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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Armarouge

- Ho-Oh has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56120344
The current news for anyone who hasn't seen it. EX mechanic is gone and the Pokemon are getting nerfed, more consistent balance changes are coming along with increased new Pokémon releases.
why they finally added in the Sableye holowear
>cinderace is low and has azumarill ult locked on him
>he dashes and ejects away anyway
>ends up out of range for ho-oh ult
>starts spamming Thanks! because he didn't get revived with the rest of the team
lol. lmao.
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I was wondering why every clefable was inting their game with full damage and no exp share. of course this shithead had to make his cum guzzling retards play garbage builds to ruin more ranked games
>using exp share on anything other than Comfey

Chandelure is cute CUTE
Why are they pretending this game is balanced now?
Mons get buffed when they have a skin upcoming just like league it's embarrassing at least with the ex it's them embracing this fact not only that legendary mons being 1tier above the rest is soVl. They deserve the eventual eos for catering to the whiny streamers and """competitive""" players
>Not using exshare on everymon that isn't a damage dealer
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>Garbage "build" gets buffed
>People legitimately want to try it out
>This bootybothered over a LiteralWhoTuber

Wew lad stay mad
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Lopunny when? They already added Tsareena and Gardevoir. Why not complete the coomerbait trio?
Hopefully never
Hoopa is poopa.
can i get a quick rundown on the build?
Whatever you say crisis hero, nothing to be cringe over since it's a support mon.
Support mons always rise up anytime a offensive mon gets a good buff or a strong offensive mon drops. The same old story.
I will now play your game
what is there to explain about it? spoon because clef is special attack, stacking glasses because draining kiss scales well with special attack, energy amp because clef can do lodes of damage with her unite.
follow me for bulk and movement
Urshifu still feels undertuned with all of the insane CC this game has. Sorry I wont be buying your overpriced holoware Timi
I haven't seen a karate bear in ages, a million phalinks, mimikyus, Blaziken, ceruledges though
Don't run exp.share because clefable shines early game and you'll be stuck at lv3 during bird spawn unless your teammate is good
This has been the standard drain/follow build forever and is literally nothing new. People are just trying it again because it got buffed
Ho-Oh's cool, but I wish it had more CC.
Can't really stop enemies from dashing in on your squishies.
Also wish you could use Flamethrower and Fire Spin together.
Ace_KingKing fucking neck yourself you stupid cunt. Fucking jungler gyarados when we already have a dodrio, never gank, never come to objectives, farming lane when rayquaza is up. 21k damage versus our full tank build ho-oh who had 43k damage. Uninstall you pathetic waste of space.

