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Don't embarrass us in front of hoes edition!

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: Is your OC confident Personal Computer user?

>Thread task: Draw your character as one of the cool cyberpunk guys!

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

Previous thread: >>56091920
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>he just stands there.....M E N A C I N G L Y
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>woke up right when new thread got made
You people made ~10 final posts last ~8 hours while I was asleep.
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>Thread question, translated: What kind of websites (real or fictional) would your OC spend their free time on. What are their browsing habits like? Do they use adblock? Leech or seed? How often do they get banned from message boards?

>Thread task, translated: Draw your OC as a Cyberpunk RPG character!
As punishment for making me wake up to nothing interesting, you're all stuck listening to a song that randomly got recommended to me by Youtube and now I've been vibing to for 30 minutes despite literally nobody fucking asking

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I remember that request. Which program did you use for that, libresprite?
Other people were sleeping too. Sorry, I wanted to like that song but it sounds like it was recorded on a GBA.
You can't hide from me.
Out of curiosity, would you guys say the Battle Chateau in Kalos's Route 7 is an example of Baroque architecture, or a mix of Romanesque and Early Renaissance?
>sounded like it was recorded on a GBA
idk what you're talking about, the audio is perfectly clear on my end.
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Cyberpunk Luke wouldn't be augmented because he sucks at technology and if he did have them he'd have a rotom installed to tell and remind him how his stuff works constantly.

Anyway chapter 3 is done: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-nOYYjxC_pJ1h03frpZgCDbtlMp94oYRB43MrhMsu7sYL_dBT-ypbrrr16CIS-i_RfMgCtkwRvj98/pub
Do you listen to anything that isn’t a fucking anime or game OST?
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Probably not. """Actual music""" these days is all dogshit desu.
>it was already mostly done last night
Real-time updates are fun!
Hey, how nutty does the power scaling get in PTU that a Turtwig has access to Superpower that soon?
My inner /mu/ hipster is weeping blood after reading that statement.
Pretty nutty, but that wasn't too bad. Our GM allowed our starters to all have egg moves of our choice. It was tough fighting Gaia at first, but once I we all had more options it was fine.

Torch's egg move is Thunder Punch. Prince has Aqua Ring
I mostly meant company shilled shit. There's some independent/super niche-- practically unknown-- artists I stumble upon sometimes too I guess but most shit I got is OSTs.
Forgot to say, Superpower can only be used twice per scene so it isn't too busted. Especially if you miss with it once (it's got a high accuracy check)
“Company shilled” is quite broad, a record label can be considered a “company”, does this mean that any artist who’s signed to a label, no matter how small the label is, counts as “company shilled”? I think you’re just referring to mainstream music, which is understandable.
I actually breathed a sigh of relief. You had me worried there for a minute.
Oke, that's a lot more reasonable then.
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>>56100318 #
>generic anime power and generic anime trope
Seriously, what breed of autism is this? No Emily-Anon, Game Freak were not thinking of some schizo power system when they had Psychics since Gen 1 and certainly not when they were making one of the most common gags in anime.
Do you even know what Infinity Energy is? It's a man-made alternative energy source DERIVED from the bioenergy of Pokemon. It's not something intrinsic to Pokémon, much less humans. The most it ever did was Power the Ultimate Weapon and create Mega Stones. Did you even play Gen 6? How did you misunderstand what it was so badly?
Things can get wacky though especially with the ruleset we are using (Kairos Edition).

