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Grooming Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>>June 28th: PM2023 056 - Liko VS Chili! Beyond the Battle


Future episodes:
>July 5th: PM2023 057 - A Terapagos I Don't Know

>Previous episodes:

>OS-JN filler guide:

>Web series, specials, and audio dramas subs and links:


>Music, manga, and more:

Since Ash is world champion there's no way that Nemona hasn't heard about him which means Ash must have disappointed Nemona so badly that she started helping teach and motivate the new generation of trainers so they wouldn't be so incompetent and disappointing.
Roy is probably the first trainer with real promise that she's met, so she's spending extra care to groom him into her perfect rival.
>Still no episode focus on hisui
why is the ashnime and ashnime munus ash so scared of the only good 3d region?
Netflix needs to release part 3. The anime is so good, but Japanese voice acting gives me a migraine
Ritchie x Melody
Because back then the chuuni executive only cared about promoting Ash so he skipped most of JN and all of Hisui.
Now, however, it's simply too late. Sales matter most at launch and the short window afterwards, and that window has passed.
Forgot the previous thread, slowpoke. >>56060550
I'm okay with this.
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Calm down, Floragato.
I've been thinking.. I find it very weird we know absolutely nothing about Roy's parents. We see Liko's Mom and Dad, We meet Dot's Mom but for Roy we only see his Grandpa.

I'm starting to think they could have passed when Roy was a baby because in the opening we see him with his gramps even when he's like 4 or 5? I think it makes sense given the fact that Roy himself hasn't even mentioned them once
Haven't really considered that. I guess that it might explain his initial excitement to see cities and such if he was originally from the mainland Kanto but grew up on a island because his parents are ded.
it looks like a fucking newgrounds animation
>Onyx lost because he was defending Tulip's pokemon
Here I thought he was just being difficult to work with.
One candidate for Roy I wish for is Dreepy. It's innate problems meshes well with Dickbird's trouble of flying at first so it fighting together with Croc and Dickbird until grows big guns makes for a decent synergy.
Smile you shit gremlin
>he was defending Tulip's pokemon
>defending a woman's Pokemon

Tulip will not let you fuck her for that.
Kofu jii-chan

....I want you to adopt me.
Treat me like your little Princess
Give me all the sweets and food in the world
Cuddle me in bed..
>Adresses Liko as "Miss"
>Politely asks her to be his opponent
>No cheap tricks during the fight
The guy is quite manly
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Onyx is babysitting the brat most of the time. I wouldn't blame anyone for seeing him like that if you only saw him around her before.
Yeah Yeah why don't you make him a sandwich
They've worked things out in the domestic violence arc.
I appreciate the Roy/Dot bonding
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>This is fine
>ThrowingSalt: Hi Gurumin, there's this girl I really like. But she's a gym leader and umm- I'm kinda on the wrong side of the law. I really want to ask her out but how do I ask a girl I like out?
You are Gurumin.

How do you respond?
Roy will make you proud
Only the strongest Elite Four for Roy
Can the croc learn a stronger fairy type move? I suppose he'll need one for Fug
Ask her out, charm her with an Encore behind closed doors.
Croc's final evolution can learn Alluring Voice which is twice the strength of Disarming Voice.
Roy's senpai will woo him faster than expected.
Foreshadowing for a dragon type joining his team i hope
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The strongest crybaby as well.
Officer Jenny!!!
I'm happy with Roy's progress and character. Way more fun than "Stop being shy" or whatever Liko deals with.
Mommy Nemo......
>Pokémon Z-A comes out next year
Fucking aieee
He's going to die from Waku Waku.
At this rate, if Roy doesn't take on the Gym Challenge later, Nemona will literally abuse him until he does
>Singing Croc hurts two dragons
A worthy death for a trainer
>Nemona will literally abuse him until he does
He will enjoy the abuse.
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>Stops hanging out with Liko
>Is now on the receiving end of the abuse
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This is peak performance of what a pink blop with a hammer can achieve.
Freakmons made out of Steel better watch out.
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>Still no quaxly boner edit
I'm working on it. Kinda difficult to properly trace it without coming off as too out-of-place.
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Those faces...
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He's Ash's son. That's why he's a better trainer than Ash, he has all of Ash's best traits plus the smarts of his mother to offset Ash's retardation.
Question for you lot.
Which Paldea 'mon has the best "voice" so far?
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It was Kanuchan for me, but then Dekanuchan came in with her wild voice and now it's her, I wonder what Nakanuchan sound like..
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It was really fl**rizons last week lmao
The people living in the Kanto region of Japan are no longer interested in watching PM2023 anymore on their tellies.
Dreepy was inherently described by the Pokedex as weak, right? That would go in a nice direction between Dreepy's feeble starts at fighting and Dickbird's dickerish motivation.
How the fuck did they got away with this?
Not your personal army..
Another potential capture candidate is Frigibax. With the amount of times Roy has met Brassius and by a smaller extend Hassel with their Pokémon helping him out, a Pokémon that gets buffed by accidentally or purposely being hit by Croc's fire and which is owned by one of his role figures wouldn't so out of place.

