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Put The Banette Back In The Bin Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>56151495

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
What killed the hype?
new cards return charizard to the top in a format that has already been solved by the japanese for over a month now
>in a format that has already been solved by the japanese
>looks at Dragapult
they're definitely retarded when it comes to new archtypes but only that dark box gets released and people even in the west are convinced it's pretty mid
Recently started playing PTCGL. How often do sets rotate and does it always happen on a certain date? I assume the next one rotates out the remaining sword/shield sets.

once a year, currently every spring, indicated by the letter on the bottom of the card with F being rotated next
>bust my ass every game with gardevoir squeaking out tough wins left and right
>switch to dialga
>turn my brain off and win a similar number of games
Why no Crispin here. Would help setup before you have energies in the discard for Gigas to accelerate
You'll need tons of draw on the early game to setup Regis not worth wasted support for just 2 energy
What are you using to lay out the cards like this? I know I can write a list and just shoop it but it's hard to visualise and quickly switch cards in and out that way.
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I'm tired of Arven decks. What's a good deck that doesn't care if it goes first or second and doesn't rely on a Supporter to function (Sada, Colress, etc)?
That's an image from pokecabook. You can use Limitless' image generator to make a similar one, but you'd still need a list
Literally every deck plays supporters, I don't know what to tell you
You can tell me that you didn't read the post.
If you want your deck to be efficient then you will rely on supporters. Even Zard needs Arven to fetch Rare Candy. Best thing I can give you is Miraidon because it has built in draw (of 1 card a turn) with Raikou so good luck on handicapping yourself with not being able to Electric Generator turn 1.
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it is not looking correctly
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I want to visit those ruins they remind me of a Zelda II dungeon
I haven’t been up to the TCG since the release of Sun and Moon. Can someone explain why are there so many secret cards now?
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My gf and I want to jump into PTCG by attending local leagues. Is simply grabbing Miraidon and Gardevoir League Battle Decks and playing them out-of-the-box an awful idea? How long we can expect them to stay legal anyway?
Seconding this. Haven't been following the TCG much for at least a decade, maybe two decades.
Why so many kinds of rarities? When did this increase start?
Why do so many illustrations of the higher rarity cards outside of illustration rares look worse than the regular version? Is it for the holofoil?
Gardevoir is a much better deck and is legal until around 8 months or so (Kirlia rotates next year). You would want better attackers for Miraidon, Regieleki VMax isn't great.
miraidon needs like $30-40 worth of cards to be competitive on top of that deck, gardevoir probably needs around $10 worth of improvements

neither are going to win you many games right out of the box
from what I gather there are a bunch more illustration rare that used to be trainer galleries that used to be alt arts or whatever. Instead of having different numbering for these they just made them all secrets
>SUM- added rainbow GX cards (3 versions total)
>TEU- added a 2nd full art for tag teams (4 versions total)
>SSH- added rainbow trainer cards (3 versions total). V pokemon back to one additional full art (2 versions total), VMax have one additional rainbow variant (2 versions total)
>BST- re-add additional full art variant for V/VMax (3 versions total)
>BRS - add trainer gallery subset, alt arts of previous sets cards
>SVI - no more subset, illustration rares and special illustration rares are cards from that set
From SUM, there's one rarity removed (rare) and two rarities added (illustration rare, special illustration rare)
Hyper/Secret Rare, Double Rare, and Ultra Rare are rarities that have existed since BW
Because collectors are still buying up boxes like crazy so each set needs as many secrets as possible to keep them busy.
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How to improve in terms of consistency.

Note that I do not have Rotom V and can't seem to get it.
Remove the tools and add puffins will make the early game and setup easily.
Come on you know what I meant. Twilight Masquerade has got 59 cards that go above the number 167. That’s 1/4th of the cards of the set that are secret. It’s ridiculous.
Compare this to the XY or BW sets where you only had 2-4 secret cards.
Having so many of them kills the «uniqueness» of those secret cards and the feeling of finding something that wasn’t supposed to be included in the set. As if you literally found a secret.
-1 Pidgeotto
-1 Nest Ball
-1 TM Evo
-1 Luminous Energy
-1 Legacy Energy
+3 Buddy Poffin
+1 Arven
+1 Neo Upper Energy
You want to see Poffin more than Nest Ball. You can also cut the Mew ex and the Switch for Rotom V and Forest Seal Stone if you can get them.
Oh I see.

