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>Glitch Field causes mental damage to even more people
>Arguably the most cringe inducing quest we've ever seen in any fangame ever was added to Reborn
>Leon continues through Rejuvenation and with determination faces down a climatic battle atop Valor mountain, eventually coming out on top
>Formerly continues his trek through Victory Hell, dealing with unending puzzles and shitty glorified hallway simulators
>Bunken reaches All Gen's glass gauntlet and the hell that it entails
>Lock and Eeveefag continue through the earlier sections of the game
>Ose and another anon reach the beginning of the late game
>Meanwhile I continue to get fucked by my awful luck and sheer stubbornness

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Reborn Allgen
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Whiteouts: 157 I think
Had to go all the way to Agate to grab a Dondozo, hopefully it pays off, I nearly managed to fend off PULSE Clawitzer with just Edgevoir but she wasn't enough sadly.
Also what the fuck is Giratina doing here in this fight? Fuck I hate this senseless Uberspam so much.
I de-leveled it down to level 1 before giving it back
I should've renamed it to "faggot" or something too
fuck you kid

At least I've finally got my mega-z ring, now I can use Charizard X and KANTOOO all over my enemies
Altaria's also finally due for a comeback
Whiteouts: 160
>The AI knows how to counteract Yakub
I hate this modder, so fucking much.
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That's why he's named Hardy I guess.
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The modder fucking did it!
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>Blissey gets Thunder Wave'd
>Gets fully paralyzed 37 times in a roll to the point the Giratina was nearly reaching the point of spamming Struggle
Fuck. You.
Did that nigga get pancaked?
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The damage Haxorus took is from a Guts boosted, STAB doubled Facade. Not nearly as much as you'd expect from something like that.

+15% global level increase was a decision.
If you're referring to the thing on the bridge that's a plush that got possessed and sacrificed itself.
Poor plush, hate it when that happens to me
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Damage report after final(?) Sirius. What a dreadful fight. I had to swap out the salt cube because while it was very effective at bullying his leads, I needed to basically sac 2 mons to bring down his Zygarde-Complete and ensure it never got to attack or do anything meaningful while it had a non-passive teammate (anything but Spiritomb) next to it.

Whiteouts: 95

I'll do more Victory Road and endgame in the morning. I guess this is a good time for everyone to post their current teams too.
Same, plushy sacrifices has been horrible for the friendly poltergeist communities average lifespan.
the modder redemption arc begins now
Whiteouts: 161
Had to go have some sleep since my brain was nearly rotting from the lack of it. They made the fucking PULSE Mr.Mime fight so much fucking worse in the worst ways imaginable too.
He nearly got blasted to hell by Zero and everyone in the story from here on out tries to pretend this absolute nigger didn't do anything wrong despite having done everything wrong and getting thousands killed of his own volition.
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Whiteouts: 162
The power of edgy bears and traditional green tea saved the day, Kitakami bros are eating good today.
Fight was as easy as continuously clicking Rage Powder on Sinistcha and Calm Mind on Bloodmon Ursaluna until the desired results were achieved.
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What a lovely, very stable lady, surely I can trust her.
On a more involved note, I'm considering what I'm gonna use for the tournament fights, I don't really recall their deals all to well besides the Lumi and Eve fight were you're partnered up with Cal being absolute hell for me since I was relying so heavily on my Steel types back then.
The Lumi and Eve fight was definitely the hardest for me. Cal is an active liability, much like Florinia at the mansion.
>Unironically calling people sophists
>Saying that selling and forcing your values onto others is le wrong and that people trying to normalize outlandish shit is sickening
>The game expects you to agree with this, troons and faggots of all people are trying to cram this in your face
I think my hypocrisy meter broke.
Yeah, not helped by the Inversed Field being horseshit the way it is.
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Desu the hypothetical BTFO'ing of Sirius and Sigmund is a neat idea, but giving the mc the ability to battle Sigmund and Sirius before they kidnap Laura/Saphira respectively also sounds pretty neat
Saphira in particular could be fun since she'd be incapacitated for (at least most of) the Tanzan base
gg, it's always fun coming up with new ways to fuck over that faggot
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What's the third light shard for? I'm not done yet, am I?
You can tell which bits of E19 content are C*ass because he stands out like a sore thumb.
You're almost done, just one more puzzle and one more boss
I think you just get an extra shard or two
This would have unironically fixed so many fucking issues in this game that it's baffling, call your Dragonite and let it do it's work, please just do it, save me from what's about to happen.
It would be amazing to see the MC actually having autonomy and calling names, I would fucking adore a mod that added different scenarios for stuff like this along with considerably reducing if not outright removing a lot of the pozz from this game, call it a cleanup if you will.
Thanks bro, yeah it's always fun coming up with new ideas for stuff like this.
Pretty fucking much, it's whiny and preachy reddit tier garbage.
You get three of them in case of necessity more than anything else since there's a few fights in this place, you should be nearing the end like RG said.
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Florinia's description made this sound really autistic but it was deceptively easy because you can just guess and check over and over. It feels very out of place with all the other puzzles in this area that emphasize thinking everything through before committing to a solution.
You're free from one hell aaaaaaand about to reach another one, best of luck. You're gonna try your luck with the Paradox gauntlet?
I'm going to give it an honest attempt to beat it before the E4.

How long is it?
She's seen bursting through a stone wall earlier, could've just done that when the door fucked off but I guess Terra passively turns anything around her completely retarded.
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>Alakazam, use Teleport!
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Pokemon don't exist in this setting except for when they do.
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>Gives Cal a free opportunity to run wild by setting up grassy field via Grassium-Z
>He starts spamming Thunderbolt instead
Are you pissy because I didn't ride your Shillzard still bucko?
Not very long, it requires you beating all the spirits I think, then afterwards you need to enter the portals near the entrance of Victory Hell, the gauntlet is very fucking rough with a bunch of very overleveled Paradoxes.
Fitting for the embodiment of 2009's internet.
This situation could have been avoided in so many ways, it's extremely stupid the meteorniggers never think of using gas traps against the MC and such before considering how often you just barge into their bases.
His Camerupt will Trick Room to fuck you over too, just a heads up.
I think I'm missing 1 spirit. There's one right after Fern right?
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Why is the game belting out a sobstory for this mindbroken faggot?
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I hope the devs of this game got paid their ESG shekels for the amount of wokeshit crammed in here.
Don't tell me that they're spiritual jannies
>They did it for free
Because you already jobbed before. And probably also doomed the world because a conversation between Fern and Euphie might turn any potentially listening God child into an omnicidal misanthrope.
>image, again
Fern literally bullied Shelly to the point she cried.
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Remove the y and you've got it.
Whiteouts: 163
Cal isn't worse than Florinia thank fuck, but he is extremely useless.
"Thankfully" he is just spamming dumb shit instead of doing that, in fact I think he isn't using Trick Room because it would actively benefit me, what a shit fight.
They are indeed spiritual jannies and they're fucking proud of it too.
Whiteouts: 167
>Vaniluxe somehow survives Partner Pikachu's boosted Volt Tackle without any effort
I don't remember PULSE 2 being a thing in this fight, but that's really gay.
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Having to see the exact same fucking cutscene each and every single fucking time you started this fight gives me conniptions.
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this is pretty funny

