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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading. What've you been readin'? What've you been writin'? What've you been workin' on?


>Thread question:
Do Z-moves exist in your story/setting? Can they be performed outside of Alola? Why or why not?
Trying to find a good word count length so I can write something on the daily instead of always absentmindedly staring at a word doc. Do you think 2000 words is too much?
Answer: Nah, I think they’d be exclusive to Alola in my setting thanks to the abundance of ultra energy there. It’s kind of justified in game with other region exclusives being locked to their respective generational reigons (minus Megas.)
1000-2000 is pretty reasonable, it's better to pick a range of acceptable numbers instead of trying to hit an exact target every time. How much you can write varies from day to day depending on a multitude of factors, whether it's your mental state, how inspired you're feeling, or how tired you are after whatever else you've done that day. Not all writing comes with the same level of ease, either; something like a tense fight scene at a narrative climax might have you thinking hard on what happens next and how you word each line, much moreso than something more casual like a couple of characters making small talk while trekking down a path to their destination. The same amount of time and effort might produce a smaller wordcount in the former scenario than in the latter, but you wouldn't want to consider it an off day just because of that.
I'd say try to set aside a certain amount of time for writing activities. I know I was extremely productive when I went a month straight taking two hours in the morning for writing (I worked nights). Consistency is key. Word minimums are meaningless to me as sometimes I'm heavily revising/proofreading prior work. Plus the stuff I'd probably try to churn out to get the minimum would be uninspired.

>Z-Moves outside of Alola
I'm not against it at all as long as it's executed well (needing the Z-Crystal or some sort of equivalent). In my headcanon, pokemon that have a species-specific Z-Crystal get special empowerment, making them a great "ace pokemon" for a character in whatever hypothetical shounen-style pokemon story I have bouncing around in my head at the moment. I also want to give the stat boost plus actual Z-Move to shitmons to make them at least partially usable in battles.

Obviously you can't give them to everyone, but sprinkling them in with Megas, Max Forms (think similar form to Gigantamax but no giant growth), and whatever special boost your autism wants to give to a certain pokemon gives a writer a lot of tools to use the full cast of pokemon at our disposal.
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Sometimes I want some roncom like drama in Pokémon, the closest being Paldea with Star and its retarded plot
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Bros, would a crossover work?
Any Fanfic with dead Rhydon?
It could. Considering Arceus(the true entity) is already a multiversal god and has in theory already defeated eldritch entities that tried to threaten its rule, Arceus is more than powerful enough to handle the 40k universe. And, since we already know Arceus is more than willing to allow entire worlds to be destroyed under its rule, there's not much reason to believe Arceus would exert its literal god powers to immediately fix the 40kverse either and instead allow there to be much conflict within its lesser creations.
We have few enough implications of "breadth" for the Pokemon multiverse and it operates mostly on branching-timelines, so there's every possibility of Arceus being a very clever big fish maintaining a slowly-growing pond to power-scale in "short enough to mutual kill" distance of Big E, going either way.

It's not like Pokemon actually uses raw force-on-force, the world-spanning threats are all qualitative Weird Shit. And 40k's loaded with "home field advantage" to neuter the reflexive wankfest.
Emperor uses a Master Ball to capture Arceus; Arceus allows itself to be caught. Arceus plays the long game and uses the magic of friendship to temper Emps' worst impulses throughout the unification and crusade era. Each primarch is imbued with one or two types, and befriends a pokemon on their homeworld. Malcador becomes a pokemon professor.
>world-spanning threats are all qualitative Weird Shit
Pokémon are fucking weird, their plans are beyond retarded but for some reason they get a cult on it, do adults hate their world that much?
What goes on inside a pokeball anyway?
Same thing that happens inside metroid's morph ball.
In the bustling heart of Celadon City, trainers from all walks of life converged to test their mettle at the Celadon Gym. Amid the crowd, a young woman named Akira, a renowned Battle Girl, trained vigorously with her team. Akira stood out with her athletic build, toned muscles, and fierce, determined eyes. She wore a sleeveless martial arts gi, revealing her strong arms, and her long black hair was tied back in a tight ponytail. Her reputation for her relentless training regimen and fierce battles was well-known across Kanto. Akira prided herself on her physical prowess and the discipline she instilled in her Pokémon.

On this particular day, Akira was preparing for a challenging match against Erika, the Celadon Gym Leader. As she practiced her battle strategies, she noticed a group of trainers gathered around a nervous-looking boy clad in thick glasses and a lab coat. He was a Super Nerd named Marvin. Marvin had a lanky frame, messy brown hair, and an aura of nervous energy. He wore his signature white lab coat over a faded green shirt and khaki pants, and his glasses always seemed to slide down his nose.

Marvin was boasting about his recent discovery of a rare TM, attracting both admiration and irritation from the surrounding trainers. As Akira approached to see what the commotion was about, Marvin's eyes lit up with an opportunistic glint.

"Ah, Akira," Marvin sneered, pushing his glasses up his nose. "I see you’re preparing for another bout of brute force training. Perhaps you could use some intelligence for a change?"

Akira, always up for a challenge, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Is that so, Marvin? Care to back up those words with a battle?"

A small crowd began to gather, sensing the tension between the two trainers. Marvin smirked and adjusted his lab coat. "Very well, but let’s make it interesting. If I win, you must admit that intelligence always triumphs over physical strength."
Akira nodded, her eyes narrowing. "And if I win, you drop the superior attitude and start showing respect to all trainers, regardless of their methods."

The terms set, they moved to an open area where battles often took place. Marvin sent out his Magneton, the Pokémon's metallic body gleaming under the midday sun. Akira countered with her trusty Machamp, its four muscular arms flexing in anticipation.

The battle was intense. Magneton unleashed powerful Electric attacks, but Machamp's agility and strength kept it in the game. The onlookers watched in awe as Akira commanded her Machamp with precision, each move a testament to her rigorous training. Despite Marvin’s strategic commands, Machamp's close combat techniques eventually overwhelmed Magneton.

"Machamp, finish it with Dynamic Punch!" Akira called out.

With a powerful punch, Machamp sent Magneton crashing to the ground, unable to continue. The crowd erupted in cheers as Akira's victory was declared. Marvin returned Magneton to its Poké Ball, visibly frustrated.

"Looks like your brains weren’t enough to win this time, Marvin," Akira said, her tone triumphant but still respectful.
Marvin's face reddened with anger and embarrassment. He turned to leave, muttering under his breath about how brute strength always won in the end. Akira’s expression hardened at his unwillingness to concede gracefully.

As Marvin walked past her, he made a snide comment about her training methods being barbaric. Without warning, Akira’s patience snapped. In a swift, fluid motion, she delivered a well-aimed kick to Marvin’s balls, sending him to the ground, clutching himself in pain.

The crowd gasped, but no one moved to help Marvin. Akira stood over him, her voice cold and unwavering. "Respect goes both ways, Marvin. Remember that."

Marvin’s eyes watered as he nodded frantically, the pain a harsh reminder of his earlier arrogance. Akira walked away, the crowd parting to let her through. She returned to her training area, her expression returning to one of calm focus.

Word of the incident spread quickly, and Marvin’s attitude noticeably changed in the days that followed. He became more humble and respectful toward other trainers, acknowledging that strength and intelligence were both vital in the world of Pokémon.

As for Akira, she continued her rigorous training, but with a newfound reputation. She was not just a Battle Girl; she was a force to be reckoned with, embodying the perfect balance of strength, discipline, and respect.
What those everyone think of my Pokemon fanfiction?
Arceus is literally the point of creation and every multiverse is of its creation. It has complete control or spacetime etc. That's not just being a big fish, it's literally being a capital G god.
>The Original One is in all things. The Original One is nowhere at all.
I love 40k and most universes don't stand a chance against it, but a lot of that presumes we don't include said world's literal Gods in the equation. Even if we go by our Earth lore, if our own big G or his many variations decide to intervene should some power shunt us into the 40kverse then it would be no contest. Without him we're fucked, just like the pokeverse would be fucked without Arceus or his three babies intervening.
>most universes don't stand a chance against it,
Huh? I remember Fatefags saying that vanilla Saber can beat most Space Marines without even trying
I don't know much about Fate but from my understanding it's a series that's locked to their one planet. Any setting that hasn't at least achieved a significant presence in space is fucked regardless of how many space marines their lead waifu can kill with their hand tied behind their butt. If they have no defense against exterminautus-tier threats then they're fucked.

Space marines are the most popular part of 40k, but they're nowhere near the deadliest. A silly bone boy with a green laser pointer can vaporize them in an instant, and these bone boys are typically considered disposable cannon fodder to the Necrons. Necrons who also have a magical star chart that can be used to move any star in the galaxy around.
40k's fucked. It really takes a God-level power or a galactic superpower to beat it. And although Pokemon has the multiverse, the only time we've seen these different planets unite was under Giovanni's Rainbow Rocket. We didn't get a good view into how much power Giovanni's multiversal empire actual had, so not much can be said there, although I doubt they had begun colonizing non-earth planets. Much like the Combine from HL2, who also wouldn't be able to beat 40k despite how much theoretical power they have across the multiverse.
That's bullshit. A lot of other universes can break the Nasuverse in half. And Blue Saber/Artoria will lose against a squad of Spess Mehreens.
Who let /tg/ in here? Go away, shoo!
Say that to Spacebattles
You probably could if you made a fanfic about a SI space marine who then got double-isekai'd to the Fate universe. Suddenly everyone in your thread would be screaming about how the protagonist space marine should be able to beat everyone.

Spacebattles will always root for whichever character is the obvious self insert.
Fate power levels are as bullshit as DBZ levels of dumb discussions about it
It's what happens when the main source of lore is a gacha game
Most of the people there are idiots.
I'm going to write a fanfiction where a 40k space marine gets Isekai'd to the pokeworld, expecting a nightmarish death world full of xenos monsters, but gradually his jaded heart gets thawed by his burgeoning friendship with his partner pokemon. At the climax of his adventure as he's about to defeat the elite four and become the champion, he wakes up and realizes it was all a dream.
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I really don't want this thread to devolve into Nasushit shenanigans, so I want to ask: why Sabrina? Of all the characters writers could turn into psycho yanderes, why her?
It’s probably that anime episode where she turned a bunch of people into dolls that could be a factor or just authors copying from a popular story that already made her personality like that.
Go back to the day when gen 1 was all pokemon was. We had Giovanni as a villain, Mewtwo as a monster villain/antihero, and... not a whole lot else to work with. If you want a villainess you kind of have to invent one or heavily modify an existing character. The anime made Sabrina some kind of sadistic nutcase, and other people went along with it. Her Gen IV remake outfit definitely gave her even more of a bad bitch vibe too.
I swear, one of these days, I will make an SI fic where one of my goals in the pokemon world is to woo Sabrina.
What's are huge red flags for you when it comes to OCs?
>A legendary pokemon is included or referenced at any point in their backstory
>It takes more than two adjectives to describe their hair, eyes, or any single article of clothing
>Their first encounter with pokemon is unusually confrontational, dangerous, or improbable
Because she's hot, looks hot in a TR outfit and her older self is stunning with the villianess vibes it gives.

