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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>56148857
Where do I get the newest text dump?
The links in the Pastebin are long dead.
Klara and Avery making out in front of Greta to strengthen their teamwork
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Full ontype.
literally who
You made that character up
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Week 26 was their best one so far
Wich is 30 since we got 4 Special CS sorry
Got distracted and forgot to use Skyla and Unfezant, shame. 3 Candice, 2 Roxanne, 3/4 Skyla and 4 Hilda, 4 the chart!
Some ugly ass nigga from Scarlet and Violet. His character quirk is crying a lot
katy when? I need more bug types
Would you settle for a Melony alt with Frosmoth and mixed type support?
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Acerola weekly chart featuring Tina of course.
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only if the main type is bug
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
*I punch her hard in the stomach and run off*
Total Irida victory next week
What a coward. You should stay and punch her uterus with your cock. Are you a child?
She's not my wife for me to be the one to do that. I can only punch.
*punches her in the face this time with a big uppercut and then runs away again*
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All male chart, featuring both Kabus.
And the week after it's a Tapu Bulu sweep what a blessed month
I believe you mean Greta, chuddy
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Only damage stuff for the rest of the month
oh hello me
Obligatory chart
Why does that photo make me want to eat fries?

You gonna let Jasmine move in?

There was no Mimikyu last week too, right? Did you miss getting her?

Sadly I was too new to the game, didn't even know about her existence and didn't have the gems.
Once she drops agains I plan to immediately paypig in the tier scout or select scout.
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Would’ve used Damage Challenge Nemona but I felt like doing duos and her and SS Diantha couldn’t cut it off-type
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The usuals on shart. Flint on the podium!

Flint, whenever possible
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Chart time. Realized today that I’ve been using Grusha gridless so that changed today

I would’ve used Klara and Avery on the chart IF I HAD GOTTEN THEM
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Late and sloppy chart because work
Korina, Lucy, Brock, Sabrina, Archie and Greta soonTM :)
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Chart. All males.
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x5 Serena and Lillie chart
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My cute wife Whitney on the chart!
Cute wife would be mad at me if I didn't help out her best friend. I'll lend shelter anytime.
>tfw pity pull
6ex'd hard
>ground weak
>(You) broke the mold
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>I only got 4 tickets against fucking hugh
I really hate this damage chalenges shit, only the ultimate battles are worse
>Hugh secret skill summon Gravity
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I waited literal years...He's mine at last.
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I had 80k saved for him
wow all my ground choices are shit. guess ill die then
Your 5/5 Courtney?
Thanks Greta
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Chart is here ! It's a good thing that Morty and Ho-Oh are at the top because they can revive all the zombies who cannibalized themselves to try to rank higher and higher (Tina is alive and safe she is just a 4stars pair !)

Side notes :
- Two news rival pairs ranked. Probably gonna use Marnie next week. Hugh have a good chance to be unranked for a while since nobody care about him and I doubt someone like Unfezant.
-Salefags btfo, fujofag btfo. Avery is dead last. Klara won
- The result of this bloodbath is that Emboar somehow got his best result of the year (previous was 4W22 and W24).
-A bit sad for Skyla's Tornadus and Courtney. Courtney because she is Coutney and Skyla because she was at the top, stagnated at 6 uses and only got a little boost near the end.

Next week first rank :
>New pair
>EX Role
Brendan and Latios (Sprint)

See you next week! You still can post your clear as always (I think the Mallow chart wasn't here same for Rbade or whatever the name was)
>both Kabus ranked equally
What are you using?

