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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

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>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>56170796
>neochampion hugh
>neochampion N
>neochampions hilda and hilbert
these are the obvious options for the anniversary
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Who is soon
Yeah literal who
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Hassel so they can complete the Paldea E4 for champ stadium
Would genuinely be the worst anni to date. I think I would finally quit this kusoge if that happened
well dena have three fetishes, marnie, steven and unova. aside of that, the other option would be final boss volo to get more fujo money
I though Cherry and Bianca already filled the spot of being BW Neo-Champions, since they put so much emphasis on how they use to be rivals and stuff
bianca popped cheren’s cherry yes
>the obvious options for the anniversary
Cynthia Garchomp upgrade
and Cynthia-Arceus new alt
>Cynthia-Arceus new alt
nah, it would be volo.arcues
villain will lose
lolo will NEVER have Arceus
Neo Champion Lillie and Neo Champion Gladion.
it's probably gonna be rei
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schizo hours?
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
Yeah I think it's Neo Champion Rei and Akari. Rei with Arceus and Akari with Manaphy. Heatran is going to be used for an underwhelming holiday like Shaymin. Or something like Sygna Suit Flannery.
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Finally, peak autism
Nah, its either Cynthia or Volo
likely Cynthia
Either Rei or (You). I mean you are the strongest and it can be like a tutorial to use an Ultimate pair (or whatever the name is) before the anni. Can be an excuse to speed up the 6EX with both Pikachu and Torchic. It's either that or you help Rei or don't play a role at all
>you are the strongest
makes sense, I figured they'd give akari enamorus since it's possible cogita won't get in but it's not popular so they probably wouldn't give it to an anniversary master fair
volo's probably going to get origin tina and arceus shows up to stop him, so rei feels more likely since he has a history with volo and arceus while cynthia met volo once and isn't as connected to arceus
>I mean you are the strongest
[REDACTED BY DENA] is the strongest actually
>Annie Cynthia, Volo, Rei, Akari
Pls no, i'm tired of skipping annies, last two were flops we dont need a third one in a row
>Annie Cynthia, Volo, Rei, Akari
Pls yes
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>Origin tina
Thank you Dena and afroman for this alt ! But please give her a Dratini too !
>neo champion this
>neo champian that
Real Ani pair will be Top Champion Geeta & Gogoat
It will be Anniversary Giovanni & Golem
Is the Dragon ranked damage challenge basically just impossible if you don’t have SS Serena or NC Nate

My 2/5 Lucas could only score like 150k points
Saw someone on r*ddit say that BP Zinnia is an decent f2p option, though I haven't redeemed her yet so I can't confirm myself. I've also seen Cyrus but the one video I saw got the around the same score as yours
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Yes, we see you two smooching all the time
Yeah, and so does everything male in Pasio with a tenner and a night to spare.
ayy lmao
>Is the Dragon ranked damage challenge basically just impossible if you don’t have SS Serena or NC Nate
3+/5 SS Cynthia is equal or a bit better than SS serena (definitely better than an uncaked Zerena)
3+/5 Lance is also good there
I just used Dragon Gilf to spam meteors and got the same numbers.
Then I stopped caring.
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Chart since it was at the end of the previous thread
Got that yesterday.
Thank you chartanon, and thank you to whoever used Fall Acerola to rank all the Acerolas.
>12 and 2
Good showing. Thank you, Chartanon.
Are the EX’d pairs the ones who have been used every week?
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Greta is new and SS Brendan got an upgrade
And yeah or almost Sawsbuck didn't get used the first month for exemple. I add one or two every months but also I try to not add pairs that can rank at the top easily (NC Marnie, Rosa and Blue for exemple). I also try to not add two pairs that only one anon use.
I hope next update they make it so you can see the points on CS MM you have before you clear and find that you missed a handful of points
>that 7yo-sized top
Looks like Misty she can't pick her clothes by herself.
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Giving us retro designs alts would be the fucking coolest thing ever. Just treat it like a seasonal or something, maybe once or twice a year, release a batch of them
>7yo-sized Misty
Isn't that what Classic is? I agree it would be cool, would summon for the Morty and Karen.
They'd just be called (Classic) like the Red and Elesa we already have
Red isn't called Classic though, it's Blue that is.
Yeah I think people forget that Classic Red is just a fan nickname, if he ever gets into lodge there’s like a 95% chance that ends up being his base unit even though the SS came first
How the fuck? I guess I can't see the result, but...
black dress karen was pure sex
Arezu when?
Here's your 25 gem dead multi
datamine doko?
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I want to invite her to the lodge
Me too... me too...
Okay but
>linking to reddit
>do less than 1 million damage
>master rank
Sorry, uglies aren't allowed in the Lodge.
Explain half the lodge choices then
clearly false
Why is every third person in this game called Scottie?
>cheren/stoutland at 5/5
I'm done here
Who can stop him now?
That's the default name for (You), newkek
>uglies aren't allowed in the Lodge.
>giovanni and kabu
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>Base Serena: Normal hair.
>Palentine Serena: High Ponytail
>Sgyna Suit Serena: Short Hair
>Neo Champion Serena: Down ponytail.