That's like asking why Clair gets always the worst

He's the only one knows stuff that should and is common in some of the Pokémon worlds like nutrition and evolutions

And when they're being humblefags
>I'm such a klutz and a bad trainer despite stomping a Champion and lecturing a Gym Leader about tactics and the type he/she masters
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They are w*men.
>woman MC
>its always an "I can fix him" story with 20 years older villains
>but she's always a teen, and with a slim and petite body
That does say a lot about them, probably more than Uzumakicest stories
>>its always an "I can fix him" story with 20 years older villains
you mean they are lesbians and the entire story is alphabet soup?

you're living in the 00s
Nothing the MC does impacts negatively on their own life even if it was a massive mistake
Every single pokemon they catch likes them
Everyone human and mon would like to have sex with them even if they have a "nerdy" appearance
Aren't all the AkarixVolo stories "I can fix him"?
Over the top “comedic” MCs that spout self referential dialogue and outdated memes and lingo. It’s not funny, it’s kind of pathetic.
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>She's hot
>She's young but not too young so the aging Pokemon population starts liking her over younger girls like Misty
>Has the evil woman appeal thanks to her manga/anime appearances but her game appearance lets authors cop-out on actually making her evil. "safe evil" if you will
>She's powerful, psychics are one of the very few groups of humans shown to actually wield power without having to delve into fanon and Sabrina is stand out one of the best of this group.
>Psychics were overpowered as shit in gen 1 and KANTOOOO enthusiasts project this onto Sabrina
>Reincarned as an existing character
>Sex/gender kept ambiguous from the reader
>Has a laptop/phone full of media from 'our' world to show as a replacement for personality
>Obsessed with allowing 'canon' to happen or not
>Arceus is literally the point of creation and every multiverse is of its creation.
Exclusively in the Pokemon context, as opposed to the Dresden Files or some of Steven King's work which each name-drop external IPs as being "somewhere" in their wider context.

Given how many ways Warhammer implies the Chaos Gods are multiversal transfinites, it's perfectly understandable for them to be "wide" enough to beat his "deep" investment. Again, home field advantage, the Unown are on-screen demonstrated as crucial for "major" work like Creation Trio startup, he CAN'T shit out a fully-grown Dialga to retgone attackers whenever he feels like it.

>It has complete control or spacetime etc.
Then why make Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina? Or the Lake Trio? The very same myths that speak of him as absolute assign upkeep to other things, rather than things being contingent on him in ongoing fashion as in Christianity.

>Even if we go by our Earth lore, if our own big G
Arceus is more along the likes of Hindu "supreme deity" with the clear avatar shenanigans in PLA, not Judeo-Stoic absolutism. Hence PLA, because he's not actually running anything day-to-day.

The logistics and communication problems mean a LOT of planet-bound settings can plausibly stalemate to anti-orbital catchup as upgrading Compliance forces readily takes numerous years that no few WILL get boarding capability during, while some rather low interstellar settings can tear the Imperium to pieces because what little can stop them has zero ability to catch up on the strategic level.

Stagnation is also important, many settings take place during serious infection points where a "mere" decade radically alters the combat dynamics making very basic plans from the 40k faction irrelevant. It's also important to note scaling to lower claims when actually writing a story. The shit Terminator armor does to strength claims...
>the Unown are on-screen demonstrated as crucial for "major" work like Creation Trio startup, he CAN'T shit out a fully-grown Dialga to retgone attackers whenever he feels like it.
The original Being literally created everything, and as the Unown are "things" they are just also a product of the higher power.
>The Original One breathed alone before the universe came.

>Then why make Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina?
To give form to the concepts of existence. Even God has his angels.
>In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos.
>At the heart of chaos, where all things became one, appeared an Egg.
Hmm. Would this make Arceus the chaos god to end all chaos gods?
>Having tumbled from the vortex, the Egg gave rise to the Original One.
>From itself, two beings the Original One did make.
>Time started to spin. Space began to expand.
Arceus created the pokemon and made them pillars of the concepts of controlled reality.
>From itself again, three living things the Original One did make.
Lake Guardians.
>The two beings wished, and from them, matter came to be.
"Wish" is a strange term. It implies that Palkia and Dialga aren't actually making matter themselves, but beseeching the higher power to do it in their stead. This calls into question whether the two are actually gods of these concepts, or merely their wardens.
>The three living things wished, and from them, spirit came to be.
>The world created, the Original One took to unyielding sleep...
Just like God, Arceus took a lil break after creating everything. They weren't even trying to hide the parallels between Arceus and the abrahamic God.
The Chaos gods are strong but they're not creation-god level strong. 40k's mortal races would've been squashed liong ago if that were the case.

>he's not actually running anything day-to-day.
To be fair, neither does our own big G in his lore. He largely fucked off after causing a few doomsday events.
Those are really annoying.
Do you just not understand the concept of making tools to do things you cannot do directly?

We are directly, on-screen, in multiple mediums and continuities, SHOWN limits. He can be knocked out by a fucking rock at sufficient velocity, even if "he" has more than one such avatar. That particular instance is Plate-dependent, without which it possesses MASSIVE vulnerabilities to rather meagre mortal means. The only time we're shown Creation Trio startup REQUIRES the Unknown, external to the primary avatar.

Cut the crap with no-limits fallacy driven by out of context Christcuckery, "creation god" is a quality not a power level. A very weak thing can craft a world across aeons, one painstakingly contemplated yet miniscule piece at a time.
>40k power level arguing
lol. The Ctan almost single handedly won The War in Heaven(which had far more powerful races than 40k does presently) and Arceus is stronger than any of the Ctan. The Necrons and Eldar who have fallen from grace, the Chaos Gods who struggle to beat a dying imperium, the Orks who've degenerated into hollow mockeries of their former Krork selves, and the Emperor who's literally a dying half-corpse on a throne wouldn't stand a chance.

A single Ctan shard breaking free of its chains would be a potential doomsday event for 40k. Not even Chaos united could do anything. Especially once Red swoops in with a Master Ball and makes it his new pokemon, then conquers the rest of the 40k galaxy with his harem of pokegirls, inquisitor waifus, and slaneesh whores.
is pokemon clover good or is just fun for the sake of offensive humor?
Those are avatars, not the original Being. Where's the proof that you're catching God in his entirety?
And how could the Being have created Dialga and Palkia if he needed them and the unown present to create anything in the first place?
>and Arceus is stronger than any of the Ctan
Quit. Insisting. On. The. Christcuckery. "The Original One" started things, but has many clear indications of bootstrapping to greater means than he started with, and most of the blown-out bullshit is mythology baseless beyond "the things mentioned exist".

Having the myth ignorant of "step one: make Thousand Arms" to fit the "original" creation process with the ACTIVELY ON FUCKING SCREEN one is not a big ask. Whether those are the "Arceus" avatars, the Plates, the unown, or the first instances of "keystone" Legendaries like the Creation and Lake Trios is immaterial, whatever way it is there are EXPLICITLY tools to increase capability beyond the Original One's innate.

Are you so irreversably Christcucked that any concept of a First Cause as a Creator-Deity cannot be seen through any lens but omni-everything wankfest from start to finish? The Alpha does not HAVE to also be the Omega, and only the former is ascribed to Arceus.
Huh, now I get why 40kfags and Nasufags hate each other that much, its like they're looking at a mirror...

Anyways, Pokémon?
>but has many clear indications of bootstrapping to greater means than he started with
Not really. You're assuming the Unown were always around and Arceus was relying on them, which has no evidence leaning towards it. The Original Being came into existence before all other things. Before him was only a vortex of chaotic nonexistence. Since the unown clearly exist, that can't be the case.
The one we see on screen relied on "things" which can't have existed if the Original Being was the only thing to exist. It's clearly a limitation of his avatars and creations who need to band together to recreate even the simplest of feats.

Is the soldier who stabbed Jesus stronger than God? Obviously not. He had slain God, technically, but it was only a hand of God. Much like how Arceus is a hand of its former self.
>Neglected for his jinchuriki siblings Naruto left the village to find a place to find true happiness when he stumbled upon a ship crew and find about server region and Pokemon. Fasinated by Pokemon Naruto left Elemental Nation for Server Region. Let's see Narutos journey from a Shinobi to Aura Guardian. Naruto x harem. Naruto& Pokemon crossover
i thought i clicked on the /a/ naruto tab for a second
>You're assuming the Unown were always around and Arceus was relying on them, which has no evidence leaning towards it.
No? I'm assuming the Unown had to be created before the Creation Trio, because we see them used to make the Creation Trio. Poor tools made first to make better tools so that the Original One can expand far beyond itself in isolation.

>It's clearly a limitation of his avatars and creations who need to band together to recreate even the simplest of feats.
Again, tools to do what the maker cannot, this is a routine fact of life. So too is sons surpassing their fathers. In worldly experience, the maker is rarely superior to the made in all matters. You're insisting on the Christian baggage that the Original One be omni-everything, I'm insisting on carving away at every remotely implied limit case to make the Original One something actually usable in writing without immediately devolving into crypto-Stoic wankery.
Even if we dismiss "Christian baggage" and pretend Arceus isn't literally the omni-everything god for whatever reason-
>The Original One is in all things. The Original One is nowhere at all.
-Arceus is still supreme to everything in 40k. If he can shit out Palkias and Dialgas and Giratinas while sitting in a funny circle surrounded by his funny alphabet soups at the same time as his many multiversal selves do the same, then what hope does Chaos or the Imperium have? None, really. It's still something nobody in 40k can pull off on the same scale that Arceus can. Even the chaos gods who use shortcuts can only manage so much.
Because at the end of the day, 40k doesn't have an actual God. But Pokemon does.
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>be me
>waddle into the desert as a fat 8 year old
>find a funny tube snake and plant a box of donuts down in front of it
>pat it as it eats the donuts and ask if it wants to be my friend
>my mommy lets me use her Skiploom to fight and catch it (she's a Ranger, she has lots of grass types)
And that is my OC's origin story. Please subscribe to my Patreon

Absolutely horrible nutritional content, fail OC. Instead of asking us to subscribe to your Patreon, perhaps you should consider subscribing to a healthy eating magazine instead before writing again.
That's cool and all but when are their memories of their past life on earth going to resurface? Or did that already happen and they're just larping as an 8 year old until they get their trainer's license? Either works, really.
Maybe they're preparing it to learn Poison moves? It would explain the junk food diet. Imagine it: the OC sets up Sandstorm, poisons the enemy, then tells their pokemon to use dig. And to avoid being disqualified for stalling they use Earthquake while underground, which still counts as an attack. Literally unbeatable. Nobody has ever thought of this before.
>The Original One is in all things. The Original One is nowhere at all.
Panentheism is not "proper" omnipresence of Godhead theory that Christianity is still coping about coming from, and does not entail omnipotence nor omniscience. Even with the latter that a naive approach would think "omniscient" by way of Laplace's Demon you'd need that "in all things" to have sensory feedback well beyond the mortals' conscious experience, the cognitive ability to parse it into a cohesive image of the present, and surplus to project the future from it.

