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Continuing from where I left off in >>56085102
We're about to fight the Elite 4!
yawnfag thread
do not engage
thoughts on the game so far?
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Someone suggested I use some of my rare candies to get Hydreigon, so I did that. Also this is my in-game time, but it won't tell you anything because I just had the emulator running on my PC for 2 days straight lol
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Shauntal first

I think it's just ok, a bit too handholdy and linear and the pacing near the end is weird
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btw I had enough shards so I got Dark Pulse on my Hydreigon

1HKOd everything but Chandelure outsped and hit me with a Fire Blast
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Grimsley now
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I swapped in Scolipede expecting a Fighting move but Scrafty kept using Rock Tomb for some reason lmao
yeah, don't think the gameplay itself is anything to write home about. pokestar studios is a fun novelty to experience at least once imo
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Caitlin next
I expect this will be another sweep
He is a Dark type user so having a move that can counter Bug type should be expected, anon...
Some of her mons are stallers so expect some status moves. You won't sweep her as easily as the rest of the E4
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Yup. Hammer Arm from Metagross might have done a lot of damage but it missed KEK

I mean he used Rock Tomb the same turn I had Hydreigon out.
You have good luck
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Marshal next, two Pokemon down already despite the type disadvantage. Again for some strange reason he used Rock Tomb on Throh instead of a Fighting move.

I used Fly and Mienshao lost half its HP from HJK LMAO
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Excadrill finished the job this time
Yawnfag plays Pokemon way more than his haters
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Champion fight. Hydreigon vs Hydreigon
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it's done, swept everything with Hydreigon except Haxorus which lived because of its Sash

Maybe Lapras would've KO'd me but I got a Flinch and then it missed Blizzard and Sing kek
still waiting for you to start that playthrough, sagefag
Actually yes, this retard played BW2 more times than I did despite claiming to hate it. Wish I had the autism to start a playthrough only to spite a bunch of faggots on /vp/.
Playing through emulator doesn't count.
Hydreigon is so damn cool.
Nah I wouldn't say that. I did both real hardware and emulator runs myself even of the same game(including BW2, fittingly enough), that's not what I have a problem with.
It's just funny how this dude keeps playing a game he claims to dislike only to own the chuds, while I was satisfied with 2 playthroughs.
>pokestar studios is a fun novelty to experience at least once imo
it's kinda like a puzzle mode using pokemon battles almost, which is pretty cool. it'd probably be remembered better if not for the forced tutorial
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Postgame now, fighting N
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current team for anyone curious
>do not engage
>except me the instant it's made
sagefag lmao
You did not beat the game.
>everyone who calls me out is the same person
holy schizo
he's a real character, isn't he? lol
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Summoned Zekrom
might just use my master ball desu
>lv 75
kek lil bro literally can't stop grinding
Gotta admire his patience. I know you can fight Audino over and over again but still
inb4 it's PKHeX or EXP multiplier cheats
It's both KEK
Absolute state.
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nvm I ended up one shotting it with Dragon Pulse

Also I just KO'd a Blissey on Twist Mountain
wew fucking lad
Pretty sure yawnie is using Lucky egg.
There is more actually, GF went fucking insane here.
Now post your in-game timer lil bro
>he’s still spamming this cope
>46 hours to beat a 12 hour game
>46 hours
Thanks for confirming you were grinding for hours
He admitted it last thread.
Of course. But also yeah Blissey is now at 608 so the problem isn't really the formula, but rather GF deciding you are going to get way more EXP out of Blissey
>sagefag can’t read
wow no wonder you think bw2 is difficult
Autism thread
You realize we can do basic math and determine that, given the fact he supposedly is doing it live (as stated in the previous thread) and has supposedly left the game on overnight, he's spent about 5 hours in double speed, yes? What part of gameplay would that be?
B2W2 has a max cap on EXP you can gain at 100,000 so it seems they went out of their way to prevent something like that for some reason when BW and no game since has a similar cap.
Doesn't BW2 use real time? It would mean that 5 hours on the playtime in double speed would be technically 10 hours in terms of frames.
OP started his playthrough on Wednesday at noon
He posted his time today (Friday), 2 hours before noon.
Hence, 46 hours, which lines up if he left his emulator on the whole time.

You’re not very smart, are you, sagefag?
Ah, mistyped a number in the calculator, my bad. That does mean that if he's not a fucking liar the time would be accurate. Dunno how much time he spent grinding off-screen though, that will have to be investigated next playthrough.
What's your cope going to be when that other anon posts their playthrough?
>because I just had the emulator running on my PC for 2 days straight
Nobody is going to fall for your lies lil bro you obviously used speedup
I don’t need a cope because I know the game causes you to become overleveled as long as you don’t waste exp splitting it among an entire team like a retard, and I’m more familiar with the gen 5 games than actual gen 5 fanboys are. Now go ahead and show your playthrough, sagefag. We’re still waiting.
>as you don’t waste exp splitting it among an entire team like a retard
>has a full team in the 60s with 2 mons over lv 70
You're not fooling anyone lil bro
>post your playthrough
Are you ready to list the "conditions"? I don't want you weaseling out when you invariably get BTFOd.
>and I’m more familiar with the gen 5 games than actual gen 5 fanboys are
Says more about you than the gen 5 fanboys if you keep playing these games despite supposedly hating them.
> Are you ready to list the "conditions"?
I already gave you the conditions, sagefag. Use challenge mode from the start of the game, use lucky egg on your lead, use the same Pokemon OP used at the same points in the game, and battle every trainer you see. We’re still waiting for you to start.

