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More Gym leader battles Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>July 5th: PM2023 057 - A Terapagos I Don't Know


Future episodes:
>July 12th: PM2023 058 - The Poster Pokémon is Kingambit!?
>July 26th: PM2023 059 - Dance Quaxly! Blue Medali Step!

>Previous episodes:

>OS-JN filler guide:

>Web series, specials, and audio dramas subs and links:


>Music, manga, and more:

Previous: >>56086437
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Two big things from today's episode have gotten revealed for the foreseeable future: The inclusion of the Scarlet Book into the mix, as well as the next set of Gym Leaders being for potentially more double battles:
>Dot vs Larry
>Roy vs Ryme
>Liko vs Grusha
This as well as the exchange between Dot and Penny with their numbers to stay in touch omits to more content related to Penny.
>What is your bet on the outcomes of the respective 2vs2 matches?
>Any potential capture candidates during the upcoming timespan?
>Any paldean character you'd like to see that hasn't been featured yet?
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When will Tinkatink getting bullied again?
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Rika vs Liko & Katy has been decent for the majority of the fight. Backbone of Katy's unstopped might to take down the Diglett with her Lokix before it succumbed to the poison was a boss move. Liko made pretty smart moves too, but eventually kneeled to Rika-sama's power as well. The context of her crying after finally being able to enjoying battling just for herself was a cool difference to the earlier episodes of putting herself last to make others happy.
That and Weedpussy finally learned another move, which turned out to be acrobatics which was weirdly enough something I've been bringing up in the Liko vs Katy episode as a means to fight back against Bug-Types https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/55760420/#55762167.
I boldly assume that the fortune of that one Royfag has colored off on me to let my assumption being heard by the oh so-glorious Nipglowie.
>Any potential capture candidates during the upcoming timespan?
Charchadet. Probably not the one from next week, but one somewhere between Roy's or Liko's team. Though going with the typing autism, it would go to Look paralleling Amethio
>Any paldean character you'd like to see that hasn't been featured yet?
Saguaro with his househusband charisma.

And the likely merge between the game book and the Rakua ordeal could turn out to be cool.
>What is your bet on the outcomes of the respective 2vs2 matches?
Roy wins
Dot loses
Liko wins
Having a feeling that their captured mons will become the MVPs for those rounds of matches.
>Any potential cap-
Gimmighoul for Roy.
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>Turtle getting enslaved by a Pokemon
Fear the conqueror of Terapagos.
CharchadetGODS won
I kneel.
>Roy finds a coin
>Suspiciously has a fatload more later
Coincidence? He robbed passengers.
Where is my guy Amethio?
Stalking his one-itis Spinel.
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Summer is here.
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>people think violet is non-canon but the anime will shoehorn in miraidon and future paradoxes anyways
>Any paldean character you'd like to see that hasn't been featured yet?
Has Rhydon died yet?
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She should've aimed for the poison horns and bit into the attack. It's the easiest cheat in the book to beat someone you shouldn't beat.
You think Liko is gonna catch it to match the purple one?
>Liko cares this much about battles now
Is she gonna challenge the league or something?
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what's her problem?
Nah, she just has a weak mind like Goh who cried when he got BTFO in his first Pokemon Battle. Liko should learn one or two things from Roy
She's still better than Roy when it comes to battles though.
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What no Alex dick does to a motherfucker (or rather, a fatherfucker)
>What is your bet on the outcomes of the respective 2vs2 matches?
Roy will lose his battle while Dot and Liko will win them.
>Any potential capture candidates during the upcoming timespan?
Charchadet and that water/dragon fishmon for Liko and Roy respectively
>Any paldean character you'd like to see that hasn't been featured yet?
I think Miriam but after everything that has happened, it can happen.
Alright, who's getting Charcadet and who's getting Gimmighoul?
Neither. They're gonna show up, act cute and then leave.
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Why is Gimmighoul posed like he's about to sell me something?
Liko and Dot win their battles, Quaxly evolves.
Roy loses but Fuecoco evolves.

Maybe they will catch some Pokemon, but I doubt it will be the two in the next episode

Arven still hasn't shown up yet but at this point I doubt he will. The book COULD mean he shows up at some point, but he's not in the intro at all so I seriously doubt it.
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Does that L on her head stand for Loser?
Roy surpassed Liko in the season finale
>Irisdoubters can't identify a symbol
Way to shoot yourself in the foot.
>Why is Gimmighoul posed like he's about to sell me something?
The thing is hanging out all alone on top of a discrete platform, making a island boy collect its coins. I smell illegal money laundry and child labor
I don't understand this.

