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Post em if you got em, Talk about your current hunts and recent captures or failures.

Previous: >>56030977
Whenever you're around to trade just drop a code here.
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it's fairly easy and fast to catch a shiny in SV, but why do i have to play through those stupid fucking raids to get the herba mystica? like half those raids are people not paying attention to the tera type
I just did the Sparkling Humungo outbreak for Shiny Chespin yesterday and got a size L and XL out of it. Is it worth trying for a bigger size or should I just stick with the XL? I don't know how hard it actually is for that sandwich to deliver desired results but I know it lacks the encounter boost. Part of me wants to hunt it more but part of me just wants to move on, dreading how long it might take to get a Shiny bigger than XL. (I don't have the Shiny Charm fwiw)
Your own problem for not building solo raidmons and targeting Herba raids yourself.
Grand, since they started adding Herbas to 7* raids, I've only missed the Herba once. But I already had 4 sandwiches' worth of them as I'd been hunting herba raids (ended up getting a 4-drop from one even).
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Your own fault for not having a CFW Switch and just injecting all the shinys you want.
Don't bite the bait, it's the same as always you know the drill by now.
You don't understand what the word bait means, and conflate it with "saying [thing] i don't like".
I don't know if you hold any attachment to that Rillaboom but I'll take it if you don't want it.
It's not shiny, and that was my starter. It just happen to be in the same box. My bad for not moving it before taking the screen shot.
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having the first mon i find in safari week flee first turn is a little disheartening (mainly because it's at its best when you get a streak of watching carefully and tension flares) but it's fine, don't really have many "safe" mons aside from the nidorans, zubat at night and carvanha and whiscash, but i'm not sure if platinum fixed its 0 flee rate or not
I'll take the solgaleo and the latios, if I can get two. What are you after?
I'm not after anything. You can trade whatever. Out at the store right now. I'll be back in like 30 minutes.
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No problem anon and I'm happy to see that you care for it, In that case can I get a Lunala instead please?.
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i can't say for sure if this is a success or failure, but i've been going at trying to get a shiny bisharp since the last thread and i've been resetting every time the nature wasn't quite what i liked
just now realizing that i could've just kept them and just did raids again because i was too stingy on my herbas
not sure if you're still giving the eternatus to that one guy last thread, but i'll take it if it's available
I have 16 shiny fire ponytas, not counting whatever else I caught in Legends since I last emptied those boxes, I'll give you a couple of them.
Whenever you're ready.
Okay, I'm around.
Drop a trade code whenever.
5607-1604, I'll use my last post number.
Derp, not my last post number (1642 was me), but I used 1604, so roll with that.
I'm functionally retarded, it seems. Just went online there, sorry.
It's the event one. I actually have two, from my Sword and shield games. I don't mind parting with one.
Thank you very much.
Whenever you're around, you can have that Lunala.

No problem.
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>Whenever you're around, you can have that Lunala.
I can't find my copy of sword anywhere and I don't want to place a reserve on it. This is such a pain this is what I get for being so cheap, I'm afraid that I will have to decline it for now but thank you for offer anyway. Next time I get a chance I'll get it digital instead.
Do you have SV?
>Do you have SV?
Yes I do have that digital at least.
Okay, I moved that Lunala over to SV with Home.
Post a trade code whenever.
sure, i can trade you the deerling from the OP image (since i provided it last thread) and a few others i got myself from other games if you'd like
is this through home or online?
>Okay, I moved that Lunala over to SV with Home.
Thank you for going through so much effort anon. Your post number shall be the code.
You can give me whatever, I have every shiny I want.

And I've been doing the trades in-game.
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Thank you so much anon I really appreciate it. Lunala has always been one of those pokemon who's shiny I've wanted but never had luck getting. I hope you have a wonderful day/night anon.
No problem.
Glad you got what you wanted.
gotcha, we can use your post i'm replying to keep it simple since everyone else has been going off of that too
You there?
sorry, yes i'm on sv using >>56071875 as the code
My dude, I've clearly been doing all these trades on SwSh. Except for the one where I specifically said I used Home to move over the Lunala.
Oh, you're the shamelessly greedy tool who wanted every single shiny.
i had no idea you were doing these exclusively on sw/sh, my bad
not sure where that's coming from but that's not me, but i gave you that impression i'll step out of this
Still a bit salty they put en expy date on the shiny eternatus codes
im online now if you're ready
I'm around. Using 5607 2207 for the trade code.
On Sword.
Okay, later than I guess.
my bad bro
i'm getting on
anytime today is fine
Same code if you want it.
cool headed to the pc now
s e a r c h i n g
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thank you anon
cool ball, cool shiny, cool OT
i will keep it forever
thanks again!
>cool OT
I am super unoriginal. I always just pick whatever the canon name of the player trainer for that generation is.