I've found Mew quite useful, though I guess I can cut it if I get Rotom.

Also why Rotom V in particular? All the decklists I see include it but Idk why.
Pidgeot decks are slow and the draw 3 from Rotom is big early game. You want to try to get it down turn 1 every time, it gives you extra cards to work with and helps find the pieces you need to get your evolutions set up. It's also usually the only thing in the deck that can use Forest Seal Stone.
A lot of your first turns going second will be
>Arven for Nest Ball and Forest Seal Stone
>Nest Ball for Rotom
>Attach and use Stone for Buddy Poffin
>get whatever babies you're missing
>end your turn with Instant Charge for 3 extra cards
and hope you have enough in hand to get Pidgeot up next turn.
This hability is glitched on Live.
How can i reach the developers to let them know and hopefully fix it.
Try this
Thank you mate.
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I believe any card that is not the base rarity or artwork should be a secret, and they should not be listed in the ETB's booklets. It's just a prettier print of the same card that does the same, so why should it count in the set numbering?
I do miss real secret cards that were actually different pokes with different attacks, but I understand if it becomes a meta card then what's the point of having it be a secret
Ho-oh V's consort
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To mimic a fraction of my power
>Caps at 320 damage if the opponent chooses to only use 5 bench spaces
Zard chads stay winning.
>digimon has a tcg fan client before us
because they don't get their stuff taken down
live is fine as a platform to play online anyway, people doom it too much.
Area zero underdepths for bigger benches. Palkia would be top tier if the crucial damage threshold to reach was still 280.
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Yeah... we REALLY need some more ability locking in format.
It's honestly a bit ridiculous how consistent everything is, as there's nothing to punish it anymore
Hex Maniac reprint doko
>because they don't get their stuff taken down
Showdown hasn’t been hit
>live is fine as a platform to play online anyway, people doom it too much.
Oh so you’re an apologist for TPCi. Gotcha
Anyone here plays gym leader format? Anyone interested in playing it?
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what's with this glasses and hat look? a few guys in my lgs wear the same look, I can't help but think of this meme when I see them
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A greedy flute or 2 would work for this. Good grab off noctowl
>Turn 2 noctowl for cologne+prime catcher
That's pretty scary if you can consistently pull together all the pieces.
acknowledging this excellent work
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believe it or not, the fan client has existed for a good while now

I don't have Neo Upper Energy.
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Anyone else going through a deck crisis right now? I have a few that I like or think are just okay, but not one I really love and want to focus on. What has everyone been playing lately?
Get one, they're $2. It's pretty important in Dragapult/Pidgeot.
I got one irl, I just need one in TCG Live.

Until I do get one, what's a good substitute?
There isn't one. Just craft one in Live
I can craft one? How?
I thought you could only craft cards you already had
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The only way you can craft a card is if you don't have it. Type in what you and and click exchange.
There's no trading in Live. You can craft anything you want as long as you have the blue currency for it.
I can't seem to "type" in anything. Where do I do the typing?

Mobile version btw.
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Where you search for cards in the deck builder.

Had no idea you could do that.
Well this is the deck now.
>Had no idea you could do that.
That's why I really think live is good. You can just get any card you want for free pretty much, it's such a contrast to irl and ptcgo where popularity/competitiveness could skyrocket certain cards
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After pulling a physical copy I'm having a go at making Magcargo ex work on live. It does struggle with some consistency but it's fun when it works.
ive just been playing meowscara because i think it is fun, but ive only started playing recently since having not played since my gen1 days
found my old collection at my parents house.
this is probably my most valuable card, i have a good bunch of skyridge.

not one single 'zard, though i have the secret rare charmander and charmeleon from ex dragon. already irked me when i was a child.
I love you I love Ho-oh I love your card but >>56180146
I'm playing a Future-themed deck with Iron Valiant as the main attacker, but other options such as Iron Hands for the extra prize, Iron Thorns to cancel decks that heavily rely on ex-Abilities, and even a TEF Miraidon ex to snipe something (while it bypasses stuff like Cornerstone Ogerpon).

I'm having a blast. It is fast to set up, quite consistent, and it doesn't always win but it's almost always a guaranteed 2/3 KOs even if you lose.

