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If anyone has a link to the original thread which was archived.

Post it here
Nvm I found it in archives

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What is the best place to visit in Unova?
Blueberry academy :)
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guys, I think I fucked up real bad.
when I started playing black 2 (my first time trying it,) I did what I usually do: use PKHeX to give me some things. nothing to ruin the balance. just 999 Max, repels, my favorite pokemon but at level 4 from the beginning, and most harrowing, apparently...
gave myself all of the PC backgrounds. you know, the ones with the legendaries that you only get for beating the game.
I have no way of proving it, but I believe that those boxes are what caused my game to believe that I've beaten it. Alder challenges me at his dojo, I ran into a level 65 sudowoodo that I caught, and the Nimbasa stadiums are all level 65, among other things.
is there a quick PKHeX way to fix this? or am I going to have to Leeroy the entire game again from start to finish to fix it?
You probably could try to remove the game completion PC backgrounds and see if that will do anything
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it didn't work...

May have to start over
so comfy
I still think to this day that B2/W2 has one of the nicest, comfiest starting town themes.
This list got some traction, so here it is, again. Post your:
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Mythical
>Favorite Unova Character
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
>Favorite Unova Town/City
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme:
Encounter theme:
Town theme:
Route/Area theme:
>Favorite Unova Battle
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
Nacrene City, it's a comfy place with a library museum, art studios, cafe and a guy with a accordion.
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Reposting mine(with a new addition)
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Mythical
>Favorite Unova Character
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Route 10
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Nacrene City
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: N's Final Battle
Encounter theme: Colress
Town theme: Opelucid City (Black version)
Route/Area theme: Route 10
>Favorite Unova Battle
Vs N and Ghetsis in N's Castle
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
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Easily the best starting town theme.

Though it is technically a city.

>Favorite Unova Pokemon
Hydreigon, Joltik and Volcarona to name a few.
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Mythical
>Favorite Unova Character
N and Ghetsis, their story and dynamic is so cool.
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
The whole region is peak. I'll go with, Lostlorn Forest for non-routes, Skyarrow Bridge for bridges and Route 23 for route. BW Badge Check Gate and B2W2 Victory Road are runnerups
>Favorite Unova Town/City
They're all so good, but Castelia and Aspertia are my favorites.
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: Decisive Battle N and PWT finals.
Encounter theme: The two that I immediately think of, are: Alder, and Ghetsis.
Town theme: Nacrene, Castelia, Nimbasa.
Route/Area theme: Route 1, Lostlorn Forest, Route 23, Dragonspiral Tower, Skyarrow Bridge, and Entralink
>Favorite Unova Battle
The final section of BW. You catch your legendary, then fight N and Ghetsis.
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
playing through black right now, scrafty is such a based mon when you don't have fairy types to worry about
The first example of actually noticeable dynamic music in the overworld. While the first few routes had the marching band in the background, it was quiet and hard to hear.
Accumula Town has the Piano girl and Drum boy, but you have to actively go out of your way to find them. The Gym Leader final Pokémon isn't an overworld track.

That leaves Mr. Accordion who happens to be directly next to the path to the next area.
Decisive Battle N: https://youtu.be/O0ajBL15Knk?si=YcscUUaSkG8cAn9F

PWT Finals: https://youtu.be/uUY5KjHwczY?si=CeUjaO0xIUpFeisM

Alder Encounter: https://youtu.be/3Ue_YWv4Dcs?si=eMqp18ZilGUPELF7

Team Plasma's Secret Maneuvers (Ghetsis Encounter): https://youtu.be/u52SKNIkMNA?si=Ksu3FtyHItew6D5T

Ghetsis' Ambitions (Ghetsis Pre-Battle): https://youtu.be/LyOU8ZW1g3w?si=wLPBaSlY3bRD4rQT

Nacrene City (Accordion version) https://youtu.be/rWQQDjkVbVA?si=QXfF0a329cqBthlc

Castelia City: https://youtu.be/M_pwLX0_aVU?si=ke3SDJjnfr9FSUgB

Nimbasa City: https://youtu.be/BLYU--FRzOU?si=7qeRYB7_htKAC-9A

Route 1: https://youtu.be/FO421C3JPfk?si=XMA6PIVfAnrqWcVU

Lostlorn Forest: https://youtu.be/nojKOWouzGI?si=6MbEs_GSfv9sav99

Route 23 (People tell me that part of Prof. Rowan's theme is in it but I can't hear it.):

