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Last Time:
>Bunken beats the main game, and moves on to the postgame
>Ashime and Orevald continue through Postgame
>Fairy Tale Field continues to be retarded
>Another Anon is suffering through the Victory road spirits
>Eeveefag kicks Solaris' ass with the eeveelutions
>Leon is suffering through Rejuv Act 2's brand of retardation

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Reborn Allgen
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Why does Psychic Terrain boost Moonblast and Hex?
Why does nothing ever get hurt by confusion or get fully paralyzed when I face it?
Why is Ting-Lu getting 1 shot any stray special hit, even non-super effective ones?
Why the fuck does everything have a fucking focus sash?
Why did Gayfreak ever create a move as retarded as Stored Power?
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And the AI is input reading, AGAIN.
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Choice banded Double Iron Bash B T W.
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Of course it survives a +2 Bloodmon and immediately lands a fucking Focus Blast through confusion.
Uuuuugh and it's not over yet, not even close.
>Giga Drain from a fucking Decidueye does this much to an Assault Vest Ting-Lu
Of course it fucking does, because of course.
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Time for extra dosages of fucking cringe.
Also based Noel.
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in trying to find the spot to start the pinsir/heracross puzzle I ended here, good god
I find kinda funny how they try really hard to set up a "gotcha" moment here with the troon but it fails so laughably bad and actually makes Sigmund come off as reasonable by comparison.
The troon bitches that Sigmund wouldn't know what being a man is like, lmao, proceeds to project her stupidity onto him and dodge his questions which are meant to evaluate her condition while proving to be a complete twat, and then proceeds to make a retarded excuse that Sigmund has "more to gain from keeping the situation as is instead of getting paid to liberate hormone treatment to a lunatic", it's incredibly ironic how remarkably beautiful this scene's forced narrative backfires.
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Hope this helps to some extent, this puzzle is really fucking annoying and funnily enough it used to be worse in this past since you also needed to wait for the Tauros to respawn and for Heracross and Pinsir to show up.
>She was sick with "le generic incurable disease"
Wait really? I'm pretty sure the medication was antidepressants she eventually got addicted to and overdosed on after finding a bottle her parents didn't discard. That'd be the 3rd time muh nameless terminal illness is used. Then again this is the 3rd time muh depression is definitively used, first two being Amaria and Terra to justify all her bullshit.
I really thought they meant for you to interpret this scene as Euphie being a dumbass and bitching instead of answering basic questions. Especially since we just got out of Sigmunds backstory. In-gAme and Luna got their drugs too somehow after all.
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I thought that was the case, but replaying that quest, yeah it feels like they went with "muh depression" too, which is bizarre that got the girl hospitalized (sort of) or for that matter why the fuck her parents were forcing her to take pills so strong that they were making her completely numb, but then again troons not understanding how mental conditions work seems to be the norm.
Amethyst pretending it's difficulty to get hospitals to liberate hormones for loony troonies is peak clownworld behavior in this shitfest of this (((merchant))) controlled world.
Fuckin hell I am am a moron.
I forgot does he sell Lemonade or does he just take the stand.
what happens if you kill one of the legendaries after an anomaly fight, ended up having to use my only reborn ball on suicune
thanks, I still need to do that whole quest as well
the shiny quality in this game is all over the place
You can buy reborn balls from the nightclub, though you need to do the battle tower stuff
The legendaries don't respawn if you kill them, unfortunately
yeah we checkin' the guide for the Randomass logic puzzle
I am NOT pulling out a pen and paper for a pokemon fangame
He does indeed sell lemonades, very expensive ones at that.
They don't respawn, so you better stock up on glitter and reborn balls by doing a few fights on battle pavilion or factory.
if you're playing with debug on , like any sane person would, holding ctrl while throwing balls guarantees a catch btw
meant the six-category sorting algorithm logic puzzle in victory road, where Radomus is working the machine
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chess board is autism incarnate
this battle actually wasn't that hard if you know what your doing. had to use ambipom for fake out to make sure reunicles didn't set up trick room. after that CHADaunt beat the shit out of his entire team (except for gardevoir which I used drapion for)
thought you got this earlier, my bad
it used to not be as shit, they really shat the bed in e19 with it
thanks. that's really annoying considering my team is mostly dead after these anomaly fights
>19.5 added the relearn option a la rejuv
Neat, must've missed that kek
Yeah, just debug in the masterballs to save yourself the headache t b h
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Had to go deal with some chores, back.
Wow, a gauntlet of nothing but special attackers that turn into Water types, it would be a real shame for this poor Manaphy and it's friends if I had a very strong Electric/Dragon type that resisted every move it had while also having strong Electric priority.
Oh sorry, yeah those puzzles are not fun, I definitely recommend a guide for all of Victory Hell.
Based, I'll always have a massive soft spot for CHADaunt.
Fair, I've been avoiding using debug catch for now, but it's really fucking painful trying to catch a legendary after doing a whole gauntlet, glitter balls help since they seem to have a heightened catch rate.
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>heat rock sunny day
>choice scarf eruption
fastest volcano on earth
Stumbled into the grassy autist's sorta date quest because this game is shit with giving you directions sometimes.
>Seed lowers Pokemon's accuracy
>Still lands 6 Rock Slides without missing once
Ya love to see it.
unlike you I can read regular words you blind hag
so close
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>Latias proceeds to get 5 crits in a roll
>Somehow kills my fucking maximum special defense investment Ting-Lu from when it was at 67%, SOMEHOW
>Florinia's team is beyond useless throughout this entire fight
>The AI is blatantly cheating with boosted accuracy
>Constant Tailwind spam
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh....please kill me.
Kek, I wonder if Upper Hand counters boosted from priority from stuff like king pieces on the Ch*ss Field, because if so it could be incredibly useful.
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Rock Slide missing AGAIN during the worst moments possible, LOVELY.
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It's a repeat of the mansion.....again........h-hahaha......hahaha, h-how lovely......
>Florinia's Cradily proceeds to miss 3 Rock Slides in a roll
>The AI's Decidueye somehow outspeeds my Archeops despite Tailwind having long fizzled out and it has a Z-Crystal so it isn't scarfed
>The thing that wins me the fight is my Iron Thorn's sandstorm chip
I might actually be starting to understand why Fern dislikes his sister.
at least you have some legendaries now, good luck
that wasn't so bad and I got 5 legends out of it. so far so good
trannyGODs...we're so back