>If he can shit out Palkias and Dialgas and Giratinas while sitting in a funny circle surrounded by his funny alphabet soups at the same time as his many multiversal selves do the same, then what hope does Chaos or the Imperium have?
What's it matter if you have a megaserver coordinating a billion and counting Brutally Efficient Self-Replicating Mechanisms of War to conquer a million galaxies when your opponent is a roid raging chimp in the room with your squishy baseline human self? The Original One is not logically entailed the summation of all works as direct force concentration. Again, tools to do things the maker and user cannot, why is it so hard to wrap your head around this concept for bounding him?

Also, need I remind you that Arceus in the movies is in fact vulnerable to Dialga's powers over time? More specifically, able to have behaviors altered by manipulating prior experiences. Guess what the Necrons have a LOT of?
the anime is its own thing that exercises a lot of creative liberty. Even then, that could have been a mere avatar.
The games make it clear that Arceus is a truly divine power. Arceus countered Giratina's plot by relocating a mere child through space and time. He did this despite both his "sons that surpass the father" rebelling against him, which shouldn't be possible if Arceus relied on Palkia and Dialga's cooperation. If Arceus were so weak, then surely any one of these three children would have absolutely bodied him by now.

In PLA his battle with the player is a mostly ceremonial trial. He's not captured or winded like the other bosses were, despite the possibility of the player using Dialga or Palkia against him. And at the end he says "I bestow upon thee a part of myself." which makes it very clear that the Arceus you receive is just an avatar.

Arceus could probably subvert the entire horus heresy with just a 10 year old. Tzeentch would wet his pants at the masterful scheme, that Arceus could bend the entire galaxy to his will by simply placing a human child armed with a smart phone in the right place at the right time. It would be child's play, and honestly the Emperor would probably overcome his xenophobia and declare llamas to be humanity's new best friends.
my anaconda dont want none unless you got buns
What if Ash was NEGLECTED and EXILED?
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Is this what it's supposed to look like in the document editor before submitting on fanfiction.net?
Also, coming up with a title is so hard! I can't settle on any. And the summary... this will take some time.
What kind of story are you trying to tell? What's the central conflict of the plot, or the inciting incident?
I don't use FF.net does it have a preview option to show what it looks like when posted?
Nah, that shit could work with May tho or Moon in PokeSpe since she's Platinum's sister for some fucking reason
You type like you're retarded and your story seems shit.

No, it shouldn't look like that. FF.net accepts almost literally nothing in its document. Even empty space breaks are scrubbed. Just fucking import the file instead of fiddling with it, it's at least easy unlike shit like AO3
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Emperor as a person is literally just powerful psyker, and even if he becomes a chaos god in 40k he is still would be just emotional neraly braindead parasite as any other chaos god. Two things in 40r, comparable with Arceus are Old Ones and Ctan and by then it is not even "my supersteleeium is stronger then your adamantium", it is just "I want to believe in this" type of argument.
You need to edit your document in HTML mode and wholesale paste the correct data in that way. But it does work.
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Just fucking stop
>the anime is its own thing that exercises a lot of creative liberty.
If you're going to insist on the multiverse, you're going to have to take the whole damned thing. You don't get to dodge it with continuity boundaries when most of the point is to say all the continuities are canon.

>Even then, that could have been a mere avatar.
Under the model that the avatar is made for things the Original One can't do directly, that makes it worse.

>The games make it clear that Arceus is a truly divine power.
Which doesn't entail no-limits Christcuckery because even the fucking "is literally the universe" model of supreme deity in Hinduism has constraints. The Chaos Gods also meet a great many polytheistic definitions of "divine".

>He did this despite both his "sons that surpass the father" rebelling against him, which shouldn't be possible if Arceus relied on Palkia and Dialga's cooperation.
The point is contradiction of the premise that the creator MUST be above the created almost everything you say is relying on. At the least we SEE that Dialga operates on a higher order of time manipulation, even though the same source takes the blunt-force combat at 3v1... Largely due to the Plates, another TOOL adding to the Original One's capabilities without which the depiction is vulnerable to basic-bitch mortals.

>Arceus could probably subvert the entire horus heresy with just a 10 year old.
Rainbow Rocket is explicitly reliant on the protagonists being able to fail resulting in their assorted world-wrecking calamities, and I recall no prophecy in PLA providing any guarantee. Stop it with the no-limits FALLACY, christcuck.
If you have a game protag as a side character do you make them incredibly unique and one of the strongest people of all time or just another regular trainer that went on an absurd journey that's now just roaming around the world?
>incredibly unique and one of the strongest people of all time
Isn't that canon tho? The DLC makes it look like it
I don't read chink novels, but I imagine you could take this directory as inspiration for the title.
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Made a chart with some of the most mentions clichés from last thread, plus some that didn't get brought up.
I think the only one that would hit that incredibly unique kind of status would be Red and the rest would probably just be like regular trainers on weird journeys. I can’t really imagine anyone being like “that’s the legendary trainer Brendan” even though in canon story wise he has interacted with multiple legendaries and beaten the champion because otherwise you run the risk of having a bunch of child prodigy trainers in NPC world (inb4 dexholders are brought up).
>OC is just a protag insert with very few traits differentiating them from the blank game MCs
>OC has a fetish-like devotion to abusing "later generation knowledge" without having a good reason for wanting the pokemon involved in the first place (secret fairy-type abuse, getting a mankey despite having multiple physical sweepers in the party, etc.)
This one particularly stands out imo because most remakes give these any new evolutions/system-wide type changes to the stronger/higher tier trainers when appropriate, such as Lt. Surge's rematch in HGSS evolving his Magneton/Electibuzz into Magnezone and Electivire. Very few stories bother to give a good justification for the OC to be the only one with such pokemon or knowledge. The current trope for Kanto fics involving heavy fairy-type abuse is Lance + The Blackthorn clans attempting to suppress knowledge, but that itself has plot holes.
>OC is the only competent trainer around, whether they are the only one to get special evolutions/pokemon as mentioned above or if custom moves are super rare but they are the only ones to come up with anything good
>OC is heavily disliked without a strong justification (bordering on bashing/hating certain characters) because the author wants drama
You're missing
>Shitting on Lance or Dragon Clan fags as a whole
>Muh real life politics
>Evil Oak
>Dindu noffing Cyrus
>Legendary in team
>Good TR
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>inb4 dexholders are brought up
Hey, not my fault the concept is stupid, Kusaka tried to hard to appeal to Digimonfags
I love/hate peggy sue as a fic trope because it has so much potential for kino but most authors bungle it and just rehash canon and ignore any potential for butterfly fuckery. Pokemon isn't really good for it though unless you write an ashfic, but even then there isn't much to work with there so it's reasonably rare compared to the other slop we get.
what're dexholders?
The child prodigy thing is a problem in gane too though with stuff like the gen 9 DLC having Kieran get mind broken by the player getting legendaries too until he gives up. It’s kinda been a trend for a while in newer gens though for trainers who just moved into the region to just completely destroy everyone who’s been established as the top people in the region and get the legendaries just because.
Pokespe exclusive thing. The writer decided that every single person who had a dex would have some kind of special talent so it’s seen as more of a fate sort of thing instead of just being a thing that everyone can get in game. It’s a mixed sort of thing, it only gets stupid later on.
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Honorable Dexholders for you, faglord
Yep, this is the arc that basically makes me go “well, that’s stupid.” It should’ve been Wally.
Make them unique and strong, but they fall to player character mentality. You can also steal some of the manga traits for the >dexholders if you're feeling lazy
>Red is super strong, stays super strong, and fucks off to his mountain like he does in canon. He regularly attends World Tournaments and is one of the top trainers, often placing anywhere between Top 4 and winning the whole thing
>Ethan becomes super strong, but then pulls a Professor Oak and retires to run a Pokemon Daycare while staying in close contact with Professor Elm for Pokemon Breeding Research™
>Brendan becomes super strong, but he focuses on being a Coordinator. He may or may not retire and become a Contest Judge, or he might study with Professor Birch and eventually become a Professor himself.
>Lucas becomes super strong, but fucks off to a countryside Villa. He becomes something of an eccentric collector and has become close friends with Cynthia (how close is open to interpretation); they often go on Research Expeditions around the world and look at ancient Hisui artifacts. Lucas might rediscover a few Ancient Pokemon from Hisui and his team would probably stay near Peak level if he regularly trains with Cynthia.
tl;dr most MCs probably push their teams to the 60s/70s/80s in power and stay around there depending on the MC.
Kieran is just suffering from a thing called skill issue. Red doesn't have a mental breakdown and run away to a different region to abuse children having family issues all because an Alolan 10 year old beat them. He rolls with the punches just like Blue did.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Crystal Recon Brigade

>Set ten years after the last known human sighting after what the Pokemon understand as 'The Choas'
> The surviving Pokemon try to rebuild society by mimicking what the humans have done before in the hopes of attracting them
>But one day, in a sleepy little village, gunfire is heard and a Blaziken is tasked with jumping as high as he can at night to attract the humans' attention.

The Chaos: basically it's if the plot of sun/moon but the protag was never born or moved to Alola, and the Aether foundation unleashed countless ultra beasts and Prardox mons on the planet
>My fic only had 1 square
>Maaeybe 2 depending on how Edgy reconstruction is defined
Challenge accepted.
What would the free space be?
>gen alpha doesn't know how a bingo card works
It's 6x5 grid though. There is no center
What are some fics that use double battles beyond doing them once or twice? I want to see a fic that uses rules loosely similar to VGC.
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The fuck is a Peggy Sue anyway? Internet says it involves 'going back and fixing a past life with time travel' but I have yet to encounter that in any fic I've read so far. Seems a bit vague to be on a bingo card.
Nobody uses that term nowadays, it's most commonly known as regression now
If you only read pokemon fics, you likely wouldn't run into any since only a handful exist.
What does Nutrition mean?
It means what it sounds like, it takes minor tidbits from the anime about Brock making good pokemon food and dialing it up to comical proportions
>Most pokemon in anon's world eat pokechow slop that kills their gains
>anon the OC MC chad donut steel homecooks all of his meals for his pokemon to give them proper nutrition to the point that their EVs and IVs swell up to peak condition and the team can outperform pokemon that are entire evolutionary stages ahead of them, with multiple chapters focusing on the food intake of the team. don't forget to keep track of how many times someone in the story mentions that they'd be bankrupt if they had to feed a snorlax
I see. Thank you.
>it takes minor tidbits from the anime
Anime? I'm pretty sure that guy used RL nutrition
boc went with the RL nutrition angle because that whole story was based on the MC being a zookeeper, but some other stories used the anime as a basis
Would that really help when they have magical berries tho?
It shouldn't be a 5x6 then, idiot. The free space should be "Setting off on a new adventure as a pokemon trainer..." or if you want to be more succinct, maybe just "Journeyfic"
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Expanded upon it. Didn't bother putting Journeyfic there because then I'd have to add a gorillion genres to the chart, and because it feels redundant when other slots also include journeys.
Take the N was right out and swap it for Leon is a fraud
Honestly I feel like "champion is a fraud" and/or "shitting on the champion" can be there as a single square or maybe two squares, rather than calling out specific champions.

