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No gay boys edition.

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: What classic fantasy RPG class would your OC be?

>Thread task: Draw your OC as a fantasy RPG class

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

Previous thread: >>56066907
I was Iono Zoner before Iono Zone
Axel's Dragapult is going to be mad
not only his dragapult
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Get Iono Zoned
Oh, I remember you asking about toxtricity forms a few weeks ago. Have you made a decision on that yet?
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Read the latest Wild West What-If of Eons in Flux here since I don't wanna get out of bed to update the archives yet:
Oh fug, lads, I'm cherry red this morning. There's an important takeaway from yesterday's adventure: Pokemon are not a Trainer's best friends; that accolade goes to aloe vera.
Let's have a soothing day today, /tog/.
I'm gonna make an Aloe fakemon. Sounds like a fun idea.
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Sketch of my Electric Gym Leader. Thoughts?
>Sounds like a fun idea.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind catching a few of those to have around the house. Godspeed.
Bump. I'm procrastinating the fic AGAIN, this time by playing Doom 2016 cause a friend helped me pirate it cause Id Software don't deserve shit for kowtowing to Bethesda.
I’ll include both!
The punishments and bumps will continue until morale/desire to do stuff improves.
I take back every nice thing I said about the weekenders on Monday. My next three days are going to set a new standard in tedium.
A fine choice. What kind of color pallet do you have in mind for Tes? As it is now, her hairstyle has her looking like Mela on Casual Friday to me. Not a bad thing, mind, it's just something I can't help but notice. The lighting bolt blush stickers on her cheeks are a cute touch.
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>Step 1: Use Kilowattrel as Meteor Beam setup fodder
>Step 2: Wait
>Step 3: Bird has been obliterated. Special Attack increased. Go Tera Poison.
>Step 4: OKO the rest of Iono's team with Earth Power until Mismagius
>Step 5: OKO Mismagius with Sludge Wave because Iono isn't smart enough to reserve her Tera
Rika better btw
Now you must become a member and send four akasupas to Iono
What punishments?
If I had a nickel for every time I was presented with an obscure Japanese term vaguely related to cooming that only Tweny knows about, I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.
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>thread question
ooh i think i got into this one before, bibi would either take on some sorta tanky class like a paladin, a close range fighter who has defensive skills/abilities that let her support squishy teammates OR a gimmick class like the vampire from bravely default, something that's got crafty tricks and finicky combos. picrel has her spamming all the heavy hitting but hp draining attacks from black knight to play off vampire's autores. maybe i can draw knight bibi later tonight
cute! i love the subtle little electricity motifs like the neckline turning into a thunderbolt, think we can get a color palette?
ouch, hope that clears up quick. remember that sunscreen is also your friend
whoops, the sunscreen bit was meant for >>56092210
You know me, I'm literally invincible. Aloe Vera, water, and a strong dose of collagen means I'll be back to normal by Sunday night.
Alex would be a Gunslinger (Ranger in settings omitting firearms) focused primarily on sniping opponents from long distances with capabilities for close combat in an an emergency.
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>Step 6: Get your ass carried in drunk step-dad style by Tweny
alex, day to day you make me think you are that one raging rikafag who was humbled by all real men on 4chan
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I have no idea who that is. This sounds like something that happened before I regularly started using /vp/ again.
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tweny isn't carrying anything with a physique like that
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then you wouldn't mind if i remind everyone that rika is a tranny ass shit character that attracts only faggots and hairy-cunt females? cuz he is lolololololololololo
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getting wasted with my friend. this vodka almost burned a hole in me. almost

of coursei je will. just look at his powerful wrist!
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Luke would be a Fighter/Ranger
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If he ever learns Stone Edge, he should probably also pick up something that gives him an accuracy buff.
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she so cute
I just need a turn to set up rocks
i threw out
Good you didn't throw up
>played Doom 2016 from start to finish in a single sitting
>have a headache now
>thread question
Do Blue Mages count as a fuckin' applicable fantasy RPG class?
Probably just your average mage/wizard class
Doesn't work, what about Battlemage? Since those melee and use special magic shit at the same time.
I don't play TTRPGs, that sounds like a homebrew class that's a mix of an Artificer and Wizard
Pretty sure Battlemages are actual things.
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>Does [class from fantasy RPG] count as a fuckin' applicable fantasy RPG class?
Yeah, prolly.
That would just be Red Mage. Or the Elf race if we want to go by 1st Edition D&D.
I never played D&D. And idk some people are finicky so I figured I'd ask.
I wouldn't know.
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Any way you want to cut it, you have historical precedence.
Did you guys hear David got banned for doxxing people on /vg/, hacking into their computers, and getting them targeted by a Venezuelan drug cartel?
I didn't think he had it in him, he always seemed like such a good kid.
I did hear that
This is the first I'm hearing of it.
shitstirring faggot alert, do not respond
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It sounds more like Phos Guy making a joke tbfh
i got SOBER from two shots of vodka

don't know how this shit works, prolly magic

i hate magic
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Some day you will learn, anon
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Is good to be back.

I wish, I did something worse:
Try to get people play Palworld. This board gave me a monster catcher rpg section in my gaming board, but when *I* suggest something else, is "off topic". Screw you, mods, there's a Palworld thread RIGHT NOW, and is only to make people have it rent free on their heads rather than being happy there's another option in the huge spectrum of monster catching games.
Anyway, back to business

David would be a monk. Great for close combat with good movement and speed.
Sadly, doesn't have range protection, but he has access to a small healing spell, so is good for bait n switch.
Option to upgrade into a swordmaster.
David and Luke would be good melee buddies.
I like how cute Emily looks with the bolter, even if she has enough firepower to rip my top half clean with one single shot.
i spent like a hour to find one draft that fits tq and tt fuuuuug
I still haven't seen a good argument for as to why firearms wouldn't exist in the Pokemon world other than "durr people use Pokemon to fight instead so nobody ever came up with guns" which the same can be applied to cars, but we still see cars in Pokemon (hell, we even got a car Pokemon now) and we even saw firearms in the K-K-K-K-KANTO anime.