it will never not be funny that fern was supposed to be the hero and proceeded to fail and flop on his ass making anna beg someone else to do it
I mean when Lin is actually trying she can just choke you without trying and it takes the power of friendship to cope you back into existence and that is NOT happening to Fern. Unless he didn't even get that far.
It's not even established if you were spawned by Anna's wish or if you're just some shmuck that happened to get saved alongside Ame. They might've just tried Fern again.
The weird thing is that fern surprisingly managed to make friends during the previous timeline, with spiky bracelets (I'm assuming that's Arclight), azure hair (I think that's Cal due to the description they give later), a taciturn woman (Euphie YWNBAM) and Ana, the fact none of these characters interact throughout the entire game is fucking bizarre and to be fair to Fernando, he did get pretty far all things considered.
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I can't take any of this seriously
>Xister Xdrianne said xe wouldn't xilate! And xhen xe got MELTED! By xuper xot xire! AAAAAA
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Didn't Terra jokingly call the pairings ships, which included Charlotte+Sapphira, Lumi+Eve and Noel+I forgot?
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Holy shit you actually pulled through, based and GG.
To be fair, none of the meteorniggers before had enough braincells to set up a trap, or at least a well designed one.
It's not over yet.
Ah yes, I remember that one.
Yup, because this pseudonigger is into incest, go figure.
Oh shit h-haha.....
And then CHADlem gets two quick claw procs in a row to sweep 3 of his pokemon for free
Despite not rolling ground Earthquake has undoubtedly been one of if not the most useful move in this entire run
>Arclight falls into a scooby doo trapdoor

Also really kind of them to install a free fullheal machine into my cell
Oh no it gets so much worse. This is easily the worst 6v12 yet.
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Yup, it's easily the dumbest fight up to this point by a good margin, I have a strategies brewing for when I reach that fight, but nothing too concrete yet, might rely on Bloodmoon Ursaluna with setup and Rage Power support again until Iron Leaf enters the frail, then things will probably get really dicey.
yeah this electric puzzle is aids
I'm just going to walk through it all for free with only Golem in my party
Yeah, I decided to hold off until I headed back to victory road for postgame to do that shit kek
>until Iron Leaf enters the frail, then things will probably get really dicey.
On that screen is there something behind your characters head? Cal's too.
>Hydreigon facetanking a presumed Moonblast from A-Ninetails
Now THAT's some impressive plot armor
Also RIP grand hall lady who's name I don't know, who's going to give me tips on how to beat the gyms now?
Cal's looks mostly like an outline, I know snipping tool is shit at captures, but yeah there's definitely something behind the MC's head.
They don't seem to swtich much compared to others. I can maybe work with this.
>Now THAT's some impressive plot armor
Focus sash?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Level 138 Koraidon/Miraidon
>Nothing a few items won't fix
Is Lin supposed to be edgy mctrenchcoat's daughter or something
I thought she was an orphan who got electroraped
Real Lin somehow fell into Arceus's chamber, got blessed and is controlling puppet Lin from in there. Would be interesting to see what would happen if Solaris got so disappointment in Taka he decides to adopt a random orphan (Lin). She'd probably just destroy the entire organization again.
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Whiteouts: 170
Glitch Field is so much cancer, as usual.
Yeah, setup could maybe work, I think the fight was in doubles, so in that case something redirection moves or Wide Guard could be valuable.
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Whiteouts: 105

This took all the cheese I could come up with. Yakub, Shedinja, Power Swap, Clefable, the whole works. The idea was to burn and power swap Iron Leaves (who inexplicably doesn't switch after being neutered) and focus down the Koraidon side as fast as I can. Yakub is basically the only thing that efficiently beats him as he'll cut through even +6 Clefable with ease in 2 turns so you have to hard switch off Clef to a mon with Fake Out the turn before you need Yakub to beat Koraidon or else Iron Leaves will mess up your Sturdy/Metal Burst. After it's a 2v1, it's still ungodly hard, but you at least have an opportunity to set up again with Clefable to +6 who is basically the only thing that can take a single (1) hit from Miraidon on electric terrain that I was using. Beating Miraidon came down to baiting (and saccing Dragapult) to Draco Meteors to lower its SpAtk from 'instant death to everything it hits' to 'absurdly hard hitting' which is something Blissey and Clef together can slowly overcome with good wishes, protects, etc.
The recording seems to be corrupted. I'm not doing it again for footage. This was about as hard as Glass.
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Time to face crazy dragon lady again.
Got this team ready for her, in short, destroy her her field via Waterium-Z and pick her mons off one by one after that, I also forgot just how awful the upcoming puzzle is, fuck.
Holy shit bro, GG for real this time.
I am keeping a few ideas in mind for handling Miraidon but mostly coming up short, I think Lightning Rod mons might do the trick but that's gonna require colossal investment, then to fend off the Draco Meteor spam and such, I have another plan in mind, which is to use Follow Me Togekiss, which in theory (unless they have busted coverage) should keep them at bay for long enough for me to get something done, this looks extremely rough, even more than last time.
g fucking g

hopefully some of the other postgame shittery won't be as bad with the 115% modifier? h-haha
Thanks. Level 130+ and PULSE2 mean everything you do barely hurts their mons without setup. I strongly suggest focusing on crippling one side and focusing down the other because the coverage on each is brutal. Even -4 Miraidon still hits hard.
Thanks bro. How often are you underleveled (normally) in the postgame? This fight was pretty much the perfect storm of being outnumbered, doubles, pulse 2, naturally underleveled and significantly higher mon quality than what I have. I imagine in the postgame at least a few of those factors will be missing but I don't doubt there won't be excruciatingly hard fights.
Wait.....maybe Togekiss+Mega Sceptile? With enough bulky investment I could maybe trick the AI into trying to focus Mega Sceptile with Dragon moves, click Follow Me on Togekiss and if the AI tries Electric moves Lightning Rod keeps it at bay while also giving Sceptile free boosts, if in theory the Togekiss goes down I could just switch in Ditto for free, get a powerful sweeper on my end, I assume after a boost Sceptile will easily be able to one shot one of the big dragons and the rest should potentially keel over soon after, but that's mostly theoretics rather than tested practice.
I'll see you guys in a year, I'm F12ing for shinies of the paradoxes.