I hope we get more "Future" support in other sets, because right now there's nothing else in Stellar Crown or the August release, apart from the useless Iron Boulder single prizer (sadly).
oops sorry
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What's a decent rogue/budget deck for me to play in order to get back into the game? I have ~18k credits, ~1.5k crystals and a couple of unused code cards lying around. Couldn't find anything in OP, just looking for something basic to netdeck
Between cards from the free decks and 18k credits you could just make any meta deck, doesn't need to be rogue/budget. Probably not all the fancy FAs and such, but definitely the core deck. Maybe even 2-3 decks since they share a lot of core cards
Yeah, figured I'd not go all in on a meta deck until I've seen what decks people are playing first though.
>rogue/budget deck
No such thing in this format.
Pick your infinite energy engine and pray.
festival deck
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>Trumpet Chien-Pao deck
Really inefficient as an attacker unless the deck plays 3 of them as the optimal starter.
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>Waterpon+ace spec+dte
Cute tech. I wonder how often that is relevant.
Although people have said that the snipe fails if the card doesn't have 3 energy attached.
have fun ohkoing zards
Attack specifies that you shuffle three energy into the deck, and since you dont have three energy attached, you cant legally use the snipe option.
>I wonder how often that is relevant.
It's pretty dominating right now. Turn 1 80 and 100 snipe shuts down a lot of decks unless they can get 3 of their basics turn 1 without a supporter. With arven pulling off the wellspring combo is fairly easy provided you don't prize the ace spec
What is the appeal in going max rarirty for your deck?
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What are you a poorfag? Cant afford gold cards or artist illustrations? Look at this guy
Tested on live, it allows it even though it shouldn't. Would have posted sooner but my apartment building caught fire (not live's fault).
It's just a status symbol. Alt arts are one thing, but making everything gold that can be is just to say "my cards are more expensive than yours"
the only justification I can give to gold cards are items, they're the only full art variant of them
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From the japanese FAQ
The english translation is wrong
They should bring back alt art items and other unique trainers. I liked those promo Marnies with her signature on them more than any of the full arts because they felt special, Cosmos holo was pretty rare at the time before we got the Play packs.
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forgot image.

Thanks god that Manaphy and DTE will rotate out at the same times
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Post yfw EX Holon Returns
Yes this is purely fanfic and wishful thinking.
Refresh my memory; when they first came out, Supporters USED to stay on the board until the end of your turn, right?
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Did this make any mechanical difference?
I still do that
back then, probably not. today, ancient supporters wouldnt hit the grave for the turn
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Post cards that would be OP if reprinted in the current format.

▩ is a W
▣ is a D
(anti scraping measure)