That or he takes note from the Arbo lines ability to spill oil and he gets himself one. When he goes to take on fug, then I think he will need all the firepower needed.
Between a a Dreepy and a Frigibax, I would go with the latter. Aside from a mandatory dragon-type slipping into their party near the latter half, it would be more appropriate to be one from Paldea when they are already there.

I'm guessing that with Grusha's upcoming appearance next week setting up for a later battaru taking place at Glaseado Mountain, Roy would get his Frigibax after the second set of battarus against the gym leaders from Dot and Liko.
I forgot how huge the area is to catch a Frigibax. But yeah, Frigibax sounds better from a team-standpoint of view, coverage and characterization.
So close.
This is old news though? Pokemon hasn't been consistently ranking in the Top 10 in the TV ratings since at least XY, and by JN it was the exception not the norm if the anime ranked at all.
After the previous times, I believe that he will get one.
That retard got nuked last year everytime he posted them too often in a genwar fashion like now. That he leaves out the last months either indicates it was on television a couple more times but ignored it in favor of doombaiting.
>Retard was so obsessed with TV rankings that even the mods stepped in and nuked his ass off
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Ash x Dawn
He was shown to be more stoic but not uncooperative. I think it would've been weird if he was that but goes along with Sango anyway for their undercover act. He atleast has the decency to be polite about things even when it's redundant.
Diana had a diary about the history of Lucius. Two more questions arises in that matter. Because while the Turtle's glimpses and the mannerism of the six heroes can backup the validity of Lucius's exploits, it leaves out other parts mainly speaking the path towards Rakua. It's presented in the storybook as the last known place they've found. Meanwhile later material provided by Diana's posessions suggested that Lucius sought Rakua out explicitly in a contrast. His team has a strong ass healer in the Arboliva, a Lapras to traverse the seas, a Entei to cross the miles of land, a Galarian Moltres to race through the sky and a Kleavor to break down walls. In the version of the storybook from Alex, Lucius comes across as a guy who has made a name for himself through his actions and help with the six heroes for all regions he has traveled, with his final resting place being the glittering paradise. Meanwhile putting his team in context with the information from Diana, Lucius can come off as a guy who was prepared to enter a completely unknown place while having a group of friends around who were the original explorers. Through the glimpses of Terapagos's past visions, Lucius gets recounted as a man who throughout each glimpse of Arboliva, Gmoltres and Lapras probably foresaw the danger of Rakua.
Two versions of the story presented the place as a paradise, one omits it and emphasizes a treasure. And yet, those are factually all recountings from Lucius's side of the events. The other variable in form of the explorers is aside from Amethio's potential relation to Gibeon and their origins untouched so far.
>Meanwhile later material provided by Diana's posessions suggested that Lucius sought Rakua out explicitly in a contrast.
>Meanwhile putting his team in context with the information from Diana, Lucius can come off as a guy who was prepared to enter a completely unknown place
He found out about a sentient beings that could fuck shit up. The minmaxxing team of his is a strong indicator for that.
Damn she's stacked
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That's the damage Ash has done to Pokemon. He's so unpopular as to cause everyone to lose interest. Now Roy have to slowly heal pokeanime from damage caused by mary sue OC that does not even train.
Why do you impulsively reply to genwar bait?
Unironically Liko and Meowscarada.
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Tying master up.
Pinning her to the bed.
Reminding her she needs no-one but me...

Making her mine and MINE alone.
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She wishes she had something more than skin and bones there.
She's perflat though.
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This guy is alright
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Aawwaaaaawaaaww tinkatink!!!!!! Tinkatink!!!!!!! I like........ TINKATINK!!!! Eeebebbebebbebebb tinkatink!!!!! Tinkatiiiiinnnnnnkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! TINKATINK!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaayy tinkatink!!! Wheeeee I love tinkatink!!!!!!! Tinkatink tinkatink tinkatinkkkk tinkatink!!!!!!!!!
tinkatink can learn helping hand!!!!
tinkatink can learn facade!!!!
tinkatink is fairy AND steel type!!!!!
tinkatink is best friend with IMPADIMP!!!!!!!
TINKATINKKKK!!!!!!!!! TINKATIIIIINNNNNNKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! YAAAAAYYYYY TINKATINK!!!!!!!!! TINKATINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TINKATINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INKATINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tinaktink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TINAKTINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw aww wa wawawawwaaw tinkatink!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeee it's tinkatime for more tinkafacts!!!!!!!!
tinkatink is the metalsmith pokemon!!!!!!
tinkatink is called KANUCHAN in Japanese!!!!!!
if you spend too much tinkatime with tinkatink you develop TINKATISM!!!!!! AAAAAAAWAAWWAAWWA I HAVE TINKATISM!!!!!!!!!!!
tinkatink goes in all firlds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If tinkatink was psychic type she would be called THINKATHINK
If tinkatink was a fossil Pokemon she would be called TINKTAALIK
If tinkatink was water type she would be called DRINKADRINK
if tinkatink was poison type she would be called STINKASTINK
If tinkatink was perfect she would be called...... TINKATINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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He's not bad with such lines. Give him more moments like that and I'll dig it.
He definitely made her wet.
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Papagos is so cute
Manly as hell.
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Color me both intrigued and confused.
You forgot to look link previous thread
Also what is going on here? All I see are spam.
Onyx could need an episode for himself at some point. That would help ironing him out.
This will never work out.