I can't articulate why, but I feel like "Writer throws a fit" should be in the very bottom right corner for some reason.
>champion is a fraud" and/or "shitting on the champion"
I disagree, beyond being called a fag Wallace doesn't get the same hatred Lance and Steven do, so its not the position but the character as a whole
So how do I get into writing for the thread? Besides the obvious.
>obligatory psychic mon(let's be honest it's gonna be part of the ralts line) to translate to humans
>PCs and pokeballs are actually evil
>MC is a camping expert
You gotta believe!
Why do Lance and Steven get hatred? I get Clair, Paul, Leon, and Misty/Serena, but why those two?
lance doesn't really get hated but he usually gets a little bit of bashing in the form of the author making him extremely arrogant compared to canon
I haven't seen anyone shitting on steven though, if anything most people suck steven off and make him extra cool compared to how he is in the games
Has anyone made any good fanfic that explores the shrinking mechanic in depth? Like most of the pokemon world makes sense in it's context, but pokemon shrinking on their own always seems kinda weird and under explored or explained. Did pokemon always use to shrink? Did humans once have this ability too? Is there a whole micro world down there? Do they have antman physics where their density is really wack? Is there an entire legendary responsible for this phenomena?
Pokespe Lance was a retard (like almost every Pokémon villain) and Steven despite being "Heroic" knew about all the shit his father did with the Draconians in ORAS and people want to "I can fix her" Zinnia
No because the shrinking meme is a terrible retcon by game freak that breaks their own fucking established lore to such a degree that most people ignored it like how harry potter fans ignored the "lore" that wizards always shit themselves and used magic to make it disappear
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PMD dodges most of this by default
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Do not try to write for 4chan. It is a silly place. We may be a place to occasionally get a nugget of inspiration from, but trying to please us is fucking retarded.

If you must - write smut. There's always demand for smut. I personally think several well-known pokegirls are massively underrepresented in smut, namely Jasmine, Clair, Flannery, Maylene, Mars and/or Jupiter, Roxie, Sina... okay now I'm just listing random girls. See, this is what I meant. I'm retarded.
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What is the consequence of leaving a mon too much time in their ball/trainer's PC in your headcanon?
Forgotten pokemon are recycled into the wilderness with their memories erased by Arceus, or in some cases the PMDverse.
Humans who were responsible for abandoning these pokemon get sent to Earth to become jannies, forced to clean up posts with uneccessary z's in them for no reason.
>starts with a Pokemon they didn't want, but ends up using it anyway
>disappointed by their battle performance literally once, considers boxing it or trading
>battle strategy involves setting up, does it even against obviously weaker opponents
>uses an eeveelution
Yes, the joke is that I'm referencing one of my OCs. That's what you are supposed to reply with, right?
Don't think I'll use the storage PC as a concept, I'll probably just keep it as an actual physical storage operated out of labs/centres/rich people able to afford one, maybe paired with some fast transport/teleport for the really fancy setups.

For pokeballs, I go for a more 'hibernation' approach. Enter a ball, you go into a deep slumber and everything (including wounds) slows to a crawl. Stay in the ball for too long without a manual resetting (more than a couple of months) then it pops open and you get released as a safety measure. Pokemon stuck in a ball for too long come out groggy, sluggish, and probably pretty irritated if they've been locked up for years.

I'm not a big fan of catching something and just keeping it locked away forever (outside of the games of course), and storing hundreds of digitalised creatures away on some harddrive just doesn't appeal.
Hoarding a PC worth of sprites and Owning a living thinking creature are too very different things. Pokémon are seen as a long term responsibility, most people don't neglect their friends like that but the ones that do naturally lose the Pokémon's respect and desertion is likely at the first opportunity.
Pokemon are emotionally and mentally equivalent or superior to humans, so I view it as being pretty fucked.
It's like forcing them into long term coma.
What are the most annoying tropes when it comes to legendaries in fanfics?
>making every single legendary an unga bunga retard with a basic moveset that would make gen 1 movesets look generous, while simultaneously giving them obscene stats so that fighting/catching them is "challenging" and so that the trainer can show how good they are for making the big overpowered legendary have a real moveset
>letting the MC catch a legendary only to rarely, if ever, use them in the first place
>every single legendary has telepathy
>every single legendary has had bad experiences with humans
>"There is only ONE legendary for each species and it is responsible for maintaining a specific part of the world order so you can't truly catch me, but I'll let you catch me anyway so that nobody poaches me while I am out doing my legendary bullshit because you're special and nice. I'll come to help you out as a get-out-of-jail-free plot token when you're in trouble about 30 chapters from now."
I have zero squares on mine. What do I win?
I'm not even sure if you are talking about fanfic or actual official content anymore. Maybe that was the joke
Would it be silly if legendaries are just really rare and my toon catches and distributes legendaries to fill up the Battle Towers?
I don’t like that legendary thing where they hold meetings in the hall of origin and converse and all know each other. It feels weird. I guess another one would be people going “oh my Arceus!”
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>legendaries having human personalities and mannerisms, and acting more like teenagers than deities
>legendaries being inexplicably well known in the setting with everyone knowing their names, looks and capabilities
>the protagonist being legendary catnip and running into them again and again with little rhyme or reason
>legendaries existing primarily as plot devices for the villains to capture and use (which to be fair is a massive problem in canon as well)
What do you mean by plot device?
Using canon examples, think of how Xerneas and Yveltal only exist in XY's plot to be batteries for the Ultimate Weapon, or how in several of the movies the primary plot is about stopping the bad guy from using the mythical of the movie's powers for his evil deeds, powers the mythical is somehow never capable of using to defend itself. Essentially, the legendary will primarily exist to be used or hurt by the antagonists and saved from the antagonists by the protagonists, in a way that feels contrived and contradictory considering the supposed role, lore and power of said legendary.
Today I will write at least 3000 words, I can feel it.
*actually writes 3000 words in shitposts on /vp/ while arguing with anons instead of writing for his story*
Technically Human x Pokemon also applies.
What would be a good Pokémon to use as a plot device for erasing memories? Preferably a legendary or at least rare Pokémon since it's supposed to be kind of unexpected. Would Cresselia work with some artistic license (since it can manipulate dreams and erase nightmares) or would that be too farfetched?
Uxie canonically wipes a person's entire memory if they see its open eyes.
Yeah, but I want to only erase specific memories and Uxie doesn't quite fit for other reasons.
>“Hey guys, which Pokemon is best for wiping memories? Preferably a legendary, and I’m willing to tweak their lore a little bit.”
“Oh how about the memory wiping legendary Pokemon?”
>“Nooooo that one doesn’t work!”

Go fuck yourself Anon, I hope you enter a writer’s block that you never get the inspiration to emerge from.
Dude, sorry. I had already considered Uxie myself but decided against it for reasons. I should have mentioned that in my first post but forgot until you brought it up. Why are you so upset?
I imagine any sufficiently powerful psychic could do the job, doesn't have to be legendary
Maybe cause you specifically asked for my help just to heed turn into a massive faggot? If you don’t care about specific lore, just make a magic Shiny Shedinja that prunes memories when you stare into its back instead of killing you.
Uxie canonically sucks my dick
A big ol' Bone Club to the back of the head and your isekai'd SI has those pesky memories about lame stuff like family and prior responsibilities erased.
>specifically asked for MY help
Anon, this isn't Discord. Nobody pinged you.
Any evolved/single stage psychic mon works for it.
Maybe a Haunter's dream eater goes wrong or some shit.
What's the context and what kind of memories are you trying to erase?
You could just have a Hypno-therapy session wipe it away, or you could have your MC "give" their time or name to a powerful Fairy type, thus stripping them of everything attached to that time/name. You could just have them hang out with a Shuckle and get so blackout drunk off the fermented fruit juice it shared that he forgot everything that happened recently.
it is, that's why if they actually added in more lore to it (maybe a mythical?) it wouldn't be as shit
Basically the context is multiple people forgetting something and it turns out it was Pokémon XYZ's doing as it's been going around looking for people with a certain memory that it erases. That requires some planning ahead on the mon's part so I said preferably legendaries because they're typically closer to human level intelligence. I dunno, a normal psychic type might work just fine too. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
>Curious how slow ass pokemon like Quagsire and Magcargo move in battle
>Look up Magcargo anime episodes
>The Magcargo is jumping 20 ft into the air in every scene
I think I'd opt for writing them turtling and using bursts of speed with high speed mons being able to keep a constant speed going.
Fanfic authors certainly care more about game (and general) canon than writers of both the anime and manga
Speed != movement speed. It only determines turn order. The difference between 1 speed and 9999 speed is that 9999 speed goes first.
my bunnies are always horny as Arceus intended
I'd rather write long prose about how kikenfart, the filthy jew just like shaunberg, lost his last bit of income and starved to death.
You see, the jew fears the samurai so much that Nintendo merely had to raise an eyebrow, and kikenfart pissed his gay robe in terror and swore off being an """artist""" forever. But like shaunberg, kikenfart has no skills at all, and couldn't find another source of income. And since kikenfart chose to be a filthy useless """artist""", his family shunned him for being so worthless, and refused to come to his aid even while he was starving to death. And since his kosher food provides so little nutrition, kikenfart starved to death in just a couple of days.
When kikenfart's Puerto Rican landlord was asked to investigate what that horrid smell wafting through the entire apartment was, he discovered, to his eternal disgust, kikenfart's emacited corpse being nibbled on by rats. There's a bright ray of hope to this, however, as kikenfart's landlord discovered a shitty cheap tablet that he could pawn off for meth money, and wiped it clean, thus destroying every last degenerate """art""" kikenfart had been working on.
samefagging. write your own smut
Speaking of, Slugma/Magcargo burn the player when you try to pet them in the games
Meanwhile in the anime Flannery pets them like they're dogs no problem.