Note it has Overheat and Solarbeam too.
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she's not wrong
You're never overleveled normally in the postgame, it's just that with your modifier the enemies will have at the very least a 15 level advantage over you
Now, outnumbered, doubles, pulse2? That's VERY frequent, haha...
As for Pokemon quality, just depends on how many ubers you end up using, I guess, it takes until about the middle of postgame normally to catch up in terms of proper Pokemon quality but that's also when they really start revving up with the gauntlets and full team pulse2 shit (before then mostly just the ace gets pulse2'd)
Umbrals have PULSE2 on everything, Anomalies have PULSE2 on the main legend until they don't and just have PULSE2 on everything.
I thought the previous timeline was a lot saner, so that it was more like a normal pokemon adventure and less like a deep dive into tumblr.
CHADizard-X dragon dances then hits flare blitz four times in a row
That Umbreon has got to be crithacking
Total Whiteouts: 40 (+2, 1 to this fight from gayceon evasionhax and 1 to one of the orderlies down below on the zap plates)
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Makes sense. At the very least, I'm going to be making liberal use of the motorcycle dogs because they're both strong enough to actually chunk PULSE2 mons unboosted and serve as natural counterplay to weather/field shittery.
That functionally doesn't sound too different than what AG already is lategame where you fight bosses like Sirius with multiple legendaries and a full team of PULSE2.
...sorry, I missed the '(normally)' bit, I'm a fucking retard
You know I just realized, the whole new shitty Laura sidequest is basically supposed to be foreshadowing for her ability to cure Bennett of being a toxic incel or whatever kek
Sasuga Amethyst
It was, probably, still a deep dive into Tumblr but just with Fern as the hero. So it was much worse.
Unless Anna's wish brought in you the player along with the Reborn devs, but I feel like Lin would be uhhhh..... quite a bit more miffed with Anna if that was the case.
right, i forgot miraidon sets electric terrain
you don't get the tapus until around the middle of postgame for the purpose of basically deleting shitty fields and obviously miraidon is way more powerful than tapu koko too kek
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Someone watched Deadman Wonderland before making this part I guess
Lin is eternally seething because Anna's wish turned the world retarded and gay.
Oh no, it was always a deep dive into tumblr sewage, with Euphie not shutting up for five seconds about wanting to cut her tits out and pretending to be a man.
Oh that's gorgeous.
>chess rival wishes for a new timeline
>suddenly get raped in the past
Rape builds character!
They call that the rape gambit in chess, I think.
Randomass would know the actual name I'm sure.
Considering his Gardevoir is capable of and willing to mind raping people into becoming his servants, i think its less of a gambit and more of a sure thing for Randomass.
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More kino
They also both get Regenerator and Shed Skin (from Cyclizar) too. There's a tremendous amount of build options on them.
>Anna bluepilled continuity itself
You hate to see it
I dunno about rape gambits but "The chess speaks for itself" sure has a lot of connotations with rectal insertions in the pro chess scene the past few years.
Randomas's lesser known pokemon he uses for chess is actually a Falinks that only knows the move Bulk Up.
It looks like a bunch of these paradox mons don't even have shinies kek.
Sasuga, modder-kun.
>>>>>No Retreat
>If I have to go through any more character development my character is gonna develop into a villain
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thankfully I didn't have to deal with too much bullshit from the field. taunt from darmanitan, psychic fangs from bruxish, and brick break from sawk kept aurora veil from being set up too long. after that, it was just a matter of beating her up with strong pokemon

cal approves

>You know I just realized, the whole new shitty Laura sidequest is basically supposed to be foreshadowing for her ability to cure Bennett of being a toxic incel or whatever kek
Whiteouts: 171
Mega Serperior hits so hard that it can effectively one shot everything with no field boosts, oh the joy.
I wouldn't even be shocked if that was actually a thing considering how things go in this game.
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I used revival herbs for this to keep scizor, kingambit, and typhlosian alive for round 3. had a lot of trouble keeping everyone alive from round 2 because 3 pokemon on that team have superpower for coverage.
GG, hopefully that should be the last really hard thing before some late postgame shit
Whiteouts: 172
>Baxcalibur gets a free +2 attack boost upon entering the field, it outspeeds everything despite not being supposed to and thanks to loaded dice it can nearly 1 shot Pokemon as bulky as physically defensive Unaware Dondozo
I am so sick of this by this point, sadly this abomination was also on All Gen last time around as well I think, maybe I'll have to rely on Scizor after all.
GG, sadly you're not out of the woods yet in terms of utter faggotry All Gen throws at you.
thanks. it definitely lived up to it's reputation
Every once in a while I think to myself that maybe I should try finishing Reborn because I never did, then I'm reminded of how much of an edgy cringefest it is. I don't think I could stomach it all the way through.
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It's kinda neat that this one sidequest shows what kind of people end up getting recruited by Meteor, wonder if Rejuv will ever have an explanation that works
>Anna the retroactive rape corrector
That sure would be something but I'm sure they don't want something like that to be Anna's fault and that would mean the devs are le bad for giving the characters their fucked up backstories. You see the fourth wall breaks only mean you, the player, are bad. Not the devs that made it so CraudBASTARD spontaneously combusted in the first place.
>>>>>>>>>>Sandy Shocks gets Magnet Pull
I can only imagine how hard this'd make smogontrannies seethe.
Saphira's Baxcal is her single most dangerous mon. Everything else felt free in comparison to that monster on my run.
Laughing at it with anons helps it go down smoother.
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Well at the halfway point of the story(Lukah is the 9th gym so it should be the halfway point right?) I am pretty sure I have around 50% dex completion
Could have a bit more but my mining luck hasn't given me all the fossils and stones I need to evolve everyone
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I know I'm in some weird dreamscape but I still appreciate some version of fern that knows and admits he's shit
>Used to(?) scream the word DEATH over and over for atleast one entire text box
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I wouldn't mind if you stayed here for the rest of the damn game
Use earthquake as you leave.
I gave up on it for the same reasons all the way back when I was starting to develop a massive distaste for pozzed shit, but sharing the progress with the lads of the thread and a lot of vodka and mead made it bearable.
Jan copied this quest in fact, but made it a 100 times worse by the sheer fact it's Rejuvenation and we're not allowed to get clued in as to what the xeniggers want, how they do things or why things happen.
What's bizarre is that just fucking happens, for no good reason, somehow it's still not as insultingly shit as the new quest they added in 19.5.
Yeah, I'm considering getting Scizor specifically for this.
Errmm is that rule [number] compliant?
Also I remember seeing Amethyst talk about the Serbian bottle incident.
is lizzy the actual name of the girl that keeps switching parental figures
Lizzy is Elisabeth, Sigmund's sister that overdosed on anti-depressants. He believes he could've saved her with ECT.
2 losses to mr. fairy faggot over here
thinking I'll just whip out ye olde triple explosion threat
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Ah.....you were at my side all along.......my true mentor.....my best friend.....
Simple summation of the fight, lead in with Galarian Slowking (with a assault vest and maximum special defense investment), it handles Nagadel, Baxcalibur comes in, kills G.Slowking, CHADggron comes in, Baxcalibur knows it can't 1 shot CHADggron and tries to set up, gets fucking deleted, Drakeon comes out to try and KO CHADggron with Earth Power, switch in Edgevoir, tank the hit, EMBRACE THE DARKNESS, Edgevoir KOs it easily in return, Dragonite comes out, refuses to take any fucking damage whatsoever, but chipping it still helps while it wastes a turn of setup, ArCHADludon sits there while Dragonite sets up again, hits hard with a Dragon Pulse, Dragonite tries to hit with Dragon Claw, it survives the hit and KOs with a crit Dragon Pulse, Raging Bolt comes out, tries to use Zap Cannon+blunder policy, it misses and activates it, ArCHADludon hits it really hard with a Dragon Pulse but not hard enough to KO, Sinistcha comes in and eats a Dragon Pulse and KOs in return, then comes in Mega Serperior, it locks itself into Outrage and CHADggron eats it and takes it down after two Head Smashes, still a really shitty fight.
Then afterwards we get to learn how Waldenhall was spawned into existence.
>The Serbian bottle incident
I am not even surprised and I hate the fact I even know what that is.......
GG. Sometimes your bro mons are exactly what you need at the moment.
Based Golems of Peace.
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This is so close to being my favorite shiny in the game but the head isn't gray reeeeeeeeeeeee
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Go with Galvanize Alolan Golem with an Electric gem for maximum JIHAD kek.
Thanks bro, I love getting a chance to see my favorite bros shine, only Archeops sadly didn't get any use because everything Sapphira has outspeeds or has dumb shit priority.
I think you're set for most of the postgame with the sandwich eaters since they so effectively shut down a lot of fights.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT OBEYS ME AT L120
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Now I have Last Respects, but on a lead
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kingambit...I kneel. did three of your pokemon already die? free 30% increase in power. who needs swords dance, just give him the assault vest and send him out. also that's just the shiny hypno, they should've asked for empyrean's weird hypno design.
They have a sprite for PULSE Hypno, why not use that?
Whiteouts: 173
They decided to make the shitty Terra fight even worse for some fucking reason.
so luna let me out of the dream dimension, which I guess is real and other people are still trapped in it, and radomus tries to break into a female dominated workplace
Now i get why Luna turned trron.
>Time for penis inspection day!
>gardevoir robbed me
>then douchebag blake robbed me
>now I'm date raped and robbed by a giant bug
it can't get worse then this
OH BOY, time for Victory Hell......siiiiiiiiiiiiigh.....so, is there any caveats to the puzzle skip mod? Cus' I really want to use it, I'd rather not deal with that shittiness twice.
Here you're atleast mindraped so it makes sense you'd just let them take it.
You shoulda worn a tinfoil hat before entering the room, to keep out their evil brainwaves.
>Sceptile gets Hurricane now
>Doesn't get access to any strong Dragon moves it desperately needed to make it's Mega a worthwhile investment
>Not even given a cool ability like Regenerator to fully abuse Shed Tail
I am not even surprised by this point.
I looked at the notes and it seems not all of the puzzles are skippable with the all gen mod, either the moder didn't want all of those puzzles to be skippable or he only did the compatibility stuff halfway through and decided to stop it
Found the notes
info sheet for overview of adjusted AllGen maps