Onyx is a criminal and she is a Gym Leader.

And what's the age gap?

If he can pass as a student Tulip is at least 10 years her elder!
Orange/Grape Academy is literally college, there's no age restriction, Onyx can look 30 in-universe and still pass as a student
He is still a criminal. Imagine the scandal.
Streamers like Iono would eat that up for views though.
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Si Si
Signor Onyx mucho impressivo

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>Liko would do anything for money.
Well, what would you make her do?
>Sango battle Ash and Pikachu.
>Glalie use Explosion.
>Sango thinks she has won.
>Smock clears.
>Turns out Pikachu used Electro Net to shield itself.
>Sango throws a tantrum and runs away.
Women loves bad boys though.
Based boomer btfo'ing that stupid brat.
Remember during Original series, nobody was nice. Even nice girls like Nurse Joy has more serious strict side to their personality as the first Nurse Joy outright lectured Ash about responsibility.

Its funny when you look back, original series were more serious and has darker stories despite all the comedy & lightheartedness.
More like they are babysitting the characters waaaay tooo much.
>if you manage to land a hit you win
>if you manage to beat one of my mon you win
>you lost be you still win
I still enjoy it because the new anime is more about exploring the world than "I wanna be the best".
>the new anime is more about exploring the world than
That is what Ashnime was from the start, Ash was allowed to be the best AFTER we had a backlash over Kalos League & even then they did a sloppy job at it.

If anything past Ashnime did better exploring than Horizons.
>^Oxymoron of a F aggot's shitty gaslighting again
I don't trust the words of a manchild who got kicked out by his parents for wasting his life on worshipping his self-insert instead of getting a job. And still forcing Kalos into everything? It's been 7 years. Let it go, you miserable sack of shit.
How would No Guard ability work in anime? Is a pokemon with No Guard unable to dough a move ?
Good. That abuse will shape Roy well.
>Ash was allowed to be the best
He was gifted being the best. He was not ALLOWED to be the best, because ALLOWED implies that he could earn it himself as long as nobody oppressed him. Ash has NEVER been skilled or determined enough to be the best.

There is no way to make Ash "the very best" without it being sloppy because Ash at his core is an incompetent goofball who has no idea what he's doing. Making someone like THAT champion is impossible without falling flat in some way.

If anything, the past Ashnime was a pile of shit that should have ended after gen 1. Retarded self inserter.
>even then they did a sloppy job at it.
So the trAsh of Pallet should not have been allowed to been the very best because he is in fact an eternal jobber?

Yes, I know. The ICY Ash is better.
Insulting Ash or Original series won't gonna make PM2023 good. If anything Ash was already reached Elite level when he took on the Battle Frontier but the anime kept on nerfing him. Even on JN, they make sure Ash doesn't use his old pokemon to his biggest tournament.
The ashime was trash. That's why it lost so many viewers.
Insulting PM2023 isn't gonna make Ash or the Original Series good.

If anything Ash was never Elite level at a single point in his entire life. Nemona doesn't care about Ash because he's weak and talentless.
It's not about making Pm23 good Mr Lolicon.

It's about stating facts. trAsh is the KWAB of Kanto.
Apparently Mr F doesn't like other versions of Ash throughout the past 25 years except for XY Ash.
>That's why it lost so many viewers.
It lost viewers when they start shoving OC like Alain and Goh.
Original series & Ash was good which is why it became successful and popular unlike PM2023.

Ash was already E4 level when his Charizard defeated an Articuno. Nemona haven't met Ash yet.
No he insists the only worthwhile Ash is the Ash up to DP...but is still incredibly butthurt about XY's loss.
I really don't care about the babbling of that babbling moron. Notice how >>56069960 wasn't even mentioning the current anime even once or used a slur or insult. Yet somehow for no reason, the F ag is somehow pushing both into the mix. Goes to show how insecure that loser is if you make light of the only thing the homeless phoneturd has left in his depraved and ruined life.
See >>56069765
Ash was losing viewers from the first season. Alain didn't even exist until XY.

Ash didn't even know that steel is immune to poison after 30 years of being a trainer. He's been a trainer for 30 years and still doesn't even know the basics. Ash is not an elite trainer and never has been in his entire life, unless we count ICY Ash.

Ash is an idiot with a heart of gold. People loved him for his passion for pokemon. There was never at any point in time where Ash was a genius trainer or where people watched him for being one. Not even in XY, SM, or JN. You don't understand why people liked Ash at all.

You keep coming to these threads and talking about how Ash is this genius trainer when there is literally nothing to back it up and nobody's ever seen him as one either.
You post fanfictions about Ash one shotting everyone, as if anyone's ever been invested in Ash for his ability to win battles instead of his stupid but loveable personality.
You talk about how popular the anime would become if they shipped Ash, a literal 10 year old child, with adults like Lana's mom.
You really, really do not understand why people liked Ash at all.
>E4 level
>Still jobs
It just keeps getting worse.
Just ignore that genwarring piece of garbage. He's too deranged to comprehend it.