What do you anons prefer for your fics? Not just Slugma/Magcargo but other fire types like Magmar who should be crazy hot to touch.
I prefer what the anime did with Ponyta/Rapidash where the pokemon can control if their flame/heat roasts you.
I like to think that Ice/Fire types have higher body temperature control than other mons, like how a Ghost can change its tangibility
>Magcargo are borderline extinct and anytime a slugma comes out of a volcano it's brutally killed by local pokemon and rangers to keep them from superheating the environment
>flying types are permanently airborne and unable to ground themselves without Roost. The adults have to Smack Down their own children or knock them out just to give them any sleep.
>Spoink live in a constant state of constant terror and Grumpig violently kill anyone who gets near their young
>Kadabra refuse to evolve because the IQ boost that comes with becoming an Alakazam always leads to immediate suicide after rationalizing the true nature of existence
>The second Zweilous head can end up being the only Hydreigon head, effectively resulting in the death of your original Deino
This is just a glimpse into my twisted, canon-friendly story.
Ch 11
Melony had run to the gym for a challenge the next day, leaving Blaziken and Zed lounging around her place.
Blaziken sprawled across the plush living room rug, the fibers soft against his feathers as he idly watched the flames dance in the fireplace. The warmth of the fire was a pleasant contrast to the chill that had settled over Circhester.

He turned his head to where Zed was slouched on the couch, one leg hanging off the edge, a relaxed posture that spoke volumes of his comfort in the cabin. The light from the morning sun spilled through the windows, casting a lazy glow over the scene.

With a stretch and a yawn, Blaziken sat up, his gaze drifting towards the various trophies and accolades adorning the walls. His eyes narrowed slightly as he contemplated their next move. "Boss, we gonna do some training today or what?" he queried through their sync bond, the faint trace of restlessness in his voice. "Or just gonna laze around like a Snorlax?"
Zed gave Blaziken a half lidded stare. Suddenly the TV hit an ad break, the volume of the ads ear shatteringly loud.
Startled by the sudden cacophony, Blaziken grimaced, his feathers ruffling in annoyance. "TURN THAT SHIT OFF!" he bellowed through their sync bond, his patience obviously worn thin by the intrusive noise.

Scrambling to find the remote, Zed fumbled with the buttons, finally managing to mute the television. The abrupt silence that followed was almost as jarring as the ads themselves. Blaziken let out a gruff sigh of relief, shaking his head like a dog shedding water.

"Fucking ads, man." Blaziken muttered, still visibly annoyed as he plopped back down on the rug. His gaze shifted back to Zed, a clear challenge in his eyes. "So? We gonna waste the day or actually do something worthwhile?"

"Well," before Zed could say anything else, an ad caught his attention.
Kindlr - dating for Pokemon appeared on the screen.
cont. ?
How do you guys write Pokemon battles? I take you have to "anime" it up to keep it interesting, because writing them faithful to the games' battles seems like it'd be pretty boring, but don't know.
Basically just game but taking liberties such as allowing 100 acc moves to be dodged/nullified somehow, acting like a pokemon who is particularly tired has -1 in Speed, etc
If by anime you mean any action anime then yes. If by anime you mean the official pokemon anime then no, that's the worst shit ever.
>Go pokemon! Aim for the horn and then survive 20 attacks without fainting!
I have two ways to write battles.

One is the conventional way, which is essentially how the anime does it:
>trainers order something
>they're forced to figure out a way to take the opponent down
>they'll also improvise their moves to catch the enemy off-guard
>dodging, blocking, neutralizing moves, all valid
>no killing, because these are meant to be official matches with people watching
>there aren't many ways you can dance around trainers ordering shit, so they remain conventional

And then, there's the "Fight as One" style, which I based primarily on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and its game Heritage for the Future:
>both user and trainer have their own movesets
>both will usually fight in tandem, though there will be ocassions where they're separated, leading them to try other tricks
>opponents will try to read into their moves and look for weaknesses
>they will also try to take the trainer or the Pokémon first so either is "weakened" (everyone is much better when fighting in tandem)
>usage of wider and more diverse fields compared to standard battles
>more violent approach to combat, since it will be used in fights against villains

I wrote an example for the latter style if you're interested.
Sorry, I'm confused by the 2nd one. Do the humans and Pokémon both fight each other, like there's a boxing match going on right next to the Pokémon battle? Or do the trainers punch each other while their Pokémon is sitting on their shoulders attacking the opponent's Mon? Or is it like Disney's Ratatouille?
It's a bit of "two matches at the same time" and a bit of "they're all fighting at once". It's something I'm handling on a case-by-case basis. I'll leave this as an example so you can understand what I mean better: https://pastebin.com/3zJWEFND
Battles actually haven't been much of a focus in mine yet, but I've gone for a more dynamic way of doing them. Pokemon dodge on their own, attack when they can or when they are ordered, defend themselves, etc. A lot of it depends on their training and battle experience helping them in the moment rather than any turn based 'I go then you go' method.
What is the "My Immortal" of Pokémon fanficton?
I mean, Foreigners exist. That's how you know there's something among the stars. Also the Olympians are aliens, or were.
Horny for what?
Pokemon's been around for more than a quarter of a century. Has there been any great stories written over that time?
New to the hobby. Genre? Escapism? Not sure how to word it. I'm looking to catch up on everything I've missed out on.
Well, depends on your definition of 'great', but the only 'big' pokemon fanfic I've seen many anons use as an answer to your question is Traveller:

Borne of Caution has somehow managed to outdo it to claim top spot fav/follow wise on FF.net, but I'm pretty sure a large chunk of this thread isn't going to agree that BoC is 'great'.

I'm a cultured purveyor of OC slop and edgefics so anything I suggest is instantly disqualified for the title, but I've also only been involved in this stuff for about a year so there's probably some old ficfag in this thread with a better answer.
Post your OCkino recommendations
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Aura friends, what can we do against bio-engineered pokemons and grunts for battle?
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Hey everyone, it's the-guy-who's-writing-that-one-SV-fic here! (People have also called me Nemona anon) And I'm glad to announce that I'm now no longer swamped for time and am able to write again! And to show for it, I've just uploaded a new chapter on my fic on AO3 early!

It's an Arven episode, full of foppishness, camping shenanigans and bro-bonding.

To double over and track back, because it's been so long I'm new to a lot of people:
If you want to see a an actual character-focused story taking place in Scarlet And Violet that's well-written and interesting, without completely destroying the tone of pokemon, then you've found your story! Or if you're just bored, I've been told it's a good comfort read.


P.S. The last chapter's been rushed out the door for you guys, so it still has some formatting work to be done.
>doesn't know how to use hyphens yet uses a bunch
>claims to be well well written (wouldn't be hyphenated here btw) while employing nightmare formatting and capitalization
>didn't revise the chapter before posting
Cut them down bro, aura sword is one of the classics by now
holy I remember you when you first posted your chapter
not my style but I'll give it a shot. 99% of fics are guy+waifu so seeing a bro team is refreshing. and all his trauma
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(good to see you here too, I'll be reading the fic in short order)
You could use a Magearna. It’s able to sense peoples’ emotions, thoughts, and feelings of other beings. Wouldn’t be a stretch to make it able to mind-wipe bad/problematic memories away as it’s a Mythical Pokémon.
>any paragraph I picked looks straight out of a novel
>changing perspectives (?), battles are nicely paced
>SOVLFVL title
>absolutely cannot stand gen 9 and think Nemona is mid

god FUCKING damn it
every time there's a good fic the author always has to have some stupid specific autism I just can't get behind, I hate that I'm too fucking jaded to enjoy this

battles hyping up speed much more in making speedy pokemon able to choose how they engage is ludokino, slow pokemon should be forced to adapt their strategies to their speed
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How much bad shit can i have Team Rocket do before it becomes too edgy?
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High speed battles are my jam, they might look bad but are so damn cool

They literally tried burn Ash alive and were ready to blow a guy's head with guns in OS so with a lot of things as far as methods go, swearing, sex jokes or rape tho? That's a no no
Swearing and rape are no-nos, but I could see a few funny sex jokes working if you're using the anime as a guide. It snuck tons of innuendos in there.
Hell, at one point I think the dawn general had an entire collage of canon moments when small pokemon were looking up her skirt.
>Arven's now kind of an isolated loner who goes into cooking and camping to cope and get away from people
>very competent and down to earth but still slightly weird

i like this rendition, all your characters are a few paces different than fanon for them but they all feel really geniune, and of course the puns and alliteration are great (the butterfree joke seems so fucking obvious im stunned the game didnt make it)
>Murder (humans)
Yes if it's implied and "clean". Don't do something like make James's Growlithe evolve into an Arcanine and dismember people. Shooting and bombing people can work, but remember that Team Rocket isn't a full-on terrorist organization; they mafioso and want to rule, not destroy everything like other teams.
Don't make them carpet bomb Cerulean City for the sake of it. Use small-scale, easily focused assassination tools like guns, pokemon using fire/poison moves, etc.
>Murder (pokemon)
Avoid unless it's a last resort. Dead Pokemon can't be sold or used. Jessie/James would probably refuse on principle because they love Pokemon, but a grunt might kill some trainer's Sentret while trying to poach her Totodile.
No for the TRio, hard MAYBE if you imply some nameless grunts were doing it to trainers in some backwoods route that the rangers rarely patrol.
Sure thing fuckface, as long as you're fucking reasonable and don't fucking overuse it because you fuckin' need to fucking show your fucknuts reader-base that you fucking love FUCKING cursing every fucking sentence to show how fucking mature and fuckin' cool your fucking story is to the fucktards fucking their eyeholes to your fucklicious fucking fuckfest of fuckliterature. Fucker.
Joke aside, a precision "Fuck" can be kino if done well. Jessie/James were canonically part of a biker gang, so they probably have some dirty language but IMO they wouldn't overuse it in public because they have standards. Maybe they'd let a curse or two slip while fighting the Twerps if things go south, or even lecturing them on language with some hypocritical cussing. I could also see some disguises involving the duo in sailor uniforms on the S.S. Anne (or a similar ship) and cursing enough to fit right in and make the Captain treat "the new guys" to some drinks.
>Sex Jokes
Depends entirely on the story, otherwise I agree with >>56203205 here.

