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We Are Running Out Of Ideas Edition

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be edgy, be creative, be racist, just leave your ERPing at the door.

Thread tasks have been cancelled because only a single person does them each thread, if at all. Today's thread question is: What is something insignificant and petty that your OC hates?

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

>Previous Thread: >>56045757
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Aww, you suck!
ugly shitbridge
OP, the thread tasks are there to help guide people with writer's block, not fill lines on an imaginary scoreboard.
Also they're right, you suck.
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>tq and tt was suggested last thread
>still ignores them, saying we're out of ideas
word retard lost all its value on 4chan, but word cretin perfectly describes you
Not exactly clear, but that referred to ideas for thread images.
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It’s reverse psychology to get people to do thread tasks more.
Additional Question/Task: >>56066674
I KNOW I didn't spend six sodding hours yesterday drawing that fanart just to have someone say "Gee, I dunno what image to use!"
May I, politely, direct your attention to https://mega.nz/folder/hKggRQbD#kPCbp_-Ae68nbR9cYIuRcA
I feel bad about using artwork of my OC for threads that I create. It feels… self-aggrandizing.
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No?! Did you even see this?!?
So, a low effort image is better? Fucking why, dude?
>feel like people will give me shit for using my own OC as OP image
>don’t use my OC as OP image
>get shit for not using my OC as OP image
Hopefully I can cleanse my sorrow with some ribs.
The issue is quality. There was high quality fan art right there and you passed it up. The art happened to be your OC. In this thread, we might be blessed with another nice piece of art that can be the next thread pic.
Furthermore, you ignored the thread tasks. This is a low effort OP post, a needless drop in quality when everything was right there.
Does that make sense?
This OP may be a bit shit, but damn, it surely fire up this place for a bit. This was a good start for the wrong reasons.
Personally, I got the same issue and I don't blame him.
Not like we have an entire archive of nice OC art available for use at any time
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>with some ribs
I'm stealing that idea.
>ignored thread tasks
See spoiler of >>56067051
>there are currently three OC threads in the catalog
>scope out the other two
>nothing but zero-effort wojak spam and bestiality
Jesus fucking Christ, I'm glad you guys are normal.
Thread task question, by duel you mean the "cock revolver, walk 10 paces, turn and shoot" kind of duel or a pokemon duel, as in a 1v1?
>spin the cylinder
>slap it shut
>cock the hammer
>pull the trigger
>a Pokeball launches out of the barrel at 945f/s
Skiploom, go!
Fetishposting killed the first incarnation of this thread in a blaze of Discord screenshots (of a server with several pedophiles and trannies running it) and personal information. We sometimes do sexy stuff (mostly Phos) but we avoid frequently speaking of sexual things because it leads to a decrease in thread quality.
The first one for Alex, the second one for everyone else.
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Alright, updated the OP template and list of thread tasks after months of letting that slip away, added a link to the creation tables within the brainstorming pastebin, and got the other archives all up to date.
I need a water break after that.
Excellent clean-up, anon! Pawing through the archive after an age is quite surreal.
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I'm quite proud of the archives and what they represent. I can confidently say it's one of the few things I have absolutely zero regrets doing. I'm glad to be able to give a home to the ideas and hard work of so many different people. Especially since a lot of pieces were only posted once or twice or by people who dropped in, showed off their work, then left. At least this way they're never forgotten and no one's work will ever go unappreciated.
What I would love to do at some point is get a locally-hosted booru like Hydrus or shimmie2 and run all of the /tog/ media through it to check for duplicates before sweeping up the excess.
Since goodness knows a few copies have cropped up across the SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE files in the Hall of Fame, and there isn't a snowflake's chance I'd be able to pick them out by eye.
Nothing stopping me, I just haven't done it yet...
Professional pride versus realistic expectations. We've used 2.25/50gb of storage space, having repeat files really, REALLY doesn't matter. Unless it does...
Is comfy evidence of a comfy thread. Is nice.
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Honestly, those ribs were mid as fuck. Probably because the dude didn't have any sauce. Thankfully I finally got around to listening to pic related and it did not disappoint. I'm definitely going to use Rye Fire if I ever write a club scene or the Street Cleaner remix of Pure if Alex ever drives off into a sunset. The Depeche Mode cover was also pretty good.
Originally, "the thing" was set in a nightclub, however I changed it to a casino because I've heard nothing but bad things about nightclubs and I really don't think they're Alex's thing. Also I don't know what to write for a Black City Nightclub.But this presented a new conundrum. As we all know, disputes are handled by casino staff. So how does Alex wind up in the situation that he does? Well, you'll just have to wait and see.
Why am I starting to sound like Phos Guy?
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Can I have ONE rib?
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phosbro is that fucking max stirner
Yeah, you can have the other half of the slab, I'll keep it in the fridge for you.
Heh, good catch.
No man, I want ONE rib
You will get half a slab of refrigerated and reheated ribs AND YOU ARE GOING TO FUCKING LIKE IT.
Non burger reporting.
Welcome in! Hope your night is going well.
I was eating and had nothing to post as usual. But at least someone covered it.
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Since other beachwear pics have been posted recently, I'm gonna repost this one.
Good night, /tog/.
I hope you guys had a comfy night
Eunice, fuck off with your tranny shit
Don't make me tap the sign...
So they're Precure fans?
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Count of Ionos: 1
The quest for nonos continues...
>odd dream about hippos and crocodiles learning to coexist
>nightmare about shaving off my beard (and having absolutely no chin bone to speak of underneath)
>Super Mario World romhack marathon
>[massive violation of thread rule]
What the fug was in that barbecue sauce?
What the fuck are those ability and attack names? They’re not even trying anymore.
Sheboon physique
armarouge and baxcalibur are literally the same cards of different types. just saying in case if you want to mald more
i had another dream where i was chasing rats again... i see those dreams time to time
They have the same ability but different attacks and HP. Close but not identical.
Hope everyone's doing well.
Only ER now.
See you again after a few more days.
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An old man peddled alongside me as I was taking a breather after racing down a steep hill.
"Do you ride your bike a lot," he asked me.
"I get out when I can," I told him truthfully.
"You should have seen what you looked like when you were peddling! Your calves were looking badass!"
I'll carry this core memory to my deathbed. Let's have a good day today, /tog/.
>Only Elden Ring now.
What did he mean by this.
Mirin confirmed. Good gains shall follow you today.
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We're doing some cooking today, lads.
Very slow cooking, that is.
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It's like a good smoked brisket; you can't rush perfection.
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OCs for this vibe
Wow, drawing backgrounds sucks, I hate this.
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Eeeehhhh... Tweny, Bibi and someone third
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welcome to my world. but i can give you my word of advice - TRIPPY BGS! TRIPPY BGS - WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO
Bibi is The Dumb, David is The Dumber, and Tweny is The Dumbest
Oh Fug, I forgot to draw the shadows.
>Great Tusk, use Close Combat
I always forget somethin', don't I?
THIS one goes so fucking hard, feel free to screenshot it.
>I hate drawing backgrounds
>The background is immaculate
Every time
Hating drawing backgrounds and being able to draw a decent background is not mutually exclusive.
Imagine if I didn't shortcut this by making the Red Desperado and her accomplice silhouettes or have Sheriff Blanco's poncho take up most of the view and drew three immaculately detailed characters instead.
I wouldn't be able to get away with taking the same shortcuts on the background without undermining the effort that went into the character art.
Nah, it's acceptable. But that doesn't make it less of a pain.
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Phos Guy, if you ever feel like you need to draw something, try doing this scene but Phos is Juliana, Scrafty is Nemona, and Malamar is Raifort. I remember you once saying that she can down about five plates after a day of being chased by Macro Cosmos Security.
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>Your final challenge… Go to the old thread and respond to posts you meant to yesterday.