Recently got Stat Mastery which causes my target to lose a tick (1/10th their max HP) per Physical Damaging Attack in addition to the damage they take from the move itself. Though really defensive builds will just take the tick and the minimum of 1 damage.
Plus I can give my pokemon pack hunt which is super helpful because it goes off every time it's triggered since there's no limit on free actions.
And with Focused Command I can just have two pokemon out and when one hits the other Pack Hunts. I don't need to pay any Action Point costs since I pretty much only use At-Will moves and a -5 is negligible at this point.
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I think it's one thing to have an over-the-top My Hero Academia-ass superhero character in Pokemon, but another thing entirely to insist that it's normal and not a Mary Sue thing, and that the setting supports it. Because it really doesn't. The attempt to justify the bullshit is more distasteful than the bullshit itself.
I'd say Psychics and Aura Guardians existing is proof enough of some kind of elemental connection humans can and have tapped into. Sure it isn't fully in the lore or world building, but nothing a little creative liberty can't solve. It just depends on how seriously you take certain things like, "humans and Pokémon being nearly indistinguishable and marrying" and dex entries where humans turn into pokemon.
This is starting to sound a lot like Pathfinder jargon. How often are you expected to have multiple mons out on the field at once?
I know in PTA, there's nothing stopping you from ganking any wild encounters with your entire party, but you can only actually direct one mon at a time while the rest twiddle their thumbs and body-block incoming hits. There are special occasions like letting someone else backseat for you, but it's really the best solution to avoiding the turn time bloat dilemma.
If it's a league battle I stay with one pokemon.

My second pokemon doesn't take a lot of time because I already know what I want to do in advance. PTU gives you one pokemon to command unless you have Focused Command. Then it's two. You can't have pokemon intercept unless they have abilities or you have features that allow them to do so. (Unless they have max loyalty, but more times than not that intercept is going to cost that pokemon's next turn.)
Human accessibility of elemental connections has been demonstrated to exist within Pokemon but those two things are the upper limit of it. Even special snowflakes like Ash and Riley have only been shown to have limited usage of it, nowhere near something like Lucario. At most you can get little flames on your hands like Sabrina.
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>upper limit of it
That TPC was willing to invest actual writing into. It could easily extend higher. TPC/GF just constantly sandbag on the writing cause going beyond a mere surface level takes more competency than their hack asses can manage. The potential is there, TPC/GF just don't go in on it cause they're lazy faggots. Stop whining.
Oh nonono, I use the same medibang, just set it up a little to work with pixel art and ta-da!
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>That TPC was willing to invest actual writing into
Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe there's a reason that TPC decided to cap human's elemental access there? Pushing it any further would upend the premise entire franchise; Trainers command Pokemon against each other. Why would evil teams even bother to use Pokemon if they can just begin making elemental foot soldiers? Why would elementals not just fight Pokemon themselves? You may as well just become Palworld with elemental spells.

You have to remember that you are literally the only person above the age of 13 who wants to introduce what is essentially a DBZ character into Pokemon. Even the TTRPG guy took the time to make his stuff balanced.
It does change the relationship between human and pokemon, but it doesn't need to be super common.
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Not reading that first chunk of shit you typed.
>You have to remember that you are literally the only person above the age of 13 who wants to introduce what is essentially a DBZ character into Pokemon.
It says nothing about the quality of the idea. Even in high fantasy settings a lot of people simply opt for the mundane and make more normal characters even when given the choice to reach higher. Not everyone is interested in the kind of role such a position implies.
>Even the TTRPG guy took the time to make his stuff balanced.
TTRPGs are basically text-based board games. This is more of a book. Their intentions and purposes are very different.
The Trainer being able to fight ALONGSIDE their Pokemon is something I am going for and will show in chapter 2 of the fic if my bum ass ever stops procrastinating.
>Even the TTTPG guy took the time to make his stuff balanced.

My GM would disagree with you.

I think the elementalist classes from PTU are pretty solidly structured. And since pokemon will always hit harder than you it's usually better to take support options.