>Anime schedule becomes untenable
>decide to decouple the anime from the games and stop doing game adaptations
>start new anime
>immediately revert do doing the Ash thing again but this time for the female audience with a little girl protagonist

>Immediately revert do doing
You're stupid. That's why you don't understand it.
about the level of discourse I'd expect from the type of retards that watch this trash
I haven't even mentioned a typo, stupid.
Bait doesn't deserve an honest response.
I'm not sure you understand what "bait" means because it doesn't mean "facts I don't like."
"Grusha has a penis" is facts I don't like. You just posted bait cause you don't like the show.
There was no "immediately revert" to anything, gym battles isn't exclusive to the previous protagonist and the fact that the first reply towards that post was immediately assumed to be talking about the typo and making it about posters almost immediately instead of asking for a clarification on what the reply was about says enough about the dishonest direction of "discussion" that he is aiming for.
formatting your series around a gym battle journey is absolutely the ashnime's format. It's literally the same shit but genderswapped.
This has been set clear months ago ffs. This wasn't "immediately" and this is a chapter dedicated to them getting the hang of the Tera gimmick before hopping back to the story primarily. Them using the gym leaders to go over it was killing two birds with one stone.
>decide to decouple the anime from the games and stop doing game adaptations
This has been the case since OS. They skipped half the game's content and didn't even show off the elite 4. Like, fuck, there wasn't even a victory road. Shit was never a game adaptation from the start, and it still isn't now.
>The inclusion of the Scarlet Book into the mix, as well as the next set of Gym Leaders being for potentially more double battles
The former could turn out to include the Koraidon somewhere down the line but that would depend on where they're heading down with the current scheduling.
>Any potential capture candidates during the upcoming timespan?
Frigibax was a suggestion for Roy in terms of typing and team synergy. With how the final evo was displayed in the exhibition match, I would like to see Roy get one himself.
>Any paldean character you'd like to see that hasn't been featured yet?
With all the doubtposting regarding Penny due to Dot's existence turning out to be misguided, I have higher but still moderately low hopes for Arven to show up since their seperate storylines have enough leeway to be tied into others.
Dickbird gets to fight against Ryme? Cool.
>Weedpussy finally learned another move, which turned out to be acrobatics which was weirdly enough something I've been bringing up in the Liko vs Katy episode as a means to fight back against Bug-Types
Acrobatics is a valid decision after so long. The execution of it being learned was fitting as well to void the toxic spikes on top of Clodsire.
I could see Liko getting a Pokémon related to the Area Zero stuff that is going on across Paldea and Kitakami. Not sure exactly if it's gonna be directly a paradox Pokémon or one from the location itself but that's probably reserved for the last stretches of the runtime.
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Are those donuts?
What flavor is the Tinkaton one, I assume Strawberry or Cherry?
I'm pretty sure the Meowscarada one is Lemon, IIRC.
Also, why is there a female Pikachu one on of them, is someone going to get a female Pikachu?