>Golurk shows up and suplexes one of the Drapions and causes them to fuck off, earning Hasumi's trust.
I would trust the hell out of a Golurk suplexing some wild Pokemon for me too. That’s badass. Would want mroe. Drawing or brief pastebin.
I like the wimpod story where she takes a walk by the water after licking her wounds from the Cynthia match.
>pride tournament
How did the strongest yurifag lose this one???
This is a very clean looking character sheet.
Whirlpool into yawn is a spectacular combo.
>Emily dip
The main house looks amazing. You’ve been doing great work!
I got stumped as far as interior design goes for a “western” theme.
Awesome art as always. Nice dynamic pose. I feel like Alex only smiles when there’s pain of others involv – this is a POV shot of him spiking the ball into the viewer isn’t it.
>after the match
No it was prior. Emily was in a hospital for a few days cause of the damage being linked between her and Mawlie when they snapped and involuntarily went Mega. Wimpod sat there on her bed with her for the 3 or so days they kept her there.
>le yurifag bait again
Yawn. Boring. Besides, I said national/regional pride.
>Emily dip
What does this mean exactly?
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that's cute
I know. The words were too close and I'm just giving you a hard time.
Not sure myself, but I laughed given the mystery.
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>I know. The words were too close and I'm just giving you a hard time.
Everybody gets a turn to be bullied here.
Lame and gay
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Phos Guy, do you think you could make an alternate background of that where it's at dusk instead of daytime? I have a song that would pair well with the drawing like you did with the one with Franco and Phos dancing.
>That’s badass. Would want more
Might restart that project I mentioned, in yet another attempt to not finish the main illustration wip. It includes a few neat things like Golurk stomping on fried chicken, going toe to toe with CHARIZAAAARD FROM KANTOOOOOOOOOO and generally being a lad
>I got stumped as far as interior design goes for a “western” theme.
Not even sure if we do have a theme for the place.
Like, initially it wasn't even Green Mesa, I had laid out a few blocks of dirt to grow my own woods, and by the time logged back in we had a considerable patch of grass, waystone and name for the place, so I just rolled with it.
One corner of the map has somewhat modernist-looking houses with proper modern furniture, one part has a wooden manor with wooden lodge inspirations and what is very much a japanese-styled roof/top floor, and then to top it off the bastard lovechild of a Favela and rural Greek architecture, possibly with a tinge of Mexico and Napoli. Not to mention the extension area and whatever that will have in store. If you want inspiration, may I suggest looking at rustic/rural mexican or greek interior design, maybe that will convey the overall vibe I had in mind for them. That and maybe also steal ideas from japanese minecraft builders, those guys simply are built different.
Speaking of built different,
>Emily dip
I am indeed particularly proud of that title, it's our own local attraction.
>proud of that attraction
But what does it MEAN?
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best I can do.
This shit looks straight out of a dream desu

"Yeah so last night I dreamed that I was playing Volleyball with Kingdra but also the sea was orange juice and the sky was also orange juice"
Axel dreamt being the only survivor at the End of Evangelion, with a Kingdra to play ball.
I know why you want that, and I know it isn't for lore, you nasty little pervert.
>this is a POV shot of him spiking the ball into the viewer isn’t it
Even funnier, it's the dying dream of his Kingdra because the little shitter is convinced living things can live off of holographic meatloaf.

