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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Ho-Oh

- Ceruledge has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56039300
>FFXIV going down for new expansion maint.
>OCE will continue to be open for other countries to travel to
>last new release was consistent 1to 3k log in queues
>now have to deal with fucking Americans and Japanese clogging things up
Guess I'll reinstall and play Unite again since I'll have the time. Did that blaziken and mimikyu buff fuck things up even more than they already were?
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Haven't seen a particularly big uptick on either of them in my matches.

I'm seeing a million more Crams though, for some reason.
CN looks good, but the evo levels are too low
this looks fucking retarded
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>Unite's most popular streamer by a wide margin
>You can barely understand him
>He's not charismatic or funny at all
>Taste in music that he constantly plays on stream is shit
>Plays in one of the shittier regions
>Gets super whiny when he loses
How the fuck does he maintain a fanbase?
probably from retards like you doing his advertising for him
Is Raichu playable already?
Tried out duraldon in unranked, he feels pretty strong, ill try him in ranked. Just can't do anything against mimikyu (devs favorite)
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>This booty blasted over a LiteralWhoTuber

Fucks sake you're a waste of carbon holy shit
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>im a team player :))) so I flex roles
>played support since we had 2 all-rounded
>tyranitar in my lane keep running in a straight line at the owl player
>dives behind their goal into 3 fucking people
>meowscarda jumps on every enemy they see and gets nuked
>10 seconds before Ray spawns my entire team is running to score despite being a man down and only having ~15 points a piece
>they wipe
>end score screen I get 3 thumbs up from the enemy team
Feels nice that they realized I was trying.
Fucking glad Slowbro got his semi-holowear buff to cuck all-rounder fags and Mr.mime returning back to the meta.
God I hate Goodra players they're almost always backcapping shits that contribute nothing of value to the team
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canon birthing hips
Does Gyarados' ult have any visible indicators to the enemy team or is he true invisible?
Having all that swirly shit and SFX makes me feel like I'm a hurricane trying to be stealthy.
If you use it in a bush and don't move out of it.
Enemy team can see it, yeah. He's only invincible, not invisible
Cool, been gone for a while and was playing through Veteran ranks
Genuinely could not tell from other player's reactions if they could see more or not. I supposed they should otherwise they wouldn't have made it look so suggestive but man even when there's no bots in the lobby it's just all kinds of weird.
I assume it would be a mix of previous patch buffs and being used in tournaments or banned in tournaments, that tends to be why. Fucking annoying little critters, enemy one is always Houdini and yours is a quadriplegic.
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>used almost universally on attack mons
Should they rework it?
>enemy is just plain better than us both pokemon picks and how they play
>enemy gets ray
>we kill them or break their shields
>we're ahead because score goblin talonflame
>everyone is at quarter or less health
>everyone tries to cap their 50s as the enemy is respawning
>get wiped
>enemy gets to dunk freely
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There's at least some risk to it so nah, they just need to add more appealing options.
I should've expected it from the user name but wow that was a fucking miserable game of being trolled by StinkyFembot in an easily winnable game.
most hygienic pokemon UNITE player
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Sableye had Confuse Ray'd the Espeon & since Eeveeshitters all have retardedly broken passives it got triggered under the guise of that Sableye so it counted as their secure.

Very funny
The webm quality is pretty shit, but I'm pretty sure it's actually Future Sight triggering for the kill rather than the passive. They would have gotten it if Slowbro's scald hit it instead of going for the Sableye.
Charizard is the next bp
Where's that one Charizardfag who constantly complains about it's lack of Purple Tier skins and buffs? I'm sure he's over the moon right now
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CHARIZARD!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
Fucking finally
Not only when he loses, he gets whine over any little inconvenience.
>team has too much cc?
>chris cries
>sableye invades his jungle
>chris makes a whole video crying about how bRoKeN lvl 1 invading is despite winning at the end
>enemy is playing a broken mon?
>chris cries despite playing a broken mon himself
>chris ints and his team doesn't follow up
>chris cries about his team not being near
>misses his ults 24/7 or use them less than one minute before ray then is surprised is whole team died because he was too busy farming for his unite
>is never wrong about literally anything because he is le best solo q player in the world
looks like shit
Ugh, cringe. Timi should have nerfed this ancient boomer mon to the ground and removed it from the game.
Man, you remember that special title screen they put out for the Buzzwole/Cinderace superhero event where all of the mons looked like they were fucked up Ps1 era renders? I'm trying to see if I can find that again
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Found it. This shit is unironically soul even if it was almost assuredly unintentional
>We felt the weakness of Lizardon's power when it came to Unite Battles and many players have addressed complaints as well
>So we have lowered its Unite Move Cooldown and increased its Power and Effect
>We hope you enjoy Lizardon's new performance in Battle
I hate competitive scenes for relatively unpopular games because they get so many players like this
Big fish in a little pond type shit. I'd call someone out in chat for being a faggot and then they'd int hard while screeching about how "I WON 30k A TOURNAMENT WHO ARE YOU YOU'RE NOBODY I AM THE COMMUNITY FOR THIS GAME"
It's pretty sad.
That lucario gets me every time
Even though this game is going to die. I still have enough gems for 2 battle passes. Zard is going to be one of them. Hoping they buff his range and melee and unite to make the playerbase scream and cope like the bitches they are anytime a mon they dont like gets a buff like
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is Unite still popular? I quit so long ago
No, game is dead. Future of the game rests on how the CN version is received
they messed up by not having co-op pve content on launch and by cloning the fomo content battlepass rat race
If you have fomo content your game is going to negatively corelate to the popularity of cod, fortnite, apex and destiny since those are all more powerful fomo traps
I find games just as quickly, so yes
Flare Blitz buffs soon... just like Trick Room... ha... ha...
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>get a clip of me stealing Ray with Ceruledge's Burn chip after I had died
>go to share it so I can post it here
>remember that the option was removed
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh I'm not manually exporting that shit fuck off
just scan the qr code and download it
Not THAT popular, consistently about 80k daily active players on Android for the last year and 220k recent peak count. Enough for it to exist, not enough to be a huge cash cow.
I'm trying to do that but now it's just constantly giving me a "took too long to connect" message when I follow the URL after I scan the second QR code. Whatever, this is too much trouble.
The Dratini keep taking the 4 Bunnelby at the start. I can't level up!
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>stress the shit out of myself trying to get the Cynthia outfit 2 months ago because I missed it the first time
>It's available to earn again
oh my god. I'm both upset at myself for grinding so damn hard for the outfit, but I'm also sad to see that this game really doesn't really care and is just reusing stuff as incentives to play, huh
>I'm both upset at myself for grinding so damn hard for the outfit
Was the grind really that bad?
It took me like one weekend of spamming solo games. Maybe 3 days at most.
Most annoying quests were getting assists as Slowbro since I'd usually get like 18 kills to 5 assists.