I'm fine with the soft CC it has, a pokemon that can potentially revive your entire team at ray shouldn't have a hard CC. My main issue is the fact that Fire Spin shield instantly gets destroyed so you lose your main way of truly protecting your team mates. I expect they'll give a shield buff in the future but I'd be fine if they just let it continue even if the shield is broken.
Well that was awkward. Spent all game being able to 1v2 a charizard comfey even when they both ulted me as a lane zeraora. I didn't have a level advantage either.
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So many fucking people instalock jungle but don't know how to jungle, or even go mid-lane in first mid birds. When they're above me in the lobby I think "maybe they won't be bad" until I realize it's ranked reset and the orders will be fucked for a few weeks. At least 10 games so far where I had a jungler who never grouped and couldn't successfully first gank even in a 3v2 against bad laner pokemon. You know it's bad when the lane you ganked is always pinging you when you're nowhere in the teamfights, despite your ult up, then get weeded out by the enemy and waste your ult at 2:25 in a futile attempt to save yourself.
her radiant creaminess...
It's frustrating because they'll mess up a single gank and then throw the game, when all they had to do was farm second jungle spawn and wait for our lanes to evolve. Fine yes, I'm pissed off you died and gave gyarados doubles you stupid cunt, this is still doable. But this is a problem with laners too, people don't know to just buckle down and eat shit for a minute or two, let the outer get broken so you can get lane farm, STOP FUCKING TRYING TO FIGHT THE FED ATTACK WEIGHT STACKED ABSOL AS BRAIXEN COMFEY FOR FUCK SAKE
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wait... they added Ceruledge but not Armarouge?
Yes Ceruledge was first cause it's more popular, now we have Ho-Oh and next up is Armarouge and then some unknown fire type apparently.
Alright fuck it; I'm gonna play Miraidon
Having a fun bug, if I hit solo challenge it just loads for like 30 seconds and then I get an abandon penalty, fun
What's with Pokemon Unite and Fire types
What's going on here? Is this a new feature for certain holowear?
It's literally the theme of the season
It's probably a bug, but it's a damn cool one if it is.
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i miss the old days when they'd give us free holowear in the ranked rewards
You know it was a good letter because the doomers stopped doomposting
>the ghost chandelier is female
next time on "things i wish i didn't know"...
Chandelure was a girl in Pokken too.
What's the best way to farm up penis parade? Just buy atk/atkspd/crit and use some busted auto attacker?
how do i get lobotomites to stop thundering tinkaton
exactly that
Fun fact, Timi keeps changing the matchmaking system to compensate for the reduced playerbase, so the range of MMR you can match with has grown since launch. This means you're more likely to match with downy cunts and people playing with one hand.
>lane Decidueye on your team
>you hear DWEET DWOOO in the distance at 2:35
Name a more iconic duo
>playing ho-oh
>more often than not i get focused down hard and my fire spin shield gets instantly broken so i die
>can't use my ult to revive anyone cuz i'm fucking dead
I swear to fuck Ho-Oh's stats are fucked or something, there's no way a defender is suppose to be this squishy.
Can vouch for that. Got to masters with half solo and half duo and still run into Vet/Ultra players
Those Ho-oh players must be doing something wrong. The mon is very good. Plus it can kill steal for your retarded lane teammate quickly so running exp share makes them less dead weight while still dominating the field. My Ho-oh api stats
It's not good in the slightest. It's beyond useless outside of its ult. Genuine pay to lose character.
are you behind in levels? I find that even more so that most of the other defenders, getting behind in levels as ho-oh is more punishing since you don't have a hard CC and are dependent on a team mate dying in a good moment while you have energy to use your ult - you don't have to worry about that as every other defender except perhaps goodra. Every other defender can still either provide at least one hard CC during a team fight or, if you're a trolling fuckhead, backcap/drag enemies away as greedent.
Because its Green and not overtuned for a no skill noob like you who can't play without an overtuned mon?
Post your api stats, I posted mines.
Its green but has the bulk of a red lmao. It needs to actually be a fucking defender, it cant do shit without instantly dying. Something has to be wrong with its stats somewhere. You wanna talk about your fucking api stats, look at your own Damage taken across the board! Those are abysmal for a defender!
This right here means you cannot run exp share on Ho-Oh. As being the lowest level on the team is ultra punishing. You cant run it as a real defender.
I sure do love that the jungler can fail one gank and then spend all game following around the laner purely to take farm and buffs and then go idle in fights and then not get punished at all. I sure do love losing -9 points because a pissbaby died once and decided we would lose the game. I also adore that my team refused to surrender so we had to play the entire 10 minutes of the little shitstain running around going afk in fights we could have easily won, and nearly won anyway 4v5.
To emphasise this, I took your damage taken scores and came out to 67479 damage taken on average, which is shockingly low to me for a defender. I'm willing to admit I am probably fucking up and like, I want to know what you're doing to actually make the character work at all if you have any advice, but I genuinely do think there is something wrong with its bulk. I think it might be bugged, but also willing to admit I am very much not good with the character.
So once again, screaming for another overtuned mon that is unkillable, when not looking at its kit or skill lv. Post your api.

Ho-oh functions as a defender and not all defenders should be doing insane high ceiling damage, unless you want another Blastoise before he was nerfed which is also my 2nd main (That's why I posted my api stats to show I'm not being a hypocrite).
Even I have to admit Blastoise damage as a defender before he was nerfed was pretty high. They nerfed him a little bit too much since pump/surf is his bread/butter so hopefully he can get a slight buff in the future.
Sky attack is such a good reposition tool that also restores HP at lv 11. Ho-oh isn't going to be like slowbro/blastoise who just shits there and takes enemy damage. You need to repeatedly engage and disengage with the enemy while abusing regenerator/sky attack. That is why when using sky attack, depending on how many enemies is present, I will cancel it out for Fire spin. The amount of damage I am doing is fine since I'm not focusing on damage due to my build, just more DOT/slow which is why I like curse since it hurts enemies sustain.
Once again check my api. I just finished two matches (with fucking Ult noobs again) and my damage/tanking/healing are pretty solid for what I did.
Is this game worth playing again?
Don't cone back now anon, it's still pokémon unite
Who are those Digimon?
Yah, but did they go back to fun unite?
no fun events sadly
Those are netnavis
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53 fucking matches to get back into master, holy fuck. 28 wins, but 6 of those were bot matches so they don't count, fuck I have never had a worse start to a season.
>Gives the average damage taken from your own unite api stats

Yeah I think they did that, just a hunch.
Okay well, I took that advice and played Flamethrower/Fly and have had 10,000% better results. I think Flythrower is absolutely far superior for that kind of playstyle but I do still feel something may be up? I've seen my health drop 1/3rd of its total from an Aegislash Sacred Sword. It might just be paranoia at this stage but thanks for the advice regardless, it seems to be working out much better.
FlameFlyer was always tge obvious choice with the extra amount if healing you're getting from all that
>totally winnable game
>losing a bit early
>blissey and decidueye go afk
at least I got my tattletale points
>retard Pika decides to back-cap during Ray for 20 points only
This game js actually totally unplayable because of the amount of retarded children who play jt
man i like the gameplay of fire spin/sky attack way more, but for yolo queue flamefly is the only safe combo until rank evens out and I get more consistent skill levels on both sides
>enemy talonflame backcapping all game
>shows on our inner goal at 2:20
>hoopa ults
>talonflame presses Fly and disappears
where did he go?
I feel like I've only seen 1 Ho Oh use its ult.
In September tho
Nah, thats like saying Mew is female too
Chandelure is actually female in the files.
I'm a bit unsure on what to choose from the 3rd anniversary box that gives the choice of Charizard's license, the hat or the coins.
I already have the license, so is it like the returning player thing where we get the 10k coins instead, or is it better to just choose the coins?
Which means shit
Dumb tranny
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>You get 100 coins just by playing 3 games at most
Get the hat.
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>team dominating all match
>pushes tier2 at 2:15