Potential "night raid" outfit inspiration for Alex I guess
It's supposed to be a shotgun cause I was zoning out playing the entirety of Doom 2016 in a single 7 hour sitting.
How big is your Emily folder?
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Bing AI is super file size efficient and I only have 700 MB in total on AIslop of Emily despite totaling in at ~3100 files across the different renditions of Emily I make bing churn out slop for. And most of the pics never see the light of day cause I don't attach an Emily picture to EVERY post I make.
>>Thread question: What classic fantasy RPG class would your OC be?
Hasumi would definitely be a necromancer, something something, full on AINZ OOAL GOWN and shit (minus the skellington part).

Picrel is unrelated to both question and task, but I finally got around to messing around with this one lacey lora I found for sd1.5. Shit's good, might play with it more.
Anyway my final exam is in a good 30 hours, after which I should be able to fully commit to my backlog of drawfaggotry. Not telling anyone to expect anything, but please do expect something in the following months
He's not wrong, really.
Cute story, cuter spoiler image. That is pretty fucking heinous though, pokemon fans get very upset when confronted with superior products and you should be more sensitive.
People argue that firearms don't exist in pokemon? I know people argue about the anime vs games all the time, but even in games we have mentions of humans fighting along and against pokemon.
>Lt. Surge was an Air Force pilot whose Pokemon saved him when his plane stalled out (in DA WAR)
>multiple Pokemon have the Bulletproof Ability
>explosives ranging from fireworks to WMDs exist and have been used on Pokemon like Chesnaught
>duurrr, what's a bullet?
It's a very flimsy argument built on willful ignorance, like claiming humans procreate through mitosis because you never see anyone having sex ingame. The point is it's not the point, so it doesn't show up.
>captcha: H4G JR
Isn't that just a mean way of saying Hex Maniac?
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First Anna, now Lacey. Hasumi has a great eye for cute, innocent girls.
Just make her lizz out with Emily, and we'll have the cutest (and sexist) yuri bair ever.

Ehhh... I wouldn't call Palworld the "superior product" since it leans hard on the Pokémon inspiration. I will say that many /vp/layers get mindbroken when you put something extra on the table that isn't Pokémon, even when is Pokémon at heart (looking at you Nexomon/Coromon).
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Would it be a dumb idea for Alex to find it somehow? My current idea is that he gets one in he breaks into the Terarium along with getting Overqwil. I also had the idea that he makes it wear plastic bags over its claws when not fighting so that it can help him carry stuff like Golisopod (since it doesn't get out much). It's a faster Poison option than Dragalge and provides Fighting coverage as well. But I'm not sure if having both Sneasel evolutions would be ridiculous.
Sidestepping actual "off-topic" discussion, it's indisputable that the P-word is more stable in an alpha build than Scarlet and Violet is in its final release.
Yes it would be dumb, you minmaxing munchkin. Why bring back an extinct species just to put it through a humiliation ritual by wrapping it up in plastic bags. You don't need it.
>Why bring back an extinct species just to put it through a humiliation ritual by wrapping it up in plastic bags?
Not the same, but didn't scientists brought back fossilmons to present day? And let's not get into Genesect. A rich teenager with a Godhood complex bringing competitive Weavile just to make it carry stuff isn't far fetched.
Obviously, at this point Axel may as well be the Kaiba of /tog/.
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He doesn't bring it back from extinction, he finds it when he breaks into the Terarium. It migrated elsewhere like Overqwil and got preserved somehow.
Also, he isn't even the only one who has a meta variant of a normal species, Hasumi has a Zoro-H somehow
Distinction without a difference. It is being reintroduced into the narrative for the sole purpose of demonstrating "teehee, aren't I--err, isn't Alex such a meanie??"
And Hasumi isn't trying to wave her ladydick in everyone's faces each week. No. You don't need it. End of discussion.
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>It is being reintroduced into the narrative for the sole purpose of demonstrating "teehee, aren't I--err, isn't Alex such a meanie??"
The plastic bags thing is so you don't get poison all over everything, it's for safety reasons
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Here she is in color!
>Flannel shirt
>Ripped jeans
>Black mid tops sneakers
This is peak 90s rock. Just swap the shoes for combat boots, and is peak grunge.
Aaah, the pieces fall into place. The Electrike hair is a really good idea.
What does EW mean?
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Redesigned her lower body.
Das it, mane.
Extinct in wild
Ah, got it.
Alex strikes me as the kind of antagonist that before his last pokemon is KO'd, he busts out a Sacred Ash and tells you "Skill issue".
Kind of like that, but you missed the post where he just pulls out a gun and mag dumps your mons.
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was supposed to do the thread task but fuck, i hate drawing armor. i'll finish it tomorrow
the electrike hair and toxtricity guitar are so fun, had to doodle her
good luck on the exam, looking forward to seeing more art from you
Had a dream that I had woken up from a different dream and somebody was declaring that they were abandoning the thread and never coming back; citing a lack of respect, not getting enough feedback, and too many people being rude to them. No mention was ever given as to who was so incensed or what set them off.
I told em "see ya tomorrow" and went back to sleep.
Hey, beaux. That's some of the most crisp lineart I've seen from you in a spell. Nicely done.
That's because it can be found regilarly in Paldea (lie) . H Zoruas appear in the Sorrocat trail in base SV (lie) , so it's probably not even endangered (lie) and no I absolutely totally entirelly did not misread the bulbapedia page hahaha...
>>56096765 (me)
Ok fuck yeah I will have to find some way to cope about this, cause when I initially formed her team, I was looking through the options and what was actually feasible for her to have while still fitting thematically or from a character standpoint. When I got to H Zoroark (which I already previously had a bias towards because the design is cool as hell) I misread the bulbapedia page for locations because reading is illegal, and mistook the entry for unovan as hisuian.
But H Zoroark is already an indispensable part of her, so I cannot and will not change it to "fit" some self imposed constraints. That said (cope incoming), H-Zoroarks are formed when regular ones die in harsh conditions, and they seethe about it so hard they come back to life, so in theory as long as there is some environment where that can happen, they shouldn't be extinct (or if they do at one point go extinct, there should remain the possibility to make a comeback as a species)
I will need to look into things a bit more and think out something a bit more complex than my initial layout of events, but I can probably make do just fine.
Sorry to have to let you know, but that's hella lame and gay, the doctor prescribes you to not turn your oc into a massive faggot.
The Zoroark wraiths are rare because living Zoroark are rare. There's a lot fewer of them getting into territory disputes with superstitious settlers and being hunted down and exterminated along with their kits now that humanity owns the planet these days.
As you say, as long as there's a Zoroark too angry to die, or too protective of an abandoned child to let go, their ghostly counterparts will still be out there far away from the prying eyes of humanity, carrying their hatred on the nocturnal winds.
>As long as there's a Zoroark too angry to die, or too protective of an abandoned child to let go
Wait, so H Zoroark is furry Doomslayer? Then what is Annihilape?
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>Then what is Annihilape
Monke Akuma.
>There's a lot fewer of them getting into territory disputes with superstitious settlers
That doesn't seem to be it. Most of them seem to die off from the harsh weather. Remember, in PLA you find these guys in the ice/snow area, and even more, in underground ice tunnels/cave complexes. So I speculate that large amounts of (unovan) Zoroark migrated to Hisui, were forced from one reason to another to the winter area, and succumbed to the climate. A portion of them would be seething at the current predicament and turn into the Hisui variant we all know and love.
>too angry to die
Quite the opposite, they're so angry they come back after dying. Annihilape on the other hand got so angry it caused their death (and subsequent revival)

