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Tall Order Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>56021701

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
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First for Maractus a cute!
how do i get this i need it
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you're not wrong
>fucking taiwan and hung kong promos
i like ceruledge
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Ceruledge ex stage1 hp 250

ability as long as this pokemon has full hp damage from its attack is +60

psy psy colorless 260
This Pokemon takes 60 damage
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Trying to climb to Aerceus league but am hard stuck at low Victini, Lugia treated me well until this point but I'd like to launch a formal investigation into all of these Iron Thorns players that have organized themselves to exclusively play when I try to grind.
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>go back to the online game after two years break
>new client
>enter old account
>move account to new client
>can't see my old cards
>avatars are somehow even worse
>no tournament mode
>no trading
>only a single format
WTF this is worse.
skill issue
expanded is there but it's unranked only
I also wish they'd bring tournaments back. Playing online tourneys using third-party sites and through friend battles that sometimes won't even load is too hectic. I'm glad you can craft cards now, though.
How would you rank each type in terms of power and how easy they are to make work?
Chien Pao, Baxcalibur, Palkia, Gardevoir, Charizard, and Magma Basin give you a lot of flexibility to do whatever you want with anything of these types.

Colorless has everything it could ever need from Lugia and Archeops. Dragon tends to be paired with the Lost Zone and Mirage Gate to remedy their awkward attack costs, but Raging Bolt has Ogerpon and Sada to function without it. Dragons tend to be strong attackers, they just need extra help to get going.

Electric Generator and Metang, let you do a lot, but it's all based on RNG and even with 15+ energy, you're still not guaranteed that they'll work when you need them to. Dark Patch is fine, but there aren't a lot of good Dark attackers right now besides the Roaring Moons, but they also have Sada to back them up.

Fighting really has nothing besides Gutsy Pickaxe to work with so far, Grass has Ogerpon and Gardenia, but nothing to really use it with either, and they're both used in Dragon decks rather than Grass ironically.
is koraidon ex a joke to you?
Excuse you. My Klawf/Conkeldurr deck is doing very well against the ranked meta
t. Greninja tier
Always has been. You should ask Ting Lu how he's doing.
What can I do to improve this deck? I just finished swapping out the Battle VIP passes with Buddy-Buddy Poffins. If anyone has recommendations, please recommend cards that I can get for relatively cheap.

1 Vanillish PAR 44
3 Tsareena ex PAR 46
4 Bounsweet OBF 16
2 Bibarel BRS 121
2 Vanilluxe PAR 45
2 Manaphy BRS 41
3 Vanillite PAR 43 PH
2 Bidoof CRZ 111
1 Radiant Alakazam SIT 59

1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
2 Jacq SVI 175
4 Irida ASR 147
3 Nest Ball SVI 181
3 Iono PAL 185
2 Super Rod PAL 188
4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
4 Ultra Ball SVI 196
4 Switch SVI 194
4 Rare Candy SVI 191
1 Earthen Vessel PAR 163

8 Basic {G} Energy SVE 1

Tsareena EX reduces the opponent's mons of my choosing to 30 HP, and Vanilluxe on the bench prevents them from attacking once they're at 40 health or less. Manaphy protects my benched Vanilluxe from taking damage from attacks. Jacq, Irida, Bibarel, and Earthen Vessel are all engine cards.
The biggest weakness I've noticed so far is when the opponent deals damage with abilities rather than attacks. Froslass decks tear through it hardcore.
>Froslass decks tear through it hardcore.
????? Shouldn't they be giving (You) the upper hand since it can also target their mons? Unless they don't have any with abilities, in which case it'll still take a while for them to knock out even a Bibarel. Also where's your finisher? Don't tell me you're really thinking of stalling with Tsareena? Hisuian Braviary is obligatory for it to work.
Ting lu should've worked on all mons, not excluding ex.
I fought a deck today that had three froslass and one munkidori on the bench, so every time their turn started they not only were able to attack with their active mon but also move three damage from their Munkidori to my pokemon, which wiped out the weaker mons on my bench.
>Also where's your finisher? Don't tell me you're really thinking of stalling with Tsareena? Hisuian Braviary is obligatory for it to work.
No no, Tsareena EX has an attack that deals 180 damage, too. So once their whole team is frozen, I just rip through em one by one.
Could also look into the Panic Mask tool as a backup for the Vanilluxe
God bless TCG Live. Whenever Master Duel makes me want to pull my hair out I know I can always come back to Pokémon for that zen feeling
I fucking hate Froslass/Munki. Hate hate hate. I won and it was not fucking worth it.
It's always morally correct to hate control deck
This guy's losing to a rogue deck lmao
D-don't laugh !!
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He's growing stronger.
i have yet to win a single game against regidrago, i played like 15 games in ranked against it and i just cant do it
i should just play it myself
Is it possible to rock a regular Typhlosion deck in the current meta?
I don't even know if there's any legal Typhlosion in the format. Don't think he's got any ex yet. Might be wrong, but that just means it's super bad that I don't even remember it.
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>last Typhlosion card was from Astral Radiance
Tough luck, anon. Good luck trying to get through the meta with this fag, let alone the baby version.
>Dialge finally made a comeback and won
>Regidrago is too and will most likely win also
The only loser was rayquaza who never made a return lmao
did they change the ranking point system a bit? i think im losing 30 and winning 30, which is a good change, arceus was way too easy
It should still be gain 30 lose 20 in master league.
Any gen 4 era cards were nuked. BW, XY, and SM (and swshit by extension) can be used in expanded however expanded still only supports just SM and onwards era cards for now
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I used to play fug with shady dealing and the pic . It works a lot better than flaaffy and less brick but still fug is a bad card.