Every Fucking Time
Overconfidence, not even once.
Api Updated
And anons said that Ho-oh was shit. Trying Shedninja Doll and really pairs well with Sky/Spin
Delphox mains making enemies spin, spin, spin!
Man, playing Ho-Oh really makes you see just how many shitters just completely stop paying any kind of attention to what's going on when they die. Even when you know you have a Ho-Oh. Like they just get salty as fuck and tab out to go jerk off or something, jesus.

And thats probably including all the shitters that bug abused with Beat Up. Its only going to go lower next week.
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made it to master with Ho Oh, i went 11-1 with it. I’m having so much fun with Ho Oh :)
Whats your items build on it?
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resonant guard, exp share, and cookies

my emblems
Pretty much same as me, I've just always been unsure of the 3rd item. Do you get a lot of value out of cookie would you say?
Make it to master with Greedent and then we'll be impressed.
it’s working out for me, i tried swapping out cookies for bangle but i just kept dying a lot to bullshit. if you’re a good fighter i’d say go for it, otherwise just stay alive and be annoying as possible
Yeah bangle is what I've been running personally and its been nice to screw over specific mons when they show up, since Flamethrower and its burn+ground burn give it a lot of value, but of course they dont always show up.
supple... nubile... fertile...
Does anyone know would Buddy Barrier work on the team mates you revive as Ho-Oh? Or do they not count as back alive then?
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Jesus christ, I dont know if Danny boy here is still in this thread, but I cannot emphasise enough how much this post has genuinely changed my entire outcome on Ho-Oh. Just look at this shit man. Anyone struggling with the character must read this post.
Just tested it out, the answer is no, because it takes the ally a second or two to respawn
Got to Masters in 29 games with a 62% WR. Fair sight worse than last season (about 16 games with a WR that in the 70s I believe) but still not bad. Mostly used Charizard with some Ceruledge nd Venusaur sprinkled in
biscuit resonant curse bangle, 6 orange 6 white, full heal flamefly hooh is so fucking obnoxious and I'm enjoying the game again lmao. If next patch doesn't nerf fly duration OR the CD I'll be extremely surprised.
Pretty much the same. exp share lets Ho oh kill steal against your retarded lane teammates and makes them lv up faster so fuck them. Guard gives a solid shield. The last item can be whatever you want between curse/weight/cookies
It is actually crazy for once we got a anon who knew what they were talking about and posted their api.
I've only been matched with 3 Ho-oh teammates but something..... feels off and I don't what it is.
Three games in a row where it ended early due to someone not connecting from the start wtf
Poor Blastoise fell so far in a few balances updates
It's still really good, you just can't 1v5 by default which means it's trash
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>bot match
>bot match
>real match
>bot match
>real match
>bot match
>bot match
>bot match
was nerfed a lot. Still has a good early game but mid to late game starts to fall off. Blastoise had both of its build heavily nerfed in damage. It has no sustain, only has a shield until lv 13, surf should have a shield at lv 7 and the shield becomes stronger at lv 13. The trade off I see is that defenders who have sustain moves (slowbro/umbreon/etc) should be doing less damage but those that don't should be doing more damage or give them a shield.
Snorlax/mamo/crustle could also use a shield for heavy slam, rock tomb or mamos ground set
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Stop losing so much and the bot matches will go away.
are you a returning player? You get a lot of bot matches if you are
>ambush an entire team with mime, bursting and keeping them in place with unite, all right before fug
>of course not a single fucker showed up, followed up or even burned ray so a near solo team wipe goes to waste and we lose
there's just nothing you can fucking do in this game
Gyarados' image being bugged on pokemon select keeps making me laugh, look at that little worm
Wait, that's a bug?
I took a 2 week vacation and thought I was just misremembering
something feels off with Ho-oh, it appears to be way too squishy
Do you play trev? Curseplit trev? Think like that. You are a slowing DoT machine that needs to weave in and out of the enemy burst so that you can regen. Early game Tailwind does a surprise burst of damage, so use it to bull the enemy and scare them away but GTFO the second you feel the enemy jungler coming since you're a slow mofo without fly or sky attack. Resonant Guard + your passive means you regen fucking FAST, I'll be surprised if they don't hit that passive with a CD nerf in the near future. Ignore the healing your empowered auto gives you, it's a nice bonus but not something to rely on due to how slow it is and how you can't cancel the animation into other things - the #1 way I see enemy ho-ohs die early game/missing easy kills is that they choose to do the third auto instead of using tailwind or backing away until the cooldown is done on tailwind.
>team has aegislash and ho-oh
>comfey never leaves the liquidation inteleon
>inteleon never shows up for any objectives
>comfey inteleon fed the fuck out of enemy urshifu and let the gyarados catch up
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I haven't played this shit in a year, is MewTwo and Zacian still broken?
Zacian is still a top dog, Mewtwo Y has been beat down but X hangs on despite nerfs. Devs had said legendaries being strong was a mistake and are going to get rid of the EX license mechanic and will be nerfing them hard.
>decide to play a game or two after dinner
>get gamer girl twitch streamer that instalocks ho-oh
>she goes fire spin flamethrower
>team locks in comfey and slowbro
>jungler buzzwole
Fuck me sideways what am I meant to do with that? They of course never grouped up and fed the enemy greninja and dragapult, so having two tanks and a pocket healer meant fucking nothing because we did no damage and the tanks got exploded anyway

