cute shit. Now stop bitching.
>No it hasn't you liar
I've literally watched a thread with that OP image get archived
>Jannies have no reason to delete it
this is your brain on porn addiction. Yeah, jannies have no reason to delete a girl pulling her panties down suggestively on a blue board. Let me guess, you're one of those retards that believes "NSFW" explicitly means nudity, right? Kill yourself, retard.
>I've literally watched a thread with that OP image get archived
Your memory fails you then. The archives say otherwise.
>a girl pulling her panties down suggestively on a blue board
Nigga we had ops where Dawn wasn't even wearing panties and her ass was all over the screen and nothing happened! What do you have to say about that retard? Nothing. We also had dozens where she's just in her underwear or her skirt is flipped and we have a full view of her panties and nothing happened! What do you have to say about that retard, huh? Nothing. But a pic where you don't see ass or the full panties is a problem now? Lmao. It was a totally legit pic and you ignored it to force your cuteshit. You even admitted that you would ignore any thread that isn't cute and make ones to suit yourselves. We even had an agreement at some point to alternate between cute and lewd and have everyone happy and you fuckers can't even honor that. Go fuck yourself retard.
Cook lewdfags in pots put lewdfags in the arena with hungry lions crucify lewdfags report lewdfags to Santa this Christmas set a lewdfag's trash on fire tie down lewdfags and pour boiling oil in their eyes attach concrete blocks to lewdfags and throw them in lakes cut off lewdfag hands and stone them in the town square burn lewdfags at the stake keelhaul lewdfags make lewdfags walk the plank ambush lewdfags in alleyways and steal their wallet mandatory castration for lewdfags put lewdfags in camps draw and quarter lewdfags report lewdfags to the IRS roundhouse kick a lewdfag into the concrete urinate in a lewdfag's cereal
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TL;DR post Dawn
I want to go back to the peace and quiet before the merge.
>And just like that, the Great Schism of /dg/ was averted. And they all lived miserable ever after. THE END.
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Now go to sleep while I hit the club.
I like Pachirisu
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Hip Dawn

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