Pocket bros waiting room, lmao
>Absolutely zero marketing for the game
>Never mentioned in pokemon directs
>Not even the old client was ever brought up
>Even TCG commercials never bring up how you can play online too or use the pack codes
Even before mentioning how buggy this current client is. They've made ZERO effort to promote the game so no wonder there's no players
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hot new bug just dropped

my opponent timed out on this decision and only needed to discard 1 energy
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New BiS art iron crown soon, for your future meme deck that loses to everything in the format
Future/ancient buffs when
ancient/future/stellar deoxys when
Been a little while since I picked up a new deck, bought it on a whim just to check out current standard. I have a question. Why are all the borders silver instead of yellow? Greninja EX if it matters.
Japanese cards have always had silverborders. I'm guessing they just wanted them to match, instead of being yellow.
I and many others do like the change, the yellow borders were kinda ugly even if they were iconic. The newer silver ones are so much cleaner
What does "BiS art" mean?
I saw this at a hobby store today...what the fuck are these?
they don't exist in limitlessTCG database or PTCGL database...
They're cards for collectors that doesn't have regulation marks which means you can't play them in tournament play.
BiS is best in slot
It was a meme about it being the best looking iron crown printed, since you cant tell whats going on with this one
Best in Slot. It's an MMO term
Meant for >>56058600
>[F][F][C][C] Eternal Blaze 180: During your next turn, this Pokemon can't attack. Retreat [C][C]
Why would they even print a card this horrendous when shit like Charzard ex exists?
>does 600 for 4 energy on a basic

balance bros our response????????
It's an oversize card I believe and no regulation mark
that's the joke
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There's been far worse than that before.
did a 7 year old make a custom card kek
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After steadily climbing up early master league I just got kicked down all the way down to the bottom after a 10 game loss streak. Didn't even switch decks or anything, it was going steady then all of a sudden I am incapable of winning. I think my mic picked up on me talking trash about this client.
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Just finished sorting my cards. How did I do?
Good job anon
>10 game loss streak.

Wait that card is real??
You make me want to try it out.
Sure is.
>300 HP
>[P][P][P][P] 1000 (no restrictions)
>(No rulebox)

Holy FUCK, what were they thinking?
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I decided to switch decks to something else since it's almost impossible for me to go any lower, hoping the change makes it at least more fun
i have a random question. is Tera Charizard actually the first time a Charizard became a competitively viable card?
you power it up with energy burn from base set zard and double colorless, it's exclusively for the classic collection decks
Reshizard? If that counts. It's had a few that have appeared like combustion blast EX from flash fire, radiant charizard recently too. Nothing as meta warping as reshizard or tera charizard have been though

No, there's been a number of competitive Charizards. We even have radiant Charizard in format right now. This card might have been the first good Charizard. It was never BDIF but it was competitive with Typhlosion Prime.
You know who's never had a good card..... golem..
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balance it
Burning Darkness costs 3 and scales by 20 instead.
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Fine if it scaled by 20 instead.
200, 220, 240, 260, 280 for 2 energy is a lot more reasonable. Good attack still while primarily offering an instant 3 energy acceleration
I love how they preemptively balance terapagos to prevent turn 1 ohkos like mega ray did, but allow shit like raging bolt and roaring moon to exist along side it
Is the only way this is balanced over Chien Pao is the energy cost being a bit more awkward?
Bolt also doesn't have an ability that helps itself, but comes with a trait that helps with that (Sada)
It was meant to be balanced around sandy shocks only getting you energy after you're down 2 prizes. But now ogerpon exists who can do it at 6 prizes and helps draw through the deck so you can reliably use sadas instead of other supporters
It's lugia tier degen with how scary printing new energy acceleration cards will be going forward, because bolt can very easily abuse them. It might even see use using glass trumpet and normal types
And that's why all the rayquaza like cards state only 2 energy types, not all. Or they state only the energy on the card itself.
Being any energy from anywhere leaves too much room for abuse
>attach 3 fire energy from the discard pile
>you may use this ability if your opponent has 3 or fewer prize cards remaining
>you may attach 1 fire energy from your deck
>attach up to 3 fire energy from your hand
>you may search the top 12 cards of your deck and attach up to 3 fire energy you find there
Why does dragapult EX attack go through manaphy ability??
Placing damage counters isn't the same as damaging.
'Member when /tcg/ hyped up Incineroar ex
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Slowking – Psychic – HP120
Stage 1 – Evolves from Slowpoke

[P][C] Inspirational Challenge: Discard the top card of your deck. If that card is a Pokémon without a Rule Box, choose 1 of that Pokémon’s attacks and use it as this attack.