Yes, I am hungry right now.
Pretty sure the Floragato one is melon caramel bread. Female Pikachu is Curry, Tinkaton seems to be simple whipped cream.
>I boldly assume that the fortune of that one Royfag has colored off on me to let my assumption being heard by the oh so-glorious Nipglowie.
The nipglowie meme is real.
Does Melon bread taste good?
Curry Donut?
Ah, so it's just vanilla, they should've gone with something like Strawberry/Cherry Cheesecake for the Tinkaton one.
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Melon bread tastes alright. Never tried Curry donut myself.
Rika groping up Liko was weirdly suspicious.
>When will Tinkatink getting bullied again?
Rika's dominance got subbed:
Remember to seed your torrents.
And I can't access it. Wonderful.
Nevermind. Managed to fix it.
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> Since when he and Lana got so close? Didn't he said that he only loves me? W-why am I getting so worked up about this? I-its not like I like him!
Is Liko finally feeling the waku waku?
>Is Liko finally feeling the waku waku?
Grow up already
Thinking of updating the Manga pastebins since the Manga dex entries are missing some chapters.
I'm pretty sure Guzma would let Lana's mom join in if she just asked.
What chapters are missing?
Everyone mad at Liko crying, which is harmless and valid for her, while defending how XY suddenly made Serena a crybaby after her first loss and Ash being so volatile around XY&Z.
Media literacy is dead
>What chapters are missing?
A big chunk of the GSC arc, mainly the chapters with the Suicune.
Oh dear lord, about time. The turtle had murdered countless souls, glad that someone stepped in.
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Bully the Tinkatink.
Don't bully the tinkatink.
>Liko awakened to battle autism
Very nice episode
Too old & depressed for Lana's mom.
Currently getting some Webms together. Hopefully reducing the average resolution should keep longer ones under 4 mb.
That makes him the perfect husband. Guzma already has experience raising a bunch of kids, he's the most responsible adult in the entire SM anime honestly. Lana's mom is perfect for him.
You're wasting your time on that loser.
Ash x Dawn
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A waving penny loop for those who tolerate the game hikki.
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>56 episodes to get to the Scarlet Book
This is the first time I've watched a long running anime since pre-Shippuden Naruto and this pacing is so fucking funny. Not in a bad way, it's a fun experience, but good lord.
Who's ready to see Kingambit activate his hoverchair in glorious 2D animation?
So Tulip is still fissing, right?
She showed up last week as Onyx's partner.
I want to see him articulate its mouth. I dont know what that's supposed to be either
Ash is a poc so it makes sense to ship him with a poc too.
I finally figured out how to get longer shit underneath 4 mb. I am quite disgusted with myself with how long it took me to figure it out.
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I should've bitten the 1024 pill sooner.
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More Penny? Expected Nemona as the most prominent but I'll take the surprise.
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>Katy in the games got told to hold back which she is NOT ok with.
>Katy in the anime won't contain herself and goes nuts.
I like it when different medias get the chance to explore the characters and their aspects.
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Lokix could have been Ash's new Greninja which Lucario failed to be.
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Never reply to me with your asshurt fanfictions ever again, F aggot.
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Grusha will leave Liko... frozen.
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Both storylines overlapping would be based desu.
Still much nicer than Kanto gym leaders.
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> Boulder Badge : Ash gets it because of his kindness.
> Cascade Badge :Ash gets it for protecting Cerulean gym and the reasoning behind none of the gym leader pokemon would have last a second if Ash used Pikachu.
> Thunder Badge : Ash won it fairy.
> Rainbow Badge : Ash got it for protecting Gloom from fire. It also noted that Ash and Pikachu's battle with Erika was interrupted.
> Marsh Badge : Ash gets it for getting a Hanter to make Sabrina laugh to remove her emotional blockage so she would stop turning people into doll.
> Soul Badge : Ash won it fairly.
> Volcano Badge : Ash won it fairly.
> Earth Badge : Giovanni put TRio in charge of the gym due to matter related to Mewtwo.

So only Boulder Badge count as pity badge since in every other gym , Ash won it though battle or doing something else.
>Katy has Lokix save Floaragato from Poison Jab, take the hit+ get Poisoned, and fall into Swarm all on purpose
It's this stuff, with abilities creating new cool strategies in battles, that ends up frustrating me when they forget they even exist for massive stretches of time in the show. Like, realistically, if Lokix has Swarm Floragato should have Overgrow, Fuecoco should have Blaze, and Quaxly should have Torrent, but none of those have activated even once for ANY of them (unless they're trying to recontextualize it so that abilities are something a Pokemon has to get strong enough to fully unlock thus why rookie trainers and their Pokemon largely don't use them, which isn't a BAD idea, but one that hasn't really been expounded)
Those abilities do exist and do activate. But sometimes the writers forget, or the pokemon don't get low enough for it, or the pokemon take so much damage that they don't even get a chance for it to activate.
I vaguely remember those abilities activating in pm23, at least.
I wouldn't mind the two stories intersecting at some parts since they can cross paths location-wise.
>Grusha will leave Liko... frozen.
I shouldn't have laughed at that. But I did. Fug.
> No Tinted Lens
> No Axe Kick
> No Sucker Punch
Are they saving it for their joke vigilante character like Gliger Man?
Is there a place I can get JP Subs for the newest episodes? My original source isn't doing them anymore
NanakoRaws includes them in their subbing.
>no insults
>suddenly Mr Lolicon has to get defensive about the Dumbest Ash winning pity badges.
Thanks anon
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How does this make you feel?
>I wonder if juliana would have the same height as liko
>Liko catches Charcadet
>Roy catches Gimmighoul
Someone might have a thing for the professor
The latter would compliment the treasure tone while the former can create a parallel. I rike it.
>wasting good pokemon on crappy protagonist.
It's Goh and JN all over again.
Goh was the best protag.
Man the Version 1 Gym Leader remix and Rising Volteccer's Theme are so fucking good
I was initially skeptical of the Kanto gym leader remix but the usage is decent.
>Calyrex Stellar Rider has two abilities!
Penny would make more sense to get enscripted into the Raku ordeal.

