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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

>Additional OC (High Touch! TL, A Dawning Duet)

>[DawnSubs] DP001 & 002

Previous: >>56072141
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really pushing it with the janny, huh lewdbro?
danke pikabro
Do you like my non-panty lewd strategy, cutebro?
Well if this one gets nuked - we'll make a new cute one
if it doesnt - its fine
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this thread isn't going anywhere
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Most of these councils' acts have only just been translated into English for the first time in the last few years, so now is the time lay people involved in these debates (mainly Catholics, Orthodox, and certain non-fundie Protestants like Anglicans) can actually get into the meat and potatoes of the debates because the primary sources are finally available outside of medieval Greek and Latin. My major was actually in an unrelated field, but recent circumstances have drawn me into the world of theology, both for fun and for personal edification, and the ability to cut right through online spin by going directly to the texts in question has been a big motivator, though academic books are painfully expensive, so I have to space purchases out. After I've settled down, I could see myself going back to school, at least part-time, to formally pursue theology for a degree.
Sounds great man. Another Dawnbro has found God!
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Sorry Anon, I will happen again.
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I still don't understand where this little girl got these hips from.
They're looking right up her skirt...
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Motivated by her peers.
>I remember something about a discourd but that shit seems like a bunch of drama to me
People kept asking him if he had a discord so he and the guy who made the Cynthia VN made a discord for pokemon VN's. It's not very busy and has like three blatant pedophiles hanging around. So pretty typical of discord.
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I hope suitenan comes back...
I want to rape Dawn and impregnate her with my babies against her will.
Thanks, anon, but I've known God for a while now. The number of Dawnbros who've found God recently is funny, though.
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Dawn's cute butt!
May's fat butt!
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Lewdbros won
stop posting my wives asses
but my dick goes there...
Anal only, anon!
We need an update bros...
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Based. Dawn will continue to be lewded in OPs!
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Following Dawn back to the kitchen and grabbing her by the _____
Dawn, you clutz! Now bend over and clean up the mess you made!
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Balloon thighs
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you lewdfags really don't know any self control do you? Honestly anon, this is a BLUE BOARD!
Neck if she drops one more fucking glass...
Skirt and spanking her ass in front of the customers.
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I'm serious.
Hold your horses soldier, I think this is one of them hentai girls. She ain’t real flesh n’ blood
NTA but lolicon is illegal in many states which just makes it hotter
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She's not a child though.
loli isn’t illegal anywhere in the us
Erm, ackshually, Dawn is a hebe. Get your facts right guys.
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requesting this for the next op
Lewdfags have had 2 in a row now. Next op should be cute.
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next OP
safety shorts approved
Dawn is both lewd and cute. Why do you keep incisting that she's not?
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Reminder that Dawn is cheering for (You)!
Whenever you're feeling down or thinking of giving up, just remember that she's rooting for you!
>Proto never made any porn from clown girl Dawn
Oh now you remember about taking turns? Last time you breached the agreement and made 4 cute ops in a row. Will you behave from now on and take turns?
>Last time you breached the agreement and made 4 cute ops in a row.
Weren’t those the result of 3 killed threads?
Not my fault your threads got deleted. I've never abandoned the turn system. Lewdfags think its funny to keep taunting he jannies and then cry when their threads get deleted.
No threads were deleted. Look at this shit.
4 consecutive cute ops twice! TWICE!
What did the doctors say when you went to the hospital and said that a pack of pajeets raped you, Shaun?
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>conveniently ignores the 3 consecutive lewd threads right underneath
>page 2
meanwhile, here's page 1 https://arch.b4k.co/vp/search/subject/%2Fdg%2F%20-%20Dawn%20General/
looks pretty even to me.
fucking christ for people who do nothing but use these threads to goon themselves you lewdfags sure do like to be the victims all the time.
What did her do with her boobies?
Shipped them to Dawn.
>page 2
Where's the problem? I wasn't talking about the past 2 weeks. It was in February and especially April that the agreement was breached.
>ignores the 3 consecutive lewd threads right underneath
Because you breached the agreement before! You started this.
>looks pretty even to me
True but most of these were nuked. And before you say they're NSFW... you saw page 2! Those OPs were much worse and nothing happened. It's clearly some new janny that's been nuking our threads this month.
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Fine then. Things have been pretty equal lately, let's keep it that way. Next thread should be cute.
As for the janny, not my problem. I'm sure posting shit like >>56086123 and going "teehee you won't nuke this one, janny! xD" has nothing at all to do with the recent increase in lewd deletions. You do this to yourselves.
>I'm sure posting shit like >>56086123 and going "teehee you won't nuke this one, janny! xD" has nothing at all to do with the recent increase in lewd deletions
That was a reaction after a janny deleted a panty OP for no fucking reason.
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Every character thread has posts from falseflaggers spamming unacceptable images to get character threads taken down. Then you get nuked and claim it was the natives that did it. And trying to create this narrative of "cute vs lewd" factions when that does not exist except in your head.
>muh conspiracy theory
Meds. Dawnbros are just too horny.
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Akari in trouble.
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(user was banned for this post) when?
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I find it extremely hard to believe anyone would try to hide from a luxray like this.
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Ash x Dawn
canon and kino
dead ship
Alive battleship
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>Whelp... may as well give in to the inevitable
how is this allowed?
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Luxray has x-ray vision. She's just delaying the inevitable
Dawn, it's not healthy to have electricity shot up your butt repeatedly!
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cute time!
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She's all tied up. She can't resist. She only has a skirt covering her baby-making hole. She's all yours to fuck, champ.
lewdfags lost
their threads can be deleted at any time
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lewdbulls won
I've already cooked the next thread up, here's the OP
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What kind of hellscape is this supposed to be?
wtf is dawn feeding that glaceon
Me on the left
damn u kinda cute.....
Dawn has very nice legs.
I agree
>damn near Page 8
how could this happen dawnbros?
Dawn is busy buying in the steam sale.
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What is she buying?
We got rid of lewdfags and ficfags
And it is good

