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>the roguelite i played either was literally 20 minutes long or had a game breaking bug that prevented me from going further
>RG beats the postgame, grounding Lin
>ashime reaches the maw of victoryhell, after getting through terrahell
>bunken prepares for the glass gauntlet
>some anons choose lin route because of how retarded some of the anna route qualifiers are
>another anon begs for splintered stormshards for Total Field Death

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Reborn Allgen
>going through and fixing sets from glitch field t*rra battle
>Surf is a special move
...What the fuck?
Since when?
I explicitly remember it being Physical in the past.
You are probably thinking of waterfall, surf was always special
You think Terra likes BBC?
Are you thinking of waterfall

also, i forgot to mention if you're the one anon who wants TFD - splintered stormshards does not work on the final boss's field, and that field is unfortunately used quite a bit throughout postgame, haha..
Even the blackest African nigger is smart enough and has enough self-restraint to not touch that
Autism and stubbornness.
It still irks me so much fucking how Bennett gets off getting beaten to a pulp here, this piece of shit did everything wrong, made every wrong choice, was actively helping terrorists and everyone from here on out besides Sapphira starts pretending this utter sack of shit isn't guilty of anything, the stuff with Laura makes it even worse because it's so obviously forced too.
Surf has always been special anon, the only physical Water HM moves are Waterfall and Dive.
I feel like I'm going insane here...
I KNOW it used to be physical...
The Dimensional Merge is upon me...

And about the New World field, Ancient Power, Draco Meteor, and some other things I can abuse are boosted so it's not the end of the world. Shame about EQ nerfs though.
And it seems like I can switch the Terrain to Starlight Arena, which CAN be destroyed by the move. I expect it would just return to New World but you never know. I'll have to test it out once I'm there.
I'll just live with my choices, cause fuck taka
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Heracronite used to available as soon as you reached route 1 way back, it was sort of a secret since you needed to have gotten a blue moon ice cream to give to Nyu, which was neat, but they removed that neat little event for whatever fucking reason and moved Heracross' Mega stone all the way up in this obscure cave on route 4, fantastic.
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Did they move Edgevoir later on?
Corey's Mareanie wasn't always shiny, was it?
>Hardy's sister wields Aegislash
Oh, do I get to watch her lifeforce get drained?
Eh, Amber's a bitch but I'll take her over people like Saki. Plus I need her badge and it'll make Venam upset so why not
uhhhh I dont think I meant to do this
holy shit i can actually sequence break here what the hell
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My G.Slowking was at full health before this, it got flinched 7 times in a roll, it never changes, you'd think I'd be used to this by now but it never changes.
No, Pokemon aren't tracked as shiny or shiny locked if they belonged to another trainer.
Valor mountain is buggy as shit, it's been remade like 10 already and each and every time it keeps getting more broken, I'm not sure if the Surf bug still works, in short summation, for the longest time you could Surf on a broken tile in Valor and turn every single fight in the mountain into a Water Surface Field fight, which meant Zetta and Geara got massively fucked since their team is Volcano Top based.
Thank fuck it's not V12 were there were several softlock bugs involving Valor.
Is that tile a water tile or something else? I can keep an eye out to see if it is still in, that sounds like it'd be really funny if it is
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Holy shit I can smell the copium in the air.
It's near the Kyogre area where you save the cute strawberry, momma Tesla and the hag, I'm not sure if it works though, so confirmation is needed, if you need something to cheese Kyogre, I highly recommend Heliolisk.
It was some of the pillars in Kyogre's arena, iirc
Just checked now and unfortunately seems like it doesn't work, sadly
I remember replaying through Terajuma content for my mod shittery and while I'd usually agree, I forgot the whole
>Amber is such a huge bitch to start out she doesn't want to do the ritual to help you get the relic to help save the island and prevent hundreds of deaths
Like, fuck, Amber WAS way worse in pre-v11 versions, and she's still probably one of the better characters now once she goes through her development, but fucking kek what a way to introduce your character now
>Kieran wonders what happens if you don't save Amber
Absolutely nothing they get out anyway somehow.
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>Solaris' Mega Steelix won't stop spamming Earthquake against my CorviCHAD
Old man, did you take your meds?
>mindbroke evil mcbadguy
So this is the power of Corviknight....
Ah binacles... I'll still give it a few checks myself just because of how broken this area is though, maybe theres at least something else broken in that room.
Also yeah that's true but... I know what Melia does later in the story to some extent. She is FAR worse than Amber is even now. The bar is really not that high. She doesnt make want to kill myself when she opens her mouth (yet) and at least her problems with the ritual didnt really delay or impede it by any meaningful degree. That puts her in the better half of the cast
Yeah I really dont know why they act like that's a choice, Amber's a gym leader. She's not going to die or anything before we get her badge or at least fight her like with Keta
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I refuse to believe Octavius didn't create a secondary account to post this, this can't be real, therer's no way a person with their wits about them, even a braindead lunatic could ever believe this.
You do get good rewards for saving her at least, so that accounts for something and she later develops something for the MC.
Actually thinking on it, the ritual shouldnt have been needed at all right? The Charizard was owned by Tesla, she puts it in a ball after the fight. If anything it's Tesla's fault for forcing an unneeded ritual instead of just letting us fight Charizard
>she later develops something for the MC.
Huh, fully expected her to just be gay too, nice. To be honest I dont remember anything Amber does after her fight. I know she swipes one of Tesla's Charizard's, assuming that wasnt changed, but that's really it
I get that she's an insane lesbo and all but could I not have just let Titania hitch a ride back up the waterfall to rest and whatnot?
Why is she in the sewage factory with me?
And why didn't she just say, "Yeah I've been trading info with Meteor and such but I don't know what Titawin is" when waterbitch was going insane over nothing
And why can't I jump on trash while the water levels are down
And why
Also actual question but what was Taka hoping to accomplish by lowering the water level when I can just backtrack to literally the last room I was in to re-raise it. Is he legitimately retarded?
>different rooms' water levels are independent of one another
alright fine I'll take that one back
>Is he legitimately retarded?
Should we tell you?
G fucking G.
I'm not looking forward to this with the level disadvantage.
>If it helps, Anna's route has Gl*tch field for the battles, so this is probably the less painful one
D-don't say that h-haha.
Sapphira did nothing wrong, completely unironically.
Oh wow the quests spoil yet another identity they want hidden. Do they just not expect me to be reading this?
>the trash is floating
Yeah, don't get me wrong, it's not like Amber is one of the worst characters now or something. It's just the general shittification of nearly Rejuv's entire cast that has been going on for a while now and has really begun to hit its stride with 13.5
Prior versions didn't have Xen try to blow up the whole island, so now you have to have most of the same story beats as previous revisions, now viewed through that framework
And actually it gets even fucking worse because 13.5 isn't well written enough to accomodate for this plot, so you have shit like the fucking Champion of the region who's currently on the island who could solve the entire conflict in 2 seconds doing fucking nothing for an ENTIRE MONTH, or the characters partying and shit instead of just getting the fucking relics (not to mention the entire relic subplot is retarded and there's literally 0 reason why you actually ever truly need them)

To be fair he's 100% right, Empire does have an astonishing amount of polish
it's astonishing because the amount is 0

