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LQ "screenshots" on real hardware edition

How's your dex and quest book coming along?

Previous Thread >>56158219
Is this the game with trans references?
Thanks for making the thread OP.
Get Escape Ropes
Get wins.
Simple as.
>Use Kyogre
>Die because of a fucking Sash Minior Shell Smash
>Never bought Whirlpool for this type of stuff
>Won the next run
>Didn't end before 2h30 (never found Sleep Talk so I had to lose two turns each time)
>Unlocked Iron Kaizo
Just kill me I don't want to use a dogshit random mon
Will I miss anything of note if I only play the version with vanilla emerald's mechanics? Besides the extra mons
I doubt it, they made it an option for a reason. If you wanna play vanilla just go for it amigo
you might be thinking of infinite fusion or whatever.
I heard the creator of this game is trans and there is a thinly veiled reference to HRT by calling it Herbal Remedy Tea to switch your Pokemon's sex.
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she's very attractive actually
she's ok for a woman, but they're almost always better looking when they were twinks imo
In my version (2.0.1a) I didn't see this reference
What are wild encounters based on? I swear I keep running into the same wild mon and the same 3 legendaries.
Yeah I wonder too, until I finished my first run I saw the same pool of pokemon every run.
The pokedex and the route type you entered.
>but I go to energetic route and there's no electric types
Wrong. There is at least one. And like >>56193331 said, there is only a pool of 400 pokemon before you win your first run.
Certified bumpy momentos
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>3 posts between bumps
You fought well but it's time to let go, big man.
>run is going well
>reach the 8th gym with only one death
>fight with Grusha is going well, even with Iron Bundle just switched out same turn as I did, into Corv
>Brings in Cetitan and Belly Drum's turn one
>Body Press does nothing to Cetitan, and I get clean 6-0, due to Slush Rush
>I lost the last run the same way

Just like that, huh? Cetitan in the snow is easily the scariest fucking Pokemon I've fought. Fear the Ice type gyms, anons.
Ice type as of gen 9 is not a joke. Baxcalibur, Chien Pao and Iron Bundle are all insane, and even Cetitan can meme its way to victory. Especially with perma snow making them insanely tanky
For sure. The last two runsI had the Champion had Flutter Mane, SD Chien Pao, Iron Bundle, Wo-Chien, and two others I didn't get to see before getting wiped.
Paldea is brutal.
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>save in safari area without catching a shiny gastly that spawned
>boot up the game again
>start encounter with shiny gastly since it's still there
>when the battle starts it turns into a beldum
>catch it anyway
For troon standards, he's not terrible.
Love it when mons spawn on the water
imagine if it didnt get dogshit moves from that exchange
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I have two pokemons return to level 1 after a stay in the daycare. I really don't want to train them up to lvl 100 again.
Yeah first stage movesets are almost always shit, maybe you could abuse that glitch to get random mons with sketch. Hypnomiss metagross sounds interesting at least
The Kanto challenge on hard is really fucking me in the ass.
Any tips?
Isn't that the johto route where they made it impossible to even get down there?
>that beldum sprite
Are you the vanilla emerald chad? How are you liking that version?
Bring a mewtwo :^)
>Doing Jhoto challenge
>Will has a Houndoom
This feels a little silly.

Gyarados/Tauros/Slowbro. These 3 destroy almost anything, Aerodactyl is also very good.
If you get past Surge then electric mons/electric moves are no longer a worry, but carrying a ground type is not a bad idea, I like Dugtrio.