>in-game speedup
gonna see how the multiplayer works, curious to see if it's just LAN or something more
>actual character creator with a decent number of options
is the in-game speedup faster then just emulator speedup or is that mainly for phone users

looks like the speedup mostly just impacts battles, and only goes up to 4x so not faster than an emulator but it doesn't ruin the music
they changed the opening scene from last version, they're trying to make it have more of a story now i guess instead of just handing you the pokemon in a lab

anyone want to pick one of the starters here?
>-You can now connect to another friend’s game and visit their Hub, Trade Pokémon and go on Adventures together
>-This is achieved by connecting a Companion App, named RogueAssistant, to mGBA
>-This feature is still quite early days and currently not all the planned features are in. Most notably multi battles are not currently supported (I do hope to get this in for a 2.1 or 2.2 release)
>DEV: This has been very exciting and fun to work on although, unsurprisingly, has been a lot of work too! I really wanted to get multi battles in for the 2.0 launch because the idea of doing a co-op Adventure with you friend sounds just amazing. But unfortunately I just couldn’t get it working in time and I definitely didn’t want to delay the update just for this. So hopefully this is a reasonable middle ground for now. Sorry if you felt led on with the Trailer; it really wasn’t my intent, I just got excited to show all the work and forgot to think about the implications (Regardless, hopefully you will still enjoy the rest of 2.0 enough to wait for the battle stuff in a later update )

ah, that's a bit of a shame, would've been fun to do a run with the lads here. though it says you can 'go on an adventure' together, just can't do multi battle, so ???
either way, can live without it
Noel's ability to only see the world in black and white, makes him one of the most based characters in Reborn.
got the first two down but went to bed at the third because I was tired and too sleepy for a puzzle
tried it out but it's too much to keep track of in my head without guess and checking and I'll be damned if I ever have to guess and check or take actual physical notes for a bideo gayme puzzle
A lot of these spirits aren't terrible either, just swapping out elemental punches on Ttar and Ko-mo and slotting a few different mons around depending on the enemy's typing and if it's a double or not
Most of the time it boils down to
>lycanroc getting rid of terrain if I can't abuse it better than the spirit can
>GODlem setting rocks and hitting a cheeky custap explosion
>assorted pseudos/megas/Naganadel/etc. to sweep everything else up
Do any of you guys care when a character dies in Reborn?
I kinda wanted all the "good" guys to survive, since i saw it as my tardwrangling abilities being better than their lemming tendencies.
nice UI rework for the quest system

thanks, hope it survives, haha..
yeah, the issue with victory road isn't the difficulty of any one particular thing, just the fact it's a dungeon that takes fucking 5+ hours to complete because they couldn't dial back the autism
i'm struggling to think of a single death in reborn that even sticks other than sigmund/sirius kek
but no, even the first time around i didn't feel much for any character dying, other than shock when i first saw corey ack himself just because i as a younger kid first playing the game did not expect a pokemon fangame to go that far kek
now, it's relatively tame to some of the shit we've seen
I felt joy when taka and the two main villains died. unlike most reborn type games I would've been sad/mad if julia, victoria, saphira, charlotte, florina, hardy, radomus, noel, anna...etc would've been killed, I actually like most of the characters in this shockingly
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Easily one of the more sweet moments in this game, sadly sorta ruined by a shit puzzle.
Thanks bro, sadly legendaries don't save me from my atrocious luck.
Reborn does manage to corrupt him later sadly.
I felt a bit of shock ages ago when I first played the game and saw Corey's death, but nah, Reborn's deaths didn't really impact me, I think only two fangames really made me feel something for a character's death, those being Desolation and Perish Song.
pretty cool, it looks like most encounters are overworld only (or maybe you can toggle them from the menu)
kek, moreso than rejuv?
just a little bit kek
oof..rejuvsisters..we don't even have our one advantage anymore

maybe shouldn't do hard mode first run when getting back into the swing of things
>there's an even higher difficulty mode
Marnie isnt relaxing around the blacks i see.
this was a thing before but i do like how they're leaning more into base/city creation progressively, sort of like cult of the lamb

