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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading. Watcha readin'? Whatcha writin'? What've you been workin' on?

Old thread:

>Thread Question:
Actually, instead of a threat question, how about you recommend some fics that you actually like? I feel like we spend a lot of time focusing on what we hate.
>>Actually, instead of a threat question, how about you recommend some fics that you actually like? I feel like we spend a lot of time focusing on what we hate.
I once more am begging everyone to read Pinnacle Platinum.

Sinnoh Journeyfic. It's isekai/reincarnation, however, the MC is not a SI.
Set during the best anime season, DP. However, it adds and implements a lot of things, past and future, of the franchise, so there's lots of changes which keeps things fresh.
Amazing battles, lots and lots of great characterization and character development, good set-ups and foreshadowing of things to come.
It's not edgy nor grimderp, but it does feel like a more mature than how the anime was.
My biggest praise for it is that I'd say this is the fic that captures the spirit of the anime the best of everything I've read, back when the anime was good, as I mentioned, back during the DP era.
It's bit rough at the start but it's honestly worth it.
>It's isekai/reincarnation, however, the MC is not a SI.
How much meta and meme knowledge are we talking about?
>The MC is constantly trying to compare reality with the game and seems to miss simple tactics that would be blatantly obvious in that world. Like dodging, that is just something that would be very clearly necessary. Also there are a couple of mentions her trying to treat it like she would in the the game. With the turn based combat and high levels stomping lower levels
That's a red flag, bro
Do you go by game weights and heights or headcannon things differently?
If the Pokémon eats stuff like rocks and metal it is heavy, period

Unrelated but when I see Ash's crazy feats I kind of want to write him as an unga bunga alien, maybe a viltrumite or daxamite, maybe Asgardian
Very little.
MC only knows about up until Gen 5 and only watched OS of the anime so she actually makes a lot of wrong assumption at times.
And there's no retroactive knowledge or anything either. If something's new she's going in blind and even fascinated by it since it is you know new.
Like I said, it's got a rough beginning. It really outgrows that kind of stuff.
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I think the fanfic that came along with either the improvement or collapse of the Dawn threads (depends who you ask) deserves a mention.
Disclaimer: Really only enjoyable if you like the Pokemon anime.
I think game weights and heights work fine as an average.
Extreme heights are common in anime so I wouldn't have anything against a giant Golem or something appearing.
Go back to you containment general and talk about panties some more
I've been enjoying crime sometimes pays.
It depends. Cosmog is capable of being very heavy but it also levitates to not splatter whatever human is holding it.
Dex-height Tyranitar is only 6'07.
Dex-height Charizard is 5'07.
I can't imagine anyone actually using these unless they gave 0 shits about the rule of cool.
I think >>56069269 lends to a more satisfying rule of cool. The 12 foot tall, monstrous, draconic Charizard is only as cool as it is unique from the 5 foot manlet Charizards that follow it and bring it food.
Did this one have a 4 move limit? I remember something turning me away but I can't remember what that something was.
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What do the other Champions think of her? At the end of the day is she truly strong, or just good at playing politics?
I like the character = truly strong
I hate the character = politics.
Geeta is an ugly ayy lmao, thus she relies on politics and probably weighs as much as a duck.
I think she is truly strong, but on the lower end of the Champion rankings. She could be stronger if she didn't have so much on her plate, but between the academy, the league, and micromanaging her gym leaders she doesn't get a lot of time to train.

As for who likes her? The battle junkies are probably dissapointed she doesn't live up to her full potential, while Champions with more responsibilities can appreciate her work ethic, and even admire the way she can balance so many different occupations. I feel like the Champion she gets along with the best is Steven, and the one she gets along with the least is Iris.
It does not.
In fact, that's one of the things that get mentioned as not existing in "real life".
They probably think of her as that annoying naggy aunty always nitpicking everything you do to make sure it's "perfect" according to her ridiculous standards.
>I feel like the Champion she gets along with the best is Steven
Funny that, anon.
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I need more crossover slop
This made me curious, is there any crossover where a betrayed Ash, a neglected Naruto, and a boy-who-shouldn't-have-lived Harry exist together? It seems so obvious.
That sounds like a sausage party that would end in a gay orgy after talking about who got it worse, so no, they need a harem to remind the author that they're not gay and will get their own harem after they act as the true selves
Don't forget to throw in a Goku locked in the time chamber.
>Goku locked in the time chamber
That's new to me... I only knew about the cheating Chi Chi and Yamcha
The authors of those types of stories are almost always allergic to the idea of the protagonist having any platonic male friendships, which is a waste I think. It would give more opportunities for the MC to develop an actual personality besides cooming or violently torturing whoever wronged them.
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Is this an attractive summary?
It's a bit flowery but it's not bad.
Personally, I'd gloss over it.
>The authors of those types of stories are almost always allergic to the idea of the protagonist having any platonic male friendships
Usually because they're written by horny men or women who just want to get to the climax of whatever they're writing.
Awful summary. Your description isn't a sub-novella, save the flowery prose for the body. Actually tell people what the story is about in a way that doesn't require mainlining opium to assume the meaning of. If you can't sell your story in two rudimentary sentences, it's either a story not worth telling, or a story you're not capable of telling .