Anyhow, the main issue remains that by now the Zoroarks were well acclimated to the Paldean environment, as proven by the large amounts of wild unovan Zoroarks and nonexistent amounts of hisuian ones. Only way I can twist this around a faborable position is to assume Zoroarks were brought in either via sea to North province area three, or by land from the nondescript uncharted part in NE Paldea (assuming that Paldea is somewhat faithful to Spain's geography and that there would be another region there), then made the harsh migration through the Glaseado mountains (and the bit west of the river that connects to Casseroya lake) westward until they reached their current environment.
That or the eastern coast of the lake would be the most probable places they went, but from my own experience playing the game in that area, I'm more inclined towards the former. This in turn I believe leaves me enough speculative wiggle room that Hisuian Zoruas/Zoroarks might exist in present day Paldea. I merely lack any form of evidence or backing besides my own word, which is good enough. Not to mention that Hisuian Growlithes, Voltorbs and Gwillfishes have been confirmed to still exist in this timeframe, so the precedent is there.
Sacred Ash is something I imagine would be nigh unobtainable because of how rare the bird is. I imagine only the game protagonists that meet it have a bag.

Also, Alex isn’t really an antagonist, he’s just such an asshole that he can’t reasonably be considered heroic except by circumstance. The worst thing he does is rip off the Alolans with an oil deal when he tracks the thief down to there.
>The worst thing he does is rip off the Alolans with an oil deal when he tracks the thief down to there.
Koa won't be happy. I also wonder how did he managed to avoid the Tapus' attacks, considering they destroy everything that they don't want.
NTA. But those claws just aren't good for carrying anything at all. He'd be better off getting something with actual digits
Well, he doesn’t really do much to harm the environment, the main harm comes from him getting a deal too good to be true from them. If the urbanization of certain areas didn’t upset them, aside from the Tapu Bulu incident I don’t see any potential Tapu seething. It’s not like Hemlock completely transforming the islands and it’s mostly just a side plot like him murdering Team Skull grunts for fun. He’s primary goal in Alola is tracking down the guy who stole 10 million dollars from him. I’m thinking of also making him an ex-member of “Sam’s” mob that he swore to “wipe off the face of the fucking Earth” so there’s also an additional emotional component to it where he’s a bit more reluctant but also feels like he owes it to himself to finish the job.
Nice! I wonder if you could draw her in full body.
Marcus Aurelius, God-King of Aspergers, once said
>At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work—as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I'm going to do what I was born for— the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?
Yes, Marky-moo. The answer is yes.
Be honest, do you think this is anyone here in particular? This is the kind of behavior that I fear I may one day exhibit for whatever reason
I for one doubt it. If the thread were to die one way or another, it will be when people will stop making them, which would come out of a lack of content. In fact that's exactly how the edgyverse threads died, people ran out of things to laugh at that they haven't laughed at three times the previous thread.
In that case, it seems like the decline will be slow but inevitable. There has been a massive content drought with only EIF having somewhat consistent uploads. Nobody makes Pastebins anymore with the odd exception of Miko recently publishing his thing with Ivy. We are never getting the early year content stream back and it will probably only get worse since Phos is basically the only one publishing now.
Nah, my subconscious just had a lot on its mind that it needed to sort out last night and "I hope my little togchamps are doing alright" is always a topic.
The wacky thing about lucid-dreaming is that, if you do it often enough, you start to realize that the movie Inception is actually a documentary and that it is very possible to get caught in an endless loop of waking up from one lucid dream into another. It can be fun for a while but I really hope that glitch gets patched in the next server refresh.
The nice thing about creativity is that, while threads and generals wax and wane, there's always going to be a few people who dream of doing something more. /tog/ will end, and new people will step in to take its place in the next season with new ideas and new directions. Maybe some of us will be there to see it, maybe some of us will be spending that time with friends and loved ones for a change instead.
>you start to realize that the movie Inception is actually a documentary
I wish I could understand this, because I lucid dream enough to remember all my dreams, but never get the meaning.
Like today: I only played PUBG mobile, checked /vp/, see some lewds, work. When I went to bed, I dreamed about being part of the French Cavalry, and ride into combat, IN MODERN DAY WORLD. I saw a modern train next to the fields I was travelling.
And then, the dream swapped to me being a vampire creating havoc in the US, and then moving to the UK. But there was a gaming component, so when I went to my hotel, a man who I had 4 friendship stars (out of 5) waited for me, shot me with holy bullets at point blank, and then a fat black guy appeared and body slammed me.

What did I ate or drink to see this? All I did was making some tea and take a piece of cake!
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>Thread question: What classic fantasy RPG class would your OC be?
I originally thought of Miko being something like a wizard (for aesthetics) or a bard (for childlike jovial nature), but decided on him being a rogue since he has an eyepatch and loves the thrill of risks. Ivy would definitely be some sort of martial class like a barbarian or monk. Maybe she multiclasses into cleric so she can retain her healer attributes.
>Thread task: Draw your OC as a fantasy RPG class
[picrel] Tried mimicking final fantasy art for this one, but I don't think rogue Miko looks much like miko here lol. Maybe I'll try and come up with a real design in my usual style.