>yveltal dying means TND, TKD, TTD and others
is it the most based legendary?
the characters I liked survived I was just pissed when bugboy got off with no consequences not even Sapphira decking him it’s wack. tho that one Meteor death made me feel something.
what the actual fuck
tell me this is a randomizer and not actually serious in any way, please.
How can any developer look at bacon bird's stat spread/move pool and go "yeah this is perfectly fine for the early game"
it's a roguelite on hard difficulty
also, one super nice feature is that you have the ability to relearn shit from anywhere

definitely DEFINITELY beats one aspect of the original where because pokemon level up so fast you'd have to click through a ton of moves you didn't want
>regigigas is a 6v6 of just regis including the fastest thing alive
taking a break
and also some other weird ass features

not really sure what the point of this is (basically shows you an 'optimal' setup for your pokemon) but neat if you're not familiar with what specific pokemon do i guess?
don't remember this in last release, this is nice
>lets you know the next gym's type, and can pay to know what their lead + ace pokemon are

oh kek, yeah you'll probably encounter some heavy autism with that one because of the changes the modder made to regigigas
also looks like you need to manually evolve as well

i'm sure there's some menu option to toggle this
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Wish this one could just join me now, the rival and a gym leader already used one why can't I get one it's not like it would be that busted against the fairy gym that is next
I swear if the sea witch also uses one I am going to hunt down the moder, my precious bear should be in my hands
Wait what, that works? I could have been doing that all game and actually have spend money on TMs instead of spending it all on balls for my full dex run
Bless the devs that made legends arceus for having that idea, really hope every fan game from now on has that
what a nice thing to say, sounds like it comes from the mouth of someone on the (((right side of history)))

it looks like another thing was added this update, 'evil team hideouts', i'm guessing there's no catchable pokemon here but rather some evil team leader you gotta beat for a reward

to be fair, i'm sure they only did this because how levelling works in this game, you usually gain 3-4 levels per pokemon defeated and thus had to spend a lot of time saying 'no, i don't want to remember this move' in previous updates
i'm sure the higher difficulties enforce some kind of payment if you want to use the feature
>I swear if the sea witch also uses one
looks like she doesn't, kek
3 gyms down on normal, definitely a bit too easy, haha...

i don't know if i didn't set my options up properly, but so far i've only seen g*larjeets
I'm so sad my team structure doesn't really support Ting Lu or I'd use mine. The shiny is gorgeous.
I will play the first game that makes the snail good by giving it Strength Sap regardless of the quality of the rest of the game.
Glitter Balls have an absurdly high catchrate+force the mon to be shiny. I've caught most legendaries within 1-3 glitter balls above half health.
GG. Fuck underwater field.
E19 retconned too many deaths for me to care. It's like someone "dying" in capeshit now; meaningless until the next chapter.
Rejuvxisters, she's mogging the Madame.
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Well duck you are going to wait for me to get more badges, have fun with the sea bugs

>marnie succeeded in doing to the NIGGER protagonist of emerald rogue what's taken madame x over a decade of multiple failures with time manipulation powers, when they both have the same acemon
hate to see it
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Well here is my mega for a while
>whipped out a reflect + light screen grimmsnarl into a flame orb guts facade obstagooner
t-thanks..only lost two mons, THOUGH
Capeshit characters deaths is only ever permanent, if the person was important to Spiderman.
also thankfully aegislash is disgustingly broken in almost every game it's in

it's a good thing bea is in an official game and gets to remain a cute tomboy, i'd shudder to think what would have happened if jan or ame got their claws on her first

what happened to spiderman was even worse than death
>have your love interest get brutally killed
>she gets resurrected decades later to be basically the main love interest of your nog counterpart in basically all media, with various plans put into motion to have said nog fully replace you
also if you want some real ragebait, look up (((paul rabin)))
Dunno if I'm going to go through with putting in gen 9, unlike gen 8, I can't just copy them from rejuv kek
This fucker is straight cheating
>hits the 30% paralysis chance on Discharge on all 3 of my pokemon it hits in a row without fail
Hell I'm surprised it didn't paralyze Golem too
Like Scald somehow hitting it's (((30)))% burn chance like 9 times in a row between like five separate battles
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and I forgot my image as usual
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This took a while but the only strong pokemon here was Golisopod, the rest were more annoying than anything with the constant healing
I cant help but enjoy just how shit the Spiderman writes are. With Rabin being a self insert.
It almost makes Reborn seems subtle in comparison.
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He knows the loser is getting a lava bath.
Can you copy them from AnyGen or is the formatting different?
A lava bath is no more dangerous than a trip to the sauna.
>aurora veil abomasnow into harvestnigger trevenant
yoikes, but only one loss
can't 'wait' to do this again on hard and brutal..hahah..