For the next thread, can the current filename be used again >>56060550? It's clear that the flamebaiter isn't gonna be genuine no matter how you simple you approach a topic if he's immediately turning every single thing into serieswarring and should be dealt with accordingly.
>Smock clears
Holy ESL
Happy Gay Month /padt/.

Do you think Ash is happy out there, visiting his bf Goh every now and then?
*His BF Pikachu. Although Goh crashes sometimes and turns it into a threesome.
>Ash was losing viewers from the first season
You mean your fanfic ratings, pokemon TV rating was on per with Precure and Doraemon even during BW series. Its ratings took a massive hit during XY series and never recovered.
>where Ash was a genius trainer or where people watched him for being one.
Using Quick attack to generate hyper sonic shockwave to deflect Sky Attack, a normal 10 year old boy can't think this far. There are many feats such as showcasing that Ash was a genius from the start. He simply doesn't act serious and cool 24/7 to show how smart he is , he was somebody who shown their cleverness when they actually needs to.>>56070020
>You post fanfictions about Ash one shotting everyone
He is the freaking World Champion now, if he doesn't oneshot regular trainers like Amethio and Friede then it will make current champions look weak.
No, those are the same ratings. Ash has been losing viewers since the first generation. The ratings took a massive hit during GS and AG because people were sick of Ash, and the series never recovered.

For one, that's cartoon logic. The moves don't work that way in the games, and the writers made that up so Ash could win. For two, that's Pikachu accomplishing that, not Ash. Ash never trained Pikachu to do that beforehand, which shows that it's Pikachu who's the elite one, not Ash who had to force Pikachu to figure out a new move on the spot.

There is nothing about Ash that shows he deserves to be world champion. He only received the title because he was gifted 5 elite pokemon so he finally retire. Ash did nothing to deserve it.

Honestly, anon, you have a serious problem.
That's one nice asspull from the KWAB of Kanto.
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Woah, Pikachu stuck its tail in the ground to generate electricity? Amazing! I'm sure that-
Hey, wait a second... that looks kind of familiar. It's reminding me of a scene where Pikachu got RID of all the electricity instead of generated it.

Nah, I must be imagining things. Surely the writers wouldn't give Ash an illegal 5th move and let him cheat for a win. That's never happened before. It's almost as crazy as them letting Ash make his moves lock on, or letting him OHKO the world champion's cinderace.
See this is why Roy is so much better. He has Ash's personality, but he's a smart champ in the making and doesn't rely on cheats.
Roy is basically Ash if Ash were an elite trainer. That's why Nemona is interested in him instead of the 'world champion'.
Pokémon rating were just fine until XY series that butcher Ash to be an ikemen and tried to shove Alain. By your logic, Precure losing viewer despite rotating their protagonist.
>The moves don't work that way in the games,
In the game, pokemon doesn't even move and stand in the place with attacking each other per turn. That's not how anime battle work. Heck none of the things from Roy and Brassius's battle with Hassel is possible in the game.
>that's Pikachu accomplishing that, not Ash.
Ash was the one who came up with the whole idea, not Pikachu. By your logic, all accomplishments in Pokémon battle belongs to the pokemon instead of the trainer.
>There is nothing about Ash that shows he deserves to be world champion.
There is 23 year long series that shows Ash deserved to be the world champion.
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Pokemon ratings were diving before XY.

Pikachu's "shockwave" shouldn't work that way according to both the game AND the anime. See >>56070068

Pikachu is so talented that he can execute even the worst of ideas. Ash, meanwhile, has to demand Pikachu to execute insane ideas just to have a chance at winning. If Ash was a good trainer he would have already trained Pikachu in these moves beforehand. But he didn't, because he's not a good trainer. He's a good cheater.

First off, Leon has been a trainer longer than Ash, so you can't say Ash "deserves" it when there are others who have put in more time than him. Second off, doing something for a long time doesn't mean you deserve to be the new champion. If I played chess poorly for 23 years that doesn't automatically crown me the world champion chess player. It just means I've been at it for 23 years and I'm still terrible at it.

Ash is not an elite trainer.
How cute.
BASED Tinkaposter
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Fucking brat doing lewd shit again grrr...
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She needs correction so that she will be ready when she enters society.
Onyx got it covered.
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>Pikachu's "shockwave" shouldn't work that way according to both the game AND the anime
It worked and the anime work differently than the anime.
>Pikachu is so talented
All of Ash's pokemon can execute his idea, not just Pikachu. Ash did train his Pikachu onscreen and he is good at coming up with new in middle of battles. Considering Ash doesn't age in the series mean he has been a trainer since 26 years. He would have same aged as Leon if he aged in the show.

Furthermore Ash not only training for 26 years but went though various levels of training and challenges to become very strong. He deserved to be a champion more than anybody in the franchise. You are unhappy that hardworking trainer gets to be a champion instead of a self inserted garbage.
I don't get why the dumbass is always active on Sundays. Homophobes like him are supposed to be good Christian boys and use Sunday as a day of rest.
God abandoned that malding hobo above you. Simple as.
>how popular the anime would become if they shipped Ash, a literal 10 year old child, with adults like Lana's mom
Wrong, those are my idea for doujin. There is no way the anime gonna do this. At least she can flirt with Ash to tease Lana but it will never go beyond that.