Not even close & it seems Anipoke staff learn nothing from their failure with Goh.
>from their
What failure? Goh was good.
>embed option is gone for Twitter links
I really hope this is just 4ChanX fucking up and not another in the long string of absolutely braindead, retarded decisions regarding that site
I want Rika to assault me
Kalosians invading Galarians cause someone happened to have a grandpa whose dad ruled their country
Galarians are made to kneel!

Galarians returning the favor...
They get BTFO by local schizo who claims to hear Arceus and get so mad they burn her alive.

Paldeans try to invade Galar cause they keep stealing their Treasure
Their shitty ships get burnt by the Galarians!

Kalosians feel surrounded.
They beat the Paldeans in War and annex Southern Kalos.

The Paldean King dies!
Kalosians invade to take their throne. They win, but they have to give up their claim to rule Lumiere.

Kalosians get so fed up with Galar they help Unovans gain independence...
It is literally not worth it! They lose all their money!

Another Kalosian invades Paldea!
Getting BTFO by snipers helped by Galarians who then proceeds to completely Back them the Fuck Out.
There is no point in wasting any more air on that the F aggot who whiningly calls everything he hates a failure or turns it into a genwarring affair.
Good post.
Not such bad picks. It could go down for Liko into a Arma vs Ceru Match which I wouldn't mind.
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Cute Alex wife
Looking at the next episode descriptions and arc PV it looks like they won't catch any new mon
Roy's bestie.
Sensei and pupil
Soon, Nemona will enslave Roy for her regime of Waku Waku.
The fuck is that face trying to express
Being rejected by papa
>Fought Nemona
>Fought Strongest Elite 4
What more does this kid want.
Challenge the Master Eight.
You know, if we replace Alain and Iris with Gladion and Nemona that the Master Eight actually looks more impressive.
Goh was a failure which to be expected. A main character has to be somebody that the audience can cheer for with a goal & motivation audience can relate too which Goh lacked. He started off as a know-it-all egotist who believes himself to be so special that only Mew is worthy to be his first pokemon, this immediately made him unlikeable with audience actually wanting him get cucked by somebody.

Liko and Roy has the same issues. Liko's only defining trait that she is super nice and has a special connection with an ancient Adventurer and Rakua. However it only makes her unlikable and unrelatable for the general audience to root for her. If anything it just make audience wish Ash to show up and bffo her super special ancestors without any special pokemon. Roy is just the combination of everything people hated about SM Ash in another character.
>Goh was a failure which to be expected.
Your starting statement is just you repeating yourself. Aside from the rest of your post being babbling nonsense with generalizing yourself as the "audience" to project your desires or delusions onto others or most of your posts just emitting the fact that you feel threatened by the mere existence of other protagonists so your own way to feel better about your assh of a self-insert is to degrade others in a dishonest matter.

Get a grip Fagmon, and get a job instead of wasting the rest of your hobo life only undermining what others might like.
you didn't even address a single one of his points. You just cried and accused him of being a boogieman.