If trainers were out here regularly dealing equal or more damage than their Pokémon it would definitely be an issue.
At most, Psychics can lift objects and communicate telepathically. Aura guardians have a few miscellaneous spiritual powers (sixth sense, Medium, Aura sensing, Telepathy)
On the other hand, your OCs can: Boost their strength and speed to DBZ levels to take down giant mechs and Pokemon, generate tornadoes and giant fireballs, Amp up their Pokemon's attacks into what are essentially Z-Moves, create Green Lantern-esque constructs like a giant sword that can potentially one-shot legendaries etc. It's absurd
>he's still yapping
Luke does a lot of this and gets clobbered frequently. Very realistic to how I imagine that should go down.
Well I ain't looking for realism.
It's futile to argue with shonenshitters.
Good effort though.
Neither am I. Realistic was probably the wrong word.
>Not reading that first chunk of shit you typed.
Imagine being a grown ass man and unironically doing “mucho texto” and saying that people are “yapping”.
>It says nothing about the quality of the idea.
How well something fits into something else is a good indicator of its overall quality. You are essentially trying to put Bullet Bills and Blue Shells into Need For Speed.
I would say that “believable” is a good word to describe it. To continue with the racing games example I would say that what you are doing is closer to Blur: Introducing unrealistic elements (energy based powerups in Blur, humans using some Pokémon skills for you) while still keeping them able to seem to fit within the framework you are operating in. As opposed to Emily who is just stupidly overpowered to the point of absurdity. There’s a reason why nobody else writes shit like that.
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>Thread question: Is your OC confident Personal Computer user?
Ruka probably has a pc in her room but since she's rarely home she probably doesn't use it much. She's much more into using her phone. She posts her adventure on the pokemon equivalent of Instagram. She probably posts and watches pokemon tiktok videos. And of course she uses the Pokedex app with its questionable curating. She's probably not very tech savvy herself but she is constantly using tech and is probably at least adept and navigating social media.
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>more "you must fit my tastes/perceptions of what is possible within a fictional setting" shit stirring
This shit might have worked in old /tog/, gradually alienating people with coordinated hazing/shitposting but it ain't gonna get you anywhere now, your clique is over and you're not even worth a (You).
Fuck wine!!! (in a mean way)
Fcuk iono!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in a kinky way >:^0 )
I'm not a part of the old discordtranny fetish gang, if that's what you're referring to.
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Didn't ask. Point remains the same, not everything will be to YOUR tastes or to what YOU think should be allowed. If you don't like it, don't bother reading any of it. Different people like different things. Some people take creative liberties/expand more upon potential lore bits that TPC won't that you either CAN'T (narrow creative scope) or just REFUSE to. Not everything is going to be for (You) or to appeal specifically to (You). Now go away already you dreg, I have more important things (literally anything else) to attend to than sitting here dealing with your shit-stirring. I'm not even going to deign you with so much as a response if you keep talking like as if I'm remotely inclined to give a shit about what you want.
Why do you always shut down and throw a temper tantrum anytime you're presented with sincere criticism? It's not a good look in any regard to call anything in opposition "bait", it just makes you look like you suck at responding.
Your "criticism" is not an objective decree, you can GIVE the criticism, I have the CHOICE of if I listen to it or not.
But is it really necessary to show so much anger?
aaaaand iv trew up a liittle
Yeah, I can only imagine how smelly Iono's cunt is.
I'm of two minds here. On one hand I've always maintained that humans in pokemon are not like humans in the real world. There are psychics, weird mystic fae children that are older than they appear and actual ghosts. Between that and stories of humans and pokemon having similar ancestors I can suspend my disbelief that humans in pokemon are capable of extraordinary feats.
However I can also see why people think raising these powers so high in a story like pokemon can make a story harder to enjoy. I remember watching a video about dragonball where they mentioned a scene where Freeze blew up an island and all the characters reacted scared. But by this point we've seen entire cities and celestial bodies blown up. It's hard to gauge the impact of a feat when it's hard to gauge the potential of a character. It's why people value weakness and vulnerability in characters. Because it not only provides context but also gives them something to overcome. I'll be honest I don't really know what kind of story Emily anon wants to make. At the end of the day it's his idea and world. If he decides it's normal in his interpretation then I can accept that. The same way I accept discrepancies between the anime, games and manga.
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>new thread is already at 53 replies
What is going on here?
>sincere criticism
> Sincere criticism this is not. If you're the same anon that shows up every few threads to throw hands with Emily-anon, then you're just here to cause trouble.
Look, I don't care for Emily-anon's character or world-building either, but I don't feel the need to attack him over it. There are self-professed pedophiles on this board, but it's this Emily character that is so intolerable to you and what you repeatedly show up to bitch about. You're pathetic and a waste of time.
DBZ's issue is that it had no consistent sense of scale. We're still too early to say if that same issue will come into play in this case or not.
>"to show such anger"
>any discourse or disagreement at all is outright anger
Not how it works, go away
I don't care for that anon's critique of characters either, but I don't feel the need to attack him over it. You're gay and a waste of valuable input.
Hey guys, non burger. My advice is to not let people get you. We will read your story, and depending on the writing, we'll see if your character is believable or not. After all, humans in the Pokémon world are just like us, but some can:
>Jump 20 stores up
>Throw logs like if were darts
>Absorb, and even counter, Pokémon moves
>Using basic telepathy to advanced illusions
>Fuck a species to be human compatible