[P][P][C] Super Psy Bolt: 120 damage.

Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-30)
Retreat: 3

Shitty version of that attack
>Your deck
Okay, maybe a meme deck. You can use stuff like kyurem, reuniclus or any other stage 2 but you need a combo of slowking, reversal energy, night city, and your attacker every turn. And you get PGO slowbro on the last turn.
>opponent running chien-pao deck
>attaches three energy cards and then forfeits
many such cases
these gimmick dailies were a dumb idea
could be fun with cryptomaniac
Random stage 2 attackers to use
>Poliwrath: 240 damage
>Conkeldurr: 250 damage
>Annilape: 70x prizes taken (280 on the 4-prize turn)
>Chandelure: 30x cards in opponent's hand (rarely useful)
>Vikavolt: (120/200/280/360), no longer need a vikavolt in play to attack
>Spidops/Butterfree/Staraptor: remove a single pokemon from play
>Zoroark: 60x Ex/V in play
>Haxorus: special energy ko
>Kingambit: 4 damage counter ko
>Terrakion: guarding
>Clefable/Crobat: extra prizes on weak stuff
>Scizor: 50x ability
>Aggron: 90 + reflect all damage taken
>Dragonite: 180 + energy accel
>Dragpult: could do 100x4 spread at the cost of having no bench
>Delphox: 50x opponent's energy / 60x serena in discard
>Ursaluna: recover 2 cards from discard pile, necessary for any stall situation
>Torterra: 50x your evolutions

Pre-rotation zorobox was 6-7 attackers and bricked a lot.
Usable attackers for slowbro are probably Kyurem, PGO Slowbro, Aggron, Ursaluna, Staraptor/Butterfree, and Haxorus
If you had reliable damage counter spread, crobat (2 extra prizes on 30 damage snipe) and kingambit would be amazing. Maybe bring back the alolan raticate deck where you weaken two 2-prizes then ko one with hawlucha and one with crobat.
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What's the deal with TCG Live? Complaints about 2-turn EX KO's aside, everyone plays incredibly slowly and draws the matches out as long as possible. Many matches my opponent could finish me offf with 1 attack, but they go through their entire deck first to flex or appease their autism.

Average games in Ranked for me are 20 minutes (~15 opponent, ~5 me), regardless of win or lose, the ratio is ridiculous. I've had at least 2 losing matches where I'm down to an energy-less pokemon, and my opponent runs the clock to 0mins.

I have dual-monitors, so I can play while being productive, but is this massive time sink the state of the game now, or exclusively online play? Only public match I've ever had take this long was against a 11yr old at the League.
Stage 1s zoroark didn't get to use
>Clefable metronome: only good for moonlight shuriken, worse than kyurem
>Rimbombee: +2 prizes if ko'd next turn. Bad
>Bronzong: evolution jammer

Stage 1s that zoroark already used
>mismagius: 2 counter spread
>Claydol: same as raticate but with self ko
>Aerodactyl: 100+devolve
>Electivire: 50 spread without an energy discard

>Mimikyu: 10x all opponent's damage counters, weaknen/ko 2nd pokemon after using alolan raticate
>Kyogre: 180 snipe, save your energy
>Onix: 50x damage on self. No consistent way to get 6 counters (damage self with articuno)
>Lapras: revenge paralysis
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>Onix: 50x damage on self. No consistent way to get 6 counters (damage self with articuno)
Forgot that you could just stick a 1(slowpoke)-1(slowking)-1(slowbro)-1(kyurem)-1(additional attacker) package of some kind into gardevoir. Make the deck even more difficult to setup.

Slowking-only decks probably struggle with briar (denies slowbro) and any healing (turo, cart, collapsed, bumping sky field) to get around damage placing stategies.
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>challenge to play 3 stadiums
>games keep ending before I can play them
>last match take out enemy Dragapult and get PokeStop as a prize
>just need them to not concede for one turn
>"YOU WIN! Opponent Conceded!"
Took 4 codes.
at least some of that could come from people playing on mobile
>1 card in the deck
This was just after taking out Ogerpon as well. My heart was genuinely pounding.
Was there anything the other player could have realistically done at this point?
Took 2

Was there anything the other player could have realistically done at this point?
Boss bonnet and pass?
>Boss bonnet and pass?
Yep, I think I was out of switches as well. Pretty sure they used one to stall me without actually killing whatever they swapped in earlier, they may have discarded a second but I can't be sure.
Because read the fucking card.
You must be antagonizing everyone somehow. That almost never happens to me. I do it to people if I am multitasking and they pissed me off bad enough. I've also done it to people playing decks that play themselves (eg. Charizard ex) (just to make them earn the win by giving their time to get it).
How bad is this? EoS soon?
If the old client was able to truck along despite similarly getting no marketing it could end up fine but who knows
It's a bizarre situation anyway 'cause the client makes literally no money
Here's your marketing. Just don't read the comments.
Psychic killed this card, if you could DTE it could be useful as a new zoroark, but now you need an energy engine or 2 attachments. Zoroark only semi-worked since it was a 1 attachment
>same challenge
>finally draw a fucking stadium card
>opponent ionos
I don't play EX or Radient cards, and am pretty straightforward. Only deck I have that pulls a lot of cards is my Ancient deck, but I almost never use it because of all the Charzard\Pidgeot decks.