I'm going to bed, g'night lads.
I didn't even mean it THAT way. I just thought it would be funny.
>"Refrain from acting your fetishes on our site"
>Posts what basically is my fetish
Is like if I'm aware I'm walking right into a trap, and yet I want to do it.
>Mainly because back in the K threads I had a similar idea for a character.
Masuda once said that
>I think it’s safe to say that it’s very comfortable inside inside of a Pokeball, it’s a very comfortable environment, maybe the equivalent of a high-end suite room in a fancy hotel.
And I would assume that room service is included. I don't see a single reason why this "very comfortable environment" would not be able to satiate the Pokemon in a manner similar to food.
jew logic
I remember saying keeping a Pokémon in a ball it was like keeping them inside a capsule vat.
They won't die, but they won't also be feed or accomodated. Like being in stasis.
Also, Alex said that one day he went "oh, right, I have this Pokémon", and then he had to sacrifice it because it was enraged he was forgotten. It's like being alive by being connected to an IV drip. You have your calories and vitamins, but can still feel the tiredness and hunger in your body.
That… unironically never happened? If you’re referring to the Kleavor incident then that was because of disobedience and stupidity, and I’m probably going to write that out because there’s better ways to show Alex being violent due to being upset.
>"refrain from acting out your fetishes"
>image contains cute nerd girl with big boobs squished together
You achieved the opposite effect I am at full mast.
Bump. Randomly left a Mix on, on Youtube and it ended up playing this and now I've been listening to it on loop. Now I'm making it everyone else's problem. Gremlin's current vibe; https://youtu.be/Pu8HcbjlqVE?si=DyC_sopCRelUIMoZ
Never played Nikke. What happened in Ch 21 to make people repeat the same thing?
I have no idea lmao, Nikke's gameplay is jiggling anime asses and titties and Duck Hunt mixed together so I never played it. It was just randomly in a mix I left playing.
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sick! love the depth you created in this one
lofi beats to gremlinmax and eat borger to
nice! this town ain't big enough for the three of em
>lofi beats to gremlinmax and eat borger to
It's just built different
Like the gremlin
What makes the "attraction" built different then?
The sign. That's it.
What's the sign?
"Do not fall into this pit, you will die.
I, however, am built different."
It's a relief to know that as much as I overshare, I have never told anyone about my boners.
Oh, that's nice music to wake up to. I dig it.
Crossover episode! Crossover episode! I was hoping to see you pop up in the night.
>this town ain't big enough for the three of em
It's not a particularly small town, the economy's just in shambles after they traded all their gold for NFTs. Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest, Dumbestest.

Alright, my children, I'm leaving for work now. I expect this thread to be full of productivity while I'm away. When I come back, I want to see Koanon and the boulder publish their forty-thousand word masterpieces. I want to see the first chapter of Ruka's quest to catch 'em all (no, I haven't forgotten that and I will hold you to it for as long as I live). I'll be looking forward to Veganon showing us what they and their genderflipped E-Chan have been up to and seeing Alex answer a yes-or-no question without flipping a coin first.
And Silas will be there too, I'm sure.
>What does your OC do in the summer to stay cool?
I feel I posted enough beach images, so I'll post the opposite. David comes from Hoenn, a tropical region, so staying cool is easy. But for him, staying warm is the difficult situation. He doesn't handle cold too well. Even when he was in Sinnoh, he stayed mostly indoors, saying "cold climates give me a reason to stay warm at home". He almost doesn't leave Snowpoint because of this. It was too cold to go there, and it will be too cold to come back!
>What about Fly?
Snowpoint has great hot cocoa, he ain't leaving.

>What is something insignificant and petty that your OC hates?
Annoyances. Waiting behind a short line, but the one in front is an old man who is desperate for human connection, so it will be 40 minutes waiting just to buy a Soda Pop. Small scratching noises when everything is quite and comfy. And his "favorite": toothaches. He brushes and everything, but sometimes something is truly stuck, so hello cavities, hello medical bills, long time no see.