I like being accurate with critiques of games I don’t like rather than just screeching about how “forgettable” it is like (You) do with XY.
If that was your attempt to convince anyone you aren't wonderfully autistic, I don't think it was very successful.
>Use challenge mode from the start of the game
Can you even change the mode after starting? If you change it to challenge it asks you to restart your file.
Yawn used PKHeX to enable challenge mode on the first playthrough
I'm going to play on cart though.
>We’re still waiting for you to start.
After I finish my pearl playthrough (It's the chimpothy one)
How is your Excadrill such a high level? Did you grind on the Elite Four over and over or something?
You can still use PKHeX you know
the game is poorly designed and has way too many trainer battles
Why? I have the cart and an ndsi.
When I played it I got to the elite four with a party of six all in the 50s and I fought every trainer. Did you do extra grinding?
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Found this, too lazy to solve it tho
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Thanks for making these threads OP, you've saved me a lot of time - I was considering playing BW2 because its fans always scream how it's the peak of series, but clearly they were just being hyperbolic.
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Basically done clearing the Clay Tunnel/Twist Mountain western part of the game it seems like, going through the southern part of the region next
>sagefag getting btfo across the board all day
Still better than defending one of the most unfinished Pokémon games until your dying breath.
>Lv. 82
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Is this the veteran guy I kept seeing people hype up?
Havent you already played this game already? why are you ptetending this is the first time you play this game?
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>Havent you already played this game already?
I know some things about it from secondhand discussions about it but I haven't actually played it before
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pede vs pede
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hmmmm should I do it?
It’s locked to lv40 it’s a scam
? You are defending BW2 though
thread hidden
>IQ is too low to read
seeing a pattern here
The pattern being that nobody believes the whole "I left the emulator open overnight" story.
Still waiting for you to start that playthrough, sagefag. What are you so scared of?
Multiple anons have posted playthroughs. I doubt your "sagefag" will ever be able to since you can't play pokemon if you don't exist.
>Multiple anons have posted playthroughs
Where (You) handicapped yourself on purpose to pretend your game is hard, yes. You’d think you would be eager to prove OP is a liar yet you’re not doing it. I wonder why, sagefag.
It has already been proven. Of course you will not admit it but you were being called out ever since the first thread.
That's all there is to it really, now we are just here to laugh at you for actually playing BW2 over and over again.
>It has already been proven
That BW2 is poorly balanced, yes.
>the game is poorly balanced because there are too many OPTIONAL trainers and I want to beat them all using the same few mons
Yes, BW2 has the highest amount of trainers after SV.
>dude bw2 is good because it has so much content but you’re not supposed to play the content otherwise you’ll reveal how bad the game is!
I knew you would have said that, but using more than the same 2-3 mons to beat every trainer =/= you're not supposed to play the content
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>game has no party exp share which gives the player no reason to train 6 pokemon evenly
>game has HMs which gives the player no reason to train 6 pokemon evenly
>game is linear as all fuck, meaning some pokemon the player might want to use aren’t available until the end of the game which gives the player no reason to train 6 pokemon evenly
>bw2fags claim you’re supposed to play on set mode, which gives the player no reason to switch mid battle, making it less likely they’ll train 6 pokemon evenly
>”wait wtf why aren’t you training everything le evenly and revealing how shit my game is?”
If the game is so shit why you keep playing it like an addict?
Why don't you do a replay of the peak games such as XY and especially Ultra Sun/Ultra M-Pfft... alright I can't keep typing this with a straight face.
Bro, if you keep playing a game you don't enjoy only to call it shit you have some serious issues.
is this retard still going? jeebus.
The difference between bw2 and xy is that at least bw2 can be somewhat challenging with enough restraints (no overleveling, set mode, no items in battle), whereas xy will still be piss easy even with those restraints.
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Yawnfag is just tsundere for BW2 at this point. I bet he has a poster of Rosa in his room.
yawnfag knows, that's why he switches to USUM whenever difficulty gets brought up
>least bw2 can be somewhat challenging with enough restraints
so can literally any game in existence
this isn’t an argument
BW2 is already somewhat challenging if you don't "leave the emulator running" for 30 hours.
>so can literally any game in existence
no, because xy is piss easy even with those restraints.
>he’s still shitposting instead of starting the playthrough because he knows it will reveal how bad his game is
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Just trying to get this straight from you retards. If this bitchfest is over the idea
>this game is easy, therefore it bad
then I have to step in to say that's retarded, full stop. You can have an easy or a difficult game, but if it isn't fun to play, or if its broken, or worse than that its boring, then difficulty doesn't matter if the game is bad.
But to get back to pokemon, its main audience is family orientated, so the difficulty of the games reflects its target audience, and since little children are a part of family the games are easy and family friendly so that they can play alongside the older children and adults. The main appeal and engagement of pokemon is how the player is in control of their journey, they choose which monsters to catch and train, choose when to go one path or another, choose when and what items to use, etc. That freedom of choice allows them to define how easy or difficult their journey is. If you choose to take advantage of every resource, then it'll be pretty easy, and if you don't take advantage of what the game gives you, it will be more difficult. For example, the second gym fight in BW2 is poison type. Just outside the gym's city, you can catch Magnemite, a steel pokemon that is immune to poison type and is a hard counter to the gym leader's strategy. But if you don't catch magnemite, you have to deal with the poison status effect and the special move Venoshock that does double damage to poisoned targets. There's the easy way and then there's the hard way.

If I'm right about the conniptons over BW2 being over how easy it can be, then I have to say that judging pokemon games over the easy path existing in the first place means you have a problem with what pokemon games are. They're casual experiences, and there's no wrong way to play them, except one way.

If the way you play pokemon games makes it not fun for you, then you are playing the game wrong.
XY is piss easy if I don’t use exp share and use five dozen Pokemon and never use the pokemon center and shoot myself in the leg every time I take 10 steps?
this but for every j*hto game
if you use an air gun to shoot yourself in the leg, yes xy would still be piss easy.
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> Just outside the gym's city, you can catch Magnemite, a steel pokemon that is immune to poison type and is a hard counter to the gym leader's strategy
Speaking of which, I'm doing a BW2 playthrough right now and there is a NPC literally spelling this out for you just in case. To be fair I think Elesa is always worse when it comes to early game gyms, but the game allows you to cheese it with Sandile, making it impossible for her to land Volt Switch exactly like you can deny Venoshock with Magnemite.

Anyway, you are perfectly right, but you are talking about a shitposter who will fixate on any stupid point as long it gets to derail threads or somehow prop up XY/USUM in his mind. That's the only reason anyone is arguing difficulty here, while the previous BW2 playthrough thread was mostly about OP's team choices or unlucky happenings like him getting bodied by Ghetsis after 3 crits.

