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Time to plant the seed for a Leafeon thread in celebration. Nurture the thread and help it grow by sharing your favorite Leafeon art and discussing what you love about Leafeon!
Really? No love for Leafeon? On Leafeon's day, at that? ;_;
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salad cat
>Time to plant the seed
Ohh I will plant it all right
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We celebrated Leafeon Day on /ef/ >>56029674
I even made this for this special occasion!
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I'll try to post more Leafies here whenever I can. Just a bit busy with work right now.
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I like Eeveelutions being portrayed both as dogs and cats (as foxes too). I just wish people would stop drawing them as cat-sized critters all the time. They're supposed to be a bit bigger than that >>56040175
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Waiter, my salad is sniffing me
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And my salad is eating itself.
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>*that* thought refuses to leave me, even after I made a zucchini stew.
I don't wanna be counted as a sicko
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Admitting to your intrusive thoughts again are we?
You wanted to suck on that zucchini and pretend it was leafs didn't you?
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a small question, how big can leafeon's leaves get?
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Pretty big.
I'll get over you someday hopefulluly
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leafeon day over; thread can be deleted
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Finally, something worth celebrating in this damnable month! Besides Leafeon Day, that is.
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You never will because you will always remember me. I made sure of that
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I wouldn't bother acknowledging the shartytroon's existence, anon. But then again, it's kinda funny seeing it sperg out.
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Needs a bigger box!
go away
What is going on?
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Nothing's going on. Mods are asleep and someone seems to be upset over a pokemon thread on a pokemon board.
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Something keep calling us a raper, but I don't know how to rap. I don't even like rap!
And I don't deserve anything more or less, I just want to stop being aware of it - like all those delusional trannyschizos in governmental positions are now allowed to.

That's exactly how thick Leafia's spunk is in my headcanon, you could even make vegan butter out of it.
>implying that all "'non-mainstream"' social media websites like Reditt & 4chan aren't moderated by the same 50~100 autistic leftoid/jew-trained millenial/zoomer ex-male eunuchs since Discord was invented as a chink botnet that tech-illiterate retards willingly subscribe to.

You do know that you're not saying anything new to me?
You deserve me though
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Would suck on these paws
No I don't Felino, you're far too kind for such an ugly freak like me.
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Looks awfully lot like my petiole
Guess i have to draw her all over again -_-
>No I don't Felino, you're far too kind for such an ugly freak like me.
Freaks like other freaks. Don't forget I mostly draw cringy fur porn
You don't know where those paws have been, though...
In a basket filled with mayonnaise
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God I want to fuck these
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As if you wouldn't
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I just want to pet them.
You mean chew on that leaf growing out of their head
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I meant that I want to pet all the Eevees, not just Leafeons! I should've specified that...
Why would I want to chew on its forehead leaf though? That sounds painful.
specifically how much do you want to pet em and how thoroughly?
But the leaf might be tasty
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I want to pet them a lot and all over. Nearly.
It might, but that would be very rude and inappropriate towards Leafeon.
But how is it inappropriate when she bathes in vinegar with tomato slices?
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I think Leafeons enjoy how vinegar and tomato juices feels on their fur/leaves. I doubt they want to be eaten, just that most of them aren't very smart.
They probably enjoy also when I sprinkle basil on them and massage them with Mayonnaise
It's honestly a miracle they survived for this long when they are trying to be as delicious as possible
I suspect the secret is that Leafeon is actually incredibly poisonous to eat, so it doesn't care about predators trying to make it more delicious.
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Reposting the Loafeon! From >>56052041
How do you know they aren't very smart??
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I said most of them aren't.
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omg so cute! where did you get that?
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Anon, please! It's not worth risking a ban because of some necrophiliac sh*rtytroon!
Let's just celebrate cute Leafeons and its friends.
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It's a new address anyway, so most of the other pics won't get mixed in! Plus I just go on this crusade whenever I can, so anyone with static addresses won't have to
Well, good luck on your crusade, anon. Just remember what truly matters in the end: Cute Eevees :)
But this is a leaf thread, unless that Eevee eats broccoli it has to go
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That can be arranged.
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He was samefagging in >56070397 for his garbage, the usual modus operandi of the most jewish nation, etc, so gotta make sure to get that one, too
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Miloticfag forgot his meds again. . .
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Does he not like pizza?
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He's being tempted by the pizza.
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Just swipe it. You can always blame it on another one of the Eevee evolutions...
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Uh oh, melty
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>A thread that dies then nourishes the Leafeon, and thus continues the Great Cycle of Carbon
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You guys already posted cute Leafs before I could get my pasta, so I'll just look elsewhere for thirdies and kikes to harm! Here's another Leaf, at least
What are the implications of my dick twitching?
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Maybe we should stop acknowledging that sh*rtytroon's existence. The lack of attention might make it go outside and get murdered by its fellow thirdies.
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That can't be healthy! Stop that, you two!
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i love you, leafeonbros....
Leafeon thread
Leafeon board
Leafeon website
Leafeon world
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inshallah this world belongs to the leafs
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>TFW leafeon's plump cookie is slightly fuzzy, just like a peach.
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Autum Leafeon could've been the shinny leafeon if gf was any smarter.
I always imagine it like a flower ready to be pollinated
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GF knew Leafeon would've been too powerful had they given it a Autumn-colored Shiny.
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Hey, I'm perfectly willing to shut up about the kikes when every last bit of this one and his kind is gone. Ideally through genocide, but simply cleaning up this board is a good first step. If I'm the only one who reported the samefagging here >56070397 though, then my work isn't done.
How I wish this was Leafeon's shiny. So gosh darned pretty, just like autumn itself...
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Already posted the seasonal Leafeon I had, sorry :( Have a fffffp instead
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I could've sworn I had another seasonal Leafeon pic, but no idea where it is :(
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Forgot the one earlier, too >>56055218
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Drunk bitch
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The cute lil' worm wants a kissy kissy :)
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How could I forget this one, when it was from Chappy?!
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Chappy's Eeveelutions are so cute!
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Here's another one, then! Those smiles they have make me so happy, and make me want to keep them happy forever to repay all that happiness they give us
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Thank you, anon. Cute Eevee/lutions are the source of my happiness.
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Taking up the whole bed again, I see... it's not like I wanted to take a nice little nap or anything...
you have to assert dominance by snuggling in there regardless
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But it's nice to have a warm fluffy pillow
I forgot to post this burber, too
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Oh, I thought I hadn't posted Mugita yet
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Thank you leaf
During these hot Sommer months it's important to have some shade
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My wife and kids
Enjoy your plant-based burger rich in onions protein concentrate, peas, wheat gluten, and beet juice, Leafeon! Yum yum!
??? Onions? I typed S O Y, silly 4chan! Do you not like S O Y ?
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Well shit, it's Leafeon's bed time now.
Thank you for the cute thread, anons.
sleep tight, my little leaf...
another wonderful Leafeon thread, everyone :)
Good night, Leafeon. Good thread, everyone.
Gg wp
It's really hard to resist tickling a sleepy Leaf
284 posts on b4k right now, with 195 as I type this post. This indicates 99 deleted posts were caught. Fucking HELL was that a bad wave of gore-spam.
What was bad?
Look up this thread in the archive
I want to lick Leafyoin's cherries!
How's that supposed to work if it's a flower, wouldn't that make her a futanari?
That's a lot of these! Thanks, anon!
It's nice to think about how brushing a Leafeon would spread a pine fresh scent throughout the room
I mean more that she shapes down there like one

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