It's cool seeing the process from drawing to digital. The colors came as a surprise to me, but I think they look nice.
Also pretty neat seeing how changing the clothes can change a characters personality so much. The jeans and sneakers implied a sort of tomboy vibe- I could see her playing in a garage band or something. The skirt, leggings, and boots make her seem more like an edgy rocker chick, maybe she plays gigs on actual stages.

I missed bibianon art so much. Bibi looks so cute in her vampire attire and I love seeing other OC's in your style. It's a little glimpse of how everyone would look in the bibiverse :P

It seems like you had some sort of story planned out for Dragalge and inter-team connectedness with Kingdra. If you think Sneasler fits better for Alex's team, by all means go ahead, but it seems silly to throw away what you had because Sneasler has better stats or whatever.
Well Kingdra and Dragalge aren’t actually in the same team, sometimes Kingdra replaces Dragalge when he needs more anti-Fire and Ground coverage without opening up all of the vulnerabilities that Samurott (Hisui) has, since Kingdra fights from range. If you don’t care about an early game twist, their connection is that Kingdra is the son of Dragalge that was born back when the invasive Skrelp decided it would be funny to shag a Horsea. Mom might be caught as well and given to his mother or just left in the wild. My main concern for Dragalge is it’s absolutely abysmal speed which cursed it to drop a Smogon tier for every generation it inhabits (went from RUBL (UU) to RU to NUBL (RU) to NU), which combined with being a special attacker means that, in “anime logic” means that something faster can just rush it and grab it by the tail effectively disabling it. I came with a pseudo-remedy for this in the form of Scale Shot (learns it in game too) but having to nuke your own defense in order to have viable speed is another can of worms especially when you’re supposed to be specially defensive to cover Archaludon’s hideous special defense stat. I already spoke about type weaknesses before and don’t feel like going over that ordeal again.
Semi-related but I don’t consider Scale Shot to actually fire off parts of your body, you just fire scale shaped Draconic energy from your scale sections so in the case of Dragalge it has to turn on its side and fire squares from its purple body while Kingdra fires it from its yellow part. Don’t think I’m going forward with Sneasler but I wanted to at least entertain the idea.
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yo, finally finished this draft. Not like its 100% fits the question, since it was made as another "what if tweny and nono deltarune"

lets be honest, iono is that type of girl who will pick the warrior class and break faces with it, but here i gave her some techno-look, calling it "techno-biologist" FUNNILY, IVE READ HOMESTUCK AFTER I DREW THE DRAFT

Tweny is the guy who loves to nuke bosses with shitload of damage, but also have a stealth option, so WoW's rouge is the best choice (i love this class)

on picrel he's resembling a musketeer, a shadow musketeer!. its a little homage to chariot requiem since its my favorite stand

gon d00 it

alex, you like pokemon, dont you? :)

her zig-zags on cheeks remind me of ash. like the lightning cut out on her shirt. how much youve done so far?

oooooooooh, an art and a good one! ROUGE BROS

also i havent ate all day to stay hyperfixated on arts
Oh, you're one of those total nonsense dreamers, huh. Lucid dreaming isn't just remembering what you've dreamed--it's when your conscious mind isn't fully asleep like it's supposed to be and able to influence what your subconscious mind is doing. Instead of being a passive observer of your dreams, you're actually able to go off-script if you choose to.
In that Inception example, I decided "I should wake up now, and if I do, I'll check in on the thread."
So instead of actually waking up, my brain created a perfect simulation of my bedroom, complete with perfectly simulated phoneposting. Then I went back to sleep. Except I was never actually awake--I just jumped from one layer of dreams to another. I wake up, everything is exactly as I remember it, I eventually drag myself out of bed to start my morning routine. I shower, shave my head, touch up my neck scruff; I wake up and everything is exactly as I remember it. I go through my morning routine. I wake up. I wake up. I wake up. Am I actually awake this time? I go through my morning routine, I pack my lunch, I start traveling to work. Where are all the people? I wake up, and everything is exactly as I remember it. Repeat until reality has lost all meaning to you.
That is the lucid dreaming Inception bug. Speedrunners hate it, it's pure RNG and can absolutely tank a run time if you don't know how to avoid it.
>a perfect simulation
Is it actually a perfect simulation? Or does it simply retard our senses to detect imperfections?
I remember dreams of that scenario, that by all means felt real and genuine while in it, but once I woke up properly and went over it, a lot of details simply did not add up, and it should've been obvious.
> Tried mimicking final fantasy art for this one, but I don't think rogue Miko looks much like miko here
A true student of Amano's David Bowie impressions, very nice attention to detail.
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Oh look, he finally took those knife lessons.
Why do you do this to yourself?
You know I'm a stickler for trivial details. Everything from the angle of the lighting from the window to the position of the bank statements on my floor or the Switch that has been sitting off the charger for three weeks now is exactly where it should be. The bathroom counter is a mess, the steam on the shower wall is authentic, it only starts to get a little weird if I step outside and see something truly out of place like a 9-foot tall pale-blue humanoid loitering near a mailbox down the street. Then the loop resets and surely I'm awake this ti--nope, it's staring in the window now, reset. Go through my morning routine and--would I go to jail if I tried to hit this thing with my car?
Lucid nightmares are fun.
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to go along with knight bibi we've got some kind of mage/bard hybrid alto and ninja tes, for that fighter/mage/thief style trio! if i had thought to include nyx she'd be a cleric/white mage archetype since as dark as she dresses she's got that meek, timid, borderline doormat personality on top of a habit to act as a caregiver
i really love how varied the art you post is, absolutely gorgeous take on the ff logos! also since i don't write i do try my best to post enough art to make up for that :P i missed you as well, don't go disappearing on us again or i'll pick up gambling myself to fill the miko shaped void in my heart
maybe when i clear some stuff out of my art backlog i'll draw tesla and alto rocking out
i'll never not envy how clean your lines and colors are, i can never get anything more than a sketch done in a timely manner, love it as always friendo
ah yes, bbanon, the man i was thinking about when drawing this. funny how i think about how good your coloring and desgins are