>no Rosa thread up
Ahem, this is a Rosa thread now
The problem is when OP claims that bw2 is poorly balanced because there are too many optional trainers. I wouldn't complain if he just said that the game is unfun.
>dude bw2 is good because it has so much content but you’re not supposed to play the content otherwise you’ll reveal how bad the game is!
like i said before, the only reason yawnfag, and by extension everyone else here, cares about difficulty in pokemon is because he's malding over people thinking XY is baby shit for babies
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This isn't Rosa but alright.
i agree with the general idea of game design, but don't think it really fits with Pokemon. the path of least resistance is to simply move forward with a minimal amount of Pokemon to sweep your opponents. exploration of the game's map to find Pokemon to use isn't really an incentive when in the pre-exp share games, you need to take time to integrate them onto your roster with boring gameplay like exp swapping.

the effort needed to build up your party doesn't really feel worthwhile when faced with the lack of strategy and poor AI level of your opponents. 1-2 sweepers can easily take care of anything, so why bother with more if it just takes you longer? I think taking it as a subjective casual experience only does a disservice to what they could improve on.
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my apologies
anyway, most of XY's problems boil down to a lack of confidence in itself. it doesn't trust itself to impress, and it doesn't trust the player to stick with it for longer than necessary. party-wide exp. share, giftmons, free megas, the design of a game that wants to get itself over with as fast as possible. XY is an exercise in self-loathing. if a game could run a razor across its arm or overdose on pills, this is what it would look like.
lmao you truly are pathetic sagefag
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The incentive to catch more Pokemon for your team isn't difficulty, it's for the sake of exploring what the game has to offer. Pokemon it's a RPG first and foremost, and one of the few japanese ones where there is a certain degree of roleplaying because you get to customize everything about your party. I'm sure the devs are well-aware of what happens if you decide to only play with one or two mons and it was fully intentional.
You create your own story where you can be a trainer who wants to make their starters a literal God among pokemon who will logically fight a lot more than individual mons sent by your opponents with a larget team, or go for a balanced "strategic" approach where your team is built around having enough coverage to deal with the level difference.

That said, I don't think it ever required too much effort out of the player to do the latter pre-exp share.

>most of XY's problems boil down to a lack of confidence in itself. it doesn't trust itself to impress, and it doesn't trust the player to stick with it for longer than necessary.
Hit the nail on the head since GF wanted to compete with phone games and indeed thought you didn't want to stick around playing a Gen6 game. That was their actual reasoning in axing the battle frontier from ORAS.
I don't necessarily view this as a bad thing. You can choose your difficulty organically in Pokémon games through how you play, and 6 year olds can cheese the game with 1 or 2 sweepers so their life isn't ruined. Too many of them buy these games to impose strict level caps and team count minimums, and adults simply aren't supposed to play like that if they have self-respect.
Complaining that such a playstyle is "suboptimal" or "handicapping" is absurd because you might as well play every game on Easy Mode by that logic. All games are self-imposed challenges, you engage with the game freely and voluntarily choose to abide by its rules rather than cheat for the sake of entertainment. I don't see why Pokémon is exempt from this and simply has to be cheesed with backup strats intended for children.
>b-b-but XY is shit because you need to force yourself to use gift pokemon because…you just do
You don’t even believe in your own shitposts, sagefag.
Shut up, Rosadults are talking.
> most of XY's problems boil down to a lack of confidence in itself. it doesn't trust itself to impress
this is a bigger problem with gen 5
it doesn’t trust its pokemon to be naturally appealing so it needs to force them down the players throat, make every pokemon piss easy to find, leave everything else until postgame because you have no trust players will actually like the new content without being forced to use it

The result? gen 5 having the most forgettable and least popular dex in the series, and then they had to backtrack hard in BW2 and go “LOOK GUYS YOU CAN CATCH LUCARIO AND ARCANINE BECAUSE OUR NEW STUFF FLOPPED”
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no. wrong.
>it doesn’t trust its pokemon to be naturally appealing
Even though it shows only them for the entire main game? You call that a lack of confidence?
>can’t read
How does this signify a lack of "trust" in its dex?
Read the rest of the post you blatantly ignored because you were seething so hard you rushed to respond and you’ll know

You said it yourself, Pokemon is a customizable roleplaying experience, so forcing the player to use the new Pokemon instead of trusting they’ll seek them out like in XY demonstrates a lack of confidence.
B2W2 has over 20 Unova Pokémon that you can't obtain during the main story. XY has only 1: Zygarde. Nice "confidence" in its dex.
>B2W2 has over 20 Unova Pokémon that you can't obtain during the main story.
and BW has only one: Kyurem
my problem is that the games don't incentivize you to explore what it has to offer. you are more than likely to handle it with a few stronger Pokemon, and if you do fail, you don't suffer any meaningful consequence to scare/encourage you to find new strategies. i like RPG elements that encourage you to find your own way to play, but the games themselves don't encourage those choices.

you could easily have gym leaders who have dedicated gimmicks to punish those who invest all of their resources into a single Pokemon, but they don't do that. all battles essentially boil down to your opponent spamming what would be their strongest move and potions. if the game was designed around deliberate encounters with strategies that can be countered by making the effort to explore the world, then they would be worthwhile. as they stand now, people just end up doing boring busywork to prop up the uninteresting gameplay.
Your post didn't explain the matter.
>so forcing the player to use the new Pokemon instead of trusting they’ll seek them out like in XY demonstrates a lack of confidence.
Doesn't follow. A lack of confidence would be to make the other Pokémon available so that the game would still sell, even feature them centrally, more like what XY did. Releasing an entire game with only new Pokémon, despite the potential for backlash, is very ballsy.
>yawntard is illiterate
We already knew it. Also you're replying to someone else. I clearly told you yawnie downie that I would start the B2 run with all your retarded rules after I'm done with my Pearl playthrough.
>if the game was designed around deliberate encounters with strategies that can be countered by making the effort to explore the world, then they would be worthwhile.
they are, you just don't notice because you overlevel and sweep everything
>Unovamons got so hated at release that they removed 20 of them in the sequel and added past generation Pokémon to take its place.

Wow.... So confident...
As I explained here >>56097854, Pokémon games deliberately withhold from making the game too difficult or unbeatable for the children in its audience, without making it impossible for older and more competent players to enjoy them(until XY). You are just expecting the wrong things from the series. The difficulty is what you make of it, and if you only ever play like a 6 year old and refuse to change, then that says much more about you than the game.
> Your post didn't explain the matter
No, it did, you were just seething so fucking hard you didn’t even bother reading the post.