Slow and comfy is best
Is this cute or lewd? My sensors can't decide!
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It's cutelewd, the best kind of image!
every image is ero if it has your waifu in it
Cutelewds are weird... I don't know to feel about them. They don't comply with 4chan's Madonna Whore complex.
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Dawn no!
Yugioh is slop now
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Would Dawn get PENGUINED?
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/dg/ classics
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so is pokemon
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Ash x Dawn
based and canonpilled
King post
Dead and buried
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Is it true what they say about Unovans?
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Unovan girls belong to BZC
Dawn ready for Blacked City!
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Me on the right
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Dawn calls for the burning of shorts, trousers and bloomers in Paldea
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Recently I have developed an obsession with Hikari's platinum design. Even though she doesn't have pants or anything keeping her legs warm the thought of her big coat and scarf keeping her warm in the snow gives me a cozy feeling.
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But what about Dawn's shorts?
You're just a pervert.
I won't deny it, but that isn't the reason why.
Only appealing thing about this outfit is the midriff, the shorts does nothing for me
Only appealing thing about this outfit are the thighs, the crop-top does nothing for me.
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How about pants?
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Ban pants.
Ban Dawn.
Unfair comparison, those pants are even lower, and she's got more noticeable child bearing hips in this one
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Enforce Akari.
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File deleted.
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No you speed up we need more cute Hikaris.
oooooone more
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Was enjoyable while it lasted.
>Dawn will never squirt on you
why live
Shut up Verlis. Unovan girls are for Emboar and Zebstrika cocks.
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Holy based! Cute and canon. <3
ty <3
Someone edit this to but lewder thoughts in their heads
>lewdifying a cute image
Too tall Goh
manlets are insecure about their hight in it reflects in their art.
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Steven is a weakling, Shaun.
Please go and shave your wool to make warm jackets for us this winter.
someone explain to me how this is possibly a fetish other than "mental illness"
Maybe they saw a snake eat and it gave them their first boner?
So you admit you're a ladyboy living in Thailand. And Thailand has approved same secks marriage recently.

Now go and find yourself another ladyboy & marry already.
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what is dawn feeding that fat fuck
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Dawn finds herself trapped in the center of a circle of Sneasels in the frozen north of Sinnoh. Their eyes gleam with hunger as they surround her, their hot breath filling the air. They pleasure themselves while watching her body, powerless to resist their lust. The Alpha Weavile approaches, its erect member pointing towards her, ready to breed. The Weavile violently penetrates her ass, forcing itself deep inside, causing her to cry out in pain. The other Sneasels watch, their eyes shining with desire as they take turns using her body, fucking her mouth and ass in turn, showing her no mercy.

Dawn's body is violated, her holes stretched and filled as the Pokémon claim her as their own. The brutal act awakens something primitive within her, a desire to submit and be dominated that she has never known before. As the Sneasels continue to take their turns, she feels a strange, foreign sensation spread through her body, making her shudder with pleasure despite the pain.

