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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

>Additional OC (High Touch! TL, A Dawning Duet)

>[DawnSubs] DP001 & 002

Previous: >>56051693
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Thanks, Pikabro
did you seriously delete and remake it?
autism ...
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All Dawnbros are autistic!
I thought a janny nuked it again and I was ready to throw a tantrum.
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>newfags don't know you can't delete your own threads
can't wait for janny to nuke this one too.
bait lmao
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lol I hope this isn’t you >>56072170
What's wrong, Anon? You don't look well.
lol cutefags aren't sending their best...
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Well it's not an upskirt or panties. Lewdposters getting creative now.
>Lewdposters getting creative now
You've seen nothing yet. I have some cool ideas to bypass jannies' tyranny.
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how difficult is it to tie a fundoshi?
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Not too hard.
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Akari a shit
Oh really? What are you gonna do about it?
let her shit on me
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Are public fundoshi festivals a real thing in Japan? I pretty much only see references to them in porn and fanart.
I love how well her head fits onto toby macguire
Yeah, but men wear them. Rarely women wear them, or are allowed to participate in festivals they're worn.

It's usually a porn thing if a woman wears one. I think SOME schools let girls do sumo, but they usually wear shorts under the fundoshi.
>Are public fundoshi festivals a real thing in Japan?
No but if they are, only old men are wearing them.
Is potato mochi any good? It's all Akari eats in her game.
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Found a pic. This is the best you'll get of a girl wearing a fundoshi.
I guess that it was too good to be true. Thanks for teaching me something new at least.
Like >>56073116 said, in some school girls can do sumo and they do wear fundoshi but it's with shorts underneath. They're still topless though.
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>They're still topless though.
It's Japan, that should be proof enough.
Cmon anon, you can't just pique my interest and not follow through.
Are you seriously asking for pics of underage Japanese school girls doing sumo with their titties out?
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dawnfags are sick
Oh it was Spiderman.
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is this Akari or Dawn?
>She is the same eternally stagnant character. Same personality, same appearance, same pokemon (big-headed, ugly penguin that stopped being fun a long time ago). Serena did in half an episode what Dawn didn't do in 15 years. LOL
Dawnbros... our response?
Dawn because of that shirt.
It's Dawn because she wears the Alola tshirt.
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Ash x Dawn
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>Ash x Dawn Can-ACK!
Yup based
>posting ash with some random whore
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God I love Hisui
it's called SINNOH
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Don't throw such a Hisui fit about it.
meant for >>56074155
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Imagine Dawn poopin while wearing a Fundoshi.
I would guess it depends on the style. The one I have is pretty easy, it has strings on one end you tie around your waist then bring the cloth through to make an apron. I would imagine the thong version would be difficult without practice.
Girls don't poop
i've seen dawn's benis
How big?
Goh hasn’t been able to sit down for a week.
lmao based
Faggot kys
Big enough to pound Cynthia into submission

She is now pregnant
>Dawn promises Goh anal
>doesn't tell him he'll be the one on the receiving end of the anal
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>"Remember, Goh! The cheerleader outfit stays on during sex!"
>"Wait, Dawn? You'd actually wear one while we-"
>"Who said I'm wearing it?"
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Dawn's thick shaft...
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Sir, you need to leave. This is a trans safe space.
Dawn isn't trans, she just has a cute, feminine penis.
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All of you freaks need to kys
True, true. But it's not cute, it's a massive veiny feminine schlong
rip Goh’s butt
Built for pounding bussy
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where the fuck am I
Best pokegirl trio is Dawn Dawn and Dawn
>safety shorts
Route 216
>safety shorts
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Dawn having a micro dick would be cuter, even if hers being bigger than Goh's would be funnier.
Futa girls always have a huge cock. Goh being only 10 years old probably has cute weewee.
They're both wearing one

Because he's into that

And so is she

And so is Cynthia watching from the closet

While giving Ash a handjob
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No pan == No fun
Wait, is Dawn giving Ash the handjob or Cynthia?
Koharu is having sex with Ash in the closet.
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>"lewdfags don't ruin these threads guys!"
>50+ posts about futashit
why didn't we keep making separate threads again?
Because jannies nuked the lewd-centric one.
Because they aren’t actually posting any images
Fuck off, nobody wants to join what I assume is some gay-ass pedo rp server.
>50+ posts about futashit
This is what these threads are always like. Stop asking us to change.
Right, there are more interesting things to discuss than Dawn's futa cock, like what is Dawn's policy regarding Ukraine, amirite cutesister?
>like what is Dawn's policy regarding Ukraine
If it were up to you there'd be 0 discussion at all, these threads would be literal porn threads, like the one you retards had that day.
Its all so tiresome.
I just want the degenerates to fuck off
I have to assume its all americans fault as always.