>Doesn't follow.
It follows perfectly. If you’re so confident in your new Pokemon why do you need to force the player to use them? XY has more content than Gen 5 because they weren’t afraid of using old Pokemon, because they trusted the new dex enough that they realized players would use them anyway.

>i-it’s ballsy
Not really, since old Pokemon still exist in the game anyway. The player is just railroaded to be forced to use them after the credits.

>you just don’t notice because the game is badly designed
Correct. I’m glad you’re learning.
> 6 year old and refuse to change, then that says much more about you than the game.
Not even 6 yo kids grind as much as yawntard. Some anon posted his playthrough from 2012 and he had several pokémon around lv 40 and the highest lv mon was lv 65 AFTER the league. Yawntard grinded his whole party to lv 60, hydreigon to lv 65 and excadrill to lv 76 KeK.
Kek What a Bitch.
T. Sagefag headcanon
You can’t stop sneeding
>>you just don’t notice because the game is badly designed
Who are you quoting retardbro? Learn to read downie.
>If you’re so confident in your new Pokemon why do you need to force the player to use them?
If you're not confident in your Pokémon then why do you release a game featuring only them for the several few dozen hours? This just doesn't make any sense.
>Not really, since old Pokemon still exist in the game anyway.
So would you want a dexcut?
BW was the first game that had the balls to simply not allow you to catch pokemon from the previous gens until post-game. But I will leave that to the other anon, who already made the same point.
This reasoning is straight up incorrect if you consider everything else, such as the whole Team Plasma and N storyline, or things like turning every single static sprite into a looping animation, or hell, even small things like replacing the low HP beeps with an awesome theme. I just can't see it, there is a very clear attempt to impress and you could even consider it a soft reboot of the entire series.

They don't want to punish any particular style, that's the point. A one mon playthrough is legit as much as using a full team.
You could say it's already discouraged by the fact types are a thing and you might struggle with early encounters against mons able to hit your weakness, but indeed not impossible if you really want to make it happen.
There are literal screenshots from the last two threads, nobody has to believe anything we say when the screenshots prove our points retardbro. Everyone can see how much of a bitch you are.
sex with hilda and rosa
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also feels like it goes without saying at this point but the game time matching real time doesn't prove he didn't grind, only that he didn't use speedup. and "leaving the emulator running overnight" is a rather convenient cover story.
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>only that he didn't use speedup
Not even that.
Do I need to remind everyone OP literally said he used PKHeX? Sure, he said it was only to unlock challenge mode, but if he is being a disingenuous retard then I can suspect he adjusted the playtime to fit his narrative. Watch this extremely real savefile.
it's more likely he adjusted his levels if anything. i think if he was going to adjust his playtime he would have set it a lot lower.
That too. The Excadrill sticks out like a sore thumb
Yawntard is so retarded he thinks grinding 40+ hours for a 8-10 hour campaign is the "standard way of playing"
Why don't you show the back of your trainer card retardbro? That way we can see how many wild pokémon and trainers you've battled.
8-10 hours sounds way too quick for a casual playthrough.
But yeah 40 is absurd, I'd say most runs average at 20-30
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i've had runs where i fill out the habitat list and do all the pokestar movies and by the time i've reached the league i'm at around 40-45 hours. so i can't imagine what the hell he's doing.
> If you're not confident in your Pokémon then why do you release a game featuring only them for the several few dozen hours?
Because you don’t trust that the player will use them without being forced to. Learn how to read, sagefag.

> BW was the first game that had the balls to simply not allow you to catch pokemon from the previous gens until post-game
That’s not “balls”. That’s lack of confidence.

>This reasoning is straight up incorrect if you consider everything else, such as the whole Team Plasma and N storyline,
Which they shot ih the foot 5 seconds in with the retarded Munna cutscene and had them behave exactly like every other evil team the whole game? Some confidence.

>or things like turning every single static sprite into a looping animation,
As opposed to XY which gave EVERY SINGLE POKEMON a dozen different animations?

You can’t claim “gen 5 tried to impress” and then screech about gen 6, which objectively did more to move the franchise forward than almost every other gen in the series, sagefag. It doesn’t work.
It would be a lot easier to prove he grinded simply by doing your own playthrough with the same setup instead of making up all these retarded speculations, sagefag. Why aren’t you doing it?
>sagefag still seething
we don't need to stoop to your level of autism to know you're bullshitting out of your ass, take your meds yawnfag
The more sagefag shitposts instead of simply doing a playthrough the more I’m convinced OP actually didn’t grind.
why are you talking about yourself in the third person?
The more samefagging yawnfag does I'm convinced she is actually mentally ill.
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I’m not. I haven’t even played BW2 since this playthrough I did with Lucario. You still haven’t debunked this gif which shows I got to an even higher level than OP without grinding, by the way, sagefag.
>That’s lack of confidence.
You can read it as having enough confidence in the Unova dex that it can stand on its own without giving you anything else. Sadly it backfired.
>Which they shot ih the foot 5 seconds in with the retarded Munna cutscene and had them behave exactly like every other evil team the whole game?
You weren't supposed to think otherwise, but on the other hand I think it's a good contrast between N's ideals and the actual group actions, which hints at the Ghetsis twist.
>As opposed to XY which gave EVERY SINGLE POKEMON a dozen different animations?
Maybe there was an attempt, but we have word of god confirming they wanted to appeal to ADHD phone zooms after all.
That said, 2D spritework generally takes more effort than 3D animations.
i always love how these stop halfway, implying that yawnfag got filtered by the midgame lmao
you're not even trying anymore. i'm disappointed.
Elesa confirmed as the great filter.
>I think it's a good contrast between N's ideals and the actual group actions, which hints at the Ghetsis twist.
Read a book.
Several anons already posted their playthroughs and you weasel out like the little bitch you are, but you're not fooling anyone
If by “filtered” you mean “bored from how shitty the game is”, then yeah.