Does playing on Extreme give bonus points?
it did not. and I started that grind REALLY fucking late, like, a week before it ended or something like that
Lucario looks like he "eated the bees" as the kids say.
>Float Stone Blastoise
>If a person with narcissism feels that someone is advancing on their superior status, or not giving them adequate recognition, they may engage in some negative reinforcements as punishment.

What do you expect everyone playing pokemon are either dudes who got physically dominated in life so hard they have a female ego (like your typical redditor/4chan chud) or they are some femcel who got dominated by other females and the female ego that they become discord kittens eitherway your trying to convice everyone they are the best pokeman unite player around to forget chad mogging you in highschool so hard that you're a pokemon neet now
>came all the way to a pokemon board to write this
I hope the waste of time was worth it, champ.
>came here to get tilted by a schizophrenic
took me under a minute too write the original post and in turn I got 1 (you) from some gurl brained pokeman I'm pretty pleased with myself as a reward I'm going too continue peeing in the sink
This isnt bringing costumers in. I guess the pokemon ip is not meant for shit like this
>"I'm pretty pleased with myself as a reward"
>This is it. This is the thing he has left in life to draw joy from.
And you keep spending time on the internet dumpster to get your fix from strangers. I'll tell who doesn't do that: a Chad.
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>1 EX this season
>Ho-Oh released next month
Are they going back to 2 EX per team next season? If so this anniversary will kill the game.
Most of the ex mons just feel like good mons these days.
3 years, not a bad run I guess. I had fun.
I just want to know if the Armarouge leaks are real.
Corroborated by both major leakers (longstanding one who's a fag who withholda info, newer one who leaked Ho-Oh months out), so yes
Oh the Ho-Oh guy is in on it? Nice.
>You wanted to play a physical attacker? Here's a Slowbro or a Scizor
>You wanted to play special attacker? Here's a Sylveon
based, I want a ranged all-rounder

Any MewCHADs in here?

Been getting back into Unite and it feels like Mewtwo Y is worse than X. Does anyone else feel the same?
Y is considered better than X but it's really not that far a gap, they're both firmly in the "pretty strong" range.
Man Ceruledge's WR being so low is scaring me. It's quite honestly a perfectly fine mon, but it's in a meta where shit like Falinks, Slowbro, and Mime are running a train on 90% of the Melee mons period and I just KNOW that rather than bringing the power level down Timi is just going to overbuff it and then nerf it again later.
There's no way Armarouge doesn't end up as either a defender or an attacker, especially with all rounders only using the attack stat.

Even with the top mons needing a hit bitter blade absolutely needs a buff, they could maybe also give psycho cut the shadow claw treatment and make the cooldown faster per basic but that might put it overboard.
Didn't say I was a chad what I said was typically players are narsassistic and have a female ego, and then you decided to come at me like a woman (personally attacking me and not the facts I presented) probably because that statement hurt somewhere deep inside. You know no one in your life thinks playing pokemon makes you superior in anyway right? Its actually the opposite the only people who think you are superior are other broken female brained discord users that play pokemon
I understand the sand tomb kit was nuts last patch but did they have to nerf tyranitar’s unite move and base stats? Now it just feels like ass
>>You wanted to play a physical attacker? Here's a Slowbro or a Scizor
That's nothing. Wait until you play against Tyranitar, wigglytuff or A9 as a physical attacker.
>either a defender or an attacker
Please make attackers bulkier
It's so bad that they die in 5 seconds
Yeah not a big deal for now
What music does he play on stream? Never been in one
Why they trying to make chandelure look fuckable?
Chandelure is a girl in the files.
Sylveon is a boy and yet he has girly holowear
He's the Astolfo of Pokémon Unite.
Its literally impossible to get into master I just spent 8 hours in ultra class 1 fuck the retards that play this game. It's all luck
the absolute state
Bitterblade doesn't need a buff. Just play ceruledge like a speedster. Its clearly supposed to be a frail mon
I hope they allow fire punch to burn multiple targets like flamethrower, and flare blitz can either lose the lag time between the charge or apply burn on hit. There are too many mons than randomly purge debuffs in this game, poor Charizard and Gengar that rely on status effects.
Watched a game where he threw as a Metagross by going in 1v5 then went on to blame his team, who were perfectly in position for the fug fight.
He wouldn't last playing a game with an actual competitive playerbase like Dota
This games pattern is “hey, this pokemon is underperforming, let’s giga buff it”

“Oh, it’s doing too good?”