Don't be scared of having 1 mon as the designated sac mon if you need a clean switch in.
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I don't care for Emerald Rogue
You can bring starters & daycare mons that aren't in the dex (make sure they're fully evolved). Dragons are pretty good against the Kanto gyms.
I am. It's the only version I've played so I can't say if it's better or worse, my reasoning for choosing vanilla was that I'm only familiar with Emerald's mechanics and a challenge like this seems more interesting with tighter power levels. The game itself gets many of the fun things about pokemon right and most runs don't really feel unfair, as a whole it feels like a perfected version of the battle pyramid, the side content is fun to mess around with, I loved decorating the overworld and my secret base even if the menus were clunky. How are you liking the normal version of the game?
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>Jhoto challenge
>My team got decimated by Lance with my only strong mon left being Skarmory
>Comes down to this, will Silver lead with a physical mon?
>Silver sends out Aerodactyl, looking good
>Aerodactyl uses stealth rock, I use stealth rock
>Aerodactyl uses Fire Blast
>Isn't that the johto route where they made it impossible to even get down there?
No that's 119. You're talking about 45.
>Catch Shiny Moltres
>Don't want it on my team for rival champion
>Know that it won't appear at the shrine if I leave it in daycare
>Release it instead
>Still doesn't appear in the shrine
Feels bad. Ending up stomping Champion Tierno with Zygarde so I could have let my Aegislash get deleted instead.
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>play normally
>legendaries appear at elite four stages, if at all
>decide to do the starter-only challenge
>legendary after the first gym
this fucking game just keeps tormenting me
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>tfw didn't build park west from daycare
OCDbros... it's over
Normal Dugtrio or the Steel type one?
>park in the very center
>daycare to the east
>base to south
>berries west of the base
>base north entrance is a post-victory road path with statues and flowers
>base west entrance is heavily wooded with a sign and tall grass
Vanilla Emerald is my favorite official pokemon game, so I was tempted. I'm just too much of a dexfag, and filling out the dex in ER is soooo satisfying. I love doing the quests, recatching my champion teams, doing the regional style challenges, shiny hunting, building my base was fun for a night, and I could keep going on about it. It's really the perfect pokemon game for me.
I've been chasing this Uxie for 50 levels now. I've never had a roamer refuse to get caught like this. It won't even fit on my team anymore
Finished the Jhoto challenge by lucking out and finding Lugia.
This mon kinda feels like cheating with how good it is.
>5 minutes into my first run ever
>Shiny Litwick
Well ok then if you insist
gee bill, how come your mom lets you have TWO ampharos?
At one point I had 4 lol
i'm pretty sure shinies were made like, 1000x less rare.
either that or i'm the luckiest man on earth, since i found two shinies on my first run.
So Shedinja is not obtainable outside of catching it in the wild, or?
Yeah, it's bugged. You can get one as your starter by doing true tactics on hard, though :^)
Lugia won me my first normal mode run. Multiscale + Calm Mind + Roost is crazy, I imagine in Johto mode where there's not a lot of good Dark types to worry about it's even better.
Yeah shinies are very common in this, already have 9 and i skip all the ones i don't like.
>Lapras gets Dragon Dance via TM
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>hit on every single rotation
>4 pokeblocks
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fucking auto-move challenge
>setups at complete random, especially when completely unnecessary
>not going for guaranteed kills, better risk it with a 1/4 effective move
>almost not using super-effective moves at all
>except when the move is grass-type against a sap-sipper mon, then it will use it 3 times in a row
>almost none of that shit happens for the opponents
>charms and curses, including this one, stay on during simulator battles, which I have painfully learned in practice
>really, really, really fucking annoying
Needless to say, it's not much worse than I expected it to be.
I'm also pretty sure the "opponents pick at random" part of it is bullshit. Either that or my RNG is just this fucked.
I've been DREADING this challenge. It doesn't seem even remotely fun. Maybe bringing less than four moves on some pokemon would be a good idea? Just spitballing
Definitely one of the last challenges I'll do.
Do you not have the print screen button
Oh yeah if oyu get a shiny Combee or Salandit and it's male the HRT can help you get it evolved which is nice
No one cares what their genitals look like if you can't see them.
On my DS lite? Hm.....no, I don't think so. I don't even have add-ons enabled on my flashcart
Can you use the Move Deleter in that mode? Seems like the only use case for it.
Pretty sure they mention somewhere that shiny rates are definitely improved, but wasn't expecting that to mean me finding one in the first zone in my first run ever.
Game feels too hard now. Even on the easiest difficulty the trainers just fucking slap hard with shit that is practically impossible for you to have without many attempts and good luck. It also feels weird that everything leading up to the gym battles is basically a cakewalk.
>Struggling on Easy
If you're unsure of any tactics beyond sticking 4 damage moves on a pokemon it's worth looking up sets on Smogon to get some idea of strong ways to use whatever mon you have.
Like "Smogon Weezing" into google is all you need.
You think 1.X was easier? It feels about the same to me. The only big increase in difficulty is the TM/TR system I think
Nta, but as someone who 100% the first game, this game is definitely harder. A normal first clear of the first game I could just slam super effective moves. The AI and movesets of trainers in this game feels much more competitive. The last 3 gym leaders and the entire elite 4 and some of the rival fights I was barely getting by the skin of my teeth with some tricky swapping around. A lot of fights made me heal even though I dont like healing normally in pokemon. Meanwhile I played with HC nuzlocke rules in 1.x occasionally and I just dont think that is possible in this version.