>how popular the anime would become if they shipped Ash, a literal 10 year old child, with adults like Lana's mom
Wrong, those are my idea for doujin. There is no way the anime gonna do this. At best she can flirt with Ash to tease Lana but it will never go beyond that
>my idea for doujin
So you like grooming?
Guys a Bengali BUT then again the Muslims are celebrating their second Eid.

/a/ is insulting your fuckboy >>>/a/268030570
Doujin is doujin, its just a fanmade comic to satisfy some urges. I am into mature woman so I am attracted to her doujin.
>I am into
Older women grooming and statutory raping an underaged child.

Or if you want the weeb term- Shotacon.
Now let us wait and watch as Mr Shotacon digs his hole deeper.
Onyx is alright with his principles.
Not really since I preferred Ash being drawn like a 17 year old teenager than a kid. Its a doujin, it doesn't need to follow Ash's age.
17 is still underaged, you useless hobo.
Frigibax as the other anon explained would be nice.
By that logic 80% protagonist from doujin are underaged and don't even try to pretend you don't read doujin or watch hentai.

They should bring this Ash back on PM2023.
>B-by that logic
You're defending sex with underaged boys with schizo babbling. Get the fuck out, you pedophilic piece of garbage.
I really want to care for this guy but we know next to nothing about him. We already know Amethio will get this Zuko redemption arc but actually take Zuko for example, by this time we had found out a lot about Zuko and had episodes dedicated to him.

I'm not saying Amethio going good wouldn't feel earned but it definitely wouldn't feel as satisfying
Season 1 Ash is weaker and more immature than Roy so there is no reason to bring him back. In fact Roy is already a better trainer than DP Ash.
I think by the time the kids have finished their school time that they are gonna kick the wheels back in with the explorers.
Hope so, given that Amethio is apparently the grandson of the main antagonist I feel like we need some more of him.
From how it's currently tossing the roles between the kids, Onigiri and Sandwich mainly until the school stuff is over. I would expect a back-to-back incentive for him after they got the hang of that tera gimmick.
Considering her Glalie can OHKO two elite 4 pokemon, it really puts things into perspective.

Like, how gigachad is NiggaFug? He took a sustained beating from several pokemon without even flinching and then Glalie exploded in his face, but all it managed to do was push him back.
Then we have the volteccers, who are able to defeat this super-powered Glalie. Doesn't that mean they're already elite 4 level?
Corrected face.
Brat fest.
Cap maybe. The rest depends on ganging up atm.
>preferred Ash being drawn like a 17 year old
>Ackshually he is 10000 years old so...
Who is canonically 10 and appears to be 10 in every scene he is standing next to adults.

And >>56071163
Nice try Shotacon.
Roy should be fatter
This but with floragato
With what little they've done with Onyx and Agate, they have made them come across as pretty competent and interesting, although far more lowkey than Sango/Spinel. I'll give the HZ staff some credit that they gave the antagonists actual personalities, though with how the series is structured, I doubt we'll get to see much more than glimpses of it.
Who's roy's mom then? Who did ash fuck?
Goh or Iris, obviously. Roy's black as fuck, and the mother has to be very smart to offset Ash's stupidity.
Obviously it's Goh. Ash is a boy and Roy is a boy, so clearly it had to be another boy. That's just basic biology.
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The logic lines up. A Tauros egg doesn't hatch into a Miltank. Goh has to be the mother.
Why do OPs keep removing him from the filename?
This is what I don't get. He hates Alain and Goh for being OCs. But Ash, the biggest anime OC of them all, gets a pass from him? How come other OCs are bad to him but not Ash?
He has 0 creativity, everything he wants is just a ripoff of something he saw elsewhere. That's why every post by him is "what if Ash *something Ash would never do* just like in *other anime I saw recently*".
He wants Ash to be Alain and Goh combined because he thinks Alain and Goh are cool but doesn't want THEM to be cool since he already chose to self insert as Ash. That's why he hates them, they're what he wants Ash to be which makes them the enemy.

And about the OC shit, the funny thing is that Alain isn't even an OC. Unlike Ash, Alain is canon to the mainline games. Ash has never even been referenced a single time in the games officially, the closest thing he's gotten were some genned pokemon events. And the funny thing about those events? Ash's pokemon are low level in all of them.
>Alain is canon to the mainline games
He wasn't in the games
He fought with Steven against Rayquaza. Cope and seethe, he's more canon than Ash ever was.
How would you react if Horizons was canon to the games?
I would laugh my ass off and celebrate it big time.
Chuckle at first, then probably get annoyed that the anime is bringing down the games again. Ash has already done enough damage to the games, we don't need more.
>HZ058 - The Poster Pokémon is Kingambit!? (July 12th)
>HZ059 - Dance Quaxly! Blue Medali Step! (July 26th)

Not in the games.
Yes in the games.
Citation needed
It would be based.
The Kingambit ep sounds gud.
More quaxly is cool.
Who could show up though?