Good luck anons
captcha: GAY48
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Done bottom 3, thanks anon
DTE I can see being reprinted. I'd love for the OG double colorless back instead though
Manaphy I'm unsure of, we do have rabsca, and tera are immune to bench damage too. They might not reprint it so soon as an effort to promote tera mons having a niche against spread damage
>OG double colorless bac
Never happening. They want to make more variations of it, just like Rainbow Energy and its variations.
They need to wait until lugia vstar rotates to make good special energies
I mean rainbow variants are just ways to try stop lugia abusing the hell out of them again. I cannot wait for that shit to rotate so we can get good special energy again
The only thing that actually uses DTE nowadays is iron hands sometimes. And control who doesnt care about the damage aspect. Bringing back the old one honestly wouldn't change much. Meowscarada and tinkaton aren't going to suddenly become meta upon gaining +20 damage
DTE but not for rule pokemon
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Been there, done that.
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forgot pic
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>Arven for Battle Compressor and Bravery Charm
DTE for evolutions only would work. Give it an additional benefit too if you want to help them out
>Iron hands can't abuse it
>Terapagos can't
>Ogerpon can't
>Control can't
>Evos like greninja, meow, tink, blissey, alakazam can
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Is it worth getting a ancient box deck? I have no fucking idea how the rotation in pokemon tcg works i just a want a cheap deck that i can go to tournaments with for atleast a year before i have to buy new cards and shit.
Yea it’ll probably be fine until roaring moon rotates but losing Greninja next spring will probably hurt it a lot. Still the deck is like $15 so who cares.
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I now remember when I looked up deck prices for other games like yugioh and damn it was absurd compared to pokemon, almost $1000
no wonder master duel is so popular
Yugioh mass reprints everything so everything competitive ends up super cheap. Pokemon rarely reprint shit so if cards end up meta like forest seal stone the supply is severely limited
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Usually when it's close to a Challenge or a Cup. I have 4 decks built rn, torb pult, LB, bax, and lax. Had to play torb and lax for awhile, but my prime catcher finally came and switched to bax. My local store had 2 cards for LB, and I bought those. Played LB at a smaller local Challenge and finished 2nd (they think dipplin is good). So I'm not sure if I should run LB back again, or play bax, the deck I lost to.
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Could this make for a worthwhile mill deck or is it too slow?
Unless you can find a way to accelerate at least 3 fighting energies a turn, it's too slow. And it being a stage 1 means it's even harder to setup. Better off playing Great Tusk
>Dangerous Laser
>Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Burned and Confused.
Is this any good? Unless you have a way to pull items out of your discard pile it seems way too situational to take up your acespec slot, especially with how many ways there are to cure or ignore status conditions.
It is by far the worst ace spec ever printed.
But why? Shit Pokémon and normal Trainer cards I understand, you want to have set fillers and cards for casuals to use, but ace specs are rare chase cards and have an implicit limit to how you can use them in a deck.
i don't get why pecharunt doesn't do this (swapping burn for poison of course)
god I'd be so erect if the gen 3 golden age returned
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They're literally printing a dozen Ace Specs a set, they don't care if several of them are shit as long as they can look pink and sparkly.
Also potential to be better in next sets blabla but it's doubtful if you can do basically the same thing with a normal item card.
Damn, something like that would be good for Walking Wake ex. Just a cheap poison without having to rely on Brute Bonnet.
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It was a different time. When poison was properly used as a way to chip damage instead of enabling big hitters.
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Is there a decent fire acceleration outside of Magma Basin for a non-ancient mon? I'm trying to clear out the stadium space so I can use Night Academy but then I'm stuck attaching energy one at a time.
tm turbo energize
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Your choices are charizard/klinklang (3 from deck), charizard(doubles basic fire), or infernape (attaches fire+fighting from hand).
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>mfw I get absurdly lucky but chalk it up to a skill diff
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>get lucky and draw the right card after being screwed all game
>mfw my opponent concedes just before I win
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Some of the new ace specs have been really weird. This is just as bad really

Dangerous laser as a normal card would've been sorta balanced if they added on a coinflip for the confusion part. Burn doesn't have as many modifiers like poison and confusion is much weaker than sleep >>56211091
God I forgot about this one, what utter wank.
Might be news tomorrow on what the battlepass decks will be
Are we likely to get a mini battlepass as the next expansion is only a month after this one?
>I block is supposed to be the return of Mega Pokemon
>Get tag teams instead
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What's the point of this card?
120+paralyze is good math against 300+ hp stage 2s. Not great when that miraidon deck has zero hand disruption.
Still inconsistent.

Can never get my early combos because Rotom is almost always a Prize and/or no Arven, Ultra Ball or Nest Ball in hand.
I think Megas could still happen. It's a little early and probably won't be until PLZA.
I thought that ZA was coming out in January like Arceus did, so that it would get representation in the second tcg set of I block. I didn't realize there was still no release date set for ZA.
Yeah I think it'll be out this time next year.
It's still 6 weeks till stellar, so it'll be a bit shorter but they can run one for shrouded fable. Maybe they'll buff the exp for it to help
I could see it being megas+trainers. Like wally's mega galladee.
This also lets them bypass the new ruling for ex being evolutions. So they CAN have stage 1/2 pokemon as "big basic" ex again as they're classified under trainer versions
New card when
Wah couldn't you put the Banette back in the bin?
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Image of what you'll get from them
>3rd fucking charizard battlepass
>Despite it being one of the free decks already
If you aren't playing a Stage-2 deck with Pidgeot ex (charizard ex, gardevoir ex, or dragapult ex), you might as well not even bother playing unless your goal is to boost such players.