Not an argument.
>filtered by clay
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also this is again inconsistent with the narrative about challenge mode supposedly being broken
Kek that's even worse than Elesa. Who the fuck loses to ground types.
Is this just two autists ruining the board? What is the actual argument here, that someone played a video game differently?
>lv 49
Kek downie literally can't help herself and needs yo grind for hours
What a bitch.
> Several anons already posted their playthroughs
None of which used challenge mode + lucky egg + not wasting exp on 6 pokemon the entire game. Curious.

The first thing sagefag screeched about in these threads was OP deciding to use Lucky Egg on his Gothitelle so even he implicitly admitted he had to handicap himself on his playthrough, KEK

>you got filtered…by clicking a fighting move once
Seek help.
>Is this just two autists ruining the board?
no, just one
>Is this just two autists ruining the board?
no, just 1,5
>filtered by clay
tl;dr yawnie makes a thread while pretending to not be OP, replays BW2 for some reason, can't help himself but grind like a fag, gets called out by multiple anons and starts shitting all over the thread while making it very obvious who played this just in case anyone had any doubt.
>What is the actual argument here, that someone played a video game differently?
A retard keeps saying that a game is "too easy" but he spends 40+ hours grinding so he goes to the league like 20 lv above the champion and then wonders "where's the challenge?"
When people point out the campaign is 10-12 hours long and he has 30+ hours unaccounted for and it's obvious he grinded for hours and hours he has a melty and says it's "just how the game works" despite several anons disproving him by posting their hall of fame teams from when the game first came out.
> You can read it as having enough confidence in the Unova dex
Because that’s what it is.

> You weren't supposed to think otherwise, but on the other hand I think it's a good contrast between N's ideals and the actual group actions
No, it’s just shitty writing because GF was too lazy to do anything other than just copying what they already did 3 times already. Some confidence.

> Maybe there was an attempt, but we have word of god confirming they wanted to appeal to ADHD phone zooms after all.
Yeah, definitely not like Gen 5.

> That said, 2D spritework generally takes more effort than 3D animations
Not when they’re poorly and lazily done like Gen 5.
>None of which used challenge mode + lucky egg + not wasting exp on 6 pokemon the entire game. Curious.
They did though, and their highest lv mon was a lv 65 aerodactyl (which receives boosts from being traded) with other pokémon at lv 40 in their parties and they say they did grind a little bit.
And yet you pretend "not to grind" with a party full of lv 60 pokémon a lv 76 excadrill and a lv 65 Hydreigon. Curious.
> What is the actual argument here, that someone played a video game differently?

An anon decided to play BW2 and then sagefag started shitposting and spamming into oblivion the second he realized OP was playing the game in a way he didn’t like (i.e. simply not training 6 pokemon evenly) because it makes the game look poorly balanced (which it is)

Now he’s spent two threads constantly accusing OP of grinding while refusing to prove so by simply doing his own similar playthrough.
This kilms the yawntard
>They did though
Prove it
Thanks but
>the campaign is 10-12 hours long
This is just as retarded as taking 50 hours.
All the pre-switch games are 10-12 hours long at most anon. If you're talking to every NPC and catching every mon you probably take 18-20 hours.
>Because that’s what it is.
Ok so we agree they were confident about the dex?

>No, it’s just shitty writing
Showing a contradiction is not inherently bad or good writing, depending on what you are trying to achieve. In BW case, there was basically no attempt to ever paint Team Plasma as genuinenly heroic to the player character. If anything you can argue N in specific was shown as having genuine, yet misguided ideals.
You fundamentally misunderstand the story if you think buying into Plasma's propaganda is what you are supposed to be doing, it's only supposed to show they are trying to manipulate people's emotions with a false narrative.

There isn't an actual moral dilemma, if you ever engaged with Pokemon before or bothered to read in-game dialogues it should be obvious that actually Pokemon do enjoy being with humans, and the vast majority tends to be competitive.

>Yeah, definitely not like Gen 5.
I don't have hard data here but I don't think phone games were big enough in japan when BW released.
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>wake up
>people are still angry
Oh well. Anyway, I stopped in Accumula Town, going to go through Route 1 and the rest of southern Unova. This is the team currently
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>>wake up
Nah, just sagefag. Keep going OP, watching him get continuously angry is hilarious.
The pre switch games take longer to beat though. Weird lie.
Catching every mon would take much longer than 20 hours.
And the game tells you to talk with NPCs, since that's your only way to acquire certain items or find out things like move tutors in a blind playthrough.
>the path of least resistance is to simply move forward with a minimal amount of Pokemon to sweep your opponents.
I'm inclined to disagree with this statement. Its due to the type system. While you certainly can unga-bunga your way through most bossfights with a single pokemon and a level imbalance in your favor, it takes a lot more time trying to get levels that much higher than the gym leader's as opposed to raising another pokemon with a suitable type. Granted, with certain games and starters it could be a viable strategy (Swampert completely assrapes all of Hoenn), but in the case of generation 5 exp yields peter out the higher level your pokemon is compared to its opponent, which means even more time dedicated to overleveling a single pokemon or two.

That's why there's an incentive to finding and training other pokemon. Different pokemon are good at different matchups. The path of least resistance is switching to a pokemon more suited to handle the opponent.
>Weird lie.
Where's the lie? I haven't played nor bought the switch games since they look too shitty. Hence why I didn't talk about them since I don't have firsthand experience with them.
>it takes a lot more time trying to get levels that much higher than the gym leader's as opposed to raising another pokemon with a suitable type
yeah bro I'm gonna have so much trouble with Lt Surge's lv22 shitmons because my lv37 Charizard is weak to electric. Better waste time grinding up my lv13 Oddish just so I have an advantage!

this is the IQ level of people who think BW2 is challenging btw
>overlevel one pokemon
>level six evenly
All shit compared to overleveling 3 with switch mode.
>A critical hit!
>Charizard fainted!
I can't say I ever tried a full run where I use only one mon because that sounds really fucking boring, but don't pretend you aren't item spamming, grinding or restarting a fuck ton since losing one mon to bullshit RNG just happens even when overlevelled.
>Where's the lie?
>All the pre-switch games are 10-12 hours long at most
Fighting most trainers and wild pokemon, doing most side areas, completing most of the dex, playing some minigames, and talking to most NPCs will put you over that on every game. I doubt you've played on anything besides a sped up emulator if you actually believe what you wrote.
that's effectively what OP is doing and sagefag is STILL having a meltdown. I think he's extra angry because his "y-you just used one pokemon!" cope doesn't work anymore.