captcha: GAYYJ
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Fair enough
Geeta obviously.
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Whenever Pawniard's line makes an appearance in an episode, I always expect a Tinkatuff to suddenly popup..
*Also, that title sounds like Quaxly is going to evolve.
One step towards THAT.
Larry might pop up on his own at a later date.
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If the duck steps it up, good for Dot
If the ducks steps it up, I'm weirded out.
Please be where Quaxly evolves.
Lokix is more my speed.
Quaxlytime? Nice
>He hates Alain and Goh for being OCs
That are boring , consistently need special treatment and tend to play. Unlike them Ash actually went though character development and had to overcome actual hardship to become stronger.
I only see mentions of a trainer with black Charizard which could be Red, Lance and anybody with Mega Charizard X. I don't see Alain's name anywhere.
>T-that are
Yeah yeah, keep backpedaling
Only one black Mega Charizard X that Steven met. But keep crying, you pathetic troll.
Trust the plan.
T. Spinel
I feel bad for Anne.
>Mega Charizard X that Steven met
Anime Steven=/= Game Steven
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Ash x Dawn
And there you go again with your impulsive Anime =/= Game false equivalence. If they went already so far to include your self-insert special frog form back then making it clear they acknowledge the anime, then it's absolutely clear that Steven met the trainer who faced a Mega Rayquaza. Get a grip on your garbage copes and get a life, F aggot.
>inb4 reply
No one cares about your excuses. Get bent, hobo.
This mean that Anime Nemona =/= Game Nemona , and so it is fair that Roy her rival and she not care for Ash because Ash so weak as to be uninteresting to her. Heck he not even know steel immune to poison , what a waste of time for Nemona to fight someone so weak as Ash! Meanwhile Alan actually train and study , and is canon to games.
Good news: Raifort shows up next week
Bad news: Liko lost
Nice and expected.
Thank god Liko isn't another mary sue Ash. There's hope for her yet. Now all she needs is to either commit fully to being a housewife or to dive into the cold, calculating, powerful waters of Lucius and become the next Tobias.
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>First spoiler
>Second spoiler
About what I expected. And if the other tidbits are true then this friday is gonna be a bit wild.
I am kinda surprised how July has no break on the first friday around.
Hope she has a bigger role here in the anime than in the games.
My boy!
>>HZ058 - The Poster Pokémon is Kingambit!? (July 12th)
>>HZ059 - Dance Quaxly! Blue Medali Step! (July 26th)
Sounds boring.
At least it is not so boring as Ash.
>Anime Nemona =/= Game Nemona
Game Nemona never talk about meeting Roy or Alain, her entire character revolve around finding a rival that satisfy her battle hunger which happens to be the Mary Sue player character. However the only person that can play that role in the anime is Ash Ketchum, the youngest World Champion.

By your logic, the event of Mega Evolution special has to be canon in ORAS which is not possible because it contradicts the whole story of the game and Zinnia's plan pointless.
>Steven met the trainer who faced a Mega Rayquaza
Which could very well be Red, Lance or even Friede with Mega Charizard X.
Game nemona never care for Ash. In fact she only care for player who is strong trainer , which mean Roy as strong as player while Ash so weak to be uninteresting for Nemona.
and also game event of mega evolution special is not contradict any story. You are so dumb as to not understand simple plot of pokemon game
>Good news
So somehow it will turn out everybody knows about Terapagos and its Steller form which supposed to be a mystery with Heath being the only person to see & named it but nobody believed him.

No wonder they writing out Arven and his parents.
>W-which could
One Alain, with ONE black charizard. Try harder, you worthless troll. Can't you read the >inb4 reply? No one cares about your garbage excuses.
So even freaking Friede more canon to game than Ash who not even exist
>Game nemona never care for Ash
Because she never met Ash or anybody from outside of Paldea. By your logic, Nemona think Red to be weak since she didn't challenge him.
>also game event of mega evolution special is not contradict any story
Yes they contradict the story hard way.
Would you look at that? The homeless F aggot found wifi and starts his damage control. What a miserable loser.
>>W-which could
Anybody with Mega Charizard X.
Unless Alain's name is mentioned, it could be anybody.
How she not even know about world freaking champion? only answer is that Ash so weak as to be uninteresting, so Nemona raise Roy to be strong trainer worth her time. Meanwhile Ash so uninteresting to not even care about and is not canon to game
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>No argument except trolling
Expected nothing less from a whiny retard who can't accept he's wrong.
>How she not even know about world freaking champion?
How the heck Amethio doesn't know Pikachu to be the ace of the current world champion? Nemona probably haven't heard of PWC just like Ash didn't untill Professor Sakuragi informed him.
So you admit that many trainer out there stronger than Ash who can fighted legendary , meanwhile Ash not even interest for Nemona unlike Roy who strong enough for fight Rayquaza like Alan
>who can fighted legendary
While Ash defeated Legendary Pokémon.
Because ash so weak as to be uninteresting. Heck even Nemona know that Ash not strong , so amethio not even care either. Heck, if not for Cap then all Pikachu be consider weak.
At this point it obvious that Ash so weak as to be uninteresting
Wrong Ash cannot even defeated Hydreigon. Heck only time Ash fight legendary and winned from legendary that so weak to be captured by other trainer.