I have now read it, the fight was intense the pokemon are cute. I didn't realize just how slow you meant when you said "slow burn". Wish for more Nemona content soon and wish you the very very best.
reposted since I messed up the post thread thing
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>Don't make them carpet bomb Cerulean City for the sake of it. Use small-scale, easily focused assassination tools like guns, pokemon using fire/poison moves, etc
I don't know bro, they fucking love their mechas even more than their pit traps
I was explicitly talking about murder and edginess though.
They can keep their mechas for stealing Pokemon and other wacky schemes, but it would raise a few eyebrows if they suddenly tried to pull gundam-level war crimes and changed genres after 70 chapters by deleting entire cities/regions from the map.
A lot of things honestly, drugs are probably the easiest way to make money so I don't see Giovanni rejecting that kind of stuff after all since MewTwo is a thing and all mafias have a hitmen squad to deal with rivals or external "tasks"
>Behind the house, a shallow shore. A rising sun to his right and cold sand under their feet. Stones arranged in the shape of a square fighty-thing he once saw on TV. His hand was let go and the weirdo girl mumbled off while he regained his bearings. Haruto saw Apple huddling along to catch up to them. He knelt down, scratching the pokémon’s stem. He was sandwiched between the sea and her house. So he wouldn’t manage much distance before she’d catch up to him. She obviously hasn’t taken ‟No” for an answer… He didn’t see much choice, other than:

>‟Apple, I know we just met… But you’re going to have to fight. For me.”

>The Fuecoco seemed to understand his sadness. He continued, ‟If anything bad happens to you, I’ll do my best to help, alright? I promise… So I need you to bear with this.”

>He didn’t want to do this. His chest got tight at the thoughts of what would happen. But he looked over to the freckled girl ten feet away. Still subtly smiling, true intentions oozing through. That wasn’t his schoolmate, that was a bully. His eyes turned to slits.

>Apple looked at him. Finally listening: ‟… And I need you to win.”

>He’d show her he’s not worth messing with. If he wins, she’ll know to leave him be. That was the reason. It wasn’t because he hates her. That’s why he had to win. He would win.

>… And then, she’d leave him alone.

Your prose and grammar are, frankly, bad. You use passive voice a lot, you have a bunch of sentence fragments, you start sentences with conjunctions, and you do that thing where a single idea is broken up between multiple paragraphs or lines of dialog, with something else interrupting in the middle of it.

Furthermore, "rushing" out a chapter demonstrates a lack of respect for your audience. It tells us you're more interested in publishing and getting feedback than you are in giving your audience the best possible experience.
Go watch a few episodes of one of the better-known TV shows about criminals/organized crime. The Wire, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, something like that. Anything the criminals do on cable television is probably okay to put in your fic. If you aren't sure if something is over the line, split the difference by mentioning/implying that it happens off-screen without actually showing the audience in detail. Generally speaking of you want to make your criminals more palatable to audiences, make sure everyone involved (both criminals are victims) are adult men, and never involve any sort of sex.
>you start sentences with conjunctions
This isn't a real rule. Sentences have been starting with and/but/etc since the dawn of language's creation, even in highly praised literature.
Burgerclap education made that rule up recently in order to get their stupid children from starting every sentence with and.
Your insecurity is glaring hard
Your sentences are really short and the flow of things is awkward if >>56203667 is your writing. Also it feels like you're reciting what's happening rather than experiencing it through the character.
Use the characters name, or, really you don't even need to use the subject in the sentence if the person speaking/thinking'/contemplating is obvious. If the thoughts in that paragraph are Arven group most of those thoughts together and chain dialogue.
kill you're self
hi retard. thought going into an assmad meltdown over someone posting a work was a normal response and now confused as to why you ousted yourself as a loser? that sucks man, hopefully next life you'll have a higher iq and be able to accomplish something
Actually it seemed a pretty accurate, if harshly worded criticism and I agreed with a lot of the points it raised. Since you're dismissing it as assmad seething you're probably a fan of that 'fic with shit taste and insecurities about it.
same, but it was bad faith so the poster will always be pathetic. you seem as blind as them
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>"erm... you made a spelling mistake"
>produces 3000 more tons of journeytrash
Being fair, what else can be done? It's either some journey trash or female MC "I can fix him" story
Wholesome chungus slice of slow life, of course!
Now we can have retarded isekai MCs that can lord over the even more retarded pokeworld negros, with the benefit of not even pretending there's a plot.
Hey nothing wrong with journeyfics that can pass a basic spell check and don't take 100k words for fucking anything to happen.
>and don't take 100k words for fucking anything to happen.
Shame those don't really exist nowadays, gotta know every fucking detail about how hot is the MC, his facial hair, 10 pages of self-pity amd then 20 pages to show how cool he really is while everyone sucks his dick with the most powerful weapon, common sense
Sorry, your incoherent malding masked what point you were trying to make. Were you saying that the person who made the spelling mistake was the one who wrote 3000 tons of journeytrash, or that the person pointing out the spelling mistake was the one who wrote 3000 tons of journeytrash?
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To everyone that gave me compliments: Thanks! I love you all but I don’t have anything specific to reply to you. Know that your words of encouragement help me keep on trucking on with this huge project.

I may have been a bit drunk when I wrote that and did not even think to check what I had written. It’s fair if you don’t want to see what’s inside if ‟well written” is something I underline while the post looks like that. Though I didn’t lie about people saying it’s written well. Thanks for pointing out the thing about hyphens, I’ll have to now check everything in the story to see how many times I’ve messed that up. It’s an ESL problem with how hyphens work differently in my mother tongue.
I try to make sentences as curt as they can possibly go, which is sometimes good and sometimes ends up with what you saw there, where the writing seems very anemic and falls flat and my grammar-laden style doesn’t help it flow smoothly. That second-to-last paragraph is especially bad. Some of the passive voice is justified, but some of it seems unneeded.
I think the ‟short sentences” are the source of the repetition, if I’d use the proper noun instead of the pronoun things would get much worse fast. Another problem is that I switch subjects so often that pronouns become necessary to showcase who’s speaking when.

I’ve been thinking about rewriting the first chapter since a few months ago and this has given me the ample reason to do that, for an introductory chapter it’s really, unfocused and like a chore to read. I’d like to think the rest of the earlier parts aren’t like that.

And to everyone insulting other people for critiquing my work, please stop. Criticism’s made what I write better ten times out of ten and I feel fortunate whenever takes the time to point out flaws in my writing. I experiment a lot and I need to be smacked down to get back to reality.

P.S. By rushing I meant I couldn’t get my beta on it, the new chapter’s on ver. 4.
nooooo stop being reasonable and accepting cirticisms i wanted to shitpost more!!!
Something you have to consider when writing is while the writing to YOU may be great, to the audience that takes it in they can experience something entirely different. By no means do I advocate changing the way you write or your plot for the sake of your audience, but at the same time you have to be willing to look at what you write objectively and see that the way you right may or may not be difficult or clumsily put together.

I use short sequences quite a bit like in that above paragraph, but I make sure that it flows well from the characters perspective rather than a recitation of events which takes one out of the story.

>He’d show her he’s not worth messing with. If he wins, she’ll know to leave him be. That was the reason. It wasn’t because he hates her. That’s why he had to win. He would win.

>'It's not because I hate her, its because if I win, WHEN I win, it'll teach her to keep away... That's all. She'll know that I'm not someone to mess with...' That's why he had to win, whatever the cost.
What's the rational behind your, ah, 'unique' formatting choices? This is in regards to the chapter you linked.
>Edgy(xianxia) reconstruction of any canon
My unreleased fic, yep.
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I do advocate changing the way I write for my audience, they're the intended audience so of course I want to orient my writing to them. I'm not one of the "my precious" types of artists.
I don't like using quoted speech from characters' thoughts generally, since they're already narrating in third person and it feels clunky. I don't think I ever have the characters refer to themselves as "I" outside dialogue.

In reality I don't like how close together line breaks are so I use paragraph breaks between most-all lines. But on AO3, paragraph breaks are gigantic (they're a full empty line added in between two paragraphs) so I have a CSS to make them smaller. The text indent is good but it actually looks quite bad on dialogue lines so I'll probably remove it in the future. Also I use double paragraph breaks between unrelated concepts, triple for a small space in time, a line break for a time-skip or change of scenery, and three asterisks for changing perspective. I didn't think these were distracting ever, I generally have texts laid out in a way that I think can breathe. Maybe it's shit but the only time I've heard about it is some people having browser extension to remove empty space in AO3 stories.

So autism!
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Fuck Journey trash, give me chuuni kino
Since you insisted, here's the chuuni premise I've been fighting to write.
Cultivation isekai where the trainers end up battling while flying around on aura swords and saying things like "Senior cannot see past Mt. Silver" in an isolated region that's just fantasy China.
How would they know mt silver if its Poké-china. Immersion ruined.
>since they're already narrating in third person and it feels clunky
Them narrating in 3rd person is even stranger. A character wouldn't refer to themself as "he" or "she", it would be "I". Changing it makes no sense and distracts the reader. You can do non-internal thoughts that aren't quoted, but the layout is very important. The flow of things needs to feel natural rather than a a collection of short thoughts that don't change together.
>He hated her. All of the atrocities against him, he wouldn't forget. He'd beat her. Crush her. Show her what messing with him could do.

compared to

>After all of the atrocities used against him, Arven would beat her. CRUSH her and show her what messing with him in the future would do to her. But more than that, more than ANYTHING he HATED Nemoa and that was something he wouldn't forget. (caps = italics)
Where's the chuuni tho? This is just normal cultivation.
>2nd word = isekai
Ignored, filtered, block, and laughed at. Opinion and idea invalidated.
>Oh no, we haven't saved world/city from another nefarious plot of murderous fascist sect for two chapetrs, story has gone to shit!
>Btw don't forget to add another 10 chicks to MC harem!
not gonna lie you're kinda retarded
That's not chuuni tho, lacks the random german, religious analogies, sex and hax
Stronger than every SI OC (vore is a power that no self-inserts are prepared against) which makes her stronger than everyone but virgin/gay MCs like Red or female MCs who aren't lesbians.
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All right faggots, I want to write some chuuni shit so give me settings with Vampires and monsters that could mix with Pokémon's lore without problems.

...pretty please?
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Can't go wrong with Castlevania.