“Let’s make it even worse than it was before”
If your luck is that bad, try resetting and walk away for the day. It works for me. Sometimes it’s better to get on, win 3 games for the day, and bounce before karma/luck/Chinese programming course corrects
Predict the 'zard buffs
>ElSpicoFuckface finally "leakes" Ho-Oh gameplay
>Does dickall for damage due to Defender
>Only revives 1 teammate at half health

Wew lads
Would you rather it revived all teammates?
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So you want it to be able to walk into 5 people, get kills, walk away scott free, AND revive the whole team?
What's the secret best unite YouTuber?
Revival amount depends on energy.
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I'm saying the previous speculation(s) had been wrong
Will Pokemon Unite ever come to Google Play Games PC emulator?
I don't have a Switch anymore and refuse to play it on mobile without controller support.
It's might work on blue stacks , don't know why they don't just make an official PC support
Judging from the move descriptions he posted, it does actually seem like you can revive the whole team. The range of the move is nearly fullscreen (around Ho-Oh obviously) and it mentions that you can revive more allies if you're holding more energy; presumably 10 Aeos Energy = 1 ally. It's probably not in Chico's video because the bots didn't die or he's doing the classic leaker thing where he's shit at actually showcasing new things.
But even playing it speedster style, everyone agrees psycho cut is better.
I can't get used to play it on switch. I'm too used to the precision on mobile controls.
>Day off
>Decide to play some matches
>4 in a row where the other lane gets wiped before the 8 minute mark
>lane partners throw tantrums and start idling or gunning for mvp by backcapping
>start up match
>teammates instantly lock 3 attackers and a machamp
>win because the enemy team is just that much worse

>have a proper team comp the next game
>do well in the early game
>but the top laners keep staying top despite it being well into the game
>I even solo 2 enemies before the ray fight
>we still lose it
When I flex role and lose I never feel that bad but when I end the game with 100k damage and 13 kills it's like shit man should I have carried harder?
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I managed to do not long after that post. I can't believe the people I was getting matched with it was like 30% of the people were trying to climb and 70% were just picking their favorites and/or playing like it's their first time, there should really be something that filters people like that before veteran to stop getting master from being a coin flip.

So many people auto lock or refuse to flex or fight over jungle or refuse to play jungle when they're last pick and pick something worthless when I switch to jungle. The amount of games I played where I had Scizor, ceruledge and a speedster in lane was stupid I feel like they made cool pokemon bad was not to punish the people that play them but to torture people like me who have to spam pick slowbro to enable those retards to actually make plays and literally take bullets for them so they don't die all for mediocre damage and no cc. Maybe role selection would help this game.

Also fuck sableye its such a bad gamble and most people play it like the enemy team isn't ever supposed to see it.
I was just playing some sableye last night, that thing needs some love. There was very little I could do in fights besides toss in my orbs and watch my teammates die.
Exactly bitter blade gives healing, psycho cut gives armor shred. What you gonna do give bitter blade more healing? Ceruledge is still gonna pop like a balloon. You would have rework the character to fix bitter blade it's a sustain attack on a frail speedster like all-arounder. Making it instant doesn't fix it the only thing they could do is make psycho cut worse to make it more appealing.
>Increase bitter blade damage
>Decrease psycho cut damage
>Maybe remove healing on bitter blade or add healing to psycho cut to even this out
Boom now psycho cut is about supporting the team by softening up enemies and bitter blade is about dealing damage by itself
As annoying as launch sable was I don't think it should have been hit so hard. It belongs in jungle they just need to tweak it doesn't OWN jungle. In lane it can a pest but against a proper comp its completely incapable
I hope it doesnt take ages to get Armarouge so we can get over it. The two megaman bros are this year's eevees