i'm sure the usual autists will make the gen 8/9 port anyway for 19.5
yeah, say what you like about reborn, but at least they never created a self-insert for the entire purpose of cucking you out of your historic waifu and making your life even more hell than it usually is kek
as for rejuv....well, at least venam isn't as blatant an NTR thing as paul, even if far worse a character
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That is so sad, Kriketune play the worlds smalles violin
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First try but good lord that took forever.
>70+ turn switchfest of stealth rock chip, poison damage, and accuracy nonsense from the field
yeah, how it works in 19.5 is that everything is entirely handled via scripts and they do away with the pbs almost entirely. how you define pokemon is completely different
somewhat easier to edit - that being i think most of the reason for the change, cass being autistic and not knowing how to properly organize and search through shit. but kind of awful in other cases like the trainer files kek
I'm a fan of the end of Victoria's arc with her confronting her lingering imposter syndrome feelings.
Makes sense. Does it offer any performance or otherwise any other practical benefits?
>my pokemon have a 40% chance to survive OHKOs
>enemy pokemon can't use the same move twice in a row
>15% chance to get quick claw proc on any move
which one should i go with, lads
if i remember right you get some negative effect too THOUGH

i know that in general it's supposed to 'optimize things', but i don't really know/understand the specifics kek. as far as i can tell it's more for convenience purposes for modding/the devs themselves
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If this ends with me having 2 niglets stuffed inside me, I'm going to be very displeased.
>my pokemon have a 40% chance to survive OHKOs
Probably the best one if you're expecting anything on the same order of yveltal surprise down the road.

40% endure chance vs 12.5% crit chance....h-haha...surely in my favor, right?
Crits don't matter if you're being oneshot anyway h-haha.
>they were somehow able to get voltorb flip to work on a GBA game
holy based
Man, i once held the worlds second highest score in that game.
Yeah, the file structure way too different unfortunately
There is a mod to convert the PBS to the script file, but it only works for Rejuv/Deso at the moment
Maybe when that particular modder autist updates their reborn modding guide and whatnot kek
Yeah true, but I kinda want to get a head start on a couple of things eventing wise rather than having all of my ideas on where shit is going to go in a text file and I like a few pokemon from gen 8-9 that I want to use while I'm getting my testing saves kek
The way modding is done is pretty different now, for the bigger mods at least
Rather than overwriting the base game's files, you can put all of the modified shit into the patch folder, which is pretty neat Though I'm not really getting any use out of that yet kek, I imagine it'll be simpler for people downloading the mods and such
>increasing the chances for getting ohko'd so you can proc endure more often
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HOLY SHIT! a guy who cain doesn't want to fuck?! now I've seen everything
>it's bennett
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you're asking this NOW? what is wrong with people in this game?
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>elias calling out bennett for wanting to fuck luna
Im pretty sure Cain is meant to be underaged, so we know Bennet wants him.
Have any plans for the implementation of various gen 8/9 mons or adding events for them?
can’t blame him shes up there.
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>gardevoir saying he beats his meat to luna
it's almost getting sad now
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The dinosaur was a better grass team user than Florina and it also talks more naturally
I don't hate the girl but I still have a grudge about the battle she helped me out on
Go home Bennet
>women liked this ugly faggot literally because he's brown and they could imagine him fucking/getting fucked by another jeet
white women are truly an embarrassment
>lost 3 mons to this nigger, because of perma sand ignoring my endureshit twice
fuck off
i think this run might be doomed but i'll keep pushing anyway

that's fair kek, though i guess, maybe just make the event with some placeholder, and then wait for the gen 8/9 mod? though can't fix the second bit of autism kek
yeah, it's really a shame she's consistently such a terrible partner, as she's one of the better characters
it's actually crazy that ame made a redemption arc for this guy, you'd expect in a story written by trannies for the incel to suffer a fate worse than death or something
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it's not

that was the case in previous versions but apparently he's 18 now

I never thought he would be as popular as he is. people are weird
>it's actually crazy that ame made a redemption arc for this guy, you'd expect in a story written by trannies for the incel to suffer a fate worse than death or something
not only that he gets with another woman(he doesn't actually get with her but still). how does that happen
>marnie floor
>it's actually crazy that ame made a redemption arc for this guy, you'd expect in a story written by trannies for the incel to suffer a fate worse than death or something
They did the jewish ritual and swung the torchic around their head to transfer Bennet's sins to Samson.
>it's not
Since he apparently hates flesh maybe for him it would be.
this is the same game where cal's punishment for being quick to anger, pushing shelly, and being a mega retard at the volcano is getting true zen enlightenment and basically being better then victoria at being a guru. victoria is also banished to a cubicle for all eternity while cal gets to hang out at the night club and sit at the same damn table as shelly
Bugs and mind rape. Bennets favourite type of girls are the easily suggestible.
>dark is weak to bug
>grass is weak to bug and fire resistant to fairy

i could've won too, but i lost like 4 mons kek, should've stocked balls so i could've caught shit
oh well!