Titania's whole thing is that she basically got mindbroken by Amaria into essentially serving her because Amaria is so much of a colossal fuckup that she'd go out and ruin other peoples' lives if Titania did nothing. In fact I'm pretty sure in the scenario where the player doesn't save the insane lesbos, Meteor would have disbanded within a week from having Am*ria as a hostage
>when waterbitch was going insane over nothing
haha...surely, that's the last time such a thing will happen, right?
Apparently according to Reborn's lore Agate city is supposed to be same place from Colosseum that somehow got teleported all the way down to Reborn over a lake.
It's the whole "tradition over practicality" trope, I wouldn't be shocked if Jan pulled to shit on long standing traditions like commie nog he is, as to why things like this happen despite the urgency in the story, well, shit writers have no clue how to progress a story properly and create needless drama or problems for the MC to face.
She doesn't steal the CHAAAAAAARIZAAAAAAAARD, pretty sure that's always been Venam. Also I just remembered how absurdly insulting the conclusion to that affair is.
Yeah, the crazy dragon lady was completely right.
Who the fuck is Graham? That's not the Visornigger's name.
>pretty sure that's always been Venam.
No I vividly remember it's Amber in older versions, I know 100% she used to do it. Maybe that got written out in v9 or something, but from what I played years ago it was Amber
>That's not the Visornigger's name.
That's somehow worse than actually spoiling the guys name, assuming it's not meant to be a last name.
Alright I found A broken surf tile at the very least
Actually the entire shore here save for the tiled path is surfable, I just cant take it any farther or go into the water itself from it
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Shit, I forgot a few Rock Smashes
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I wonder if these can be taught to more Pokemon than just their original intended ones.
Pretty much, before all you needed to access Valor was the emotion powder and since you couldn't traverse lava you needed the HM for Magma Drift, Jan adding a dozen new variables to the story to attempt making it more consistent didn't improve anything at all, because there's no resonance almost between the plot threads and very often things just happen for the sake of it instead of causality taking it's natural course.
And I'm sure that's not going to change since Octavius can't be bothered to actually make a halfway decent chapter, he'd much rather shit out as fast as possible and be done with it, chapter 11 for instance literally does nothing for the story and it's clear the entire thing was just recycled content, I don't get what he was trying to accomplish there.
I don't recall much from v7 since that was so long ago, but I think by then it was already Venam.
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>You can get this before fighting Fraud
Damn, they really want you to out-electrorape him. Or I dunno if vanilla Reborn had it *also* act as an Eviolite, or if that was a mod thing
>I don't recall much from v7 since that was so long ago, but I think by then it was already Venam.
Must've been just v6 then, I played 8 at one point but I transfered my save so I wouldnt have known if they did change it already
I found more broken surf tiles but still nothing that's actually letting me accomplish anything so Im going to have to accept that at least in this room that field bug isnt possible
To be fair, the Magma Drift thing was really fucking stupid too, it's just that he wanted to keep the plot beat of 'Xen kidnaps Nim, you have to beat all of Terajuma's gyms to save her' but just couldn't figure out how to do it kek
You'd think somewhere in the massive amounts of huge rewrites, he'd go 'okay, maybe I should just drop the whole Nim storyline or have it happen a completely different way' but evidently not
A shame. I do think in newer versions they managed to somehow force it so that the admin fight happens on Volcano Top even if you are surfing (I think because it warps the character? idk), I remember that happening in MM at least and I assume Moto didn't fuck with it
Why though? Neither you nor Melia helped against Neved. I solo'd Groudon. I dont need your help
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>Every child's dream is to become the Champion
>Victory road is this
The children really do yearn for the mines.

Apologies for the delay, I was being autistic and rebreeding certain mons I may want to use to be shiny and have decent IVs.
h-have fun...
the guide if you want to use it. even if you do, it's still going to take an autistic amount of time
>Aggron gets both Headlong Rush and Wave Crash
Nice, maybe Rock Head could have a bit more valuable than I'd expect.
Yup, there's no naturally flowing narrative, just a bunch of shit poorly held together in place with tape and spit.
Oof, you have no idea how right you are about the mine bit, I am dreading going through this hell again, best of luck with no losing your sanity bro.
Ok credit where it's due, she didnt lose a single pokemon. For once a multi partner was actually holding their own, crazy
Come on out, Golem! Use Earthquake!
Oh no, my Golem's Earthquake wasn't enough...
Come on out, Flygon! Use Earthquake!
Oh no, my Flygon's Earthquake wasn't enough...
Come on out, Tyrantrum! Use Earthquake!
Oh no, my Tyrantrum's Earthquake wasn't enough...
Come on out, Rhyperior! Use Earthquake!
to be fair i think that's the meganium crest more than venam being actually competent
yeah its not like you took off the first 3 health bars while I set up calm mind, now we're getting into mainline levels of protag dick sucking. I put her down before the fight but shit she did infinitely more than me in terms of actual damage.
Meganium didnt come out until the final bar, it was entirely Ditto before that who died to a crit thunderbolt. Im pretty sure this was just a wailord in cosplay instead of actual kyogre, that fight was honestly nothing. It was definitely designed to be a 1v1 initially
I'll play it blind unless I start getting frustrated, but it's good to know this is available if I get tired of this place. Thanks.
Choiced or Vested recoil move spam sounds good on paper
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>They added a trivial mechanic that clowns on you if you fast forward
>Taka, your team is utterly untouched. Did you really battle protag-kun?
Why didn't he just say it was nothing a few items couldn't fix
>Light Metal actively boosts the Pokemon's speed by 25% if it's not suffering from a status condition
I fucking wished I actually read through the docs, This sounds really nutty for something like choice specs Duraludon.
This fight was always a 1v1 against a boosted up Kyogre, it only became a 2v1 in V13.5.
Vested sounds a bit better, though missing out on that crucial Rock Polish/Automize hurts.
oh, fair enough then
either way probably the worst tag battle in the game is coming up (they thankfully toned some of them down) so just be careful
it doesn't start off too bad. but after a certain....minecart...puzzle, you're probably going to get real fucking sick of the place kek
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I love it when urbanite liberal perceptions of the labor backbone of a country sneak into my fangames.
fwiw, 50 base speed, even at +2, isn't going to be outspeeding much of anything relevant thanks to the rampant speed-tier powercreep of gens 8 and 9.
>After you beat him Blake says Meteor would've fucked him over if he left early
>Stopped Heather from spreading food
>This shit
>"Looks like I just got an extra life" or something like that when he sees the star thingy appear

Who the fuck is even mining in victory road? The machines look pretty modern. Also yeah let's send "empty-headed" people into the most dangerous ecosystem in the region where you'll get molested by level 100 Steelixes even if you have repels.
oh god, I dread the concept of a multi partner worse than Keta against Shadow Mewtwo. Is this one going to be actively detrimental to me now, because thats the only way I can see them being worse
It pisses me the fuck off when spineless wannabe intellectual city faggots like this try to open their mouths about the countryside and us farmer folk and other hardworking laborers, you just fucking know the morons who say shit like this never worked a single honest day in their lives, they don't do heavy labor, they don't work the land, they don't tame or handle unwieldy animals that could easily kill them, they wouldn't know how to change a car's tires if their lives depended on it and they still run their mouths over and over.
True enough, I'll probably focus on bulk more.
No, at least not anymore, Melia is decently competent but it's still a really tough gauntlet against a stacked team fully primed to abuse the Volcano Top to their advantage, fight can easily spiral out of control if you don't have the tools to handle certain key threats.
The boulder didnt even wait until I confirmed to shatter, if eizen wants inconsistencies he really should set up his lab here instead
>No, at least not anymore,
Christ, the fact it used to at all is insane. Also guess this means I should put meganium away once again. Even with giving myself the crest early they are not useful when you get them
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This mod is a gift from the heavens, I will still probably have to spend quite a bit to get everything in here but at least I don't have to deal with the puzzle that takes way too long
Right, I was doing a few quests and just remembered, you can get Urshifu aka the buckbreaking bear in Agate for completing the 600 Pokemon milestone, I'm nearing 500 as of it yet, probably not wasting the rest of the day doing catches for this but for anyone interested, it's a very worthwhile investment for later, funnily enough I think Urshifu kinda sucks against most if not all of the elite 4.
I used to play Rejuvenation exclusively on intense when that was a thing and believe me, in V10 or V11, don't rightly recall when, this was easily one of the worst fights I've faced in any fangame, it was so unreasonably unfair against the player that it would make some kaizo devs blush.
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These are all going to be really autistic aren't they?
they're (mostly) not too bad. expect a lot of big top and chess which are annoying as fuck so i advise you bring things that are good for or can shut down those fields
there is at least one that uses underw*ter, though, watch out
>they wouldn't know how to change a car's tires if their lives depended on it
absolutely fucking shocking how many of them don't even own cars to begin with. i don't think any of the younger interns/workers at my office even know how to fucking drive one or have their license kek
le walkable cities faec
With you lot replaying reborn again is it safe to say fangames are dead now?
sadly not yet
Feels like you've just been replaying rejuv and reborn for the past 3 months.
Was there a change in writers or something
When did Fern go from rude and acerbic rival to retarded and more retarded badguy minion
He's what, trying to act as a double agent?
>le ebic piano VS music when battling evil mcbadguy
oh man
I hope he doesn't have anything to stop me from dragon dancing 4 times
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I always forget, how old are the MC and Cain supposed to be again? Even 18 years old barely have anything left to grow
that might've been a better choice than some of the games we've recently done
oh, you're at one of the two hardest points in the game, have fun
>When did Fern go from rude and acerbic rival to retarded and more retarded badguy minion
they don't really ever explain why fern joins meteor other than 'he's le dickhead so the only thing he could do that's more dickheaded than how he usually is is just become straight up evil'
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>>>>>It's RNG if this Dragonite has Multiscale or not
Why are modders like this?
The first one I found was a Trick Room team on Big Top in doubles and that was a very ominous sign.
We're in a lull between major releases right now.
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turns out he did, I only got to press it THREE times and sweep ~5 pokemon for free
>one of the two hardest points in the game
Not to invite bad fortune but is it coming up?
The glass factory or something?
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I would only call you any of that if you were from the moon since that is lunatic talk, well you do train fairy types so you might actually be an alien
Its a salt mine.
you know, i didn't really consider the changes the modder could have made, for some reason i was just thinking that he could have just left them unedited since it's a lot of fights. though there is a trick room big top fight in vanilla
assuming he didn't pump them full of autistic ubers, and they are unchanged, they shouldn't be too awful though yeah. just some very annoying field picks
nope, that mansion gauntlet was it kek. gg. i guess it's not really too bad in vanilla it's been a long time since i've played vanilla reborn
glass won't be for a while
I can just, walk out the front door though... why are they acting like Im trapped?
Comparing to the vanilla version of the one I beat, the makeup of the team is vanilla mons, but either some of the movesets are different or the documentation I am looking at is out of date. So far these fights are hard but mostly fair with PULSE2+level disadvantage, but no uberspam in sight.
How convenient they put her in the one cell with a computer operated lock
...she DID. Adam is fucking WEARING ONE
Looking closer I guess they're more like straps or harnesses or whatever youd call them but they should do the same job as a seatbelt. That is your own fault adam
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The creature is already way past the deep end
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How do I work this puzzle, in my opinion it's worded rather poorly but I got some of the basic rules down like no duplicated numbers in the same position, but how does it count the results to add up to 15?
Doesn't shock me T B H, but lacking basic life skills seems to be the standard these days.
Not really, just not anything new or good to play through right now besides Z, which isn't fully completed yet, Reborn despite being what it is is still better than much of what we played in recent memory.
Use a guide, trust me.
Also I forgot did e19 update it so this torture device was made by Ace?
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He is probably autistic like his son
You need to make each row, column, and diagonal within each individual cube count up to 15 with no repeating numbers. The rule where only the middles can be shared positions doesn't matter because you can just rotate the same solution 180 degrees for the second cube.