Ultimately, someone who writes this purple but doesn't know the difference between "its" and "it's" is not someone who I'm ever gonna progress past a summary on anyways lol
Harsh but true.
Yeesh. Glad I asked I guess.
Not even harsh, 100% true and based.
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Is that a digimon
Why, so you can kiss them? So you can kiss them on their big llama face? That's why you want Arceus, so you can kiss them, isn't it?
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You rang?
>start reading pokemon trainer vicky
>the grammar is all over the place
>the tenses are constantly swapping from past to present tense
>that shit about nobody knowing how to evolve feebas
Remember not to hold yourself to too high of a standard, bros, because readers don't care about any of that so long as it's fun to them
>see a story that gets praised as being good
>barely get through the first chapter because half of the sentences are run-ons that go on and on and on and on, while the other half of the sentences have a severe case of comma cancer
>lose interest after the first chapter or two, skip to the most recent chapter and see that it's just as (if not more) messy as the starting ones
>close the tab and wipe the story from my memories
At least some people are having fun
Would you rather read slop that's well-written, or something that's interesting but the prose sucks?
slop can be delicious if it's nostalgic or familiar, it depends on what kind of slop it is
I've read too many stories that started interesting, but became unreadable. The most common example is when the author doesn't know how to hit the enter key to split paragraphs so chapters are a couple of blocks of thousands of words.
It depends on the type of slop and how far you’ll go to find something to read.
Unironically the later, I want to have fun in a magical setting with monsters and super powers not getting into some imaginary fight because they couldn't keep their political views out of their work

The guy from Reset Bloodlines always do that to the point that even his OCs get some shitty sad story with bullshit politics
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Lurker here. The cultivation shitposting got to me so I decided to vomit something out over the last month or so.
Fellow Daoists of the /vp/ Fanfic Thread Sect, please observe this one's budding cultivation and provide feedback so that this humble Junior might reach enlightenment. This one acknowledges he has much to learn, and seeks the profound insights of your honored elders.
Oh right, pastebin doesn't support italicized and bold text. Good thing I put asterisks between every deliberate internal thought, I guess. A lot of emphasis is lost and it might be a bit hard to read at certain points because of the lost stylization, but oh well.
Read the first chapter, this was actually pretty amusing. You're clearly imitating the writing style of awkwardly translated cultivation stories, and the thing you're imitating is not my thing for the most part, but you've done so skillfully. You've also done well playing it up for comedic effect.
You should probably post this somewhere that's less awful than pastebin.
I'll read it tomorrow fellow daoist
continue defying heaven's will
>fics that you actually like
one of my personal favourites has to be Spring: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16241450/chapters/37969625

it's a johto journeyfic that's somewhat slow but absolutely doesn't overstay its welcome. it plays into realism/survivalism without being edgy, and the way everything is described and functions makes the pokemon world actually feel somewhat plausible(in comparison to way it's portrayed virtually everywhere else, at least) despite the circumstances of the MC.

it's a real damn shame though that it hasn't been updated since 2023, but i seriously can't recommend it enough.
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>The first 20-30 chapters are absolute dogshit, but after part three it REALLY starts getting good. Just make sure you skip chapters 61 through 67, the author went off on a tangent after some IRL drama and the fandom generally considers that section noncanon.
Pastebin is shit and should not be used for anything. Use Rentry.
Slop that's well written is a rare anomaly and therefore interesting. So the choices are interesting and well written vs interesting and badly written. I'll take the first one.
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>He had eyes, yet he had not opened them. Now he opened them, and he could see.
Also you should definitely upload it outside of pastebin. I rike it.
If >>56073723 is our example of well written slop, I'll take that. Anyone who has the writing chops to take something coked out or overdone and boring and make it fresh again deserves praise.
B-But le heckin genius little wonder girl being a epic girlboss being all sassy and smart on all the dumb adults with her meta knowledge is le fun!!!
With a heaping dose of meme politics, but don't worry, she's so strong, so smart and so sassy she just stomps over all the meanie politicians trying to use her to their advantage! She plays them all like a damn fiddle because she's just THAT cool!

>>that shit about nobody knowing how to evolve feebas
You should've gotten to the nobody knows how to evolve practically any stone evolution part.
Feebas is a rare shitmon that no one spares a single glance to so I can give it a pass but the "we know evo stones evolve Pokemon so we don't test them on every Pokemon because... they're le expensive!!!" now has absolutely zero defense.

The only positive I can give Vicky is that she couldn't unga bunga everything. I liked how Surge called her out on how she's only got strong Pokemon who are just conditioned physically, but have zero fucking skill, and she's gonna run into a wall soon enough. Which she kinda did with Surge himself.

No idea afterwards though, never read more past around that.
feebas looks similar enough to magikarp and can be occasionally seen with Milotic, so people can draw comparisons to gyarados
it's still a shit example when the evolution isn't particularly convoluted (making it pretty or giving it a prism scale) and when multiple trainers are known to use one
if it was something like nincada splitting into two pokemon when it evolves that could be justified a bit further if it was a fic taking place "before canon" but even then someone would've noticed shedinja floating around after evolving a ninjask
To be honest, I've been enjoying "Stolen Lives, Stolen Time" a lot. Sinnoh based story. Isekai, but the character that gets grabbed is a private detective who wakes up in the woods wearing a hospital gown with some clothes and a backpack piled nearby, and soon meets a hisuian zorua who was ALSO kidnapped and brought there, and, after a rough meeting, decide to team up to figure out what the fuck is going on. The dude only has meta-knowledge up to gen 5 or so and only scattered knowledge past it, so he doesn't know about PLA. It is weirdly introspective with a lot of thought but weirdly enjoyable as a vibe. It's still pretty early on, but it's had one major investigation segment and one major pursuit/combat section so far, and I'm liking what's there a lot.
>Sinnoh Journeyfic. It's isekai
That's probably the fastest I've ever lost interest in anything.
>private detective
I'm a dumbass. Private investigator.
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I am once again shilling my fic, Synchrolysis:
>Scientists discover a way for humans to shift into any one (1) Pokemon and back, werewolf style, no control over which Pokemon you get
>Eya is a teenager who finds herself relentlessly targeted after developing a mutation that gives her the ability to shift into the whole dex
>Trainer battles are like a gladiator sport, only a few matches a year, with no rules against damaging Pokemon or trainers past the point of fainting
>The region’s ruler is a shady Rayquaza-shifter who seems to know more about what’s going on than the leading scientists
>There’s sex, violence, and swearing, but it’s neither smut / fetish work nor grimderp, it is very firmly canon to the same multiversal timeline as the games and takes all of its more mature cues from existing evidence the games give us to work with
The first chapter ends on a note that doesn’t necessarily suggest the contents of these bullet points, but it’s all for worldbuilding. I know what this place finds kino and what it finds slop, I promise that some anons will be on board if they give it a try. It’s about to return with Chapter 6. Also, one of the existing characters is a direct relative to a canon character, I guarantee with my life nobody is ever going to guess it before it's revealed even though all the evidence is tantalizingly right there... Check it out, lmk what you think on here or on here, I appreciate any and all feedback!