ame/cass have the weird nulefty view of men that's sort of 'le toxic masculinity forces men to constantly be miserable and sad because they don't have enlightened women to guide them down the right path', i think
so you have laura who's basically the closest to a perfect woman as far as the game is concerned who fixes him
i guess it's marginally better than jan who just outright hates men kek (unless they're faggots or pathetic weebs that bend the knee to women like huey or erick)
yeah the samson thing i REALLY don't get, given that he had none of that shit beforehand
i guess cass just saw 'uh oh, masculine man, that's le problematic, therefore he needs to have all the flaws i think men have', or something
>so you have laura who's basically the closest to a perfect woman as far as the game is concerned who fixes him
Isn't he already "fixed" by the time Laura meets him? He's ditching Meteor and returning the bracelets when they first interact and El already got him to stop being a creepy weirdo (discord mod type of weirdo, atleast).
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Violence has solved almost every problem in this setting so far.
>i guess cass just saw 'uh oh, masculine man, that's le problematic, therefore he needs to have all the flaws i think men have', or something
I'd put money on this being projection at this point.
That mix of black and gold *mwah* simply divine.
I like the snail too, sadly Gamefreak doesn't, I find it bewildering that this mod's dev just refuses to buff Pokemon that actually need buffs yet he went out of his way to buff shite like Urshifu, because clearly the buckbreaking bear needed buffs.
Thanks bro.
>(((Paul Robin)))
Wow, just......wow.....I haven't seen shit this perversely Jewish in a fucking while, granted with (((Stan Lee))) himself being part of the tribe, it's kind of funny how Parker a White man who just wants to live a relatively normal life keeps finding himself in ever increasingly hellish situations.
Oh you poor innocent soul.
Jan did the exact same thing with Texen, though somehow even worse and twice as forced.
I wouldn’t say he was fixed he was only willing to give them up because GG threatened to nuke everything. And was chasing down the Neet so he wouldn’t tattle on him.
I just realized there actually was a TM for Dragon Dance all along and I missed it because it's stupidly convoluted how you're meant to obtain it.
Considering the hell that was Stan Lee's final few years. I dont think he was particularly invested in the tribe.
Wasn't Gardevoir already sucked into her own black hole by by the time Bennet gave the bracelets to Laura. I forgot if Zero fucked off before or after Bennet gave them back.
well, got the multiplayer running

still not quite sure how it works if there's no such thing as multibattles, but if any of the lads are interested

He was on the way to becoming le good guy, but Laura cured him of being a fully edgy tard, I think
Oh that quest is annoying as fuck
Would highly recommend going and getting all the Drizzle or Drought users you can (only get one type, not both)
It gets even worse
>guy's name is (((rabin)))
>his backstory is that he helped commit genocide to kill every living person in an alternate dimension, he is fully forgiven for this just because he said he was sorry
>he and mary jane have their own stepkids
>newer issues apparently imply he's already tied the knot with MJ
>there's one page of peter asking his name, him saying 'rabin', peter getting angry over hearing the name 'rabin' specifically and then he hits peter and is portrayed fully in the right
i haven't followed comics for years, but man it is top tier ragebait on marlel editorial's part
Not only that, but Peters friendship with a bunch of heroes(Fantastic 4 and CAmerica at least) was really soured by his desperation to save MJ, while she was cheating on him with Paul "Self insert" Rabin. Also their kids turned out to be yet another psy-op to manipulate MJ into staying with Paul, and she even decides to keep it going after learning the truth.
fucking kek
from what i've heard too, apparently paul himself somehow isn't even in the top 10 worst problems with current spidey run either, that's how awful it is
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I've got a couple of idea on moving some of them up from where allgen has them mainly fixing the retardation that is charcadet being post titania kek
I'm also thinking about moving goomy up a good bit earlier and still keeping H-goodra locked to the WTC/GUM room probably
in terms of bosses, however...haha...
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How the fuck would anyone figure this TM was here without looking up the guide? Why the fuck couldn't be modder have made it available via normal progression? I get Dragon Dance is strong, but this is dumb.
He was still part of it though, as deplorable as the shit his daughter pulled and despite me recognizing his influence, I can't and won't feel pity for a Jew.
I find it incredibly funny how Jews can't even portray themselves positively in their own shitty media.
Thank you, repel dialogue, for getting me caught by 3000 and counting shitcory road terrain hazards
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Some kid just lost his bird, kinda hope the mom calls the league before the dad cooks them
You don't get it Luna I HAVE to pick up every hidden item it's not my fault the unskippable delay before the box goes away has gotten me caught by a black hole twice now
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Speaking of things that have no way of being found about without a guide, also I lost a ton of money why make it so you HAVE to faint
and NO I CAN'T let my good friend Assault Vest Tyranitar stop Gardevoir from chasing me in a straight line with a black hole I HAVE to finish this part correctly or I'll die
also my friend Alakazam is on vacation and can't use Teleport
the worst part is that they decided to make this ultra fucking obscure sidequest only doable post-city restoration for no reason, when in the past you could've done it before

