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This thread a successor of Novel AI request thread

This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to generate their own Pokegirls and Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator that recently upgraded to V3. Users paying $25 a month have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations. Though some actions, such as upscaling, alternate resolutions, and image variation, require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is available for free using ‘buzz’ for currency gen and you get about 50 every day plus some more for liking models and giving genning likes and such.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation and sharing to connected email accounts, texts, and social media platforms. An ad watch is require between each image generation, but paying for the premium service nullifies this.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:
Stable Diffusion threads:

Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed) (embed) (gotobed) (embed)

Please keep in mind AI is not omniscient. Characters with under 300 images will require more tags to have them look correct. The following is a danbooru link with all Pokemon characters with over 300 images:

If you want to request something specific, please look up tags to make sure your image comes out the way you wish. This is a good website for converting a danbooru tag list to NovelAI tags:
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I assure someone Marnie this thread
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Why so much hate towards ai pictures?
I don’t really have any captions for these, these are just cute (the second one in particular) <3
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>No waste of time involved

As if that was a bad thing.
>First posted pic is Rosa being hanged
>Follow up is ‘AI Art has no skill involved’

Back to your thread and don’t come back until you can make an actual argument that can be challenged back and forth
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I can’t really think of any captions for these, but the second one goes ridiculously hard.
Pyon Pyon~
I did some lewd dawns.
Sooo cute wtf. May I get a Mallow in these variations please?
Those are so lovely! Can you do them with Nemona or Penny?
>Off-model 95% of the time
>Impulsive projection by their posters when called out on AI images
>Typical response of "Find X flaws" getting obliterated nearly everytime.
AI imagery wouldn't be met with such scrutiny if those who support it aren't toddlers.
I don’t like it (I have an immense dislike of anything “future” related, if that makes sense) but these threads are the exception. On-model art of nude pokégirls is in very short supply.
Oh shit, she's out for blood!!

Fantastic thank you <3
Leaving now, night night.
Those are all very lovely. Goodnight!
Good day
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Links full of lewds, also tried using a new hand drawn art style.


Hex maniac

Requesting original character that wears --
>A Blue Hoodie over Naranja/Uva academy uniform.
>A skater helmet and goggles.
>Gholdengo's belt and coin chests on his waist.
for me it's Machoke/Machamp's belt
Roxanne has a surprise for you after class. Wonder what it might be?
Have you been studying hard enough for her?

I have Anime Art app in my phone. Everytime I type it to drew Serena from pokemon, it gives me some black girl in western artstyle. What can I do to generate a Serena pic from Anime Art?
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Figured I'd post these here, since before it was at the tail-end of the last thread.

Had some more commission work done for my story. While these aren't AI images, they did use a bunch of my generated covers as references to put these pages together.

Be sure to give the artist's and give them some love and business, as they charge fair rates for their work.



That last one looks more like Shauna.
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Quiet evening here, with the exception of the Cynthia Killer trolling the threads, sadly.

Have a Misty set I'll be posting on dA next week sometime.
Do you guys know if there's a way to gen the ultra guardian suit from the SM anime? It's basically a body suit. I wanted to see if Lana's mom was possible in the ultra guardian suit.
This has to be one of the best Sugimori prompts I've seen, the hip to waist ratio gets me every time DAMN
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Sometimes bing delivers
kekeke do you suppose tightenfart has to guzzle nigger cum to stave off starvation now? Such is the fate of anyone who helps a shitskin like sh**n. His aunt is next.
Just report and ignore.
I had a stroke reading this. I literally understood nothing..
kekeke, are you admitting to having strokes, shaun? Is that why you're in the hozzy all the time? It's actually just so Dr. Nosenberg can inject you with tracking devices. Enough that he's even able to see through your eyes.
Can you please stop egging him on?
anon-kun, is there any way to access your older works? for some reason the litter.catbox files from previous few threads refuse to open for me
For any dead litterbox links, paste them in the wayback machine.
Litterbox links expire after a certain amount of time.
NTA but maybe a mega would do the trick?
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>your older works
I'm perhaps not the anon you believe me to be. My oldest works have all been in the thread before this one. Nevertheless, have a Lusamine for your trouble.