>goh wasn't a failure
that's why he's still around now right? Oh wait.
Aside from actually addressing the reposting obsession of Goh being supposedly a "Failure" and your failure of reading part where the supposed points just being dishonest nonsense, I don't give two shit about the projection of a loser like you who has to talk in third person to pretend to be more than one person, Fagmon. You're embarrassingly cringe.
just watched the new ep and overall all i though it was good. the animation was good to great, especially during the tresterization.
>everyone who disagrees with me is one person
I know amourtards who can gaslight better than you, retard. But keep trying.
I thought the same. Choreography before the tera wank happened was good
Beat the Fug. Conquer all four pokemon behind the seals. Dominance over Xavier-sama
I think this was my favorite battle so far, you could feel that Rika was kind of going easy on them while at the same time she didn't expect to get rocked so hard by Kamen Rider Bug and for the first time ever Riko actually felt like she actually cared about fighting the same way her cat did.
My highlight was Katy and her lust to go all out from the games getting fulfilled. Her going berserk before neutralizing the Dugtrio to effective turn the situation into a 1vs1 for Liko was based as fuck.
>the first time ever Riko actually felt like she actually cared about fighting the same way her cat did
You mean superficial writing, Liko who didn't even have drive to win suddenly care about winning when she go up against a freaking E4 without anything at stake just because the plot says so is just forced writing.
Why the fuck can't her drive to win be spurred on by her being up against such a strong opponent? It's also in the context of it being the culmination of the Terastal Basics track, being cheered on by her friends, and being in front of the entire student body. It makes sense that, even with no pressure whether she win or lose, she'd REALLY want to win anyways. Her crying is also perfectly in-character, despite the strides she's made since the show's start she's still incredibly sensitive emotionally and getting blown out even after her partner essentially sacrificed her Pokemon to support her and turn it into an effective 1v1 had to hurt. You act like people haven't gotten emotional over losing similarly low-stakes competitions simply due to their attachment to the event irl.
Its sad how the Rika terastalization gets so much attention just posting some variation of "So Gender!" and "Wife!" because when you compare it to how much attention stuff like Lokix's segment, Liko crying and all the stuff that Penny and Terapagos stuff get its clear a lot of the "discussion" about Horizons comes from people who don't even watch the show.
This is ugly crying, a thing that kids do, I find it very autistic telling that people that made the same negative remarks about the Boruto crying scene.
This kills the ESL.
I think the idea that Liko taking this E4 battle more seriously would have been better convayed if she we saw her progressively get more frustrated. I don't recall her reacting all that differently from how she normally does when she lost to Katy. I get the idea that how much she cares it supposed to be a surprise to her, but crying may have been too strong an emotion for her to show her, maybe more so just regular frustration. Crying should honestly come after you put a ton of effort in, Dot for example could have cried when she lost to Iono and it would have made sense. She employed a strategy that failed and despite working up the courage to battle in front of a bunch of people she still lost. Of course, her not crying is still fine, since the point of battling is to have fun, but the it would have made sense to cry after all you effort go seemingly unrewarded.
See, now this is a more reasonable stance to take. I can see where you're coming from, but I think her having her nerves settled by both Rika and Katy before the battle started, and then her subsequent statement about her being in-sync with Floragato for essentially the first time ever in terms of battling drive, helped set up her reaction to losing pretty well in conjunction with what we've seen from her character before. I do see your argument that maybe she didn't do enough strategizing during the fight itself, but I think she even did some good there too. I found using the same "latch on with yoyo vine" trick that got her into trouble against Dugtrio's Dig again against Clodsire's Poison Jab, but then following it up with a Quick Attack (turned Acrobatics) to avoid the hard landing pretty smart (though I admit I've a sucker for Pokemon using their biology creatively during battles in a way that's divorced from the just moves they learn, so maybe I'm overhyping it a bit.)