Stage-2 are insanely OP, I'm sick of it desu.
What's a fun, festival lead tier, deck to play?
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Seriously, who looks at this and thinks this is a fair and balanced ability. 100% would have been acceptable if it was tied to a coin toss. Then people would have to waste a little deck space to get a couple of them on the bench to get a better consistency procing the ability. Or let them grab a card, put another on top of their deck, but then end their turn if they use the ability. It is so insane that this ability was printed.
>Stage-2 are insanely OP

The only broken ones are charizard and gardevoir because they can cheat out energy negating one of stage 2's issues.
Dragapult fell off the fucking map because it suffers from the issues other stage 2s have, is getting multiple energy on consistently. Regidrago does dragapults job better especially since kyurem
Once rotom+forest seal stone rotate you wont think that. It's arven being able to guarantee chain it all from any set up that makes it seem op. Pidgeot is useless in decks without other stage 2s, and the only worthwhile ones are charizard and gardy, gardy doesn't want pidgeot either.

Surely your deck can do 280 damage and just knock it out???
>would have been acceptable if it was tied to a coin toss
So you want to make the card complete shit just because you lost to a deck playing it?
I can moderately easily, but even if I set up appropriately to do so, they get an extra turn to prepare their other OP stage 2s. That's if I even have time to boss the Pidgeot before they fuck my boardstate with the card they tutored along with FSS tutor.

Yeah, FSS + QS is fucking jaw dropping to watch in the same turn.

Yeah, Gardy and Zard are definitely the more egregious ones, but Pidg+Dragapult also make it trivial to attach Neo Upper and start grabbing the basics for the next one while the first fucks your board state as well.
It's overpowered as fuck to the point you might as well not play if you don't run it in your deck. I don't know exactly how to make QS acceptable, but it's absolutely insane right up there with how insane Charizard ex's ability is.
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Newfag, it used to be on a single prizer and it was fine back then too.
>It's overpowered as fuck to the point you might as well not play if you don't run it in your deck.
It's a consistency card that inconsistent decks run to make them run more smoothly. There are plenty of meta decks right now that don't run Pidgeot because they don't need it. If it were as broken as you're claiming, every deck would play it. Get your hysterics under control.
Wow, that's fucking crazy. I stick by it being overpowered, though. How can that card have comparable liability just having a little less HP to other Stage 2 ex cards like Meowscarada, Incinerate, Blastoise, Venusaur, Tyranitar...
I wanna build a deck that mashes Ancients and Futures together
I've seen Dragapult run perfectly well without it and I don't think that's classified as meta.
Xatu dragapult should end up a lot better with the new tera tool. It's a lot easier to search out in that deck with arven compare to neo upper.
What tera tool?
This one, it reduces the cost of any tera pokemon attack by 1 (of any type) energy. If you got fire on dragapult it fills the psychic requirement, if you got psychic it fills the fire
The fact it can be searched out easily with arven makes it so much easier than neo upper
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Ability: Driven Evolution
If this Pokémon is in the Active Spot, it can evolve during your first turn or on the turn it was put into play.

A good eevee?? Is it time for eeveelution box?
can't wait for summer to be over

my cards are pringling like crazy
Emang ada eeveelution yang bagus? They're all mediocre desu
Sylveons alright but we're still due the upcoming stellar festival set which is featuring the eeveelutions. Having a good eevee like this gives that set more potential
They'll be tera pokemon too so having 1 out means you can glass trumpet energy onto your eevees before putting them into the active and insta evolving
Combo with resonant eevee maybe?
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Tera Orb (Item)
Search your deck for a Tera Pokémon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
We're so back Zardtards
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Cherish Carrier
(Item - ACE SPEC)
Search your deck for any number of Basic Pokémon and put them onto your Bench. Then shuffle your deck.
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Perfect Mixer
(Item - ACE SPEC)
Search your deck for up to 5 cards and discard them. Then shuffle your deck.
It's so OP that they reprinted it as an ACE SPEC kek
VIP is back (somehow)

