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>bunken and ashime see through the judaic dream trickery
>orevald has to fend off zesty bucks
>leonymous starts up a playthrough of desolation and beats up fern 2.0 after swapping the MC options to something a little less shit
>RG beats up electrorape 2.0
>eeveefag makes it to blake's snowy cunny prison and another anon makes it to reborn Victory Road
>i start up an insanely fucking cursed misty dating sim fangame

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Empire (don't play this shit)

Reborn Allgen

Misty Orange
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have fun walking like the rest of us cunt
The Floral Tempus flashbacks are starting.
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i'm so used to these games having the same giratina, rayquaza, and arceus statues that this one really stands out.
>villain has busted superpower that could solve a lot of the plot instantly
>suddenly conveniently can't use it anymore once they become a hero
>Every single major black character in this game has an absent father or is a deadbeat themselves
>Which one
GG bro.
thanks bro
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My good bud Terry Davis told me about the glowking.
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Really ez, once rng went my way, 15 6-0 attempts
I wanted to try something different and actually take advantage of the field since I was using Lilligant, took a bit to get the strat right because the AI would choose Air Slash T1 sometimes, which fuck things up, as you'd imagine, alongside Dancer choosing to target Malamar occasionally
Pretty fun though, it feels similar to when you go into the Big Top leaders in Reborn and rape them with your own dance moves kek

Still have some sidequests to wrap up though
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This answers your question from the last thread about Garret, Wagie.
Is that the main story done for you?
gg, danced your way though. also I think that's a remix of penny's theme from SV
2 fuckers in the middle of nowhere actually manage to give the player a bit of insight into what's to come before it happens, though of course I can't go into it without spoilers.
GG and based dance moves, I might have to go grab myself an Oricorio for this fight.
are we being auto pruned
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This is really tempting me to Debug.
Looks like it. Jannies are faggots today I guess.
I feel like the ads on this site show more skin then the op image if that's why we're getting pruned
Yeah, Danceshit's pretty retarded in this field, especially since the sneed gives Dancer kek
Might've been the cunny in the op
Come on now, you ALL got 6-0'd, no need to compete though Garret got BTFO'd the hardest
yeah, "cunny" autosages your thread, nice job retard OP
kek, of course
fine, maybe should let thread die then just remake it real fast i guess. retarded fucking site
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just commit to plaid or don't
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There's no way the devs of this game aren't niggerpilled. I'm amazed the rejuvtrannies don't vibrate over it.