Meanwhile nemoa show interest for Roy who fight legendary like Rayquaza as to be actually interesting for Nemona , unlike Ash mogged by a hydreigon.
>Because ash so weak as to be uninteresting
By that logic Nemona consider Cynthia and Red to be weak since she didn't challenge them.
^Troll excuse.
Yep because Nemona only care for strongest trainer which is Roy who have talent to become her rival , unlike freaking weakest world champions of all time who does not interest Nemona at all. Heck , Cynthia lose to trainer who have team of pokemon he not even trainer for 10 years , no wonder Nemona not give a damn.
Meanwhile Roy interest Nemona and probably to catch Rayquaza , unlike Ash who never have a single legendary as to be weak and uninteresting,.
>Wrong Ash cannot even defeated Hydreigon
Pignite says hi.
>Nemona show interest for Roy
She is just being nice to him.
You say Pignite stronger than Ash Pikachu? At this point it obvious no wonder Amethio and Nemona think Pikachu are weak , world champion Pikachu so weak as to get mogged by Hydreigon that even Pignite can defeated.

At this point it obvious , Ash so weak as to be uninteresting to Nemona.
>Yep because Nemona only care for strongest trainer
Which Roy is not considering he can't even defeat a Grass type cat . Nemona just being nice to Roy unlike her behaviour around Juliana/Florian.
Level 5 snivy say hi. Meanwhile Roy actually go after Legendary Rayquaza and for cause real damage, then fighted Elite 4. No wonder Nemona so interest in him , for talented trainer to actually be worth her time unlike weakest champions of all time like Ash
>You say Pignite stronger than Ash Pikachu?
Why do think the anime didn't let Ash use his old pokemon on PWC?
>Level 5 snivy say hi.
Get destroyed by Pikachu on Unova League.
So you admit even pokemon so weak as to not win league conference are stronger than champion and world champion ? No freaking wonder Nemona not have any interest for world champion , they all weak as to be so uninteresting that even a freaking Greninja not even strong enough for beat Alan is consider strong.

At this point it obvious Nemona have no choice but for raise strong trainer herself with ROy
Is the self-inserting Asshtard really gonna throw another fit because the anime destroyed another one of his shitty copiums while pretending he wasn't wrong? Jesus, I'm agreeing with >>56070032, that flamebaiting loser really needs to stop having access to the internet.
Meanwhile Pikachu get mogged by Hydreigon and cannot even defeated Spiritomb. At this point it obvious, Nemona not have any interest for weakest world champion of all time and more interest in Roy who strong enough for fight elite 4 and catch legendary after just one year unlike Ash who need 30
>cannot even defeated Spiritomb
Pikachu defeated Spiritomb twice, Roy haven't done anything significant outside of jobbing. Nemona simply being nice as his senior until her true rival (Juliana/Florian/Ash) drops by.
Meanwhile Ash get mog by TRio and almost lose Pikachu all the freaking time to weakest Team Rocket member ever.

At this point no wonder Nemona and Amethio not have interest for World Champion. Is weakest world champion of all time who win even though he not know steel immune to poison and get mogged by hydreigon
Stop wasting your time on that homeless troll, anon. He isn't worth it.
>Meanwhile Ash get mog by TRio and almost lose Pikachu all the freaking time to weakest Team Rocket member ever.
Liko and Roy wouldn't have last a second against TRio and got Terapagos stolen over & over by them.
Meanwhile Pikachu mogged by lv 5 snivy and cannot even defeated Alan or hydreigon. Heck, Ash not even catch single legendary after 30 years or even beat one in battle that not so weak as to be own by trainer.
No wonder Nemona not care about Ash , while Roy fight Rayquaza that strong enough for fight many trainer at once unlike Ash that almost get mog by couple team rocket pokemon
Can the mods just ban Fagmon and the other two toddlers already? All three of them are just obsessed genwarring manchildren.
This is not genwar. Ash is still canon in new anime gen but so uninteresting that Nemona not care for him
Ash, Liko, and Roy have never and will never be this cool.
>Heck, Ash not even catch single legendary after 30 years or even beat one in battle
Ash defeated 4 legendary pokémon and one mythical. The only person Roy defeated in the show was Brassius wjo nerfed himself. The last episode shown that Brassius is not that skilled either.
Stop being so pathetically stupid and get a job, useless F aggot.
The Rakua plot will go nowhere.
Nothing ever happens.
Because there is nothing interesting about Rakua. League quest is interesting because it is a competition and at least over 70% people are interested in competition. But who the heck supposed to relate to a girl with a special connection to an ancient hero that is traveling to find a lost paradise while bad guys come after her because she is the Key to finding it?