Remember that the hardest part of any fantasy story is "realism". Sure, something weird can happen, but it has to be believable enough to actually happen.

I'd imagine David would be like K in a cyberpunk setting. Looking for humanity in a world that forgot about it. I'd recommend Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and Cowboy Bebop for those post humanity worlds.
>What about Cyberpunk?
Eh, I felt it like a Cowboy Bebop on fast forward. Good music tho.

>What sites would your OC use?
Probably some travel blogs, video sites to pass the time, and whatever the equivalent of 4chan is on the Pokémon world. I wonder if I should write about David on Fochun.
Anyway, a song to rock on now
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>even though any discourse or disagreement at all is outright bait
Not how it works, go away
After settling down most of his day consists of gaming or occasionally preparing for tournaments. He may or may not enter college sometime during his 20s in preparation for when his father croaks and he has to take over of CEO as HDC. Once HSS gets established he sometimes helps with planning, consulting, and advising but he rarely gets actually involved unless it's something Personal like the Silas incident. On the internet he mostly just shitposts on chans or from anonymous accounts. Some equivalents I came up with:

>Google: Finder
>Youtube: PokeTube
>Instagram: PokeWorld
>Facebook: FriendsConnect
>Deviantart: Smear (in reference to Smeargle)
>Twitch: MagneStreams
>Twitter: Fletchling
>Discord: Snorlax
>4chan: Pokechan
>8-chan: 151chan
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I was considering making a fourth alter ego for Alex for the few times he helps out the security guys, simply known as "The Captain", who's a generic stoic mercernary in a black beret, black aviators, and a skull mask.