i unironically find this funny

love pokemon-themed armour,
awww, she looks adorable there! but forgive me, i have to make the joke
>alright bibi, now hit the second tower
9/11 joke is a 50% why i love this "girl that flies like a plane and has motor sounds" thing
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initially, i always imagined it like this. in-universe this is a odd thought that stuck inside tweny's head and he cant stop thinking how silly this is
Sorry I haven't been around much at all.
Busy with water, commissions and of course, the project.
Circe AND Grym are being used in the project as side characters, but I'll still post them here when I have the time. They were made as Pokémon Trainer OCs first, after all.
Go to bed Sh**n
good to see you again anon! keep us updated on what shenanigans our local gothic lolitas get up to
Glad you're still around bro, haven't seen you in a hot minute
>busy with water
Didnt know team aqua was hiring
It was a typo, he meant to say "busy with war" after becoming a private military contractor in Lebanon. The pay is good, but the wifi connection is terrible.
Thanks for checking in, darling. Mail me some shell casings when you get home.
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>Draw as fantasy classes
I haven't really checked out these threads too much, poked my head in a few weeks back just to say hello. Who are the sort of established OCs that get brought up often? I want to get a little caught up and introduced. Don't just say your own, either, I wanna hear what you all have to say about one another more than anything.
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i add some sweetness itt so this fag wil coope

tweny asked ionos mother how much for this photo and she said she will call the police
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I need to stop procrastinating the fic but the creative flow ain't flowing.....
Well, we usually avoid talking about an unique group. After all, that killed all the OG thread
>It wasn't-
THAT was after they started to center around a group. But anyway. The most common are:

Fighting student in Naranja academy. Cutie with glasses and a heart of gold who, after a traumatic event, choose to live life to the fullest.
>Phos and Franco
Our "Aeon Flux" of the thread. Phos is a rogue girl who enjoys freedom and peace, and is fighting against Franco, a man obsessed with progress and growth. Both ironically complement each other, because Phos, while wild, wants some form of stability in her life. As for Franco, his actions for progress are fighting against his personal wish of peace. He is not against calm days, he is only against complacency.
>Tweny 25 Tennyson
Our wacky boy from Sinnoh. While coming from a cultured land, he doesn't know anything about history. I mean, zero, nothing, nada. This guy, strangely, is a very skilled trainer, and wants to discover the tales of the Pokémon world. Obsessed with Iono (that he calls as nono in an endearing yet mocking way), and wearing a strange red colored watch (that he can't remove for some reason)
Our small time adventurer, small time crook, full time valiant rogue. Sylas is a trainer who lives and works in Lylicove Docks with his father. His biggest dream is to sail the world and discover the sunk treasures of old. Sadly, all he can do for now is being a guy obsessed with the 5 finger discount whenever a ship reaches the dock. Maybe someday he will have enough money to buy a small boat and start. At least his Volbeat is there to cheer him up.
Our full neutral sociopath. A guy who at early age learned that friendship and kinship are lies, and uses his Pokémon as tools. Always the cunning man, he makes them be as powerful as possible to have a competitive team. This, however, doesn't mean he cares. They are means to an end, and his end is to destroy the remnants of Team Plasma.
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Still wild to me that you actually lurks here, makes one wonder what drove you to come here of all places as opposed to the usual social avenues most people that can draw as well as you do usually take. But I'll refrain from actually asking about that for now.
The whole show is dominated by a mentally-unstable Ukrainian travel blogger who can drink a bottle of rum and then shit out ten thousand-word stories in an afternoon. Has an ongoing novella series carrying the thread on its shoulders.
There is an Argentinian self-insert currently b& for posting cartel execution videos in /mlp/. David is a pretty easygoing guy, he just does a little trolling. Keeps the lights on in the thread when everyone else is away.
Our resident heel fighter Alex announced his entrance to the thread by declaring he would make the best villain OC ever. All he really does is annoy the Ukrainian. Currently agonizing over which shade of red to wear and writing a 30-part fanfic saga.
Tweny, our schizophrenic /co/ ambassador, is great at making OPs and generating discussion. No one knows what he's doing, least of all himself.
Emily, our resident Superman stand-in, has been described as a rock in a stream, content to do their own thing and not caring about what others do. Currently oscillating between writing a fanfic and gambling addiction. Anyone stronger than Emily is a tryhard and anyone more evil than Alex is a faggot.
Bibi anon is our mainstay artist and ray of sunshine. Occasionally writes, prefers not to.
The Mikoverse anon and his two characters Miko and Ivy is like a hybrid of Bibi and the Ukrainian. Just recently returned after burning their savings in Vegas.
Ruka is everyone's beloved Gyaru girl. Single-handedly holding up the entire Jynx fanbase with the adorable art they make.
Silas, Gene, and Hasumi are our ambassadors in /vp/ixelmon and busy with that and college work. Gene often gets paired up with one of the Ukrainian's underused characters because a lurker waifu'd her HARD after seeing her in the catalogue one day.
Veganon and her OC region Furia was a shared psychosis and mom is never going to come back for us.
Luke is currently turning his Pokemon Tabletop United campaign into a live-updated narrative.
It's Alex, not Axel. Axel is the bird autist who poofed and hasn't reported back yet.
I am actually currently agonizing over something else, will post in a moment.
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Bibi-kun... why did you have to activate my autism like this? I remember a long time ago, you suggested a Weavile outfit would have some kind of claw gauntlets and maybe a folding fan. If I wanted to go "full fantasy" it would be some disgustingly minmaxed Rogue/Ranger hybrid focused on hitting too fast and hard for for the enemy to retaliate, much like the Pokemon that his outfit is based on.