To illustrate what I mean, when you look at your numpad, the number you put in the "7 slot" would go in the "3 slot" on the other cube and so on.
The number 5 goes in the middle of both cubes .
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He is probably crazy like his daughter on her route
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Based. Fuck the if you kill your enemies, they win trope.
I wanted to at least try doing this on my own, but I'm stumped. And BigJRA's guide for this is shit.
Cripes this is rough.
I guess I got a bit lucky with how many Rock Slides/Blizzards Haxorus dodged
And bestgirl Julia magnetized the enemy AI's aggro like a champ, even set Reflect/Light Screen
Wasn't she the one who was JUST blabbing about 'They're people like you, just on the other side of things' back in the old yuyurei building
>who was JUST
My mistake, not 'JUST', that was a while ago from the postgame.
Anon, I...
Yeah, I don't know why bigJRA decided to go full autism on this one. Just use this
It's still confusing as fuck, but a bit easier to understand as it's just entering in exactly what the directions are.
Really have to wonder why someone decided to autism in probably dozens of hours to make this optional shitty side thing that like .1% of all players are going to do without a guide, desu
Not postgame, but endgame. Still, I like to think that she sobered up after her hometown was placed under a prolonged artillery seige by the Meteors.
Ose is technically correct and that's the best kind of correct. He really does have a mishmash of Anna and Noel's behavioral tendencies.
I am talking about Anna, she goes crazy on her route
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Shotaqueen Florinia???
Molested Fern arc coming up???
my bad, thought you were referring to elias and his...child
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Me too
Well that is the only way he will ever get laid
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TTar is a good mon, but I think you overestimate it a bit in present day putting this here, devs. Then again this was probably all planned out back when Gen 6 or 7 was current gen, so fair enough I guess.
That or Julia is pro sending Fern to the great Dr.Electrorape, for his correction
You do not have the right make anyone say that when you write "Spoke out of term" and mix up Honorable and Honorary consistently
What WERE they thinking when they did this puzzle? Holy fucking shit, even the guides for it can't properly elaborate without going on absurd autistic tangents that are so contrived for no good reason instead of just providing basic and an easy to follow instructions, they expect you to memorize distinct points and movements by using terms instead of just addressing them for what they are, rocket science is easier to understand than this.
Fern's correction comes in the form of steel toed boot making passionate love with his dumb face.
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That was very long-winded, but somehow not nearly as bad as most of the other puzzles in this game that overstay their welcome.

Is it because the starting patterns are randomized or something?
Height is nothing but an illusion
yeah, don't read anything else, just open the Shorter, Simplified Version tab

so like if saphira got abducted during the tanzan base raid, one of your squares will look like
6 2 9
1 3 4
5 7 8
and you input
Column 3 Down
Line 3 Right
Column 2 Up
Line 3 Left
and so on and so forth

>so like if saphira got abducted during the tanzan base raid, one of your squares will look like
Wait, the starting numbers are based on that flag? That's really arbitrary.
What did he mean by this? I fear for what's to come.
Im guessing they stole this from Kingdom Hearts, having an evil organization mark and monitor it's members through X's on their outfits. Dream Drop Distance had exactly that iirc save for remotely killing them with it
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A couple (((unlucky))) crits and flinches from the AI but that was far easier than I thought it was going to be
Was still brought down to one final pokemon but that's just the RNGhax
>Somehow didn't overstay their welcome
H-haha......oh boy....you're in for a surprise.
No, they're set at the beginning, thank fuck, the issue is the instructions are so unclear.
Noted, thanks.
Yup it's literally stolen from organization 13, Vitus/Indriad even norts people as well. Rifts in this game are basically just the heartless.
>Ciel starts reminiscing about her cousin that she pushed away
>scene immediately cuts to that faggot *ce
real subtle
Chill the fuck out charleen, you lost twice. If the first grunt I ever beat didnt get terminated after I beat him again on the battleship, you should be fine
>You lose points for not saying anything about Crescent pushing Cherry off the mountain
I mean, the fuck do you expect me to say? Im not going to join either extreme moral side here I do not give a shit. She was probably going to die anyway, I dont care about "deserving it" or it being cruel
>fly back to beryl because I need to talk to that one meteor guy for a sidequest and forgot to
>it's remade
I might've made an oopsie-whoopsie messing with the debug a while back but thought I reset everything...
Also this is literally the first time I ever picked the silent option, yet it acts like the only people who pick this are the ones who always pick silence. "Your choices affect the story" my ass
Oh sweet does this mean its saki's turn to kill herself?
yeah, it's weird. reminds me of emp*re
i guess it doesn't lack precedent, given you have other really random shit like 'giving the ruby ring to blake decides whether samson or ciel die' or 'beating the garchomp at the volcano determines your partner during the mansion raid segment'. the idea i guess is to make repeat playthroughs feel different without telling you what variables make it so
>I fear for what's to come
And I fear for your sanity

oh i remember this part
why DO people even join xen?
i somewhat get it for meteor, since that's a religious cult and it's implied a good portion of the members were originally in it for the religion before sirius and lin came along. obviously i get why people join the gangs in desolation.

but xen literally is just pure evil, all they do is either commit massacres or deliberately try to make people's lives worse by forcing them into slavery and such, they don't even seem to actually steal shit or turn a profit on anything and there's seemingly no benefit at all in joining them, even assuming people don't know about the 'can kill you if you try to leave' thing . the one time we ever see someone join xen it's for a retarded reason (ren) and you have the admins who keep talking about 'we're all here for our le reasons, like neved's daughter or madelis's sister' but never bother elaborating why joining xen would help them achieve that goal
fucking retarded
That or she will just start shouting racial slurs.
>why DO people even join xen?
I mean I've been working under the assumption a lot of them are pretty much drafted into it. Maybe Blackstepple was used for breaking in recruits before? Idk they have Organization XIII coats and tech to turn pokemon against their trainers, they can figure out how to force people to work under them
Either outcome would dramatically improve this game's quality
>the idea i guess is to make repeat playthroughs feel different without telling you what variables make it so
And on the very same puzzle they give you the NG+ skip thing. I'm not sure what they were going for with this one honestly.
>And I fear for your sanity
t-thanks h-haha.
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>1 (one) family member grows distant
>Join a cult
>why DO people even join xen?
They (most of them) don't, apparently the grunts dead brought back to life with black boxes and forced to serve team Xen, or so I've heard. Now we just need to know how the everloving fuck the big shots think team Xen will help/let them achieve their goal.
That and we need to know why visorniggers went to another world just to destroy it.
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The chess field is a bunch of overly complicated garbage, dear lord it's so dumb
What, did you expect her to just sit and wait? No one has brought this up in game for whatever reason, but its the LAST day before xen blows up the fucking island. I'd be pissed at her if she did just sit at the entrance waiting for us to show up. She even cleared more a path by "Tearing through" a bunch of grunts at the temp base so her progressing alone still helped us even if it makes no sense how she got this far without the crystals activated
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Funny you say that while there is a healing station like 5 steps away
Oh so its fine when SHE calls a friend an idiot but not when I do it, great
after redoing the ciel fight (because I have a bad habit of only saving before important fights and not after them) and flying to the mirror town then backtracking through the underground railroad, and then by going through the ice mountain and climbing past the rockclimb area before I'm supposed to be able to (with the TMX password I'm assuming, I've been able to do stuff like that all game but didn't want to skip anything) and going back to the cave's entrance on the bridge I can confirm
All of Reborn city has been refurbished far earlier than I'm assuming it should have been.
Uh, whoops?