I really considered using Sightseer but I opted to offtype for some missing favorites...
Lodge Serena gets a lot of (deserved) love.
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fuck I missed it
very nice
I want to 5/5 him also if I can get him, If I cant Ill get him from mix
Ash bros... Does nobody like us?
I personally don't use him for Electric weak content simply because SS Red and him are too good for it, and I would prefer to save them incase I'm struggling on an other stage for the easy off-type. Although, Alola is one of the weaker Stadiums.
these damage challenges are beating my ASS
never thought i was a lucklet but realizing i somehow only have 1/5 colress is making me reconsider
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Yeah I try to use Ash, Irida(s) and other good pairs only if I struggle a bit or don't have time. Or I use just one of them and two useless pairs. It doesn't help that some anons probably don't have him

Added as always !
SST Red is simply easier to use for fast CS clears because AOE. And of course anyone who started within the last 2 years isn’t gonna have Ash.

I’m actually curious what the start date spread looks like for the chart regulars. Personally I started right on 3rd anni and picked up Ash a day or two before his banner ended.
He's so good it is not even funny using it.
Kinda this >>56175459, because some meta pics are great for challenges and tough fights, but if they are not a good pair in a favorite / aesthetic / niche / whatever way then why pick them? Why cheese when you can pass with personal flare?

And, besides that, I refused to roll on any of those pairs. Double Pikachu and another Cynthia? I'll wait for a seasonal girl. Zero regrets.

Also, anyone who just uses Pikachu for the co-ops on 25th, you are boring.
I like Ash but my favorite has all 3 versions as Electric units. Still use Ash all the time for those harder battles whenever he can get use.
...but you are probably Volkneranon, so the image is wrong
I've never heard of that man in my life.
In all seriousness, there's what the other guys said about him being OP to the point of boredom, and the ever increasing pool of friends who came after he was around and may never have him lol
I find it absolutely hilarious to see all of this Ash talk, just for him to be my greeting.
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>Get Greta twice in only 3 multis
>let my autism loose and use my 2 Sprint candies and a universal one to get her to 5/5 to unlock all grid tiles
I fucked up bros
move into anniversary without me(kap I have 40k gems so I am fine I think, hoping for no sprint or field pair I would want)
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What kind of grid are you even supposed to run on Greta? She seems like she can do a lot of things but cannot do them well enough at the same time
Also not having No Quarter Bullet Seed on a 5/5 grid pokefair is a SCAM
If she had No Quarter at 5/5 people would just complain she needs her 5/5, they obviously don't want you to focus on hitting every hit to make her this way
Shes supposed to support oriented, numbnuts, sprint as default and field as ex for grass support. Sleep spam to get +1 one free moves for sync countdown and she already has 3 uses of countdown speed up (2 for b move and 1 for tm) her grid let's her be a debuffer as well
I took a few months break from the game, so I really don't know how to play the new event, what am I doing wrong?
NC Nate gets No Quarter at 3/5, and NC Serena gets it built in. I honestly don't know why Greta gets Gatunteed Triple instead considering that it's still basically an auto-include at 5/5.
It's basically a whale gamemode for anyone who actually wants to get to a million. The best advice I can give is to get Giovanni and Red to 5/5.
NC Nate doesn't even use his No Quarter on optimal builds, he just focuses on his B Move for DPS, Scale Shot is a waste of a turn
From the looks of it, you aren't spamming Colress properly. When you queue his move, you're not queueing other moves, since the point is to spam a bunch of his moves in a row to skip ahead.
Also don't listen to >>56175751, not only do you not need 5/5 but it's a waste of resources when all you're getting out of it at the end of the day is F2P units, especially with Anni right around the corner
Once you’re finished buffing and sync with Redlax, just spam Twave on Colress to burn the countdown. And of course use Red B move before Giovanni sync.
the point wasnt her not having No Quarter as a 5/5 tile but not having it at all as a pokefair with a 5/5 grid
NC Calem only has Guaranteed Triple despite being a Masterfair who relies on multihit to activate his fairly restrictive B move condition…
ye and thats why he sucks
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>Move aside Shillthya, WE are the annie trio this year
Your response?
I don't want ANY hags for anni.
All 3 of them together are like 1/5-th of Cynthias popularity