Once they have all had their fill, the Sneasels disperse, leaving Dawn battered and bruised on the cold ground. She can feel the seed of the Pokémon inside her, marking her as their property. The memory of the encounter will haunt her for days to come, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurk in the wilds.
Hot, hot, hot! Write more daddy.
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Masters moment
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Ash x Dawn
yup based
i wish I was that lotad
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no such character exists or has ever existed
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Based canonchad.
Cringe samefag.
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You don't really love Dawn
Uoooooooohhh I'm gooning to Dawn pantsu!
Yes I do!
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>pearlfag BTFO
Lol, based mods.
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What's inside?
Her panties.
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>anal meme
Dawn is pure
>ficanon gifting /dg/ pure, pure degeneracy
Ficanon is dead
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Dawn will do vaginal now?! Also someone post the Anal Only pic with Dawn. We need to pay our respects.
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Stop sticking penises in butts
Just fap already, coombrains.
All anal btw.
>All anal btw.
Dawn is the biggest slut in the world.
Dawn's weakness is having Blue as a hair colour which is the hair colour of the losers. To make things worst, they decided to make her flat on PLA.
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shut up tranny
How many times Blue Hair girl won in an anime with multiple love interest with no harem endings?
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This. We all know the only winners are brunette Hoennian girls with fat tits and asses who wear sporty clothes and bandanas.
>mayfag is still here
>mayfag is still here
May's over, she's being canned until next year!
Mayfag needs to submit to Dawn like the rest of us!
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images drawn by a computer don’t count…..
Hey guys, coomer here. What would Akari's reaction be to having her ass smacked?
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I want to go on an adventure with them
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Why don't you find out yourself?
they got man jaws
Be honest. When you imagine yourself having sex with Dawn, do you ever forget to imagine her aged-up? I always spend 5-10 minutes making sure I'm properly imagining her as an adult before I imagine myself doing anything with her, so I don't accidentally have imaginary sex with a 10 year old. But I'm just curious if any of you sometimes forget and accidentally do it anyway.
I never goon to Dawn
I'm a cutefag
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I imagine fucking Dawn exactly how she looks I don’t think about the age
Real poke girl enjoyers don't actually whack off to them. We just enjoy their beauty for what it is.
I imagine having sex with May while Dawn watches, so there's no issue.
We are all coomers here
My boobs are bigger than Dawn's.
My dick is smaller than Dawn's.
I always spend 5-10 minutes making sure I'm not imagining her as an adult before I imagine myself doing anything with her, so I don't accidentally have imaginary sex with a hag.
I spend 5-10 minutes making sure she is wearing a diaper but is really shy about it.
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cute grunt
I don't imagine myseld having sex with her, so she stays the same age. Instead, I imagine telling her that she's been a bad girl and that she's going to get a spanking. Her whimpers as I pull her over my knee turn into weak protests of "no, please, not on the bare" as I pull her black panties down to her knees, and those turn into screams and sobs as I spank her soundly. She tells me she's sorry, and I reply that I know she is and that she truly will be as I hook my leg over her kicking legs and spank her even harder, her ass turning redder with every slap.
he looks trans
Thats a man
Everyone's dick here is smaller than Dawn's.
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fuck off
>Thats a man
Kek based
Shaun is a faggot jeet who simps for a tranny
Stop replying to his posts, retards. He ban evades every single day to spam the same vore images.
yeah, we know
why wouldnt I reply to make fun of him though?
Is Dawn a show-er or a grow-er?
We know Kenny.
It starts at 13cm by default. It grows to 20.5cm.
Giving Dawn a handjob!
Futatroons truly are the bronies of fetishes.
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More pedophilia.
More pokephilia.
More hemophilia
More girlcocks.
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On model Dawn is a little girl with a hairless thigh pussy why change that?
>on model aldith?
Stinks like shit
Oily skin
>not gooning to your waifu
I bet you also never fuck your girlfriend and you let other men do it cuck.
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Not to mention defeated very easily!
>your girlfriend
haha yeah...
I unironically still don't know what gooning is.
Masturbating, jacking off, jerking off, rubbing one out, beating your meat etc.
*for extended periods of time
don't forget this important detail
Right, edging is part of gooning.
Be glad
its cringe zoomer slang
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dawn's for cringe zoomers though
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Dawn IS a cringe zoomer.
10 years old in 2006 would make Dawn a zillennial
>tfw Dawn’s 2 years older than me
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Oh, no! Not the magnemites.
Cute thread next please
Anon, why are you browsing 4chan at 8 years old?
>Dawn IS a cringe zoomer
We couldn't save her.
Zoomer Dawn listens to heavy metal while aggressively masturbating with her buttplug. She does this every day.
Why is there CP here?
Zoomers don't even know what heavy metal is. They listen to trap.
Her fault for being a rapebait.
She was asking for this.
>10 year old child tied up and half naked
>Why is there CP here?
i only see cartoons here
cp= cartoon porn
Do it
fu k off
Shut the fuck up Shaun or I'll call some pajeets to kick your sorry ass again.
Will mods do anything about this???

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