This post is a good summary of Liko's engagement with battling. She went from "I will concede the match if it means someone will be made happy with this" despite the initial problems that comes with this mindset, to her "I want to fight simply for for the fun of it". No asterisk hanging above her head with sidethoughts related to the battle or elsewhere. Just her and the fight at hand. Katy's commentary literally underlines that aspect when she reached that conclusion. I would concede that using a E4 member for that stepstone was going into reaching territory but otherwise personally, not having any major gripes with how it turns out. I am not necessarily attached to Liko but this much of a effort post is something i can get behind with how it makes clear points.
The pathetic 8 aren't worth his time. Even nemona doesn't care about them.
>Why the fuck can't her drive to win be spurred on by her being up against such a strong opponent?
You need the character to show the drive to win to make it believable. We are talking about a character who shown no interest in battle or strong desire to win randomly developed a desire to win against an E4 that she knew that she had no chance of beating because the plot says so, that is called bad writing. If they wanted Liko to cry and wanting to win then they should have introduced an opponent that she doesn't want to lose to. Example: May who cried after losing her very first Contest to the jerk rival that insulted her Beautifly. Liko on the otherhand fought a stateless exhibition match against somebody that she knew stronger than her , there is no believable reason for her to cry outside of plot says so.
Dumbest post in the thread so far
Why did Ash cried after Richie beated him? Ash never stand a chance from beginning , who so stupid as to get distracted by TRio and not even train he charizard for battle. If they wanted Ash to cry and wanting to win they should have shown he training for beat Richie. Example: Alan who train very hard to become winner of Kalos conference and beated that jerk rival who cased evil vines to exist. Ash on the otherhand fought a tournament match against somebody that he knew stronger than he , there is no believable reason for he to cry outside of plot says so.
Oh God the chaos.
Nanjamo should've been an Elite Four member, she's too strong.
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Is mommy power
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Why didn't they animate ackdith getting pounded in prison after being defeated so easily? Just like sh**n got defeated so easily by a pajeet, kekeke
Liko better gets her game up if she wants Roy to stay with her.
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Roy will need a cook when he embarks on his journey
Chili spent the entire fucking battle spurring her on to develop that desire you retarded speedwatching fuck.
Or who am I kidding, you clearly didn't even watch the episode.
One thing I haven't seen many people bring up is that Penny confirmed that she was working with the league this episode. Not only does this give context as to why she was randomly with the E4 and Geeta as the MCs were introduced to the school near the start of the arc, but also poses an interesting question about if this is a post-Operation Starfall Penny, and, if she is, who did she carry it out with if not the game's protags?
Liko took this first hit and it was with an E4 member. She'll try battling other people but it won't ever reach that same high. So she'll keep challenging Rika because she's the one to show her what it felt like. She'll bring new weak Pokemon every time because when they get too strong it just doesn't feel the same. She'll become hooked on the idea of facing those insurmountable odds, so much that losing and winning don't matter anymore. She'll become Rika's little battle junkie, desperate to get her fix.
>Clodsire confirmed unpettable without gloves
I want to see Ann battle.
Oh yeah, almost forgot.
I think if it's her post-story state then she probably managed it with Nemona or the sorts.
Arven ain't never showing up is he?
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I get liking Ash but why can’t people let go?
self inserters can't let go.
Annet's a reffo in Japan now, probably the only Ukro in town. She's clinging to anything she has as an emotional support- like Ash.
>has to be somebody that the audience can cheer for with a goal & motivation audience can relate too
Yeah catching them all. Goh the best.
>Chili spent the entire fucking battle spurring her on
That still doesn't makes it believable, in fact Rika's behaviour was no different than how trainer use to behave during battle on OS series.
Liko ships status?
Annet > Mr F
>Why did Ash cried after Richie beated him?
A. It was his very first League Conference.
B. Richie wasn't an E4
C. He only lost because Charizard refused to listen to him and somehow the dumb referee counts sleeping as fainting.
Ash had actual believable reason to be upset specially since he shown the motivation and drive to win from the very start of the show unlike Liko who didn't even cared about battling. Seriously you come up with the dumbest excuse