Also 100% attacker. I mean cannon hands. I'm fine with it but what is next?
I think Shadow Sneak could use some buffs, saying that as someone who was around for release Sableye. It's currently pretty shitty.
I just think sableye needs a bit more attack damage. Knock off feels too risky to use 80% of the time with any more than 2 enemies around. You end up giving up a KO more often than not if the enemies know what they’re doing
It will very likely be an attacker unfortunately. The game being pretty defender focused right now it would be nice to get some more variety beyond ho-oh who's an EX
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This is my tier list after all those games
Not gonna lie I wish Ho-Oh would be more flashier like Miraidon
The thing about Ceruledge is that it gets 25% lifesteal on its autos so psycho cut/flame charge is already better at sustain than bitter blade. It's clear they tried to balance the extra lifesteal with frailer defenses and they failed completely at it and it's not even like Ceruledge was given extra attack to compensate because it actually has the worst attack stat of all all rounders until level 14 where it barely gets past mimikyu. Ceruledge is not in a good place right now, people aren't just not playing it right it's simply a bad pokemon with a good ult.
I thought ceruledge was fine. I tried bitter blade and flame charge btw for hp recovery, and flame charge gets mogged any day by phantom force
Flame charge needs the defense reduction of psycho cut to really do anything.
I've pretty consistently seen Flame Charge Ceruledge's mog Phantom Force ones in performance, but maybe that's because they're more confident with the mon so they can choose the harder-to-use move. Ceruledge just does not have the statline to to go full hail mary suicide bomb into the enemy team imo.
Also Flame Charge+Psycho Cut is only about .3% behind Phantom Force and Psycho Cut in terms of WR
>flame charge gets mogged any day by phantom force
Flame charge has its uses I wouldn't completely disregard that move if I were you, if the team desperately needs the damage I'd pick flame charge for the increased attack speed and the additional charge(trigger more boosted autos). But invulnerability and true damage into a single move is just so much better 80% of the time.
You guys are crazy, Cerulege is fine your perception of all rounders are just skewed because we had two meta's in a row where overtuned all rounders shat on ladder.
The only move that needs a buff is bitterblade I don't know why they just made it into a blatantly worse mega horn but they did.
Anons that gave the tip to focus on crits and yolo on the enemy were right. Ceruledge only starts dealing damage once you have 6 stacks of your passive on the enemy until then your moves and basic attacks hit like a paper napkin.
My guess is they didn't want him being Scizor 2.0 with endless healing
creamitude of the highest caliber...
well I wouldn’t describe ceruledge as a suicide bomber, he’s more of a jump in and out of fights brawler. I would describe him as feeling like a better machamp lol
Ceruledge isn't even in the same ball park as Machamp lol what the fuck are you talking about bro. Machamp can run in throw sylveon or delphox in a meat grinder and leave, Ceruledge can die to solar beam venusaur or cinderace lol
Clefable drain kiss buff when
Gyarados aqua tail buff when
I like the idea of aqua tail
Continuous long range range damage is pretty alright
It just runs counter to Gyarados' lack of sustain. All it needs is a bit of recovery and sitting still for that long won't be suck a bad idea
What it really needs is some sort of CC immunity, if full immunity is too much at least give it a one time CC shield or a small fug type health shield that blocks cc til it's gone or you stop firing. Give it more time to launch the charge attack too.
Please let me cast Shadow Sneak without breaking stealth again...
I swear having greedent on your team is automatically -1 player
I've seen some good Greedents. Very rare, but they do exist.
It needs a buff to be able to compete again, personally I want belch to become an actual CC and not a nonexistent slow.
I wish the Blaziken battle pass clothes for men weren't so girly, probably gonna skip
drippy... grippy...
Yeah but after machamp kills Delphox what do you do? You have to retreat because machamp is a squishy speedster all rounder, hence the run in and out of fights
I like the idea of Scyther and Scizor being the same mon with different movesets but given that you have to build for which you want BEFORE getting into a game really detracts from it.
Glad they split ceruledge and armarouge up
Split evo is a cool concept, but isn't very practical imo.
Having a charizard on my team is like having 6 enemies.
>Spamming Venusaur to counter Falinks abusers in ranked
Feels good man, most of them have fragile egos as well and exclusively jump you not knowing it's literally impossible for them to win the 1v1
Not for long.
Aurora Veil A9 is my favorite kit in the whole game and I will not apologize for running it. Paired with a Buzzwole or Mamoswine it's just superb
It absolutely is if Falinks runs the broken moveset and knows how to engage
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>reinstall game after having stopped playing before Miraidon dropped to check out the current absolute state
>now there's a new event pass thing for Ceruledge, besides the Unite Membership and Battle Pass that I remembered
wow are they really this desperate now?
also am I right in assuming that greninja still blows up if someone looks at him funny?
>Greninja uses Ult to finish me
>I dodge using a dash move
>Bully at close range
Love it
>way too many people in the current game refuse to leave their lanes for most of the match
>backcappers are also too common
>the new gameplay basically requires constant lane swapping to get the objectives
>backcapping can screw your team even harder because you won't be helping with getting the objective to reach the goal
I hope global gets these changes because I want to see if it'll actually help or if it'll become an even bigger salt-inducing clusterfuck
drenchy clenchy...
Machamp has like 35% more def, sp.def and 15% more hp then ceruledge. It ain't nearly as squishy
Armarouge and ceruledge kinda needed to be split up but I do think split evo is cool and fun. It's a shame slowking isn't an option for slowpoke. Both could have scald and surf but depending on if you pick amnesia or telekinesis you get a different evo
>Forgetting that Greninja has execute damage on his melee basics
Dude, giga drain has no cooldown and heals you to full. The only time Falinks is gonna win is if he ambushes a low health Venusaur.
Is it weird that I don't feel afraid of Ancient Power Ttar anymore?
So you haven't faced a decent Falinks yet, alright
In reality you'll get stunlocked and oneshot in about a second from full hp, most of the time you won't even have time to react
It’s still pretty squishy though for a pokemon they sort of advertise as one you want to jump into the middle of fights with
You should, after the nerfs sand tomb suuuuucks
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are we getting Armarouge or not?
Like what? Wearing clothes?
I didn’t like the post you responded to either, because it comes off just as if not more insufferable than the guy is saying crisheroes is, but your response here was insane word salad that barely made sense. You have such a negative idea of what a pokemon fan is I wonder how/why you came this far into a very specific post on a thread about a spin off pokemon game
One shot? From what? Mega horn?
the hell is this ai slop
I said the broken moveset, anon, which is no retreat iron head; anything with megahorn is mediocre to garbage
Anons what does the green portion of dodrio's missing hp mean?
I actually have no clue man I'm not even sure there is info about it.
they're getting desperate, EoS is near
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I'm reposting this during the 4th anniversary. It's gonna be fun.
You can't win with Doomposters
When content declines, they're vindicated
When nothing happens, they just keep saying it until it does
supple slender shapely legs...
It's weird that they haven't touched that yet.
>enemy cinderace stomping our team for 8 minutes
>kill him at fug and the rest of his team folds like paper, we get fug shield with hundreds of points all over the place
You hate to see it, but at least it happened to the enemy team.
>top lane feeds and loses so much farm that enemy top lane is level 6 by first Altaria spawn
Duos/trios with individually negative winrates are a plague in ranked.
When does the game stop throwing bots at you?
I'm only at 370 games but I havent dropped below a 70% winrate.
What rank are you at? I played on an alt recently and saw humans as early as Expert, but these were probably literal 5 year olds or something, playing far worse than any bot typically did.
Ceruledge is ridiculously feast-or-famine. It feels entirely hopeless when up against better brawlers like Petalsaur, Falinks, or Zacian but when it gets an enemy lineup that lets it rush into the backline and fuck shit up it feels amazing. Unfortunately, this means it's usefulness pretty much disappears when you get high enough to get consistent Draft matches.
As it is now, it feels like a decent Speedster that's cosplaying as a dogshit All-Arounder. They need to ramp up the healing on Bitter Blade and increase it's bulk/attack power.
I'm low ultra right now but have only been playing casual the past few days since I got tired of spamming scizor in ranked
Attack mons are pretty fun to play but they're not as snowbally as all-rounders. As long as I don't eat some hard stuns I can 1v3 as Scizor with a level lead. Getting surrounded as a mage is pretty bad news no matter how far ahead you are.
I haven't done one of these in a while. As per always, Rock + Poison + Ground forever ignored.