>on here or on here
FUCK, my street cred is ruined. You know what I mean though, on here or on there. I just love feedback, I love to know things are being Engaged With; I put an autistic level of thought into foreshadowing, word choice, dialogue, implications, etc, and I love to see it explored by people who don't already know all the answers and outcomes.
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Anons, have you ever thought that your fics could turn into a more ambitious project than just prose? Just asking out of curiosity. I sometimes fantasize about my work being a fighting game.
That's what some romhacks are. The PMD scene especially has a lot of romhacks that tell new stories.
Fun to think about for me, but way too much work.
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same, though it is really hard to think of a style that would fit Ash, a part of me thinks that swords are cool but the other knows that they wouldn't fit him

Any ideas on your moveset?
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I envisioned Ash with a moveset similar to different protagonists, including Ryu, Kyo Kusanagi, Terry Bogard, and Batsu from Rival Schools. He'd have a Hadoken and a Shoryuken, but he'd also get stuff like a command grab where he blows up/electrocutes the opponent, a power tackle, a dive kick, and some explosive punches like pic-rel. He's pretty much a character that lends himself into the hand-to-hand combat.
are you familiar with Yasha from Asura's Wrath or Veritas?

I am familiar enough with Asura's Wrath in general. Yasha's moveset is cool for sure, though I can't imagine Ash doing some of his techniques, because they look quite "slashy", but still, from a close combat perspective, it's really good.
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[/spoiler]how about bajiquan? Hard and fast which is mostly his style.[/spoiler]



Why are you faggots talking in spoilers, just say it
Why do you faggots care about how to punch harder when any psychic would rape you?
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That one fits well enough. I'm a big fan of Bajiquan fighters, and some like Iron Fist give the moves a really "explosive" feel to them.
Well, that's one problem solved.

Now Brock does give the MMA feeling in MasterSex.
i'm sorry for calling you gay, anons, the truth is that i'm reading your conversation and i'm getting annoyed having to unspoiler all the spoilers when there's nothing that warrants them in the first place. it's on topic and it's Kino
What about you, bro? I think boxing fits Giovanni since he's a mafia boss
>Boxing was the most common fighting style among the Italian mafia as they had a history with the boxing industry. Mobsters were also often trained in armed combat with daggers, batons, and firearms.
Apology accepted, anon.

Brock, due to his pacifist nature gives me the impression of a Shaolin Kung Fu guy. Giovanni is okay with boxing, but he'd probably mix it with other martial arts.

As for other characters:
>Koga and Janine: Jujutsu, since it's what ninjas are usually portrayed using in fiction
>Blue/Gary: Jeet Kune Do, he gives me Jacky Bryant vibes, or Muay Thai because of the cocky attitude
>Bruno: Judo and Bajiquan
>Kukui: Puroresu with a bit of Lucha Libre
>Cynthia: Mizongquan
>Wulfric: Sumo
>Erika: Aikido
>May: Muay Thai because of Blaziken
>Paul: Bajiquan or Tiger-style Kung Fu
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That's a lot of bajiquan...

Anyways, what about ranks and power levels? Like
>1-5 badges= novice martial artists
>6-8 badges/gym leaders= advanced users
>E4= Real Masters
>Champions= Grand Masters

Though of course not everyone will have the talent to become monsters able to crush armies without their Mons, and Psychics and aurafags would probably ignore ranks
Some good stories, eh? Well, I have a few in the vault that I call my hard drive that could use a little love.

Granted, many of the works I have archived are old. Some good, some not so good, some inbetween, and others outright dead from a lack of updates and certain to remain so. But even still, I still think they deserve a little love and a good read besides from the anons of this thread.

Thusly, here's what I have.


A simple slice of life work featuring a human watching lucario. There's no great adventure to save the world. No dastardly plots to untwine. No terrible drama of any sort that the Lucario has to deal with.

No, Lucario's aspirations are rather simple.

To watch humans. Those fascinating, humans who despite their lack of any inherent abilities, managed to master and tame the world and mons around them. Raised from the wisdom of a wise xatu and left with his great inherits of books, doodads, and other material related to them, Lucario has nurtured a grand curiosity, ever driven to learn about humanity.

The problem is, he can only learn so much from what Xatu has taught and given to him. So what's the solution?

Simple. If the humans won't come to him, he'll go to the humans. Wearing a dastardly simple but clever disguise of a simple scarf marking him as a "trainer's" mon, Lucario is free to explore the local human settlement at will, its inhabitants none the wiser to this supposed civil mon in their midst. Along the way, he does little things to help the motley group of friends he has gained, helping here and there as he continues on his quest to sate his never ending curiosity.

>and when multiple trainers are known to use one
What's the fanfic scene with Liko and Roy? If Ash gets "Betrayed fics" what's with Liko and Roy?