Actually reading further down in the bigjra guide it's supposed to be that way
Holy heartattack, batman
Really thought I fucked up my entire game for a minute there from some messing around I was doing a while back
...what? The hell do you mean by that, we ALL AGREED TO BE HERE AND FIGHT XEN WEEKS AGO
Why suddenly act like you were the only one ever doing anything and we're only NOW deciding to "Help you"? Not also take down Xen, help YOU do it specifically?
The being able to use HMs before you have them is part of debug from what I remember
Yeah, I mean the only way to realistically write it is if they're coerced, but the vast majority of them really do not seem to be. That also goes double for the admins and 'people' like Madelis happily gloating about torturing sapient baby animals and killing an entire town for no reason
It's obvious that early on they were never intended to be that bad or maybe just kind of wacky and silly in spite of them doing bad things, but that obviously shifted once Jan had them massacre Alamissa Urben and try to kill everyone on Terajuma or GDC

Pls understand, Jan forgot to rewrite this dialogue from past versions when circumstances were a lot different
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You know it would be great if in moments like this you had the option of something like
>Mismagius, curse this nigger with Dysentery and Testicular Torsion before he leaves
>It's obvious that early on they were never intended to be that bad or maybe just kind of wacky and silly in spite of them doing bad things,
Yeah the game even says around the very start that Team Xen attacking a ship like they did was very out of character for them, not just because it succeeded but because it was way farther than they had ever gone before with anything. Do they do anything with this? Not as far as Im aware, that's the only time it's ever been brought up, since that they just act like Xen has always been a terrorist group
Are the Victory Road spirits cameo teams or something? Why on earth are there 2 Politoed rain teams on the rainbow field, both very similar in makeup, right next to each other in the order you fight them?
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is this the one that lets me break every field?
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I forgot how stupid the fight against Murmina could be and I brought my team for beating Hardy.
The world revolves around Melia sadly.
They're meant to be references to retards from the either the Reborn RP stuff or faggots who lurked Reborevo I'm pretty sure.
They're people who beat the online league, you can find Tenshi/Lin somewher he's happy you're freeing his power reflection thing.
>Underwater Politoed team immediately following the Rainbow ones
Did these guys just have whatever team they beat the online league with plopped into the game or are they all unoriginal faggots when prompted to submit a team?
oh yeah kakori is still frozen. Wasnt beating Angie supposed to unfreeze it or something? That's half the reason we went to fight her
It doesn't make sense at all with what gets revealed later - Xen committed a major atrocity a few years before the start of the game, which was covered up across the entire region and world, somehow, despite the fact there are plenty of survivors from the incident who would benefit from leaking the info to the public and nothing really that would stop them from doing such a thing. Maybe there's some details I'm forgetting albeit.
But yeah, they very quickly move onto 'Xen is le worst thing ever and have basically always been known as a a major terrorist group'.
Yes, but it's not that helpful for Glass (or really many of the fights upcoming)
Pretty sure it's just the exact teams they beat the league with kek
Would make more sense if it's what they used for the league, pretty sure very few use gen 6 pokemon most only have to gen 5 I believe.
>nothing really that would stop them from doing such a thing.
What about the bitch that shows up on on Kristilline and hakai's the guy about to reveal Madame X's identity?
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If this happened in Gen 5, it makes perfect sense.

Either way, Corviknight solos the entire team after you change the field to something not-underwater.
>keep running into invisible obstacles
So the rebuilt Reborn City is all an illusion or something?
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>Fired 8 Blizzards without missing once despite there being no hail on the field
>Lands a freeze twice in a roll
These teams were mostly submitted around gen's 4 I think, hence why they are mostly very old gen and very similar OU crap.
The excuse Jan uses is that nobody cares about the desert niggers I'm pretty sure, what makes it weirder is that the league is ran by the desert nogs and has several leaders who are desert shitters but somehow they never used their positions to inform the world about what the xeniggers did? They knew Cassandra was with team xen, so why did not of them say anything? Like at all? It makes no fucking sense.
That's oddly specific
Seems like an invisible lizard invasion is underway.
It's almost all BW2 OU shit. A blast from the past really. And few of them have ways to beat Toxapex.
That sounds like a jewish curse to me.
>gives a whole spiel about moth racism while not even in the elevator yet
idk I'd consider zoroark-melia to be a major improvement to the "real" deal
did bennett always have a shadow the hedgehog haircut
i think the implication is that since cassandra runs GDC, and GDC is the biggest aevium city she effectively controls the whole region by proxy?
you wouldn't even need to speak to in-game jan about it, the news center with the cute electric reporter that apparently the whole region uses is located in west gearen, i'm sure she'd love a story like 'oh yeah team xen just straight up massacred a whole city and the mayor of GDC is a xen operative covering it up'
remember this character dropped an 'oy vey' earlier
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Oh, is this that new quest that was added in 19.5? neat
It replaces the static Petilil post Florinia, while also giving (what I assume is) a Jinx scent clone
thanks bros
>thankfully there's no Glitch Field Lugia spamming moves that can delete everything from existence.
I mean, a omniboost mmegafug does that job pretty well I'd think kek
Thankfully, DittoGOD reverses that situation

>I'm not looking forward to this with the level disadvantage.
The game caps out at 150, so you shouldn't have a level disadvantage, I think
>D-don't say that h-haha.
tbf, you could actually change Gl*tch field to something good with the surge abilities, or use Lycanroc-Z to just nuke the field
The biggest problem is that there's no healing kek
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What a shit fight, besides that blatant hax there's much to add, Gengar outspeeds everything and the field enables it to 1 shot, including bulky resists, amazing design really.
He says oy vey unironically and with his behavior being the way it is....well.....
To be fair up until gen 8 when the powercreep go so out of hand, there wasn't much that could beat Toxapex reliably.
He's trying his best to act like a Yugioh protagonist.
Using your brain for more than 10 seconds makes it so obvious how shit this game's plot is.
he already looks like adrian gecko
>The game caps out at 150, so you shouldn't have a level disadvantage, I think
>The game caps out at 150, so you shouldn't have a level disadvantage, I think
Won't that put them at 172?
Gen 7 giving us Toxapex and Z moves at the same time sure was a decision.
kek I can't unsee it. Someone should mod the Sanctum scene so that El promises to give Bennet Exodia if he's willing to sacrifice Luna.
kek, it's so over
>I knew Sirius was pursuing my best friend and her husband and trying to kill them but I-I j-just couldn't!
B T W, this quest becomes fully available right after the Agate city raid, it's how you get Torchic.
Kek, he really does.
I assumed that since the max level was 150, it wouldn't scale over that, my bad
I mean, the "good" thing is that at those high of levels, the stat differences shouldn't be absurd? They're already not that big once you reach level 80-100

would be funny to do the Anna fight using the levels that actually reflect the in-game ones
I imagine having dysentery when you live in a desert is borderline a death sentence,.
...Melia. You SAW me beat Madame X. Who had a YVELTAL
wait isn't this after witnessing the ghost gym leader fight cqc with giratina
No it was after Giratina CQC'd me, and then I pricked him with Toxic and he fell over
Zetta never got the memo that Legendaries are constantly kneeling to underages
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Strength puzzle xisters, I sure do love having my time wasted by space-filling curves. This didn't even require any thought to finish, the room is just arranged in a way to maximize the amount of time you spend pushing the rock.
Since the modifier is all percentage based and pokemon's damage formula is almost entirely multiplicative, I think it's actually the opposite; the bigger the level used, the more base power you need on moves to do meaningful damage.
The inverse of this is why Little Cup is hilariously lethal despite everyone holding Eviolite; everything is slinging around 100/120 BP moves at level 5.
Needless to say, this is going to be a tough teambuilding exercise but I have an entire postgame to weigh my options on and think it over.
Honestly I can get down with Jenner constantly being cool like this, but I have my doubts this will keep up. He's probably going to turn out to have actually been serving a different evil person this entire time in secret or something later
or he's just going to die i guess, alright. At least he's dying on a high note
If they were ever willing to do this why not have the giratina just skewer me instead of knocking me back 10 minutes ago?
Melia, the legendary bodycount of the MC by this point is far higher than you can count.
You'll see soon enough. But the way Jenner is handled is dumb, still a major improvement this version I'd say, same story goes for Zetta, I don't know why Jan is so insistent in removing character moments and lines that define them.
Its kinda fucked that in that game the legendaries have a legitimate weakness towards shotas and lolis.
bros shadow of the erdtree is really fucking hard kek