Also, fun fact, the suits that Team Flare Grunts wear are actually bound together, they can't be opened or closed. This isn't a game oversight either, they're depicted this way in artwork and the anime.
Yes, it is bait, cause anyone with a brain knows that not everything will be to their taste and we selectively choose who's things we take an interest in, read and interact with according to our own tastes rather than shit-stirring out loud about it like an ass cause you got bored. Now get ye gone.
>the fucking suit jacket makes an X
Holy shit deepest lore
Yeah that doesn't make it bait. I dont even agree with them but someone disagreeing with you or having a dumb argument isn't inherently bait. You're using that word wrong.
A dumb argument they have no reason to be initiating is 100% bait/shit-stirring for it's own sake.
Not to stir more shit up (lie), but I get what the dudes are saying, and they're not entirely wrong.
If Emilybro likes the Goku shit in his OC in a pokemon world and all the dumb retarded shonen tier stuff that happens, finr whatever. It's for him to enjoy whatsoever, nothing wrong with that. As some have said before, people have their own tastes.
The problem comes when claiming that any of it is good writing. Liking something =/= it being good, thats basic 101. Trying to fervently defend such writing, as they've listed before here and in previous threads, is just being disingenuous.
He doesn't want to write a story that's good, he wants to write a story he likes. And that's fine, nothing in the constitution says otherwise, but if this is the path being treaded, everybody's expectations should be tempered appropriately.
Or just continue as usual, I still enjoy my fair share of drama so it all works out
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In what ways do you objectively improve upon the official lore in your setting?
>A dumb argument they have no reason to be initiating is 100% bait/shit-stirring for it's own sake.
I agree. There's a cycle of the same anon showing up every few threads to start trouble by attacking Emily-anon. If this was just an instance of Emily-anon disagreeing about story critique, then it'd be a different story, but in this circumstance it's targeted harassment.
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>it's all been one anon this entire time
meds now
>the shitposter is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a tranny, attention whore, drama queen, bait, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jealous ex-girlfriend and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".
Still hanging around, worthless cunt?
Yeah, I'm not denying that Anti-Emily Schizo is real but there's more people giving him pointers than just that guy. I have no relation to whatever lurker decides to occasionally lambast Emily. You can tell because only one person seems more aggressive than the others.
They're not my OCs. I was agreeing with the post I was commenting on.

Psychics and Aura Guardians prove humans can have some mild supernatural powers. Like someone else said, Sabrina is probably the most powerful human Psychic in the setting. What you're doing is leaps and bounds beyond that. Getting defensive at being called a Mary Sue for making your character a shounen hero in a world without shounen power scaling is wild.

Yes, if the setting was written and approached differently, and followed what you wanted it to be, you'd be correct. But that's very much not the case, and you're inserting a lot of bullshit into your story and insisting it's normal and canon. Just admit you're jerking off to a powerfantasy because you watched too much One Piece.
Honestly, I can't see Alex changing his outfit much even in a cyberpunk setting, and any enhancements will have to be with nanobots since he doesn't want to ruin his body. Maybe some extra bullshit is woven into his suit? I guess his X-Transceiver would be upgraded to something much more compact that still provides information and encrypted communications. I did have one idea, though. Maybe he could have some special glasses, styled like the Team Flare ones but black, that provide him information on enemy Pokemon, moves that they have, level, BST, EVs, and so on, and also block hypnosis and blinding in addition to other useful features that I haven't come up with.

But I will say, Alex would rock the shit out of a Team Flare outfit, and don't tell me that he wouldn't. I think I'll actually give him one that he steals at some point in Kalos when he's tracking down some of their resold gear, though he's not going to wear the ridiculous belt buckle. I wonder if he would land himself in controversy because of this. This is also a very Alex pose.