I could understand if people were trying to stick it to me for taking a while, but even today I saw I was 10minutes deep into a match, and my own timer was at 24:38 left. I've honestly wondered if I've been playing bots.

I'd love to play more matches more often.
If i'm just getting into tcg which set is the best to buy boosters for decent cards and yeah I know boosters are bad value
Figure out which deck you'd like to play first then go for the set that has the majority of those in it. The last few sets have some staples.
You can use the online game to try things out easily. There's websites you can buy digital codes for 50x boosters for $9, and decks for $0.29.

Once you know what you like, you can buy physical singles and boosters all you want.
>buy boosters
>for decent cards
Buy singles. You're not going to get anything you need out of packs. If you're just getting into the TCG, you need to learn early on that 80%+ of any given set is unplayable pack filler.
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Better or worse than having to rely on the draw 2/3 golbat/crobat?
Aint the new scolipede better for this? 2 energy for the same super fang effect.
What are my chances of losing every match I play if I show up to a local weekly Pokemon TCG event with a deck I lifted wholecloth from justinbasil's "Meta decks" section?
Why do JP Ogerbolt lists include baby Sandy Shocks? What good does it do, become a Sada target? The 90 DMG for 1 energy attack isn't even that good since it doesn't hit for weakness, not like it'll KO anything.
>Sada target
>Breaks through mimikyu
>Kills other babymons like charmander you don't want to leave a bolt in the active to kill a 1 prizer
Pretty sure it's mainly for point #3. Leaving a bolt in active is dangerous
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I didnt think this game could get any worst.

PC really loves ruining their own fucking game right? They just want this to be a collector’s hobby right? Fucking nip retards
What appears to be the problem here? Are you honestly complaining about raging bolt in expanded lmao? Compare to half the degenerate shit you can do in expanded, raging bolt is ironically a "fair" deck. Sure is fun watching a raichu delete your entire board turn 2
You’re a retard if you let that raichu deck win. Its missing most of its necessary shit. Literally just play manaphy and badoof
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*destroy everything you love*
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Klinklang – Metal – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Klang

Ability: Emergency Spin
Once during your turn, if this Pokémon is in your hand and your opponent has a Stage 2 Pokémon in play, you may put this Pokémon onto your Bench.

[C][C] Hyper Beam: 130 damage. Discard all Energy from this Pokémon.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 3

I'm glad that they printed a dedicated Chien-Pao killer after all the Chien-Pao decks running rampant in this format.
Fairies returning confirmed
fair enough, but i think Tera Charizard is the first time a Charizard card got BDIF status. not sure about reshizard, but IIRC PikaZekrom was the BDIF of that era.
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>I attach DTE and discard it so it hits for 130
>Once during your turn
Does that mean I can't use another Emergency Spin on another Klinklang if I already used one?
if you have multiple you can use the ability one time for each one you have
there are abilities that mention "once during your turn" + "you can't use more than one [ability name] ability once per turn" which even if you have multiple of those 'mons in play, in your discard or in your hand, you can only use that ability one time
Why is Chien Pao not as prevalent as it was last format? Is it the Raging Bolt matchup?
>dude it said shuffle back all the cards so dte didn't affect the damage
I'm buying my little sister a Gardevoir EX league deck, plus one of those temporal forces's build and play deck, to see if she's lucky and gets any Flutter Mane.

Any tips? She's just starting the game and I know jack shit
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Gardevoir's one of the more complex decks in the format, lots of decisions, lots of sequencing, but it can do well against almost anything. If she can figure it out, she could probably play anything. She's also going to need a Munkidori out of Twilight Masquerade, it's the main reason Gardevoir has had a comeback.
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your emotes hurt my feelings
prepare to face the consequences
Fuck off Munkidori I hate you ape go eat a banana
I'm still seething at this bastard from a couple days ago who started spamming the smile emote when he saw I whiffed the piece I needed to win.
On the topic of Live being poorly advertised, I just started playing it this last month to try the TCG for the first time and if I weren't an invested card game player I'd have never heard of it. I play Magic (real life and Arena), Digimon and Marvel Snap. I see ads for Arena/Snap all the time, never seen one for Live. When the game launched I don't remember them sponsoring anybody I subscribe on YT or Twitch to try the game when it launched. I only stumbled upon the game because I was curious if there was a Snorlax deck and clicked a video of someone trying Live.