>second game
>team has blissey ho-oh
>team never groups up
>feeds the fuck out of enemy ceruledge
>get 4v2 destroyed by enemy mr mime and espeon without said fed ceruledge showing up

Mewtwo can still pubstomp bad people solo, it's not a safe bet however - Y just got another range nerf, and X is squishy and easy to kite moreso than at launch, but global stunning AoE objective stealing unite move is always going to be fucked. Personally I feel more comfortable playing dragapult, but I'm a trashy solo queue player. If you play a Mewtwo you MUST have a pocket blissey or eldegoss to have a consistent chance of carrying 2v8 - comfey can work at times but in my experience having that extra body for the enemy zoroark/absol/ceruledge to target instead of you as well as be less reliant on attaching to whatever randoms you're with is the more consistent bet (barring situation of recognising the other people you're matched on a team with as being stable comfey choices of course). The main risk of playing X was running into Falinks from what I saw, not sure how the nerfs have evened that out, and at the moment Ho-oh too will make your life miserable from personal experience as the trashy ho-oh player.

Zacian isn't capital B broken but still extremely strong if you actually know how to play it, becomes somewhat broken but not what it used to be with comfey still. Play Rough Sacred Sword is excellent at hunting Ho-oh and locking it down.
Zacian and the Mew2 are still damn good mons, but they've been seriously defanged from the days of their prime.
Triggers my autism
Zacian is still number 1 because the Zacian mains know how to play the mon even with the nerfs so it a skill lv requirement mon like how Cram/Dur are.
Before anons say " muh Zacian doesn't require skill", why is its pickrate only 7% and is still number 1 in api? Because Zacian mains know how to play the sword dog
What Pokémon are late game champs?
Fuck Inteleon and fuck Zacian. How can these no skill mons still be this strong today.
They take skill to play faggot.
>3 years old
>not one solid mainline Pokémon game manga or anime costume for your trainer or Pokémon
What the fuck is wrong with gamefreak and whatever studio headed this fucking game? I just wanna drop like $20 for a red trainer costume and any Kanto/Johto reference. What a waste.
Does GO have any of those costumes?
There are several of those? Leon, Raihan, and Cynthia all have outfits, the SV school uniforms were added as cross-promo with Gen 9, and Lucario's Halloween Holowear is based off of Sir Aaron's fit from Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. Not a whole lot and they're kinda wishy-washy with how they're added, but they're there.
Haven't played GO in ages but I remember getting the outfits for Victor, Elio and the PLA dude when their respective games came out, GO also had decent customization in general with lots of clothes, I think Unite beats it in quality but definitely not in quantity.
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how do i stop the bots from being retarded? they run across the battlefield in straight lines, eject INTO the enemy lines, and genuinely act like lunatics.
U cant. you carry the team by playing a good offensive mon, clear the objectives and make sure you attack fug as soon as it drops. For some reason the enemy bots wont show up or attack fug. But once you start attacking fug, your teammate bots will follow suit and attack fug as well.
To avoid bot matches, get good and stop losing so many of your ranked matches.
it's hard to win when your team loses both tier 1 goals before minute 8 and spend the rest of the match afk jungling while getting picked off.
>lose 2 matches
>forced to play a minimum of 3 bots matches as part of the soijak-approved rank saving system
fuck this game
is there a reason why the game gets stuck on an infinite loading loop when trying to load the main menu?
>Plays Pokémon unite on Nintendo Switch
>The game crashes during in a middle of a match
>Restart. try to get back into a match, the game tries to load but it crashes.
>Repeat again. It crashes for the third time
>Clear cache and play it, It crashes again
>Plays on the mobile phone, somehow it crashes again
What the fuck, my main account and maybe everyone else are now stuck in a match that refuses to end due to a glitch, did anyone encountered something like this?
The worst I've ever had it was a random crash into the main menu refusing to load, but even that went away after I just left the game closed for the rest of the day and came back the next. At that point you should probably just contact support, things might just be fucked.
oh it's not just me, booted up to play my first game of the day and thought my internet had shit the bed
was this game programmed by literal retards? or was this just the result of the gamefreak mandate?
>enemy absolutely shitting on our team
>cinderace is level 14 at 3:30
>zacian doing fed zacian things
>blaziken doing full stack blaziken things
>blaziken over extends as last regi is about to spawn and dies
>enemy all start to trickle in and die
>staggered spawns as ray spawns, ceruledge goes and rips it while enemy trickles in to die again
>fug dunk and win
You don't have to outplay the enemy, you just need to let them outplay themselves. Fuck this game lol.
God tsareena needs buffs its so powercrept

Which is better on it? Grassy glide or trip kick?
Trop Kick for slow/DoT
Glide for pickoffs
I’ve been stubbornly trying trop kick with all kinds of sets, high attack speed, stacking HP and sustain and resonant guard, stacking attack with weakness policy. But I just tried a standard with grassy glide and it feels at least slightly better, which is sad because trop kick is its whole signature move.