During my vacation I saw my brother playing Nikke on his PC. It was fun, banting about korean fanservice games, and stuff like that, but the soundtrack is kino. Mainly the calm ones, the action techno music is meh.
Good luck at work!
Oh good, another Nikke song for the playlist.
Good day, guys. I hope everything goes peachy.
And since we are talking about Nikke, this song is kind of fitting.
Koa and Vega are long gone. It’s time to let go. You aren’t getting Ruka’s story or Offshore Reverie Chapter 2 either. I am still nowhere near completion despite being at 12000 words and I fully expect this thing to extend beyond 25000 words (it’s self-contained and there’s a reason why this is thing is so long)
Anna's annas
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>Oddish, use Ababor
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Oh, David, David, David, Dah-veed. I feel bad that we never get to interact. We're like two ships passing in the night.
Well, for the first time in two years, the weekenders actually managed to do what they were supposed to, so I didn't have to spend half of my day unfucking their mistakes. Good luck, indeed.
Less time bitching, more time writing. Koanon was with us for movie night anyway.
Intermediary thread task because I just came up with it!
>recreate a scene/frame of an 80s British comedy series of your choice with your OC
>bonus points if you make it fit with mons
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That is... very oddly specific.
It was revealed to me in a dream. Now get to work
Must be protected
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sometimes I imagine Tesoro making this face
Security dies to literally any Ground type attack. It's not as strong as it thinks it is.
awww...i wanna give her all my headpats
The desire to protect his voluptuously-chested trainer and to genocide Zircans far surpasses a mere quad weakness
heh, might be a bit cutesy for him. one day i'll make expression sheets for my little cast
the gift of insomnia means instead of popping in during lunch i was around to doodle at damn near the witching hour on a work night (god i need a nap but i have volunteer work to do)
>something they hate
bibi loathes lazy days. sure she can understand wanting to sit around a couple hours to watch a bit of tv or read a book but she gets restless easily. rain, sleet, or shine she'll find a way to make each day feel productive. count on her to nag you if you make it seem like you do a whole lot of nothing. alto can't stand it when people post photos of good looking food at restaurants without dropping the name and location. tesoro detests slow walkers and refuses to slow his pace for anybody
If anyone is willing to donate a paragraph for a physical description of Alex wearing pic related, that would be nice.
Honestly, seeing people talk about Zirca makes me wonder how Alex would have been received in those days.
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You heard the man.
Forgot the reference image for his outfit in that paragraph. Also, here's a throwaway that has no relation to the upcoming story and is just something I thought up just now. No spoilers for the upcoming story at all, but spoilered in case you want to wait to see what my writing is like.
>Alex placed his right foot on the fat man's chest as if he were stepping over a pathetic stair. His left leg rested at Dorado's side. A polished black shoe pressed on the bloodied, bruised, fat chest with much more weight than what would be expected of such a slim body. For the first time in decades, Dorado was staring at the face of death; the barrel of a golden gun. The back of Weavile's frigid claw rested on his forehead. Its face looked quite amused by the ordeal.
>"Listen", he hoarsely wheezed out. "If you kill me, every cop and criminal in the Zirca region will be after you."
>A sardonic, maniacal grin formed on the boy's face. "Good", he calmly replied.
>Dorado's panic now fully unfurled as he cried out, "Wait! Is there something I can-
>Alex quickly turned his pistol from Dorado's face to his chest, switching it to semi-automatic and promptly pulling the trigger thrice to unleash three bullets accentuated by sharp puffs of smoke.
>The bullets failed to make headway.
>"Kevlar. Very smart."
>Even quicker than his reply, he aimed back at the agonized head and repeated his action.
>"Fucking pick."
(explanation of that last word: "Spic" originates from old American police jargon, short for "Spanish Person In Custody" (at the time "Spanish" was used how "Hispanic" is used today), so in the Pokemon world it comes from "Paldean In Custody", and the "k" was added colloquially)
I have better things to write about.
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This is a very good idea of what Alex looks like when he's about to kill someone
good luck little duck
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And this is what the author looks like when Alex is about to kill someone
I have absolutely no idea what the joke is here. Is this what it feels like to be Emily?
You should honestly make Emily Galarian. Aside from the “oi” meme it would also give her a cute accent and much more justification for being anti-League given how corrupt the League is in Galar.
Luke's pet peeve is when his opponent makes battles last longer than they should be by utilizing the Z axis, going invisible, or otherwise making themselves unable to be attacked. He has, in the past, gotten so fed up he had his pokemon target a trainer (Nox) because, "Well, I don't have set up moves and you're not giving me many any other targets."
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I can't write a Brit accent for shit, nor have I found a good voice that I'd want to use to represent Emily that has a Brit accent. Not to mention I'd then I have to re-write her whole backstory as far as Team Plasma is concerned and write up a new backstory of her first true adventure prior to the current day.
Personally, I like that she is Unovan.
Imagine walking, not see her for VERY OBVIOUS REASONS, and she goes "Hey! Imma walking 'ere!"
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Guys, it has been so long since I've had any alcohol in my system that I have forgotten my own writing style. Could I just look at my own work for a quick refresher? Maybe. Maybe.
But that's cheating.
Didn't you say "write drunk, edit sober"? Spell check time!
Last time I had anything besides water to drink was that four-loco timebomb whenever the hell that was. I've got the entire first week of July off of work, I'm keeping my pancreas in reserve until then.
I had thought to myself, "hm, I got a few minutes before bed, let me just freestyle something so I'm not letting time go to waste."
"I have no idea what to do anymore."
How about writing an one off shot about this >>56071762?
It can end with Franco going "damn, I need to stop drinking Sarsaparrilla before going to bed".
Believe me, I have strongly (STRONGLY) considered it. I have more ideas bouncing around in the twisted recesses of my mind than there is time left in the fucking universe.
If I start going down the rabbit hole of alternate universe one-shots, I'm taking the NEET pill and never seeing natural sunlight again.
Emily has no accent.
I've always read this as Kobayashi's VA given the character context.
Some people have told me Emily is like a supercharged, more bold but just as aloof Kobayashi.
Well actually more like, when in more passive scenarios and moments, she's a lot like Kobayashi. But how she acts outside of day to day life moments she's rather different and the only similarity at that point is her deadpan, aloof nature.
+1 confirm Emily is from Ohio.
Wait, is all Emily?
See "It's all Ohio?"
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Forgot to say anything after finishing up chapter two. Was going to finish chapter three but I'm tired of being awake.

Anyway here is more Gilded Platinum: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-nOYYjxC_pJ1h03frpZgCDbtlMp94oYRB43MrhMsu7sYL_dBT-ypbrrr16CIS-i_RfMgCtkwRvj98/pub
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Hi guys, it's mikoanon back from the dead. I've missed you guys :'S
Sorry I've been AWOL for a quite some time. I didn't meant to drop off the face of the earth, but some pretty big changes have been going on in my life (nothing bad I promise) so I've been super busy lately.

I haven't been able to draw much at all or keep up with /tog/, but I'm hoping to jump back into the swing of things- hope I didn't miss too much.

I didn't come back empty handed however, I finally finished the story I had been working on all that time ago! Sorry that the picrel is a repost, but it fits this chapter in Ivy's journey (and like I said, haven't been able to draw ;_;) Look forward to some more Miko content and content from me in general soon too.