DeNA needs to eat you know
Malva in Pasio is as real as Burnet, accept it and move forward.
Give me Fennel and Munna
>Mega Sceptile was in 2020
>Gmax Charizard was in 2021
>Gmax Drednaw and Duraludon never
I can understand that the side effect of Duraludon can't work in Masters but fuck off Drednaw is simple
They will give it a G-Max eventually since they have made an equally ugly evo for it used by another Dragon trainer so in a way or another they should at least focus on their original region and gen gimmicks.
Didn’t stop them from putting in Eerie Spell.
Wait how tf old is greta supposed to be? Avary and Klara describe her as a child but I thought she's more late teen young adult
she's just short
Who is better among Courtney, Rika and SCLyra for the damage thing
I think she is the ''misty age'' leader type
Useless as she's a support, not much damage
see above
tech, good at syncs.

I'm not lucky enough to get the TM refresh despite having the node
>Malva in Pasio
But she's right there in the pic. No idea about Burnet though
Her model exists in-game, unlike Burnett.
Here's to hoping that's soon rectified.
Dead game
After SSBrock goes mega
Best of luck anon!
NTA but this may need some MPR
>Here's to hoping that's soon rectified.
>Malva's model gets removed from the game.
That's not how it works.
That's never how it works.
Yo was super bored at work so here is a little chart with, so far, the best ranking for each pairs. (It's also a secret bump )
I learned the hard way that using tiermaker with a phone is for... I don't know but not for normal people and autists. It's up to date so the last 3 clear posted after the chart are in (but change nothing outside Klara)

If your favorite pair is at 1 then congrats.Or sorry ?

See you Monday !
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Shes so wonderful bros...
Wait, did we only have one poison-weak CS stage this year? That doesn't sound right. Otherwise Petrel would be in there somewhere. Or am I just blind?
He always got 1 use and I got bored after two.
It's the best use a pair got at some point. Not their total. Petrel total is at 5 (like Ryuki or Kahili)
Oh ok, that makes sense. I'm the only one using him. For some reason I thought it was the total number of uses this year.
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Nah or that would be low as fuck like only one or two anons clear or so. Here the half-year ranking.
Variety Bruno is wrong but I'm not gonna update this chart until december/EOS.
For exemple current Top 10 is
Meloetta 267
Zapdos 261
Bulu 215
Moltres G 193
Greninja (Serena) 181
Glaceon 168
Belibolt 160
TINA 156
Zygarde 155
SS Morty 154
So yeah a lot of change with only 3 weeks added.

Acerola at 2nd and soon 3rd place with her summer alt.

Also sneak peek picture of her next alt.
>not a couple
So you're saying I have a chance~?

Tina is unlikely to get into top 5, but would be cool to see her move up.
How nice of her to handle Daisy and Erika's next Pokèmon partners.
>So you're saying I have a chance~?
Yeah but don't force them

>Tina is unlikely to get into top 5
Yes and no the top three will not change at all. They are used all the time but rest can really be out the top 10 because you can end up with week with NC Serena at 1. Morty even got some weeks at 0 or 1 and he is in the top 10 now. It can change every week and that's why it's fun to do that once in a while.
As for Tina, she is an anomaly, I'm happy because really I love her. From the personality, the look, the pokemon and her playstyle and her grid but let be real if in September I had never had the idea of making the chart her place would be near the end with Paulo or Lear. She is correct but not busted or good. And really I don't want to sound pedantic here if my favorite trainer was Cheryl or Rachel I'm sure the result will be the same to a minor degree since Tina at least got a 6EX at release and don't die after one or two moves.
It's sad that vg don't have chart anymore and I doubt reddit have one because I would love to see their odd ones like Tina or Marley or just "their meta"
>no intimidate
ACKSHUALLY, he has Terrify 1 as a innate passive and another one on the grid
>one (uno) hugh
Oof. Just wait until I get the other unit, whenever that is
>ran out of 4* support candies
never though that would happen...wish they would put it in the monthly exchange or something
How? Tina, Rachel and Sawyer are the only limited 4* support and you can have dupe for BP/Lodge pairs for nothing
>the the only limited 4* support
(You) & Alremie exist
And I guess some people like to hoard lodge stones for other things maybe...
Not too surprising, I have a ton of 4* strike candies (still have like 30 despite 5/5 all my 4* strikers) while my tech and support candies are all dried up.
>That's not how it works.
>That's never how it works.
That's BW Cheren erasure
This but with eggmon candies
They are already lackluster by default, what gives?
Ariana in between those two is kinda silly
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When datamine?
The 25th...as always...newkek...
It’s not though sister…..
Ok so +- 1 or 2 days depending on weekends, holidays, or random Nippon shenanigans. Although this month might be later because I'm p sure we're getting a Presents next month
I forget, is anniversary officially end of August into September with beginning of August being the run-up?
Actually one of them is for a Unova character, for an event involving the Striaton trio (lmao)
Idk how to improve from here
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>Rosa x Hilbert
>Marley being spitroasted by two pajeets
What did they mean by this?
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>Iono is still that good