I don't think people understand that developing an online playerbase isn't the goal. You buy a booster pack, it advertises the online client to you, you play a couple of games and they hope you take the real life cards you just bought and play with them. There isn't even a way to spend money online.
If that's how they view it then it shows a lack of ambition. You can have a robust online client for a game and a thriving physical game as well, Magic and Yugioh have proven that. Pokemon TCG will always be fine but there's people who like playing online card games who don't want to play the physical game or can't.
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I had a close match with someone and did the thumbs up emote at the end as a way of saying 'gg'. It's so fucking smug why did I do that?

and the online game is fine, good even considering you never need to spend money on it since it's completely financed by people buying real life product
They made the thumbs up one so passive-aggressive and sarcastic, it has to be on purpose. It's too over-exaggerated for it to be innocent.
Agreed my only point is that they should want to advertise the client more and have people play it (you could also have that start playing online and switch to physical). Also it really is just a buggy mess, like that Summer video above showed with the YT comments. Live just feels like a huge afterthought right now especially with that new, simplified version coming out.
Not to mention that you can't play Live in some regions like Asia so you need a VPN to play. You don't even get code cards from booster packs here lol
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The fact JP doesn't even have code cards really shows they're not trying to promote the client.. it's more a side thing really. That's why we never get advertising for it, and why it's in such a sorry development state as there's no pressure for making it good...
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The client is hardly ever relevant in Japan because they're constantly playing a different format than us, being 1-2 sets ahead at all times. Japanese players will download it to practice for worlds and that's it.
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So what would happen if I wished upon a star and Japan and America got sets at the same time? I thought they'd work that out seeing as they've already started phasing out yellow borders. Would governments collapse? What incentive is there to not sync them up?
What was it, Obsidian Flames last year? We got our pre-release at the same time as their full release. We were only 2 weeks apart at that point and then they went back to the normal schedule. There's no reason they can't do worldwide release, especially considering English versions of the Stellar ex's got leaked like two months ago and we still won't get them until like September.
Japs would either need to wait longer for sets to get the combined versions global gets. Or global gets the minisets with 5 card packs. If one were to happen I could see the JPs getting their packs changed to match ours.

As for why they don't do it? Who knows. I don't think they like the 5 card packs and box rates other there either. Since any FA is 1 per box, so good luck getting any SR or SIR when a regular FA cucks the entire box
the only reason why English and Japan has different releases was because it's a byproduct of Wizards's autism. Wizards tried doing things their way, and when TPCi took over, they didn't course correct.
>log on
>win my daily game against regidrago
>log off
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They're coming back, right? Surely there's no way they wouldn't reprint them.
maybe after F rotates
They're considered too strong to be reprinted, please understand.
>pink c. search and d. machine
I like these 3d pokemon card arts, I feel like I'm in code lyoko
I don't get what they were thinking with the pink color desu. Looks so ugly. Or at least just make it the border instead of the whole card.
I like how they now have texture unlike the grey ones, but a redder hue would have been great
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I guess they weren't stand out enough as black before to fit the "one ace spec per deck gimmick"
Red would look too close to the team flare tools, which may return one day. (I kinda hope they do they were unique)
This is completely fucked. I have been trying to get my gf to learn this game using PTCGL and then play with me for months now and she always tell me she really don't want to. Then I find a screenshot on 4chan of someone who played a match with her.

She literally had a secret PTCGL account she's been playing on and I caught her from a random 4chan user who decided to screenshot his match with her and post it on /vp/tcg/ at a time when I was active in the general.
the universe works in mysterious ways
Kek wtf
At least you didn't catch her cheating
that is cheating, I give her a 4 prize penalty for the rest of the event
Post her tits
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>it's oger for anon
>his GF is bolting with other guys
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Ueda does a lot of Item cards like that.
Follow up, anon? Was she secretly training so she could play with you, or does she just not want to play with you specifically?
the stadiums are amazing and what do you know ruins of alph is from Ueda as well
no ivy cudgel but we got raging cudgel heh
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I remember liking Ryo Ueda, Yuka Morii and Sachiko Adachi's card illustrations, to the point where little autistic me wanted to meet Sachiko Adachi in person just to say I like her card art (I thought she was a guy at the time though).
I love playing Roaring Moon EX, fucking up and still winning because the deck is just that unga bunga.
Not even being salty, I genuinely love being a smoothbrain.
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Gravity Stone
(Pokémon Tool)
While the Pokémon this card is attached to is in the Active Spot, each player's Active Pokémon's Retreat Cost is 1 Colorless more.
A way worse >>56072150
>a worst rescue board
For what purpose?
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For this
CC - Aero Chase 110+
If your opponent's Active Pokémon's Retreat Cost is 2 or more, this attack does 110 more damage.
And I assume more retreat-based attacks in the future (Spidops support?)
oh I read it as less retreat cost, this is interesting
Oh I also fucked up in my original post. I forgot that Flare tool is for attack cost and not retreat cost.
Chien-Pao deck might be the most unfun and insipid prebuilt in the game
It's boring to play and boring to play against
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Probably the best tool to include in item lock, giving you more ways to trap stuff.
When will they print more pokemon like rotom v/leafeon v? The abilities they do something and cause your turn to end
Koraidon ex also does it but it's very restrictive and fighting is shit so there's no reason to use that.
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Im still mad
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Most of these cards were duds but I can't believe I got reverse holo Pikachu and Beldum ^_^
beautiful card
what did it do to you?
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When will we get another eeveelution box deck.. Now that ex evolve from basics it's the perfect time to make a good eevee+a toolbox of eeveelutions
Feels like a missed opportunity for a Penny card
Penny and turo feel like their mechanics should've been swapped
>Penny uses eeveelutions, not basics
>Turo is a future card and future paradox are all basics
>it's a "the slowest player at your locals picks up Gardevoir and makes the 30 minute + 3 turns last 45 minutes" episode