They would be the ones obsessed with all the degenerate shit
The events in Hisui changed Dawn…She felt different..S-she came back with a penis. Her gift from Arceus
>there'd be 0 discussion at all, these threads would be literal porn threads
This what the people wanted in that thread. All that matters is that Dawnbros have fun in the Dawnthreads. Now that this thread is shared with cutefags, we don't spam porn and we are discussing. So no, lewdchads are not ruining the threads.
>This what people wanted
coomers aren't people.
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Posting cute to save the thread yet again!
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Based. I'll assist you, cutebro.
Posting May to save the thread yet again!
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May x Dawn is acceptable and welcome
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kind Dawn
I don't think there exists a single pic of Dawn pegging a dude.
Why peg when she could use her feminine benis?
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CuteGODS being based as usual.
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why are her thighs so perfect?
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more Shaymin pics please (with Dawn)
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i like kind dawn
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The good kind of lewd
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hey hey hey slow down with that turtle
Cutefags are ruining the thread by dumping cute pics!
This is literally cutefags' brain on lewdposting.
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>posting cute images is the same thing as spamming softcore loli porn
this is what coombrains actually believe. lmao
lewdfags cannot help but always post degeneracy like futashit or stuff that gets nuked by jannies
cutechads are pure!
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this is peak cute+lewd
this. i want quilava to mount dawn's anus.
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have the animators clearly enjoyed drawing a character more than Dawn?
if dawn knocked up cynthia, they would make beautiful aryan children.
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>peak cute+lewd
This one too >>56076978

how does Dawn do it?!
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It just comes naturally to her.
>how does Dawn do it?!
Bare legs + short skirt
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>cutelewd posters
saviors of this thread
Hye, you post your shit, we post ours. We are the same (except our posts are not lame).
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>we are the same
Lol, nah. You wanna spam your porn, fine. Don't pretend you're not a subhuman degenerate though, porn addict.
Dang I assumed you were wrong but I can only find her doin' it with girls. Speaking of,

poffins is an interesting safe word
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Dawn is cute!
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She sure is!
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This thread needs more cutelewd!
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give me caps to edit
>still hasn't fixed the Zero(0) typo
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>no roserade
Why are there two Dons
>visible nipple
rip anon
Notice how those posts either don't post images, or post the same few cropped porn/google image results?

It's whinefag falseflagging.
Futaposting always creeps back during content dry spells, even though nobody actually wants it (see the futafic that flopped).
Who is whinefag?
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I love May!
Fat, sweaty, musky butt!
Please stop taking photos of my wife's big ass
Ok drew
Ash x Dawn
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Ash x Dawn - kino
Ethan/Gold x Dawn - kino

Conway x Dawn - based
Gary x Dawn - based
Paul x Dawn - kinda based

Kenny x Dawn - cringe
Goh x Dawn - cringe
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>raspy voice
Dawn's voice is cute! CUTE!
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>Akari and Hikari
What is this
retard. one less degenerate in these threads for 3 days.
hnnnng pits
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I really want to write that fanfic where she has to shit outdoors for the first time and how ginger she is about the whole thing.
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Please don't write that!
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Why is the pokeball wet?
does ash let dawn peg him?
Ash pegs Dawn
Dawn pegs Goh
both at once? that would be a dawn sandwich.
>taught anus
ngl I forgot what I wrote when I made this
Dawn panties are the best
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Boobs too big
Butt too small
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My incredibly hot wife!
Hot wife or... hotwife?
Me and my precious May are happily married, thank you very much.
Hotwife couples are also happily married.
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>my wife's big canonically smelly ass
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>my wife's canonically big, smelly ass
Speaking of canonically smelly, May had last shown her feet in April 2003, and then again in May 2008. That's 5 years of May's feet being inside socks+shoes. Imagine the smell haha...
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talk about Dawn or kys
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May's friend Dawn is kinda cute
Maybe you could bring up a smelly body part of Dawn to redirect the conversation instead of throwing a fit and acting like a Karen.
Do you know what's smelly? Dawn's unwashed dick!
Cleaning Dawn's smegma with my mouth!
I will deepthroat it!
Anon you'll die!! It's too long!
I must satisfy Dawn and make her nice and clean!
This is Goh's job.
Opinion discarded.
Resume talk of Dawn's dick.
>the futafic that flopped
That fic didn't flop because of the futa. People liked the first 2 chapters that were about Dawn having futa sex (both giving and receiving). The problem was that instead of having Dawn fucked by Kiawe in Chapter 3 like people wanted, ficanon turned the story into a Kiawe x Olivia. And then in the next chapter Lillie was also thrown in. And during all that time Dawn was just peeping on other people have sex.

