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Poison Pin Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>56053049

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
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When are we getting a good Nidoking/queen card?
>Enthusiastic King
Should have given him a BIG raging HORN
>Still no baxcalibur ex
>Despite being the pseudo legendary of the gen
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>Despite being the pseudo legendary of the gen
Not the most convincing argument to make.
Need a new pastebin to direct retarded newfags
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Joltik, from SV7!
C - Charging Jolt
Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Grass Energy and up to 2 Basic Lightning Energy and attach them to your Pokémon in play any way you want. Then shuffle your deck.

I heard you like energy acceleration
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Dachsbun ex, from SV7!
Ability: Full Meal Time
Once during your turn, when you play this card from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon, you may heal all damage from each of your Evolution Pokémon. If you do, discard all Energy from each Pokémon healed this way.
CC - Wonder Shine 130
Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Confused.
Would've been good if everything doesn't just one shot you.
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Lacey, from SV7!
Shuffle your hand into your deck, then draw 4 cards. If your opponent has 3 or fewer Prize cards remaining, draw 8 cards instead.
Great comeback card, but doesn't help disrupt your opponent like Iono does.
>rare candy stadium
ok I guess
Instant, Devo-proof Pidgeots and Charizards. Instant Dusknoir.
>he doesn't know ball
Ability only activates from the hand. Still great to set up your second zard.

Any usable stadium search in the format besides colress? I assume the main way to get it is arven->seal stone.
stadium gives you bird
bird quick search anything to evolve any state 2 you play

a broken card forsure
It's a minor consistency buff
You go from:
>Arven for candy+stone to get pidgeot, then need a zard/candy in hand.
>Arven for candy+stone for stadium for pidgeot, then zard is guaranteed.
Just need to hit your poffin turn 1, then ultra ball for lumineon turn 2.
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>One of the coolest SIR for one of the coolest mons
>The card is near unplayable despite being a rulebox
Man why do they have a vendetta against grass. Wish it were dragon instead for that reason
>Wanted a dual rare candy ace spec
>We got a meme stadium for 1+potential more rare candy
>Provided you don't prize any stage 1s either
fuck sake it's awful
>stellar tera SARs get rainbow borders
>le lost vacuum face
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>Worse miraidon
kek. why did they make it so weak?
french fries
>Torterra and Infernape in recent expansions
Empoleon when?
Huh, now that you mention it. When was the last time we've seen Empoleon?