But alas, as said, this work has been dead for the better part of fifteen years now. But nonetheless, it's a wonderful time capsule for that era's prose and the Pokemon fiction at the time. I enjoy this era for it's relative lack of "addons", without the needs for stuff like megas, drama with questionable mon designs, curious regions, and other stuff of that nature that has soured me on Pokemon for the better part since X&Y. It's a minority opinion to be sure, but I treasure the older works that don't have such fuss to worry about.

That said, you aren't here for such rants. So onward to the next recommendation.

My next one is unfortunately confined to deviantART, with archaic interface and even more horrible Eclipse layout. But the work is still there in it's entirety, albeit just as dead as my last recommendation, a theme that shall continue into this recommendation.

The fic in question is a HeartGold nuzlocke by the name of https://www.deviantart.com/fabusol/gallery/42015444/resistance-pokemon-heart-gold-nuzlocke.

Nuzlocke fics aren't always hitters, but when they *do* hit, they tend to hit hard. Usually, this being in the focus of character driven stories. This work, I am glad to say is among that rank. Enough that I took the trouble back in the day to individually screenshot each chapter for the lack of a tool to archive it. Painful, but otherwise worth it to say the least.
The work itself follows in the old trend of Poke Wars, or at least, the aftermath of one between Kanto and Johto and the various other regions involved. Naturally, it follows a young, hot headed Gold, a native to the Johto region with a chip on his shoulder. At a glance, there isn't much to speak of regarding his character. Stuck in the middle of nowhere fast, with little in the room for entertainment or the like, Gold has been left to stew in his thoughts about the shit situation both he and the region he calls home is in. With little to do, he passes the time helping out Professor Elm, doing whatever errands that needs be done to keep things going.

Just like any other day, Ethan goes about his business when he gets a special call from Elm. According to the good professor, Ethan needs to make a special delivery in the form of an unknown Pokemon egg, which if accomplished, could gain the League's assistance in providing much needed protection and resources to the Johto region. Or at least, their portion of it.

Of course, Gold needs a trusty companion to make sure he is protected. Given the choice of totodile, cyndaquill, or chikorita, Gold naturally gravitates to the fire type. Like he ever want a lame leaf dino, right?

He releases the Pokeball, and out comes a very green, very sour chikorita who has heard every word of his comment about her.
I'm curious about this too, Liko so far is what fanfic writers wanted Ash to be, a canon chosen one part of a legendary bloodline
Naturally, this is one of those nuzlocke fics where the protagonist is able to communicate with their mons. Suffice to say, the plot follows roughly as you would expect of the Johto games, save for being spiced up with the other background additions the author has made. What I really like about the work is the chemistry Gold has with his Pokemon, especially with his starter, Florence. Getting off to a rocky start with what appears to be a weakling grass type, the little dino is only further driven to prove Gold wrong and bloody the opposition as the best she is able to do so. The dynamic between them, first starting as hostile, before slowly warming up to become blooded companions through thick and thin, even in the face of mortal danger, endears me to them as characters.

It also doesn't hurt this is one of the few works where my favorite grass starter takes front and center stage, something you really don't see in fan works. Of the three, the chikorita line is both the least beloved and least represented as far as fan works are concerned. So it's nice to see one that has such a spitfire in the form of this little rita. Florence, starting out only wishing to prove Gold wrong, proves to be one of his strongest and most dependable partners, leading to a close bond between the both of them to the point where Gold at one point risked his life for her, much to Florence's chagrin. Their personalities contrast and mix well with each other, bouncing off each other in a way that I cannot imagine this version of Gold being with any other starter.

Florence is by no means the only endearing character in the work, but I best leave you to read on to find out for yourself as to who else Gold gets on his team. I use the work as a case study in terms of how to get good dynamics between my characters, and even dead, it's nice to see old fan speculation put into action, jossed as it might be.
Nobody watches the SHITme
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So far it's only been
>classic anime characters involved
>Friede having to protect the kids
>Liko reflecting on the fact that she has to become stronger

It's kinda depressing honestly, but I'm not surprised. Liko feels like she's in the wrong genre, as if she belonged in a slice of life series like Bocchi the Rock, but got shoehorned into an action series.
As for my final recommendation for the day, I have a somewhat slop but good hearted fic in the form of https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10779528/1/When-One-Door-Closes-Two-More-Open.

You know Ash's companion, Pikachu, the one who has been through thick and thin no matter the odds despite the rough start of things at the beginning of their journey? The one who Ash saved and managed to endear himself to after that fiasco with that flock of spearow?

Yeah, that didn't happen here. As a matter of fact, the rodent electrocuted shortly after Ash made a slightly different decision and managed to befriend a lone spearow and rattata out close to where Ash would have thrown that first stone. In short, the rat got into an argument and made to fry the both of them with a thunderbolt, when in typical Ash fashion, threw himself in the way between it and them and got fried for it.

In short, he lost one starter, but gained two in return, with the ability to speak to them as an added bonus.

As far as quality goes, the prose is somewhat rough. It isn't going to be winning any five stars. Maybe not even four stars to be honest. But the author has got passion for it, getting close to a 3.9 up there, and they do improve as the work goes on. It's somewhat typical of Ash stories in this subsect, but it has enough twist in the formula to keep itself novel as Ash works out with his new set of starter, and the added trauma of almost being killed by Pikachu. Naturally, his two new starters Kiara (Spearow) and Trevor (Rattata) fill in this void quite nicely, albeit having to compensate for being bog standard route mons that nonetheless wish to grow stronger alongside this human who saved them.

