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Just got my ass absolutely handed to me by Whitney, even used up all my potions and revives.
What the fuck is wrong with my team? They used to wreck any team they came upon
Slow flinchbait
Male and weak to rock and Shitmon
Male and Shitmon
Male and Shitmon
This is a fucking bug
Poor Flaafy is breaking her back trying to carry this team. Catch a Drowzee and trade for the female Machop right now.
Catch a heracross or trade for a machop dumbass.
>What the fuck is wrong with my team?
You wasted exp on 6 Pokemon for no fucking reason.
Sorry but I'm only using gen 2 pokemon here, finished fire red and have gen 1 fatigue currently, feel like making a brand new team.
Also I'm pretty sure heracross isn't even available yet, just went through all areas up to Goldenrod on the wiki and it doesn't say it's available anywhere there
Flaafy alone in HGSS should be enough what are you doin. Paralyze the fat cow, boost your defense if necessary, eventually the para triggers.
>Also I'm pretty sure heracross isn't even available yet
She is, I made a thread about that, make sure it's also a female to not fall for attract
what does gender matter here
>he doesn't train 6 pokémon
Literally how?
Try to get a female exeggcute or onyx/geodude, that's normally good enough if you are having issues

>Exeggcute has reflect, leech seed and learns all powder moves at 23, choose between sleep or stun and just chip away with bullet seed

>Geodude lasts a while and trades well, can blow up at 18 or rollout her ass at 22

>Onyx can just debuff with screech and last a while then you just finish her with sandstorm chip and rage stacking at LV 22, yes rage is decent enough for onyx and dunsparce

Exeggutor is a good Pokemon that can last you a while and you get the stone from a picknicker eventually, just learn confusion and evolve it, no need to wait for psychic to be honest
Can you link the thread? I've browsed through all bulbapedia and it's not mentioned in any section of the walkthrough up to goldenrod
Heracross is available to the player from the very moment you get the HM but and are able to get Headbutt from a man in the Ilex Forest. You can catch Heracross that are in Azalea Town's trees.
>no reading comprehension and still gets a reply.
wew lad
It's this one >>56194872 if you want a female Heracross, just headbutt every single trees around Kurt's home in Azalea Town, remember: a headbutted tree that doesn't give a pokemon the first time will never drop a pokemon
Also level it up to lv 19 to learn brick break
Why'd you censor the nicknames of your other 3 pokemon? Afraid we'll laugh at (You)? Anyways, 4/6 of your pokemon fall to attract cheese, which leaves Flaafy and (KEK) Spinarak as the few immune to it. I'm 90% sure that Memetank outspeeds everything in this roster. My suggestion is to have spinarak out to bait Miltank into using Rollout, then switch into Flaafy and throw in a thunder wave to paralyze that bitch cow. It should give the rest of your team the edge to outspeed and whittle it down, and paralysis means there's a chance it won't be able to attack, attract, or milk drink.

This roster is definitely dire though, I see atleast 2 deadweights for the entire run (Heartgold's a bitch for gatekeeping the Dawn Stone). I'd suggest switching out one of the jobbers for a rock type like Geodude.
Even if it outspeeds, in HGSS Flaafy will paralyze almost for sure since it has both static and thunder wave.
Then everyone will outspeed it and might get free turns, since OP is using items it should be easy as fuck here.
Yeah, paralysis should be OP's golden ticket. I forgot how I got past Miltank in HGSS but it definitely had something to do with status effects and accuracy debuffs
Can't really remember what I did myself but I think I had Onix with Screech and something to put it sleep.
use (de)buffs retard works here
I may have forgotten that heracross exists, but are people this averse to using onyx and geodude?
Some playthroughs ago I caught a female shiny geodude and that thing tore the game in half, transfered it to evolve in in PLA and have it as a thropy

Whenever these two are suggested people always seem to ignore them, similar with exeggutor people just seem to dislike it for some reason
OP said he doesn't want to use Kanto pokemon, also not a fan of using a pokemon for only one battle
It feels that people are missing out on exeggutor, it's always a cool Pokemon to use
I think I just used STAB from Quilava last time I played, and got lucky with rollout misses. Can't remember if I voltorb flipped for flamethrower or bought fire blast, but I did one of those.

If you start a defense curl+rollout with any mon that learns them on Clefairy you'll probably one-shot Miltank when it switches in.
Don't be so relaxed around Clefairy, that little shit pulled a BLIZZARD on my poor Sandshrew while I was setting up Defense Curl.
Metronome can be nutty. I remember having a togetic roll an explosion in Morty's bossfight and being pissed off about it
>this is who I share the board with when I see a post screeching about XY being too easy or ice type being underpowered
Oh my god we know. Pokemon games are easy if you only use a Lv80 Charizard the entire run. You don't need to spam it in every thread Shaun.
That's Yawnfag get it right.
And ignore him while you are at it.
Yeah yeah, we all have to share a board with people we don't like
>Oh my god we know
Evidently not, otherwise this thread wouldn't exist.
don't worry, i only joined this board a week ago. also I only comment on fire red and heart gold because this is my 2nd pokemon game
I'd say, train Spinarak more as well as Flaaffy, they're your only female Pokemon so you need to rely on them the most.
If one or more of your Pokemon knows a move that lowers Attack or Defense/Special Defense spam them especially against Miltank before attacking.
If Spinarak still knows a move that can cause Poison and/or Sleep, rely on those the most and, in case of Poison, focus on resisting as long as you can rather than dealing lots of damage.
In this case, an Attack-lowering move is the best to raise chances of resisting.

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