>thanks again
You're welcome.
>I am super unoriginal. I always just pick whatever the canon name of the player trainer for that generation is.
NTA and I know others do it as well but you wouldn't have done one last wonder trade for gen 6 before the servers went down. Like did you trade away a male ralts?
>did you trade away a male ralts
I would never catch a male ralts.
No cross dressing dudes allowed in my games.
>I would never catch a male ralts.
Just checking because the OT was named May and it was from AS. Also it was level 1 when I got it so it must have been a breed reject. I'm only asking because I thought it must have been a small world. Besides the poor fella has been met date of 2015 so he must have been in the box for years.
Would have been Haruka if it was me.
Literally the version I played and the name I chose, I'm so original
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>he must have been in the box for years
Pokemon in your box are just hanging out and playing with the other pokemon in your boxes.
>using the English localization name
Shameful display.
not sure if this is canon
but i guess that would explain the 30 mon per box rule
as there wouldn't be enough physical space for all the shitmon
what if there were 30 wailords?

the anime briefly shows what its like inside the ball
their spirit\consciousness is transported to a calm\comfy place that suits them - they have leisure\rest
but their physical bodies turn into pc data (laser optic beams bouncing off mirrors inside the ball)
swirling in place until called upon

N was right
if monsters resist capture
they deserve to be left alone
they are not tools of war \ power
they are sentient and require humans absence not our help

the outlier\exceptions are those that choose to use trainers to become stronger (many have this goal)
Sue me, I also watched the anime up to BW dubbed as a kid (after which I dropped it), so it felt weird to go with anything but the localization, just saying
Hey, I go with subs now for everything else, I didn't know better
ok guys
so i had some weird ESP as a kid
i predicted many things in the pokemon universe
>4th grade, larping pokemon battles with friends at recess
>my "snowy" vulpix is ice type
>they say that its not canon and would never happen
>i forward the GF announcement screenshot from sun\moon when it dropped to my friend from that era over instagram
>he immediately gets freaked out and blocks me on all platforms

>buy leaf green version in highschool
>was hesitant but i eventually snagged it
>name my female protag dawn
>buy pokemon black 2 at launch
>cool symbols on the keyboard this time around
>name myself the sun emoji and get repeating digits for trainer ID

i thought it was just a coincidence but after the 3rd time def feels strange
pics or it didn't happen
Ok fair enough thank you for humoring me anon.

I Can't blame you because when I played the originals I always used ruby or my real name.

That is genuinely good to know because I always found it sad that pokemon were just 'stuck' in the pc box until you called for them.

>Sue me, I also watched the anime up to BW dubbed
Same but I still like to go back every so often and watch a few episodes from the past seasons.

Though I do understand a lot of N's talking points I do have to remind you that according to the Unova lore. Pokemon appear to humans because they want to help them and fighting or befriending trainers is how they keep that promise.
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>that title
Now I feel terrible asking for proof, but may she rest easy
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for gen 3 it only shows transfer date sadly
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my shining vape i bred in xy era is named after my childhood dalmation that loved the water & his kiddypool

all my dogs were good dogs
i was really lucky
i hope they dont mind being pokemon kek
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>make shiny lvl3 sandwich
>accidentally talk to a trainer in the way bc she was next to an item on the ground
>click run
>give 13K to the "winner"
>see this

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Wait... Can you forfeit trainer battles now?
Just think of it as a donation anon they must have needed the money and shiny more than you. But really though that's just devilish and now I fear the same thing happening to me.
why didnt you win?
better yet, why didn't you beat this trainer before?
i havent fought a single trainer this gen that wasn't forced
i wasn't that close to her either is what really got me fuckin salty af

the game would be an unplayable mess if the "!" icon appeared the second they lock eyes like the old games
>he didn't get the rewards from the pokemon league representatives at the pokecenters for battling trainers in an area
shoulda just beat her skill issue dog
i dont have the switch games, can i just trade from the home app? i also got some shiny male ralts (spA up) to trade haha...
>that according to the Unova lore
Hisuian/Sinnohian lore too, an old folk tale passed down in Sinnoh is similar to writings found buried in Hisui, inferred to have been written by Cogita.
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it only took 4 balls, but now I have both regis. I am so happy /shg/ bros, I will buy the plushies to celebrate this.

Btw how do you avoid the rng seed issue in emerald's safari zone? should i avoid SR's and just save after running out of time?
Congrats, anon. Off topic, but do we have the same monitor? I saw the buttons on yours and they're like almost identical to mine.
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It could be, this is a thinkvision monitor. Also guess who showed up? A SHINY TEDDIURSA! this is my first shiny in gen III
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What is the easiest possible shiny hunt in all games? I want to do one but im a casual.
Is there water all over your screen?
Thats cool. Post a pic of the plushie you are getting. I wish they made his shiny cooler/more different.
*In any game
Taking time into account as well.
SV or PLA anything, seriously, these games throw shinies at you like crazy
Funny story: back when SV launched by the time I reach the school my shiny counter had a pretty number 8 but I never saw them fucking anywhere. Yes, even before finishing the damn tutorial I already could had 8 shinies
Interesting, I have a Lenovo T-something but probably just rehashed. Mine's just a 1080p monitor, but it gets the job done when I need to multitask.
Depends on HOW you want to hunt. ORAS? Horde hunting or Devnav literally anything to get the number up. Masuda Method (breeding pokemon from two different language OTs) takes longer but in my opinion is more satisfying.
I thought that includes the ones you already have in your possession, but if it's like what I was told in /wfg/, that's really cruel for them to make a statistic.
the game keeps track of any shiny:
>you encountered
>got via trade
>got via HOME
>got via Mystery Gift
>spawned near you on the wild
And keep in mind shinies CAN AND WILL spawn out of bounds
it's likely mold, but I am looking for someone who can clean it. Also these are the plushies, I will pay the bills tomorrow and order them right away
>shiny counter
I didnt realize this was a thing. Where do I check it? I dont have any saves for the 3DS games so any other than them work. I see that there is an easy way to get a shiny Flutter Mane in S/V that is SUPER easy and I have area zero unlocked already.
Honestly, yeah that fucking sucks
The regieleki one is really good and I kind of want it. I usually get the sitting cuties plushies. One or two every few months when ones come back in stock. Have you thought about doing a screen replacement mode? They are easy these days.
It's just in the profile section of SV. As far as shiny hunting in non-3DS games, it's a lot easier in the Switch games as opposed to the DS games, considering that you would need the full national dex as opposed to a fraction of that in the Switch games (not to mention online services).
Well, and aside from the fact that legit copies of the DS games are stupidly expensive these days, you could just stay shiny hunting on SV.
And just as a personal anecdote, I did somehow get two shiny Cyndaquils on Pokemon Go yesterday like in the same general area, so maybe you could look around on Go if you want to get one. But I guess keep in mind that shinies come more by chance in that game than by specifically hunting for one
A friend suggested that, but the thing is I don't know of anyone who can do it (and will not screw it up). Maintenance for these old machines is not common around here.
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I have a Regieleki plushie. It doesn't actually sit due to how Regieleki is designed, but god DAMN it's so cute! I don't know how they made one of the ancient golems so cute, but they succeeded
Forgot to mention the Cyndaquils I got during Cyndaquil Community Day, and same thing happened with Noibat Community Day where I got one
>inb4 "gO"
A shiny is a shiny, though I'll obviously consider hacked 6IV ones less valuable than a full-odds one that you stumble on by accident
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I have copies of all the gb/gba/ds games (or at least one of the version or each) so I can hunt on them but I dont have the full dex on probably any of them so yeah I think I'll start with S/V and Legends for now. I was trying to shiny hunt sudowoodo in crystal but I wanted to keep actually playing so gave up after like 200 resets.
I have this sitting cuties plush of my fav pokemon and want to get a shroomish one too. I should take a pic of them all together sometime.
iirc you can use HOME mobile app without a Nintendo Account but if you do have a Switch you can download HOME there and link your Nintendo Account (linking can be done through mobile app too)