i think the idea was to make ridiculously faggoty sidequests for all the pseudos but they gave up on that after goomy
how come my gardevoir doesn’t have an Uber Powerful mode when im in danger he is special to me what was Radumbasses dick that strong?
I keep forgetting Scale Shot is a thing and how obscenely stupid it can be.
This quest would be perfectly fine if it was still available before restoration, BUT NOOOOOOO, the player just ain't allowed to have fun, same story goes for Gardevoir, way back you pretty much relied 100% of debug to get it since the item you need to complete the event (magnet powder) was a rare Pickup spawn as well as occasionally spawning off of Electrodes if I'm mistaken.
It would be really funny if the player could just run towards Gardevoir to beat the shit out of it, alas, no fun or common sense are allowed.
Not debug, Pickup dammit, please work brain.
They didnt even give Erick a fucking gym, he just has an arena in the sewers. Im pretty sure out of what's about to be the 9 badges I have, only 4 have had gym challenges
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Ridiculously faggoty really fits this, also since the state of this place is because of good old Giratina does this mean he is the one writing them? Is pokesatan a shitposter?
I guess devs are allergic to pseudos and the karp
this really was just 10 minutes of everyone throwing ancientpower around, some eruptions, and a desperate attempt to put down a buffed titan. 18 attempts
It was so strong that he mindbroke his Gardy into thinking she was actually his dead wife with it
>the hell is Scale Shot
>look it up
200 of the fucking things?
>In Generation IX, TMs can only be used once.
for what reason