Dragonspiral Tower: https://youtu.be/s-ty6u4RxWI?si=IASQWkTOpvg6XsQp

Skyarrow Bridge: https://youtu.be/AWy-fL5Evw4?si=YalkTzjO8b5fGiRm

Entralink (so underrated, how tf did no one know about it?): https://youtu.be/UmX87Inmnkc?si=w4Ymzn3x1SitL-s7
Also I'd like to add Yancy to the waifu list.
I really loved shit like this. Unova had the most dynamic music in the series, including a tambourine when walking one route one, a snare drum when walking on the other routes, four versions of most route themes for each season, the nine layers of the victory road theme building up with each badge checks gate, the 16 possible combinations of the village bridge theme (where you turn on or off the vocals, grass flute, beatbox, and/or strings), each gym having it's own music, with nimbasa having five different themes and virbank having a lobby theme, and 8 possible combinations (with removing vocals, guitar, or drums, along with gradually increased volume next closer to speakers), the ability to control the drums and piano in accumula, creating four different themes, dreamyard and caves having three different themes each depending on the depth, the rare wild pokemon theme remix, many version exclusive themes, clapping getting louder or dissappearing depending on your position in icirrus, and lastly black opelucid's keytar, white opelucid's erhu, and nacrene's accordion all changing volme and/or disspaeraing with your proximity to their musicians. Then there are battle themes. They gave N three themes, Ghetsis two themes, gym leaders two themes, will pokemon two themes, trainers three themes (if you include the train remix), as well as actual fucking vocals in the series. They didn't have to do these, but they did.

I really do apologize for making this long, I'm just a musicfag
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Playing Black 2 and I'm wondering if Lucario is the best Pokemon to use against the E4 and I don't know if Unfezant is good enough to sweep Marshal.
>>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>>Favorite Unova Legendary
>>Favorite Unova Mythical
>>Favorite Unova Character
>>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Pinwheel Forest
>>Favorite Unova Town/City
Black City
>>Favorite Unova music
>Battle theme:
World Tournament Final Battle
>Encounter theme:
N's new encounter
>Town theme:
Opelucid White version theme
>Route/Area theme:
>>Favorite Unova Battle
BW1 Final Ghetsis battle
>>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
I'm working on the nat dex and finally have seen ever mon and can now go to the nature preserve this area is really pretty and the free shiny Haxorus is great for my living dex
>. just 999 Max, repels, my favorite pokemon but at level 4 from the beginning, and most harrowing, apparently...
Why not just trade yourself an egg of those? Plus you don't need that many repels you can just buy them
>playing white 2 rn
> can't think of any mon to use for my team
> starter oshawott

Use whatever you like.
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Repostan from last thread
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Character
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Village Bridge (does that count?)
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Lacunosa Town
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: Hugh's theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI2WzOONl7w
Encounter theme: Bianca (specifically the B2W2 version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_sKFhAf3E4
Town theme: Lacunosa Town https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk4Xfqvph8U (the Summer in Kagome remix is good as well)
Route/Area theme: Village Bridge (again, does that count?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gju6j3f2xTc
>Favorite Unova Battle
Final battle with N and Ghetsis in BW
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
Caitlin (mainly her Gen 5 redesign, but if that doesn't count, then Rosa)
how about these?
Now you got me afraid of injecting Pokemon in B2 before fighting Cheren
It's not the pokemon, it's JUST the boxes.
don't touch the box system in hex, and you'll be groovy all the way
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My original Pokemon Black Team; they're still with me up to Gens 8 and 9. Anyone else still holding onto their Gen 5 bros all this time?
The only one I have left is Emboar, I'm afraid.
>>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>>Favorite Unova Legendary
>>Favorite Unova Mythical
>>Favorite Unova Character
>>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Mistralton Cave
>>Favorite Unova Town/City
Village Bridge
>>Favorite Unova music
>Battle theme:
>Encounter theme:
>Town theme:
Floccessy Town
>Route/Area theme:
Relic Castle
>>Favorite Unova Battle
N Champion Battle
>>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
I'll try it thanks
Use the dream radar
Black City or White Forest?
City for the music and overall vibe.

Forest for the wild encounters.

