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File deleted.
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon petting, Flareon is the most compatible Pokémon for AAAAAAAAAAH MY HANDS! MY HANDS! IT BURNS! IT'S NOT A FLUFFY MONSTER! IT'S A CREATURE THAT CAN REACH A TEMPERATURE OF 898ºC
A few burns on your skin are nothing compared to how warm your heart would get
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The least sexable Eeveelution (I would still have sex with her)
how did op's pic warrant a deletetion? what is this kikery
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Flareon, Flareon, über alles
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Über alles in der Welt~
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Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
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Brüderlich zusammenhält~
>Cropped feral porn
Gee i wonder why
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Chappy, so I can find it, you know the drill!
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Plus it's just really cute
why did the file get deleted? mods are such retarded fags
>this image USED to have have porn in it so its bad!
make it make sense
An unvirgin woman's pussy used to have some other guy's dick inside. Do you still want it?
But it was cropped
also how would you know it was porn unless you've seen it before
Learn proper English before replying to me Hajeet, also Dagasi is a shit tier artist
Look at the archive, unless you have brain damage you can clearly see that it's a Flareon getting fucked
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You could always repost it and hide it among a lot of these other Flareon pics
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>deleted because it was cropped por---
meanwhile >>56103801
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Are you sure she's the least sexy?
I know I'm going against like 90% of furries and Pokephiles, but I think it's [spoiler Umbreon. [/spoiler]
You can disregard my opinion, I made a typo.
Did you guys know there was a Flameon porn video on YouTube Kids at some point?
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The worst thing is that these /vp/ plays threads almost always have cropped porn as the thumbnail yet they never get deleted. Janny could atleast only delete the thumbnail but oh well. He probably doesn't want to trigger the severely autistic males who post in those threads
Is she getting schlopped by a quadruped? There's no one behind her, otherwise!
Curiously, none of them flip out like I do. If they get away with cropped porn, that makes it humorous, not unfair.
More importantly, none of the real Eevee fans have cried about the fangame players, since they actually have their own fun in their own space. They haven't bothered anyone, other than that effeminate trash who had such high hopes for some troon game, probably because he's a fucking jew.
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If it's burning you anon, then it probably doesn't like you >_>
Treat your Flareon better and you too can safely pet and cuddle with it!
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Even if it doesn't want the hug, it still won't burn you!
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Hello! Is this the cute Flareon thread? I have a delivery to make.
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wtf I thought /vp/ said that no one liked Flareon?
Why would this board lie?
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It's biologically impossible for a human to actually dislike any Eeveelution.
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Whoa, thanks anon! It's really nice to come back to even more fluff
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>page 10
You're not going anywhere yet, Flareon.
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Thanks for catching it, anon! Didn't realize it would go to 10 so quickly. Were there a bunch of spam threads or something
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Don't know, didn't pay attention. It was probably the usual schizo shit though.
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What was deleted?

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