>: Alan who train very hard to become winner of Kalos conference and beated that jerk rival who cased evil vines to exist
Okay never mind, you are just trolling.
Because he is an iconic protagonist, its like asking why people haven't let go off Goku. It also doesn't help that Liko and Roy are disappointing protagonist.
Ash isn't as popular as Goku lmao. Crime rates literally go down while a new Goku episode is airing, and you can bet there would be actual riots if Goku was retired like Ash was. Ash will never have that level of influence.
For losing.

Goku's a winner. People like winners. Not losers who win gimped tournaments only.
>Ash isn't as popular as Goku lmao
Nice headcanon
>you can bet there would be actual riots if Goku was retired like Ash was
Goku supposed to retire when DBZ ended but he kept returning after new years.

Even now, Pokémon 2023 can only work if Ash was in the show.
Quick reminder to follow the instructions of OP's filename since the flamebaiter above me isn't genuine nor worth wasting your breath on his tantrums.
No it would be better if Juliana was in it, you even said you'd prefer her show.

Juliana in the show.

No trAsh allowed.
>Liko ships status?
Spinel had dips, Roy is kinda amazing to her, Dot will always be flustered by her Gurumin fangirling.
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Croc had seggs.
Damn that's some firepower
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Ash x Dawn
>People like winners
Who won in the previous HZ episode?
Everyone. It was another great 23 Episode.
Liko should have won but the chuuni executive did not allow her to win. Rivals only exist to lose to the protagonist so Liko should have won
Everyone with taste won.
>Who won in the previous HZ episode?
Everyone who was able to understand this good episode.
>Who won in the previous HZ episode
Me because I liked the episode.
>Katy in the games got told to hold back which she is NOT ok with
Only against newbie challengers

>>Katy in the anime won't contain herself and goes nuts.
Because she was against an E4 in an exhibition match.
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Have Liko, Roy, or Dot had an Ash-moment yet? I don't think even Roy has been as dumb as Ash
Replying to me multiple times doesn't make your stupid nitpicking any better, F aggot.
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>Who won in the previous HZ episode?
Definitely not this obsessed retard who is backpedaling hard with excuses rn lmao.
It's funny cuz if it was Ash he totally would have cheated and gotten a magical destiny win just like he did against all of the gym leaders in Kanto even though a gym leader aren't supposed to be normal trainer
>Who won in the previous HZ episode?
Liko's Floragato learned a new move so that's a win for Likofrens.
Rikafrens got to see their queen go wild.
Both sides won something.
It was a good fight so anyone who liked it won.
>Who won in the previous HZ episode?
I won due to enjoying the battle myself.
>Liko's Floragato learned a new move so that's a win for Likofrens.
>Rikafrens got to see their queen go wild.
>Both sides won something.
This post got it right.
What, you thought Liko (a Rookie) should have won solo against an E4?

Oh wait >>56102019 you didn't want it to happen so what's up your ass right now other than your Ash fig?
>gotten a magical destiny win
No need considering Ash's Bulbasaur with Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Vine Whip and Solar Beam would have been enough to help Kathy win.
>Definitely not this obsessed retard who is backpedaling hard with excuses rn
Yep, there is that coping loser >>56102057
It's ok to lose, but don't so desperate to lie about your precious Assh, right? Grow up.
Me. I won because the battle was great and that's what I care about.
>Who won in the previous HZ episode?
Grushafags because their guy will show up soon enough. Rikafags because they got a better drip and Likofags because the cat got a new move. So everyone that mattered won.
>Who won in the previous HZ episode?
Those who had fun with this awesome episode. I had fun.
Since when Earth power is a fire type move?
Ash on PM2023 should have a smug boastful personality who doesn't hesitate to tease and sneer at people. MPM02 proven that people prefer Ash more like that. Maybe Ash and Liko's dynamic could be more like May and Drew where Liko perceive anything Ash says as some sort of taunt due to misunderstanding. It would better if Ash does something to hide his identity as the world champion.
More of them for the future pls.
Mr Lolicon. Once again rewriting Ash's personality to fit his cringe fantasies.
Can you stop misspelling the name? It's Assh, not the version with one S.
>rewriting Ash's personality
Rewriting? That's how Ash always been from the start. In fact when Ash behaved like this on MPM 02, people insisted that old Ash has returned. If anything, the Ash from XY and SM/JN was the rewritten Ash who's character was rewritten to be less likable to make people cheer for writer's OC.

But again there is no point of telling Alainfag this who want Alain to end up with an underaged girl.
>Alain out of nowhere
Rentfree. Enjoy feeling threatened and scared by the better character staying rentfree in your mind.
>That's how Ash always been from the start.
And guess what, his character changed.

You ever gonna get over XY?

Love it when he calls me that. Didn't even watch XY.
There are reasons why I picked her in the questionaire from the postgame as the hardest and with the biggest impression. The last part probably came from turning her city into a flashmob to hunt Liko down in her amnesiac state.
>Enjoy feeling threatened and scared by the better character
You mean like how Liko, Roy and Alain are threaten by Ash?
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>Goh was a failure
>And guess what, his character changed
To promote uninteresting OC with zero personality. It didn't work because fans still cared more about Ash than those OC.
>You mean
I never even said anything about Liko or Roy. I am not the pathetic retard who can only feel better about his character by degrading other characters in a dishonest comparison, you are.
And here we go again with Mr Lolicon's conspiracy theories cause he is still obsessed that Ash lost.
Good episode. I'm excited to see how they merge together the Heath lore with the Lucius lore, and since Raifort's coming up next week, it should be another Rakua lore episode. We're so back.
Based and keep the filename of the OP in mind. We don't tolerate genwarring oxymorons here.
You insisted that I feel threatened by "better" character yet the only one I see threatened are fans of Liko, Roy and Alain.
Should be interesting.