>Can I use HOME without buying the Switch Pokemon games?

You can transfer from Bank to HOME and you'd be able to use HOME's free services. However, you do need to have a paid HOME sub to grab your Bank transfers.

You can transfer Pokemon from GO to HOME and you'd be able to use HOME's free services. It requires to have a linked Nintendo Account but no need for paid HOME sub. You are limited to HOME's first box unless you pay your sub.
Im not really a huge fan of GO but I do have some old pokemon I should transfer from back close to the launch for fun.
Full Dex? Just remember only from Gen 5 and upwards have Shiny Charm
How do you do it in gen 4? Do you not need the full dex to chain or whatever its called.
I have a massive plushie collection, half of my bed belongs to them. Are you getting anything from Kalos sitting cuties? I want delphox and espurr.
You just need to unlock Nat Dex in older gens to increase some spawn pools but that's it. The rest is either sheer autism SRing or following the procedure (chaining)
>Are you getting anything from Kalos sitting cuties?
Wasn't really planning on it, but I might pick up one of Trevenant since it's one of my favorite Pokemon, but I dunno
got em
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Second shiny for Safari Week, little fella was encounter 1030. Crit captured too
what is safari week
Online shiny hunting event where people hunt in the Safari Zone. It adds an element of danger and uniqueness as there's the chance for the Pokemon to run but also you get them in a relatively rare Pokeball too
isnt that painful in bdsp since the shiny charm doesnt work?
I've been pretty lucky with two in just over a thousand encounters but ultimately yeah it's full odds hunting
Might as well join you to see if i get lucky too.
Wishing you luck! There's a fun element of hunting for just any old shiny instead of going for a specific target. Hoping to get a bunch more encounters in myself today after I finish work.
Here's what I have left of shiny Dynamax Adventure pokemon. Any anyone wants any of these, just ask.
Im at the point that shinies from others do nothing for me and shinies i get become irrelevant and boring 5 minutes after i get them. What do
Depends on why you want to hunt. If you want the sentimental value then you need to create a story around it and that might mean trying a different style of hunt.

Take >>56074248 for example. Or perhaps try a shiny badge quest. Ultimately shinies are as valuable as you feel they are so if you want that sentimental value you should create it yourself.
For me, I enjoy getting shinies of my favorites, might help if you're unsure how you want to shiny hunt. Like, I'm not gonna shiny hunt Avaluggs since I just don't really care nor do I want to spend the time.
But I will hunt, for example, something like Arcanine (which I have done in SM) because I like using that Pokemon and it's shiny color scheme. And it's hard to stay motivated when it's like the one thing you're doing, so I'll say take your time. If you don't want to shiny hunt, then don't until you feel like it.
Sounds like a porn addict brain, and you have massively burnt out dopamine receptors.
Too real, too real.
>shinx line
lol feels like everyone who wants one has like 3, me included
>everywhere in PLA
>eerywhere in SV
what were they thinking
Literally me.
The porn addict AND the shiny hunter.
Porn is the one thing I don’t have an addiction to
Not even breeding for a shiny? Sure you can SR for a shiny legendary, but taking away all that time from being a coomer and finally getting a shiny, there's nothing like it
Yeah but like, after you get it you just go straight to the next one.
Someone tole me the giagton ball is better in battles than the ultra ball, and damn, this thing is broken. Only had it fail once.
i want a shiny furret and hydrapple
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NTA but despite using two gen 4 games so i get 1/8192 odds encounters are generally faster just due to the fact you don't have to send out a pokemon. HGSS (and gen 3 but i don't have any of those games) in particular you can probably sprint through 4-5 encounters a minute if you turn off battle animations in the former.
Is there a limit to how many? I need Articuno Raikou and Thundurus.
You can have whatever.
Just drop a trade code here whenever you're around.
>go straight to the next one
I mean, if you have an idea of what you want to get, sure. I went on a shiny hunt speedrun back when ORAS came out, then I lost the motivation then resumed like a few years later. So that's what I thought too, but I'd not hunt unless you REALLY want to. Though the new shiny hunting methods these days mean the wait isn't as long as it used to be, so don't take my word for it.
I'll have Articuno Raikou and Thundurus then please.