Wonder how a Unova Legends game would handle these locations.
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>Electric-Bug typealoo

Say no mew
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Giant Chasm
Virbank City
Pokestar Studios battle theme: https://youtu.be/Gwgr5DuMb7I
Cheren encounter theme: https://youtu.be/smCbudYqSNo
Anville Town: https://youtu.be/FSUtVzF4GbQ
Route 19: https://youtu.be/LFU1hfeqWoI
Iris's Champion battle
Pic related
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From my experience, Flygon is super good for the Elite 4
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>Page 8

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Oh brother, ANOTHER Unova thread? Don't you realize nobody here likes this region or games
Actually, I enjoy those games.

they're my favorites.
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zoomers love unova
let them have their thread
Bit of wisdom from Alder.
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I've been playing since Gen 1 and I like Gen 5.

Not the most though, I still like Gen 3 more seeing as that's when I truly got into the series.
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>page 9
He may be the worst Champion of all time but hes definitely the wisest of them all
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For me, it's Hilbert and Tepig.
What buffs would you give them in a remake?
Serperior - Diverse movepool
Emboar - High attack
Samurott - Already fixed with H.
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Ehhh I think Diantha and pre-rematch Geeta are worse.
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>Anyone else still holding onto their Gen 5 bros all this time
No, but I'll always remember them.
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Gigalith is such an underrated design, too bad finding a spot a solo rock type on a team is quite difficult
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For me, it's Zebstrika.
Reshiram or Zekrom?
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Why didn't you evolve Frillish?
Because I don't like Jellicent as much, duh.
Eviolite meant the little lass managed to pull her weight for most of the game. It's a shame so much stuff is carrying "crit moves" in the lategame though.
But Jellicent is awesome, this does not compute.
Sure, but Frillish are cuter.
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That moment was so kino.

Not a bad team

Agreed. I actually like it more than Golem desu.

Zebstrika is based.

I like both, though I prefer Zekrom a tiny bit more.

I've been for looking for translations for these.

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>Favorite Unova Pokemon
Volcarona and Gigalith
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Mythical
>Favorite Unova Character
Clay is based. Love N and Ghetsis too.
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Route 4/Desert Resort
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Lentimas Town
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: Both of Ghetsis' themes
Encounter theme: Alder
Town theme: Can't beat Driftveil
Route/Area theme: Village Bridge counts
>Favorite Unova Battle
Final battle against Colress (+ the Shadow Triad gauntlet afterwards)
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
Bianca (BW2 design)
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Want a challenge? Find a battle animation that doesn't look like shit.
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Found this thing called "Entralinked" that supposedly emulates Game Sync, but I'm too scared to run it.
Interesting. Too lazy to run it, however.
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>The dreamworld still hasn't been resurected
From the biggest franchise in the world, you would expect some fans to be dedicated enough to make it a reality. Guess not
I honestly miss this feature. It's kinda like animal crossing but with pokemon. If they remake BW, they should integrate this feature into the game like poke pelago and allow us to control our pokemon movement and interact with people realtime.
they'll just shut it down again in a few years, why get japed a second time?
Most of them.

For instance, look at the box art legends.
1. We don't want your negativity

2. Find 10 that look like shit.

It's basically just an area where you can do things.
There is a group dedicated to it.

Though they're having difficulties with doing so.
If it's implemented like Poke pelago, it wouldn't. Just the online aspect of it, like all things in Pokemon such as the barren SwSh raids. .
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Unova really is the best.

It's so comfy
How come we stopped getting ribbons in Gen V?
They focused too much on everything else like the environments, music and story.
but ribbons are kino!
I agree.

If Unova did have ribbon, I assume there'd be a Unova Champion Ribbon (maybe another for clearing the league on Challenge Mode), a musical ribbon, I'd also assume PWT ribbons for beating the Champion tournament.
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They stopped caring about keeping features around. See berries, following pokemon, contests, good designs, etc.
At least Gen 5 replaced features it removed with equivalent alternatives, unlike subsequent gens.
Yeah, it was awesome how they replaced all that stuff with another thing you had to pay for that's been shut down for years.
>another thing you had to pay for
>that's been shut down for years
This was the decision made in another gen, so it's a criticism against that gen.
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>They stopped caring about keeping features around
>good designs
Idk why trolls keep coming here to shit up this thread so bad. Is having a single Unova thread that's not in constant flamewars really upset them that much?
You brown fags get what you give.
Saids the brown schizo.
I still don't get why Hilbert/Hilda weren't in BW2
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I always play White because for me it makes more sense that the harbinger of truth would follow N while the protagonist champions the ideals of the future.
>N views are radical within his universe but there's some truth behind what he believes
>mainly that not every pokemon is gonna be lucky or happy with the current system and some will get abused
>the protagonist is fighting to defend the ideal of human-&-pokemon coexistence, despite the ugly truths
>coexistence may not always be perfect but it's worth striving for a better future together
So in a way, both are kinda right and wrong at the same time, which was kind of the point of the Tao duo and their legend.