Some fat youtube guy also said he thinks this version is much harder to, and he had like 800 hours in the first

the ai is absolutely trying in this version, if they know that a weaker coverage move will still kill your pokemon, they will pick it instead of just the most effective move against whats currently out. It's slammed some of my switch ins

x def and x sp def are still too OP for the ai to handle though
I find the AI tends to love using swords dance whenever I switch. I wonder if they would have still used it if I stayed in to attack once.
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Since Pecharunt, Hisui Growlith and Hisui Zorua are bugged right now to not appear, I wonder if it would be possible to use a cheat to make them seen in the dex and then get them in egg form from the daycare?
I completed like 80% of the firts version and this one is definitely more hard.
Normal mode is ok, but hard mode is very hard because the mighty trainers have competitive movesets and terrain/weather advantage since gym 3 or something like that. And you have fuck all.
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This game uses vanilla mechanics right? Are there known bugs?

>Mimikyu Drain Punches a Mawile
>Sheer Force ability pop up shows for some reason
>Iron Head KOs it through Disguise

What the fuck happened

Iron head has a flinch chance, so sheer force working makes sense

It ko’ing thru disguise sounds like a jank interaction from the extra effects of iron head getting skipped. I actually have no idea if its vanilla jank (like sheer force skipping life orb recoil) or jank specific to this hack
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I think the battle simulation broke
Sleep Talk keeps using Rest. RIP Dondozo.
I swear to god the AI gets every dice roll their way.
They hit every Hurricane and Hydro Pump, they get all the Paralyze rolls, they hit every Dynamic Punch and they defrost and wake up at the first or second turn.
I once got paralized by Thunder 4 times in a row. And it was not raining.
I once got a run killed by a Extrasensory flinch. It's a fucking 10% chance.
Youngster Joey has been tampering with the machine
I lost a run to Misty's Starmie because it was holding a Brightpowder and I missed my Thunderbolt
while we're posting bs losses I'll repost mine from the other day as I'm still fuming. This was a really good run.
>Champion fight
>miss four of my five available hydro pumps in a row
>fast forward a couple of pokemon
>cynthia with the manaphy
>tail glows on a switch
>outspeeds jolly staraptor
>dodges two bronzong hynosis
>barely lives tera boosted life orb psychic from zam
>zam lives the scald
>custap berry
I ended up killing it but it didn't matter, my four most important pokemon died to it
>start the orre style challenge run
>involves snag ball curse
>enter literally the first route in the run
>unique elekid spawns
at this point I'm certain this game is fucking with me
If emerald rogue is so good, how come only nobodies talk about it?
my penis
Three reasons why Pokerogue went viral and this will remain niche
A) rom patching vs web client is a surprisingly big filter for many people
B) this game is very punishing
C) doesn't cater to gambling addiction
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I liked emerald rogue 1.0, but desu pokerogue just has a way better format imo. Emerald Rogue feels more like a whole experience I guess, but at the end of the day it's still a boss rush and it's a slow one at that. I don't really care about the base building at all. I don't really care about anything outside of the game itself, since I always do fresh start runs.
Pokerogue is just easier to get into and way comfier. I like that my information is tied to an account so I can play on my phone or at my PC on the same run. I am hitting a point where I'm bored of it though, since there isn't too much content, but the emerald rogue format I just feel is a lot slower and it's so hard that I'd rather just go play a rebalance hack instead like Radred or Incel Emerald since those games actually let me team build for the bullshit fights instead of relying on RNG.