if we made shonen anime, based on those charts, Iono would be that very Piccolo-esque character, who without any super-duper gimmicks, could keep up with main protagonists and be still considered strong and brutal. Iono and Bellibolt easily overpower many kids who wear gucci custom made fashion clothes and hold pride flag. Just think how balance will be shaken, once Iono will get gucci custom made costume and pride flag for herself? She would become so brutal, that devs will turn straight again and women would be banished from /pmg/, all 4chan and internet and we all gonna live in an internet utopia once more and all thanks to... Short, curvy, noisy and greedy girl, who is just a joke character to laugh at influencers, streamers, youtubers and other unemployed people without a real job
mental illness
>she's Piccolo-esque character
So basically she jobs.
those two use discord and have they/them in their pronounces
>easily overpower many kids who wear gucci custom made fashion clothes and hold pride flag. Just think how balance will be shaken, once Iono will get gucci custom made costume and pride flag for herself?
Please explain your schizo babble and the relevance of the gucci
its called "making laugh of". i know you guys not the sharpest tools in a shed, but maybe if you try hard enough, you'll understand why I drew parallel between gucci and sygna suits
>making laugh of
What did they mean by this
You either mean to say you're "making fun of" or that you're just "joking around." Either way, you should just stop while you're behind.
Only Biancanon can tell
Biancafag here, no fucking clue what's happening.
A. Kabu is dying and will reincarnate in their kid
B. Hopping over the old guy
>laugh at influencers, streamers, youtubers and other unemployed people without a real job
If nothing else, I can get behind that.
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First 1m. Thanks Irida, very cool
how the fuck are you supposed to do the wally stage in the upcoming ranked event? which dragon pairs can make it to 1m with just move damage?
Probably NC Nate with his B move
is this some possession fetish thing
Strategy? Can't break 500k
Do you have her at 3/5 or higher? Not having access to sync multipliers will gimp your score because that’s where 99% of your damage is coming from in this mode.
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What the fuck am I missing here? I watch this video and I see Colress getting in 2 or 3 Thunder Waves between every opponent move. But when I do it, they are queuing up moves just as fast as I am. Why do they sit there, especially when none are flinching and they all have 2 speed boosts???
Honestly, I'm having the same problem.

I also find it odd that, despite following the identical strategy with a lvl 150 3/5 Giratina and maxed sync dmg with SP3 lucky skill that my sync nukes are not even doing half the damage I'm seeing in vids. I don't have NC Leaf so I know I'm losing out on SOME damage just from that but even with +6 attack, -6 to all opponents def/s. def, SEUp and Ghost Zone up I'm only dealing 110k on the first sync. . .while I see vids of people hitting 600k.