If I want to get super specific, his rogue side would be based on the Arcane Trickster while his ranger side would be based on the Horizon Walker. No idea if subclasses can be combined like this outside of Homebrew, but I'm going to do it anyway.
In a nutshell, teleport around the battlefield constantly, cast or get a shot in and pray they don't manage to hit you back. Combat focus is on getting the first shot in and disabling your enemy's ability to specifically hit you, relying on dodging and redirecting attacks, hopefully to other enemies but to fellow party members if need be. From my understanding of ability scores, STR is totally ignored in favor of everything else (in order: DEX, INT, CON, CHA, WIS), Alex makes his offensive and verbal utility so useful to the party that they will want to keep him alive and take care of physical tasks for him. Gotta find away to stay slim, wouldn't want to be ruin your figure through physical tasks and lose your emergency seduction skills. Use Slippery Mind to cheese not putting many points into WIS. I strongly assume this would work better in Homebrew, as I don't know if you can mix subclasses in standard 5e. Weapons include a mag-fed crossbow (the closest thing to a gun) and spells, as well as those Weavile gauntlets for a close range emergency, equipped with out of sight poison injectors in reference to Weavile having Poison Jab. I haven't even gotten to the outfit.
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>Currently oscillating between writing a fanfic and gambling addiction.
I WISH I had a gambling addiction right now. It'd be easier to stop procrastinating in that case. But WuWa ain't releasing anything that panders to me to roll for atm. The leaks so far indicates to me there won't be anything I am outright into for several patches and it's killed my willingness to even login to it atm. No, now my issue is my 'tism wants selfish RP things involving canon characters and said selfish desire of indulgence is sidetracking my ability to write other things.

Our cute small potato of the team. Don't let her size fool you, she has skills and powers to overcome every challenge that comes across her. Armed with her big claymore, her Mega Mawile (Mawlie), her Tinkaton, and her Honnedge, she faces an undescripted group that tries to harness the same energy that give her her amazing powers and strength. Her sisters, who are a woman with wind powers, and a small girl with mechanical limbs that uses fire magic, will help her in her quest in the bright streets of Luminose City.

A wanderer from Hoenn who has no place to call his own, yet many tales of every place he has been. After an accident that changed his life, he and his trusted team of the Hoenn starters travel across all regions to understand the world and life of both Pokémon and humans. While kind and honest, he is very naive, and this overconfidence has earned him a few good smacks, but he still holds hope and positivity up above all else. As long as he can scratch enough for the end of month.

Those are the most common. Then we have our guys that pop off occasionally, like Luke, Hasumi, and Milo. And we sometimes talk about the other OCs from the other threads, like Kayda and Anna.

Maybe I'm forgetting a few, but these good men will guide you. As for you, anon, who is your OC?
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When you say it that way you make it sound like a mary sue fic or at least WAY MORE of one than it actually remotely is.
Circe and Grym are our goth girl representation. The thread has a fairly strict and self-regulated "anti-ERP" rule and these two are the closest we get to edging that line. Their creator is currently fighting for profit in the Lebanese Civil War, I'm told.
Koanon is our Spain representative. Currently busy with animation school, but writes an Alolan fic during the thirty minutes of free time he gets in a week. Probably (not) dead.
Axel, not to be confused with Alex, is/was the token antisocial OC archetype to brood in the corner with his birds. Was tragically killed by the Italian mob in a case of mistaken identity.

The Ukrainian runs an archive documenting any original artwork and fanfics that get posted in each thread.
Available here:
And here:
(That's the OP >>56091920)
It kind of is a mary sue fic, she supposedly got stronger than Cynthia in only a year and can always beat any normal Trainer by just using her Infinity boosts
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The issue is more like the setting is actually very low-powered, like most people are pro athlete tier and Emily's an actual shonen character but it works anyway cause it's honestly just untapped potential within the setting itself on TPC/GF's part cause they're a bunch of hacks on the writing front. Regional champs get btfo'd by silent protags who rise high enough to clap their cheeks in under a month by some little shits who never battled before the start of the journey in the beginning of the game. TPC/GF's writing ain't much better on the front of "only taking X amount of time to surpass Y". The fact it took her a year at all even with her innate boon says a lot by comparison.
I don't care for your shitposts but I'll happily take your money.
Circe and Grym will be reworked into a sister duo, appearing in an early arc.
I've been out of here for a long time and I'm retarded enough to peek back in. The threads were a radioactive wasteland, along with other sectors I'm sure people are more than familiar with. It's nice seeing the new groups, creations, and stories happening. Keeping a fair bit of distance this time, however.
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Yes, anyone can defeat ackdith and her weakling Seviper very easily. Behold!
I know you're trying to be very down low on what happens after the reset but the only way I can see Emily's crazy boon working is if the big reset is a setup for everyone to get shonen powers and Emily getting them early was a setup for that happening. Or at least, in my opinion it is.
Oh so you were here during the original /tog/ then. Well ideally history will not repeat-- and probably won't as long as the main cast of people with actual decency around here remain in this general to anchor it in place.
Are you Moonie?
>only way I can see her crazy boon working
You lack imagination then imo. There's tons of abnormal people in the Pokemon setting that without a doubt have some faint connection to Infinity Energy. Like the actual psychics with real psychic powers-- most likely from faint subconscious abilities to tap into Infinity Energy like Psychic Pokemon do, Maylene just deadass walking up Mt. Coronet and through the snow route to Snowpoint City in her usual training get-up and BARE FOOT like it's a regular, average day, and so on. The idea that some utter MUTANT comes into the world with a deeper connection to it is far from being outside the realm of possibility. TPC/GF just don't capitalize on any of the implied things they already have cause it'd mean having to actually make a consistent deep lore instead of the scattered, mutually exclusive shit Pokemon as a setting has now.
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im feeling edgy and sleepy. i guess its time to go in bed, but i dont really wanna do it, maybe i just go and close my eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyes

>phosanon is ukranian
ayo where did i missed that? i remember that brendoomanon is also ukraninan, but zis?
Honeys, I'm home!
Thank you, doll, but I don't drink all my rum at once.
>Keeping a fair bit of distance this time, however.
We do a good job of policing ourselves here. The thread's anti-ERP rule and focus on encouraging creative writing over cheap attention-begging filters out the unsavory types.
You should check out the pastebins to get yourself situated. We work hard on that content.
>phosanon is ukranian
Pureblooded, but born and raised American. I did visit the homeland for a family reunion in Zhytomir back in October, but I wasn't around at the time to blogpost about illegally crossing the Polish border in a rental.
I was originally going to give Circe and Grym new outfits for their roles in the project (seeing as it's a cyberpunk futuristic sort of thing taking place in 2094), but I think their current attire suits them well enough. Like they're holding on to old world fashion and stuff.
Damn, I always mix them
>Why did it took to long to answer?
I wrote the list when I was at the train station on my way to work.
Non burger saying "peace!"
In a cyberpunk setting, going old-old school like that is a HELL of a political statement.
Keep fighting the good fight! Make those other boards dread the day they tried to ban you!
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>other boards
I think he said it was THIS board.
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David is an equal-opportunity offender, he offends every board equally and at every opportunity.
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Wears a small headdress with gold in the center (up in the red part, unlike actual Weavile) made by an Armorer (Artificer subclass) that provides magical head protection of some sort. Curved breastplate resembling Weavile's collar that covers the upper half of his chest along with a black long sleeved shirt that sits underneath it, but doesn't go past it. Thin enchanted backplate (covers a bit less of the upper back relative to how much his chestplate covers his upper body) holds onto his crossbow like a magnet when he's not using it. You guessed it, waist exposed for extra mobility, we're going full anime; Aether from Genshin Impact is a big inspiration here (lmao) and there's limited armor on his sleeves as well as small pauldrons. Gauntlets are black with some red accents, narrow and light extending a bit to his arm and curving upwards a bit where poison rests underneath (again, basically ripped off from Aether). Wears plain black gloves and pants held up by a rather unimpressive belt only notable for its buckle that looks like Weavile's gem, but that gem is also enchanted and has the magnetic effect like his backplate for holding whatever. Decorative red feathers on his left thigh (left from Alex's POV, your right). Plain black cloth pants and cropped shirt kind of like you did with Tes there. Black shoes with red heels designed mostly for mobility rather than style. Might or might not wear a mask over his nose and mouth, but definitely not a full facial mask, because that would impede visibility. Hopefully I don't think of anything else to add onto this.
Ohh, as long as you all don't get too insular, it'll be alright, I'm sure. It's not that you're the center group, it's just you're the regulars, that's all.

That tells me a lot more about the writers than the characters themselves, but I appreciate the thoroughness. You're clearly very invested in this little community as it's developing. As is the Ukranian, that is an impressive dedication to archiving. Nice to see so much preserved and available to peruse!

It seems like you all primarily do personal writing, that you then share with everyone else. I imagine there's a decent bit of crossover with the write-general, assuming that still pops up too.

Same boat, man. Things seem okay here. Nature is healing.
Remind me not to get carried away again. I spent almost two hours researching DnD mechanics, translating them to homebrew, and then tekko-kagi in order to make these two posts.
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I'll be honest: I have literally never once took a peek inside the write-general, and at this point I'm too shy to start. If they mention Eons in Flux, then that means I'm succeeding in life. Not that I would ever know...
And the worst part is Arcane Trickster fucking sucks in a game where every class is playing on easy mode. The Rogue is already "good in its niche" but a Lore Bard does everything the Arcane Trickster could ever dream of doing and does it better. Boo-womp!
Yeah, no inner circle here, we're just some of the most present people.
In D&D, you can have multiple subclasses, so long as you meet the requirements. Subclasses come online at either level 1 or 3, depending on the class. So to for this to work, you'd have to be at least Rogue 3/Ranger 3, for a total level of 6. It works just fine, though it's a bit tough because you need good Dexterity for both, but Intelligence for Arcane Trickster and Wisdom for Ranger. You need a 13 in Wisdom and Dexterity to multiclass into Ranger, and honestly, Arcane Trickster doesn't really need that much Intelligence because you mostly pick spells for utility rather damage. It doesn't matter what your INT is for some spells, they're just binary-- Mirror Image simply is or isn't, regardless of how smart you are. The fighting style you're describing would be better with pure Ranger, probably, or at the very least an emphasis on it. Arcane Trickster would give you more spell slots, but something like Assassin, Thief, or even Scout or Mastermind would probably make you "stronger." Strength is broadly a dumpstat, like you said, but you'd probably want DEX>WIS=CON>INT>CHA>STR, in that order.

For the record, there is already a 5E Pokemon conversion, or at least, there was. It got shut down. PDFs still linger around, though.
>"A fucking ukelele?"
As much of a soulless metamaxxer Alex is, he's not entirely soulless, otherwise he would probably replace Dragalge with motherfucking Galarian Slowking to bring in Weavile with Chilly Reception. Cutting Words would certainly catch his eye but he'd probably scoff at that SubClass's lack of weapons and "coolness". Also, from what I just read, it's kind of a support class? Which is definitely not up his alley. Admittedly I only looked at subclasses of Rogue and Ranger on that website because I'm not autistic enough to survey every single class and subclass of a game that I have never and probably will never play.
I looked in there once, didn't care for the attitudes of the people there. I only cropped up here cause I randomly spotted the first /tog/ comeback thread. Which makes me, among a few others here I'm sure, people who weren't here for the old /tog/ and all it's shit, but were here since day 1 of the comeback. If /tog/ didn't make a comeback and change itself from how it used to be, I wouldn't even be browsing /vp/ at this point.
My oc is a gay boy named ully.