But, if that's too westernized, there's also Boktai. That one managed to cross over with Battle Network twice, so putting elements from it into Pokémon's lore is not gonna damage anything.
Taimanin crossover, that's chuuni as fuck and will attract autists hoping to save the Taimanin's virginity or the ones looking for that to happen to pokegirls

Or something with weapons

I know Kanto gets sucked a lot but isn't Pokémon basically a modern western urban fantasy already?
>Planning out story
>MC is travelling from Galar to Jhoto by boat at the start
>Travel is gonna take a month because of distance, planned out setup shit to happen in timelapse on the boat, nothing big just setup
>Remember that every pokemon setting has airplanes
>Can't think of a real reason to not just have mc fly to the region and arrive in <24 hours
>My inner autism won't let me move past this
>Writer offers a multiverse to other writers
Is this an actual thing that happens?
>>Can't think of a real reason to not just have mc fly to the region and arrive in <24 hours
I mean
>Sense of adventure
>Trying to explore the world
>Heard some rumor about Lugia/Manaphy/Kyogre/whatever going through that rute
>Dad's a Cruise captain so he's more used to the sea
>Afraid of heights
>Someone famous is using the ship too
You need a tier 4 citizen's license to travel in a plane. Since your MC is a foreigner without a Kanto's citizen's license he is legally not allowed to travel there by plane!
>Sense of adventure
I feel pretty retarded for taking this too seriously and not just realising this. It's so obvious.
>MC is on a no fly list
Because it's cheaper?
Blame the authors of Reset Bloodlines and Blossomverse for that. And before you ask:
>Reset has been ranted about here in the past, long story short, the author is pretentious about how his Ash harem isn't like the rest plus OC wank where everyone is related to Ash
>Blossomverse is about how Chloe got locked in the Infinity Train and has to go on "le everyone is better without me but they're actually not" journey, fighting with Silent Hill monsters and meeting guys from random places like Rashid from Street Fighter and Matt Hardy
>and no, it's not written ironically
>both authors pumped out a gorillion chapters with TvTropes pages
>both cover multiverse shenanigans
>and they decided to then let everyone about their shit
It boils down to that.
>is pretentious about how his Ash harem isn't like the rest plus OC wank where everyone is related to Ash
What was he thinking? Nobody gave a shit about his OCs but he still shilled them really hard while giving them Ash's canon feats, at least it killed itself

>>Blossomverse is about how Chloe got locked in the Infinity Train and has to go on "le everyone is better without me but they're actually not"
Oh, I hear about this one full of self-pity
>mc is a terrorist and wants to hijack the ship
Not letting this place die now.
>MC gained a pathological fear of flying after the last aircraft he was on (painted up like a charizard to mimic the Galar champion's pokemon as a league promotion thing) was unfortunately set upon by a pack of wild charizard during mating season

On the topic of unwanted developments, anyone have a fic that started off well and had you engrossed, before torpedoing it with a sudden change or twist that ruined the whole thing? The few I've given up on were always more of the more gradual decline where issues built up over time.
>Got the sudden urge to write a Masters 8 rewrite because all the rewrites I've seen so far I've considered utter shit
>Would have to rewatch the Masters 8 before starting and I'd rather kill myself than have to rewatch that slop
A complicated feeling.
What seperates a Legendary from an ordinary Pokémon? Is it possible for a particularly powerful Pokémon to reach those heights and be considered "Legendary"?
MC wants a comfy cruise over a cramped flying 3rd class cabin filled with screaming toddlers and their Rotom iPads
A debate between these two would be epic
Why would you have to rewatch it? It was so garbage that you're better off forgetting it entirely. Literally nothing about it is worth referencing
I wanna write a fic where the GO teams are legit Teams instead of Professor Whatshisname's harem of unpaid interns.
What would be their goals?
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Typically legendaries/mythicals are seperate from regular Pokemon because of one or more of the following:
>They're extremely rare, varying from only a few existing to being wholly unique
>This rarity can range from the knowledge of their actual existence being uncertain, to sightings of them being considered life-changing, highly sought after and hotly debated (premier examples of this include Mew and Ho-Oh)
>They have unique and exotic powers/abilities that are very hard or impossible to replicate by other Pokemon (examples range from Suicune's ability to instantly purify water, to Celebi being a time traveller, to Arceus being the creator of the universe)
>Alternatively or additionally, they're simply extremely powerful especially in regards to their element (examples include the Kanto birds and the Forces of Nature)
>To further drive the point home, they're also just outright superior to normal Pokemon in most regards, such as in general speed, power, defense, movepool, etc.,
>They're unusually intelligent, with a commonly cited example of that being an ability to fully understand or even communicate in human language (depends on the canon you're looking at but noted examples include Mewtwo, the Latis, Magearna, Calyrex)
>They have a unique or unusual origin (Many examples, from the Beasts to the Regis to man-made creations like Mewtwo and Magearna)
>They tend to live/lay dormant in exotic and/or sacred locations that are largely unexplored, hard to get to, and/or protected (examples being Faraway Island, the Cave of Origin, Sinnoh's lakes), or live/roost by temples or other places of worship and power (Bell Tower, Sky Tower, Snowpoint Temple, the Tapu's Ruins)
>They tend to be associated or linked up to rare or unique artifacts that either summon or support them (such as the Rainbow Feather, Red/Blue Orbs, and the Plates)
>One or many of the above resulting in myths, legends and worship (Ho-Oh and the Beasts are the premier example of this)
Battle pokemon
Research pokemon
Anything other than breeding pokemon, absolutely retarded motivation for a faction.

I'd want their criminal element to be in service of agreeable goals, so I can set them up against Rocket. I still want them to be the protagonists, just more punk.
Legendary is a colloquial term that encompasses all apparently unique pokemon that carry some special significance, be it cultural, historical, cosmological, or simply being powerful. Legendaries are often created by more powerful ones for some purpose, but "normal" pokemon can reach that status by achieving unknown, powerful evolutions (Fearow to Ho-Oh) or otherwise surviving as the paragon of a dying species. Individual pokemon who might otherwise qualify but aren't unique are relatively common and fail to capture the attention of a wider audience, remaining mostly unknown outside of local lore.
Legendaries are sapient, unlike regular pokemon which aren't even sentient
>(Fearow to Ho-Oh)
I thought the whole thing with pokemon was that they were basically humans, only more primal and driven by their weird pokemon instincts. Also magic and they look weird.
You've got it mixed up. Legendaries digitize, unlike regular pokemon which shrink.
well yeah, the whole post was
Yeah, Fearow's special evolution is obviously Zapdos
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So what's the point of Arceus lore about beating the shit out of some Cosmic Entities just to not expand of it thanks to Masuda's obssession of making that world similar to use and not a fantasy place?

He always contradict whatever they do, war in Kalos? False because according to Masuda wars never happened and they don't need guns so they never existed
Are we sure that Masuda statement wasn't mispoken/mistranslated/taken out of context?
He could have meant there are no more wars currently and that they don't plan to add more wars to the pokemon world(at least not ones set in the vague "present"). Same with guns. Essentially it's a PR move.

As for not expanding on the Cosmic Entities that Arceus beat the shit out of(something the Emperor of Mankind couldn't do), that's probably best left unexpanded. The divine awe and mystery would go away if we learned it was just some spooky warp entity named Greench, Corne, Slushiness, and Wurgle. Better to leave it to our imagination, especially since it's not super important to the main plotlines.
>(something the Emperor of Mankind couldn't do)
Don't you fucking dare, he already fucked off
>achieving unknown, powerful evolutions (Fearow to Ho-Oh)
I quite like this idea.
I've always liked the idea that canon evolutions are just scratching the surface and that most lines have branching evolutions that are possible under conditions too obscure to be discovered reliably.
There is Ho-Oh reincarnating three burnt Pokémon as Legendary Beasts with its power. Must be some merit in researching old rituals, myths and artifacts if you want to empower a Pokémon.
>Searching Far and Wide has gone on for 75 chapters
>only two badges
>romance and quirky dialogue has taken up the majority of space
I had decent hopes for this one since he managed to wrap up the whole Naruto plot up to Akatsuki and united the Ninja clans in 140 chapters, but his pokemon story's moving at a glacial pace in comparison. Which is wild, because a lot of chapters in Game of Shadow were spent on Gamer expositions.
They created the Regis (they are golems) but lost control of them.
You gotta respect this guy, he's probably one of the few that care about Anabel and Looker while doing art
A rewrite would just be the generic champion world tournament + Alain.
>round 1 Ash VS Alain
>round 2 Ash Cynthia
>round 3 Ash VS Leon
OR if you want a truly good route:
>Alain or Cynthia beats Leon in round 1
>Finals is Ash VS Cynthia (a fanfiction classic) or Ash VS Alain finals.

OR you go:
>Ash VS Tobias
>Ash VS Alain
>Ash VS Cynthia/Leon
>Gamer expositions
I like Gamer fic, yet I find these annoying.
There's no problem with a generic concept if the execution is good. Do you think the anime M8 would have been better had they replaced Alain with Tobias or Diantha with I don't know Brandon?
No. Tobias would still have been made to massively job to Leon and so would have Brandon.
Shit writing killed the PWC and the M8, not the concept being "generic".

If you're gonna rewrite go all out on it. Full fanservice depending on your mood and likes. Twist the fuck out of it.

>No faggy one gimmick per rule if you can do it you can use it
>Steven vs Alan and have Alan pull the upset and to show he surpassed him since Steven was kind of Alan's mentor back then
>Diantha didn't even make it she was too busy shooting movies and is instead the announcer alongside I don't know Malva and they bitch out at one another all the time for funny
>>Cynthia vs Leon and have Cynthia pull the upset completely subverting the status quo from the get-go and making Ash conflicted since Leon was "his goal" all along and maybe make him realize how much of a faggot he's being for only focusing on Leon when all the other Champions are there and not giving his other Pokemon a chance
>Make Leon pull Mega Charizard Y after he mememaxed the gorilla because he was being pushed that badly by Cynthia it seemed like he needed it then and there to not lose except surprise motherfucker I actually had a different ace
>Cynthia pulls out a Kommonium Z because Alola is full of history nerdery she'd love and would be a place she'd visit for that alone and have her all have three gimmicks too because fuck you and for maximum Cynthiawank and because why the fuck give her a Kommo-o if not let her use it here
No idea about Lance, Iris or who'd replace Diantha I thought this on the fly and cannot think of something half-meaningful or good theme-wise for them.
I'd rather fuck around with some AU that write journey trash or tournament arcs, I know Reset Bloodlines has been kicked a lot here but its eternal tournament arc killed that story even more than all the OC shill and politics
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Nardobros, what's the deal with the aliens in Boruto and can we make a crossover work with them being the ones Arceus defeated?
nta but if you're doing a fixfic of the Masters 8 why would you even include Ash or Alain to begin with? Neither of them deserve to be there.
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I'm sorry to bother you guys with this but did Nutrition man take down a chapter or something? I swear I remember in one of the latest chapters his Ninetales turned human after using his megastone and didn't bother finishing the chapter when I got to that part.
April Fools sidestory.
Why do Naruto fans go through the self flagellation ritual that is acknowledging Boruto's existence?
You should value yourself more anon.
being a naruto fan in the first place means you probably wouldn't have particularly strict standards.
Damn it. You've got me wanting to write a fic that somehow includes every single cliche on this chart.
Because Ash is the protagonist of the anime and the reason (out of universe) that the thing exists in the first place.
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Coming straight off of Borne of Caution/Desire and figured this thread was a good place for more recommendations. I looked through past threads first and saw they were pretty divisive stories but I'm not really looking to argue about them. Are there any similar fics you guys have read that'll get me through the hiatus?
Doesn't have to be isekai or some shit, I'm just looking for OC trainers closely bonding with their Pokemon where the story is also passably written.