>lv22 crit being able to one shot a lv37 Charizard
>the lv22 getting a hit in at all instead of just being outsped and KO'd
how is your understanding of the games THIS bad, sagefag? It's actually astounding.
For what ive gathered, Pokemon players are just really fucking bad at videogames.
he’s trying so hard to force sagefag into being a thing. it’s never going to become a thing.
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I'm another anon catching everything before the league. It takes WAY more than 20 hours, the most boring thing being evolving Zweilous. Thankfully, Mandibuzz, Mienshao and Vanniluxe are in the wild now so you don't need to grind for them. Shame about Bisharp and Klinklang though. You also have to spent a shitton of time searching for Lapras, Castform and other stuff locked being rustling grass/water. I now need to do all boring friendship evos and then some level-up evos.
I also find it amusing how he keeps referring to "Pokemon players" and "Pokefags" in third person as though he isn't the one spending 24/7 on this board and playing Pokémon games all day. He's way more into Pokémon than I am, despite hating it.
Regular playthroughs aren't completionist playthroughs retardbro.
It is a thing and it's everyone mocking your incessant spam in every thread. You've probably called half the posters on this board yawnfag and you go out of your way to post your gay collages you made whenever you can. KYS sagie
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I found Colress again
It's basically what I'm doing right now in BW2, except by "accident" because I'm supposed to fill all the 6 slots eventually. Takes time when I want to avoid mons I already used while also cherrypicking.
Oh and, it goes without saying, but I am not massively overlevelling any gym like this lying faggot ITT. I only barely managed to match Clay but he had no fucking chance against huge power Azumarill spamming Aqua Tail either way. And I am "grinding" if you count fighting every trainer I find, no Audino cheese though.

Depending on the game, crits hit harder. Gen 1 is the worst because not only it has the highest multiplier, but also higher crit chances for faster mons. Also yes you can always get hit because even when you are faster, you can miss or if it's a game witih abilities there is Study.
t. sagefag
why do i get the feeling this is a copy of someone else’s post with a few words changed
This dude is seriously trying to completely flip the accusations as if nobody would notice. At least tell me you are having a giggle at typing this shit.
>If you're talking to every NPC and catching every mon you probably take 18-20 hours.
I know you're ignoring it specifically but that other anon proves this wrong.
>talks about catching
>says grinding takes the longest
Catching available mons =/= prof. Oak challenge.
I've gone through gen 3 gamrs like 20-30 times and I can catch pretty much all the available mons and beat the league in 14-16 hours, if I'm not catching everything 6-8 hours but I know those games like the back of my hand. Hence why I increased the time to 10-12 hours for a regular playthrough and 20 hours for catching stuff.
>Hence why I increased the time to 10-12 hours for a regular playthrough and 20 hours for catching stuff.
Terrible. Meet some real people if you think that's a reasonable adjustment compared to someone that's beat the game 30 times.
Maybe that image would stop being spammed if the two discord users stopped using the exact same fucking playbook for years and stopped typing the exact same way. Doesn't help that the other one (OP) types like a retard while you're constantly condescending making people hate your fucking guts.
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>gen 3 gamrs

Smaller dex, also no rustling grass 5% encounters. I did full Habitat List completion already at like 40-45 hours.
I have my childhood carts and even as a retarded kid my hall of fame times are around 10 hours for gen 3 games. Sorry if I thought you were more capable than an 8 yo kid.
Honestly man you are playing really fast, that's hardly the average playthrough.
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done clearing southern unova, there's one city I missed in the lower right middle section of the region so I'm doing that last.
Should have added that I'm in set mode, not switch.
But I don't think it makes any serious difference in how I gain EXP because EXP share exists and it's still half of a team.
>Anon finds out Pokemon's target audience is indeed children
Feels like we are rediscovering the wheel here.
First off you get a Dugtrio or Graveler for surge you fucking pleb
Secondly, if training a second pokemon close to a boss's level is a waste of time, then training only one off of wild pokemon and trainer battles is an even bigger waste. You'll have to use more items or run to the pokecenter when your single battle ready pokemon is worn down from PP or HP loss, and you'll have to fight more and more wild pokemon which get lower and lower level as the exp demands for a level up rise higher and higher for a single pokemon. You'd spend a lot of time whacking the same pokemon over and over to bruteforce a boss fight where a more even level difference would result in a wipeout. On top of that, even having weaker pokemon that normally stand no chance against a hypothetical bossfight can wear down the opponent with status effects, stat drops, or chip damage if they manage to get a hit in, and if not then atleast provide a safe switch-in by taking a big attack that the real star of the show couldn't just shrug off. I believe that trying to make a single pokemon work throughout the whole game is a bigger waste of time than simply having other pokemon that can counter other types. Sooner or later you hit a big wall which you can only pass through in 2 ways, and I find it faster to dig under it than climb over it.
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Fighting Alder now because there was an NPC in one of the buildings suggesting I go back to Floccesy Town
>lv 37 before surge
even if you just use your starter that's like 10 levels overleveled.
>lv 91
kek you really can't help yourself
It's post-game by now, but yeah, that's really impressive in BW2.
EXP formula + level curve for the higher end will absolutely rape you
>Depending on the game, crits hit harder
and it still won't matter

>you can miss
not if I use 100% accurate moves, and even if it misses it still won't matter

>or if it's a game with abilities there is Study
and it still won't matter

>b-buh muh HP and PP
using potions and walking back to the pokemon center while sweeping with one Pokemon is still drastically faster than wasting time switch training shitmons like a retard and taking 5 turns to kill everything (and losing even MORE HP and PP wasting turns like a retard anyway)

there's a reason why speedruns use one Pokemon while sagefag wastes his time LARPing as Ash.
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doing Black Tower now, this is the team
>not if I use 100% accurate moves
>in gen 1
>he doesn't know

>doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter
Nice argument fag, and finally