Phos Guy, if you're looking for inspiration for the next cover drawing of EIF, maybe you can just trace over this since Scrafty is already there.
Which is more likely?
That you are on the anime website where shonenshit gets ripped apart across boards on a daily basis?
Or one anon has it out for you?
I don't wish anyone to subject themselves to such paranoia.
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>decided to leave-- cause the shit stirring anon is fake, gay and one of the most boring obsessed schizos I've ever had-- over an hour ago to go play vidya
>come back
>it's STILL ongoing
Not the Schizo but using a Gacha Life reaction image is a bit embarassing ngl gonna lie
>gacha life
idk what that even is, and it's not from there
I don't know ow if any of us have made any of it better
Gacha Life is a roleplay haven for edgy preteens and I assumed that that version of Emily was made in here because it looks like that game, and I assume that you used it just for character design because of how picky you are with RP partners. If it was from something else then I wouldn't know. What's it from?
It was one of those create a character things made by nips on some site I forgot
Found it
Yeah that's the one.
>go to play vidya
Did you win, son?
The venn diagram between gacha life and picrew niggas is basically a circle so what'd it matter
I use Picrew sometimes but I wouldn't touch Gacha Life with a ten thousand foot pole.
I only used it cause one of the artists I follow posted about a picrew thing once, which came down from a long chain of other people doing it.
>set bing to make prompts using blue eyes
>most of the outputs are shit
>go back to purple eye prompts
>constant jackpot outputs
What does the full image look like
It's an output from months ago that would be complete suffering to try and find again.
Nevermind, it was easier than I thought. Was one of the random bouts of "goblin holding a gun" prompts.
>Lord forgive me for what I'm about to Skid-do.
I don't understand this reference
How long did it take you to decide on the tracksuit?
Ah, okay then
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I am aware of how low quality that meme is. I don't remember what I actually made this for. I guess this could be an alternate "Damien" outfit.
It was something I made on a whim >>56113137
Emily finishing the fight over here.
Emily proceeds to get her head blown off by a sniper that she had no idea existed.
This made me realize that nobody tells each other to dilate anymore.
Her faith, just like her face, is her shield. She will be fine.
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how the hell do i start rogue trader a couple of days ago then suddenly I see this WH40k ass sentence in the fucking pokemon board.
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We've always been here, insect.
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And we will remain after you are dust.
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Emily IS the sniper.
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>I'm not a crazed gunman Mari, I'm an assassin. Well the difference being ones a job and the other's mental sickness!
Mari wouldn't question it, but Emily's actual parents definitely would. So it'd definitely line up closer to the actual trailer.
>thread task
Production model B1 line B rank 1 AKA "B1B1" is the latest, and in the opinions of many a fan and sponsor, greatest in Paldea's recent combat coordinators. As part of a storied tradition, Naranja tech continues to work together with the region's Institutes of Health to advance prosthetics, with Project Miracle selecting a lucky subject to receive full augmentation every year. While some may consider being born to the pool eligible patients a misfortune given the ERROR: Note from editor, please remove "terminal" from the final release nature of illness and injury necessary to qualify, we assure you that for Miss B1B1 it was nothing short of fortuitous. These augmentations enable her participation in the coordinator circuit, representing Naranja's latest combat modules, with her contract set to last another 5 years and extendable by up to 10. Notably, Miss B1B1 is a favorite due to her sheer adaptability and use of constantly rotating tactical programs and equipment. Her signature tools however, mimic the long extinct species of Skeledirge, Ribombee, and ERROR: 2nd instance of failure to remove "Koraidon" from corporate materials, 3rd instance will result in meeting with HR to go over confidentiality protocols, reviving the once lost tradition of Pokemon battles which emphasized beauty and power in equal measure. Potential shareholders should know that B1B1 has requested to maintain as much biological tissue as possible, and while not legally obliged, we have followed through with this request. Consequently she requires more maintenance compared to similar models, however, we are pleased to inform you this makes her largely more sympathetic to audiences than those who opted to forgo pain reception upon the nerve reintegration process. In all, we hope you choose to support Naranja Tech in it's continued endeavor to produce the best in athletic and medical products.
heh, ended up going way more....standard sci-fi than cyberpunk i think, but the vision of robobibi popped into my mind and i couldn't let it go. maybe i'll make something closer to what the thread task intended another day. as for the blurb, i wrote it up during my lunch break today but i hope it doesn't read like complete nonsense. as for the thread question i think bibi uses the web similarly to how most kids these days do, that is, she can effectively navigate social media but doesn't really use forum sites, or other non-social media focused apps/sites much at all. that said though if there's dedicated blogs to battling, those are probably what she browses most often, as well as news sites dedicated to trainers and league matches, though she probably prefers newspapers and magazines since she can highlight or place notes/bookmarks in em. her biggest zoomer-ism is probably watching dance challenges on whatever the equivalent of tiktok is. alto's probably getting into heated arguments in poke-youtube comment sections on a regular basis, and leaves detailed reviews about every album he listens to on both online marketplaces and dedicated reviewing websites. tesoro is offline as fuck, has a grandpa's grasp on social media and doesn't understand the appeal, it's a miracle he's even got a rotomphone. if anything, he might have a good handle on online libraries or databases for when he needs reliable accounts on treasures and histories.
I think Mari being the sniper would work better.