It follows about what you'd expect from the Anime plotline, but as said, it throws in enough twists and turns to keep things interesting, especially with Ash's new ability to communicating with mons heading off at least some problems at the pass, creating certain opportunities and creating other conflicts to solve.

Beyond that, there isn't that much special with the work, with other more competent works following in a similar vein having been commended here. Still, it's an endearing work, dead as it may be. If you have a bit of spare time, it's a nice one to breeze through.


That's the last of them for now. I hope that at some of these recommendations are worth your time. I got more in reserve, so if the reception to these recommendations are good, I'll keep providing more.
if the reception to these recommendations IS good, IS, why do you flowy,10 paragraph faggots never know basic grammar? You would fail a first grade pop quiz, no, I'm not taking your two decade old recommendations or reading your old "treasures".
Okay ESL-chan
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>if the reception to these recommendations IS good, IS, why do you flowy,10 paragraph faggots never know basic grammar?
Yeah sorry for not making the second comma a semicolon you turbofaggot, now tell me where I’m wrong.
>if the reception to these recommendations IS good, IS, why do you flowy,10
>>IS good, IS, why do you flowy,10
I'm not >>56077724 but in the first chapter I spot multiple missing spaces, repeatedly starting sentences with conjunctions, tons of sentence fragments, run-on sentences with four or more commas in them, inconsistently referring to Pikachu as either "he" or "it," ending dialog with periods instead of commas, and a fuckton of passive voice. All these problems are forgivable when they happen once in a while, or if the fic is written by a non-native english speaker, or a child. But I have zero faith that someone who doesn't know basic grammar can still deliver a compelling narrative in spite of it.

Christ, this author's profile lists Twilight and the Inheritance Cycle as among their favorite books; two series notorious for reading like they're written by middle schoolers. This person's first fic was published in '09 and they appear to still be churning out new stuff, so this person clearly hasn't mentally developed much since entering adulthood. No wonder they write like a teenager. The poor author is almost certainly autistic or developmentally disabled in some way. Now I feel bad for criticizing them. Luckily they'll probably never see this.
Yeah, I’m doing an aside on the word “is” to draw emphasis to the fact that he chose the wrong word, couple with the fact that multiple adjectives would be itemized, you absolute fucking Peruvian retard. Try learning my language before policing it, you dumb fucking monkey. It would be “flowy, ten paragraph”, not “flowy ten paragraph”; again, this board is populated by Josés and Baljeets who couldn’t pass a fourth grade English test even if it was their only hope of managing McDonald’s. Again, aside from not potentially making the second comma of my aside a semicolon for conversational dialogue purposes, tell me where I’m wrong. I suspect you can’t, because you learned English by watching the Pokemon anime, and I learned it by being raised in an English-speaking country.
Not him but I'm struggling to identify what point you're trying to make amidst that tirade. I think you need to put down the crack pipe and go and hug your mother.
>if the reception to these recommendations
Failed to capitalize the start of your sentence.
>why do you flowy,10 paragraph
Failed to add a space.
>couple with the fact
>adjectives would be itemized
Should be.

Post your fic if you want me to care about your opinion.
Mine is nearly the same, but with some tweaks:
>1 badge: white belt
>2-3 badges: orange belt-tier
>4-5 badges: blue belt
>6-8: brown belts
>E4: black belts
>Champions: grandmaster level

Good enough of a gap to make all ranks feel like progress.
>projecting drug addiction and parental issues
Post a picture of your skin color.

>First one
I'm quoting him. He didn't capitalize so neither did I.
>Second one
Where is there a space missing?
>Third one
I'm using couple as a verb, not an adjective.
>Fourth one
And they are, at least in my comment you're failing to critique.
>y-you have to be a chef to a judge a meal
Kill yourself, nigger. I don't write fics, I critique them, and you will never reach my linguistic level in a million years of reading "English For Dummies: Volume Cinco". You have failed to prove anything other than me right, as was already evident to any native English speaker in the thread. Please write any further cope in your native language so that I can better gauge where you're coming from, both emotionally and geographically.
perfect grammar is for gay homofags
as long as people understand what you're saying, that's good enough
ESPECIALLY for slop like fanfics
This guy gets it

Other anon is an angry child and is almost certainly a nigger
>I'm quoting him. He didn't capitalize so neither did I.
Use a greentext arrow for that, newfag.
>Where is there a space missing?
>flowy,10 paragraph
>I'm using couple as a verb, not an adjective.
You are using the phrase "coupled with". If you were using it as a verb, the correct usage would be "couple that with".
>And they are, at least in my comment you're failing to critique.
The correct word is should, anon. If you wanted to use "would" and "couple", the correct phrase would be "couple that with the fact that multiple adjectives would be itemized in a correct list". However, a better sentence would be "coupled with the fact that multiple adjectives should be itemized".
>I don't write fics
I'm sorry to air your dirty laundry, but that's just wrong. You see, I had a premonition. It was revealed to me in a dream last night that you are, in fact, the author of The Most Evil Trainer. Certainly, if that is your Isekai SI, it explains many things about you.
>you will never reach my linguistic level
Very true. Unlike you, I am not a victim of the American education system.
Yeah, stressing over grammar seems more like an editor's job to me.
Would both of you kindly shut the fuck up? No one but you cares what you're arguing about and you're not going to convince the retard you're arguing with that you're right and they're wrong. Just fucking stop.
Mmm I agree that you don't need perfect grammar, but let's not pretend most fics have even a basic grasp of grammar/spelling.
More than half the reason fics like Borne of Caution and Hard Enough are so popular is because they pass these basic checks and are over 100k words in length. The bar is that low.
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Any reccs for fics set in UNOVA?
I give it 2 more chapters before the author unceremoniously drops it forever
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Designing characters for fanfics sure is a hard task.
Did you make those sprites?
What's the deal with Yanmega-man.
>Did you make those sprites?
All but Misty, who I took from a sprite pack for Mugen I'll probably end up making a sprite for her too.