I like how they basically made the Ancient Unovans the natives in that Victini movie, in spite of the obvious European origin.

Rest of the movie sucked though.
Its as if they took every worst attributes of Serena and shove it on Liko.
I preferred the game lore about Kyugre, Rashirem and Zekrem being one single pokemon before splitting into three dragon because of two autistic hero's argument over Truth and Ideal.

Victini promised to join Ash's team someday, didn't it?
You're the only retard who constantly brings Liko, Roy or Alain up out of nowhere and for no reason other than getting whiningly defensively when someone points up the bullshit in your posts. Get a life instead of projecting so much.
No it just fucked off by the end of yet another mediocre trAshnime movie complete with copout death.
>getting whiningly defensively when someone points up the bullshit in your posts
My post actually has an argument which none of you proven wrong yet.
Bringing Alain and his fans up of nowhere for no reason other than randomly accusing them of being obseesed is just(You) being a genwarring faggot who cant get over Alain to feel better about your self-insert. That's not an argument.
>Bringing Alain and his fans up
You mean those pedophile who wants their self insert to end up with a girl at least 5 years younger than him and then has the nerve to call other people lolicon.
How would have Dawn and Goh would have done against Rika & Hassel? I think Goh had a Cinderace by the time of JN056.
>You mean
>You mean
Constantly bringing up Alain plus his fans and insulting unprompted does not make them anything of what you're accusing them for. That's just you projecting.
You didn't present single argument about Goh being a good protagonist and address anything I have said in the post. All you done is rant and attack me.
Constantly degrading every argument you got for why Goh is good protagonist as either lies or them not counting goes to show how you are unable of genuine discussions aside with your shitty attempt playing the victim.
>Constantly degrading every argument
There never been any arguments, just bunch of salty anti-Ashfags goshing over anybody that's not Ash. I on the otherhand presented actual arguments about why Goh failed to capture people's attention.
And of course now your Boogeyman of "anti-ashfags" shows up, as if bringing them up will magically make them come true. Goh wants to catch Mew which is cool, he did a fat load of steps towards it but you ignoring them in a dismissing or degrading manner again showcases how intolerant and degrading you are towards others. Take your genwarring fanboyism and shove it.
Ash is TrAsh
They’d still probably job.
I know, I am asking about their performance against an E4 based on their starter pokemon and its moveset specially if they are back up by Kathy and Brassius.
Not gonna humor you, Fagmon. You will just use the arguments again to genwar with them later because you are incapable of thinking about them yourself.
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Sharing the same boat. I have enjoyed past episodes from earlier entries when the anime has taken the liberty to intertwine its own narrative and converges them with the ones from the game. Idk how much Penny for instance is gonna take part for the final act but her trading numbers with Dot, Nemona having a reoccuring appearance in context for Roy's progression are notable factors for that to be the case aside from the big and obvious existence of Heath's book. I do not know when it is getting decided to feature Arven but with them featuring the Heath's book as well as 2 out of the 3 friends from SV despite the skeptism, then I think that Arven won't be too far away with atleast showing up once before they leave with the blimp and once again in relation to the books and by proxy the turtle.
Though Croc, Koraidon and the Mabostiff of Arven getting into hungry fist fights would be funny too. Arven and Liko can bond over making food for the others.

I'm ditching the thread for today. Looks like the F aggot has it made his mission again to make others miserable like him and trying to get anons sent away on vaction for daring to disagree with his nonsensical babbling.
They’d likely hold out pretty well, especially Dawn considering that she does have a fair amount of battle experience coming from the Sinnoh contests, but for the most part, it’s still not too favorable considering her loss against Maylene earlier on in the series, and Pokémon battles not really having a necessity for flair.
Goh’s Cinderace is actually pretty powerful, but it’s still not going to be enough considering this is likely taking place before the Project Mew stuff by your statements, and thus Goh doesn’t have nearly as much battle experience as he’ll get later down the road.
I think one thing we’re forgetting is that despite them being jobbers, both characters do fight against Team Rocket extremely often (amplified for Goh as TRio almost never uses the same Pokemon), so that’s by default more experience compared to Liko and Roy by the length of their journeys so far.
They still wouldn’t win, but it would be a noticeably closer fight.

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