I highly doubt people are hacking for dmg but I am genuinely curious why my dmg is so low despite meeting every sync multiplier and bonus.
You simply lack the knowledge to progress further. Before you get pissy I was among the first in the /vg/ thread to get a rival pair. Havent touched the mode since, but its literally all the same shit. Really focus on the skill gear/grid. And obviously your timing in the battle itself is important but it doesnt matter that much if you understand how move animation speed and priority work in tandem.
Yes I have her at 3/5 but her animations take forever
Pretty sure Kabu and Cheren are just focused on her ass.
I had to use Rocker Roxie instead of Hilbert since her Bmove does the aoe SpDef 2 debuff, and i had fucked up the ghost wish uses, got 900k. Il try again some other time.
Managed to get over a mil. Didn’t want to invest any candies, at least not until the single target Bug challenge for Hilbert. I did have to use special gear, but it was only using the event specific feathers that would help ghost/sinnoh
I went to spark on the Summer Scout.
Got Tate and Liza along the way (which is fine, I like Jirachi)

Convince me to spark anyone else before I pick Hilda, and complete my Hilda collection.
Kinda hoped to get at least 1 of Hilda or Marnie along the way to spark the other, but shitty odds are what they are.
Objectively Hilda’s probably the best pickup anyways. The remaining strike/techs you don’t have are at best just okay.
Hilda is the best one. Marnie if you have no physical fairy but I guess it's not really important with shit like Magearna now.
The rest is correct/bad and Lyra is really cute but she is shit since release
I think that anon is saying the enemy gets in moves between TWaves, not that they are slow to activate moves or not able to match what the video poster is doing.
Looking at their teams again and wow the last three (four with Anabel) BF guys are super boring
>Spenser with Crobat IV
>Tucker alt with the gay duck before EOS
Wtf are you on about, schizo?
Are any of the BP normal voucher sync pairs worth picking up? Especially for someone still new and don't have many sync pairs under my belt.
Morty is a must, otherwise you can't go wrong with falkner, Candice or clemont
Regice>Entei>The rest
>Normal BP
Clemont is also good
Karen is dogshit
Hmmm.... maybe the water means pissing on him
Surge is underrated, I use him for a lot. He's a Thunder Waver who can boost atk def crit. Generally valuable but legendary arena always needs him.

About a year ago i had a fuck up where i was like why is Karen not EX, fixed it, then realized I did Umbreon & Karen. Waste.
why is gladion and silvally so shit, he should be great at these point challenges
If he was released today he'd be a must-pull limited but now it has Backfire 2
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>look up avery
>find out his english va is kayleigh mckee
>"neat, wonder what else she did?"
>click on reference link
>it's a troon
It feels like someone just took a shit on my table while I was enjoying a nice steak dinner.
Idk Avery is already a dude that looks like a girl
Somehow I thought he just shared the VA with Victor
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it is kinda cringe but he did a decent job with averys voice so whatever
Avery's a feminine guy. It doesn't make him a troon though because he's still a guy.
Yeah I like Avery's voice and thought it suited him well, but it feels so disappointing to learn who's behind it.
Is this the first time you find a english VA's twitter
Erika trivializes Uxie for Gauntlet clears by compacting 2 roles neatly in one.

Surge is a mini-Sonia and works decently well with Elesa.

Morty is a great discount flinchbot/defensive support.

Barry has utility in high dmg event clears and can also find good use in Uxie gauntlet clears.

Candice is great with Irida.

The others are decently fine.

Karen is borderline unusable (Lodge Skyla does everything Karen wants to do but better).
BP Karen is worse than freebie Valerie, fucking awful kit even for on-type, no multipliers or anything, shitty passives all around, zero utility.
>muh favorites
>both units pick up dust
Karen alt eventually?
Your Max Moves?
Normal Karen is a good unit though
Same. The AI immediately clicks moves non-stop. Even when I queue my moves a fast as they are available, I'm getting 3 sync moves that, also with max buffs/debuffs/multipliers, are hitting nowhere near the damge shown in these vids.