>lusamine mah gawd

could this thread be blessed with a sonia version of what you made?
See >>56078737 for why I won't. Sorry. Have a cute Roxanne gen failure for your trouble.
ow that sucks. even ai gens are getting more expensive wtf. thanks for the cutie tho, that weird blue dress combination actually looks nice
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CivitAI accusing users of having buzz bots was over the line for me. Guess I'll have to find another way to consider the idea of making an XL or Pony based model.
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marnie bump
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I admit I might have gotten carried away with this request...

Sup AiNons, need help with generating stuff, mainly what options, config or models should I use (I'm using Pixai) since I'm looking a lot of great gens on these threads!

>, red hair, white thong, sumo underwear, bottom heavy, medium breast, big waist, big hips, smile, looking down, blue eyes, best quality, amazing quality, extremely detailed, very aesthetic, masterpiece, absurdres, thermal waters background, dark blue rocks, (undressing), pulling underwear down, hands on underwear,(steam), ant view , glistening skin, outside, (dark sky), ((night)), dark navy sky, view from below, strong shadows, ,AREZU \(POKEMON\)

Here's your OC Juliana, but with no belt as there's no tag fpr it.

And with helmet.
thanks <3
The irony is that the prompt description was supposed to be a Leomon
Acerola would fit perfectly in Disgaea, Like look how cute she looks in their artstyle.
Hello, can I get some Dawn upskirts please? Fluffy white panties too.
I actually imagined it as Ash's new outfit for PM2023 series. The helmet and goggles are meant to hide his identity.
>Dawn upskirts please?
Ahh, thank you! I needed that morale boost.
Glad to be of helped!!!

No one ever asks for the male protagonist, so that's why i defaulted to Juliana haha. If you want Ash in that outfit, then just look below.
how about some lillie upskirts please?
K, but leaving after this. Later, anons!!
thanks, these look great <3 goodbye anon
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(Not mine)
Acerola is looking cute and funny with that art style.
Ash should get Autumn pant or BB summer pant since the pant from main uniform looks like skirts.
Awesome spacesuit
Has anyone tried using Luma Dream Machine to animate Pokegirls?
He can, but you can't, because your outdated shitphone is falling apart and leaking radiation all over your weak-ass hands now. That's why you have to beg your betters for gibs like the useless nigger you are.
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know of any good kohya presets for training doras? apparently that the hot new thing. i dont have a preset for locons either.
pic unrelated.
If there is one thing that I hate more than shitposters then it's stupid ESLbeggars like this one >>56093330 who are unclear with what they want, get all "A-acktually" when it's not what they wanted and then get all nitpicky about how it should be without even being grateful for the anon who even bothered to generate their shit. Fuck them.
well, ill either figure it out eventually or itll get more foolproof. not even sure what i want to train to be honest, i just wanna see the tech in action.
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Would it possible to make some requests?

Sonia getting railed by zebstrika from behind view
Drasna getting fucked or exposing her big mature boobs and hairy pussy

Thanks, otherwise thanks anyway, I'll be lurking
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Sharing a Prompt to see what people get:

Artist bbc-chan, artists hungry-clicker, Lorelei, laying on back, pink pajamas, wide hips, hip focus, giant breasts, sleeping, underboob, panty peek, white thong, best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres
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Small big tiddy dump this time, haven't done too many new characters but I know at least one anon was still waiting on a Lorelei.

I've gotten most of the Kanto girls I wanted done and added to the bot for now. No idea which ones I'll add next. I've also got non-Pokémon stuff I've started working on again, so I'll just post progress here every once in a while.

All my previous stuff so far can be found here:
Their great! Think you can do busty Officer Jenny next?
You summoned me and I thank you for the Lorelei and Sabrina. Maybe do Candice and Flannery next.
Sharing another prompt for this thread

1girl, {Fennel}, artist:feguimel, artist:a.x., striped_bikini, wide_hips, ass, feet, toes, kneepits, looking_back, on_stomach, {sunglasses, hand_on_eyewear, adjusting_eyewear}, come_hither, legs_together, {{biting_own_lip, naughty_face, raised_eyebrow}}, messy_hair, from_behind, {foreshortening}

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