But either way it feels like tsareena is powercrept compared to similar all rounders like lucario, ceruledge or metagross
Mewtwo Y can still work against good players in soloQ. It just needs a competent defender at the very least and even if your team doesn't have one, if you can make use of a meat shield player, the mon can still dominate through its auto build. But due to the range nerf again and all the nerfs recover got, you must use teleport so Mewtwo can adapt to its range nerf by quickly closing the gap or having to retreat. Recover is just dead now, it feels like you are throwing so luckily Teleport wasn't nerfed as much.
She already got buffed. Get good with our Queen and stop asking for overtune buffs noob. Trop/Glide is better all the way.
And that is why you are a noob, your asking for more power creep like Ceruledge so everyone can be a gun and shoot each other in 1 sec. Tsareena has a solid 51% and her pickrate is 7%. Tsareena chads know how to use her but bots like you don't so you cry for a unneeded buff when she isn't even below 49% winrate.
As long as you over lv yourself, demand to jungle and try to rotate between bottom and top goal objectives you really shouldn't be having a hard time against bot games.
You also know your in a bot game if your teammates takes a while to pick there mons, none of them claim a lane and looking at their portraits they rarely have any stickers or unique backgrounds and half of your bot teammates and the enemy team will use the same CAC pose.
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>take almost 10 full seconds to confirm found match
>pick and lock their pokemon one at a time
>use virtually no pings
>don't pick lanes during startup
>run in straight lines on the map
>randomly use eject button to jump into trouble instead of out
>enemies rarely play smart and often just run away from you in a straight line when low on health
whoever invented bot matches for ranked play ought to be fired
Every game today has been a case of my team feeding the fuck out of the enemy ceruledge and still face checking bushes as owl/cinderace/gardevoir instead of letting our ho-oh/slowbro/metgross go first
If you get a retard in your team, it's probably me. I'm not good at MOBA's, sorry. :/
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you piece of fucking shit i fucking hate you. you are a cock sucker you made me LOSE MY 10th GAME IM ON A LOSE STREAK BECAUSE OF YOU, PLAY ANIMAL CROSSING YOU FUCKING FAGGOT
>We need a Defender
Yep, that's a Greedent match for me, no, I don't know how to play the squirrel.
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Based truth teller.
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>Report Status: Confirming
curvaceous... lickable legs...
Need a defender, huh? Sure, I'll do it. Just give me mid lol
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Hey buddy, that's MY wife you're ogling!
Gave in a bought a new emblem slot. What do ya'll think of this? I have a general full crit build I used for speedsters and attackers but I thought it might be better to do one that is a bit more even on crit and attack than just full crit
>What do ya'll think of this?
I'd rather get circumcised by a 4chan anon pretending to be a jew as part some sort of retarded falseflag operation than use this emblem set
Are you joking? What tsareena wants to do is undoable in this burst meta. Tsareena wants to juggle enemies with multiple rotations of cooldowns, but isn’t bulky enough, doesn’t deal enough damage, or both, to do that consistently. So the solution is either nerf everything else around it, or buff it a bit. You are the noob for not getting that. I am a tsareena Chad, I’ve been using her every step of the way, but it’s undeniable that with power creep and nerf after nerf she’s lacking
I've seen worse. Refer to unite-db for help with making emblems spreads, even if you don't have all the golds needed. Every pokemon type will tend to share the same emblem set, with a few niche ones such as attack speed special attacker M2Y/A9/aggressive hoopa set ups, or glaceon wanting specific set ups for specific play styles.
>eat three ults and full zoroark combo
>team all with ults and full health zacian still lose 4v5
lol. lmao.
Skill issues for a virgin Tsareena user. The majority of her good playerbase doesn't have an issue using her, hence why she has a 51% winrate consistently in api. But you virgins are needed to drop the winrate for Chad Tsareena mains so thanks for being our Queens folder so she doesn't get nerfed.
Flamethrower/Fly is everything I ever wanted out of a fire type in this game, I really hope they don't target this set for nerfs.
Is 51 really that good? It should be higher. If it’s only winning 50% of the time that’s a coin flip lmao