getting real sick of this shit
Just play Charizard.
This would be so good with the Resonant Evolution Eevee.
What’s that gonna do? All 30 people need to wait for him like a handicap person trying to board a bus.
I want to start collecting and playing casuals, what should I buy to get started?
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Maybe there's a hint
>vaporeon is trash
This deck is so stupid, and so much fun.

Pokémon: 10
1 Rufflet ASR 131
3 Hisuian Braviary SIT 149
1 Hisuian Arcanine TWM 100
3 Froslass TWM 53
1 Hisuian Arcanine TWM 100 PH
1 Snorunt SIT 41
1 Snorunt PAR 37 PH
2 Rufflet SIT 148
1 Snorunt TWM 51
2 Hisuian Growlithe LOR 83

Trainer: 18
4 Ultra Ball SVI 196
3 Irida ASR 147
4 Switch SVI 194
1 Rocky Helmet SVI 193
3 Iscan LOR 158
1 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
1 Counter Catcher PAR 160
2 Worker SIT 167
2 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Enhanced Hammer TWM 148 PH
4 Ryme OBF 194
2 Arezu LOR 153
4 Nest Ball SVI 181
1 Rescue Board TEF 159
2 Panic Mask LOR 165
3 Gapejaw Bog ASR 142
3 Clavell PAL 177
3 Boss's Orders BRS 132

Energy: 0

Total Cards: 60
Why Regieleki? Is 30 more hp on a vmax worth giving up an additional prize?
Why Iscan instead of Grusha? Seems fun btw, might try it myself.
Limited by what I have in person, otherwise she'd be better
For actually having an eeveelution char in game, they've done literally nothing with her. Like it was the perfect time to add a new eeveelution or something.
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>This attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon for each Energy attached to this Pokémon.

Just when you thought raging bolt needed buffs, it now has snipe damage
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>If you do not have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent, this attack does nothing.

As to nobodies surprised, ANOTHER useless future card
Why do the ancient cards seem to be so much better than the future cards? Is there some sort of design theme I'm missing or is it just chance?
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How would you build around Magcargo ex? My best thoughts are Cyphermancer to get the cards where you want them and then some retrieval to bring energy back into play, but that's only good for 4 attacks and you need a way to get then, assuming they're not in your prizes. What else do I need?
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>use Crispin can't use judge
>use judge can't use Crispin

cool mechanic
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They seem to put way too much attention to iron crown and boost giving +20 damage, so their personal damage is fucking garbage.

Like sure it's a basic vs ninetales but ninetales has a lot more support while dealing more damage... and ninetales is redeemed as awful
Sure, it’s not Iron Hands so it’s not going to see play, but 170 for 2 and a new type for future box on a basic is great. No clue what the fuck you guys want here. If it did 200 for 2 energy before iron crown would you be satisfied? Do you really want a one prizer with minimal investment taking out vstars and stage 1 exs?
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How are you building it up consistently? How are you matching your hand with the opponent consistently? Future does not support these things at all, it's got piss poor energy acceleration and they completely struggle with drawing in general, let alone trying to match your opponents hand.
>but don't use it in the future package without crowns
and now it's damage doesn't do anything worthwhile for how many hoops you're jumping through

It's one of those cards that looks good on paper but the more you look at how to make it work, the more hopeless it becomes. Future lacks engines and support, not more attackers. There's plenty of what could be good attackers there already, just no support or synergy to enable them
This is the shittiest meta yet
>way too many meta decks that have way too varied weaknesses to actually counter against
>way too many first turn attackers
>need to run 2 bench protectors
>way too many tool/stadium gimmicks