× - currently not edited in AllGen
- edited and added to mod
if "Sunkern Switch" - nothing else edited

Maps Edited:
011 (blacksteam factory ×)
331 (subseven sanctum ×)
358 (route 2 ×)
629/630/631 (devon corp? × × - Sunkern Switch)
601 (Azurine Center - Tutor)
764 (Grand Hall ×)
668/707 (base mirage tower × ×)
654 (sugiline cave ×)
779 (saphira's gym - Sunkern Switch)

788 (minecarts - Rock Climb item)
802 (vr amethyst area ×)
804 (vr sapphire area ×)
805 (vr emerald area ×)

880 (postgame mirage tower ×)
890/891 (distorted space - Lustrous Globe / Adamant Crystal)
896 (citae prisma - WIP Eternatus event)

038 (grand hall, optional for mod installation verification purposes - miscellaneous)
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that was one long plot dump from radomus, but this is even worse news
Weird that it doesn't mention the route 1 tauris/buffalant/pinsir/heracross puzzle, I know you can skip that one since I did
I've been theory crafting ways to handle the Paradox gauntlet again, an idea occurred to me, Chlorophyll Jumpluff with Sleep Powder, as soon as Koraidon enters the field you get free sun, and to double down on abusing my Opponent's advantages for myself, GMax Blastoise gets both Shell Smash and it's ability is Lightning Rod, so the bait potential is there, I just need to learn how to best abuse it.
Odd that it wouldn't, but I'm assuming there's important switches and triggers related to those, still interesting.
It fucking sucks, the first fight is already painfully miserable with them leading off with a Sticky Web team, than on top of PULSE 2 makes it hellish, best of luck when you reach Labradorra.
Missed an explosion one-shot on both gaybull and togekike but it wasn't anything that couldn't be cleaned up
Soon there will be no terrains, soon there will be peace upon this chaotic land
The complications with Granbull and Togekiss wouldn't have happened if I gemmed up my Golems, that's true. I need to keep that in mind for if there's a next time ye olde wrecking crew needs to make a return.
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mega garchomp missed two stone edges, which let vikavolt get one bug buzz and setup sticky webs. then tyranitar missed two stone edges, letting talonflame getting off a flare blitz for some chip damage and setup tailwind so mamoswine could clean up. 3 attempts
ah, forgot
Total Whiteouts: 42 (+2)
>NPC relying on Stone Edge
Rookie mistake
Mamoswine looks kind of like an amogus from the back
Does reborn have pvp?
>Downloads the mod under the assumption it would make the puzzles skippable
>It only skips the puzzles if you already have a savefile, which effectively makes this puzzle completely fucking redundant since base Reborn already does this
Thu fuck?
Best of luck with the edgy redhead, her gym is absolutely fucking horrible for Rock and Dragon types specifically, based team and GG.
Yes, but the servers are complete shit or at least they were last time around.
Ugly Tumblroid artstyle, why isn’t there any good looking artwork of Lin available anywhere?
>steel type gym
CHADizard will make short work of it, this I know.
That's Fern and Florinia
Are you going to be "carried" by CHADizard?
I'll see if I can find some, there's very few actually good fanart for this game, I already used most of the good ones like that one from Electrorape and the Serra and Titania one.
>Fairy Tale Field always makes it so Fire moves count as being part Dragon
Keep that in mind.
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how did they not make it white
the idea is to make it built for skitty benis
It's meant to resemble Skitty's color pallet, you can probably figure out why.
Knowing nothing about the gym or her team, I'm sure he can pull through along with my goon squad of EQ spammers
>it's on the Fairy Tale Field
never mind then I guess
I'll probably have to find an opportunity to set up a shell smash sweep with barbaracle then
>"man people are stupid, right?"
>"I'll be taking this giant relic stone now"
>walks away, pushing the stone with her
>all of this while being underwater
what is lin made of
that's heinous
>what is lin made of
Benefits of being a puppet
She has the powers of God and anime on her side.
Truly she is the best daughter.
Zard X should still do some work, but Titania has ways to counter it including a Klefki, so you're gonna have to use some coverage to bruteforce through it.
What's the deal with the A-Vulpix room in the basement of the grand hall
I can't even take any of them.
There was also a Lopunite in there.
I did not miss doing Victory Hell's puzzles siiiiiiiiiiigh....what's the fucking point of a mod that does something base Reborn already does? Would it fucking hurt the cunt who made this mod to just add the skips to pre-NG+?!
Troomethyst loves Vulpix, that's why, if you an Alolan Vulpix I think the first ones you can find (besides passwords) is Ametrine city I believe.
>no air balloons
>no vacuum wave or mach punch
>no levitate
>saves aerodactyl for last so it gets double teamed
a win's a win but man, how is this guy a gym leader
He's supposed to be 'balanced' by the fact that EQ becomes part Rock type on the field so it won't hit Rock types super effectively. But he still sucks ass.