>muh sneedruns
They manipulate RNG you big dumdum. They are the ones getting all the crits or even make the AI play even worse than usual.
>brings up "speedruns"
>yawntard takes almost 50 hours to beat the league
Kek what a bitch
>LARPing as Ash
Does Ash even get a full team? That faggot doesn't even evolve his starters kek.
playing white right now
after that, i will start playing white 2
should i also go for a challenge mode or just stick to regular mode? i do like the idea of trainers having more kinds of mons with them, but i am not sure if i can handle grinding for levels in unova games
just play normal mode, challenge mode basically does nothing as OP and sagefag's meltdown has already proven
White will force you a Lucky Egg in Chargestone. White 2 will give you (force maybe?) a Lucky Egg in Celestial Tower. You will never have to grind.
dw you won't be grinding in challenge mode because the enemies actually have their regular mode stats. The level difference and EXP formula will provide you enough to deal with the additional mons and other differences.
However, since the damage formula includes level you will be taking more than usual.
>yawnfag is terrified of people playing challenge mode and people realising just how much he grinded
bro I've been telling you start your playthrough for a day now and you still haven't done it. It's pretty obvious even you know how broken challenge mode is.
Learn how to read retardbro. I've been telling you I'll play it after I'm done with Pearl.
How did White become Pearl.
Also my nigga, for some reason it was my first DS game. Can't remember why I didn't pick Diamond.
>sagefag sagefag sagefag
what mental illness is this?
>yawnfag yawnfag yawnfag
what mental illness is this?
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Bro I told you I was doing the Chimpothy Pearl playthrough and that I'll play challenge mode afterwards with all your silly conditions.
I already have everything set up to start playing it, look at picrel.
>How did White become Pearl.
despite what yawnfag insists, there is more than one person in this thread that disagrees with him
and i'll throw my hat in the ring as well, i'm gonna be starting a playthrough of Black soon and after that I plan on doing White 2.
>he doesnt just use the dns trick to get lvl50 shiny metagross
kek what a bitch
Unironic propaganda tactics. Not very effective when you are accusing basically everyone however, you are supposed to pick up a specific group or something.

>with all your silly conditions.
You are mistaking me for somebody else. Have fun with Pearl
parroting is an admission of defeat
Don't parrot then?
>>You are mistaking me for somebody else. Have fun with Pearl
>a civil and pleasant response
Yeah you're definitely not OP. Thanks anon! I've been enjoying Pearl, the underground just tickles my autisn or something but I love wasting time digging fossils and stuff.
yeah, that's what i'm trying to tell you
>Misdreavus and Houndoom exclusive to Pearl
I now remember why, if Serebii is correct
hounour's not available before the elite 4 unless it's platinum
Ok it's only Misdreavus then.
Why is Houndoom availability always a meme, I remember the same shit in GSC and HGSS.
that's called being based
that's called being cringe
Platinum and XY are the only games you can use Houndour in a reasonable time. He also became a version exclusive since Diamond and Pearl and that ended now with Scarlet/Violet (because he bullies your version legend in the prologue)
Platinum and X*

He's version exclusive with Manectric in Y
What did GF mean by this

I had Y so :^)
SV saving the franchise once again.
>Houndoom is a X version exclusive
>the mega stone is a Y version exclusive
Gen 6 keeps being hot garbage as usual.
No it isn't. In fact you're spending more time overshooting the level cap to circumvent natural typing weaknesses than you are training another pokemon. To take your Lt. Surge example, in Digeltt Cave you can catch Diglett that come out of the box with Magnitude and Dig, which is super effective against Electric and can knock out the gym trainers and Surge's pokemon easy peasy, as the only attacks his pokemon can hit diglett for are with quick attack, sonic boom, and tackle, the middle of which does only 20 dmg.
>there's a reason why speedruns use one Pokemon
And speedrunners don't grind, they mostly hover 5-ish levels above or even below the bossfights and skip optional trainers, and it requires extraordinary levels of autism to RNG manipulate the system to get the mathematically perfect pokemon for the perfect run. Unless you know how to RNG manipulate to get the most optimal situations, you are bound to encounter some sort of bullshit in a solo run.
>you're spending more time
Nope. Why do you keep assuming people are grinding, sagefag?
Finding and equipping Lucky Egg literally takes more time than not doing it, point still stands.
Switching in and out Oddish like a retard instead of clicking A with Charizard once takes even more time.
>Oddish used ababor
>Lt. Surge dies
nothing in Pokemon is better solved than just doing more damage. you don't need to explore the world to find or upgrade your Pokemon to be dedicated tanks, healers, wallbreakers, and the like. you're better off investing your time into 1-3 strong sweepers who can cover each other's weaknesses because the games make no effort to punish you with things like statuses, hazards, or stat lowering

you haven't described anything about the games that make them a quality experience for competent players. its intuitive and rewarding to look for the strongest options available and take down powerful opponents. obstacles put in place to challenge you on this reward both the children who take the slower route to train their favorite (grinding), and the competent players who now have a reason to explore the game's world and mechanics to find ways to overcome that.

gimping yourself for the sake of gimping yourself means you just play slower, weaker, and dumber for no other reason to eventually get to the point where the bad AI is able to challenge you by spamming their most effective attacks over and over. nothing about this option informs you about anything about the quality of the game because it's all relativistic and can be done in any game.
>you're better off investing your time into 1-3 strong sweepers who can cover each other's weaknesses because the games make no effort to punish you with things like statuses, hazards, or stat lowering
they do, you just don't notice because you overlevel and sweep everything
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>everyone I don't like is one person
I just explained why it does and you refuse to read. You say its a waste of time training other pokemon and then whine about games being too easy because it allows you to overlevel. What the fuck do you even want in a pokemon game?
>its intuitive and rewarding to look for the strongest options available and take down powerful opponents
For you I guess, but we prefer to try to win with the mons we like. We do not seek to optimise the fun out of the game.
Besides, >>56098642 is the biggest load of shit I had the displeasure to read today. Competent players are NOT the ones looking for cheese, they are the ones who can pull out a win with anything you give to them even at a clear disavantage.
and that's perfectly fine. your favorite doesn't need to be SSS tier to create a good game experience. a game experience that is made up of more diverse and varied battles and environments gives more opportunities for Pokemon to have their own niches and makes their presence more memorable.
You know what, I'll be sure to keep this post in mind when I do the Y play-through eventually.
>competent players look for the easiest options because they're that good at the game
>exploring the pokemon world and engaging in it is a waste of time
Do you just not like pokemon games? Do you not know what relativity means?
Evolving charmander into charizard for surge takes more way more time than using a repel and pokéball to catch a dugtrio who can solo surge.
it's not cheese to be drawn to the strongest options. it feels exciting to have things that are capable of dominating your opponent which is the case in all genres of games. the ability to recognize the strongest choice and then be able to use their skill to overcome what the game uses to try and stop you is what being competent is.
No, enough with this crap.
It's like saying a poker player who manages to win with shitty hands is somehow worse than a player who only learned to recognize when he has a good hand and folds at every turn when he doesn't have the best chances.
>we prefer to try to win with the mons we like
thats the thing, theres no "try" because theres no difficulty
players are drawn to efficiencies. the ability to maximize your advantages against the challenges that you face in games separates is part of being competent.