Mobafags can’t into logic, shut the fuck up duellzz

inb4 “I’m not duellzz” that’s even worse then, you’re running around sounding like him
I don’t think it’ll get much more than minor tweaks. Ho Oh is bulky but it’s not release Lapras OP tank level
I'm hoping the other set soaks up all the nerfs as it's currently doing even better.
51% with its current pickrate is well within a good range for a mon that is solid in the meta because her pick rate is low enough to identify that Chad Tsareena mains know what they are doing with her and the virgin Tsareena mains who can't use her still drop her winrate.
Also, who is duelzz? This is the first I heard of this name and what do they have an api?
This season feels way worse than every one before it for some reason, I can only imagine it's because of the anniversary.
51% means that even with all the shitlords who don't know how what to build or how to use her, the winrate is positive.
The rate for the better builds is 55% atm (with a lot of bad players still in).
Shouldn’t everything be essentially running around with a 53-57% win rate? If something is consistently losing less than half the time it’s pretty demonstrably bad. All I’m saying is trop kick triple axel used to feel good but right now it feels like a liability, and no that’s not my skill, my skill has remained the same or improved over time, but tsareena was hit with wave after wave of nerfs and only recently got a slight defensive stat buff if I’m remembering right
How high would her pick rate have to go before that win rate becomes a statistical issue ?
>not knowing who Duelzz is
Aww, three years in this shithole and we are still getting newbies~
>100 fucking aeos coins
Would it demolish the economy to give everyone 10K?
Smorr indie company preas undashstandu
That and the anniversary prize balls are completely useless to me, I have everything from that delphox battle pass. They could have at least kept some of the new recolors from the last lineup in there, you know, the Gardevoir? Lucario? Some free substantial stuff would be nice, I mean not even for the anniversary?

Hell, make recolors fashion ticket or holowear ticket exclusive. Or something, just do anything

Btw unrelated to above but how was armarogue confirmed? Couldn’t find any official source

The irony of this statement is even if you said “Pokemon Company/Game Freak/TPCUSA doesn’t work on this game!” it actually backfires because Timi/Tencent is significantly larger lol
I like how trailblaze still decides on its own whether to give you attack speed or not even when you land directly on top of the enemy
I fucking hate this build so much
I'll be extremely surprise if they don't give the duration or the CD of Fly a slap. I won't be surprised if they decide to give Flamethrower hindrance resistance for no reason.
>Slowbro using Telekinesis cancels the Targeting of Metagross' Ult if grabbing Meta's target
No, because that's literally mathematically impossible lol?
>team is completely scattered and all over the place as usual
>ping upcoming bot regi in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, somebody will listen
>the entire team actually fucking beelines straight towards bot before it even spawns and gets blown up trickling in one by one
god damnit
the one time my team doesn't hit the enemy after sableye unite is the one time I want them to kill
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I've been having fun with Greedent, his funny Covet/Belch build is so fun, essentially being an annoying car with a shotgun. Are there any other Pokemon with fun mobility moves like that? Or at least some with some interesting mechanics tied to them?
I sure love hand feeding our retard blaziken kills and free stacks only for the dumb cunt to run in 1v3 at 2:10 against slowbro cinderace m2x and bait all our team into dying. The slowbro didn't even bother ulting him.
I've been having a lot of fun with Rollout Wiggly lately. Every bounce off a wall extends the duration up to 5 times. If you're smart with it you can put people into knock up hell or zoom halfway across the map since it gives you a huge shield and unstoppable.
God help anyone trapped in a metagross ult with you
>pika unite can't find greninja through smokescreen
Just used a rental to try them out, this is awesome, trapped two guys in a lil hallway and grinded them to paste. Wigglytuff is deffo my next grab
At least he didn't start "Thanks!" spamming, right?
Oh boy I sure love stomping the shit out of the duo queue comfey-gyarados so he doesn't evolve until 7:30 even with the enemy zoroark jungler camping me only to look down and see how bot lane fed the FUCK out of the umbreon zacian. I'm going back to instalocking zeraora so I can at least have some scrap of fun zipping around.

The moment he tried to farm first bird spawn with the very obvious incoming absol gank I immediately muted him. I'm retarded enough to keep playing this game but I'm not THAT retarded.
How are trev and Blastoise so low, they have the most oppressive cc in this game is it really that hard to stick with your team and press your skills on CD.
Meowscarada's double team is a really interesting move to me with the whole position swapping thing.
Peeling is hard, I'd rather be scoring 30 points at 2:00
Trick+Phantom Force hoopa is fun, but it's hard to justify over hyperspace hole
You need to get there without your team feeding the enemy jungler that ends up either ripping you apart or ignoring you to kill your carry, or getting matched against a comfey-zacian/mewtwo/zoroark with full heal. You also have people still playing trev and blastoise like their prenerfed states and then crying when they can't 1v3.
Ho-oh fly flamethrower has the same energy except you're not a score goblin, you're a bully who sits above walls and laughs when they think they've won by finally getting past you to kill the carry cause ult go brrrrrrrr
Try Dodrio. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned that one. A very good speedster that plays just like Covet/Belch.
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what the fuck
Yeah, ancient power has eaten shit for a while now since they buffed sand tomb.
the joke is that they nerfed ttar's attack stat as a response to sand tomb being "broken", which also made the ancient power set even more shit than it already was
the joke is that a solid 20% of tyranitar pickers are drooling troglodyte retards running x attack and are solely responsible for flushing it down the winrate shitter
Ancient power is considered bad? Then why is it the easiest set for me to win with? What about it is considered bad ?
It's not sand tomb.
I wish Charcadet could have evo'd into either form. I like both evolutions but Ceruledge definitely has the leg up on the cool factor.