I also hate healing in battle and the fact that 2.0 is so ball bustingly difficult it makes me hate playing it because I am forced to heal in battle. Romhacks are way more fun when they disable healing in battle and balance around that. Hell even not disabled, just balance around not having healing. Healing should be an easy mode people can use if they want, it should never be required because it's just lame. "Oh yeah I beat the champion, but it took me chugging 8 full restores to their 0!" just feels so fucking lame.
>pokerogue just has a way better format
Stopped reading there, you don't actually like real pokemon games
I get why people like Pokerogue, but for me, it's way too random and like 90% of the fights don't matter. Some people find that comfy but I just find it boring.
By the way, you can definitely win with Embargo Curse enabled.
>like 90% of the fights don't matter
Isn't that the case with ER too? All the trainers are super underleveled and have bad AI outside of the bosses.
I feel the same way. I was going to add my own response but you pretty much summed up how I feel. Battles outside of Rivals/Gyms don't matter and using X Items + Healing feels like I'm cheating the game.
I much rather prefer the gradual buildup and growth that Pokerogue has.
Not really, after the first few gyms, trainers can be a threat, and due to permadeath, you have to take them seriously. And even if you count all the trainers as pointless, that's still way less pointless battles than Pokerogue, where roughly everything between 30 and 145 is completely trivial facerolling, and even outside of that range there's only a small handful of floors where you have to pay attention.
Maybe it's just due to how other roguelikes I've played feel. Namely Hades and Binding of Isaac. Pokerogue just nails that same feeling. It's fast paced and snappy. Emerald Rogue on the other hand feels like I'm playing at a snails pace because I need to carefully try and team build with extremely limited money for a fight that is on par with kaizo level difficulty. Like I said above, at that point I'd rather just go nuzlocke a rebalance hack like radred, since that helps mitigate a lot of RNG.
pokerogue is straight up garbage. it's ridiculously fucking easy and only gets easier over time, and the actual gameplay consists of mashing A for 200 floors because literally nothing in the game can even hope to stand against the player.
it's built as a predatory gacha game, designed for player retention instead of player enjoyment, and now owned by an incompetent team of bumbling retards who will never be able to fix any of the numerous glaring issues with it.
if you genuinely enjoy pokerogue, i unironically think much less of you as a person. you're falling for the lowest-effort skinnerbox imaginable.
>it's like isaac
i don't use this term lightly, but that's the most midwit post i have ever seen. you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. never open your fucking mouth again you waste of oxygen.
Pokerogue is absolutely more like indie roguelikes, specifically Risk of Rain 2 (this is a stated design goal). For me though, the moment-to-moment gameplay of Pokémon isn't interesting enough to keep my attention. Killing trash mobs with a broken build in Risk of Rain or Hades is kinda fun, in Pokémon it just feels like a waste of my time, I am just pressing buttons and I already know with certainty that there is 0 chance of this string of 10 wild encounters affecting my run at all. Emerald Rogue has more of a focus on decision-making, which is why it feels slower, because you need to think about what you're doing.
>emerald rogue is bad because i have to think about my actions instead of just clicking the same button for 200 floors like in pokerogue
jeez anon you can just say you got filtered
>hades is straight up garbage. it's ridiculously fucking easy and only gets easier over time, and the actual gameplay consists of mashing dash attack through all the floors because literally nothing in the game can even hope to stand against the player
That's how you sound. The point of a roguelike isn't for every single fight to be long drawn out nail biter, it's supposed to be you getting chipped away at by the enemies until you eventually kick the bucket. And I feel like Pokerogue achieve that feeling better since it's healing is tied to money and rolling, whereas in Emerald Rogue you get like 20 fucking potions and lemonades and waters before the first gym without spending anything. Emerald Rogue you just go along not feeling any stress until suddenly a single fight wipes your team. Pokerogue feels more like that "oh shit, my team is slowly being chipped away, oh fuck my *insert bad mon here* is out and the rival battle is up (if you don't play on set mode, you're a fag)! ah shit I don't have enough money to heal and the boss is up" sure you eventually solve the game once you get a good legendary with good IVs and egg moves with some shinies for luck, but like I said above I was nearing the end of it's content and am now feeling bored with the game. Just because it's short doesn't mean it's bad.
It's rather ridiculous to say that a genre "should be" about something, especially one as diverse as what we've come to call roguelikes. If that's the kind of game you like, that's fine, but don't act like it's the only way to make a game. Despite both games being "Pokémon but it's a roguelike", Emerald Rogue and Pokerogue clearly have very different design philosophies.
are we even talking about the same game here? there are exactly three fights in pokerogue that can realistically affect the run, that being 145, 175, and 195. nothing else has even the tiniest chance of killing your run. every trainer, every wild pokemon, they're all extremely underleveled and your pokemon will simply outspeed and OHKO them with absolutely no effort.
if you're genuinely struggling with pokerogue and your team is getting "chipped down", you factually do not understand how pokemon works in general. your opinion on the game is worth nothing because you lack even a cursory knowledge of how it works.
>there are exactly three fights in pokerogue that can realistically affect the run, that being 145, 175, and 195. nothing else has even the tiniest chance of killing your run
Hey now, that's not true, there's also a pretty good chance you die in the first 20 floors because you didn't find any exp boosting items. Unless you have a broken starter, of course.
>there's also a pretty good chance you die in the first 20 floors because you didn't find any exp boosting items
as i said, you genuinely do not understand the game. like, even a little bit.
You play on switch mode don't you. Get to floor 145 on a fresh pokerogue account right now.
>gym leaders are underleveled
>elite four are underleveled
>when they start overleveling the cap by the 4th gym leader and start getting multiple healthbar mons
Do (You) even play the game or did you just watch some youtube videos?
are you seriously asking me to waste my time playing a shit game i've already determined that i hate just because your ego is too fragile to handle the idea that you fucking suck at it?
Am I the only one who finds 2.0 easier? You can take several mons with the daycare system and berries get unlocked easier (you had to win a run with no deaths to unlock Hondew and Kelpsy).