Don't even try to wrap your head around how this game treats Giratina. It is simultaneously an unstoppable juggernaut, a weakling that can be beaten up by a normal human, a joke, somehow also Geara never uses it in his normal teams or anyone who does get ahold of it barely uses it outside of plot-mandated le epic moments like Jenner's death there. Just absolute dogshit writing
You do get every Uber and literally everything in the game before that point, yeah. Worst comes to worst, nothing that stops Revival Herb spam kek
I beat the dlc earlier today, you will not like the final boss
>Worst comes to worst, nothing that stops Revival Herb spam kek
I have the no items code on too h-haha.

Are you able to put in passwords after you've started your save? Worse case scenario I just remove the 115% handicap and do it normally, but I'm going to give it an honest try at full difficulty (as far as this run's standards are concerned).
yeah but you gotta use data chips for each one, including if you want to remove one
How do you even get data chips? I got 2 at the very start of the game, used one in Labradora (I don't even know what this did) and am holding the other for the Beldum quest.
I think you can buy them for 5k each off of someone in 7th street
At this point in the game, that's a trivial amount of money so no sweat if it comes to that.
Oh you're not gonna like some of the later bosses, I'd say some are on par if not worse than Malenia with how bullshit their movements and attack patterns are.
Mesmer kills your FPS and lags the fuck out of the game on phase 2, Radahn 2 is absolute fucking bullshit and even the people mindlessly suck Fromsoft's cock agree that fight is horrible if you're not using summons and other cheesy shit.
GG, i've not heard much about it but i understand it's apparently their new hardest boss ever
i've been playing slowly and haven't really left the first area, dancing lion was actually really fun, but the knight bitch felt like she would be literally the second hardest fight if she were in the base game, after malenia. i also spent like 30 tries doing that one black knight faggot who machine guns arrows at you because i didn't realize how the blessings worked kek, and he was doing 90% of my HP with basic attacks
still nothing insanely ridiculous for now though, h-haha...
oh huh, i thought noitems just prevented the enemy from using them
I don't remember which is which, but I have both of the itemless codes preventing both the enemy and myself from using them. Its made catching wild pokemon pretty annoying on more than one occasion since it's not just limited to trainer battles it seems.
malenia's issue isn't so much her speed and her dumbass combos (and yeah, waterfowl is designed like absolute shit but you can learn to avoid it), I mean it's annoying but you can at least learn that, it's the fact that she can just decide to pop out of a stagger into hyperarmor attack or starts running away whenever she wants and she has 30k HP which both makes the fight last fucking forever desu
as long as the dlc bosses aren't so flagrantly bullshit and annoying. like knight bitch was hard as fuck even with i think the max blessing possible you can have for this point, but she wasn't really unfair or anything, at least to me
I can definitely say every other boss is infinitely more fun and interesting then the final boss. no room for error and no breathing room, I only won via omega luck.
also thanks, sorry.
Alright am I just terrible at math or are zetta and geara using full teams instead of 3 each in this fight? Because I swear to god if they have 12 total and the game makes no mention of it Im going to lose it
Also I renamed my ditto thats not a different pokemon
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Hardy's find is so much fucking worse now, not on a difficulty level but more on a "I'm going to use every single gay bullshit imaginable to turn a fight on a shit field into the most painful experience imaginable".
They are, one of the bosses has 2 minute long combos, hyperarmor on every attack, his animations are completely fucking broken and look unfinished and he flies across the entire arena all the time, making it an absolute fucking hassle to keep up or get a breather to heal, that's one of the bosses everyone's been complaining about and it's not even the last boss.
I think the knight bitch you're talking about is the twin moon one right? I've seen that fight, haven't played through it but the spell spam looks incredibly fucking shit, especially with how massive the fucking hitbox on the moon attack is.
Haha...c-can't wait

Especially since I've made a bet that I'm going to beat the DLC at RL1 before the end of the year, h-haha..