Fic set in Galar, follows a completely green Unova-born trainer taking on the circuit alongside Gloria and Hop after being 'surprise sponsored' by Leon. Close focus on him (trying) to train his pokemon with his starter deino being more like a pet dog than a battler. Actually a fairly enjoyable fic.


Pokewild is an absolute slog of a read, with the pace of a disabled, limbless, slowpoke. However, if you want a fuck ton of words focused on one OC trainer autisticlly training his pidgey and toiling away in the dirt to provide it with proper nutrition, this is the fic for you.


Main character is a female marine in the USMC (logistics). Make of that what you will. One of those 'I have the rare condition that allows me to communicate with pokemon' characters. Based on a nuzlock run, heavy focus on team interaction and growth.

There's three off the tip of my head, there's been these and a few more fics recommended occasionally in past threads already.
>Searching Far and Wide
Has the same "I just vibe with pokemon" and "I'm a sissy about battling but my pokemon want to fight so I do it for them" thing going on.
How do I vibe with my Pokémon?
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For me it's when they include the instant dungeons and the plot is completely paused while the MC goes into a time bubble to grind against generic goblins and slimes for several chapters.
Sexfags, what's the lore behind Sygma Suits? Like, do they make you stronger or what?
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According to Brock and Cynthia, they're supposed to make their users connect with their Pokémon more easily. But you look at this and tell me if that makes any sense.
There's Bro, Do You Even Lift? and When is a Spoon a Sword?
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Lol, fucking auralets
What is generally thought about "creative and out of the box strategies" for battling?
The kind of thing the anime, specially so in latter years, tried to push as "Ash signature style".
Good? Bad? Cringe?
What's the line between actual creativity like Counter Shield or a Thunder Armor-tier asspull?
Should it be something only the MC can do? Should everyone be able to do it? Or should no one do it at all and battles should be simple and clean?
>Should everyone be able to do it?
Just so you know Reset Bloodlines author did that and we all know how that ended, why do you think nutrition man is so powerful? Because he's surrounded by idiots that don't know Even a fraction of what he does even though they're natives
Bad and cringe. Unless the MC is from another world they shouldn't be thinking of things the natives haven't, and even then the things the MC thinks of better be something that truly requires the perspective their other world gave them(such as knowing about species/moves that haven't been discovered yet).
The PLA MC is a good example. They come from a world where humans and pokemon shared beds and did everything together, so them shocking Team Galactic by treating Pokemon as good friends is understandable. However, if they were to shock Team Galactic by coming up with human-based CQC then it'd be all flavors of wrong and cringe since there's no reason to believe that a child from a peaceful future would know better than an adult like Kamado who literally fist fights with pokemon for survival.
>actual creativity like Counter Shield
Counter Shield isn't creative. Think about it and you'll realize how stupid it is and how it makes no sense that nobody else thought of it first.
>Unless the MC is from another world they shouldn't be thinking of things the natives haven't
By that logic humanity shouldn't have ever discovered anything.
There will always be people who think rigidly and there will always be people trying to push things. People discover and come-up with random shit all the time and have done so for thousands and thousands of years and those discoveries create even bigger ones later on.
Depends on execution, and no, the MC should never be the only one capable of such strategies.
Just don't overdo it.
>By that logic humanity shouldn't have ever discovered anything.
No, by that logic a single 10 native year old shouldn't be revolutionizing the world unless they're a miracle savant. You have to justify WHY your MC was the only person to think of these things, and there really is no justification for anything more than an instance or two of them stumbling upon something by pure chance.
Okay bro.
Einstein wasn't the one to "discover" gravity, nor was he 10 years old when he did it.
>Einstein wasn't the one to "discover" gravity,
Way to miss the point, Einstein.
>nor was he 10 years old when he did it.
And 10 years old shouldn't logically be the protagonists in the franchise about magical murderbeasts but here we are.
>coming up with human-based CQC then it'd be all flavors of wrong and cringe since there's no reason to believe that a child from a peaceful future would know better than an adult like Kamado who literally fist fights with pokemon for survival.
Combat sports are popular?
Rumors about the evil teams?
I see I've touched a nerve. There's no point in continuing this then. If you want your MC to be the only person to think of using type matchups to his advantage and defeat Cynthia with it then more power to you I guess.
Depends on the sport. Most of them are for show and have a lot of rules against seriously harming your opponent. But if you're talking about illegal underground fighting rings, yeah one of them would probably be able to kick Kamado's ass so badly that he'd be blind for the rest of his life.
But how would rumors about evil teams help?
>lol u mad bro???
I accept your concession.
> If you want your MC to be the only person to think of using type matchups to his advantage and defeat Cynthia with it then more power to you I guess.
Couldn't have picked a worse example for your sad strawman lmao.
>how would rumors about evil teams help?
>Shit, some retards are going around stealing Pokémon and harassing people, I should learn to defend myself just in case.
>Damn! There's this fighting type gym leader fighting criminals on-screen, that's so cool maybe I can be like that!
Have you learned to defend yourself? We have "evil teams" too. We have crack addicts and escaped gorillas that could break into your house at any moment.
I do know a bit but my country is almost bong levels of cucked so yeah, víctima have rights while criminals fucking privileges.

Why are you seething tho?
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>couldn't even be assed to look up gravity on Wikipedia before making a claim
>somehow still feels entitled to talk down others over Pokémon fanfics and go "le fallacy"
I really have to ask myself why people keep doing this. I swear Your Logical Fallacy ruined the brains of way too many people.
Nativebitches are so dumb they can't even combine moves lmaoooooo
>could not cultivate dual techniques
>had eyes yet could not see Fairy Types
>mushrooms in a decaying log feasting on rotting carcasses, unaware of nature's bounty of nutrition that lies beyond
>use paper against scissors
>think themselves great when relying on grandpa's dragon clan
>do not understand the dao of aura
I would shit all over them and they'd be lapping up my excrement like ravenous pigs eager to make claim to even a shred of my grand existence.
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Alright, let's end the thread in a funny way, shall we?

What is the worst thing you've ever done when writing your fics, anons?
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What's the common interpretation of what Ghost types entails?
Everyone that has ever died becomes one?
Just those with regrets?
Specifically Pokemon/Humans?
They are actually just weird mon and not at all related to the death of anybody?

In some fics i read they are treated as this super duper scary type that no one even likes training but i dislike that idea after realizing my own personal favorites are Ghosts
My first fic is a shameless Eeveelution SI that I still write to this day and that I will never, ever publish. I'm not sure which of these two things is worse.
I thought I had it saved but can't find it,
but the meme about imagining an AMV starring your OC in your head whenever you listen to a cool song is how I come up with half of my major plotpoints
Ever played Final Fantasy Type-0? Yeah, one of my stories went that way and it got so edgy I deleted the draft
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I think the most common is that they're just pokemon that appeared one day and they're a bit more mischievous than others. Sometimes they're associated with the death of pokemon or in rarer cases humans, but that seems to be the exception rather than the norm.
As for how they engage with their humans, I think the most common theme I see with them is that they tend to be possessive of their trainer, pun intended, and can sometimes go overboard with it which is a bit much for some people. The anime has touched on this several times, like the ghosts in the tower that murdered Ash and didn't want his ghost to leave them, or webmrelated where some fuckhead ditched his gengar to chase after women.
that webm is too sad
I took recoil damage reading this because I do that and no one is supposed to know. You need to find that meme for our sake.
>Real ghost is reborn as ghost pokemon
>Enough ghost aura is concentrated in an object/place and a ghost pokemon pops into existence.
Both are canon btw
>Humans are actually a legendary pokemon, a female human-like pokemon went through a special evolution and evolved into a human
>That female human fucks male human-like pokemon and births more humans
>Humans spread
>For the past several thousand years humans have been going through a collective schizo episode where they only talk to each other and forgot how to talk with other pokemon.
Reminder that that dude was objectively right on throwing Gengar away since his life massively improved when he appeared again in the present.
Furthermore, Gengar was the jobmon of shitneys team until it got mememax when the jobmon started to be Dragonite so the dude was double justified on dropping it.

>B-But Ash made it Champion Level!
Irrelevant shit writing just like all of the shitneys team. Based on the information the dude had at the moment of making that choice he made the right choice.
Hmm, i think pokemon at least narratively should never encourage mistreating them but the anime does it a lot without thinking too deeply about it so i guess u rite
The le heckin' abandoned pokemonerino but is waiting for the ownerino subplot the anime loves to whore around is so fucking awful and trite.
Holy the only bad thing the dude did was misguide the Gengar. Release it properly and call it day, but well, it's not the trAshanime without turning people into comically evil strawmen so that trAsh can look good.
>Gengar spent months if not years living alone in an institute being mostly a pest for those working there, literally no different than leaving a dog on a random house
>"his life massively improved"
If you're gonna shit on the anime, at least find a real broken aesop, instead of screeching like a retard.
It's kinda cute how this guy always appear to shit on the anime or Ash when the discussion isn't even anime related beyond a few concepts
Gengar's suffering doesn't factor into the other guy's life improving or not.
The moral of that story was that abandoning your Gengar will make you happy.
So like
How intelligent are pokemon actually? The anime really loves to mix it up. Gengar here is clearly an animal. But aren't they supposed to be baseline human, with some species being far higher?
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>The moral of that story was
The only moral is that you shouldn't look up to random nameless COTDs from an anime or you'll wind up brain-damaged.

>"durr Ashf-"
I look up to real people.
Around human level, give or take depending on the species and individual.
Varies wildly, but they tend to be very unwise.

They're doggies who can comprehend whatever order you give them, but probably won't spend any time thinking about that order. Tell your Gengar to sit and stay and it could take years before they start questioning what's up.
I'm not the one who wrote that COTD it was the brain-damaged anime team.
The guy benefitted from abandoning his Gengar and that doesn't change whether or not you're an ashfag.
Thread, promise me you won't stay dead for weeks next time.
Don't worry. We'll make a new thread immediately, but everyone will have had their fill from this one so it won't get enough interaction to survive more than a couple days. Then we'll all interpret that as meaning that we should wait several weeks before making the next one, even though most of us are checking the catalogue daily to see if a new thread is up after a week.
If you're a good enough writer to sell your protagonist inventing ideas that feel creative to the reader, and you're a good enough writer to sell the antagonists and/or supporting cast also being creative in ways that the reader is willing to believe, and you protagonist wins or loses based on the genuine merit of their creative strategies versus their opponents' creative strategies without it just looking like someone is holding the idiot ball, then it's fucking kino.

That was a lot of "if." In practice, no one who write this well is doing fan fiction. Hell most professional writers can't even do this. Instead we get things like "I'll have the legendary grandmaster SAY that my hero is creative and brilliant while everyone else flails like an idiot and doesn't even try, that way my hero will seem creative!"
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OP here, I didn't know there was such demand.


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