also what the fuck is that move
>rock blast but dragons get STAB and also get free speed for the low low cost of -1 defense
Venam you stole an E8's charizard and have been coasting off it since, at best your actual team is 10 levels below mine
>>In Generation IX, TMs can only be used once.
>for what reason
From what Im told, you craft TMs now
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>Ridiculously faggoty really fits this, also since the state of this place is because of good old Giratina does this mean he is the one writing them? Is pokesatan a shitposter?
Giratina enjoys your antics if the signs on the tanzan-entrance (and it changing at some point to saying goodbye friend) are anything to go by.
>even lin knows that wouldn't be fun
>meanwhile literally every fangame dev
melia has more romantic chemistry with the mc them venam it’s funny maybe that’s what M2 is so fun.
It's because there is an entire system of you needing to grind materials dropped by wild mons to create the TMs, it's very dumb
>also if you want some real ragebait, look up (((paul rabin)))
What do you mean ragebait? Peter sold Mary Jane and his daughter to Satan. Ragebait would be if he actually got back together with her without resolving that. Fuck Peter, faggot character.
haha..have 'fun'
remember that changing the field automatically sets the field back to 0
what was she referring to here kek, also >>56113323 gl
hi paul
you're walking out of the gigas' new world and she's like
>man it's too bad I can't spawn infinite legendaries...OH WAIT I CAN
>spawns that in front of you as a prank
>says pic line, followed by "that wouldn't be fun"
Concession accepted, Jew
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The only redeeming thing about Blake, he knows CHADggron facts.
It's really stupid with a new item that's basically discount Skill Link.
As to why it's 1 use, gen 9 introduced craftable TMs, because clearly tedious grinding to farm for items is fun.
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Well it seems he got Giratina's blessing judging by how much exp to next level when I decided to stop giving him candy
Can't wait to cave the skull of some fairies in with him
i don't think peter did that, marvel editorial did (of whom paul is their avatar like some kind of satanic demiurge of cuckoldry)
yeah i really can't wait for the final gauntlet (which you're forbidden from using items btw in yang) to be twice as long and be all 6v12s with all of them ubers
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Actually, this is probably WAY worse, assuming it actually works kek
You know, with Erick being the first gym leader to use megas in his fight and the first mega stone being avaliable right when his fight is unlocked, you'd think the game is meant to be balanced around both parties having the mechanic now, but I had to use a password to get the mega ring. Im not even on intense and it feels like the game's balanced like it's a hardtype mod of a version of itself that doesnt exist
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Praise be the primordial bipedal suicune and its x4 resist to fire discouraging the AI from clicking the reset garden button
>>>>>>>>She has a Torkoal that spams OHKO moves too
Unironically the hardest part of the fight, it hit 4 for 5 fissures.
fucking finally
we're done with shartory road
just need to put Fart down and defeat the final spirit
There's no way they actually added mmo material grinding to pokemon
oh come on, you cant even be jewish properly?
Oh yeah sure, what are you going to do if we tick you off? Lose in a fight against me again?
kek, reminds me of some of the shit i was pulling in my rejuv mod
if you can, do it on unchangeable underwater (or even better, midnight, if you can implement it as it should be pretty simple KEK)
if you want to be extra gay also, maybe throw in mud sport permanent effect that's what i did for valarie in my mod
haha...surely you'll get the mega ring pretty soon, like how reborn gives you the ring shortly after you start fighting megas, right? they wouldn't wait for basically another entire half of the game to give it to you, right?
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the circus group hasn't done a whole lot but I can't say I dislike any of them except terra
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sorry bro maybe you shouldn't have scarflocked your krook into knock off
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>if you want to be extra gay also, maybe throw in mud sport permanent effect that's what i did for valarie in my mod
kek great (mindbroken) minds think alike, that was one of the first things I thought of
>Maybe if I was the champion someone would smile at me.
>Cuz no one ever bothered to
yeah I wonder why
>"Nobody ever smiled at me?" Boo fucking hoo.
Titania is pretty cool even if she is a lesbo hag
Could've asked this earlier but it's only now popping back into my head, didnt there used to be a noose on this statue in older versions?
I really wish it were red and black so I could just name it verizon
that's a great screengrab
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Damn, getting locked out of your house while it's raining. I really should've done this later, but I wanted to get that Squirtle while the rain's up
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yep they were about to hang the tyke wasn’t surprised to see it missing
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Does this mean Cain's the one who locks this gate? What, to prevent anyone from going near his house or something?
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>And that's why I hold the gun
>shoots herself
Isn't that how this went in life is tumblr
>put a gym into the shitty wasteland
>presumably it's been there for a while what with Cain being the previous leader
>but keep the door locked so nobody can get to it
what were they thinking
He locks the door so he can legally abide by his court-mandated distance to wherever children may be, at least most of the time.
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And who buried him, Shade? When it looked like the body just got eaten or disintegrated
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Cain's mother hits the 30% scald burn.
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Hardy, mate, you're LARPing as an australian, not a nigger.
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And Vicky dragged Kiki's carcass all the way here before you got here. She really did train her body at that school. Or yeah, this one's actually a Mismagius (I think) but the real one still gets dragged all the way to the other side of the city.
>Isn't that how this went in life is tumblr
To be clear, she says that and then later fires the gun at a car for no reason other than to do it, and then it ricochets and shoots her before demanding the protag rewind time.
Havent played the game but I've seen that scene multiple times in the past
>Fart gets dragged out by his ear by his sister after getting mollywhopped by Tittyana
Yeah that's what I was thinking of
Haven't played it either but I watched a few you-tube videos or something on it years back
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Shut the fuck up, Cass.
Aya can't be underaged for your silly male power dynamic rhetoric since she's older than Cain and the devs retconned him to 18.
I think it's more likely they're just fucking with the headstones as opposed to actually moving bodies.
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Goddammit, there's gonna be a lot more scenes of this nigger blabbering a lot and spinning around. It's even more depressing to actually read through this shit in case there's something worth screenshotting.
kek, still don't see how muh homo"phobia" would even work when most people in the game are fags.
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So the "writers" only made him annoying by accident, not on purpose. There was also some shit about how meteors are good boys, they dindu nuffin, didn't mean to harm the people in this area, just the shitloads of people in the actual city.
Also, I thought I got a screenshot of the shiny Meowscarada, but guess not. Don't think there was anything else of note in that fight
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At first I thought Cain and Aya's mom was a generic mom sprite, but looks like she has purple hair just like them. I guess it's a nice touch.
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She's actually got a point though. Why the fuck is troondev giving tips on how to beat all these gym leaders, especially someone who's new? And I think some of them even get worried about losing their jobs if too many people beat them for some reason. Even if it looked like gym leaders were just training people how to handle their chosen types originally, instead of all the shit they do now.
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Fern had to savescum, I guess it checks out, didn't he have a lot of Grass mons originally
What am I supposed to do about this? The castle there is still locked for me
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Ok, that one's funny. Fuck doubles, fuck jannies, and fuck niggers