It is 12 yes
Highly recommend focusing on one side to turn it into a 2v1
Hardy's fight* I keep fucking up every single post with shitty spelling errors, fuck my eyes are tired.
>Especially since I've made a bet that I'm going to beat the DLC at RL1 before the end of the year, h-haha..
if you didn't bet your life savings cancel it, you might as well play virtualization 5 times over
>It is 12 yes
...dont be surprised if I dont beat them tonight then, god fucking dammit.
>Highly recommend focusing on one side to turn it into a 2v1
I've been trying, their teams are a bit too varied for me to comfortably do that with what I have and shift is disabled in doubles so I cant even use that. Not to mention I cant tell Melia that so we cant focus one team and she'll get rid of pokemon Im fine with being out
Kek, well, I'll have to see when I get to him
>I've seen that fight, haven't played through it but the spell spam looks incredibly fucking shit,
The spellspam isn't too bad. She just has really fucking high poise and very long combos on top of having the Malenia side hops. You just have to learn to parry her if you want to do her melee, really (I just suck at parrying kek)
The moon spell thing is just Godfrey's stomps but they actually do damage if you don't jump them this time
I DID beat Malenia, Mohg and RadaBeast RL1, without extreme cheese (also part of the bet). It did take, like, a week, to do them all (RadaBeast is honestly harder than Malenia like that you have no fucking idea how brutal that shit is), but I did get it eventually
I'm definitely not going to do RL1 stacked with 0 blessing at least though. Fuck that, even if it's that's how most RL1 fags decide to try it
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I don't actually hate these puzzles on principle, but why do they need to make so many of them that all boil down to essentially the same formula to solve?
Preach brother Amen to that
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The fight is still just.
>Pick a Steel/Ground, either Excadrill or Steelix and win the fight for free otherwise get fucked
Genuinely shit design.
This is definitely one of those fights were learning the enemy patterns and what their Pokemon do becomes an obligation.
I am atrociously bad at parrying as well, which is why I try either going for strength builds with poise and iron flesh or just try and go for magic spam, speaking of which, I haven't played the DLC yet, did From nerf spells to shit again or does the DLC have some fun ones?
you're a madman, godspeed
What does his team even do? Corviknight solo'd him for free for me.
I've never played a From game in my life so I don't know how hard this actually is, but good luck bro.
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Is this the one you guys were warning me about or is there worse to come?
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Why the fuck does everyone use this shitty redditwitter vernacular in the E19 content? Is this C*ss' doing?
See, here's the issue with that: Im not a competitive player and have never actually participated in any sort of competitive play. I like to think Im good at RPGs in general, and I have some level of competitive knowledge like IVs and such, but I cant tell you what Shadow Bone does off the top of my head, nor do I know how any real strategies. My knowledge is not nearly as encyclopedic as most of your guys, so having to learn how to fight 2 full teams at once with a partner I cant control is really fucking hard. On top of all this my knowledge of anything post-gen 7 is extremely minimal, so for all I know that hisuain quilwish I got could decimate them but I have no idea how it would
Granted, I beat this as a stupid underage so Im sure I'll figure it out eventually given enough time, but "enough time" might be a lot.
Beating your first 6v12 is almost a rite of passage among players in these threads. You'll get it bro, I believe in you.
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Time to see how fucking stupid the Melmetal fight the mod added is.
Flinch spam pretty much, I use slow heavy walls that get fucked by that and I'm somewhat avoiding using most of the strong mons that hard carried me last time around and instead sticking to my favorites out of stubbornness.
This is very annoying, but there's something much worse coming soon, I'd suggest avoiding using speedup when you meet up with Fern again.
Eh fair enough, I was the same way until Reborn and a few other hard fangames broke me and changed my perspective. Best of luck bro, this is definitely one of those fights that's meant to be really harsh and require a lot of involvement and planning on the part of the player.
she mentioned something about a boy with the broken wing and now only says this
Anything that gives a defense boost makes your mons immune to flinch on that field. Bulk Up/Iron Defense/Acid Armor/Cosmic Power basically invalidate his entire gimmick on his faster mons and let you tank his slower mons since his team is entirely physical damage iirc. I don't remember what the slow mons do exactly, just that they weren't really a problem.
That's it? Why is this fight not a gauntlet? You just beat a Melmetal and it's done? I hate how inconsistent this modder is.
Fair, I should used my beloved CorviCHAD but I wanted to try something a little different from last time.
I have no idea about spells so far. I've only seen one incantation, which seemed kind of weird (you can hit and charge yourself with lightning or something).
I guess also knight bitch's rememberance spell but 72 intelligence lmoa. Though it does seem quite a bit better than the Rennala spell
Thanks bros
>I've never played a From game in my life so I don't know how hard this actually is
Pretty much by around midgame at RL1 (means essentially level 1, rune level 1) you get oneshot by everything unless you run a few defensive buffs/good armor (which means your dodge roll won't be as good as it could be). And by lategame those won't matter and you'll get oneshot regardless. That, plus enemy combos that last for at least 15 seconds at a time with lots of tracking, and if you're not running DoT, percent based damage like bleed/frost, etc. you can kiss your damage output goodbye too. And if your enemy is immune to status (like the final niggerfucking boss) then...you can go fuck yourself.
Other games From has made are a lot less punishing than Elden Ring overall with their level 1 runs, but Elden Ring offers a lot more cheese opportunity. Good thing I'm not supposed to use that h-haha.
Yep, that's it. Have 'fun'.
You got this man. It's tough, but they've nerfed it from how it was previously.
Just try and test different things out and figure out how Melia will behave in certain circumstances. The big thing really, is to just try and neuter one side's offensive power with things like Intimidate or a status or something, and then try and target the other side and hope Melia follows suit. She won't act perfectly but you can try and get close enough to the point where you finish one off with both of your teams still somewhat alive.
did they put opiates in that sleeping gas? is the mc a recovering addict and that's why I woke up earlier? can the eevee king withstand the power of a sudowoodo's head smash?
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dumb name but it looks good. with how restricting this game is with what I can get I have no clue what I would or could use it on
i'll just tell you, you can buy infinite of them once you get to postgame anyway. the best thing you could use this on is like a low catch rate pseudo
>Oh, you want a Melmetal do you? Your wallet, give me your wallet and everything you're carrying right now goyim
>72 Int
I'm gonna take a wild bet the damage is shit considering From shat their pants over people using Comet Azure.
I didn't notice it before but holy fuck you're actually doing a RL1 run? Holy shit, that's some masochism but my respect for putting yourself through that.
it begins
figures. also nice lucky trips
according to the fextra comments, the damage is apparently very strong, but it has a slow charge and windup speed, so, basically, the same as rennala's full moon
i should clarify i am NOT doing the DLC RL1 to begin with holy kek, i'm not that crazy. i'm going to wait until there's more research and info available (at least, when fextra bullshits in its info) so i can figure out the best way to tackle that shit
GL bro
*and also want to fight the bosses normally once to see what they do, should also say
oh that's good, I thought you were going in blind kek
>Yep, that's it. Have 'fun'.
Somehow it still wasn't as tedious as the Route 1 puzzle or the magic number square puzzle, but it being in the middle of a dungeon definitely does work against it.

If Rejuvenation is the game where the devs decided they didn't want to make a pokemon game and write fanfiction instead, Reborn is the game where the devs decided they wanted to make a Professor Layton game instead.

Good luck.
Yeah, the puzzle itself isn't particularly bad, it's just the part of Victory Road where you, or at least I when I first played, start to go 'please let this be over' and well there's still a lot more to fucking go
They really should have just made Victory Road like, 2 or 3 puzzles, and then the final rooms segment, just kills the pacing of the final arc really badly
is the missingno the last part? I almost beat it
there's more than one missigno
Best of luck bro.
Ah, that kind of hurts, I wonder if it also has spell absorption properties like some of the other luna spells? Regardless of that, best of luck with the DLC again.
It's a 6v12 fight, followed by a really annoying 6v6 and then there's one last 6v12 fight, mons are not revived between fights but they are fully healed, so best of luck, the final fight is by far the hardest with how complete bullshit it is on Anything Goes difficulty.
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All these rain niggers lose to poison water field.
This really should've just been 2 different dungeons at this point.
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That's a fucking beautiful shiny.
Decided to quickly speed through to see the quest and the randomizer gave me a permanent mega blazichuck sttarter, so it was pretty fast kek
I'm not sure if the modder autists had free reign with it, but there's a lot of dialogue that you'll likely never see kek
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Am I missing something stupid here?
Given that he's an honorary pseudo with his 600 BST, he definitely deserves it.
yeah, you go back to those caves later. for now, you're just hitting the switches to get the gates in the main room open
I'm starting to think the modder autists had a little too much freedom
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The dynamic between Hardy and Radomus that's been building since the Terra tournament is really nice.
>Purple crystals
Oh you're near that area, if you struggle with the puzzle, it's you need to run away from the black hole until said black hole hits the crystals, you can easily get screwed if you don't know the path you're running since there's dead ends, it's pretty annoying.
As to if this is something, I don't think so? Victory Hell has a lot of hidden paths and esoteric puzzles but I don't think this leads to anything.
Kek, true enough.
How much was added with the new version?
This is definitely a quest
Just this quest iirc
Alright, I may not know competitive well but at least I know how to read. According to the field manual I can turn the field from Volcanic Top to Sky using this Drampa I caught earlier, from there I've already removed a big advantage for the enemy but things like Empoleon should be worth using again and I can still use boosted Thunder if I wished.
It'll probably still take me a while to win this but I'm getting somewhere now, I just need to study their teams more
if for some reason i didn't believe before that autists like the yang creator were underage i'd certainly believe it now
I think I did everything major I wanted to get done, soooo, time for PULSE 2 hell.
Of course they try to ruin yet another character the first opportunity they get.
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After beating Hardy these become available, the last one in particular needless to say is great for when you reach Sapphira.
if you want a really easy strat, though it requires heavy team reshuffling - use blizzard to set the field to mountain, use blizzard to then change it to snowy mountain, and then anything with icy wind COMPLETELY fucking destroys them, because it gets like a 3x boost on snowy mountain. this is the strat i did in a difficulty mod of rejuv where this fight in particular was 100x harder, and it melted them.
avalugg, snom, alolan sandslash/ninetales, mamoswine, walrein are all available at this point and get blizzard, and some also get icy wind too. beartic also gets the additional bonus of slush rush + icy wind

yeah, anything that faints during the second battle remains fainted into the third
remember revival herbs are available from a shop near the dept store in the city, if you just want to brute force this
Whiteouts: 155
>Starmie immediately get a +4 special attack boost and proceeds to spam Meteor Beam without having to wait for turns
Wow, how very balanced and so very fun.
Whiteouts: 156
>Edgevoir knocked out my full health Galarian Slowking with full special defense investment and an assault vest with a single hit of Swift of all things, the move wasn't even super effective or anything
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I think this fight has singlehandedly completely changed my opinion on the Starlight Field, it's going down to the gutter.
What an absolutely dogshit fight, on every single fucking front, thank fuck the AI becomes sorta predictable after a bit, but it's so much faggotry crammed into a singular fight, holy fuck, I even had to bring CHADgambit due to how stupid it was.
this sauna strength puzzle where you're walking the rock around the pool to get it onto the geyser is killing me
one misinput and suddenly you've gotten it into an impossible spot 80% of the way through and need to go back and do the whole thing over
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I finally found a Pokemon as stupid and hardheaded as I am.
You sorta need something with Tailwind, Hurricane or other wind based moves to blow away the steam as well, you don't technically need it but it makes your life much easier. Yeah this puzzle is just a shitty timewaster.
I'm backing off and getting some more top tiers, and I'm trying to evolve bisharp into kingambit, but it just won't even though it's holding the leader's crest. do I have to do it during the day or what?
if you aren't, you could maybe try trick room + something really strong under it, always done well for me into that gauntlet. like mega camerupt. you can get an amplifield rock which boosts trick room turns from 5 to 8 from the dept store, if you have enough stickers
> I'm trying to evolve bisharp into kingambit, but it just won't even though it's holding the leader's crest
you use the leader's crest like an evolution stone
Here's the quest: https://files.catbox.moe/t9lmyc.mp4
I'm not autistic enough to debug in ALL the pokemon with unique dialogue or mod in the gen 8-9 mons that also have dialogue kek, so I just debugged in shaymin