The alternative gets weirder to justify and makes it feel like N is wrong by default:
Like, N with Zekrom is just fighting for the ideal of... pokemon and humans going their separate ways? Can that be even called an "ideal"? The alternative is that he's fighting for a better version of coexistence with different means, which sounds like a halfassed goal lacking the determination and resolution expected from the chosen hero.
Meanwhile a protagonist with Reshiram is left defending the supposed "truth" that pokemon are just fine living with humans, which ignores there will always be exceptions and bad people to mess things up, and just makes N's side outright misguided from the get go.
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I think that N's ideals is for pokemon to become perfect beings, equal to humans, and they must be separated from people in order for them to become that. I personally prefer N with Zekrom, because it makes sense when you consider the following points:
>N constantly talks about Ideals and formulas while rejecting the truth that's in front him throughout his journey (he admits to this at the end)
>N, and all of Team Plasma's, battle intros start with blue electricity appearing in both versions.
>N's favorite place is Chargestone Cave, a place filled with blue electricity. He even calls it a "Ideal" place for pokemon, if it weren't for humans interfering.
>Dark Stone would be sealed in Dragonspiral Tower around a snowy environment (Ice being supereffective against Zekrom, unlike Reshiram)
>Light Stone would normally be sealed in Relic Castle deep underground (Ground being supereffective against Reshiram)
It seems like that they wanted to go that way, but N and Reshiram is a popular aesthetic amongst fans, so they promoted it more.
Meant for
Personally I just don't think it is the correct way to look at this matter getting hung up on things like "he says the word -ideals- a lot".
The blue electricity motif is interesting and it may point towards the fact GF had initially planned that the "more canon" thing was going to be N with Zekrom, but the rest is just forcefully looking for patterns that justify it further (which I guess it's something this community likes to do a lot).

But I still think the end result is what matters the most and my point is that N with Reshiram and the protag with Zekrom still feels like it's the version that leaves both sides standing on more or less equal grounds.

Your theory ("N's ideals is for pokemon to become perfect beings, equal to humans") still feels like it leaves N's side of the argument on a really bad place of being outright wrong and misguided, specially when confronted with the protagonist carrying the truth, instead of being a more balanced dynamic where both sides have their points, which I feel it just fits more naturally for the Tao duo.
I respect that, but it personally makes more sense to me that way even though it does makes things one sided. N, being a manipulated by Ghetsis, would be suggested to pursue ideals as pursuing the truth could possibly backfire and expose Ghetsis' scheming. Either way, N is usually portrayed with both in various media, so it could go either way.
>N, being a manipulated by Ghetsis
Personally I think that despise being manipulated by Ghetsis he still gets chosen by one of the Tao dragons shows that there's something real on him regardless of the way Ghetsis "raised" him.

Also, I've always loved the implication that N is a "real" chosen hero, but the protagonist only gets "chosen" as the called-forth counterpart because N recognized him/her (in his autistic ways) as his equal. So the protagonist is kinda like "fake chosen" that is implied to have the potential but is really "not there yet" and is forcefully thrown into a situation where they have to step up to fate.
I kinda wish the second part of the campaign (post Dragonspiral) was more fleshed out isntead of feeling rushed.
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>Also, I've always loved the implication that N is a "real" chosen hero, but the protagonist only gets "chosen" as the called-forth counterpart because N recognized him/her (in his autistic ways) as his equal. So the protagonist is kinda like "fake chosen" that is implied to have the potential but is really "not there yet" and is forcefully thrown into a situation where they have to step up to fate.
I do agree with this. Wasn't the original chosen heroes blood related? I don't imagine our protagonists to be related to N at all, so it might be the case. It also implies that anyone can be chosen. The fact that Ghetsis never expected us to get this far and consider us a "ordinary trainer" kinda makes us feel like the underdog that bested fate.
Yeah, is a really cool implication.
I really like chosen stories where the protagonist isn't actually "special" but just happened to be the one person available that desiny "decided" to rely on in a moment of need and has to step up to become a greater version of themselves and fulfill a role that nobody was expecting of them.
I think it's key for this how the protagonist's dragon doesn't wake up until the very last moments when we're finally determined to fully confront N at the throne room.
I think they're referring to Dream World.