I learned that clanging scales is an aoe attack, that's some bullshit. 7 attempts
I though the wasteland gym, was incase an unfortunate accident happened to the actual gym leader Corey. Cain and then his sister were the replacement gym leaders.
found the mew?
I bet its the bum in the bottom right corner.
Yeah, it's pretty retarded. You gotta head to the gym first, and go through the entire thing again (I think you have to talk to the person in there too)
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this is some kingdom hearts shit
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kek, was there not even an in-character or whatever way to say that? Just "nooooo you need to finish some shit before you can go here"
Thats just one of several ways she was destined to die that day. Chloe has the survival skills of an emo lemming.
With how deranged most of them are in Reborn, it makes sense to be scared to be around them.
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WHOOPS didn't mean to lead with Glaceon!
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I think this is the first time fighting him with an actual team, and it's fun as fuck
How the fuck was anyone supposed to find this out? I had no reason to even think to come back here
They couldve easily just made it a request to check out Goldenleaf's gym if you hadn't done that yet but no they couldnt be bothered
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I think it was just one flinch, but that's enough to take no damage. Gotta feel sorry for it. This is probably the funniest safe switch in
>make the most unlikable massive fucking cunt ever made, who literally does shit like try to steal money from disabled children
>the events of the game have her try and essentially kill herself in dozens of ways
>you're meant to try and save her every single time even up to the extent of murdering an entire town just to save her
i'm glad i'm not a lesbian, i would probably ack myself if this was the kind of 'representation' i got
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The copening begins, I'm really glad they kept that Decidueye in his team even with this mod.
The universe pulled every trick in the book out, trying to kill her. Which was a good enough reason for me to save her.
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I do wanna try the gym fights on their own fields, despite how crazy the modded ice field gets.
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This is the very first real gym battle with a real team, though
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Oh come on, don't be like that
Corey was already retired by then, Cain had both become a leader and retired before the beginning of the game, hence why he's 'starting over' with a new team
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You'd think C**n would've learned all about seducing guys from Aya, but the difference between them is like night and day. Or rather, the difference between a fag and a real woman. C**n tries too hard every fucking time, while Aya doesn't even try, and just acts natural.
He kind of has to keep it, with some later stuff
Well maybe not, what with Titania using a Skarmory to fly and then not using one in her team, but then again he's not a specialist gym leader
Exactly what the game told me to do, why what's up?
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First she just shows off her armpit
Are you planning on using any of the custom AnyGen Eevee forms? Some of them look pretty cool.
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Then she shows off her ass
How do you terminally injure a ghost? It's already dead isn't it
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I think someone was mentioning some unexplained outspeeding somewhere. It looks like certain abilities like Quick Draw don't even have a message for when they kick in. Maybe the modder couldn't figure out how to do that, I dunno
I'll probably try them out eventually, but hopefully not for boss fights, unless I get really stuck and really need a certain type
Really? I could have sworn Cain was only ever the reserve gym leader. Was it changed for the final release?
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lol I dunno why it disappeared here
Instead of fainting, it turns into a daycare egg.
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I think you mentioned before that her modded team is easier than her original team. I guess a pex would've been really useful, but it didn't have Baneful Bunker on any of the original teams. Maybe Toxtricity would've fit in better after she got together with Hardy, because of some forming a band shit
hmmmm, I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact your name is fucking "Spector"
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But I wanted to see her armpit again
Am*ria mentions he was the actual gym leader when you first meet her, not sure if I still have the screenshot
The reserve leader concept was largely reworked for E19.
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I guess I didn't take a screenshot. It's cute how often she does this tsundere thing and looks away
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Actually I dunno if that means this was C**n's old team that he just left behind
>You have to go through Narcissa's gym a third time
What is the fucking point this is just wasting my time
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See, Aya does more damage than F*rn. Oh right, I forgot I switched out the wrong mon somewhere
So Corey was the leader, but it was retconned/changed for E19?
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Wasn't F*rn also supposed to be the reserve for Florinia
Most of the previously-reserve leaders became former leaders who aren't active in the league anymore.
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Hey, self-esteem issues make them easy. Looks like Hardy was already getting shit on for his toxic machismo or whatever from the start, but at least it wasn't anywhere near as bad as later
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You wouldn't want to make a nice lady feel uncomfortable, would you chud?
Yeah. I don't recall that being mentioned in E19.
No? I already have Goldenleaf's badge, why would I want to battle you
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I am pretty sure throwing this kid to a pack of rabbid Mightyenas would be a good thing for Reborn at this point
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>>>>>>>>Pulls a fucking sword out during another family's altercation
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The mom almost seems ok, but then again, she did squeeze out C**n. He was probably already born with aids, so she might've caught it from him.
She deeply regrets it and that's the plotpoint of the quest I'm doing right now.
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See, walking aids
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Oh, and he tries to mug you for your badges, wtf
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Around fags, never relags
kek, I should probably do the Metagross quest to see her screaming
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Damn, starting with rain is pretty nice. I wonder if you can do shit like this more often.
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I don't believe you, but given the circumstances I also don't hold it against you.
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Wonder if the owner of this guy is dead too, hope he is so I can add him to my collection of mons I got from dead people
Wait shit since I am going Zekrom route I don't get one of Taka's mon
Wonder if in the end you can do a run of the E4 of just mons whose past owners are dead
reset once for a speed tie between Crobat and Aerodactyl
Really. That's the most aggressive I'm allowed to be?
I dont think turning her into a kid makes her a worse trainer, if anything that should make her better given child trainers' track records.
Also what
>ashen beach boosts the power and accuracy of focus blast
I couldn't break the field fast enough, it was fun to watch pheramosa and jynx both miss focus blast multiple times near the end. 11 attempts
Wait shit I just went to look at the job application quest and it's rewards and once again you get the fire mon from doing the water gang and the water mon from the fire gang
I should have went Aqua, Magma is useless I need my Incineroar sooner rather than later
Shit and the next place to get one is after the glass gauntlet, guess I will have my precious bear and tiger at the same time
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Aaaaaand you keep bumping into one faggot after another
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Oh no.
...again, what? Wouldnt that just mean the Narcissa of the present, who's still very much capable of fighting him, is now just going to fight him in the past?
And to add insult to injury you need to complete the slum renovations for magma gang only
this storyline is fucking bizarre just wait.
gj, and huh, I think the TM was there, too. I wonder if they put it there because of that
I'll bake
it's here
as always
ever will be

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