Be glad you don't have to fight him on the version of the field with these buffs and him having perma Trick Room/negative speed EVs and multiple legendaries and megas, haha...
>He's supposed to be 'balanced' by the fact that EQ becomes part Rock type on the field so it won't hit Rock types super effectively.
isn't rock neutral to rock?
nvm didn't read the thing first, my bad. I did just earthquake spam and win though, the only thing that survived in one hit was the salt pokemon due to sturdy
behold, the absolute worst fucking reborn character tier list ever made

thank you reborncord

no, you were right to begin with, that is the case in base game. it's just been a while and the last time i played was yang which uses that awful version of the field, where EQ gets a huge nerf
that means they just buffed EQ, an already superstrong move against him on his own field, kek. what a pathetic gym
that's bait worthy
Whoever made this has got to be taking the piss.
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I've been stuck on this fight for nearly 20 minutes now and it just refuses to end, neither the Aegislash or my Duraludon can effectively hurt eachother and both are running leftovers, that combined with Aegislash constantly spamming King's Shield, gives them just enough time to recover just enough health to make the chip damage pointless, what a fun fight.
Even on All Gen were he has a more unique team he still sucks unless you're a moron like me who runs slow bulky mons. There's also a gimmick were occasionally moves like Surf and such are blocked by rocks, which means his Pokemon take no damage, this is one of the rare cases were Rejuvenation does a considerably more interesting job with the Rock leader.
Yeah, that seems to be about the usual for tumblr troons.
>The fifth Politoed rain team in a roll
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I can feel my brain slowly melting under the sheer dullness of this fucking puzzle gauntlet, I'm not even needing the guide this time around since this section got forever imprinted into my brain out of sheer spite, I do not understand why they decided to make this so hellishly long.
in a perfect world victoria would be allowed to throw bennett, cal, and eve as a consolation prize into the volcano. like I get eve didn't really do anything wrong but it's payment for throwing the two actual problems away
>cal: I could've told you this earlier but bunken said you didn't want to speak to me
you fucking asshole putting that on me, you never mentioned you had the fucking medicham as proof you were doing good you cocksucker
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yeah maybe you should've you dumbass
Do you guys hate the fairy dude just because he’s a “xe” or do you actually hate his character? I never found him that annoying outside of his clunky pronouns.
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I don't even know who you are bro
oh wait this guy was with the Tangrowth and water plant stuff
>is from the past for some reason
>despite the city of reborn being the slummiest city for years, all it takes is that one person who no one actually knows to complain about it for a complete city wide renovation in the span of maybe a couple days
>that includes fixing giant holes in the ground and chopping down dozens upon dozens of trees, repaving the streets, setting up gardens, etc.
>in a section of the game where characters are heavily penalized for losing a certain fight, things like being electrocuted/maimed/killed, they are the only ones completely unscathed
the pronoun shit is a smaller part of it
Pronoun shit mostly, plus a Jewish surname doesn't make things any more bearable.
I've always thought it was a she
She's a very clear mary sue and second self-insert for Amethyst. She's not actively terrible like Am*ria or T*rra or A*e, but she's still written like shit
>this one character is so perfect that all it took to fix this entire rundown city was for her to just show up at city hall one day after being in stasis for decades and she fixed the entire place in what's at best implied to be less than a week (judging from the timeframe of Amaria and Titania needing to be rescued after falling down the waterfall), and her main issue as a character is that she works too hard and is too perfect
I can finally get le ebin sandshark c*nthiamon
Also interestingly Minior is gated so far into the game as well
And just clicking through the encounter tables, Scyther is locked to the final group of pokemon available for whatever reason
And Shroomish, of all things.
Mayhaps the devs are fearful of Brendoom
I feel like comparing Adrienn to Rosetta from Desolation is a night and day example, the ladder shares quite a few similarities with the former, but she's written considerably better.
Breloom was available way back via the mystery egg in Jasper and I think for a while way, way back it was available earlier in the game, but troons hate it when people have fun.
Finally someone reasonable.
>I'll stand behind you and heal your pokemon for you!
I love yuo Tako you're my favorite character now except for all the depressing stuff you say
the troon fears the sporespamming edgeslayer
actually nevermind he just killed a shiny dugtrio I hate you Taka
Is it a Sephardic name? I always thought it was just a Spanish name.
it's a good thing they didn't put a team meteor grunt here in disguise to take my pokemon
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How right you are.
It's a name on the same vein as stuff like Stein but for Portuguese and Spanish countries, it means "Flowers" in both those languages, Jews have a history of changing their last name to evade detection, that's been the case since ancient Egypt and Rome.
I spent a good chunk of the day resetting for shiny paradoxes with good IVs bros. I think my autism is terminal.
>captcha VAXV8
a shy character that becomes confident when needed most...it's beautiful
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kino shiny
Shelly really is one of the best characters in the game.
>Rain team with Politoed v7
I feel like I should grab Ferrothorn.
This is why I don't play these games without the fullivs password kek, my autism demands I get mons with good IVs.
To say nothing for the rest of that kek
I'm going to assume Samson is at the bottom solely because of the umbral chimpout
thanks. getting through labrador town is already annoying and I just got here
stopping here for now, pulse 2 is evil
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>Victory Hell in a nutshell
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Probably calling it a night soon, Victory Hell took it's toll on me.
I still hate how small Gmax Grimmsnarl is for no good reason, it's not like a problem with this mod only either.
I've changed my mind again, Taka is based for letting me brute force the Garchomp room
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ARGH I can't see shit. And what the flying fucking hell is this "music"?! My eyes hurt from raising the brightness, and my ears hurt from this screeching. I guess it's not as obnoxious as the title screen, where you need rush to press enter before the screeching starts.
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Oh wait, I can see Am*ria. Looks like she's getting pushed instead of jumping, though
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You!!! For making me bump around in the dark and listen to that screeching, it's time for you to HANG
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Ouch. I guess the nice thing about not having a real team is I can just bring in a bunch of Biters. Still, wtf
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Sadly this thing has already 41%.
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Fuck no, shit's gonna take too long to load, and will probably open up a lot of exploits
>catch Gible
>level it to max
>Garchomp doesn't learn Earthquake by level
I thought Garchy was supposed to be le op OU megathreat pseudo
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Cain jobbing this time. Right after they made a big deal about him being able to 1v2 these guys. I guess it's okay to know about this shit because the ghost of someone who went ACK is showing you this through magic or something.
It's also really great how you went from the previous gym to this one quickly enough, with not too much garbage in between. Surely the next one will also go quickly enough, riiiight?
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Didn't it also need TMs for that even in the mainline games
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C**n drags you to watch Am*ria humping a computer
Yeah I don't think there are any actual moveset/stat changes in vanilla reborn, but I've never actually used Garchomp for anything
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If I wasn't spoiled about this a long time ago, damn, there isn't enough beer in the world to drown out the idea of this literal niggerfaggot hanging out with the good guys for the rest of the game.
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I wouldn't mind so much blah blah blah if the writing wasn't so annoying. Again though, at least the dev allows skipping text. Means he isn't so full of himself to think this oh so well-written shit is the entire purpose of a Pokemon game. It's pretty annoying to read through in the hopes of finding a good screenshot, though
It absolutely learns Earthquake naturally, or at least it should, so something isn't right.
Damn, did they get rid of his Chandelure and the Schizo's Snek
it has never done that surprisingly
>back to back shiny Lairon in Teknite
Already caught the first one and 'grafted' the shininess onto my main Aggron but, hm...
The thought of creating a living shiny dex for only my Rock and Dragons crossed my mind but fuck that
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Colonel, it's not too late! Stop the coop now!
The modder made a lot of bizarre changes for no good reason, he uses a Sneedler on Anything Goes instead of Schizo's Snek and he fumbles around with his other picks, he exchanged a Chandelure for a shiny Spiritomb, which admittedly still fits. The worst examples by far are Solaris and Taka.
I feel like I'm going crazy here, I didn't use Garchomp much, if ever besides of a few times through Platinum, but I could have sworn it learned Earthquake naturally, I feel like I'm going crazy.
Depending on the route you did you can get a shiny charm in Calcenon, which helps a fair in getting shinies, I would not recommend it regardless h-haha.... I nearly went insane shiny hunting a few mons.
also these endgame side areas kind of really suck
>dive and undive and dive and undive and gather keys
>geyser strength puzzle
>guess and check (or follow a guide) with sand whirlpools
>mirrored strength puzzle tower
>juggle the terrain simulator
I did actually enjoy the tower though
I do indeed have the shiny charm, I've been resetting for quite a few shinies recently.
I was going for Goomy earlier and accidentally muscle memory skipped past a shiny one which was a pain.
I'd say for the most part it isn't really that bad but some of them where you have to sit though an animation can be pretty ugh
For a bunch it's not even because I think the shiny looks better but more of a "I didn't come all this way for a non-shiny"
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Oh man, this has got to be the hardest decision here ever. You can piss off either C**n, or both Am*ria and the literal niggerfaggot.
I'm actually surprised they didn't give it Earthquake when leveling. The mod fucked with movesets a lot to the point of driving me nuts, but at least it added a lot.
and these fucking MINIOR keep EXPLODING
>get my Kingdra out of the mobile PC
>change it's ability to Damp
>next one I find uses Power Gem instead of Explosion (like the last ~9) and gets immediately caught as soon as the other wild pokemon (I'm traveling with Taka so it's wild doubles) is down
>The mod
Ah, I'm playing vanilla
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This is it lads.