On Shield with the code 2023 2023. Hope I'm doing this right. I haven't done much trading before.
Thanks a lot Anon. I've nearly finished all my legends now.
You're welcome.
I booted up my old copy of Platinum and I'd nicknamed my Girafarig Fairgiraf, although that was me being too lazy to think of a real name.
what do you want for eternatus?
the rest of them i caught in pogo :3

i still have one more masterball if you need
if you can trade in scarlet\violet i have more tho
>I always just pick whatever the canon name of the player trainer for that generation is.

Funny stuff, I also do this or just use the name of the game as my OT. But now I have deep regrets about this and have to get every single shiny from USUM, SwSH and Scarlet again. At least I already got my 3rd type null and 3rd poipole with my real name now. But so many legendaries to get again in ultra wormholes. So many SOS hunts to do again. I feel like such an idiot.
>But now I have deep regrets about this and have to get every single shiny from USUM, SwSH and Scarlet again
I want my real name as the OT, I might even hunt Celebi again because my name was in all caps instead of just the first letter.
>what do you want for eternatus?

Just post a link code whenever you're around.
There are easily millions of people who have your name. How can you be sure they won't pretend to be you and claim credit for all your shinys?
Kinda feel this. I carried over my shinies from ORAS and honestly having the default (localized) name felt like it wasn't really mine, you know? So I think you have a point. I even named my default SM character "Sun" since no default name was available, and the first thing I did when I transferred some to SV was trade away all of them aside from a shiny Arcanine I have in a Beast Ball.
*available at the time, since I got it at release (jokes on me, I kinda wished I got USUM when that came out but oh well)
Just checking. But you do know you are not a video game character, right?
Second guy you replied to isn't me, I just didn't like to self-insert by naming a character myself.
Just checking, but you aren't not retarded and understand that "you" can be plural pronoun, right?
No sorry, I'm retarded and didn't know "you" could be a plural pronoun. But you knew that already, right?
we'll have to reschedule for tomorrow I had something come up I had to leave town :c
I'm fucking seething some nigger in an online Dynamax Adventure had a butterfree and used rage powder twice fighting Lunas, killed both times ofc. We were one hit away from catching, but instead we got KEKED
I keep getting faggot male ralts. Cringe.
take care take care take care
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I remember seeing some video of a black lesbian shiny hunting for Arceus who was successful, and I thought if this clam digger gets to have one, then so do I. He's my favorite legendary. I put on my Brilliant Diamond and some Huggbees to listen to for fun, went to the top of the mountain, and saved right before the encounter. I reset just a few times, and then doubted if I was doing it right, so I looked up a video just to make sure the shininess wasn't predetermined at a different point or something strange like that. Before the guy found his shiny, I found my shiny just after about 14 resets, and I laughed and I laughed.

Thank you Huggbees.
im targeting this soon,
it really is a good shiny anon
but holy fuck BD is such a shit game kek
Someone give me a random shiny (not a legendary) to hunt or breed for
>Someone give me a random shiny (not a legendary) to hunt or breed for
crogunk I like his shiny colors.
You know what? I think Toxicroak is pretty cool so I'll go with it. I got other things going on, so I'll probably have it by the weekend at latest
>25000 Regieleki encounters
>5 star shinies fled
>Only a ~30% to have encountered the square shiny by this point
Why did I start this
>farming heart scales
>shiny luvdisc
wait are square shinies rare for the regis?
They are: 1/65536 for Squares, and 1/4096 for the Star shinies. No shiny charm effect either
damn I am really lucky, both regidrago and regieleki are square shinies
Nice. I got Regice as Square which was cool, but I've had to hunt these two, got Drago a few weeks ago
Shiny azelf and Kyogre today very nice. It would be better if this Snivy shined but whatever
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Can't you see it's all your future
feelings have to be pushed away
can't you see it's just a feeling
Shine, shine on me
very nice anon, the great marsh does not get enough love
least ADHD nu-gen hunter
anon if you dont like the odds of hunting, why hunt?
>why hunt?
I dont.
lmao, based
What if I bought BDSP only to get shiny Shaymin? What then? ;)
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>What if I bought BDSP only to get shiny Shaymin? What then? ;)
Anon, I...
People will laugh at you for having the ghetto nigger shiny Shaymin, and not the true shiny Shaymin that you get from Pokemon platinum.
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Nah, you'll get ostracised for hacking your game to get a shiny, as odds are you weren't around to be one the 760,000 who completed the game, much less then also got the event item. You justifying cheating in a kid's game for sparkles /= people accepting your shit. Should have just injected for all the good it was and time wasted.
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nice, pretty close to when the game registers nighttime so the nidos become their evolutions so it's good to at least find the base form of one.
safari hunting has been the most tense i've been about shinies in years, it's really fun.
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and i'm 0/2 on these things, amazing
Are you a gambling addict outside of shinies?
got his injecting ass, he couldn't respond
i don't gamble and even if i did knowing my luck i'd probably never win.
>the 760,000 who completed the game
There's no way this few people actually completed platinum.
thats too many actually
I can't find any sort of citation that backs up your claim after my roughly 3 minutes of google searching.
Injected pokemon are more real than legit pokemon.
TPC's hack checks are known for giving false positives, and as a true shiny hunter, I can make sure the coding of my pokemon won't trigger any hack check flags.
Industry average - 90% of copies sold will not be completed. 10% of 7.6m is 760,000.
Why exactly should anyone care what some random nobody says on CNN?