Do you have a link to the Deso art gallery? I've found very little of it on the normal boorus.
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Water and water and water and water and water and water and water....siiiiiigh.....
This fucking site sometimes dude.....
It's over
Now for a couple more sidequests
There's this, I tried finding Deso art but there's not a lot of it unlike Rejuveshitter stuff, and if there is it's in places I'd rather not go to, namely tumblr.
GG and best of luck for a few of the upcoming fights, I have very bad memories of two particular ones involving a certain old Galarian friend of yours as well as a certain edgy fucker.
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wonder how this wraps around to the main plot with darkrai
Actually, I delved into the abyss really quickly and found some okay stuff amongst the piles of fucking niggertrannylibshitgarbage.
Though not even 15 seconds in and tumblr is bitching at me that I need to connect with jewgle to continue browsing it, yeah fuck no.
To my understanding at least, you need a massive amount of suffering to achieve perfection, something being stuck on a situation of utter misery were hope dies out and there's recourse left for you to live besides the bond you share with your Pokemon, which makes Darkrai focusing his efforts so adamantly around the player raise quite a few redflags, especially given what we hear now when we start the game.
something like being stuck*
no recourse left* fucking typos.
>tries to flex on us with teleport
>forces me back into nightmare land
>makes me sleep on the couch
why did I save this bitch
whole plot is about perfection vs free will
darkrai wants to move out of his dream because he likes the free will in the real world and tempts people with living perfect lives, crescent originally wanted to drag reality into dreamland to get rid of free will and bring about a perfect world
perfection is generally treated as something that is very very bad by the narrative, with characters like ava and lilith saying they prefer a flawed world rather than one where all their desires are granted
we'll have to see how it all fits together later though
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This nigger has an entire team of mons with flinch moves. I ended up having to PP stall his +6/+6 Gogoat with CorviGOD but everything worked out okay in the end. Surprisingly hard fight for a random sidequest shitter. 1st try.
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Okay, this is actually pretty cool.
Probably won't bother trying to find more, not like there's much anyway.
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I'm in for some shit aren't I
...something's not adding up here
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It's no wonder both Ava and Rosetta are both so vocal about their dislike of niggers when this is how Reeve greets her.
Doesn't Ava say something about letting him borrow some money from her and that he never payed her back? And he treats her like this.
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It was for the best, it was the start of Ava seeing the bigger picture. picrel.
i don't even dislike reeve as a character but man
>dresses like a pimp/gangster despite the fact he's supposed to be a respectable scientist and business owner
the fuck was the character designer thinking when she did this one
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Ah yes, Meditite, definitely a legendary tier threat that needs to be locked this fucking late into the game even though it could easily have fit around the first areas of the game no issue either thematically or balance wise considering how frail and relatively slow it is.......siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.......this wouldn't piss me off so much if they didn't pull the same stupid shit as Rejuvenation on this front.
>Respectable business owner
It's heavily implied via a quest that he's anything but that considering the shitshows revolving around the club and the shady connections this nigger has.
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I prefer the term "Manga Spoilers" for the AnimeOnlys of real life.
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>business owner
This quest about exposing the council's corruption makes it clear he's a shabbos goy at best.
look man, I only need one dude with eyelashes like that and sparkling hair trying to talk down to me
Man you werent kidding the amount of "hmph..." in this game is astounding
You haven't seen shit yet. It just keeps going for all 60 hours of the game's runtime.
oh fuck off man you're the one telling me I wasnt a real trainer and then proceeded to get 6-0'd
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Greasy kike down.
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This still gets me man.....
He's in deep with the (((council))), he either helped them or he knew but never said anything because it benefited him, fuck that's two games now with a council of bolsheviks.
GG, next version of the game they're gonna introduce a mechanic that rewards the player for winning fights without losing a single Pokemon, so if you're into that kind of autism.
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Do I have to progress the main story to get access to East Docks and East Outskirts? I have some kikebusting to do in there for another quest.
I forgot to do it for Connor last night but I did see the posts mentioning the game does acknowledge when you do that with certain fights, so I'm going to do my best but no promises I'll manage it for every fight
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This......this still hits me like a truck man........
Yup, you have to progress through the the Waterscape aka Ireland first.
Best of luck, some fights, especially later in the game are horribly painful to perfect.
I only just now got access to the outskirts myself for plot reasons
I did some poking around the variables looking to see what fights were and weren't tracked and I couldn't find any longterm storage for any of them, so unless I missed it, I don't think they're going to be paid out retroactively for old saves with the new version.
>effect spore activates even on non-contact move
eat shit and die, octavius
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>Yes I know about perfection
>Come see me at my building, we can't talk in the nightclub
>Immediately drop this after making everyone walk across town
nigger behavior.
okay actually that's a bit of an overreaction but seriously what the fuck
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what a dangerous prisoner
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>details: kicking numerous bystanders from a ledge
cool reference cass...or is it caz?
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forgot image
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Godfuckingdamnit, Caz really sat down and watched Yugioh GX then said to himself "What if Yubel was a Darkrai" didn't he?
The protagonist is/was Darkrai's trainer and Darkrai is trying to mindrape him into the bond necessary for a perfection form, right?
He's gonna dom with the snom
Probably Caz, he's a confirmed soulsfag (why the game also is basically a motherfucking Bloodborne reference)
Cass is probably more into Danganronpa or nu Persona
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How does he manage to keep hitting the wrong note every time he speaks?
Don't worry, it won't be the last time you'll find yourself screaming your head off thanks to Octavius' autism.
It would be so kino if we got to see a Patches like character in one of these games.
Most everything is pointing towards that, but there's more to it.