>inb4 skill issue
It's not a skill issue when my AI acts non-stop and my lvl 150 3/5 Giratina does less than a 3rd of a vids 1/5 Giratina despite same team comp. Something is sus.
If I had to guess
>Brandon and Regirock dynamax
>field sets Sandstorm and Rock zone
>Tucker and Mega Salamence
>flying type sprint
>Spenser and Slaking dynamax
>tech fuck it I don't know
>Slaking dynamax
Slaking can't be in Swsh...
They don't care about that. Breloom can and it's not in SS
First 50K Super Fan get
Got this fucker and a Deoxys dupe in the Mix scout. What a nice day
She want to imitate Bruno's clothing style right?
>fuckboy getting mega-mence before Drake and Zinnia
It's so over
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Just went and checked, lol
Boy I love the dexcut soooooooo much
Oh no, the high score challenge ended yesterday,
wanted to do it today with CS and Rally...
Before the sun rises and everyone starts rambling about their CS clears and datamine when, I want to say that this theme
has become one of my favorites
6EX Lucy when?
>he enjoys w*stern anything
>in a japanese game
>In Masters
Wait this mean the Manga or anime used a pokemon that is not in the Galar dex? I was sure it was the first time ever. Maybe it's TCG but I doubt it since the list is quite big
>rando trainers get Dynamax to justify being Pokefairs
>old Galar units that were clearly designed with Dynamax in mind still not updated to have it
Breloom is in Soul Silver though.
can be good with the rocks/other two moves have good side effect
It's either never or just the dynamax since the max move for Steel have an effect like Eerie Impulse and this move have no effect in Masters
>Summer Alt and Leon/Bea/Nessa
Lmao be lucky if they even get EX role and grid update
Same with an Eevee or a Meowth pair. Eevee because I doubt they ever gonna add a new statut just for less than 10 pokemon and Meowth because money is kinda useless
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What's crazy is even if they added Dynamax to Raihan and Nessa and Summer Gloria/Marnie they'd still be alright at best because their grids wouldn't even accommodate their Max Moves. Rose is basically what Raihan would've been since he's a Steel unit with a Rock Max Move to set Sandstorm.
I think they only delivered on Leon because he was a Master Fair with an older gen Pokemon when the Gen 8 factor to him is indeed his Gmax. It hurt their ability to promote him if they couldn't even acknowledge he had his Dynamax, so they gave it to him. See pic related.
It's sad but I guess you're right. It's better to have them like that than giving them the Gigamax without a grid upgrade.
The mega were like that too. Only Mega Ray got new skills and Ray/Mewtwo only got the mega while the rest got an upgrade. Brendan is likely to have one first I guess. And I can understand why they didn't want a Mega Mewtwo/Sceptile early in the game life. They are busted for year one unit and even if Mewtwo look dogshit now we have other psychic type, Sceptile still do the work
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datamine predictions?
Garbage as usual.
Kieran and carmine. Without a doubt
No datamine until next week
>dub dubs
Man fuck you
Neo Champions Guzma and Kahili
Lusamine and elio for sure
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if it's not an alt for olivia, I dont care
neochampion hugh
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*featuring Greta
(When will people realize the power of magnets?)
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what team should I use for wally?
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Weekly Lillie post.
I think only hilbert and lisia are good for him there even then, I think the best mon for that challenge is cynthia S
Dragon Hilbert?
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Another shart closer to annie
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CharTina !
Sorry new Marnie but I just remembered that Pryce exists. Next week for sure
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i wouldnt care for no grid update, the gmax moves from some of these offer great utility so they d be a huge buff already
>neo champion criteria would be pasio wide golf match
>they would be paired with the married pikachus from the hotel
incredibly based
incredibly based
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>big reruns
>someone big who has not been in game yet
>lots of hype rallies, but not much in terms of story events
>announcement of announcement of reworks with anni, like menus and renaming coop orbs finally
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randomly thought about omg today after not being here for ages, how is everyone enjoying new modes like damage challenge?

charterino for old times sake
Shit for anyone but paypigs who have everything at 5/5
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weekly Acerola clear