I'm taking the sandwich dogs to the E4.
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Julia's already done with her beauty sleep btw, but now she's not even here at all.
Vanilla might actually have been a better experience, with its faithfulness to gen7 mechanics. Or at least, it's really nice to know what to expect. I dunno if I can go back from this busted Eevee, though. Come to think of it, wasn't LG also part of gen7
Based and gl
>sandwich dogs
The uh, fairy types that are immune to fire? The bread dogs?
They are, I don't think the partner pika/eevee are in vanilla but their specific Z crystals have special mechanics to act as everstones as well as give some other bonuses or something
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holy smackerel
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After an entire game of being 15% underleveled and all offensive moves hitting like wet noodles on 15%+PULSE2 mons and having to carefully maneuver around everything, oneshotting the great wall was a dopamine hit I never knew would feel so good.
And Taka immediately nukes both with a single Hyper Voice
simply epic, thank you Taka for your assistance
Best of luck bro, I imagine some fights like Elias and the MC's mom will still be painful.
Kek, he kept killing shiny Skarmories and Durants on my end, to say I was fucking furious would be an understatement.
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>>>>>It's raining

That's not vanilla, is it?
you bet it is...
top candidate for most annoying fucking field, but you can get rid of it quickly
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Cool field you have there. It'd be a shame if it were Electric Terrain.
I figure these fights are going to be pretty easy until the last one where I can't pull them off their home turf.
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>The notes just say "Rising Voltage was a mistake"
yeah, this is why i'd just book it to train town after you're done with the free healing kek
REALLY fucking sucks as a regular partner, but that's most partners in fangames
yeah, the point of the rain isn't just to give some protection to the bug/grass types, it's also to instantly grow the field a stage, and then they spam a bunch of seeds to try and grow the field more to get rid of every grass type weakness and buff grass/bug moves to 3x or something retarded
tl;dr they rely on their field the absolute most of the e4 kek
elias might pose some issue too, assuming you don't uberdog his ass
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holy cope
I lost the first time due to being underleveled and banking the battle on donphan having sturdy, which it didn't.
>elias might pose some issue too, assuming you don't uberdog his ass
After the agony of getting the uberdogs, they're a nice catharsis after a brutal slog to get here. They're also probably my best chance of beating AG Lin first try to ""legitimately"" get the Anna ending if I'm expecting a full team of ubers in the second fight and not wanting to use Scarfed Ditto or something.
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I must say, the buildup to each E4 member is fantastic.
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insane luck tonight
let's hope Taka doesn't go 4/4 on killing every shiny he sees
Yippee, Taka used heat wave instead of nuking it with a (((lucky))) crit
Now I need to breed two more shinies so my others match
actually with the Lairon I suppose that would be 5/6
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I'll give the modder credit where it's due; he designed a team for Elias that can't be solo'd by Miraidon or Koraidon due to priority, sashes, Regigias' buffs, etc.
I don't know if it's the same in Anything Goes as it was in All Gen, but Lin typically always carries a Dark type, typically Honchkrow, with Darkinium-Z, which in New Wolrd one shots pretty much everything, even Kingambit was nearly getting 1 shot and it's incredibly bulky physically.
Given that Hydreigon now has Dark Aura, I'm betting it's either that or Iron Jugulis, probably the latter to avoid the speed drop from New World.
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Yeah, Elias is scary.
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I get it's double the wild pokemon so double the chance of encountering a shiny but this is outrageous
they never shared the results, but in the big AI tournament where they determined who the strongest trainers in the game were by pitting them against each other i have a pretty big suspicion that elias was the highest performing of the four in a fieldless setting
and that's base game, not uberfaggotry + a level modifier
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Why didn't they share the results or even logs of the games?
they shared the results of the gyms on how they performed in fieldless settings and with their fields, just not the E4, who only got winrates with their fields


also feel like they didn't include a lot of postgame fights, especially the ones that are pulse2 uberspam, but i guess there's actually just not that many postgame bosses compared to trainers total in the game
but yes, very strange they didn't include all the data + logs
GL for lin shittery
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actually, yeah what do they expect these grunts to do
*very strange they didn't include it after the release of e19 should say, the reason they withheld it was for spoiler reasons
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Lin 1
>Pulse Abra