If she has wind magic, she can use that to put herself in "hard to reach yet good to see" places. Also, if she is spotted, she can make a wind field that blocks attacks while she runs away. Extra speed because she runs with the wind behind her.
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Ah, my Bibi, my Bibi, my Bibi. My mentor, my muse, I could gush about you and your work until my writing fuel runs dry.
I have to ask though: Are those just coincidentally flesh-colored leggings, or am I scant centimeters away from seeing my daughterfu's cybernetically-augmented unmentionables.
Twitter's equivalent would be Chatter, and it'd use a Chatot as the logo.
I can tell that you were very excited to do this.
I know Bibi is going to do the Quiver Dance Challenge with Ribombee. I can see Alto getting into arguments with Alex about albums, I had the idea that Alex does an anonymous metal podcast that gains a large fanbase and also pisses a lot of people off like J-Dawg (middle aged metal youtuber that pisses people off a lot for not being politically correct). I don't think Alex would actually use social media publicly very often, he would probably just make accounts so nobody impersonates him that post once a month. Terminally online on his anon accounts though, constantly shitposting anti-Fairy stuff. Don't know what he would be doing on Discord "Snorlax". I know he would try to get pictures with Tes on his public social media accounts, though. Does Tes torrent his stuff or just direct download all the records in spite of the wait time? What does he even use that phone for?
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oh for fucks sake I posted the wrong image
huh, whoops, there's a color choice i could've done a bit better. no yeah it's supposed to be her legs there (but worry not there'd be some kind of plating underneath to prevent any advertiser-unfriendly occurrences from happening). i think i mentioned before bibi's not huge on skirts? keeping with the whole "skirting the line between product and person" vibe going on i thought it'd fit if she wore the somewhat personally unappealing but ever classic and marketable skirt and thigh high combo.
I am currently working on a character that I would like to make friends with Arceus- I feel as if the PLA format of making them friends with Arceus would be too cliche. Is there any other ways I could possibly make them become friends?
fuck sorry, meant for >>56113774
if i'm ever not in the mood to draw my ocs in silly outfits it means i've been killed and replaced, and the fake's doing a bad job. a phone's a phone, even if all his contacts are labeled stuff like "mom" "free meal #1" and "antique dealer" it's not like tes never needs to make a phone call. the idea of alex and alto shitflinging at each other with throwaway accounts is also pretty funny.
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Sir, have you been drinking tonight. My eyes are up here >>56113774
You did fantastic work, of course. Have you been working on your line art recently, because the past few contributions have been really crisp.
But, and this is strictly a personal problem, I feel really fucking filthy seeing that caliber of absolute territory on Bibi. It's really hot, but I'm disappointed in myself for even thinking that and I feel like I need to drink some holy water.
depending how hard you want to go on worldbuilding, religion might be an angle, arceus is a deity, we know sinnoh has churches, make volo fuckin roll in his grave by having it pick a favorite devotee. however, i guess this is more of a disciple/idol relationship and not necessarily a classic friendship
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Im just going to post this to end the Warhammer stuff in my end, then go back to playing rogue trader instead of doing my responsibilities or promises I made to this or other threads.
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as always anon, you flatter me! i can't say i feel like i changed much about my linework as of late, if anything i feel like maybe the coloring's disguising the messier bits, but just know that it's you and the other anons in this thread keeping me motivated to keep drawing and thus improving. also, honestly, even drawing and designing her in her adult years it's not like i can really bring myself to bibi as sexy either.... even if i do try and make her come off as cute/pretty/visually appealing. much as i do things like draw her with a relatively nice figure and design cute outfits.....bibi and lewd just don't really compute in my brain
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Oh, I can speak from personal experience! Just have Arceus take a hands-off approach to shepherding your guy around. Maybe not direct divine intervention, but he'll notice a whole lot of weird coincidences start to add up over time as the universe bends over backwards to accommodate him. It will start off pretty small, like having a college professor decide not to grade homework on the one single day out of three years your dude didn't complete the assignment. Or eventually, he realizes that he hasn't had to stop for a red light in days, or that bad sunburn he got had a miraculous recovery overnight. Your guy will notice that the gains he's making far outstrips the effort he's putting in, spitting in the face of any understood laws of economics. Whatever he needs, he'll always find just enough; and what takes others days to achieve, he gets on the first try. He always happens to find the right person or Pokemon at the right time for the situation he's in, and they seem to notice there's just something magnetic about him that he himself doesn't see. He finds himself receiving huge dividends for his every good deed and action; and if he's ever in danger, there's always an easy out provided for him. He often succeeds in spite of himself, simply because someone, somewhere, enjoys the show and wants to keep it going for as long as possible. And when he looks back and reflects on his life, he realizes that he could never have made it as far as he did for as long as he has unless someone was actively propping him up the whole time. Far above the cosmos, Arceus will look on and smile to itself with a quiet sense of pride.
God, that new Kommando kit is so fucking good.
Take a religious tale on how a man found God, and give it a Pokémon spin.
It doesn't need as much suffering, murder, and/or rape. Just, a man going on a pilgrimage to find friendship, and innadvertily makes friends with Arceus.
Welcome to W40K. You begin by playing the RPGs or the shooters, and you end with heavy weaponry, grim stories, probably heretical waifus, and one liners that go WAY too hard.