Evidently you are. Everyone bitches about 2.0 being harder because muh rival and
>bro....le rng is totally worse now!!!!
while completely ignoring the massive metaprogression buffs that all make it easier
>forced to heal in battle
I've done 2 Normal difficulties runs so far not using any items in combat.
You have plenty of options, rng certainly plays a factor, sometimes your current team is fucked vs the next major battle but it's generally never hopeless.
Has anyone tried the multiplayer? How is it and what is it like?
it works fine aside from the odd desync and the other player blocking the path sometimes
the other player can use the host's facilities and both players will be playing on the same world seed for the run.
Any documentation for this game? Blindly buyings TRs and TMs when I dont even know what gen rules the pokemon follow so I have no idea what they can learn is not fun
I think the routes should allow you to get what you want better. It sucks ass when you are looking to fill a type and your 1/3 chance is shitmon after shitmon. If they want to balance it they can do this
>tough = 3/3 pokemon are the corresponding type
>average = 2/3
>calm = 1/3
Or something. Or just make it universal 2/3 with the 3rd option being more unique. Just sucks ass man. Tired of runs being ruined because I cant fill my team with a type I desperately need because I'm getting shitmons with 400 bst
you can check the in game pokedex to see what moves a pokemon can learn
The in game pokedex tells you the pokemon's lvlup moves, tr/tm/tutor moves.
Its worth checking movesets, typically everything follows Scarlet/Violet rules but some pokemon have nerfed lvlup movesets.
Swampert for example does not learn Earthquake in Emerald Rogue and you need to use the TM.
Nothing wrong with using the 6th slot as the designated sac mon if you're not playing on Hard/Brutal. Move major battles are decided by 2-3 mons anyway.
Nah, no one is going to tell me that this game doesnt force you to heal and use broken shit like x items when the first rival fight has a fucking Palkia on hard difficulty. Not even the hardest difficulty and I'm facing a fucking Palkia with my level 25 babymon.
Why do hack creators do stupid shit like that? Would Swampert somehow invalidate all runs simply because it gets earthquake? No, because you're facing legendaries and mythicals by the second or third fight of the game. Stupid ass pokemon challenges and his gang of masochists ruined romhacking
It might be an oversight there are mon like Whiscash that still learn Earthquake by lvlup.
Here's another if you want to bug abuse. Life Orb is bugged with Substitute, while Substitute is active you do not take Lord Orb self damage.
nah you're totally right. being able to bring in more than one pokemon makes most "challenge" runs a joke, and the revamped tutor system means you don't have to arbitrarily wait 6 gyms to teach a nigga high jump kick or whatever so new recruits can steamroll from the get-go.
i avoid playing with metaprogression as much as possible so it doesn't affect me, but anyone complaining is just fucking trash or never played 1.3.
>second or third fight of the game
Only on Hard which is the entire point.
i think it's an oversight, EQ got changed from a level 1 move to a reminder-only move in SV so it's not part of the "level-up" pool anymore.
reminder moves logically SHOULD be part of the learnset but for whatever reason they aren't. (for example future paradox mons should all have electric terrain as reminder move, this isn't available in ER either)
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>Missed 2 Hi-Jump-Kicks in a row and lost my Medicham 7 gyms in to a wild pokemon
What is the green and red text in the pokedex stats indicating? I thought it was nature at first, but my mon's nature is different.
Green is that particular pokemon's highest base stat, while red indicates the opposite. Green BST means that its total is over 600, while red indicates a total less than I believe either 250 or 300
This thread needs some sort of google doc with all the stuff that you can do in the game. Like I didn't even know chaining was a thing until today
>using HJK when it's not absolutely necessary
You asked for it
Would be cool if there was an endgame goal for the mons you raise at the hub, like a Battle Simulator within the hub (not adventure event) but only the opponent gets three randoms and you have to bring three of your mons, or a Contest facility.
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>intentionally dodge trainers after the 8th gym, as they always pack bullshit
>first route after last gym
>catch roaming mesprit
>level up moms against wild ones
>things looking up despite losing garchomp last gym fight
>some motherfucker spots me from almost completely offscreen
>origin palkia first mon
his second and third pokemon were giratina and dialga, respectively
>aside from the odd desync
when i tried, we'd desync every single time we attempted to start a run
>the other player can use the host's facilities
So how does the berry farm or safari area work? And what about individual difficulty settings? Does that just go to the host?
Any Pokémon aside from Unaware Dondozo that can easily switch into a Pokémon setting up and mop them up?
the other unaware fellas, imposter ditto, and red card mimikyu.
>catch a shiny burmy
>evolves into mothim
>no longer shiny
shit's bugged
>level 25 babymon
you're supposed to be bringing in a powerful ace for hard mode, retard. Play on normal or easy to get your progression in, its a roguelite.
me and my friend synced all of our settings and it was fine, he also started a run on his own and backed out to complete all the tutorials if that matters
the berry farm works off the host, im not sure if the other guy can plant but he can pick up the berries and they wont disappear for the host
as for the safari area it seems to be for the individual, so the joiner doesn't get access to the hosts. and the sign is fucked and shows every evolution of the things in the safari for the joiner
As far as I know you need to be very prepared to take on hard mode.
Otherwise the IA will destroy you because the amount of resources they have it's crazy.
We are talking a couple Escape Ropes, healing items, all daycare slots with good pokemon, important TMs (U-turn, weather, etc) mints, one or two Master Balls, good held items, etc.
I'm playing doubles, whats a recommended duo to run in with? I've been using Tyranitar and Baxcalibur with Annhilape in the daycare
Can you upgrade your bag?
30 is quite the little capacity as soon as you start to fill you bag with useful items from the start.
Yes, the backpacker in the starting plaza. It helps when you have 50+ different berries and pokeblocks at the start of every run.
There's an NPC in the same hub area as the ball guy that increases your bag's capacity by 10 slots each time you pay her. Don't know if there's a cap, i'm at 100 and i can keep upgrading.
That's what the backpacker is for? Never bothered to talk to her after the first time. Thanks.
I'd recommend upgrading to 100 bag slots, you won't ever need more
do you know if there's a limit? I'm at 160 because I obsess over unlocking everything
Can you play PokeRogue 2.0 on Android?