Type Representation:
8 (including Ho-oh)
8 (including Ho-oh)

Gen representation:
>Gen 1
>Gen 2
7 (including Ho-oh)
>Gen 3
>Gen 4
>Gen 5
>Gen 6
>Gen 7
>Gen 8
>Gen 9

As a side note, I only counted the final evolutions of Pokemon for these totals.
This right here. That retard faggot hasn't played against a good Fal
>One shot? From what? Mega horn?
All the proof you need that anon is talking bullshit and hasn't played against a good Fal in rank which isn't a shocker when half of the player base in rank are retards.
Almost no counter. The best you can do is nuke it from afar or pray your team has a good wiggly who will risk nuking themselves just to debuff/sleep a Fal using Iron/No
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>1599 rating
>New match
>Dodrio on the team keeps feeding
>Mamoswine backcaps at 2:00
>Lose Fug
>Enemy dunks only twice due to half of them being dead
>Respawn and run at the enemy mid goal
>Pop calm mind and start scoring
>Clefable runs at me and uses Draining Kiss
>Calm mind blocks it
>Dunk 44(22) points
>Win by 2 points
Hell yeah.
It looks as tho fire will still be getting more reps, with Armarouge and another unleaked fire type pokemon. Its kind of cool that they are making it a theme. I hope we get more themes like that, maybe eventually a Poison one
Yeah, that will be pretty cool if they follow through on that. I like a good theme.

Do we know anything about the unleaked fire type pokemon or has that been kept mostly a secret?
Secret. Odds are it'll be infernape since the CN version is getting closer to release
There's 0 chance huh
At least we have an actual good Poison mon now like Saur.
The garchomp buffs to its Ground set didn't do anything since its dragon set is still better, yet people say Garchomp still sucks.
The buffs those two got and Absol really did fix their issues overall.
oh there's going to be a 4th anniversary for sure but there will be like 1 new pokemon a year at that point, game will essentially be in maintenance mode
>Fug stolen by an Electro ball Pikachu
Ever faced a Glaceon and a Pikachu as a Lapras?
It's not very fun
Eesti fag you still around? Might be coming back one of these days and I need me a duo
Not looking forward to Ho-oh. The fucker is a defender but it plays and hits hard like an attacker with defender stats. Being able to use Fly and Flamethrower at the same time is fun but very strong.
Yeah, somewhat
I mainly play other stuff nowadays but I'm always down for some of them circus matches, so not quitting any time soon probably
>Just faced an Iron Head / NR Falinks as a Petal Dancin' Giga Venusaur
....That wasn't AS scary as some anons made it out to be. Granted I had Full Heal just in case.
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Post your never evers
Those people are dumb.
Petalsaur beats the shit outta Falinks, same with E-Speed Lucario.
Quite literally never gonna happen.
Glad to hear you're still kicking though. What are you playing currently?
I'll definitely give ya a kick If I come back around.
>another physic supporter
>another sleep supporter
They do have a hard on for Gen 1 but yeah I doubt this will make it in.
>annoying ass enemy sableye the whole game
>A Gardevoir who doesn't use their moves while Uniting
I post on all moba threads across 4chan because they are the easiest to fuck with because you are insecure. I don't know shit about pokemon I'm not invested in anything I just know how to push buttons its why you can't help reply because of your broken female brain why not go the other way and pretend what I say means nothing? Because you're narsassistic and your supriority feels challenged. Also it might be a negative view but its reality (just so you know every normal human looks down on adult pokemon players you are a manchild the only people who don't see you as negative are other manchildren also with broken female brains pokemanchildren are a special breed who are akin to fat people not wanting too see reality) english isn't my first language btw im german and I don't even like or play video games if I do I play simcity 2000 :^)
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>155 words to say "im le epic troll LOL"
I want some more gen V representation. Especially some mon that made everyone go maaaad at the time like Garbodor, Vanilluxe or Klinklang

They are such an iconic part of the generation
>I didn’t like the post you responded to either
He never said anything about disagreeing with my post, he was making low effort bait that you readily took.
>because it comes off just as if not more insufferable than the guy is saying crisheroes is
How's that? The fact that I remembered a single interaction for 2 years or the delivery of the scenario?

Everything that guy mentioned about crisheroes reminded me of that guy, in which after the incident I got curious and watched some of his streams. In every match all his commentary was focused on how badly the rest of his team was playing while he never swapped off pseudo-Genji or other hyped up picks.