And everybody's favorite:
>Thread question: Is your OC confident Personal Computer user?
She's got a common consumer (millenial, not Gen Z kind) level understanding of computers. Arai is the advanced tech master of the 3.
>Thread task: Draw your character as one of the cool cyberpunk guys!
Emily in a cyberpunk setting would end up in the mercenary life. But much like as she does already, she'd only fight for clients that align with her own virtues and make it a point to take jobs that go against the ones she despises. She'd likely be very stealth based though. Cloaking tech, suppressed weaponry, Arai helping her with tech stuff, opting for sniping a lot, etc.
Thought I'd publish and share Luke's Character Sheet (or at least his Google Sheet). This is Luke as he is now.

Pictured: Nox for the fun of it.

>I would rather kill on my feet, than die at my knees.
>Death is my meat; terror my wine.
>I call Heads! Sever their ugly, stinking heads! The one with the red helmet is mine!
>My grounds. Where screams are flowers, and pain their fragrance.
>Explain your meaning, slave, and in plainer words. My translator unit has clearly fouled on your primitive tongue, as it continues to incessantly repeat some nonsense phrase about a "fair fight", whatever that might be intended to mean.
>Arrogant creature, you will pay for the insult of trying to force me to the ground. The mere thought of brushing my feet against the same dirt you tread sickens me. I will take your imminent screams of dying anguish as your crude attempt at an apology.
>Every weapon your prey wields can be turned against them, given sufficient application of wit.
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Hoooly spreadsheet simulator
Anon, hold me, I'm getting work flashbacks
Hmmm... either Dark Eldar or Daemon. To that, I have only one answer:

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I miss when /tg/ was a functional and productive board.
But we're veering dangerously off-topic, so please be mindful.
shh....worry not.....you're safe for a whole week......shitty coworkers and corporate spreadsheets mean nothing here. excel can't hurt you
The only way this could be more off topic is someone post that korean Palworld copy.
Ain't that a kick in the head? First Palworld was a Pokémon copy, and now Palworld has it's own copy.
Whoa, whoa, ix-nay on the p-word, David got banned for that.
That, and mistaking /po/ for /pol/. Spirited lad, but he probably needs to get his eyes checked.
This evening rum and /tg/ talk has made me sentimental. If things should end before their time for any reason, I hope you guys know how much spending each day with you all has meant to me this year.
I need to catch up on my sleep, don't get the thread nuked while I'm away.

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