Overall, doing this gets you a couple of relationship points, and ~2 lines later because you already met her

iirc, you just use the crest like an evo stone
thanks. the document says have it hold it and level up, whoops
The doc says it has 175 SpAtk and a BST of 688. Duskilate, assuming it works like the other -ate abilities pumps it 1.2x and gives it STAB. That's a top tier Uber you're fighting, possibly even AG.
That’s because Swift doubles in base power in starlight arena. And coupled with -ate abilities even weak moves hit like a truck. I recall having two battles against teams based on using Swift.
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Oh, I'm pretty sure this is new, damn SOUVFUL though truth be told.
Revavroom gets Shift Gear, which is super boosted in this field and it has good matchups against everyone in the gauntlet, highly recommend it if you have issues.
What the actual fuck was that quest and did they allow a schizophrenic 14 year old to write it?
Thankfully I have her now, a queen to my CHADgambit's kingdom, I remember these two carried me harder than anything through so much of the Elite 4 and postgame.
Who wrote this scene? This has to be from some shitpost mod, right?
Checked and congrats. What's the scene in the screencap?
I'm pretty sure that isn't new
haha...nope, that's in the official 19.5 release...
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Cute SOUVLFUL interactions with a hiker bro, cute little animations with Pokemon and a life orb to boot if you're willing to part ways with an expert belt, PURE KINO.
You start it by interacting with a sleeping hiker in Agate, then you need to hike to route 4 to battle him and then you interact with his bros for a bit, I think this is new because I don't recall doing this last time around.
that quest looks like it came from rejuvenation
Golem was a dumbass, crashed the picnic and caused a shit fit that resulted in Rhyperior nearly falling down the moutain.
Ah, I see, I didn't find this last time around so I assumed it was new.
This entire quest feels surreal, even by Reborn's standards.
That scene is sub-Rejuv in quality. I'm genuinely curious who wrote it and who QA approved it.
My sentiments exactly.
>incredibly unfunny despite being really fucking tryhard
>zoomer lingo out the ass
>way too much fucking dialogue
>way too much effort put into the eventing a very shitty joke scene
>trying to introduce a character that's supposed to come much later in an incredibly inorganic and forced way
>rick and morty tier preaching about le toxic masculinity and how women are so much better than le men
this is literally just a rejuvenation cutscene
i swear i did not refresh before seeing this kek, great minds think alike
>That scene is sub-Rejuv in quality
have you played 13.5? that might've been true of some earlier versions, but now....
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>I'm genuinely curious who wrote it and who QA approved it.
Took a bit of digging, but holy kek, I thought it was on of the modder autists
I haven't and having seen just screenshots and brief video clips of it, I very much think it's the kind of game I could stomach playing exactly once, so I'm holding out for the next big update because it'll be the "final version" one way or another as far as I'm concerned.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jan expects people to play through multiple times for each ending
They added an entire section of Saki's grandmother bitching about "men are le bad, don't marry men, men will ruin you" and such into that one short Melia section and considering later subtext you absolutely fucking know what's exactly the kind of shit Jan wanted to push as well, this indeed literally is a Rejuvenation cutscene, not to mention the shit he did with Dylan as well, which is even more flagrant with how far and how much Jan is willing to push the "men are le bad" faggotry.
I don't have enough implying for this post.
Holy shit, just......wow......this is a new low even by this game's standards.
>Make a quick attempt on the fight to feel out their teams more after taking a break to think
>End up winning without using any items
God dammit I wish I was recording this attempt, changing it to Sky Field and swapping a couple mons with that in mind was all I needed
GG bro and nicely done.
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jesus wept I can't believe this shit sometimes, it's literally this
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Forgive the shit cropjob.
>PC still works when I dont have a physical body
Technology truly is amazing
Good job bro. Now time for the most insulting cutscene in the game that invalidates all your hard work, because, you know, that's what good games are about
If you fuck up enough on this one Radomus will solve this one for you iirc
I dont remember if that's the case for the even harder one in the postgame, haha..
Amethyst really is the gift that keeps on giving
For anyone who's played it and is reading bread, is Starlight Divide's dialogue also this fucking bad?
I love that even though they readded legacy sprite support it's still just as effective as me ripping out the sprite sheets and replacing them with the old ones manually
Eh whatever, it'll only be like... the 7th time they've done that so far...
GG bro
Surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but it still makes me wonder why there needed to be 4 versions of the same puzzle here? I get the idea of a simpler one to teach the mechanics and all, but this many iterations in so short a time is just obnoxious. This seems like a type of puzzle that should've been spread throughout the entire game and Victory Road hits you with the single hardest version of it, much like many of the other puzzle types in the meteor bases iterate upon each other across the whole game.
>You actually refight them with all their pokemon at 0 health
Okay, that's kinda funny actually
also, uhhhh....huh
this thread is very illuminating about crystalstar (blue user in pic), and uh...yeah, that's pretty fucking creepy what's going on there
not going to share details here but it's the usual kind of thing that happens on large discords with lots of troons
i just particularly hate it's after one of, if not the hardest fight in the game (at least as of v13, i believe a lot of the endgame fights will also be optional as of next version) and it's so fucking ridiculous even for this game's standards
fucking walking right up to you and attacking you after you knock out his whole team and not doing anything at all about it, just actually fuck off
not how gene-
you know what its not worth it
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Starting to regret breaking the kids out of that place. Was it supposed to be an orphanage or a nuthouse?
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I guess Fraud probably did drive them all nuts with all the psy-ops and electrorape
Oh so because he shares your dna that instantly means he's a tragic character that you cant hate anymore
I dont think there's ever been a single person in reality who's ever had that line of thinking, because it doesnt fucking matter when they dont share an upbringing
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It looks like this ice field doesn't highlight moves that get boosted, though
I think it's an anime thing
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No way fag.
I spoke to a guy a while back who's played that game, he said the gameplay wasn't too bad but that the dialogue was atrociously bad and said guy is a libshit, which if that doesn't say something I don't know what will.
Taking a wild guess, they're trying to groom minors again?
Speaking of this stupid scene and Zetta, he's becoming prevalent again next version, I'm betting 20 bucks he'll die tragically after having a "change of heart".
No yeah it 100% is. Look at fire emblem fates, specifically Conquest, for an example of that exact problem
I think in that case however the Japanese just have a different view on family but that doesnt mean it isnt a dumb one when taken to extremes
Tucking this one away for later
stopping here for now. I need a good way to kill the 2nd round honchcrow and to stop ninetails from using aurora veil in the 3rd round so I can eruption spam once more. This gauntlet is pretty painful but much more enjoyable then every second spent on the elden ring dlc final boss
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Speaking of shitty anime tier asspulls......
You can get Scyther in route 4 in case you need a Bullet Punch Scizor on standby.
>finding relic silver, gold, copper in Fairview dive location
>A [material] coin used by an ancient civilization about 3,000 years ago.
>Fairview has modern buildings, locks, street signs, etc.
What's the implication here, I don't get it.
Wait, breaking the teleporter unfroze kakori? How the hell are those connected
that's a good idea, thanks
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RIP Dragonite, the multiscale didn't work so good.
And now there's another area called Faewood as well.
Either they renovated the houses down here as well or Arceus has been re-awakened before and the world was paved over
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Didn't they use the magma stone to start unfreezing stuff? I was bit tipsy during this section and can't recall if that was the case, though with how Jan is, I wouldn't be shocked it just happens because fuck you.
No worries bro.
Nim has done so little in the story before becoming a damsel in distress that this is all they can put on her fucking funeral photo. What a joke
She's still better than half of the cast right now though honestly
Magma Stone? That's not a thing that's been mentioned afaik
>Project Moon pfp
I will forever curse the day the troons found out about an otherwise cool franchise.
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Is this a C*ss-ism? This hollow pseudo-philosophical rambling seems like a C*ass-ism.
Another joins the corpse pile of franchises troons have ruined.
Im not sure what I think about this shiny, the red was cool at first but now it's very noticable how big the hands are
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Simply epic
A move with less use than Thief which I've already had for the past like 50 hours. Both of which are infinitely worse than Knock Off who's tutor I just unlocked at the same time as this
Glad I went through all that for this prize