I think it's fine to be competitive and play for money, the stakes are higher so there's tension. The problem is he was being a faggot in casual games, unranked, quick matches. He was spending time and effort to attack a teammate in chat, and he wasn't even doing that well in this specific match.
So when I called him out instead of shutting up or playing he instead directed all his rage at me for the remainder of the match.
For someone who claimed to be an important part of the community he came off as incredibly unlikable, and I am vexed that people can behave like that and feel rewarded for it.
And you still replied broken female brain in play prove me wrong show me one pokemon unite streamer/player who is respected by anyone who isn't a pokemon fan and isn't a tranny/doesn't throw tantrums like a mentally broken mangirl and these guys are the "popular" players who will show their identity imagine being an anonymous user below these guys ayylmaooepictrolled.avi
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Uhhhh Ivyeunuchs?
i miss when wigglytuff was good
>Blind Pick
>Comfey, Scaldbro, Scizor, Umbreon
The 12th circle of Hell. That Parasitic Ring is Evil Incarnate
>Oh and a Spirit Shack Decidueye
I wonder what the third fire type will be, I'm hoping for a fire type support so we can have a full fire team but I'm not sure which one would fit.
>"there will be like 1 new pokemon a year at that point, game will essentially be in maintenance mode"

The fate of this game is pretty up in the air. From what I've heard it has maintained a pretty respectable playerbase theres always been a disdain towards it, it has pay to win, gacha to win and then it decides to come up with this unattractive EX gimmick to solve the issue of some pokemon being blatantly overpowered. Fortunately for the game it has pokemon in it so it attracts everyone that likes pokemon and has infinite funding. If it's under TPC's radar then it will likely live for quite a while "maintenance mode" or not. They may have a quota they need to fulfill on pokemon per year that would prevent a maintenance mode from happening. Also the Chinese version of the game is going to come out which could mean many things like more income breathing new life into the game or it becoming very China first
pristine creamy skin...
ampharos as a support (tank) like mime or wiggly, gimmick being giving line of sight/marking enemies so they can't stealth with their skills or in bushes
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Timi likes reusing moves and making them different so at least I have that going for me.
Yup, good to see you're well too
I've had a Civilization itch recently so it's been Civ6, DotA sometimes even though I'm garbage at it, and some stuff I've picked up on sale
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Magcargo leaving lava trails could be some sort of support/defender

But my money is on something boring like Flareon or Arcanine
There's honestly not many that can fit into support, it'd have to be something like Magcargo, Torkoal, or maybe Salazzle.
I've met this exact Fluffy Tail Pyro Baller who immediately rips Rayquaza 3 times now.
It's kinda funny
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Who "hasn't touched the game in months" here?

>Launch up game.
>Get welcome back thing.
>Collect log in reward.
>que for match.
>say fuck it.
>Shut off switch.
>that was 3 weeks ago.

Is it worth getting back in? I have like 70k gold and only missing a few mons. maybe I'll wait for Ho-oh.
What do you guys like about Pokemon Unite?
>Is it worth getting back in?
Do you like the game?
I like it but the lack of depth makes it hard to get really into.
Games almost play themselves out but it's nice to relax when playing a moba for once instead of the hyper autism that comes with them.
It's a real-time pokemon action game.
Actually is this the first non-fighting (tekken/SF/smash style) action pokemon game? I didn't have many nintendo consoles as a kid outside of a gameboy so I never followed the releases.
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It actually feels good to play for the most part.
I like that you actually get to play as the mons themselves
I love running in like a retard with Machamp and getting results,putting everyone to sleep with Wiggly, or out-ranging everything with Owl.
There really is a fun game in here, it's just buried under 85 quintillion tons of unrepentant bullshit.
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>get into lobby
>someone locks mewtwo and assigns jungle
Is this the high IQ play or just simple greed?
10 minute timer.
It's fun.
her silky shapeliness...
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I can play as my favorite Pokémon (player characters could be removed for all I care)
In real time
It's on the switch and controls well, don't need to autistically click 120 times per minute
Limited to 5/10 mins per match
Inceloroar is not in the game
Feels like you have an impact when you're doing well, scratches the itch that LoL used to give me a long time ago
Loved Full Fury with dragons
Loved Panic Parade PvE battles
Rewards you if you don't play for 2 weeks so it's more than okay to take a break
And most importantly, gives fodder to artists to draw my pokéwaifus in cute outfits never forget the booba mewtwo holowear
>120 apm is autistic
Anon... ~100 is like the casual rate
That's pretty much 1 mouse click per second combined with keyboard inputs
Autism is the 220+ range
I like how it gives personality to pokemon, mons like dodrio would never be given justice in the turn based combat of the main games. Miraidons electro drift looks so lame in the main game yet is so threatening in unite.
Also condensing the entire moba experience in 10 minutes is genius, just wish there were more people playing and taking this game seriously.
>condensing the entire moba experience in 10 minutes is genius
Moba players don't want their experience condensed.
Every time a moba markets itself as simplistic is scares away most the hardcore players of the genre and only attracting people who are barely familiar with it.
As it's evident from playing the game- this leads to having a very casual playerbase. Because of the platforms Unite is marketed on you can have 8 year olds in your Master queue. And the simplicity of the game means that's not an instant loss for the team that has the most of them.
>As it's evident from playing the game- this leads to having a very casual playerbase. Because of the platforms Unite is marketed on you can have 8 year olds in your Master queue. And the simplicity of the game means that's not an instant loss for the team that has the most of them
I like that. It's an easy to grab game for those who don't want the hassle of over competitiveness.
They actually added in my favorite Pokemon Tsareena, and she's been fun to play.
I didn't say it was necessarily a bad thing, except for the fact that no one is going to take the game seriously when it's labeled as the a baby moba.
Is there some MVP requirement going on right now? I've just had 3 matches in a row where some cockhole decides to back split from the team and backcap for the last two minutes. We're in a perfect position to win the game but they just throw it for some reason.
Some pretty potent buffs, should make it feel more like an all rounder instead of a discount speedster.
I used to be a dota player my main complaint was the extremely long games, I can seethe at my teammates, get catharsis from carrying my team, and experience the wash of relief from finally securing ray all in the span of 10 minutes. No game makes me experience so much emotions in a short amount of time.