It should have just been a split like Scizor/Scyther. What a weird decision.
>Freeze Dry + Icicle Spear
Well, that's a first
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Miraidon is cool but such a weird-ass mon to play. Any tips?
Probably a misclick.
It would have been retarded to have put the two as one mon, they're far too different.
Is it weird that I enjoy mocking and pissing off Buzzwoles?
The fire type after armarouge is Infernape to go with the chinese release of the game.
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Oooh yeah, after trying it out, you can be such a shithead with the clone shenanigans, super funny to watch people explode to her bomb

There's a part of me that feels like I'd like playing Ho-oh, but also the eternal autism of not wanting to use legendaries because I like my dudes. Either way I'm slowly acquiring him for free so I can't complain too much

I didn't realize Dodrio could kidnap people lmao, his Drill Peck/Jump Kick build is such an annoying combo I love it
>It happened again
Never on the enemy team
It's possible to unlink an account from my Pokemon Unite account?
they buffed ho-oh
What a pointless "buff"
>dumbasses who don't press the unite button made a great ult even better
lmao sure I'll take an even stronger fire bird.
haven't played since end of last anni

what items do I max out and moves to pick so I make people cry as ceruledge
>make people cry
pick one
Weight, muscle, amp or focus
the few matches I've played, I've seen it 1v3/4 on my team and the opponent's, is it not as busted as it seems?
lmao none of those are issues, it's just a really niche situation to use the ult. There's no point mashing it the second a team mate dies if you're going to instantly die again anyway. People rarely die in good situations. The radius increase is nice, since people are fucking stupid and spread out massively, but I wouldn't have asked for it since it's just a case of people learning to play with ho-oh
>Fixed an issue where Charmander's Ember did not increase movement speed.
Wait, when does Charmander get Ember?
1 or 3, it's a starting move. The burst of burn and the move speed is meant to mimic flamethrower mainly. I was wondering why my chase down felt so bad early lately
OH it's Flame Bust, not Ember, I see the confusion. I didn't even register the move name I just know it by mechanic
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>Tenacity becoming an actual stat that gets better as you lvl up in addressing all the obnoxious CCchaining

Is this the dawn of a Pink Emblem Meta?
What's going on?
>Glace Has only 1 viable set
>Continue to nerf it
>Never buff her second set that gets 0 play
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Eat shit, Eevees are a blight
Ho-Oh is honestly pretty mid, his kit while good can easily be ignored for the most part he doesn't have the hard cc that demands you give him space or crippling slows to properly peel, he feels like a bad all rounder.
His unite while absolutely broken in paper in practice I haven't seen a single team utilize his mass revive properly, if anything he just revived his team for them to get killed a second time further snowballing us or his team is just braindead and probably dropped the controller or something.
I was expecting Ho-oh to be along the lines of release Blastoise, instead we got this shitty bird that gets mogged by every other bird in the game
I really don't know how anyone can have trouble using Ho oh this bird is fucking powerful. No matter what set I use I just oppress the enemy team.
>people learning to play
Anon, you're asking a lot here. There are people playing since release and with thousands of games that still equip items that don't work on the mon they're using or don't know the basic flow of a match.
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I miss when this game was less CC focus seriously, I can't even play tank or melee why the fuck nerf full heal
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>Also, who is duelzz
He was someone who told the truth but they hated him for it. It's said that he gave all of the most useful advice for how to play better. There's even legends of him being able to guarantee wins in extreme legacy lobbies. There were rumors that he was able to obtain a pokegf and earn never before seen win rates. I even once heard a tale that he understood the matchmaking algorithm better than anyone and used that forbidden knowledge to climb higher on the ladder than anyone in /pug/ ever did or ever will do. There was even a myth he secretly shadow led the /pug/ unite squad. Many such cases of these fantastical rumors. But we will never know as that was many lifetimes ago. In short, he was a visionary.
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sustain mons tremble in fear at my CURSE INCENSE POWER SWAP PSYCHIC MR MIME
shut the FUCK up gaylzz
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How about a little more respect for your Superior's? there may be place for you in the glacial empire
Tsareena got 25% hp recovery buffs for stomp and triple axel and a 20% stronger shield for trop kick and grassy glide. Trop kick also got a CD buff from 8.5 secs to 7 secs which is why Trop is her better move. So yes she got more then just a defensive buff and those buffs kept her winrate in a good average even with the bad players dragging her down.
Reminder Duelzz was always a shit player and had a 51% winrate.
>fug spawns
>fight breaks out
>3 of enemy die
>ho-oh with ult and 50 energy flies on over and revives all three
>put delphox ult right on top of the ho-oh and respawning enemies
Heehee hoohoo
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>new scam machine with BP Charizard's move effects
These fuckers have no shame. I'm skipping the BP now.
I saw the the Charizard stuff in the gacha, are the visual effects really sold separately from the. Pass that just started?
The new move sfx have always been in the scam gacha machine. They get bonus arsehole points for not letting you use the anniversary bonus balls. I already have everything in that gacha lol so I guess I just don't get to use the bonus ones at all.
The move effect upgrades used to have a CHANCE to appear in the scam machine like 6 months after the BP ends (only like 6 BP skins have it so far). The shit they are doing now is unacceptable.
Better buy next months membership to get more energy balls to roll for it!
I sure love it when our speedster or attacker with unite still up goes afk at 2:05 because they tried to rip a regi solo, ignored us all pinging to retreat, and got shat on by the enemy. All you had to do was show up and press one button and we'd secure the win but nah, gotta go full retard.
I haven't really noticed any severe problems like that.
So I saw they gave out charizard licenses for free, I already had zard so is there anywhere to collect the coins or do I just get nothing.
>bot game in master
this game is so fucking dead
t. Tyranitar+Comfey abuser
Is this shit going to EoS soon? Just came back to play some more and going by all the stuff on sale and the straight 50% off coupon instead of a RNG coupon for a CHANCE at 50% (but really just 10%) it seems like they're trying to make all the cash they can before ending it
We'll know next month. If there's no new ranked map announced after worlds the game instantly dies.
It's anniversary bro.
Excellence of Shapeliness
Holy shit they went full fucking jew on the Membership