Also, you clearly didn't even read what you posted.
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Holy fishpaste, Miss Puff, it’s a rabid sea bear!
What video compressors do you guys use? I just had a random shiny encounter from a few minutes ago that I wanted to show, but the lowest I can get is like 4.4 MB
Webm for lazys
My first wild shiny was a Safari Zone Nidarino in Fire Red. It ran. I know the pain.
Thanks, I'll take a look at it tomorrow
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well there is around 5 more days of safari week so there's still a chance i can reclaim it or nidorino unless i get a massive drought.
or just catch fucking anything
soulful af shiny though
Alright, hopefully this works. I found a shiny Fletchling unintentionally while just roaming around this part near Los Platos. Coincidentally, this is right below the cliff where I got my first full-odds shiny in the game, a Fletchlinder. I already have a regular Talonflame from my original team, but I'll hold onto these for now.
Gave a look at this, turned out I can't use it since I'm an itoddler. Thanks though.
Whatever hacknig, get onto Tony Stark, maybe he can loan you a time-space GPS, you can go get the event ticket legit this time.
Video converter on 123apps suite.
What's the deal with you being a deranged freak who thinks everyone who replies to you is the same person?

Also, "hacking" isn't a name or noun.
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10142 checks later and it finally fucking shined
Nice. I dropped both regi hunts but might go back for them. Have to start new saves for them doe
It's been like that for a while now.
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Finally hatched this little bastard after 5 months, my bestest buddy!
Good job anon and I didn't realize until now but porygon really matches with a beast ball.
i only have xy, do the other games have the increase hatching boost like o-power?
Good stuff, anon!
I've been meaning to catch a shiny Porygon in a Beast Ball for a while now, I might do that once I'm finished with my Beast Ball Living Dex
Gen 7 has Roto Hatch power plus you can run around with Tauros

Gen 8 and upwards had egg cycles/steps reduced so it basically feels like you have those hatch boosts turned on permanently
I think BDSP actually raised them lmao
Aside from possibly shiny Phione, is there any particularly "annoying" or otherwise time-consuming shinies to breed for?
Arentthey all the same?
I'd say Wynaut. All the other babies have several options along the generations in case you don't want to breed for one and the more recent the generation the better odds (except Gen 2's Odd Egg where applicable).

Meanwhile Wynaut's "extra choices" are locked to Mirage Island and BW swarms which means breeding is your best bet
Some eggs take longer to hatch, if you wanna count that
Oh and I would add Relicanth I guess. 40 egg cycles, not many other methods to find one and most of them involve fishing so it is up to you: >>56085474
You know what? Scratch Relicanth, I just remembered it is available on DAs so you could find a path with one and keep resetting after capturing it with DA odds
Guys I don't know where else to ask. I have a cute shiny Onix in LeafGreen and now I'm playing SoulSilver. How do I trade it over if I don't have a DS Lite? I'm playing on a hacked DSi LL and have access to the save files. I thought I could use some emulator that emulates a DS Lite but I can't figure it out. I tried Desmume which loads LG into cartridge slot 2 but when I fire SS up and my SS save it's not giving me an option to trade.
cant you load the LG save into pkhex, save the onix data then copy it over into your SS save?
Can I? That's cheating though. That's not a trade.
if you're not going to buy a ds lite then you have no place to get sanctimonious bitch
So you're not smart enough and a big knower of Pokemon to give me proper advice? Thanks for replying at least.
are you retarded? pkhex *is* your advice AND your only option if you're not gonna do it legit.
Thank you for trying. I'll just wait for someone smarter.
>asks a question that will obviously lead to an answer he doesn't like.
>gets proper advice and insults the person trying to help them.
>continues to act like you really are looking for a answer when you know it's not possible.
Honestly that's good bait I give it 8/10.
like someone else said gen 7 (specifically the ultra games) has the roto loto, but unlike o-powers he gives them out randomly and in my experience is one of the rarer drops (whenever i feel like hatching eggs which is really rare) so it's probably better to just use the abilities that passively boost it like flame body.
>Also, "hacking" isn't a name or noun
Welcome to the evolution of languages, driven by humans.
And yeah, yis all may well be, given you all have a justification why you need to cheat in a kid's game and why your hacking is justifiable. Not how it works, accept your nature or fuck off, no inbetween or plaudits for something just as easily got as setting the pokégen/hex file to "Shiny", given you needed to fuck with setting in some fashion to get an expired event item. I usually stay shtum on these matters, but bare basic facts are if you didn't get the item legit during, it's just a hack and all kids showing them off here do is display the depths of their autism by hacking, then showing off how not cheaters they are by SR's till sparkles.
Emulators are already cheating so be a good boy and get a new DS
Is it worth getting SwSh? I visited my sister who has it and I was fiddling around with the game and saw the graphics (specifically the NPC trainers not looking totally braindead like the ones from SV). But that's about all I know, and the reason I didn't get it before was that some of my favorites weren't in the game.