Anyways, hope you guys like the story and I'm glad to be back. I'll try harder not to die again in the future :P



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>open up youtube this morning
>Goddess of Victory OST
>Goddess of Victory OST
>Goddess of Victory OST
>Why I Ate This Baby Deer (apology video)
>Goddess of Victory OST
>Goddess of Victory OST
>They Used the SM64 Engine to Recreate Marble Games
>Goddess of Victory OST
What the fug have you guys done to my algorithm.
Day crew's been real quiet since these two dropped. I look forward to reading them on my breaks.

Let's have a Goddess day today, /tog/.
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All according to plan. ....well except for the Baby Deer one, I think that's one you should be asking yourself about.
The thumbnail do be looking pretty tasty...
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Is deer meat. Soft and sweet.
But personally, I would hunt for a full grown buck, or doe if there's no male around. Hunting babies is bad omen, like wishing for extinction.
I'm not a fan of Venison, but yes, no one should be eating the children. Massive wtf moment.
Some people have never heard of veal
I probably got the two words mixed up
This reminds me of an old idea I had where Alex gets hired as a coach to fix BBA’s falling grades and battle performances, and then he turns everyone into a Smogonite. He does it for the money and also to help spread his idea that Pokemon are just tools for our own gain. Ivy, Koa, and Bibi were also involved but since Alex’s main arc is done in 2020 I might just turn this into it’s own thing as opposed to some non canon story since this actually fits nicely into his canon storyline as some kind of “post-game”.
Oh boy, just read what I wrote at 1am. I'll edit (and hopefully finish) chapter three when I get the chance.
I thought it was fine. Humble beginnings and all, I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Holy fucking shit, the sheer amount of tedium in describing this stupid casino. This might actually be even more exhausting than the exposition.
You may be overthinking the small details.
Pot meets kettle, I know. By and large, people will know what a casino is. You want to set the scale (how tall is the ceiling, how wide is the main game room), establish the senses (major sights, smells, sounds, what kind of hors d'ovres are being carried on trays by the lopunnygirls), then introduce the major players.
Wham, bam, onto the show.
I think I already said this before but interior wise I’m just aping the Golden Grin Casino from Payday 2 with some minor changes so the tedium just comes from copying what I see in videos and screenshots
I find it funny how Miko coming back was an actual nothingburger and the thread quickly returned to business as usual
They appeared when it's the wee hours of the morning, and many of us are waging.
At least I appreciate they came back with stories.
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Yeah, my sleep schedules a bit fucked, I posted that around my 3am and have been waging all day myself.

Here's a quick sketch of the character Burt from my story. I don't really plan on fleshing him out any further than this, but I thought it'd be nice to make a little drawing for the miscellaneous side characters I might introduce in my stories like him.

He's a but of a simple-minded musclehead like Ivy. He likes to use Intimidate tactics in battle and go all out with physical attacks. Despite all his, underneath it all he's just a big softy who cares about his club members.
Give him Hitmontop and Krookodile. I also think it would be cool if he had Blaze Breed Tauros in particular. Alternatively, you can give him Landorus-Therian.
I kinda forgot about Paldean Tauros, but that would be super fitting for him. I was thinking about Krookodile, but didn’t want his team to be so dark heavy. Can’t believe I forgot about hitmontop too, thanks for the suggestions.
Paldean Tauros should've been a minotaur (the fighting one at least).
>ANOTHER Palawan jobmon
No thanks negroid
I'll be home soon, my prodigal son.
I will say this much: the title of the story combined with the beginning initially led me to believe that it was an origin story for Ivy herself and how she became interested in medicine. I got about halfway through on my lunch break and a big management powwow took up the rest of my day, but finishing my reading is at the top of my priorities when I get home.
Was bored so I edited the wink from the naughtier nightwear drawing onto the slightly less naughty nightwar drawing.
And now here's the reverse.
Damn I forgot how good that one turned out.
just left a lot out. I fixed it. Though the chapter isn't done quite yet. Kind of eager to get to the bigger moments, but also enjoying sharing each character's personality.
Wow, that second half almost feels like a completely different story. Which, I infer, was the intention. The switch from Super Nurse to Super Street Fighter 2 makes me feel like I got sucker punched too.
I hope you plan to keep going with the full gym challenge next, you know I'm in your corner. Was it mentioned before that Ivy is Marshall's fangirl? I'm pretty sure it was, but the post scriptum reveal after the fact was a good way to refresh my memory. Telling exposition over showing it isn't in my nature, but the way that line recontextualized what had just happened really played off your strong suit.
Ahh, I see. I had convinced myself this story was taking place after DPP up to this point, but aight. I've played through Platinum countless times over the years, I'm always down for another reimagining.
Write sober. Edit drunk.
Do not do this, it creates Archivist-killing gas.
Ffffug, I'm exhausted, how is it already so late.
I'm going to sleep, please keep posting great artwork and writing at the most ungodly of hours.
Let's dream big tonight, /tog/.
Goodnight man.
You're both cringe.
Still one of the good-er pieces.
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Shoutouts to whoever was holding us up as a positive influence on the board in that other crybaby thread. Thanks for repping the team.
What other thread? The in-game S/V Trainer thread is gone.
Nevermind, I see it.
There's a Snover thread about someone on 3chin complaining about people being too mean or cynical on this board. Which, like, yeah, fair. But also c'mon. One of the replies cited "the" OC thread as one of the reasons worth visiting the board for, and we've been the only consistent one since January. I'm just happy to see all of your hard work being recognized.
And for the record, I consider /vp/ one of the most peaceable boards on the site. When people can spend over a month just gushing about how much they love [insert underappreciated mon here], I'm not going to take other people having different tastes as a personal attack.
You're a bit slow on the draw. >>56083802 But yeah I saw it.
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Aw thank you! I do have plans to continue her story and currently have her entire journey more or less mapped out up to skyla (and some ideas on how I want it to end), but right now I'm working on a Miko side story that kinda ties into Ivy's own [picrel].
>Was it mentioned before that Ivy is Marshall's fangirl?
I might have mentioned this briefly in past posts or something, but her admiration and fight with him was teased in the Alex interview when Ivy talks about the worst battle she's ever had.