It'd actually fucking trash now
You didn't hear it from me but

Plays like Warwick with close combat latching on to an enemy dealing damage to them while healing infernape.
>Mega Aerodactyl(First EX speedster)
Unite move is shyvana ult+malphite ult. Gets fly like ho oh but faster and meteor beam. Mega is permanent it builds up a meter like magikarp doesn't unlock ult until mega evolved
>Mega Diancie(first EX support)
Mega is a part of its ult. When it ults it drops a massive diamond knocking up everything it hits, then it is mega evolved for 30 seconds and all its abilities are boosted during that time

>Great tusk(defender)
>Solgaleo(EX of some kind)
>Palkia origin(EX of some kind)
Were all listed as potentials

EX mega versions of pokemon already in the game for example Mega blaziken or mega lucario that would have the same moves but do more damage, travel further and have shorter cool downs were being discussed as a way to expand on the EX gimmick and create more EX pokemon to play quickly. However seeing as EX is being removed this idea is very likely cancelled aswell as Aerodactyl and Diancie probably getting toned down somehow
They already said they're dropping the EX label
>draft mode
>team first picks slowbro ho-oh
>ok cool I'll go dragapult
>next team mate locks in wiggly
>ok no that's... still fine.. enemy has mamo mime I guess...
>final person locks in goodra
God fucking damn it. With all that CC they still couldn't be bothered to group up and peel the absol-ceruledge from diving me, and ho-oh of course never ulted.

>specifies the gems are NON-PAID
Oh they just don't care anymore do they.
Don't worry bro. I told them the membership was too expensive in the questionnaire. They are lowering the rewards a bit but it'll be 50% cheaper.
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I wanted to get Glaceon because of her cuteness and ass but the winrate is discouraging me
Literally the opposite. We've just been promised more frequent mons and at least 1 balance patch per month.
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>bought the dancer delphox battle pass
>didn't buy the pirate sword dog one
lol what the fuck are they thinking?
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We're due for a big come back Hold on to your glace coins, buy the dip.
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>removing holowear of the month
that's literally the only reason i ever bought one of those dumb membershits
>no lopunny
>no miltank
>no corviknight
>no banette
>no hitmonchan
shit list
>An AFK Bot Trevenant does more damage than our Pyro Ball still a human player Cinderace
IDK what they are thinking. Coins and the holo are my reasons. Definitely unsubbing for now to see how it goes.
It's so shit. Guaranteed they want to make it so that the new mini battle passes, and the regular battle passes will take up all of your monthly gems.
The trainer backgrounds aren't worth anything, only holowear and gems matter
That Delphox holowear sold me on the battle pass, Charizard is just a bonus. Might be Delph's best skin since suits a mage perfectly. All of these are good in general.
>Jungler picks a fight in the enemy jungle by himself at 2:30
>Wiggly backcaps while enem team is distracted at 2:15
>Doesn't even get to score as she turns cowardly and Rollouts like a bitch
>Also, Rollout
>Enemy team: That Wiggly teammate from my last match now goes Sing
Of course....
>enemy has wigglytuff slowbro charizard
>buzz goes lunge leech life
>gets out damaged by blissey
He also fed the fuck out of the ceruledge of course.
Is there a bigger more faggy move than being a trio queue who goes ho-oh comfey blaziken/zacian? Like holy fuck yeah I'm playing ranked and all but you're huge fucking losers if you're trio queuing with your little clan tags going something like that
>playing draft
>first three assholes all pick attackers
>me and the last guy have a silent agreement to just go attacker as well and dick around
>Defender needed! Defender needed! Check it out! Check it out! Thanks! Thanks
fucking lmao suck it up and pick it yourself jackass
I had that happen but with all-rounders, except we won in the end thanks to winning the fug-spawn team fight.

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