>What's the deal with Yanmega-man.
Basically, he's a mad scientist who got obsessed with "primal evolutions", as in, Yanmega, Mamoswine, and Tangrowth (Pokémon that go back to being prehistorical in a sense), and ended up injecting himself with the former's DNA. Think of him as something similar to The Lizard and Man-Bat, but unlike them, he keeps his mind and intelligence intact.
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That's cool bro, btw I always thought that gun kata would fit Gary in that its cool looking and able to deal with mooks and mid tiers but useless against Masters and Grand Masters who are basically murim fags
>Jessie ends up winning her very first contest because of butterfly ripple effects
This is cute. Jessie deserves a W. I want to read about Jessie becoming a successful contest coordinator now and retiring from Team Rocket.
Now that you mention that, another thing I rather like of PP is that it 99% of the time it follows just the MC and the MC group alone.
No 50 interludes for every normal chapter or any crap like that. People come and go into the story, but their stories happen in the background, it's not our fucking business, and when they appear again from the last time you can see the changes but how and why who knows and honestly who fucking cares, no I don't need an interlude for every side character, no I don't need a pokenet™ interlude about the opinions of literally who, I want to see the MC and MC group story and for their story to advance.
>no I don't need an interlude for every side character, no I don't need a pokenet™ interlude about the opinions of literally who, I want to see the MC and MC group story and for their story to advance.
Reset Bloodlines did that, iirc
That and every other web fiction since Worm
That piece of trash has done irreparable damage to amateur writing as a whole
Ralts are in the amorphous egg group. Did you know that? Did you know that no matter how much you think it can fit, it can fit more than that inside? It doesn't have any kind of organ structure like we would understand as humans. Its egg-hole is only so deep, but if you go up the other end, there's practically no limit. You won't hurt the thing, or at least you won't injure it, anyway. They're basically the perfect onahole - stretchy, hand-held, portable. And if you play with them enough they kinda start to like it. They might learn to stop crying eventually, or at least choke back the sobs.

I just thought that was interesting.
Based. I fucking hate all that PHO and it imitations, this is the most bland, brainrotted and disgusting writing ever created, even 2000's "chat fics" were better than this fic slop.
What program do you guys use for writing?
I tend to do most of it in Samsung Notes, from the basic outline all the way to the first draft (I do the editing on my laptop of course). It really has S-tier UI, I don't give a shit about any of the "features" nobody ever uses, but being able to change the color of the background and zoom the pages in and out on the fly makes all the difference. Staring at the same screen for long stretches becomes a lot more manageable when you can totally change the look of it on the fly, it's like being able to open a window in a dark stuffy room.

Of course, I recently found out they felt the need to put DRM in their (free) notes app of all things so that you can't use it on other phones, and now I hate it out of principle. I've started using Quillpad after trying out a bunch of other notes apps, its UI isn't perfect but it's the closest match I can find that isn't trying to show me ads or get me to pay a subscription or some crap. I can change the background color between a few decent options, and changing the app's font size is close enough to being able to zoom out, even if I have to go a little bit out of the way to do it. It's a bit lacking in export options (though I always just copy/pasted it into rentry or a text file to transfer it to my computer anyway), but being able to back up all my notes instead of only one at a time manually is nice peace of mind, and support for markdown formatting is a plus. All in all there are a few ways it can be improved, but I have a habit of not letting myself become dependent on things that are only provided conditionally (I still use LibreOffice exclusively despite my college providing me with Microsoft Office), and being able to regularly backup all of my writing onto an SD card painlessly is worth the tradeoffs.
PHO - ParaHumansOnline - name of internet forum in Worm, on the basis of which firstly McCray wrote several awful chapters with them being basically text from forum, and later all that shitwriters rushed to copy him in their "works", fully turning it into complete piece of trash.
It's the internet forum used in the world of Worm (one of those capeshit deconstruction settings). The PHO trend is the modern equivalent of those fanfics where you have canon characters reacting to things except they do it by posting in a forum now, usually to gush or seethe about whatever the MC has done. It's really popular in places like SB for some reason.
I pirated scrivener, used it for a few days and went back to notepad.
Libreoffice for writing.
Notepad++ for notes, idea bins, outlines, etc. This is what some of you mean when you say notepad, right? Surely you're not using the terrible default notepad that comes with wangblows

I can't imagine writing anything long-form on a phone. The most I use it for is jotting down spontaneous ideas with the default notes app.
>I can't imagine writing anything long-form on a phone
I do my best brainstorming (and writing) while pacing around in circles and listening to music in the background. My phone is my best option for that. It's hard to focus when I'm sitting still, which also makes my editing process take longer since I'm doing it on a laptop instead of being able to hold it in my hands and walk around while I write.
I've only read a few fics that had the dreaded "forum chapters" where they genuinely fit the story without grinding the pacing to a halt, and most of those weren't even Pokemon-related.
>I do my best brainstorming (and writing) while pacing around in circles and listening to music in the background
I do that exact same thing.
Google Docs
Don't you dare to die now thread.
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I'm a boomer and I can't imagine using a touch screen keyboard to write anything longer than like a text message. You do you though.