Thanks for your reply ahead of time
>think hard mode is going to be the "drayano/radred" setting where the trainers act a bit smarter and have somewhat better mons instead of unevolved shitters that get swept by my setup move because the AI cant make good switches
>first rival has dialga into regieleki
>at 25
>didnt even see the rest of the team
What the fuck is brutal even then? I thought brutal was going to be like this where every mon is legendary and with radred style shit like "no weather moves but opponents abuse it" or something. Why is Hard the legendary mode? Hard should be a middleground between average and brutal, but it feels like average is a baby game for piss babies and hard is masochism mode for people who already have the game 100% or some shit.
1.0 was frequently criticized for being too easy. Hard and Brutal are massive overcorrections made specifically for those critics.
news flash, roguelites suck dick and you aren't supposed to be playing on hard until you get all your metaprogression in like a good boy
Yeah, but EX apparently won't work if you're using MyBoy. I play on John and almost everything works as intended, except for some things in the hub
>the banker's speech is complete gibberish, but you can still buy coin cases without an issue
>the lady that tells you which berries create which pokeblock is broken
>the PC in Bill's lab is fucked, I'm not even sure what it's supposed to do
maybe a different emulator would solve the problem, but I'm too lazy and stubborn to try other things out
easy for fun
average for genuine, challenging experience
hard to push you to your limit and test what you've collected/learned
brutal to fuck you sideways. you aren't "supposed" to win, I'm sure
>Furret and Bibarel climb and swim
>Linoone can climb but not swim, despite learning Surf
can't tauros and rhydon also learn surf but you can't surf on them?
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>buy Aerial Ace TM
>try training Swablu
>first gym is Fighting
>lead with Swablu
>opponent leads with Intimidate Tauros (4x chance to appear than mons with one form)
>'Tauros used Work Up'
>bitch you talk with to start adventure suggests i try easy difficulty
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>bitch you talk with to start adventure suggests i try easy difficulty
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>Late game Rocket hideout on my first run was bullshit with the first grunt having Origin Dialga
>Rocket hideout late game was also rough on my Kanto run with legends but got through it for the Giovanni achieve
>On Hoenn run decide to try Magma late game to get Maxie achievement as I have soul dew Latias this run
>The grunts all have the same pokes as they do early game only higher lvl
>Maxie only has 5 pokes and his only legend is Groudon which tries to use Prep blades vs Levitate