In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, using a Secret Pal's "Take care of an Egg" skill decrease an Egg's current Egg cycle count by half of its base Egg cycle count, rounded up.

In Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, if the player leaves an Egg at Poké Pelago's Isle Avue, its remaining Egg cycles are decreased over time.
You don't *trade* pokémon from Gen 3 to Gen 4, you need to plug the carts in the slots and go to Pal Park to transfer them. They also need to be legitimate carts or the data WILL get wiped (lost 3 shinies that way) so you're going to either have to buy a DS/DS Lite (haa, good luck getting one that's not about to fail horribly, given it's now 20 years since its launch) or hack, no other options.
If there's a gamestop/CEX/cash converters, try and get it at less than full price. I'm not going to stop playing just because of the complaints of people who misunderstand Game Freak's intent with their series, but at the same point, I legitimately haven't played a GF Pokémon game I disliked. Have they been paragons of coding? No. Have they been pinnacle examples of marrying child and adult audience experiences? No. Has that ever stopped me buying the new game? No, because the core loop is fun and I'm the type of nerd who collects shit anyway. From football stickers, to pop culture figurines (not funkos, think more die-cast metal statuettes and action figures) and even football shirts. Collecting pokémon is a fundamentally cheaper way of scratching my collectorfag itch, by not actually having to spend many monies collecting several things.
Definitely have seen them at Gamestop last time I checked, will take a look when I get the chance
It's a kinda shit game, but if you want certain shiny legendaries, or are happy to exploit RNG/date skipping for shiny everything else, then it's a goldmine. You can find copies bundled with the DLC on Marketplace for dirt cheap
>Marketplace for dirt cheap
NTA but where would one look for deals like these?
Just imo, it's one of the worst "Pokemon" games in that you're incentivized to constantly replace your existing team with the same pokemon but better stats as you get further in the game and unlock high star raids and other things or just are able to catch higher level spawns, but it's probably one of the better rpgs in the pokemon series. Megas are still cooler than dynamax, at least for me.
I already do this in SV, as in date skipping for the mass outbreaks I want. Guess it's already decided for me, but I still need to finish PLA so maybe another time. Didn't really like that legendaries were shinylocked in the SV DLC, but that's not a major selling point. It's just that some Pokemon don't transfer to SV or PLA, but they do for SwSh, and I don't really want them to rot in HOME either.
Agreed, each gen has their own gimmicks obviously and Z moves were the most forgettable IMO, but Megas were alright to me
You'd have to waddle through Facebook's Marketplace and look for people posting videogame sales or yard sales (hopefully near your area) and target those if cheap enough. Just calculate if adding gas/transport to that place would be worth than say a Gamestop or from a Walmart or the eShop
>Welcome to the evolution of languages, driven by humans.
This is the cope that retards come up with to deal with the fact they are always wrong about everything and people mock them.
3 Ralts later and we finally get a female Kirlia.
>Z moves were the most forgettable IMO, but Megas were alright to me
I don't like the tone of Z-moves, but remove the dances and I have no objections since I never did comp. SM/USUM including megas was very cool to me, though. Even if they were just postgame
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What do you think is more "special".
A shiny pokemon with your own OT that you caught/hatched and trained all on your own.

Or a shiny pokemon from a limited time event that is very hard to get legit?

Excluding specific overlaps. Like Emerald shiny Mew which fits both situation. Or cherish ball Goomy.
if it doesnt have my OT its worthless to me
Depends which one I have more memories/attachment to. I'm more attached to some of the DNS shinies I have from a JP Black 2 because of how much of a hassle it was to get everything working where as I do not care at all about Bronzong #5 from PLA.
How do you feel about the fact many people out in the world have the same OT as you?
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i carry this sentiment
i built my own living-form dex
i have a common name, but i enjoy seeing my signature on each shiny\mon

i of course make exceptions for cherish events etc
its all relative,
'special' is subjective to the owner
at the end of the day none of it is 'special'
as its just digital data that will be destroyed when we die
nothing is permanent
just try to have fun