I sometimes write at my desktop, but since that's also where I play video games and jer koff, I often have a hard time getting myself into "work mode" at my desktop. Because of this I often end up writing on my laptop in another room or something. As for what actual program, I use OpenOffice to write and use Mega to sync everything between the cloud and both computers so I can access from either machine and have it backed up. I use a web tool called Quillbot for spellchecking since I find it to be better at spotting grammar errors, and also it tends to spot when I make the sort of typo where I accidentally type a completely different word that is technically grammatically correct.
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Aura Cynthia is a thing but would probably lose to base Ash, Bea, Leon, Kukui, Bruno, Chuck and maybe even Korrina without Pokémon.
Aura is stupid and Cynthia is a bookish nerd
She still can kick your ass with aura, bitch
You JUST know
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Nobunaga would kick all of their asses and he wouldn't even consider it a battle.
>Can get cucked by a self deluded tranny that believes he is a woman
Pfft, yeah sure...
Zekrom is unironically NTR bait, and Nobu lost to a fucking Eevee
It took the literal chosen one of Arceus to stop him.
Nobunaga's got everyone else handled. Easily. And if he doesn't? He's sworn fealty to that very same chosen one of Arceus.
There is literally no one that can beat in the entire pokemon multiverse now.
How do you feel about original/custom moves in a fic? What's the best way to implement them?
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As long as the custom moves don't get overpowered and have ridiculous utility with zero cost then they're fine.
I don't know the best way to implement them, but I do know the worst way to do that: by making the Character Main-dono the only person in the world to experiment with making new moves. Egads, no one has ever thought to psychically control fire before. Somehow all the other Delphox, Darmanitan, Armarogue, and Ninetales trainers completely overlooked it! Nani, wielding the attack energy like a sword? B-bakana!
Damn, when did I miss this update to the pride flag?
To be honest, I feel the best way to do it is to have the protagonist perform tweaks to existing moves to fit the strengths of THEIR team, or to lean into a pokemon's natural abilities to create a signature move for the species. Yeah, sure, someone else can tweak fire blast into a delayed explosion, or turn Spore into a punch move for a faster, more consistent delivery, but for most that's just not a good use of training time unless you have a damn good reason, and most people are just trying to copy the top competitors anyhow unless they're some prodigy with great understanding of the circuit's meta or a dumbass. On the other hand, most people don't *have* something like a Zoroark on hand, and you might be able to lean into the illusion stuff until it becomes a proper species exclusive move in and of itself.
desu I'd argue that Ash would still body Nobu because of the same Arceus' Chosen Champion clause
If the anime can do counter shield then I don't see why similar things shouldn't be allowed in fanfics.
It's gonne be used sparsely though otherwise it loses its impact.
As long as it makes sense (as far as pokemon moves make sense) and it isn't entirely for the sake of wanking the MC then go crazy.
Nobunaga has literally evolved though. He'd win in a straight fight through raw BST which is almost perfect(96 STR, 100 WIS, 100 CHA) and he has a busted ability(Ambition, which lets him move twice in one 'turn' AND gives a 50% chance to flinch the target per hit).
It would literally take Arceus saying nuh-uh to Nobu for him to lose to anyone but the true shogun of Ransei.
>What's the best way to implement them?
Do you want lotsa readers? Then go wild with it, but only for the main character.
Don't forget to let them discover the Fairy type and all the 'undiscovered' evolutions.
base them on other moves or how other moves work and then clearly explain it.
custom moves are based and if no one has them it can get boring if you manage to go anywhere beyond 1-2 badge level

Borne of Caution does only a bit of custom moves and makes it seem like a big deal while I Will Touch The Skies basically says custom moves are a must at higher levels or you just end up losing, so everyone is throwing weird variations of existing moves.

I think somewhere between that, less than IWTTS but more than BoC.
I started reading Pinnacle Platinum again and I think I remember why I fell off. The villains are clowns and it almost feels like I'm reading any other journeyfic that follows the games&anime closely, like Sinnoh No Isekai.
Too repetitive and lighthearted for me, I guess. Does it significantly deviate from the original path at any point?
What makes a good Pokémon Villain?
putting someone in a position where they might actually die, but somehow escape
>same Arceus' Chosen Champion
Fanfics aren't canon, Liko tho?
Just how early did you drop it?
Switch Shit and Elder God and I might agree with that image
Lust for power is a perfectly valid villainous reason. Bonus points for if they use some on-the-face noble philosophy to justify their actions when both we and they know that it's only a mask to fool morons who love sympathetic villains.
I never read a single piece of pokemon fanfic. What do you guys recommend?
What kind of stories do you enjoy?
Just read Traveler and The Sun Soul like the rest of us. One's an ongoing adventure fic at over 2m words and the other is the epitome of the pokemon edgefic but still pretty good.
Wait I thought Colress willingly joined Neo Plasma because "dude I get to dick around with science stuff"? That doesn't sound reluctant in the slightest.
Game of Champions is the GOAT.
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>fun fic that's seemingly dead/abandoned
What's her name?
>author couldn't even be assed into finishing his brief summary/notes of the ending
>Bro, Do You Even Lift?
I'm pretty disappointed because this one felt like it was a few chapters away from having an ending.
It's truly a massive shame that the author ended up becoming such a massive raging triple faggot.
It really makes you wonder how such a masterpiece could also come from the same depths such ragging faggotry also dwelt.
Is New Beginning any good? The summary is giving me red flags desu.
That was my first answer too, such a shame.
Right after they fought the Galactic grunts trying to steal honey in the flower fields and just before they went to the windworks.
Unfortunately good natural talent usually seems to come with poor personality traits. Even mainstream authors are psychos more often than not.
I hate this tierlist. An elder god tier villain can be the most boring motherfucker ever, like Rose, while I'm sure everyone can agree that Archie is peak villain entirely because he's so stupid and high-energy.
>elder god
Why do people overhype N so much? Do they like, just pretend he wasn't used as a puppet by Ghetsis? The guy's a fraud.
>why do fujoshits like homosexual bishounens
The world may never know
Chapter 6 of my story, Synchrolysis ( >>56076073 ), just dropped. Let me know what you think!