The card really isn’t that bad.
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Water box? Which water Pokemon are broken tho
Maybe one of the Hisui sets? It's still in the current rotation but yellow border.
Giant Tree will obviously be good but I don't think it'll be completely meta defining
Because you have to draw from your deck you need to run full evolution lines which takes up deck space, and you'll still need Rare Candies as backup in case the Stadium gets removed
Being an Ace Spec means you only get one shot at it - Forest of Giant Plants was great but you could run up to 4 in a deck so you didn't have to worry as much about it being taken offline by another stadium or vacuum - which is an even bigger deal with the new set bringing back Sky Field
Also the main way to search for a stadium is Colress' Obsession which exposes you to Trifrost Kyurem
>which exposes you to Trifrost Kyurem
Genuinely asking here, which deck would even run it? Like, do you just splash it in whatever in hopes of facing Lost Box or whatever deck runs Colress?
Regidrago runs it guaranteed. Okay decks can tech it like they would enhanced hammer depending on what they think the meta is.
My game keeps freezing whenever I used Buddy-Buddy Poffin with my Ditto. Is this a bug with Poffin, or something known about ditto?
There are multiple reports on the forums about PGO ditto being broken. Don't play ditto for about 6 months.
Do abilities that ignore "effects of attacks" ignore attacks that say "place [x] damage counters on the active pokemon"?
Yes. Charmeleon will mess up your Mimikyu.
Okay thanks I almost embarrassed myself by trying to take out Snorlax with Scolipede
The fact it lets your opponent get a free stage 2, or stage 1 since it also works searching one of those out. Is a very big downside people are overlooking. Before you didn't wanna leave mesagosa up incase they flipped heads. Same with artazon now. But now you're letting your opponent use your own ace spec? Lmao
There is the caveat that it's utterly or mostly useless for certain decks. Roaring Moon or Raging Bolt decks use basics afaik so it's safe to play there. Most stadiums do have the downside of potentially helping your opponent but this one is definitely more problematic in that regard.
Decks like zard(using dusknoir) or dragapult(if it can somehow find the stadium + attack without neo upper) might not care about that since they can snipe down the opponent's basic before it gets a chance to use the stadium to evolve.
Sometimes I debate if it's even worth it to put my Artazon up just because I don't want my opponent to have it. Now imagine letting them have a full evolution line for free.
Surely it would work well with ogerpon
Gonna be honest I think the Joltik is more busted than the Giant Tree
>don't mind me just accelerating four energy across the board on turn 1 going second then dying so counter catcher goes live
wat pokemon card sleeves do u reccomend to protect your cards just getting into collecting
>[C] Battery Charge: Search your deck for up to 2 Basic [G] Energy and up to 2 Basic [L] Energy and attach them to your Pokémon in any way you like. Then, shuffle your deck.
When I first read it I assumed it was or L energy. not AND. that's kinda nutty. regidrago could end up running this if they wanted as a backup. instant build up on iron hands for every deck too
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The last strong basic accelerator saw zero play, probably because psychic no longer needed energy acceleration after shadow rider was gutted by tag teams rotating.
I don't know how much your win rate will improve if you go for turn 1 joltik instead of turn 1 iron hands/miraidon-ex for 2 prizes.
My love
I still used this a bit with deoxys vstar at lgs and won a few times before SV era
Nightmares manifest
fake and gay uses last gen's trainer frame art
Yeah it's just an alt art. Not a reprint or anything
oh nice
i honestly thought it was a custom card from last gen you found online
I fucking hate Lake Acuity challenge to the point where I made a deck built to turn 1 Lake and concede.
I just stuffed a bunch of candice/lake/fresh water in a chienpao deck. Don't even bother trying to win I just cycle through till I do the challenges. Chienpao base there for the energy/water attack one
we bloggin
>noooo you can't talk about playing the game in the game thread!!!!!
Am I doing it rite?
Bro your energy retrievals??
Help me fix this piece of shit. It has worked really well in the like 3 test matches I've run in Casual, but I'm certain I had lucky draws.
If you're unsure it's easier to copy a refined deck then work backwards by editing stuff you prefer into it. Like I prefer 3 chienpaos in my lists when everyone runs 2, I personally like not being tied to super rods to chain them
>Raging bolt lists
Just copy a successful list. I know people like to come up with their own super original takes on a deck, but you're better off using something proven to work.
Paralyzed Pokémon should not be allowed to use their abilities. Prove me wrong.
And Confused Pokemon shouldn't be able to retreat, and if they want to use their abilities they should also flip a coin, to see if they can use it or not.
Honestly status effects just needs a rework, or at least give them something more. Like abilities that effects Confused Pokemon, or attacks that does more damage to Asleep Pokemon. We're getting poison support now which is great and I'm hoping they do more for the other status effects in later sets. But it's probably just because of the Poison Trio that we're getting the support, so maybe the others will keep being stuff only kids and casuals sweat over.
A benchsitter mon that disabled your opponents abilitiy if they have a status on them would b e neat. Poison decks might be a thing, and paralock ones can truly be paralocking
Now that I think of it, there's no reason benched mons should not be able to have status effects and no reason retreating a Mon should recover status effects. Purely lazy game design.
Status really haven't changed since the very start. They could allow it on benchmons yeah then we get more effects for healing/cleansing it off. Considering status hasn't really been relevant since hypnotoxic days, it just exists but is never used now
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contemplate the aroma
>lifting her skirt for you to sniff
kys collector jew
Question, why is evolved skies so "looked", I'm new on tcg and a friend told me it each booster costs like 200 bucks
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People love eeveelutions, simple as. It has a lot of great looking full art cards for them
I remember coming across some try-hard unpack video and he pricing every card he pulled even an energy
Those sexy dogs are maybe worth
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Is there a translated list of the new cards anywhere? All the ones I can find are still in moonrunes.
this site has up to date translations
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>Ability: Ripening Charge
>Once during your turn, you may attach a Basic [G] Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokémon. If you attached Energy to a Pokémon in this way, heal 30 damage from that Pokémon.

>[C][C] Syrup Storm: 30+ damage. >This attack does 30 more damage for each [G] Energy attached to all of your Pokémon.