His partner Pokémon is Audino.
Admittedly I only researched the very basics in order to not appear completely incoherent, I tried my best to just translate Alex's actual skills/traits into DND stats (intelligent, experienced, frail fast attacker), in his actual story he's mostly balanced with his only notable deficiency being actual physical strength (as in carrying things). I said Weavile but we're really thinking Chien-Pao. Now pray I don't get overtaken by autism again and end up making a version of this outfit >>56100232 >>56100484 for Hisuian Samurott.
Hey, you're good man, just wanted to give a few pointers and suggestions to flesh it out some.
>5E Pokemon conversion, or at least, there was
Pokemon Tabletop Adventures is kill? Damn shame, I actually really liked that one...
lol, nope. In earlier editions, the thief/acrobat (rogue) and bard were distinct niches and neither was intended to engage in combat, ever (the thief was solely for dungeon recon and trap removal, the acrobat literally existed for no other reason than to kite danger towards the Fighter), but starting with third edition, all classes were retooled to be combat oriented, at which point the bard got the glow-up of a lifetime. It can do everything the thief can do, AND fight well in melee or at range, AND cast offensive magic, AND heal, AND de/buff, AND AND AND. The poor Rogue lost its job and then it got worse. It can do a lot of damage to a single target... but so can everyone else, and everyone else can take a hit in return. 5e and its hollow ruleset has a nasty habit of making entire classes obsolete. You are actively gimping yourself if you choose Fighter over Barbarian or Paladin, Rogue over Bard, Sorcerer over Warlock, Ranger over Druid, Druid over Cleric... and the Lore Bard just straight up yoinks the best abilities from the other spellcasters at absolutely no personal cost to itself. It steals the best wizard spells, holy spells (no faith required), can summon the legions of hell, for free. Pure Gigachad disregard for anyone telling it what to do.
Maybe I'm biased towards Charisma builds.
Not PTA or PTU. Straight up just 5E but Pokemon. There's also Pokerole, Poketales, and Pokemon Zero, and Pokemon Pen and Paper.
Well, that's good advice on the off chance that I decide to play (I won't). Still a bit concerned about Lore Bard not having actual weapons though. I think this might be the first time that I ended up completely ignoring the meta in favor of just going with what I thought would be fitting for Alex.
The ullysaur
Bard gets some weapon proficiencies, not all. Most dedicated martials can pick up any weapon and use it. Bards can only use a select few. However, they can use a rapier, which is the best DEX weapon in the game, because it's a 1d8 and allows you to use DEX instead of STR for your rolls, so they're basically fine. They can also use some cantrips to make their sword attacks do more damage and do some neat stuff-- namely, set two dudes standing next to one another on fire with one sword slash, or, make a guy explode if he moves after you hit him.
NTA, but when I read about weapons in D&D, I want to play it.
Mainly to try to pass this in the game
PTU made me dislike 5e. It's just so much more interesting and fun to run and play.
>a frankenstein'd bastardization of 5e instead of just making a system that plays like 5e's strengths
Good riddance. The indefinite PTA hiatus continues.

Oh, no, for sure. 5e is oversimplified and not very good, all things considered. It's only real selling point is "everyone else is playing it, so it's difficult to get a game of anything else." Knowing about Pokemon 5e isn't a form of support. It's just to say, if someone else is trying to port Pokemon to 5e, the heavy lifting has been done.
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Can someone draw my ocs spending some mother-son time at the beach? Prof Sequoia will wear a strapless bikini while Rufus wears a bike-shorts-like swimsuit.
I saw the OG OC threads, but I feel I just arrived around the end, back when some posted their ideas, but many anons mainly said "fuck off to Discord!"
At least I wasn't there when the thread died due to an internal fight between two shitty OCs, and the bestiality gimmick. Who the fuck makes a zoophile OC, looks at the other who is just the same wank character, and go "hey, you stole my idea!"? Is like make a wank OC, go to R34 and complain many others have big tits like your character.
1, is not an "unique" quirk, many had that idea. And 2 (and the most important), do you really want to fight for that?
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when they ask bibi why she did it thanks to davidanon for the idea from the last thread
woah, clean art anon, nicely done
you genuinely have a knack for drawing out the sweetness and silliness of tweny's infatuation with iono, this is a favorite
>ray of sunshine
fucking if only
mom says it's your turn on the autism, hog it for a while so i can get in a workout come morning
i'm kinda loathe to simplify anyone's character down to what you can fit in a single post, plus i'm not the best at remembering lore so my accounts would be full of holes. while not necessarily 100% up to date the pastebins that might serve you best for getting a read on everyone are the one's where ocs give their thoughts on other ocs+the interviews where available
Non burger here. That's a very adorable Bibi!
Great job!
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What's the context of this image?
Must be very small cause I can't see the comparisons properly.
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woah love how clean these came out. The shading is super cool.
Exactly what I was thinking lol
These came out sooo good! I especially love bibi's look. The koraidon armor looks so cool. I wish I had a more signature style like yourself and tweny anon, but experimenting with my OC's like this is always fun.
>don't go disappearing on us again or i'll pick up gambling myself to fill the miko shaped void in my heart
I'll be sure to stick around to spare your wallet <3
ahhh your animations are so good bibianon, this was so cute.
Cute style anon! I love the how clean, simple, and expressive your characters are- I'm jealous. Always nice to see new OC's too new to me at least, sorry if you debuted in my absence I'd love to know more about these guys

Anyways, enjoy some sketches of Ivy I did trying to find a good pose for her. Spoiler: I didn't find it.
What am I willing to do for money, /tog/? Am I really going to get out of bed? This comfortable, accepting and embracing bed? Leave this pillow behind while it's at the perfect temperature? Rouse myself to action and step out into the misty morning air?
Apparently not, if the last hour is anything to go by.
Surely this time I won't reset the timer.
I clapped
Yeah I heard about how it all just devolved into tranny shit and porn addiction gimmicks. The old general frankly deserved to be destroyed at that point. Nothing of value was lost in it's revitalization.
Ok, before I give the autism back I will attempt to do a Samu-H variant of his Weavile outfit >>56100484

No headdress because I couldn't think of one. Breastplate now resembles one of the scales from Samurott's back legs while the backplate that holds his crossbow resembles one of the scales from the front legs. Same plain black gloves, cloth pants and long sleeve cropped shirt kinda like Tes, belt buckle looks like Samurott's tail, arm guards now look like the three scales on its front legs while the pauldrons look like the two scales on its back legs. Now, the big one. Gauntlet poison injectors are completley removed, they look about the same with more crimson accents instead of the brighter red of Weavile, but the tekko-kagi are completely replaced with singular blades resembling the "seamitars". Decorative white feathers on the left leg (your right) that are supposed to kind of call back to Samurott's "facial hair" whiskers. Same shoes with heels, but this time dark blue with crimson accents, still or might not wear a mask over his nose and mouth, but definitely not a full facial mask.

As much I was hoping to not have to add anything to >>56100484 I should mention that the arm guards look like five or so small Weavile collars in succession and the pauldron also looks like a small Weavile collar
You should look up how Monster Hunter handles its armor designs.
I just looked it up. I’m not doing something THAT ridiculous, I’m leaning more on the “anime” side of things and Alex wouldn’t want that kind of bulky super elaborate armor. He doesn’t care about showing off his Pokemon THAT much and also I don’t have the inspiration for such a complex design.

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