Basically it flopped because it stopped being about Dawn and futa which is what people wanted from a futa fic posted on the Dawn general.
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How long is it?
In addition, the author really didn't want to include anal or other /dg/ staples and so it felt like anti-fanservice for the general. The voyeurism and Lillefaggotry just compounded the existing issues that were already present even in the better-received first 2 chapters.
You are using 4chan right now, shartbot. More lost than joe biden
That's a good point. The ficanon that did ADD was a Serenafag, but he was willing to cuck Serena in his own fic just please Dawnfags. He gave people what they wanted which is why his fic was beloved and put in the Hall of Fame (aka the OP).

Futafic anon didn't want to compromise. He didn't want to do anal that people asked, he didn't want to do interracial that people asked, he didn't want to do bestiality that people asked. (Ficanon btw is once again serving people and writing a Dawn x Cinderace fic.) I get it on one hand, you want to write something you enjoy. But on the other hand you can't expect people to like something that you write for yourself and has nothing that interests them. It's tough to balance the two or make people interested in what you like.
Fuck off
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Ficanon was a good storyteller, but it's unfortunate that he caused the G*hfags and especially Whoharufag to camp in the general. His cucking Serena had the unintended effect of creating that cocky Whoharu spammer, so I don't know if it was worth it just to btfo Serena in that fic.
Your story sucked, futafag
>People liked the first 2 chapters
>the better-received first 2 chapters.
That's some mad revisionism right there, I hardly got any feedback at all. That fic was intended to be a oneshot and it wasn't "for" Dawn General, it was a fic where Lana gets creampied that happened to include Dawn, which I thought you guys might like. My mistake was trying to make it into a series with a variety of scenarios and expecting Dawn General to want anything but "Dawn Gets Buttfucked: The Fic." I'm not the right writefag for you guys, I don't even like anal.
Gohfags became relevant thanks to the fic but that's not true about Koharufags. Koharufags only appeared after Koharu won the Ashbowl at the end of the anime. But that was when the entire /vp/ was laughing with the gold digger memes. The reason they've camped here now is because that mentally ill pearlfag has been spamming the threads with his ritualposting. He's also the one responsible for bringing Serenafags, Mistyfags and Mayfags here. If only he fucked off, everyone else would also leave.
>after Koharu won the Ashbowl at the end of the anime
>pearlfag arrived
Oh boy, here we go again
>schizobabble about the shitty retarded fic again
Its all so tiresome
>I hardly got any feedback at all
I'm pretty sure you had like 5 or 6 people reading it and telling you they like it. Which might not seem much but if you keep in mind that there were maybe 25-30 regular posters in the threads and most people won't bother reading fanfics in general, it wasn't that bad. Were you expecting 100 people to read it? Ficanon had only 2 or 3 people in the beginning and the rest of the general was telling him to kill himself because he paired Dawn with Goh! Pearlfag still has meltdowns whenever he hears about Goh.
>That fic was intended to be a oneshot and it wasn't "for" Dawn General, it was a fic where Lana gets creampied that happened to include Dawn
Ok fair enough but people did like it. And they asked for more. And you did the Mallow one which wasn't planned and people also liked that. But then you strayed off.
>My mistake was trying to make it into a series with a variety of scenarios and expecting Dawn General to want anything but "Dawn Gets Buttfucked: The Fic."
Your mistake was making Dawn a side-character.
Less fic faggotry

More Dawn
There's only one present I want to unwrap there.
Fics are part of the general. Fuck off.
I had to go back through the archives to make sure I wasn't gaslighting myself. Over the course of several threads I had anons ask for Kiawe, Lillie, Acerola, Grimsley, Wally (at the battle tree I guess?) and some hiker's Salazzle. There was also one anon suggesting I add feet and then kill myself, but that's just a typical Tuesday on 4chan. One anon specifically called out that the gimmick of the tapu giving a girl a dick would get repetitive, which I agreed with. This post, in particular, is what lead me to adding Lillie in the way that I did:


The chapter with Olivia and Kiawe was there specifically to set up a new reason for a girl (Lillie in this case) to grow a dick without reusing the exact same premise as before, while also giving Dawn the idea to consider giving anal a second chance after Mallow basically raped her. It was supposed to be a breather chapter in between all the sex Dawn was having. As for why Kiawe turns Dawn down in the following chapter, that was to give her a reason to try anal with Lillie instead. Evidently I underestimated the demand for Dawn just getting blacked by Kiawe. I hadn't ruled out having the two of them fuck later, I just didn't want to leave Lillie hanging. I did say "I'm not big on Kiawe" specifically, so I guess that was interpreted as a flat refusal to write him fucking Dawn. I guess that's on me.