I can't wait for 5th anniversary Acerola champion alt leaks
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Wonderfuru and Guroriosu Chart, Eeeeeenjoyyy
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For the chartanon
Contributing to Irida week
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Chart. All males.
Having "bride" and "groom" motifs to their costumes would be bad ass. Hell, Guzma in a tux or suit wouldn't be a bad look.
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undersea chart
Jasmine supremacy.
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Full ontype.
Kahili would be the one wearing a tux in this pairing.
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Brock, Greta and Lucy, Sabrina, Archie
I was wondering why was Olivia so hard
to KO then I noticed I used the Physical damage reduction parameters
oh and Korina :)
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3 Candice, 2 Phoebe, 2 Viola, 2 Bianca, and 3 Irida, 4 the chart!
With the Rally and the damage event going on, I kinda stopped giving a fuck about CS and just throw in the strongest shit I have and be done with it. /ss/Brendan new EX role ftw.

Any other damage challenge “support” MVP’s I should know about?
Greta can sleepspam and has no animations between and already can reduce sync count
Poppy can thunderwave spam like Colress, but you'll need to use candies on her to give her free meter on each use.
So is Critical Strike 2 still good for damage challenge, or is Super Powered 3 better?
Assuming it works on sync moves, yes. If not CS2 is still better
SS Hilbert with Metal Sound spam
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I am Whitneyanon of the Whitney Super Fan.
I stand with heart aloft, soul afire
For the love of my cute and strong wife, Whitney!
On the chart!
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Karmine and the little homo on it from the DLC.
Maybe Arven.
Definitely big rerun MFs.
Some variety scams
I used every Marnie and yet somehow Zinnia gets the dumb image effort???
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Ah, Marnie was busy with a selfcest orgy. Got it, makes sense, moving on.
Really nice chart anon
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>Avery is actually quite useful
>Nobody can get full use of the things he provides
>Severely outclassed as a Psychic type enabler
Please release Jynx with a Galar character. I might even pull for Mr.Rime if needed to experience the whole package.
I use him to power up my Leon. He's like Kabu but better at raising the ceiling since you can use his TM on Leon to replace Kabu's boosts, but then Galar Circle and the B Move to pump your damage output. Last is Anni Raihan or Bede or Gordie for Galar Sun, where Gordie is probably the best because of Rebuff but I like using Anni Raihan since he can get really tanky with his Weather Buff under Hail with Avery's Hail Physical DR 3 and Galar Circle and Leon's Master Passive. It's a pretty fun and effective combo.
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All-male chart.
I would use him with Christmas Leon and valentines Bea for ice clears.
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Charting with Iono. Firefly and Iono love as usual.
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Sharting with the usual 5 but also 5 of the best Champion Cynthia
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Chart. Didnt feel like dealing with Steel so Silver did the job
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Late chart, full Serena and Lillie clear
He can give Oak Psychic Terrain and activate his Weather Surge 3 at the same time :^)
Briefly mistook Korinna as a Lillie
Oak & Mew Upgrade w. Dynamax
>dragon/ground HSE next
Hold on to your Hapus
BP Hapu and Flygon soon!
How is this allowed in-game
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Chart is here and Irida is again the Ice queen. But Bratfags rejoice the bull will claim it's title next week.

Side notes :
>Hugh is now the only new pairs unranked.
>Greta got around the same usage than the rest when it's an off type first rank. And I doubt she can have the same result than Avery next week for on type (0).
>Latios with it's EX Role is back to it's best use (7 at W9 and W13)

Next week first rank :
>Grid Update
Jasmine and Steelix
>6 EX
>EX Roles
>New Pairs
Egg Rhyhorn, SS Tierno and Braixen (Field with Rain Dance), Arezu and Liligant-H