what deck in the standard should benefit from this the most?
Lugia, duh
Regidrago and Gardy, too
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Ability: Sparkly Bubbles
If you have a Tera Pokémon in play, this Pokémon's Double Edge attack can be used for 1 Psychic Energy.
PPPP - Double Edge 230
This Pokémon does 50 damage to itself.
So this is the reason why Terapagos can't attack on the first turn. You can easily fill your bench with 8 mons turn 1 now. Stadium removal is gonna be very necessary
>Stadium removal is gonna be very necessary
Then terapagos could include the purple rat that has a higher damage output >>56219137
oh god oh fuck
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How do they managed to print shit like this when they also print >>56219103 >>56219108 wtf
Anon that rat is most definitely blue
Creatures inc. is retarded at card balancing, next question
Paldea was really the time to do it. Terastal is just Delta Species but main series friendly.
>Pikablue is a better attacker than terapagos the DLC build around legendary of it's own set
kek. That really is solid though. There's some 70 HP marils in the format too
That can be quite powerful in primarily Normal type decks. I might throw this into my Terapagos ex deck when I make it.
>what deck in the standard should benefit from this the most?
Braixen or Kofu are the decks that desperately needed an ace spec like this
I was thinking Ancient box
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>Battle compressor
He is going out in a blaze of glory before rotating
Dragapult chads rise up
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Pidgeot Ball is already a dud, why would they include Zard Ball?
Is this the highest damage on a non-Rule Box Stage 1 we've gotten so far? Not counting mons that put damage counters until there's 10 HP left like Raticate.
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>Give your Ceruledge's +100 damage for the rest of the game
What the actual fuck is that!?!
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230 for 1 is the most efficient stage 1 attacker. Kofu's Crab does 250 >>56219181
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You can set up a ho-oh for that sweet 220 damage on turn 2.
You can attach another energy on turn 2 for 250. Or even 280 with Crispin.
Ah right almost forgot about the new snow crab
RIP Fairy Type
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A turn 1 full underdepths regi board would be cool. Probably not very realistic if you have to arven for the carrier and naturally have underdepths and an extra ball search in hand.
Shame worlds is shrouded fable, regidrago must've honestly won.
1. Why does that happen?
2. Can it be prevented?
3. Is it permanent?
>on the ropes and out of options
>draw Secret Box
no better feeling
Arbok at home
Ho-ncie is back!
Why did they stop printing Fairy? Was there ever a press release about it?
Part of an attempt to simplify type match-ups at the start of gen 8. That's why no water types are weak to grass anymore. And flying secondary type pokemon are (almost) never weak to lightning.
There supposedly should be a press about it on the official site, but I can't find it. So take this one
1. Fairy was not a well received type. A lot of fans dislike it
2. It counters dragons which is a fan favorite type, adding to the hatred of fairy existing and removing the "dragon types are strong with 2 energy type costs so no 2x weakness" thing they have going
3. There's not really enough mons for it since it can't share energy types with another type.
(Steel doesn't have many more than fairy but adds a proper weakness to ice(water) pokemon, since lightning/fighting wouldn't make sense to hit for weakness there) And that steel has just been around for ages it feels like a staple at this point
4. There's not really many dragon cards printed either, so having a type dedicated to countering them is even more niche than dragons themselves. It doesn't really have a use
This used to pull a decent win rate, but I'm getting fucked from all sides trying to get two wins in a row I need to get to Ultra League. I am pretty much fucked against any evolution deck and those are all I see anymore now that it's matching me with ladder point 500+ players. I'll win one match and lose 3 pretty consistently all of a sudden. My wins are pretty much all lucky donks. I need someone to provide me with an easy to pilot deck-list that can succeed pretty consistently in the current PTCGL meta of pidgeot-charizard, gardevoir, zardapult, etc. Please - I just want to get the 2 more ladder wins I need to lock in Ultra and move on.

This deck is pretty decent against big basics, but like I said, I'm fucked as soon as I see a buddy buddy poffin and a Rotom V hit the mat.
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It's the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer
Please someone let me copy your decklist!
Here's mine

bros wtf my Pikachu With a Grey Felt Hat deck is in shambles
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Remember the hype?
>get Forest and Battle Compressor back
>no one cares
>general constantly on page 8
Dead game.
What's the best Tera partner to activate Azumarill's ability? The only basic Teras that use Psychic energy is Mewtwo and Dedenne and both of them are meh. I guess Terapagos is the way? Or maybe something more utility-based like Fightingpon?
Terapagos, or Cornerstone with a Luminous Energy teched in.
Is there a way to get your own Pokémon to switch out immediately after you attack? The idea would be to attack with Toxicroak ex, then swap to the new Pecharunt to do 120 damage plus 120 poison, 160 if I can set up Perilous Jungle and Sneasler as well.
Only way to do that currently is if the attack says so. Like Golisopod ex, Regieleki V, or Lokix. I also wish there's a way to switch after attacking like you suggested, for I'm also a fellow poisonbro.

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