i have sentimental attachment to event monsters because i remember where i was in life at the time
and how hard things used to be
+still went out of my way to drive to gamestop etc
Jokes on them, my autism encompasses my OT AND the number of my Trainer ID
unfathomably based
By sheer statistics, there is likely to be someone who has your OT and your TID.
If you had a full living shiny dex, what would be the best way to showcase it?
i thought i was the only one that would reset if
"i didn't liek the digits"
pokemon home
>pokemon home
On the switch or mobile?
You mean to have others view? Switch looks much better
Really? I think mobile looks better. Because it allows you to see 3d models.
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what a pain in my ass
do i go for a second one to have both tande and maushold?
Family of 3
The more I see of this "pokemon" the more I dislike it. Why is it not permanently joined together?
I am okay with getting traded shinies, thats how the game is supposed to be played :^)
but i check the stats like an autist and release\retrade anything that looks even remotely suspicious
like a conjoined twin? horrifying kek
i got one of those from a raid
its not shiny but im not gonna hunt for that
leave those types of hunts for attention-seekers like shiny catherine or tamashii or whatever
>like a conjoined twin? horrifying kek
yes, exactly like that. Like Dugtrio.
>surprise trade
>random avalugg from japanese player
>it's shiny
>nothing suspicious about it
t-t-thanks, at least it wasn't pokevend or monforge shit
>Shiny breeding for a Rotom in SwSh
>Get it on the third hatch
You bet your ass I chased that high, tried for a shiny zigzagoon, and got fucking nothing for a week straight.
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>using old 3ds XL to double hunt
>battery is completely shot so if it doesn't have the cord in it at all times it dies in a minute
>whoops didn't notice i accidentally slipped the cord out
>have like a second of it blinking red before it shuts off
it shouldn't bother me considering shinies are luck based anyway but fuck if it isn't annoying
Stop fucking your relatives
wait, did they ever patched the shiny ghost during day glitch?
Been trying to hunt ghastly from an outbreak near some ruins and everything else is still spawning as usual minus the little balls of gas
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as usual bitching magic did its thing.
Ended up getting two, a male and a female
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anon your battery is at risk of exploding, I had that same problem for years until I finally got to replacing it.
Now I got this little gal from an outbreak. this is the first time since the games launched that I've seen a shiny from ots evo line, and looks kinda neat
the encounter table for Gastlys is night yeah
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Whoever posted a screenshot of this site before to taunt me has done irreparable damage to my psyche
3ds batteries are like $30, available on Amazon and super duper easy to replace anon
>"full odds"
>has 10+ instances up
:/ come on now
>Soft resets once
>"""Full odds""""
>encounters more than 1 pokemon
>""""full odds""""
how many instances do you have up?
I throw away my Switch and game if the first encounter isnt a shiny.
This + release everything on Pokemon home. I’m going to build a full odds complete shiny dex
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>start oras to try dexnav and chain fishing
>random full odds wurmple while running to pokemoncentre
ok man
Tell us which it turns into
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found kartana, so guzzlord is next
I will have to play through UM again for pheromosa and celesteela, as well as most legendaries.
Found a shiny Spiritomb clearing outbreaks to get an Onix. Cool, wasn’t expecting that
>I will have to play through UM again f
Ughh I plan to do the same and I'm already dreading it...
there are so many i like here, but if you're still giving these out, could i have the latias, ho-oh, xerneas, & yveltal?
I'm hunting the ultra wormhole mons in US/UM right now for shiny Audino : )
I already failed a shiny Swanna because I was convinced she wouldn't use brave bird...
aren't you excited about you next alola guided tour anon?
Don't be greedy, anon
You can save after you enter the wormhole and it will always be shiny because its generated right there if you want to be extra careful.
never evolve from cas
its so cool
Crap, I don't think I'll be able to do it soon, but I will come through. Long story short, lot of things going on but not enough to stop me from checking in every now and then. The desire to shiny hunt there, but the time isn't, unfortunately. But I will definitely post it here when I do get that Croagunk for sure.
And I mean in whatever /shg/ thread is up at the time, not this one obviously as it's close to bump limit.
No problem anon, take care of whatever you need to. Different colored pixels will always be here but life is more important.
Question: If I have 2 of the same Pokemon and I'm trying to figure out which is the bigger one, what's the best way I can do that in a way that I can identify them? Like if I do the picnic I can see which is slightly bigger but I can't tell who is whom.
theres a NPC in the mesagoza who examines the size of pokemon
They're in the same size group so I'm kind of stuck with eyeballing it I think. I just can't figure out how to tell which is which.
i think each group is just one size, so they'll be exactly the same if they're in the same group
It's a range.
>XXL: 231-254
If it comes down to it I'll just pick a random one but I figured I'd ask in case anyone knew something.
will she examine the size of my ballsack?
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Friendly reminder that for all of you who may want a shiny meltan/melmetal.
In a few hours starts GO's 8th annyv and Meltan will have the chance to be shiny, last time it happened was early Sword Shield's cycle so get it now or wait another few years until TPC decide to release it again or GO does another fest
go app will be fuckin dead before these worthless pos come back to the game
Ugh I've never played pokemon go before. How much effort is it for me to get meltan before the anniversary is up?
You can start a new file, play some 15 minutes to get through tutorials and connect a Nintendo Account to your HOME account (this last step is what grants you the Meltan Box). Once you send your first GO mon to HOME then your Box activates. No other limitations to check Meltans other than your own luck in those 60 minutes the box is active. If possible I'd recommend playing near several Pokestops to restock your Pokeballs like near a Starbucks or McD or public parks registered as Pokestops
yeah i'll definitely replace it soon, it's usually good in sleep mode but it ran through it's battery during that as well (though i didn't put the cable in when the 2ds battery was fully charged for a while because i was busy so that one's on me).
i'll still try to get something from great marsh super rod since if i stop at the last 3 days of safari week it'll just be the whole gambler's fallacy thing, gotta go until the end.
I've heard I get another box if I link either of the let's go games right? how does that work?
You used to only get that same box if you linked GO with LGPE but that was changed. The only other "box" you can get is if you link with SV and you get a chest that spawns Roaming Form Gimmighouls for 30 minutes; to activate the chest you need to send a postcard from GO to SV
So In total I just have 1 hour/day to hunt for shiny Meltan this fest and Let's Go PikaEevee arent needed at all right?
>Already had 2 in GO from previous events but don't like transfering shinies into Home unless I've got dupes
>Gear myself up for a long week of Mystery Box opening
>Get both shinies in the first 10 minutes of the first box
Did they buff the odds or something? Shiny Roaming Gimmighoul when?
No LGPE, yes to 60 minutes for checks (you can check and run away if it doesn't sparkle, more efficient this way) and no, the box can't be opened daily; it has a 72 hour cooldown but during this festival it is reduced to 48 hours.

I'd recommend if you have another phone available to create an alternate account and do the same so you can spread them and have a "daily" shot. If you do find a shiny Meltan in your "alt" you can trade it (Meltan is the only mythic that can be traded between GO players) to your "main" and then send it to HOME.