this lists order has been shit since the first day it was ever posted. Being clever or relatable doesn't make someone a good villain, it makes you a soap opera antagonist
why would you mix regular battles and werewolf battles? Seems overly complicated when it could just be an alternate form of battling
>N is a puppet and was ready to raid an entire region for his petty dreams about separation
>"no dood, he's a real noble guy and you just don't get it, I ship him with Hilbert"
>Joshua is a piece of shit to a guy who only wants to see his friends again and nearly destroys Shibuya out of sheer pettiness
>"no dood, he's supercool and nice, I ship him with Neku"

I wonder how many more shitty characters fujos try to justify over their shitty ships.
You dropped things extremely early.
But if you must know, yes, unique plotlines start to happen, and yes, the villains become more threatening.
But it also remains on course with the DP anime as a base, it is, after all, set during it.
It *is* a different format of battling. One trainer has to challenge a battle, and the other has to accept, old school boxing style. When you wager a challenge, you have to choose a battle format, including familiar ones like Singles, Doubles, and Rotation, as well as these werewolf-style transformation battles, which are a format called Morph Battles. In a Morph Battle, the trainers themselves are the only Pokemon. There’s no fusion of regular battles and Morph Battles that happens officially, anything like that that may happen would be outside of the arena / not in an officially recognized Pokemon battle. On that note, most of the combat in the story happens outside of the ring. One of the major characters is a pro trainer and gets some official stadium fights, but for the most part it’s unsanctioned combat. In the least Shilling way possible, the story explains all of this better in its natural flow than I could attempt to in my one comment.
I'll check it out later, I like odd shit like that
Sweet, I appreciate it anon! It’s definitely very strange, and the first chapter makes it seem like it may be a smut story which some anons were sus about when I first started, but by this point I think it’s undeniably an Action / Mystery that’s only going to get crazier. It definitely takes cues from very strange and tonally scattered stories like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and Hunter X Hunter, so if you like stories where things are wild and constantly zig-zagging, it’ll be your speed.
Read/play the Dawn VN
Yes visual novels count as fan fiction.
So, what's the difference between sacred and secret swords, aurafags?
>Secret Sword
Basically an aura sphere but in lightsaber form.
>Sacred Sword
Raw spirit cannot be resisted.
you don't know the difference between secret and sacred?
from an ancient magic swordsman standpoint, secret is a secret technique others wouldn't know, and sacred is something holy and revered
>Secret sword
"My light stick has a type"
>Sacred sword
"I can imitate a legendary only attack"?
Idk auraslop but

Secret Sword = special sword technique
Sacred Sword = the sword of god
Secret Sword is just Keldeo turning its horn into a sword. Which means his horn was secretly a sword all along. If Keldeo loses the move, it loses its Resolute form which has the sword, so the correlation here is obvious.
Nobu lost to Aizen for a reason.
Nobus sister.
Nobunaga's sister is named Oichi, and she doesn't beat Nobunaga alone in any of the stories.
Anyways, Pokemon Conquest has a lot of AU campaigns where other warlords are the protagonist. There are several unite Ransei campaigns each based around a different character, and each of them include Nobunaga losing. So I'm not sure it's right to say Nobunaga is objectively the strongest of them all, even if some missions are clearly more 'canon' than others.
But, Nobunaga's stats are still the best and he has two legendaries that he links with in the main story. Not many other trainers in canon can boast similar feats. Not including PCs who have the entire dex in their back pocket ofc
N isn't really supposed to be viewed as a character, he's more of a vehicle by the director to express criticism towards people who genuinely believed that the pokemon/trainer relationship is systematic oppression. N himself was literally raised around pure confirmation bias, and his misinformed worldview essentially shatters the second he leaves his bubble and tries observing the world at large.
I was thinking of writing self-insert slop where the MC is isekai'd to Unova, fucks Bianca and gets a Hisuian Samurott for the lulz but as I kept brainstorming, it turned into two OCs traveling through Unova before B2W2 (MC still gets a H. Samurott for no reason, though).
How is Cyrus retaliating against misdeeds done to him? He just went to college.
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>for no reason
Make it be for a reason. Professor doing research on resurfacing lost evolution paths, conflict causing the starter's personality to shift away from the line's noble side tor something more brutal and ruthless, time travel nonsense, whatever.
Fossil revival, genetic engineering and multiversal wormholes are all canon so it's not that hard to bullshit one into wherever your setting is.
Should berries that cause confusion be approached as drugs in the Pokémon world?
For Pokemon, definitely yes. For humans, could go either way.
>I want to get high
>hmm better pluck a single berry from a bush
Berries are for pokemon and humans eating them is seen similar to IRL people eating pet food. It would be seen as gross and weird.
Finally a fellow Arceus-fearing UNOVAN comes in to tell this thread the TRUTH.
Humans do not eat BERRIES. Us humans eat MALASADAS and SANDWICHES, as Arceus intended!
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>"Oh my Arceus!"
Sandwiches? Is that some kind of prissy Paldean food? Listen pal, I don't know or care what kind of socialist nonsense you people eat in your pig-infested shithole of a country, but here in UNOVA we eat CASTELIACONES and

I can't think of any other human food in the pokeworld to continue this bit. Fuck.
Archie and Maxie are my favorite villians in the franchise because not only are the both fucking morons, but they have to deal with each other and can clearly see how stupid the other guy is. Having them explain, explicitly, why changing the global climate is a terrible idea using agreed upon scientific data, only for them to 180 and start frothing at the mouth in zealous lust for the climate to change the way THEY like it is kino. Villains should be incapable of self reflection, otherwise they'd be heroes.

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