I know Grass doesn't have much energy support but if you can get the energy searches with Ogerpon's ability adding accel and draws this might make a decent deck
>3 ponpons
>3 hydras
>7 energy per turn on turn 2 going first
>with luck 4 more from turn 1
>330 if perfect luck
seems okay but set up might be awful
ah 30+ not 30*
I guess you only need perfect luck for bolt and blood moon then
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It looks pretty garbage, it's just a sceptile reprint and that wasn't even considered good back then when powercrept didn't go full whacko. The 30 heal is all but useless, it could've been a draw 1 as a stage2 shadowrider

If it pulled the energy from discard or deck it would be super great with ogerpons to recycle back the energy, but both ogerpon, hydrapple and gardenia ALL want energy from your hand only is not ideal. Needed it in your hand is the hardest form of acceleration
bought 3 packs of paradox rift today and got maybe 30 cents in cards. I havent bought packs since black & white noble victories. I now remember why I stopped
no for some reason some chinese reprint for swshit era cards is getting new art i heard it was so that they can be caught up with the current sets but if you're just trying to get everyone on the same page in terms of sets then making all this new art for these cards is going to be a waste of time especially since by next year most of it will be gone from standard
the newer sv sets have shittier rates to the point where you are actually way better off just buying the card outright
I wonder if they'll do a big shake up for gen10. It'd be the perfect time for them to overhaul a lot of outdated things like prize cards. They could just wipe S/V era cards out from rotation a year earlier to bring a new format in line sooner
Doing something like that would mean they can get everyones sets released worldwide. JP might adopt our better booster boxes and rates, since theirs is shitty
My gf bought packs for the first time the other day. She bought two booster bundles (6 packs each) and pulled a Legacy Energy (2$) and a green full-art Teal-Mask Ogerpon (40$) and keeps going on and on about how she wants to keep buying more packs to open. I'm trying to convince her that she got really lucky with that Ogerpon. As she was opening packs, she was asking what all the cards were worth including the holo uncommon cards like Vaporeon (TWM) and I was like "it's worth nothing, babe." to every one.
>It'd be the perfect time for them to overhaul a lot of outdated things like prize cards
God, I hope so
what's wrong with prizes?
Prize check takes too much time, and you get more card advantage than necessary(you are already getting some card advantage by knocking out your opponent's pokemon).
Provides too much an advantage leading to a snowball effect. Only recently have they actively pushed "punishing" prize card taking with charizard/counter catcher.
And it just feels shitty prizing some of your pieces. Even running 2 baxcalibur sometimes you're just utterly fucked if both end up prized. Fuck all you can do then but accept the loss. It's not competitive in the slightest to be gatekept by RNG prize cards. If you put a card in your deck while building, you should always be able to have the knowledge it's somewhere in there.
how would you fix this, like pocket does?
Yeah just introduce a prize counter or token. Just not part of your deck itself, that's just awful design. I don't know how it's stuck around so long. It's like the only TCG where you're just locked out of some of your deck randomly
when i first played the game on the gb i thought prizes were taken from the opponent like if you bet 6 cards in that duel, i seriously thought what a shit tcg i will constantly lose my deck because I suck at playing.
years later and i know how it works now obviously but when i try to teach the game to others a common question is the same whether you take the opponents cards or not
I think you could argue prizes up the luck factor, even if it’s minuscule, and make it seem like anyone can win, which makes it more appealing to kids.

Like, if you have two people playing the same $10 EX slop decks against each other where there is only one of the cover card in the deck and it’s the most powerful, the person who prizes that card is at a disadvantage.

Same thing with coin flips. You’re going to feel good if you were behind and ending up blowing your opponent out simply because you flipped heads once or twice with Pokemon Catcher.
Like even in your EX example, being that person who prizes their EX must feel terrible. Your deck is built for that and you had zero counterplay to it being prized. Stuff like that shouldn't happen.
And when you get to competitive meta optimizing, having your lost vacuum get prized when you need it vs their heroes cape also fucks you over.

Not having prize cards would let people tech out their deck way more, instead of being built for redundancy with extra copies in case some of your pieces are prized. Ultimately leading to more diverse deck building since you'll always have access to your 60 cards every game guaranteed, how you pilot your 60 cards is what you do to win. Currently it's see what 54 cards you have access to (it's a kids game so they're unlikely to even remember all 60 and prize check) then see how you can make a win out of those 54
I never got why people want to fug Sneasel, but look at those fucken bedroom eyes. I'd give it a Sneaky Smash, if you sniff my drift.
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Feels good to collect for fun rather than value/comp. I pulled a full art Groudon which is sick as hell and Torterra EX (I don't even know if it's good) but I was just as happy to get two different reverse holo Litwicks.

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