As always you can post your clear. See you next week !
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>Dragon/Geound HSW next
Time for the bare minimum again, maybe I’ll somehow get in the top 5000 again
Thanks as always chart anon. Had to make a choice between SC Selene and Thorton. Next time I’ll chart him. If no one picks Hugh I’ll use him for the next chart too.
>tfw no Iris champ
Annie pls give free unit
>maybe somehow i will end top 5000 with all these limited pairs tee-hee
>Dragon/Geound HSW next
I'll get right on it, tomorrow.
Aarunesisters, stop the count
datamine when lah
next week
>your favorite get nothing
>6EX is Marshall
>Lodge for someone you hate
Glad I help
>your favorite get nothing
Joke’s on you. I’m the guy who said Kabu wasn’t happening mere hours before the June datamine. The way I see it, the more people insist my favorite character will get nothing, the more likely it is they WILL get something.
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It's fine, bro. They're saving her for anni.
Next month IS anni, retard-kun
She won't be in the datamine, dumbass. Anni units aren't revealed until late Aug.
you are right, I apologize for calling you retard-kun
anni units will be in the September datamine
Lillie being an anniversary unit twice seems silly though
What is a good team for the flying weak damage event?
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>is a useless grunt and useless shitmon any good when it's a kike's last hope against Cynthia but gets defeated so easily
Take a wild guess.
I have yet to try it so I assume Summer Gloria

But, really, likely two typical supports and
>Lodge Skyla
>Liza Celesteela
>Blue Pidgeot if nostalgic
>Gold Lugia if going to boost and invested
>Skyla Tornadus maybe?
>Cheren Bmove slow
>NEVER Steven Rayquaza. Never good.
Anyway, loli or lodge is my call for damage
NC Cheren, D Gloria all reach 1M.
There's also a gimmick P Elesa 1M team but the shitty meme pair needs dupes and rare teammates to do damage.
Lodge Skyla can get you 570-600K points depending if Superpowered 3 and L.150 or CS2 and L.140.
But that's against 1 target so Lodge Skyla will be enough for triple target, like Blue possibly.
Hm? He's ancient unless you mean sync spamming
One of the only 19 people worldwide who rolled for P Elesa supereffective tied damage kit got 1M with her on 3v1 by stacking Unova MF passives and Nate's countdown I guess. She just spams her attack and sync.
Is that a real figure or do you just that just cum that out?
Just to point at how she did flop back then, poor banner performance and everyone deemed her kit as shit for the game modes available at the time.
Some others just wanted a cute Mareep or Flaaffy instead too, even her fans called her kit shit and were disappointed a little. At least now she can do something while BP Karen remains the winner with the most unusable and fucked up kit ingame.
I dunno, Tate feels worse. Aside from a biiit of flinch boost, he can't be offensive or support in any manner. They gave him a grid with no idea on any focus. Karen at least has a (bad) idea to build on.
Tate can still sync for damage and flinch as you said, and even take some hits on physical side including some stats immunities. BP Karen is frail, only high damage attack can end in suicide in CS where HP can be increased, sync has no real multipliers, most 4* freebies and genpool have SE damage at least. Slow to set up, Dire Hit instead of Dire Hit+, she's a meatshield in Gauntlet, that's it, allows you to take 3 actions per turn if you slap her and give her DC2 or Vigilance. That Umbreon could have been variety Karen and Will an Espeon if it wasn't for Alola MCs which I don't mind.
Weird how they came up with a downgrade of test sync grids that were Pryce, Iris and even Flint, stuff like 3* Barry and his old sync grid mog her hard too.
Datamine doko?
Friday or Monday probably
Tomorrow is the 24 so tomorrow midnight
lusamine alt... please dena....
Sorry sweaty, this is a gen 3 and gen 5 game
We still have an event on 26th

Cynthia and Lance anni with the new gimmick, sorry chud
>We still have an event on 26th
This is not something they follow consistently
She lost to Volo, get over it, she is irrelevant and ridiculed like that time she didn't reach the semifinals or got oneshot bu Giovanni in the villain arc.
don't @ me schizo
kys retard lmao
>Cynthia anni with the new gimmick
Finally a GOOD anni
>1 minute apart
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