Thanks and yeah it's weird they didn't publish it after E19 released.
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Schizo-Eevee "puzzle".
I do appreciate this whole sequence between Lin 1 and Lin 2. It adds a lot to the buildup.
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Whiteouts: 174
Didn't bring a very good team for countering an Ice team and got fucked on the first round, otherwise pretty easy fight.
I'm kinda surprised Hardy did as well as he did in that considering how shit his team is on vanilla.
Doesn't look too rough surprisingly, but regardless, best of luck bro, the upcoming fight, especially with your handicap is going to be miserable, also Lin tries to doxx you.
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Who would win? One edgy antagonist with a team full of Ubers or a fluffy pink egg?


That was pretty disappointing all things considered. Modder dropped the ball as I don't think I've seen a boss with that big of a Blissey weakness in several chapters.
>Origin Dialga comes out
>Already sacked the one mon that would btfo it
A familiar feeling kek
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Puppy. First try, thanks to the Sandwich Eater, but I'm pretty confident I could probably have done it without them if I didn't overtax Blissey so much in the prior fight.

I was sitting there paused for a moment trying to figure out just what kind of nonsense set it had to abuse the field kek.
GG, it still makes me laugh how hard these fights can be cheesed with the right Pokemon.
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>back in our backpocket
What did (((they))) mean by this? What kind of league is this?

Thanks bros
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That's not how terrorist cells work, Ame.
Nice, gj!
Don't remember if it was Lin route that people recommended for the first time around, but I guess it'll depend on how much I want to kill these characters
Calling it a night.
>(((Greatest ally))) moment
H-haha, sadly almost no one dies in this game.
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okay but let's toss her into the inexplicable lava just to be sure though right
we're going to incinerate the body because of all the terrible evil she's done right
glad we're not preventing the very obvious "AHA I LIVED!!!!!!!" moment
Gonna call it here for the night. Beating the main story is a really opportune break point.
>Field: Fairy Tale Arena (Active Hail)
>opens with A-Sandslash
yeah fuck off
not doing this at 3am
Because they seem to be allergic to making characters "irredeemably evil".
>others have come
Yeah, inside, or so I've heard. That's rough buddy.
Bold of you to assume Cal hadnt already cooled the lava down to a survivable level!
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I'm guessing this means she talks in a singsong voice a lot
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Isn't half of the zionist leader's team weak to Ice and Water, maybe more, can't remember
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I never went to the academy. Seems to me though that if they bunch up like that, they can all get Surfed away.
At least maybe this will be the last time they pretend that literal niggerfaggot could ever be a good boy who dindu nuffin, riiiight?
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I'll admit it's a nice touch to have different dialogues if you're deafened or not.
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It just goes right back to pissing me off, though. What's this guard gonna do about it? Come inside so he can get rekt? And yet why would you stop just because he yells at you?
Cuckenings: 8
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FUCK I forgot to take a screenshot of getting a Ditto. Finally. After four fucking gyms with no real team, this is the earliest you can get more Eevees.
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I guess the worst you can do to this thieving kike is... reduce the circulation to his limbs. Dammit
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And despite how sad they are, you can't even free any of the other mons besides the Ditto. Not even the Makuhita, who could break the bars. Not even the Abra, who could Teleport itself and the other mons out. No, you need to wait until several gyms later, where you need to shell out shards for all of these.
Cuckenings: 9
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A lot of Team Thievingkike's dialogue seems kinda gay though, especially when out of context. Not that this has any context
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At least it's funny how you can just walk out of here. Oh noes, C**n and Am*ria are probably fighting for their lives (no they're not). Tough titties. Time for this Eevee to go plap a Ditto. A LOT.
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even team meteor is making you do all of the work
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endeavor is a really funny move
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>lin set up the fake emerald jewel to blow up to make sirius look bad
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dusted. I didn't really do anything special against him, just used pokemon that matched up well against his
People say Anna route needs some context from Lin route. As for people dying Anna needs Taka to revive later and Lin dies at the end of Anna maingame but you can let her die at the end of Lin postgame, no difference in who you can get killed besides that.
epic hail bro
Gigalith go compliment the steel leader's hail field
Also the music blaring in my ears as I'm messing around in the PC has got to be the absolute WORST track in this entire game
>yeah like make it a trap remix and uh, toss a hyper beam in there that'll sound good
haha...that's our GlitchxShitty for you....
I'm positive that nobody gives a shit about this but the way that Adrienn's navel was placed triggers my OCD
Even Lin knows that Sirius is a shitter.
Reminds me of how gay the Pokemon fusion discord is. Your designs gets removed if they have navels, duo to being too "sexual"
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>Clicks Psychic Noise on my Delphox to prevent the Milotic from healing
>It clicks Rest anyway and heals all it's health back
Modder-khun....one job.....you had ONE. JOB.
Magical seeds are your friend on this field, they massively help against Titania, I remember nearly going insane during this fight way back when E15 came out and I for whatever reason decided to do my first monotype run ever with monorock, she's easily the worst fight in the game (I didn't reach Am*r*a on said run due to giving up so I don't know how bad that would be), Magcargo gets neutered due to field mechanics too sadly, you're gonna to exploit whatever little gaps you can find in the metaphorical armors of her team.
The problem is your dual type specifically sucks major ass against her and you don't have any Ghost or Dark types available yet too. Best of luck bro, this is gonna be rough.
Also yeah GlitchxShit music is atrociously bad outside of a few extremely rare exceptions like some of the newer tracks for Rejuvenation.
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swellow and vileplume double teamed this shitter
>Blatant accuracy hax
>Illegal EVs
>Moves not working for whatever reason
I have refrained from using for the entire game but I'm getting really sick of this shit by this point.
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I hate to admit I giggled at this.
I also might have realized why the Gardevoir in the previous spirit fight was such bullshit, well partially, it was still landing 100% accurate Focus Blasts, so obviously that's hax, but the absurd fucking speed is probably something to do with one of it's abilities getting super buffed in psychic terrain.
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>100% accurate Hypnosis
>Dragon's Den once more proves to be the gayest field in the game
Just lovely.
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It's difficult for me to tell. Up close it looks very feminine, big eyes, soft and feminine chin (Lin's appears bigger) and a pixel of what appears to be cleavage, however the Trainer sprite looks more masculine facially but the way the shirt is shaded and the hips leads me to believe it's supposed to be a flat chested woman. Navel is above waist (which is a male featured) but as >>56093511 pointed out maybe that was just the devs fucking up.
Yeah I've been cooking up some good ones like specs turtonator
It's a shame that the dimensional merge made steel resist itself because I have a normalium Z which turns into Z-Secret Sword which I've since learned becomes steel type under the field
It'd still probably shred through anything on account of the Z move boost and field doubling it's power but still kind of a bummer, so I'll probably end up sitting someone onto a dragonium Z outrage or whatnot
There's also the possibility of tailwind A-Golem wrecking shop for me, and some other things I'm thinking about