Its the wild west of metas and literally anybody can win with shitter luck
Probably cause its retreatable
Who the fuck is gonna run a stage 2 for only 220 damage lmao
She’s definitely cheating on you. You know what they say about people who play meta decks
>She’s definitely cheating on you
There are high chances. She hides things from him
>Its the wild west of metas and literally anybody can win with shitter luck
So a good meta? Thank god.
copycat reprint when
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I missed out on earning tcg badges growing up, and want a chance to do it now. Is the GLC format the only way to earn a "badge" these days? Or am I better off playing an official format and simply replacing the rewards with a badge for myself?
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Answer the question
>Answer the question
Is Gardevoir EX League Battle deck a good pick to jump back into PTCGL and start attending a local league perhaps? I want to grind the ladder online and due to my work schedule PTCG is the only TCG I can play on weekends now.
does tcgl not have a gardevoir deck as default?
>Is the GLC format the only way to earn a "badge" these days?
I've never heard of getting badges from GLC
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>EX League Battle deck
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On the website it says you collect a badge (sticker or otherwise) for each type you win as at an event, and the first to collect them all is that seasons champion.
>The following is an explanation of how Full Grip Games runs their Gym Leader Challenge league, so that the process can be replicated by any other interested game stores!
check if your lgs offers this
I believe it does, but the event finder has some an hour away if not.
>Queue Chien-pao into gardevoir
>Going first, looking good
>They miss tm evo
>Have candy bax, use ultra ball. Double Bibarel prized so Lumineon stuck active.
>They tm evo into a Garde-ex. Looking like easy two prizes
>Use Irida for prime catcher. Prime catcher prized. Settle for ko active with Chien-Pao
>They whiff ko.
>Okay, just use Irida to set up second bax for when they start disrupting. Second bax prized
Then I lost the game because I wasted a full turn and two Iridas. Sucks to be retarded.
Rayquaza will save this game again.
Default no. It's been free on battlepass during SV release and during paldea fates release. Most the gardy core cards have been in other free decks as well like gholdengo's battlepass
Gardy as a free deck is probably too hard for the average player so I see why they exclude it.
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Gardevoir was also considered a dead deck after rotation when it lost shining arcana, mew, and zacian V. The devs wouldn't spend time trying to make a fine-tuned list that doesn't brick.
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Wrong image.
>Just becomes regidrago's bitch until he rotates
>more eevee spam
i fucking hate mental illness "players"
Pikachu, Charizard and Eevee are the only Pokemon that exist. Sorry, anon.
What did you mean by this
Besides the okidogi squad, what other decks appeared from shrouded fable? Wondering what the battlepass ones would be.
Is it really just gonna be some shitty kingdra or revaroom deck lmao?
It's not spam you retard, we literally haven't seen any good eeveelutions lately and they're missing the perfect chance for the Eevee character to be relevant.
I'm surprised shrouded fable is getting a battle pass when the stellar set should be out in September.
They could give out Zard-ex as a deck again since it will be BDIF.
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Yeah I was checking the times on the battlepass which prompted that quest, and this one ends when shrouded fables releasing, despite it being essentially a miniset. Even 151 didn't have a battlepass.
Like with stellar set coming soon after I don't see how they can run a battlepass long enough? Unless global isn't getting stellar miracle till like late sept/early oct?
>attached to this Pokémon.
nah it's shit
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I believe in the eevee box
>Penny's Embrace
>For each of your Stage 1 Pokemon of different types, search for deck for a basic energy and attach it to that pokemon
wording kinda sucks but you get the point
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So it's going to be Lugia of SV ?
Gonna depend on how good the eevees are. I hope the evolutions are all flexible with each other with some sort of synergy. Or having a supporter/item than benefits from having multiple
Since ogerpon box flopped hard hopefully it means an eevee box will be stronger since they should've learned from ogerpon.
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That one grunt card that places an opponents energy on the top of their deck could work well here.
It was either yell or star grunt.
It's Star. Yell shuffles back supporters in your discard.
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Orthworm ex, from SV7!
Ability: Pummel Back
If this Pkmn is in the Active and is damaged by an opponent's attack, put 2 damage counters on the attacking Pokémon for each Metal Energy on this Pokémon.
CCCC- Rock Tomb 150
The defending Pkmn can't retreat during opponent's next turn
It's shit, but look at that face lol goofy ass thing

All of these codes are paldea evolved, all begin with Q
good luck anons
he countered
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Poisoned chalice. White elephant.
Could you pull some jank strategy with this? Like 5x metal energy and a rocky helmet or something? Full Metal Lab for a bit of damage resistance maybe.
This things never prize itself
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Be the change you want to see in the world
Every fucking time it pops up it's turn 0 and the only basic pokemon in the hand
Fuck it
Why are the PTCGL player level-up rewards so piddly? Fucking 100 gems, 200 dust. Not even enough for an Pokémon ex card to treat yourself for leveling up.
Level up rewards are just filler, the entire leveling thing shouldnt exist anyhow. It's really just there so you're still "gaining" something by placing after capping the battlepass. Considering how much the battlepass gives I give the rest some slack, you really get so much off that

It just shouldn't exist if the reward will be so miniscule. It's like if they were to mail me $0.05 or something. It's not worth the disappointment of opening the letter to find that it contains just a nickel.
Every game has to have some sort of level system now. They didn't want to ascribe any meaningful rewards to the levels but having nothing would make it totally pointless so they're just added as a token gesture. Dunno what I'd replace it with though. Maybe just bonus promo cards or hats.
I've only just started playing since Twilight Masquerade came out. What happens when the new set is released? Do we all get a new batch of decks for free?
new passes are timed with new expansions releasing and you get one/two of them when a new pass is out
New battlepass that gives a free deck and a secondary deck if you buy the battlepass. So just those 2 decks + all the packs n shit off the new battlepass also.
If you withhold on crafting new cards and wait on getting them from the battlepass packs, you can stockpile a bunch of credits to use on older cards you need
I don't play the TCG, however my nephew collects and loves the cards. Rather than throwing out the code cards, I figured you guys might enjoy them.