>Ditto sweeps my team with my sweeper
Dogs IRL can swim. Are you telling me if you had a dog you would happily sit your fat 200+lb ass on his back as he struggled to carry your weight while swimming and eventually drowning to death? That's why you can't swim on linoone. Linoone is even smaller than the dog.
Scarf ditto is a menace
Yeah, that's the one gripe I have with this game. The difficulty feels completely haphazard. Apparently the first game got some flak for being too easy, so of course the correct response for a tranny is to have a meltie and then throw all semblance of balance out the window with sweeping massive overcorrections to the point where nothing feels right.
Average can go from mind numbingly easy where you can sweep the champion's team with a single attack while they keep attacking into levitate or attacking a ghost pokemon with a normal move or some stupid shit, but then you'll randomly get a boss battle that has amazing legendaries and the AI feels like you are fighting a Kaizo trainer. Hard and Brutal just feel like joke modes.

I wish tranner had an actual team to help balance, because this game just doesn't feel right to play ever.
Is this playable on any phone emulators?

Something something pidgey fly
Yes, this happens with the Leaders and E4 too.
One of them is a literal retard and the next one is destroying your team.
>Something something pidgey fly
You can't fly in this game. In the main games you can surf on zigzagoon/linoone, but it was a specific choice to not have it here.
Hoenn run complete. I was shitting my pants on the final battle as my rival's Jirachi got 4 calm minds off because my Kyogre missed Origin Pulse 4 times in a fucking row but I was saved by my 5th use connecting and being a crit.
>Reward is a Castform with a custom ability and Shore Up, Sandsear Storm, Wildbolt Storm and Bleakwind Storm
>Diamond/Pearl are their own mode
>The other Sinnoh option is Platinum