>Ancient old people with eternal youth
>Brainwashing cult
>Dimensional dream nonsense

I hate how many story beats this game shares with GX the more I think about it.
At least the protagonist here isn't a complete faggot when surrounded by top-class waifus.
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Speaking of Souls games.
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It's...an improvement for sure, but still not what I'd call good.
That's what happens when you have two Niggers and a faggot occupying the other three slots
True enough, fittingly GX also had electrorape shoved into it's plot in season 3, I just hope the MC doesn't go full Supreme King at some point.
>I just hope the MC doesn't go full Supreme King at some point.
If you take Darkrai's hand, he just might?
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well, they say that Darkrai did reach Perfection
it's obvious I think that the mc is darkrai's trainer, but we don't know how they split in the first place or why darkrai is the way it is currently
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Truly a match for the ages.
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Stop badmouthing my eventual wife.
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no sweep but 2 attempts
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This is mostly me speculating over a theory I've had for a while and I don't think it counts as a spoiler anyway since we don't know if it's true yet, but I find it interesting that Majira's diary says there used to be an older version of Crescent and considering Darkrai is the antagonist, and considering the crescent moon iconography of the former, one has to wonder where's Cresselia in all this, the fact Cellia sounds like her name and the fact the dream is seemingly weakened or nullified in that city, something is definitely amiss, I do have to wonder how they're going to expand on this later, I do love solving mysteries like this.
it's probably going to be another one of the first settlers of ayrith's main pokemon
GG, it's too bad they imported the stupid fucking win battle lose anyway shit. i can't remember how prominent it is before this fight but this is probably the worst example of it in the game
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Get out of my bed, you red thot.
alright, time to go back into insanity again

i'm afraid the joke will wear off at any point now
>this happens as soon as you step outside the town after delivering oak's package
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thanks. I think cresselia will have something big to do with the mc, there's been a lot of lines in this act concerning who the mc was before the cruise ship. unlike rejuvenation, though, ava and if you keep her alive scarlett both knew you somehow before that point since you're all buddy buddy getting your trainer cards. I feel like that either means it's either a mega ruse and ayrith is also fake but made by cresselia and you're basically her soldier sent to fix things or an annoying meta thing where you took over the mc and it's like "you don't know who the mc was because you didn't gain control before the cruise ship get bent"
thanks. it's annoying but at least it hasn't been the whole game
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The last time I looked at the dev blog for this game I've noticed that the only time they have new art is when it's a new mega, like picrel.
a story told in 4 images

you'll have a pretty good idea who the MC is at the end of this episode (i know, actually giving you enough material to solve some of the game's mysteries, what a concept)
>annoying meta thing
don't worry, it almost definitely is not that nor will the story ever go meta
i mean it could, but the narrative seems actually focused and isn't trying to go fucking insane with scope for no reason
>the thread isn't bumping to the first page
The first problem with my sprite has come up, my fishing sprite is a bit off from the original so Im floating while fishing
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I'm starting to notice some really weird shit where Pokemon that should absolutely not be outspeeding mine are doing so, I know this cunt has a Talonflame with Tailwind, but that fizzled out before this turn, yet Electivire despite being 4 levels lower and my G.Articuno being timid nature, it still got outsped.
That's very probably the case, I can see them eventually pulling out more Perfect Pokemon as the story progresses, it would be really kino if they allowed your starters to have that power, either the beach ones or the normal starters.
I don't think the story will go meta, but the potential for a ruse being pulled off at some point is still on the table.
Yeah, they haven't been posted much since they went on a massive hiatus and due to Caz being stuck in med student hell.
the JANnies got us it's over
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hmm should I betray my good friend Alakaz-er... North and steal from him and the military for this woman who stole 5k from me or should I drag her into the town square, spank her, and then hand her over to the police?

jannitors are pissy and this site is garbage
i'll just remake bread once we're on page 10
i could only see it for the beach ones desu, 18 different perfection forms + the 9 beach starters is a bit much kek
though from another point of view, perfection seems to be something you actually don't want, so who knows
h-haha...surely you'd have a choice in such a matter, right?
kek, didn't know he was here
>Had a slight pause when I read FEAR
Fucking virtualization kek
Is this where the npc's squirtle is meant to be or did he mean a different lake? I dont see it anywhere but I cant imagine theres a second lake downstream he was talking about
it's near the exit to recliffe town
i don't know if accepting every girl as your girlfriend will impact the ending or not, but that's what i'll do for now

>jarred played this fangame and saw the streamable last night
dammit he really was talking about a second
downstream lake, I'm blind thanks man
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Perhaps you shouldn't have been a druggie thief?
She's holding her badge as hostage to get me to be her minion but surely my good friend Northazam can teleport a new badge in for me from the Council he works for
Or maybe the girl who's name starts with an A who's name I'm forgetting
fuck wrong thing