>he didn't want to do bestiality that people asked
For the record, nobody was asking for bestiality save for was one off-hand mention of a Salazzle. I would've written Dawn taking a Rockruff's knot or something if it'd been requested.
kys faggot
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So yeah like I said, I'm not the right Writefag for this general. Apart from the OG Ficanon, you guys don't seem to want one. You even scared off VNAnon. I'm just going to go back to lurking.
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Alright bye
>Dawn taking a Rockruff's knot
I mean... you could still do that now. Just saying...
Fuck off pearlfag with your autistic samefagging.
Good riddance. Fanfics are pure unrestricted autism that only attract more autism and cancer to this general.
Case and point. If you read this post and think it's normal, the only thing you should write is a suicide note.
And now back to our regularly scheduled Dawnposting!
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Probably my favorite outfit in all of pokemon
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>You even scared off VNAnon
Based. Fuck that vanillafag and his self-insert creepy pedo power fantasy.
>you guys don't seem to want one
Yes as a matter of fact we don't want to read the deranged ramblings of your degenerate fantasies. Am*ricans will wake up later and claim that we do, but Am*ericans aren't even people, and their opinions should be discarded.
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Ash x Dawn

Canon and Kino
I like ESL Dawn
She's just like me!
Dead ship
You ever notice how Pearlfag has never actually taken a screencap to prove he isn’t samefagging when called out like this?
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Hi, I'm pearlfag too
Quit samefagging
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Unfortunately, I never looked into your fanfics when I should have and helped provide some feedback. Sorry about that, fellow writefag.
>t. ficanon
God I love Turtwig
we know PearlKING
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Akari is NOT a virgin and she'll keep reminding you of it!
Akari butte..
I miss the High Touch! doujin
It's in the OP, y'know
I mean the general climate from when it was being translated. Every new post in a thread felt like an event, and there was something to look forward to.
True. That was kind of the case back in late 2022/early 2023 in general, and I was pretty amazed to know that Sungyeah actually made a pearlshipping doujin considering how much I liked his XY one.
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Dawn's face looks like she's turning into a Turtwig
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10 year old girls shouldn't be allowed to have thighs like this...
I'm lurking in Dawn General while I'm at work

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thought that was a pink panty edit for a sec, kek
>thigh gap
the animators really were mad with power during the D/P era weren't they?
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So how was your day /dg/?
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is Dawn supposed to be flat or what? I need a definitive answer to this question.
Pretty good
Masters had a datamine, Gardenia got an alt
How do you cope knowing the entire Diamond Clan ran train on Akari before she became your wife?
Dawn is flat with a moderate-size butt and thicc thighs.
Your good day involves pokemon shit? Touch some grass anon.
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Budding/Small. Her shirts always extend outward very slightly, and in her swimsuits you can see them.
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Same here anon, It's been a long day
They knew if they brainwashed kids with dawn's thighs they'd grow as loyal coomers to keep buying new merch.
>You even scared off VNAnon
Did I miss something? The last thing I remember he was working to update the VN
You mean EX Masters? If I want to get Dawn it takes too much grinding?
An academic-level book I've wanted that's been out of print for nearly a year finally reappeared and I got an order in, so I'm feeling pretty good.
>You mean EX Masters?

>If I want to get Dawn it takes too much grinding?
no, "base" Dawn with Torterra is in the regular pool, you can get her free and relatively fast. She is old and sucks as a unit though
Other limited Dawn alts are more difficult to get

But only play Masters if you actually want to play a pokemon phone gacha (its low maintenace)
The term is "budding". She's flat, but you can see the curvature where growth is just about to start at the usual places. For more detailed information, look up "naked underage girl" on your image search engine or choice. Make sure to have location services turned on so they'll be more relevant.
>Did I miss something? The last thing I remember he was working to update the VN
He's commissioning some new art mostly to replace the stolen stuff, but he doesn't post here anymore. He's retreated to Twitter and Discord.
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Reminder that Dawn is cheering for (You)! Never give up!
He still lurks here.
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Good news! What is that book about?
I see, I gave it a few tries in the past but my boomer ass couldnt handle so much task and grinding... maybe I'll try it again just for Dawn, I saw you can interact with the trainers now? I'm sure it's nothing like people here would want but seems fun.
I remember something about a discourd but that shit seems like a bunch of drama to me
Hi, VNAnon!
Thanks Dawn! I hope you can return to mainstream eyes in the future!
>I saw you can interact with the trainers now?
yeah, its called Lodge
Dawn is in there too, you can talk with her
Nobody likes a mass-replier, dawnbro. It's cringe and attention-seeking.
stop bitching please
Look at the time! It's for the next lewd OP!
>Good news! What is that book about?
The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon, where the Eutyches and the Monophysites got btfo.
cute lisp
What are you studying? Byzantine history?
He's right. Mass-replying posts are an eyesore and hard to read.
Church history. With this, I'll have 4 of the 7 first ecumenical councils covered. The first two councils, Nicaea and Constantinople I, only left canons, not acts, so that'd leave only Constantinople III as the only one I'm missing to have a complete set of the acts.
>Church history
For university I assume and not personal interest. What's the major? History?



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