Just a heads up, trades require to be friends (piss easy), being level 10 (easy too) and Stardust (a resource in GO acquired mostly by catching mons). Stardust costs increase drastically if both players don't have the same Pokemon species registered but it should be okay, you will catch Meltans nonetheless
You don't even need to trade it, you can hook up to 6 (I think) GO accounts to one HOME account
Also if you want to avoid the G stamp in HOME then you have to transfer to LGPE first
it retains the stamp
No it doesn't. The Origin Mark will be GO but the GO stamp in the box will be absent. LGPE also allows you to recapture in a Premier Ball, only way possible as Meltan/metal don't appear in raids
My pain is growing stronger everyday when i dont get this Nihilego to shine. It's a psyop by KGB and Mossad agents.
How's my team looking.
Shiny hunt in Gen 9 was a fucking cancer
Cute and fuckable.
Please stop being mentally ill.
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No furry or fetish shit is one of the rules. Fuck off.
Play Platinum and read the library books.
You mean the books that say these were pre-evolved humans that looked the same as pokemon?

Also, again, fuck off.
Mad cuz wrong.
>anyone who says anything i no liek is mad!!!
Ask me how I know you were bullied in school.
Because only pathetic losers have coping devices like this.

Also, nothing I said is wrong.
Just looked at a summary of the GO event, every starter except Popplio is shiny. Lmao
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Todays hunt finally got me meltan to my shiny livingdex with my own OTs, and got a second copy for melmetal too.
also a random Venipede decided to say hi
I know I know
Too bad theyre stuck forever in Ultra Balls instead of Luxury but oh well, sometimes you just have to admit defeat
How likely is meltan to be shiny?
>Removing the horrible grind but still leaving it somewhat of a chore
Not much more they could do to improve it?
>before mark charm
>dozens of cool personality marks on my shinies
>after mark charm
>0 marks on my shinies
Got the first one as literally my first spawn, the other one was nearly half an hour later, seems to have a relatively low ratio on top of how the Meltan Box works that is:
>1 Box lasts for an hour
>1 Meltan spawns every 9 seconds
>Only can open a bex every 7 days (or 3 for the duration of the anniversary)
Keep in mind Meltan is shiny locked regularly and this is like its second shiny run since it was launched all these years ago
Assume it's from crowd-sourced numbers, but this site says 1/60
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FINE I'll play your stupid game GO but don't expect me to enjoy or to play it after the event is over
ok you got me, but i work from home and hate going outside. Can i still get my shiny cum?
You dont need to walk at all for it.
Actually you can, the Meltan Box will keep spawning them in your location for 60 minutes without moving from place to place
Is OP going to ask for an image for the next thread?
no, we going text only in 2024
so just open the box until I find a shiny then? Very well
Yeah, almost took me the entire timer but I got one right now. So I can confirm all you need to do is open the box
Well, just got my second shiny meltan. Anyone know the odds for the starters that are boosted during the event?
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Forgot pic
For those that don't know or are too new in this thread Please post or link to a picture of a shiny you recently caught or obtained so that I may use it as the OP for the New thread. As Always first come first served and I will try not to do repeats.

I am, Do you have one in mind anon?
Nope, I was the one that gave you that last image, so someone else should do it this time
Use this >>56071357
Well I guess I'll pick the shiny for the OP then. New thread coming up.
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Hold your horses, just got this fucker
Yeah, no posting furry porn or fetish porn images. doesn't say anything about no talking about having sexual relations with Pokémon. Fuck off to discord with the rest your kind, you're not fit to handle this place.
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But you are mad, the fact NoA utterly gutted the folk tale just proves THEY understood what Game Freak meant to boot (hence the hamfisted bowdlerisation to cover it).
And I caught it. Thank fuck for that, if I'd have failed that after 30k+ resets I'd have been out the window
whats next for the square man?
Great give me a second boss.
It's genuinely funny how legit mentally ill subhumans like you are, and how you go totally ape shit when people go against your safe space.

It's also hilarious how you didn't even read what you posted, and you're so desperate for any validation for your mental illness that you will say and do anything.

>reee!!! ur mad!!
Hey, !Akemi. Will you ever get over this mentally ill coping mechanism?

>the fact NoA utterly gutted the folk tale just proves
They also "translated" handicap bathroom as "transgender" bathroom. Your citation is nothing.
Based, congrats on the shiny
>New Thread
>red stripe
A break, for my sanity
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You're the sub-human chimping out and doubling down on her rertardation.
Not your boogyman dude, don't even know who the fuck he is either, so I suggest you keep your twitard drama on twitter where it belongs.
>trannies out of absolutely nowhere
No, they didn't. "anyone can use" implies "not strictly a Ladies or Gents bathroom". It was you terminally-online retards added the tranny boogymans to cry about pogeymans,
And yeah, this is what it looks like when TPC localise the media presented to them, instead of going into business for themselves, because they didn't realise this was Disney for the 21st Century.
>reee!!! ur mad!! stop saying ur mad not mad!!! fuck you!!! stop stop stop!!! i am the epic troll give me my safe space!! SHUT UP!!!
This is what you look like, !Akemi.

Also, space your posts correctly. You look even more retarded than usual when you refuse to line break correctly.

>No, they didn't.
It did. Because there's no other way to translate "handicap bathroom", and they specifically went out of their way to make it not say that.

And it's funny how you totally ignored the part where they straight up said "there is no difference between pokemon and humans."

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