I'm confused, why are they not just combined into one mode?
I've only played Diamond back in 2006 and never played Platinum. Isn't the only difference between the versions that Shaymin/Giratina/Rotom have alternative forms?
Despite the fact that Gen IV introduced these Pokemon, NONE OF THEM ARE IN DP'S DEX:
Platinum has an ACTUAL Pokedex so you aren't going to see Flint with 2 Fire types, a Drifblim, a Steelix and a Lopunny. So you don't see Volkner with a fucking OCTILLERY.
>Volkner with a fucking OCTILLERY
Yeah just had that happen on Plat but it was gym 2 so that'll be why.
>the correct response for a tranny is to have a meltie
great googly moogly how obsessed can one man get
You're far more woman than I, faggot
About the postgame challenges, the explanation said that some of the rewards could not be claimed in the easier difficulties, I'm assuming that if the reward has a lock it can only be claimed in hard or brutal, is that true, or is normal mode enough?
Normal mode is enough
A lock with an H means you have to do it on hard mode to get that reward. It still counts as clearing the challenge though.
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Kanto run done. After losing half of my mons against Oak, I was lucky enough to get a full team of reservists. Which was immaterial, since Zapdos swept the entire last battle. Light Screen/Charge Bean combo is no joke. On to Johto now.
How do you get to fight the Villain Team Leader to get the grunt costume?
The pokemons do not consent however
This game and pokerogue have made me realize, I have no fucking clue how to team build. Sure I know things like "blissey is a big spdef wall, so i don't need another big spdef mon" and "pivot between a flying and ground mon against electric mon" and stuff like that, but when it comes to sitting down and actually looking at a party of 6 and trying to make a team with them, I feel like I'm just retarded. I don't know how to properly cover weaknesses fully and I tend to lean towards physical attacking sweepers more than anything else.
I wish the hack creator didn't add gen 9 mon to the game. For some reason gen 9 is just so insanely powercrept. It's like damn near every mon from this gen is just a better version of old mons, while almost none of them are very cool looking or stick out as being memorable to me. All the paradox mons are annoying too.
Then use another pokedex that doesn't have them in it
Second Team Hideout encounter after you win the first one. You have to win two Team Hideout encounters in the same run, basically.
You would also need your personal home unlocked in the hub to change costumes.
I feel you have to build a team around having certain moves, since moves are the actual win conditions, not mons.
Then it's just a matter of what stats you want to back those moves with.
So what's the point of the gost in the sign warehouse ?
Just a reference, that npc does that spooky event in one of the main games.
Oh, I was clicking on the npc every time just in case it triggered an event...
How do you change forms of Deoxys and other shapeshifting mons?
Unless there's an item for it like Oricorio, you don't.
win a run with them
>but it was a specific choice to not have it here.
Didn't know that, then ok I agree with you then.

>because my Kyogre missed Origin Pulse 4 times in a fucking row
That's funny as hell because I just saw this comic earlier today about the exact same thing.
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Johto run done. Nothing much to say other than terrains are bloody annoying, the amount of times I've lost after I couldn't use priority moves is more than I'd like to admit. Moving to Hoenn.
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>Jhoto run
>Only uses 1 gen 2 mon
What can I say, if it works, it works.
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Hoenn done. Surprisingly fast, then again I was lucky as all hell, I shouldn't have survived hald of the stuff the game has thrown at me. Also, finding Groudon, I didn't know it was available. Moving to Shinnoh.
Still can't get over how retarded the safari hub zone is
Has anyone been able to get Booster Energies to work? They never proc for me
>hoenn done
and skarmory
good grief... this lack of integrity shall not stand
Can I check EVs in this game? Also I like how the pokedex has so much info, but I wish there was a tab that showed what types they resisted and what types they were weak to. I know almost all by heart, but once fairy gets involved I dont know too much and then dual typings and 18 different types, I just cant keep it all in my head and I'm tired of always having a type chart open

Azumarill is there too
You can, on the stat screen for a pokemon A shows you the IVs, pressing A again shows the EVs
Press A when on the stats screen of a pokemon to cycle between stats, IVs and EVs

EVs are different in this than normal. Enemy trainers give EVs upon defeat rather than wild pokemon, and EVs are allocated to your pokemon based on your pokemons nature rather than what you defeat, so you want good natures early.

also enemy trainers NEVER have EVs, its entirely a player pokemon mechanic

so yeah, you should probably always fight the chansey lady level up npc, just for the free EVs
Can you move the town around? I really dislike that the town square location is different every time.

It doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that low quality compressed photos hide your unflattering features.

Was probably photoshopped too.
skarmory is found in hoenn
azumarill is found in hoenn
I don't get how the Pokedex is set out. What do I select to have the maximum number of Pokemon encounterable?
Can't you capture mew in Emerald?
>lose starter to random rocky helmet
>all trainers have life orbs by like level 25
Should I just get a frisk mon? Dying to this shit is really annoying.
90% of the pokemon I encounter in this game are female. Lmao trannies
Shinnoh run complete. Very glad Palkia and Espeon carried the team at the end. Also happy Snorlax managed to help capturing wild mons when most of the time was wiped out multiple times. On to Teselia.
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Yeah, I'm thinking I'm ready for Doubles
Gauntlet mode and the monotype challenges are the endgame goal for building a team
Sac mons with Covet are great for item removal, if they die it doesn't matter, if they don't you get a free item. Linoone is a sleeper. Priority, item removal, Pick Up and swimming

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