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>play 2 Candice
>how hard can it be?
>opponent concedes early
>Candice in first Mulligan
>Lumineon prized
>simply don't draw despite nearly emptying deck
>opponent concedes early
>both Candice prized
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Is this right? This is 250 dollar card at psa 10…
>people in my local scene bitching about changes to the world’s cp qualifications as if they had any chance of going at all

kek all local groups here as well, faken plebs
cries in lack of wcs points
If by some reason you still thought the leaks weren't true here's your galvantula/cinderace confirmation lmao
4 unknown ex left to be revealed still. so maybe there's hope of there being at least something competitive in this set
>stellar and mochi
jesus which one is the regular set and which one the special set? and dragons will be regular or special?
this is too much in too little time
>mochi/shrouded fable
special set, but has a battlepass on live for some reason
main set
special set after stellar
>terra eevee festival
main set after dragon. (global might merge the dragon set with this like they did with rayquaza+eevees in evolving skies)
>team rocket set
Why is everything in the Stellar Crown set more expensive than normal? The retailer I usually buy from sells booster boxes for 150CAD and ETBs for 50CAD. The SC BB on pokemon center is 211CAD and their ETB is like 78CAD...
My bad; it seems the retailer I use sells them cheaper than Pokémon center. That's dumb.
>leaf money
Twilight masquerade is a main set retard
Dumbass, the twilight masquerade battlepass ends when shrouded fabled is releasing. It's stand to given we're getting a shrouded fable battlepass next
Ok and?? Shrouded fable is a normal set you fucking trog
No it isn't
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Main set vs special set in the TCPi regions depends on whether standard booster boxes are available. I don't know whether shrouded fable has those, but it does have regular blister packs for the pecharunt promo.
Shrouded fable has like 90 cards too, when it's usually 220+ on main sets. That's the biggest giveaway it's a special set
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>when it's usually 220+ on main sets

>Stellar Miracle has 102 cards (not including full arts)
>Stellar Crown has 170 cards (including full arts)
I thought that Stellar Crown would end up smaller because it doesn't have to include a miniset but apparently not.
170 for just a base set with no special set tagged on is massive yeah.
They might even slip in some of the battle academy cards like darkrai ex since they did that before in fusion strike
Didnt we get a battle pass for paldean fates?
Then Team Star Grunt.
One of those and you force them to discard an energy before slapping them with 280-420 damage.
If they don't have an energy to put away Cyphermaniac allows you to guarantee 280 damage by using one of your own.
>Pokemon GO (summer) - no battle pass
>Crown Zenith (winter) - battle pass (global beta)
>151 (late summer) - no battle pass
>Paldean Fates (winter) - battle pass
>Shrouded Fable (summer) - battle pass
There hasn't been enough releases to determine a pattern.
Yeah we did, it might've been because we had a same week worldwide release for paradox rift with JP the set prior. So the wait till temporal forces would've been too long
I want to shred my dick on that spikey plant.
Anyone knows if that new design for energies will be a new print for all of them? I mean like that pack inside the etb's, all of them will have that new style? or it's a new kind of holo for random ones like holo energies from SV151?
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Haven't played since Duraludon VMax was viable and at it's peak.

I see Charizard is in the meta, is it actually GOOD? how long 'til he drops in viability and sucks? I did like playing Charizard VMax as well, though it definitely struggled (or maybe I just did)
151 etb had normal energy, it was just in the packs there which had random ones. This etb seems to have the new energy? So can't really tell if the packs will also have them. It'd say the packs would have those new energy too though, wouldn't make sense to just print it for the etb only
>how long 'til he drops in viability and sucks?
Currently it has a small dip in performance. It was the dominant deck in the last format and gets buffed again in the next format.
it's like with BRS, new energies now in all ETBs and packs until further notice
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what's buffing it in the next format? could you elaborate please?
Dusclops/Dusknoir give it more control in what damage it deals. Fezendipiti and Poison Mochi might help it too. Then in Stellar Crown it gets Briar to throw off an opponent's prize mapping.
I see. thanks for the info. I'm not a fan of those pokes but I guess I gotta run em to keep up

based of Live to just give me all the cards for this Chard deck off the bat, though.
Is this the set with the ugliest pack artwork to date? What is this rainbow vomit?
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Funne new rainbow cards!
(That are all completely shit meta wise)
>Terapagos in the TCG
>symbols on the shell do not change to match the energy symbols
Wasted opportunity.
what's this stellar crown shit? I didnt pay up for the dlc so I have no idea what this turtle does
Terapagos is what causes terrastralize in the games. It has a special tera itself called stellar, other mons can also be stellar if you change them to it
You keep your original type but now each of your moves gains the tera bonus damage (once per type so fire blast would get it but using another fire move after like fireblast/flamethrower would not. While if you used shadow ball it would as it's your first use of a ghost move)

Stellar is pretty shit in game and basically nobody uses it over regular terra types. From the TCG is looks like it's just as useless, with those meme triple rainbow energy costs

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