Timeline wise, I'm placing that interview sometime after Ivy got fired and already reached mainland Unova. I plan on fleshing out her origins and how she came to idolize him a bit more in a later flashback chapter.
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God, I missed this.
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i look away from the thread for a day and my beloved mikoanon comes back???? with food??? holy fuck i'm super looking forward to seeing a continuation of ivy's journey, especially with that fateful rematch waiting for us down the line! lunch break doodle to celebrate
oooh a platinum retelling, looking forward to seeing this continue as well, cool to see more writing get posted
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>Sending in a Delibird against a Kingambit? You'll die to a single Iron Head.
>Wait, you're telling me this nigga has a DRAGONITE and he's not using it? Fucking kids...
I am very curious to see how Ivy will get past the Gyms. I assume she's going to upgrade her team along the way? I wonder what she's going to catch.
>Delibird used Destiny Bond!
Almost every Destiny Bond user outclasses Delibird. Assuming that's in the Terarium, Miko would be better off going into the icy area and catching a Hisuian Qwilfish/Overqwil.
Holy fuck, remember the days when Alex had Overqwil and Revavroom in his team? Now that takes me back. They're still going to show up, I might have him get Varoom off the bat, but they definitely get benched later on.
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You guys are gonna make me cry <3

I lol'd. Miko usually rolls his big ass die to make battle decisions like who to send out. Maybe he'll outgrow these habits someday, but for now, leaving things up to luck makes battles more fun for him. And don't worry, Ivy will have a full team of 6 soon enough :)
also this is so amazing bibi-anon, thank you.
I missed you ;-;
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Welcome back bibibro!
That's cool, glad we're doing something good around the parts
Thank you, bumpbro, I'm about to start the final act. It's hard to channel that cowboy talk while only drinking water and eating almonds.
So much for EIF Chapter 5.
NEXT TIME, DAMN YOU, NEXT TIME. That'll be the vacation week. This is a warm up.
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I've had to report quite a few of the posts in threads just like this for containing CP.
Hey buddy. You just blow in from stupid town or what?
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I have been here since the thread after the thread that restarted this as a general and I've never seen cheesy pizza in my life. Just the usual Shaun Spam.
By the way, I am not Emily. It just doesn't take being Emily to sniff out shitty bait.
No, I'm just informing you that oc threads have heaps of CP sometimes. Just warning y'all.
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Bait, bullshit, or veiled threat, call it.
Not even five minutes after that post, we see someone posting a vore fic as a thread. Seems the Discuckolds are getting more crafty. >>56086784
I mean, he would have a point if this was the Kayda thread, but since that's long over, is back to being null and void.
Bless you, you always see the best in people.
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The legends at tog have been so terminally attached to this thread since the beginning of 2024 that it has forged a singular will and psyche.
Like a cool, edgy, creative, racist, non-ERPing firewall.
Unfortunately this also means that we have taken on all of the negative aspects of this Collective Consciousness, most prominently a gargantuan tendency towards procrastination and inaction.
Nah, I'm just waiting to see if the jannies are awake before I post anything.
A'ight, seems quiet now.


Special thanks to >>56077504 for encouraging this bad idea, to John Wayne movies for providing inspiration, and "A Treasury of American Folklore" edited by BA Botkin for helping to set the tone.
Extra special thanks to (you) for being here. Thank you.
Good night, lads.
Hehe, nice. This is a neat story. This makes me think: what kind of character your OC would be in a western? Seeing >>56073767 makes me think that Tweny would call himself a hard-core desperado, yet people never saw him shot his gun, Bibi a valiant vigilante, yet having the same energy as the girl in that "eto... *blep*" meme. And as for David, I feel this would be his life:
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>most prominently a gargantuan tendency towards procrastination and inaction.
True, I've been slacking super hard on Chapter 2. I even procrastinated on opening 4chan too. Think I'm just in a slump atm.
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Gonna need to start pawing around for some prompts after dealing with nonsense tomorrow
Have you considered getting real exercise and establishing a consistent sleep schedule? You tend to have a scattershot sleep pattern and that isn't good for your hormone balance.
>hormone balance
This feels like a thinly veiled shitfling post. Also no, my issue is just "monkey brain wants selfish RP related stuff involving canon characters" and obviously 90% of people aren't going to indulge that for me and it just has my brain being unmotivated atm as a result. I can write just fine, motivation is just down.
Nah he's right, exercise and consistent sleep sched are absolutely vital. The worst bit is at the start when you actually get yourself to follow the schedule and actually commit to it, but afterwards things get much better.
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That's not the issue.
No but it will make things better, as for the spoiler bit, that's just your tism, cant do much about that
It's MAINLY my tism, like 90%.
Tsundere discord underageb& making sure to bump the thread before purging 30% of the catalog.
>captcha: AKTSH
Sweet fucking Akatosh! A sign!
Nothing but the usual suspects at work. Y'know, if they were smart about their trolling, they'd skip over this thread entirely and try to get it archived during a quiet moment instead of bumping us to the top of the catalog.
Such adoring fans they are.
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There is more than one issue.
What is that supposed to mean?
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Welp, I finally made it on a sunny day. The crab sandwich redemption arc begins now.
I don't think I've seen this oc before
NTA. It's an OC of that Dorian guy from Twitter. I linked their Twitter before but they also do porn/lewd stuff so you need a login to see his stuff.