Inba : Troll reply.
Another little spoiler along with the results of Liko vs Rika

Liko apparently burst into tears after the loss, this isn't the first time someone took a loss poorly of course but please correct me bros if I'm wrong about this. Didn't we have an episode of Liko not giving that much of a shit about winning?
Here is a better premise of a new Pokémon anime, it focus on a dumb shy boy named Kyu who wants to be the BB league Champion so he could become popular in school and impress Lacey. Unfortunately he is dumb and often does stupid things that lebel him as a weirdo.
The summary of the upcoming episode highlighted that Liko was really enjoying the battle so maybe she got too much into it and that's why she felt put off by it.
Sounds too superficial, since the battle is just an exhibition and hold no special meaning or depth.
I am agreeing with what >>56074490 said, since Liko is getting more into that battle. Could also be since she lost the previous battle so that might have been affecting her emotions too, kinda like how Roy was out of it after he got fugged out of a battle with shiny fug a second time and figuring out he wasn't strong enough for the job.
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BB Elite 4 were more interesting.
Then play the game instead of malding here. Oh wait I forgot, you don't even own the console to play it, hobo. Get a job.
I have just found out one of the Pokemon dub va also dubbed a hardcore rape and SM hentai....and her voice was horribly unsexy.
Yeah they are. They love putting that cuck Kieran in his place.
I don't know why it was such a turnoff. I know she has been cast in multiple roles.
wtf, I didn't knew Sceptile primary lotus the fuck out that Golbat. I think the move was Leaf Tornado, but instead they did some weird variation of the move.

Not necessarily true. I'd argue its probably the same, but with different priorities.

I can also tell to you watch Shadowverse if you like serious edgy anime yet nobody watching it, isn't it?
Currently a serious Pokémon anime can only work with Ash in the show. New protagonist requires more lighthearted comedic pokemon anime like the original.

Heck Lucius being corrupted by Rakulium and become the final villain that Ash confront in the final showdown with his own broken team with paradox, Hisuian, legendary and Mega evolved pokemon would have been more hype.
And of course you immediately make it about a non-Pokemon show out of nowhere to hide the fact that you neither own or play the games. Consider your worthless rant discarded, sad failure of a deranged human being. You're pathetic F aggot.
Your fanfiction isn't hype Mr Lolicon and every time I read it I cringe.
I hope Sango fucks Alex and mindbreaks Liko
So has the pedo at least owned or played one (1!) Pokemon game or has he been too busy obsessing over a version of Ash that doesn't exist?

Reina is for Kumiko btw.
The phonefagging loser got kicked out of his parents home for not getting a job and for obsessing over Assh. It's clear what the answer is and that he will lie about it anyway like always.
Fuck it I'm going to bed, it's clear that the self-inserting manchild is just obsessed with turning everything into a serieswar and shitting up discussions for others. Good night
Does Lacey count as sassy?
That's just makes her so much better.
Just ignore the stupid moron if you don't want a braindead response.
Ash will never get a sassy and genki gf btw
Troll reply as deflection huh.
It doesn't change that a plot driven show like Shadowverse with serious story didn't come close to Ashnime. Even from just an AMV, its obvious that it has better story than PM2023.
What will mindbroke the Anime Kieren?
>T-troll deflection
But enough about (You). Either post the games you own with a timestamp or consider your asshurt tantrum discarded, F aggot.
If you remove the visuals, sakuga and Serena then XY/XY&Z has freaking nothing.
Why does Sandwich love self-destruct so much?
she has an explosive temper
Why are you so obsessed about comparing the anime to other anime anyway? What is your fucking deal?
Does he even touch grass? How can he have so little social awareness?
But it can hurt
Only shippers still like him
The deal is that making an anime more serious and edgy doesn't make it better. It didn't worked for Shadowverse, it didn't worked for Youkai Watch Shadowside and it is not working for PM2023.

If they wanted a serious edgy Pokémon anime then they should have never replaced Ash in the first place.
Why can't you just let Pokemon be its own thing? Why does Pokemon HAVE to be like whatever show you're watching now? You know Pokemon has its own identity right?
>Makes the Internet his life
>Ruins his own private life
>Has no job
>Parents had enough and kicked him out
>Is leeching off public wifi to throw tantrums on his phone
If you expected anything from that miserable self-inserter who screamed for years that everyone else is a NEET or sees unrelated shit in things, then you're just getting disappointed. Now shut up about him and do the thing you should do with rule-breaking oxymorons like him who can't stop turning everything into a genwar.
Has it actually been proven that he has no job and was kicked out of his house, or are anons just memeing?
>Started posting at a less inconsistent rate unless you reply to him since January
>The poster counter increased with each of his meltdown before the IP count got removed.
>Mobile links from a phone.
>Usual denial of posting proof of owning games or physical merch.
>Suddenly really quiet with his NEET projections
>Aggressively demanded sometimes that random posts that contained the word job or home should count as spam
Fagmon got himself kicked out at the start of this year and he's literally wasting his life shitting up discussions around the Pokemon anime out of spite that the time of his self-insert is over.
Next time, just update the filename to the one of the previous thread.
The filename doesnt fall under that.
>Schizo Post as the first post
>F aggot being stupid again not even ten posts in
Sorry anon, nothing against you, but I really can't deal with his deranged ass and the following posse of stupidity anymore for the day. It's a skip thread for me.
That's probably why Liko would have enjoyed it so much. Nobody misses out on anything if Liko wins, and Liko misses out on nothing if she loses, so it's one of the first times she can really give it her all without worrying about anyone's feelings, eve her own.
Little does she know, it's her own feelings that were in danger.

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