I do agree that the game could be a little more complex, but that didnt stop league players from developing "pro gamer" elitist attitudes. I blame the ladder system for allowing 40wr faggots and kiddies to squirm their way into master.
this, I don't care how much "better" the chingchong version looks like, if it has even a chance of the clock ticking to 10:01 I will never play it. if they update global to it I will drop the game like a brown baby and never look back
Metagross tier over compensatory buffs but thankfully they didn't buff it's HP
It's still fragile as tissue paper since no base stats got buff retard. I swear all-rounder faggots really are shisno
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>Platinum Ivysaur for Unite Day
Its statsnwere already comparable to other frailer all rounders dumbass just geared more towards special bulk, these buffs will actually let it stay in the fight with the boost to sustain.
>when seven matches in a row
>game makes one of my teammates AFK so we're in a 4v5 the entire time, not to mention our jungler is never at any fights
Anything to stop you from winning too much.
Hey guys, haven't played the game since the end of the 1st season way back when the game was new. Updated everything and ready to probably give this game a go again. Is there any specific new Pokemon i should be playing now? I used to play Greninja but there's so many more options now.

Also what new mechanics were added and what are the best items now?
it's the same shit
Scoll down a bit and you'll see the win rates. There will be a patch around the 19th so you might want to wait to buy a pokemon until then.
Good items rn are slick spoon, resonant guard, exp share, muscle band, attack weight.
Most of the other items are good depending on the pokemon, except drain crown, leftovers, rocky helm
oh and score shield is shit too
Okay insert whatever number of clicks (not all inputs) you want, you get my point
That’s not broken lmao that’s what I was using on him from day one it’s actually quite a liability if your positioning is bad. Nobody plays that set I’ve seen like one other person run it lmao, that was literally my sooper seekret set I didn’t think people actually found out it’s not half bad

But definitely not broken, mega horn is absolutely absurd damage I thought you were complaining about that. Iron head doesn’t one shot it takes like 5 hits to kill which makes me think you’re playing a speedster or something
Bro I got up to you not being able to spell narcissistic and realized I’m arguing with a 14 year old. Peace out, kill yourself, all that jazz
No it’s your faggy “big fish in a little pond” analogy. You people are insufferable. First it’s “casual mode” then it’s “ranked doesn’t matter the people there suck” you’re celebrity worshipping faggots who suck streamer cock, even when you’re shitting on them. I don’t like crisheroes either but if winning a tournament or being good at ranked doesn’t “matter” or “count” what does? Nothing as long as you gatekeeping pieces of shit are around to insert your bronzed unwanted 2 cents on it because it hurts your own equally arrogant egos
Wigglytuff is good, have you played it recently?
This would be a great defender
Lack of depth? In what way? There are so many interactions between so many pokemon that each function and play so differently with so many (mostly useful) items and emblems to tweak their strengths, that no game is boring or lacking in any amount of combat strategy or depth
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I hate to be that guy, but please post your gameplay
>nerfed the boosted attack leap
Killing the fun part just to pad the numbers

Also phantom force was perfectly fine
If you manage to land it it's really hard to fumble the kill.
Unite feels like what MOBAs should be. I’ve played LoL, HotS, and I like the latter better but both are way too drawn out and unwinnable past a certain point that you wonder why you waste time playing, whereas in this game, unless your entire team eats chalk (which does happen sometimes) you always have a chance of winning with the final objective, even in the most dismal games. Coming from a LoL background I find it funny that the consensus in these threads is that Ray/Zap is busted and shouldn’t be such a game swinging factor

I also like that it’s pokemon, which is one of the games I play consistently throughout my life, and that each pokemon feels unique and has moves that represent them fairly well (even if wide guard on aegislash should be “kings shield” and “feint attack” on sableye should be “power gem”)

I like that it’s an easy to pick up hard to master game, where using certain moves or basic attacks at unconventional times in a fight are the difference in winning vs losing, whereas in LoL or WoW mozt characters have such a strict boring cooldown rotation.

I like the cool people I meet on here with funny names and I like getting on voice chat with them, and I do like the games population of tards because I can shit on them
See my above comment, but there is absolutely no reason MOBAs need to be long to be considered complex or competitive. Unite is plenty competitive and doesn’t waste my time while providing all the same positives and pokemon characters I am well familiar with. I never appreciated decidueye until I played unite, now I kind of like it, for example

Nothing about the length of a moba seriously has any bearing on it being “taken seriously”. I think that’s an arbitrary side effect of LoL defining the genre through sheer popularity. I’d never pick that garbage up again and a good chunk of the reason is the length of matches
Most of this is prettt fair I’m just dreading phantom force nerfs after these buffs
When will machamp get an attack speed buff? After gyarados and dragon breath submission should be absolutely goofy with attack speed
It’s not shit it’s just something you’d only want to run on a bulkier pokemon and preferably one you’re stacking with
What does posting the picture mean? That people figured out the set I was using first is good? It doesn’t need nerfs it’s already balanced. Mega horn is the only attack on falinks that should probably be nerfed

If I post any clips of falinks (I don’t think I have any, my switch ran out of room for videos a long time ago ) you’d just say it was proof that it was busted because I was performing well
It's absolutely shit. If you're relying on having a score shield help you get stacks, you're doing something wrong. Take resonant guard instead
>but there is absolutely no reason MOBAs need to be long to be considered complex or competitive
I agree on that point, I was saying that the majority of mobabrains are so rooted in their ways that they'll scoff when there's no pve minigame for 15 minutes.