it doesn't need to be all or nothing. it's a gradient where there's everyone from the exceptional, to the meta slaves, and the noobs. the poker player in your example has the competency to recognize his own limitations and try to make the most out of his strengths.
What if your favorite is a shitmon? PvE or not you don't have access to every move, you don't start with perfect IVs/nature so you have to try, or grind a lot.
>players are drawn to efficiencies.
players are drawn to fun. autists are drawn to efficiencies.
This thread is hilarious in certain way.
You can feel a sense of unity with all the anons who like pokemon ganging up on yawnfag as he desperately tries to claim it must be the work of his imaginary enemy.
>players are drawn to efficiencies. the ability to maximize your advantages against the challenges that you face in games separates is part of being competent.
dude, you don't speak for every player and thats the furthest thing from the truth. Players are drawn to entertainment. There's nothing efficient about trying to fit a square through a circle anyway. Do you know how many people take away their advantages in videogames? For fun? Or even just for bragging rights? Have you never heard of a Pokemon Nuzlocke?
Not only that but he apparently got multiple people to replay BW2 and they claim to enjoy it, all while he keeps seething about these games.
It's funny considering his crap logic, sagegod would be considered a hero to the board by actual boardgoers.
Based. I'm planning on doing the same eventually.
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Finally got to the end of the tower. Took forever.
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beat him
just swept him with Hydreigon though Volcarona almost KO'd it after a Quiver Dance
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Cool, he gave me a Shiny Gible.

Is there anything else to do in the postgame? Or is that it aside from catching the legendaries and doing the battle facilities? I'm too lazy to do either so I'll probably call it quits
u can collect the achevement ribbbon thingys
>level 100
Not gonna lie, even knowing you intentionally grinded, I'm actually impressed at the fact you got a pseudo legendary up to level 100 in Gen 5.
>y-you grinded!
Still on with this cope, huh sagefag? lmao

The exp gains in challenge mode are fucking broken, my Krookodile also got to lv100 by the time I finished the White Treehollow.
Give it a rest, OP is just fucking with you and taking the piss. Thread's dead anyway
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I didn't grind. >>56099798 is right, I just got to lv100 from having to fight a bunch of trainers in the black tower.

This is the final team, for anyone curious.
Friendly reminder OP didn’t actually complain about the difficulty a single time, sagefag just started having a meltdown by himself the second he saw OP was trivializing the game

Reminder sagefag still hasn’t actually debunked the Lucario gif which proves no grinding happened

Reminder sagefag still refuses to do a playthrough to prove OP grinded
Reminder that this shit is fucking stupid and it was a mistake giving faggots a name to refer them to so they can keep up their bullshit
Reminder that yawnfag lies as she breathes, several anons are going to play BW2 challenge mode to prove she grinded a ton.
>Everyone should be a worthless neet just like yawnfag
We know you're a downie and get government gibs for being retarded, but everyone else works for a living yawnie.
Friendly reminder that several anons already proved you grinded
>no proof of challenge mode being used the whole time
>no proof of lucky egg being used the whole time
>no proof of not wasting exp on 6 pokemon the whole time
>>no proof of challenge mode being used the whole time
see the first screenshot, clearly says challenge mode enabled and it's on cart, not an emulation tard like you.
>no proof of lucky egg being used the whole time
Written confirmation they used it.
>no proof of not wasting exp on 6 pokemon the whole time
Written confirmation their levels were lower than yawntard.
Yawntard had a full party of lv 60 mons a lv 76 excadrill and a lv 65 hydreigon. the other anon had a party with two lv 40 mons, the rest in the 50s and only one (1) lv 65 mon.
Grinding = CONFIRMED.
yawntard = BTFOd

Kek, what a bitch. I bet you'll cry and bitch and say they didn't follow your rules when they inevitably post their new runs and BTFO (You) again.
> see the first screenshot, clearly says challenge mode enabled and it's on cart,
This isn’t proof it was on the whole time. The fact that it’s on cart just makes it even less likely it was used the whole time considering how retarded the unlock conditions are.

>Written confirmation
How the fuck is this proof? lmao
>This isn’t proof it was on the whole time. The fact that it’s on cart just makes it even less likely it was used the whole time considering how retarded the unlock conditions are.
Ah yes, surely that anon is a psychic and faked his run in 2012 just to fuck with (You)
> hurr durr how is that proof?
See above. Just take the L, everyone can see you're full of shit.
>Ah yes, surely that anon is a psychic and faked his run in 2012
Or he could simply lie about using challenge mode and/or lucky egg and/or wasting exp the whole time. Still waiting for you to start that playthrough btw
Go away sagefag
>like pokemon
>be fucking terrible at it and think they're hard
He bumped a page 10 to post this.
By that token, for Z they removed every Kalos mon, that's a real strong show of confidence.
They also removed every other Pokemon and the game while at it.
Oh you're still pretending someone (literally me) didn't btfo that FRLG run by playing through it with a Charmander only?
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Fuck OP.
Bets on whether I manage to sweep Drayden with a mere balloon at +6 evasion.
that balloon had better have unburden
It is unburden yes
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You are all fsggots for not betting.
Anyway no, Drifblim got Dragon Tail'd, but Drayden had no idea what he just forced in.
Bets mean nothing.
Anon wasn't kidding about the Ghetsis fight in the first thread. Balloon carried very hard by setting up, yet I still got reduced to 2/6, with the last mon being an unusable strength HM slave

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