Once I have an opportunity to actually get into the battle it shouldn't take more than maybe 3 tries at most I reckon, maybe 5
That's a very weird looking Duraludon.
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>Dire Claw procs 7 times in a roll
>PULSE 2 is making it so Sneasler is eating up STAB Psychic moves from my Galarian Slowking without fucking issues
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Could be funny t b h I'll probably stick with permanent psychic terrain though
Eventing is still annoying, I'm apparently really fucking autistic about making sure shit works kek which is better than not testing it at all, of course, but man, I've probably held ctrl + x through the belrose defense shit like 50+ times so far, either testing the shit in there, or testing the Tanzan base events
Men have pecs too.
I wonder if the devs had a specific male or female sex in mind when creating Adrienn and Ace.
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>The 50% Zygarde is outspeeding my jolly full speed investment Archeops and they're at the same level
>It's not using choice scarf either
Oh shit you're actually making a mod for that section?
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What a miserably shit fight, FUCK DRAGON'S DEN.
The issue I imagine will always come down to her Aegislash, since it gets so brutally boosted by this field and besides Ground, you don't really anything that can effectively harm it well enough, that and her other Pokemon aren't jokes either and depressing removing the field is also not an option yet.
I was tired and sleep drunk anon.
Ace is more clearly male, his Trainer sprite has a blockier head and his VS sprite has a longer more masculine skull. Not to mention the outfit.
>Men have pecs too
Adrienn is a clearly feminine design and a male that skinny wouldn't have any visible pecs which leads me to believe that it's a female but with these games you never know.
The thing about "Non-Binary" characters is that they are designed with an assigned sex in mind but then have features of the opposite sex deliberately thrown in to throw you off and make you seem weird for asking "But what are they biologically".
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Sirius was easily the hardest of the 4 branches for me.
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Yeah, me too.
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Postgame is starting off spicy with double omniboost setups
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How very (((Tzeentchian))) of you Luna.
Thanks bro, fight came down to starting off with Dazzling Gleam spam from Edgevoir and the fox witch, then just making switches with Regenerator mons until I managed to get a good enough window to break through, fuck Sneasler and Zygarde in particular.
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Top-tier shiny and a welcome addition to my stallfaggotry roster.
I sincerely hate the Gardevoir puzzle, so fucking much, the hitbox on the black hole is so shit and often times despite making clear contact with the crystal it doesn't blow the fuck up..........siiiiiiiigh.....at least it's the last one.
I'm still mostly just fucking around desu, getting more comfortable eventing and such
though a mod's probably not out of the question, but dialogue is hard kek, it triggers my autism more than my eventing autism
The good news is that the bar for dialogue quality is very low after all the C*ss-isms added to E19.
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This puzzle is a bit rough for first timers but piss easy if you do it on repeat playthroughs, on another note, I had to turn my night light off because I couldn't see shit through the orange filter and now my eyes are burning, fuck.
To be fair, Reborn's dialogue isn't exactly impressive, it's just a matter of getting the character's personality down and fill the lines with what you'd expect them to do, sorta like reading a sheet in a play.
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You never learn Fernando.....
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>I get stuck in a shitty situation where all my remaining Pokemon can't deal with the cancer that is Mega Weavile
>I Regenerator loop Fern for 65 turns on end with my Hydrapple and Galarian Slowking
>Somehow Fern doesn't run out of PP once during all of this
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>The AI randomly decides to completely change everything the moment I get my Mega Aggron to deal with that shit stain of a broken Mega
>The enemy AI gets 11 crits in a roll
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I found the developer room. Is there anything special for beating all of them?
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I hate Weavile, so fucking much, so unbelievably hard, Ice is a fucking cancer of a type and so is Dark.
Pretty sure no besides some backtstory and such, though I haven't gotten there myself so I can't confirm it.
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You can get one of 4 catching charms inside there if I remember
kek, that's true
This scene makes no sense with them changing Fern's dialogue in Calcenon to specifically say he willingly went out of his way to help the meteorniggers that got crushed under the mountain way back in Chrysolia, he joined them because he felt needed for once, that's not even addressing the fact he also went to Beryl to fight against the meteorniggers there as well, which wasn't something selfish, especially in this version since there wasn't a gym there anymore, it was a willing action to do something. His arc here is well written all things considered, sadly he becomes a joke by postgame.
Holy moly, kek.
Cool, so why didn't you have them write?
I honestly really want to know who wrote what part.
He has been completely mindbroken, please understand.
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If a joke isn't funny you don't repeat it over and over and over again, how up his own ass is C*ss? This is what? The 4th character who has the same bitchy attitude and refuses to do their job because "Lol fuck capitalism" and "I don't want to do my job so fuck you".
Kek, true enough.
>The 4th character who has the same bitchy attitude and refuses to do their job because "Lol fuck capitalism" and "I don't want to do my job so fuck you".
Is this actually true? Did the ESG development team actually inadvertently create a right wing caricature of socialists? I haven't played the game yet and am just spectating this thread since it seems like you guys are way too deep into the game for me to "join" properly.
We still have a few anons in the early/midgame if I recall. You still have time if you want to.
But to answer your question, this game is accidentally based in a lot of ways that almost assuredly weren't intended.
>have to do your job ONCE
>melt down
It's not even that much, just tell them the league uses two types per member and are all at level 100. Done. It probably takes more effort to whine than to just do it.
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Enjoying your humiliation ritual bud?

Azery is in the developer graveyard. What happened to them? I thought they were active and majorly involved in E19?
There's a book in the graveyard that mentions someone suddenly cutting contact, don't remember who.
>Image limit

Any bakers around?
Yes, unironically, at the top of the department store there's a whiny commie bitch (written by C*ss because of course) who won't shut up about being a wage slave and "muh capitalistic oppression".
Funnily enough this game also has a "joke" character that's meant to parody conservative talking points and yet he manages to nail every single nail in the head perfectly, including shit that happens in this game, Reborn is baffling sometimes.

I guess I can bake if no one else wants to.
What do you lads want for an OP image?
Baker's choice.

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