You can use nitter to bypass that.
The search system is shit but I eventually got it to the right page for people to go directly to it I guess

why are you on the other side, traitor
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Cacti located.
Do you think eyes are a dumb motif? Alex’s main facial gimmick is his (gorgeous) eyes but I’m not sure if regular mentions of his eyes and maybe those of other people would get repetitive. The idea is that his eyes are the primary indicator of his emotions, but that feels very repetitive. They were originally supposed to be really big (like Suzuki Iruma or Venti) but their size got toned down a bit (more like Nagito Komaeda or Sethos now) because I didn’t like how the bigger options on character creators looked.
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Ahh, that's what I was hoping for: The golden desert crown in its full majesty. An early bloomer, I hope it grows massive this summer.
As a MAIN gimmick it's dumb. As something on the SIDE, it's fine imo
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dunno who's those people that you listed are, just don't overfixate on eyes like i did with SUNSETS
Eyes are a brilliant motif. The issue with relying on eyes as the main source of information is that it's the kind of motif that works best, appropriately enough, in a visual medium. I'm not saying it isn't possible--it's very doable, but it should be saved for critical moments in the narrative. Conservation of important detail.
When I said that it’s his “main gimmick” what I really meant to say that it’s his most striking feature followed by his hair and skin, and then his lips. His eyes are his primary seduction and intimidation (paired with his smile) tactic while his hair and skin are mostly compliments to his face, his smile or lack of one only really gets mentioned when he goes Tanya >>56077135
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cute cacti
Bump before bed just to be sure, see you goons later.
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I'm laughing but it hurts. It hurts a lot.
So, the fascinating thing about Lake Michigan is that it is, functionally, a naturally-occurring rail cannon. Unlike any of the other Great Lakes or inland seas, Lake Michigan has no harbors, it is a straight line from north to south. Wind will travel from the north and become "boxed in" and forced down the barrel. That momentum will build and build and build with nothing to slow it down until it touches the southern shoreline and disperses. Storms can form and rocket out of the Lake very quickly; and the water's currents can go from calm to inescapable, invisible deathtraps in a moment's notice. Those waves you're seeing are about three feet high, I've seen them as tall as ten feet. What you're not seeing is the fast-moving riptide underneath. Of all the drownings and sunken ships in the four Great Lakes, 50% of them occur in Lake Michigan. Yes, anons, The Lake is an angry god and it hungers.
It's not all doom and gloom though for us treasure-hunters: these strong winds and currents pull sediment from the lakebed onto shore. This sediment goes a long way towards making Illinois and Indiana some of the most fertile soil in America, but more importantly, the rail cannon also spits out ancient crinoid (Lileep) fossils for us to collect!
Well, they have to do this on the low. They managed to cut the "main" nitter site, so this is more of a branch.
Hunt crab
Cut head
Cook crab
Make sandwich
Become ungovernable
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>someone overhears me mention biking from Chicago
>then other people overhear
>then I have a whole crowd asking me questions and looking for more war stories from Uncle Archivist
>uwu, how's that chili burger you're eating
>tell me more about that rattlesnake you saw
(I saw a rattlesnake out on the cactus trail, by the way)
I just wanted my crab sandwich, bros. Instead I started a cult of personality. Again. I gotta get outta here.
Gonna be honest, I wished more people cared about this one.