Okay, to be fair the other stuff I've gotten have made the effort more than worth it but WHY but BRUTAL SWING of all things behind king pyuku at the end of this long ass sequence
And why are there so many mega stones and Z crystals at the bottom of a lake
I did not miss fighting PULSE 2 cancers at all and of course the first fight is Sticky Web spam.
Oh course Jan removed that as well, fuck's sake.....
By Rejuvenation's standards, it's a wonderful shiny, at least it's not Steven Jewverse shittery.
>at least it's not Steven Jewverse shittery.
are you telling me this wasnt a one time thing
H-haha....sadly no.....
Why does she care this much about some Meteor she never even met? Where was this for the people that drowned in the lake? Or even anyone else that died, unless this is just the last straw.
How would she even know about le broken wing? If Shade told her she wouldn't know because Shade can't see that shit, I assume. Maybe Nostra could but from the New World Asylum dialogue Nostra seems rather cold so I don't think he'd be hyping Taka up.
This game doesnt have pokegears though
desu the only part of it that I think was somewhat decent was probably the lilligant backstory dump, especially compared to everything else in that quest kek it's also kinda neat that she only talks about it if your lilligant is at high friendship desu
Yeah...it's a good thing that Reborn is done, outside of the modder autists bugfixing and such kek
It got changed to something I don't remember the name of in V13.5, because Jan finally figured out that Groudon guarding Heatran's item was retarded
Many such cases, unfortunately...
Isn't this basegame?
Do they explain why I can understand these pokemon at all or is it just jan not giving a fuck again
>It got changed to something I don't remember the name of in V13.5
What can you remember about it? I just played the fuckin thing and I dont even remember any item whatsoever being brought up as a way to unfreeze everyone. The town just gets frozen and everyone decides beating angie will fix it
I dont know whether I should hope this move is official or unofficial, I dont like either truth
I had to go into RPG Maker to find out kek
It was the Earth Heart, for...something...? idk
>Earth Heart
OH, that thing the Eldest was getting in the ruins. Im pretty sure I completely forgot about it because my head just blended it and the Earth RELIC together.
Great writing Jan, you somehow made it worse after rewriting it once again
Solaris, the mishandled villain.
Jan's lack of braincells again I'm afraid.
>introduced in Generation VI
Dammit, Im a fake fan...
The worst part is actually the fact it seems like a pretty good move all these considered, how am I supposed to resist 120 with STAB?
>all these considered
all things considered, dammit not only am I fake fan I am now on par with jan's english
Because you need to eat a berry on a frail Salazzle which is more likely to get oneshot than get into pinch/Sitrus range
Also it has 90% accuracy which means it has a 90% chance to miss when you need it to hit
But don't cancel me over a stupid opinion, go for it if you'd like
>is Starlight Divide's dialogue also this fucking bad?
Nothing like the sidequest there, plenty edgy though. For some context God fucked off and deleted the mortal realm along with heavens heat and hells water so now it's just angels and demons.
The demo takes place inside the kkk TND arena (actually mostly used for angels) where they're slowly executing a Nephilim (half angel half demon) girl and one of the lines says people can pay to get "upclose and personal" with their captives and "indulge in their darker nature" with prices existing for before and after and that you should get to her while the body is still warm.
I HAD a poorly made video with 2 seperate watermarks that contained most story parts and some gameplay but lost it along with most shit on my computer.
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Nobody told me Reborn featured special guest star Looker from the Pokemon franchise
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What a long-winded puzzle. That's pretty much the gist of Victory Road in a nutshell though.
>60 on both defense stats
Yeah, I see what you mean in that case. Didnt know Salazzle stats off the top of my head. I'll probably end up switching it out for just Sludge Bomb then
>Had a Walking Wake
>Didn't use it during her fight
What even?
Does Amaria have a nickname theme or nah?
And now PULSE Clawitzer....Ymir's frozen balls this is gonna be rough.....I'm vaguely trying to remember what I used last time but besides using Meowtism as a lead to set up screens it's all a blur, fuck and I'm sure the team is changed as well in Anything Goes difficulty, that's also factoring the PULSE 2 shittery, FUCK.....
Seems to be either song reference names that I'm missing/vaguely edgy shit or water gods like Poseidon and such, fucking bizarre that the modder named fucking Tapu Fini of all things Poseidon, but troons grasp reality about as well as they grasp decency. Though Taimen is just the name of a species of fish from what I checked, which is bizarre.
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The point was you get to get bodied twice.
I assumed it was from the doubles team. I found her in singles.
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You locked up a child, you attempted to starve a city, and you've been a colossal faggot every time you've been onscreen.
I really fucking need to get a second assault vest and I don't think I'll be able to, unless the last floor of the department floor had those, but I'm struggling to remember if it did.
No, I fought her in doubles and I recall she had a Kyogre, Suicune, Primarina and though I'm sorta blanking on the rest, she didn't have a Walking Wake.
What a slog
Just waste 300 pokeballs and reset when it kills itself
Cool sidequest with the Tauros though
But uh... uh... he's COOL, get it??
Didn't want to suddenly go do this quest but I'm rather desperate to check if I can get a second assault vest. The sheer irony of a game made by a troon having a quest were a little kid who by the name can be inferred to be a troon is mistreating a poor little animal and forcing it's twisted beliefs onto it is just bewildering.
This is the same troon who created that npc in beryl library seemingly out of spite for "muh conservative cisgendered oppressors", and yet this quest exists.
Are there actually people who think Blake is cool instead of insufferable? I mean his Ametrine introduction.
>Nunya B. Isnus
>Completely ignoring you in favor of COD
>Yeah bro I joined because they had a cool ride
Between him, Terra (for the lolz) and Cal (one upping Blake) I can't tell who has the more retarded reason to join Meteor.
>No assault vests in the penthouse
Ah piss.....
>There's only two assault vests in the game
>The other one is locked after the beginning of Victory Hell
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You and me, we're not bros
Also, was he saying the Beartic was gonna eat that Smoochum? Looked more like it was gonna rape it. Needs to survive, right, it doesn't even attack until you talk to the Smoochum
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>>>>>The menu for Repel running out doesn't freeze Gardevoir

I hope you were robbing Simon blind throughout the game.
Damn, you're right, can't even buy one in the postgame lol, when you can buy infinite amounts of choice shit, wtf
This scene was altered for some utterly bizarre reason, before the MC stepped in to defend the Smoochum of their own volition before the Beartic even decided to approach.
People brought it up before, I'm sure even I in my drunken stupor brought it up, but this scene is all kinds of wrong for several reasons.
>Why is Noel here
>That's Radomus' reaction to nearly seeing his son get mangled by artillery?
>The retarded fucking troon ex machina
>Zero somehow gets off scot free after this despite nearly having kid a child without a single care
Also image limit, do I bake?
Go for it. I'm about to go to bed soon anyhow. I've got 9 of the 12 gems at the end collected. Surely I must be close to the end and this isn't a glorified halfway point after I open the gemstone gate.
Why did the protag sidestep this but with Mewtwo they just stand there and Fern has to push them aside. Maybe they've become suicidal. Of course the real explanation is so Fern can sacrifice himself to show he's a wholesome good guy now.
You should be near it I think since you already faced Blake, did you face Fern already? Note that the final puzzle is RNG related and is very fucking stupid.
The MC's lack of autonomy will always piss me off, they're basically a tool, both figuratively and arguably literally.
Different topic but what do you lads want for the OP image, cool fanart, cropped smut a la Wagie or something else?
>The MC's lack of autonomy will always piss me off, they're basically a tool, both figuratively and arguably literally.
>Can tell Solaris you want him dead
>Can't kill him
Hell your character just STANDS THERE DOING NOTHING while Solaris sends out his Garchomp and talks about how he should've done this a long time ago or something like that.
They would've had no way to know Solaris was actually talking about Lin who was behind them, again, just met Terra, probably feeling suicidal.
Fern tried to kill me with his owl; I've not yet faced him in a proper battle.
faggot kid
and now I need to give him his vanillite back?
lick my nuts
Total Whiteouts: 38 (+1 from this tag team 2 battle gauntlet, +1 from random guy in lake who I fought with half a party of half health pokemon)
The one on top of the Onyx rooftop in the mega-z band quest I mean
I'm thinking it's time for bed
It's dumb, but sadly far from one of the more insulting examples.
He should be in the emerald zone, there's a hellish puzzle there, don't use speedup during it.

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