We got yet another freeloader bros

i wonder what lin's thoughts on this would be

why does the MC have such an inclination to letting brown men live in their house rent free...? cazbros?
as the game says, you unfortunately need to follow her for now
this next part of the game is fucking retarded and has 0 direction, but you need to go buy a mushroom from one of the people in the village near the train station
oh also - the secret quest in this chapter is one of the few in the game that can be permanently missed, so be careful you can start by jumping off some ledges north of the train station iirc
>Calls herself an elite trainer
>Uses choice scarf on her Goodra
I meant either group really, because making forms for all of them with the team size they have is way too much work.
Hahahahaha, did the creator of this game saw that autistic documentary about the Japanese comparing tengus to Jews and saying that the inspiration for the former was thanks to the ladder?
That's a girl surprisingly.
Alahna gave me a choice between "Hmm should you help the cops or the person who stole money from you and tried to threaten you amongst other crimes" but I suppose that doesn't actually mean anything because when she suggested to look around town and talk to some military guys they all had the same dialogue
I've been collecting sundrops from wells and such, now I'm running around looking for Skorupi and another Tiny Mushroom so I can catch Vanilite and fill out my pokedex a bit more
I'll check around there for a ledge, thanks for the tip
you know i'm honestly pretty surprised there hasn't been a game like this made already, in retrospect

i don't know if the creator of this game has seen anything other than misty rule34 for the past 10 years, tee bee aytch
Don't worry, this one is female at least
yeah, found the ledge
maybe I would've stumbled upon it myself but eh maybe not
hyperrealistic blood came out of my screen

yeah h-haha...about that...the game pretends it's a choice but there is none
careful...this might be a rather peculiar buck...
...mate, I know times are tough, they still havent lowered the level requirement for pay day and that sucks, but come on
Repels are a luxury because of Jynx Scent, you did get it right?
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Im pretty sure the game forced it on me, I was still going to buy a repel anyway because screw it but as you can see thats not happening yet
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>This late
>Stuck behind a pretty involved sidequest in one of the worst maps in any rebornlike
Kek, dangerously close.
Trust me, a lot of experience dealing with these
screencap doesn't match video but i felt i should put something


>a game on eevee expo can get away with saying 'the antivaxxers were right'
maybe the trannies have relaxed their standards

his skin is too white ALBEIT
i have* a lot of experience, how the fuck did my brain skip that
I can't tell if this is good or not
kek, I have a feeling nobody there's played this for more than 10 minutes desu
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I think there's definitely something wrong with the legendary catchrates, they feel way easier to catch than normal.
It might slip up their radar until eventually one of the head trannies stumbles into this game and finds something """"""problematic"""""" with it.
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>North tells me explicitly: "If she tells you to do something, do it."
>Then sets his subordinates on me for doing so
this is all a big ruse and he's doing it to make it seem like I'm more on Rose's side but we're going to doublecross her and then we'll be good friends again I'm sure
i should probably taking videos of every single little thing but each somehow manages to be more painful than the last

this was the first truly annoying thing so far from a gameplay perspective, anyway, i cut most of the torkoal autism

the only answer to that i think is "yes"
i saw them bring this up on ashen frost's discord, but that's about it
Wow, hopefulposting was actually right for once
>that music and background
if nothing else it's pretty funny and I can't deny the effort
I got tired of not having money for pokeballs and constantly finding new mons so I just went ahead and grinded meowth to 30, turns out I actually would still need pay day grinding after one badge. Time to go drench myself with scents in the jungle for a while
I still have no fucking clue how you're meant to get Meditite either, I tried and tried it and tried last time around and I never figured it out.
>Trumpets of hell
Oh no Hoennbros......what have they done.....

>this area is just 1 super long straight line of grass
>you have to keep fighting bug catchers that then make you walk back the way you came

it is definitely high effort for a shitpost, does remind me of clover on some level
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Oh....it was just a matter of me clicking on it nonstop.
perish song is so goated
especially since you can get a moon stone early on and evolve jigglypuff into wigglytuff without missing out on any of the level up learnset
and also it gets soft-boiled at level 25 which is my current cap
and also soft boiled has 24 pp and heals to full for the cost of just a defense drop
let me remake bread before we die, hopefully this time with no no-no words

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