Next Serena going to be twintail, isn't it?
>he is expecting another serena
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He mogs her even in his middle age.
>he can't apreciate mature beauty
how to spot a manchilld
not sure what is the funniest part about this >>56217299. he thinking that I was talking somehow about their age or he actually believing giovanni and kabu are supposed to be attractive, specially giovanni
>giovanni and kabu are supposed to be attractive, specially giovanni
Scottie (boy) and Bettie (girl) are the official names of the protagonist
>meowth imagination

it doesnt matter in the canon lore
>meowth imagination
canon in masters
canon in masters
>>meowth imagination
>canon in masters
LMAO, go masturbate somewhere else you fundashit
Giovanni got laid

I'd worry it was braided or something but it should be the one from XY. And the booty shorts and swim top. It'll never happen but man
Not twintails but we all know the outfit.
your parents too, what is your point?
Datememe soon thank god, glad we got through one of the worst months this year.
>greta and kara bad
>co-op 25th day battle
>optimize into SSGrimsley
>use trainer move
>get Fire Blasted out immediately
We out here
Wtf he only changed a few wrinkles
Sexy lusamine please dena....
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Calling it now, May and Manaphy with body swap event. Every other gachas done it.
>another water unit may
You mean last month
No data mine. Go to bed
>no datamine
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Nate hit hard and it's fun
If you have them caked, you can get a lot further. I used the same team and got to 2.55 M.
The Redlax strat just to hope you get a bunch of refresh on the You & Me and use before sync? Or is there anything more there?
Yep, and with careful positioning you can bridge 2 Syncs with the same Unova Circle, which is another thing to keep in mind since it lets you get more uptime meaning more damage.
Sadly Red never got a refresh
>nothing but maybe a teaser or two on the weekend
Boy I love when this happens
Its Hoenn, what do you expect?
an electric unit and rock sync relicanth :^)
Yup, first time I ever did more than 1 million damage.
Havent touched this mode since I got my rival pair in the 3rd rotation.
What phones or other devices do you play this game on? In the market for a new device
You should do each new one for the sake of 100 gems
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Ok what else can I do here
>since I got my rival pair
Only one?
Whatever shitty cheap refurbished phone my provider gives me. This game isn't that demanding especially compared to a lot of other mobile gacha games out there and I've played auto battlers more demanding than this game.
Please stop, i already fapped this morning.
If I recall correctly PoMas specifically has issues with certain Samsung chipsets (Exynos?) due to poor optimization but any phone that isn’t that should be fine
>topic ends right after I get max vibes
not this shit again
Redmagic 7
I bought it for active cooling, because I overheated my previous phone to death with a different game. It was probably a bitcoin miner, but it had tiddies. And then I dropped that game like a month after buying this phone.
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You are better off not doing all 6 at once if you are getting bad luck.
Yeah, but you don't know if you're going to get bad luck. You might just get super lucky on your first and it'd feel wasted if it was only x1.
Split then. Do daily 3 at once, then buy 3, then do those ones at once. Balance of averaging luck while still a chance to multiply the good times.
Honestly it doesn’t even matter, bad luck just means it’ll take you 3 weeks to unlock the lodge unit instead of 2. And they only ever add 1 new lodge unit per month anyways (so far) so you’re ahead regardless.
Looks more like Anabel pretending to be Courtney.
Roll for special gear that helps Serena.
Lillie's balls
Literally who?
Datamine doko?
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Natalie-sama I kneel...
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Red looks kinda weird in this pic….
where can i download specific voice files from this game
Klara is not a Dustox!
Oh god, Miriam confirmed!
sauce or fuck off
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no datamine, no dev letter, no trailer, no tease, no nothing. They're seriously making me wait all the way to the night of the 28th for any news.
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EOS soon
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Fuck off youtube shorts consumers, there literally is no issue with having a datamine on Tuesday.
I love your wife as well.
You mean tomorrow night, chuddy. You can't keep moving goalposts like that, not a good look for you, yikes
Holy based

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