At least majority of Gen V's mechanics aren't paid or reliant on Dream World (which wasn't even paid).

Besides people are trying to recreate Dream World.
Yes. I just want a Unova thread that's peaceful.

But of course other genfags have to ruin it because idk.
They left to find N and were completely unaware he had returned to Unova.
It never really felt rushed to me.
I want to clarify that I don't mean "rushed" as in "game development not given enough time", but more in the narrative sense.
DragonSpiral happens too late imo, just after the 7th badge. All that's left in the campaign at that point is that you basically fly back to get the orb in the Relic Castle and a bit of lore exposition in Nacrene, and then the only thing that's left is getting the last badge and into the League.

Considering the fact that Plasma's plot takes full center stage after DragonSpiral (and the fact that your rivals' development is completely abandoned), the game needed a bit more length before Victory Road to pace things out properly. If I'm not mistaken you don't even get another encounter or relevant development regarding N and Plasma, nor do we delve at all into the implications nor consequences of your role as the potential hero of the other legendary dragon. You are just given the Orb and told that when the time is right "the things that must happen will happen" and that's it, you move on for the last city.
I like the events at DragonSpiral a lot, but it happens both too late and too quick imo. And the story beats around it are not well paced.

By the way, I think this is a problem with almost all of pokemon core games' campaigns: they always feel rushed towards the end, around the last 2 badges.
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It's pretty easy to use and it's worth your time.
Entralink music based
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I never understood why N's signature Pokemon is a Zorua
He grew up with one.
Why thematically? Because Zoruas are pokemon pretending to be humans while N is a human pretending to be a pokemon.
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>Zoruas are pokemon pretending to be humans while N is a human pretending to be a pokemon

I thought Zorua were tricksters and I never saw N like that. Now that you say that, it makes sense.
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They kinda are, but they commonly also try to integrate into society as humans because they're timid. Here are some interesting pokedex entries about it.
Black: It changes into the forms of others to surprise them. Apparently, it often transforms into a silent child.
Ultra Moon: If a normally talkative child suddenly stops talking, it may have been replaced by Zorua.
Shield: Zorua sometimes transforms into a person and goes into cities to search for food. When Zorua does this, it usually takes on the form of a child.
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Let's fuck her
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Are those real?
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Yes, they have those 3DS themes for every team.
Cool. Are they in English because I can't seem to find them.
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Yep, they were in the theme shop before EoS. I had one and the BW friends theme, myself.
Guess I'm gonna have to do a little bit of piracy then.
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>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Mythical
>Favorite Unova Character
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Virbank Complex
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Virbank City
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: BW2 Plasma grunt
Encounter theme: Hugh
Town theme: Virbank City
Route/Area theme: Dreamyard
>Favorite Unova Battle
BW2 Ghetsis
>My Unova Waifu
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People always bring up how good Unova was for Bug types, but imo it was far from being the only type that received a lot of care in gen5.
Grass, Fire, Ghost and Psychic got a lot of the more unique and best designs of the region, with a lot of new type combinations too. A lot of them performed fantastically too, either ingame or competitively.
True, plus the dragon types were really cool in this gen, imo. Sure, two of them are pure typing, which was a new thing back then, but Dark/Dragon, Dragon/Fire, Dragon/Ice and Dragon/Electric were epic typings.
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Village Bridge, but Aspertia is also comfy
>Lore wise
Blueberry Academy and Liberty Garden
Meanwhile Ice type
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Blandest, most soulless region. No identity of its own. I remember leading up to its release and even after it people here were arguing that it was actually pokeChina because it had so little American flavor and the shape of the region resembles an area in China too. Chink themed starters, tao themed box legends.
but enough about kalos
Image limit reached. Fun thread, everyone!
Unova makes my weewee hard
I unironically like how easy generation 5 is, games should be fun and comfy not sweaty grindfests.
My wife...
Should we make a third?

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