I played a lot of Heroes of the Storm and I loved how they managed to make it more into a constant brawling match. Right out the gates you're teamfighting and it's good fun.
They had multiple problems though, one being map objectives were horribly balanced for quick match, meaning 90% of games are decided in the loading screen.

Unite still has some slowness about it. Maintains the frailness of early levels and the importance of level leading.
>What does posting the picture mean? That people figured out the set I was using first is good? It doesn’t need nerfs it’s already balanced. Mega horn is the only attack on falinks that should probably be nerfed
It means what it means: the set in question has a pickrate of 78%, and you said
>Nobody plays that set I’ve seen like one other person run it lmao
You can also go to uniteapi yourself and see Falinks has currently the highest winrate *by far* thanks to this set specifically, but anyway
>Mega horn is the only attack on falinks that should probably be nerfed
That set only works versus pokemon with low mobility, but even then you have low mobility yourself, much lower than what you'd have with iron head, and you want it nerfed?
>If I post any clips of falinks (I don’t think I have any, my switch ran out of room for videos a long time ago ) you’d just say it was proof that it was busted because I was performing well
You can perform well on any pokemon with probably no exception, I want to see how on earth it takes you 5 hits for you to kill someone
most of the time all it takes is iron head + no retreat + iron head + one basic (two max) to kill any squishy, and I'm not even taking into account the fact that both no retreat and iron head in that formation stun
>faggy “big fish in a little pond” analogy. You people are insufferable
Sorry I used an apt phrase instead of describing in detail how a game with less than 500 current players at any time had a comfy casual matchmaking circuit. In which I was running into people who play the game professionally for money in unranked matches all day because ranked matchmaking literally didn't exist.
I LIKED the casual parts about the game and I was tired of dealing with people who would bitch in every game because their teammates are people just enjoying the weekend.
I said I watched his stream out of curiosity, doesn't mean I watch streams regularly. He had like 12 viewers.

>if winning a tournament or being good at ranked doesn’t “matter” or “count” what does?
Putting a lot of words in my mouth. I said he wasn't exactly carrying the current match but still wanted to harp on other players. But what you took away was that I was mad someone was better than me at a video game?
The game had a serious problem with leavers and complainers toward the end and while I got used to just muting people that was one of the days I called someone out on their behavior.
Just because he's better than average at the game doesn't mean he gets to act like he's doing others a favor by being on their team. I'd rather have someone like that on the other team or not playing at all if all they're gonna do is be an asshole.
You can call that gatekeeping if you want.
I think it depends on the teams (rather, players) that are in the match.
The video on >>56083479 shows two games. The first one was around 10 minutes and 15 seconds but the second game was around 6 minutes 55 seconds.
Considering the average "quality" of the playerbase, you might want to start readying yourself to drop it if they do update global to be like the CN version because I won't be surprised if most games go over the 10 minute mark.
No one is giving up psycho cut for bitter end retard. The defense down and auto gimmick is too good for a shit move like bitter because you can't learn how to play a speeder, made purple
Using swearing to fill up an empty argument. Classic
>Membership will no longer come with a skin
Eos soon
Fucking WHAT.
dogshit game but in my favor this time so it's okay
KEK this can't be real
EoS anon might have a point... Glad I never spent a penny on this game.
>Anon can only bump reply the thread since they have no rebuttal.
Keep coping anon, not a shocker since /Pug keeps getting infested by retards from the virgin unite social platforms.
Psycho cut is that good of a move.
>Anon can only answer to a post made 4 hours ago
It's okay if you take a break to refresh your ideas. Your brain is dry, anon.
>MOBAs should encourage one team clearly underperforming the whole fucking game but then last hitting the only objective that matters and pulling the win right out of their ass.
That's the worst thing about this game.
We got a indian in chat
Wow you actually waited 4 hours to hear from me and needed to reply to my post so quickly! I did not know you were smitten!
What's wrong anon?
The enemy team fucked you so badly when using 1 of your all-rounder mons in Unite so you had to run to /Pug to wait for me?
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>losing all night, queue up anyway
>team has 3 attackers
>suddenly turns to 4 with them pinging "Attacker needed"
>eh fuck it I'm losing anyway, go Cram
>enemy team is perfectly balanced, go in expecting to get our shit kicked in
>stomp them the entire game and wipe them out in under 8 seconds at Ray
It's stupid shit like this that manages to put a chuckle out of me.
Winning with dumb meme teams always brings a smile to my face.
Unlike you I actually play the game so I check this site from time to time when I'm bored and your silly tough boy act has been mildly amusing so thank you for that.
>dropping monthly holowear
>getting fucking energy balls
>not prize machine rolls, energy balls
What is their plan here? Are they revamping energy rewards? because otherwise it's a really bad deal
Just letting the global version die. They'll make more money in one month from the china version than they ever made in 3 years from global anyway.

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