Been trying to pull away from lewd stuff more in recent months. It stops being fun when it's the only thing people care about. Though I suppose I dug that hole.
Guess it's the whole sex sells bit. Draw porn of some kind and people of that niche will start flocking over for that thing only.
But yea I get you, drawing anything but that failing to get as many numbers, sort of makes you gravitate towards that king of content, but it's not fun anymore after a while. Only thing left really at that point is just self improvement, getting better at art in general to the point people will come over for the quality in and of itself.
Though personally I stopped caring about numbers some time ago, I already am my biggest fan and biggest hater, everything else I need is to just get better for my own sake.
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Just kidding. It's entirely your fault for making Mort such a cutie. Based takes on copyright, thank you for pirating photoshop, your reversed Gallade are very cute together. Feel free to hang out with us.
From the sea to the desert to the forest, now to the swamp. Yo, what is up, Mimikyutube, it's ya boy, Archivist, reporting to you loud and proud from the Great Marsh. No, not the one from Sinnoh, this one was here first. I wanted to take some photos of the beaver dam out here, but it's so overgrown with reeds and wildflowers that if I didn't already see it a few months ago, I would never look twice at it. The bullfrogs are out in force this afternoon, croaking a rhythmic droning hum that sounds like a herd of cattle performing a ritual to summon Moloch. It's nice having a day all to yourself, but I'm gonna have to start making my way to the train station soon.
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Even though Bibi is supposed to be "a ray of sunshine", I like the idea that if you push her hard enough, she just goes absolutely berserk
Archivist, you missed one yet again.
My bad, G. You should draw her smacking a newspaper over the head of a tall, muscular skinhead with a thick beard and tacky Hawaiian shirt.
Y'know. As a joke.
Ha. Haha.
Brief cobble update, I have nothing to update. But silasbro if you're reading this, can you see if we can get some form of shop setup over here? Could even be setup in the stands right in front of the pokecenter, which itself is in great need of renovation (too fucking cramped, honestly idk what I can do about it, but I'll see)
And in the offchance we can get shops setup, see if we can get one for dusk stones, dunno how and why but I am in need of like three, and it's the only stone we don't got
>Been trying to pull away from lewd stuff
Good luck. I feel these days everything has been reduced to flashing colors and noises, shitty horror stuff, and porn.
And for some reason, porn is fusing with horror. Men of the internet, xenomorphs were supposed to be horrifying, not a bad vessel for your bug/pregnancy fetish.
Drop the diet, Tes.
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Once you start collecting bird website likes, you can't recycle it and backtrack into (You)s.
You have to start anew. Shed your skin.
Dusk stones, huh?
What you looking to evolve?
this thread is pretty much my only reason to check vp most days
goddamn, another masterpiece, absolutely living for phos' speeches. cool to see this alternate spin on their rivalry!
neglected to bring it up before but as non-canon as it is, imagining the gremlin with a british accent hits me in my gap moe loving heart
i love the little blueberry uniform touches you added to his gi
>"eto... *blep*"
added to my list of things to animate.....
haha yeah despite the smiles and cheer she definitely has a temper, probably has to be held back from scuffling with carmine when they first meet because of it, and there's the whole thing with drayton. growing past that sort of emotional volatility is part of the arc i imagine for her but when it comes to how those three express unfiltered rage that manifestation of emotion as some sort of physical action rather than verbal response probably never changes for bibi
nta but lol, we'll see
Hoo, boy, the sunburn is starting to show...
>absolutely living for phos' speeches. cool to see this alternate spin on their rivalry!
I just want to let you know, however much fun you had reading those boasts pales compared to how much fun I had writing them. Maybe you can tell because those three paragraphs are the longest stretch of uninterrupted dialogue I've ever written.
But yeah, it was a lot of fun to invert their personalities like that and make the Red Desperado a vile piece of talkative shit while the Sheriff in White is a Clint Eastwood-type noble and honorable lawman.
No, I don't plan to do anything else like that. My schedule this work weekend and next week will be busy enough.
Hey guys, non burger reporting That I got banned
I'll explain tomorrow, I don't want to lose this IP because then I won't post.
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>It stops being fun when it's the only thing people care about.
People are like that regardless of what you do. Gen Z is fucking cooked. Literal slaves to porn and tiktok-esque content and the virus has even spread to older gens and will have a fucking DEATH GRIP on Gen Alpha when they come of age-- among other equally detrimental forms of brainrot hitting the new gens and even seeping to older people. There's a reason why most of 4chan outside of this thread, including other boards, is just gooning.
Hopefully this isn't actually the aforementioned artist. Surely you have better places and better social circles to be in than this place....right?
>imagining the gremlin with a british accent hits me in my gap moe loving heart
but why tho
Tbf, you privately goon to yuri, don't act so high and mighty.
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I don't even goon to yuri I don't look at actual true lesbian porn at all and this is bad bait but I'm gonna punch down on you anyway. Yuri is an avenue of cute, moe fluffy romance stories involving 2 cute anime girls for me. Also gooners literally have no attention span for anything but porn and tiktok content. I focus on long-term, story driven related writing and only have smut interests once in a literal blue moon. Not a gooner.
>Yuri is an avenue of cute, moe fluffy romance stories involving 2 cute anime girls for me
OR, a nice scene of lesbians making out. Don't believe me? Watch any Marnie x Gloria pic ever.
>OR, a nice scene of lesbians making out.
Ehhhhhhh....not that interesting to me, the fluff leading up to a kiss bit is more interesting to me.
>he's never heard of heart boners
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I'm a yurifag and even I don't know what the fuck that is or what that means
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No, I just don't hang out with the weirdos that use weirdo lingo.
>self proclaimed maximum yurifag
>on the mongolian basket weaving forum
lol lmao
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>maximum yurifag
Huh?? Bruh just go to bed, your bait's getting worse, I'm just a yuri enjoyer that isn't mentally ill or an actual gooner.
>Not knowing heart boners
>A heart-on, if you will

C'mon guys, something sexy yet so cute your heart skips a beat.
No need to beat the meat that beats on it's own.
Okay you definitely need to go to bed, 90% was an indicator of how much my "tism" was the reason why I am in a writing slump. It literally had nothing to do with my "yurifag rating". No more (You)'s for you beyond this point tonight.
Fool read my post wrong and deleted out of shame.
No I was being too mean.
Have a good night, bro
Doubt. I just woke up and your brain don't work well, go to bed.
same reason i love franco's naming sense and gave bibi tsurimes, it's alllll about the contrast between what you expect vs what you get. i think you'd expect a girl as wallflowery and tough as emily to have a sort of quiet cool voice that lacks an accent so her having a british accent or throwing around uk slang is unexpected, and because of that, cute/exciting. not saying it's something to change about her i just find the idea cute is all
Well she already throws around small bits of foreign slang. Not just "Oi". Anything beyond that is beyond my willingness to re-write things. Making her Galarian would mean a huge backstory re-write and I also can't write out British accents for shit.
I think Emily having no accent yet having small slang moments is a cute idea.
I'd imagine she would say some weeb terms, albeit grithing her teeth, or faking a fake accent and slangs when going incognito.
Well, last three. Any ideas for the new thread?
I dunno about fake accents. Between my own poor ability to write accents and just Emily not being much of an actor it'd probably just be bits of slang and foreign words from time to time.
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Sketch of my Electric Gym Leader OC. She’s the lead singer of a grunge band.
She looks rad
We hit bump limit, we need thread tasks and for someone other than me to bake.
Thread Question: What classic fantasy RPG class would your OC be?
Thread Task: Draw your OC as a fantasy RPG class
300 sec plz
/tog/-formers! Transform and roll out!

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