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Corporate History Edition

Previous Thread:

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1st for Digikino, get mogged Pokechuds
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>still buying modern
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>year 2024
>still no way for me to store my hardback top loaders in a three ring binder with all the normal cards in the set
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Good thing everything is labelled, I wouldn't have deciphered this comic without them!
is the first result on google for "top loader 3 ring binder".
What exactly is your issue?
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Once I complete team rocket I'll be done collecting, which will be bittersweet but I can't just keep blowing money on silly stuff endlessly
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You’ve got a long way to go. Not one of those is first edition. Could’ve saved yourself the money and skipped the unlimited — save yourself the upgrade fee.
Average binder collector
nah I'm not worried about it, although the non holos in my team rocket set actually are 1st ed just because they were barely more expensive than unlimited so I was like what the heck. Base set through fossil is all unlimited also. Unlimited is pretty much all I had as a kid so it's more nostalgic for me anyway, which I came to discover is all I really care about
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Behold my E3 Pikachu I got from my own copy of Nintendo Power as a kid. One day some faggot stole it from me but by some miracle I found out so I stole it back
theres no reason to lie here anon.
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I'm not lying, fuck that kid. My E3 Pikachu was my prized possession because I knew almost no one else had one

Anyways here's my Machamp that I kept sealed for 25 years and counting
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I even still have the issue :)
Do I have an e3 pikachu?
That’s a fun bit of ephemera, anon!
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man i really want those sleeves and History Gate card
How can you tell what edition cards are? I have a load of older cards but they're back at my dad's house so I can't post a picture for reference I'm afraid.
the economics of modern sets are insane.
the rarest most desirable cards in base set have a 2% pull rate, the cost of completing the set would have been about two booster displays.
these newest set include a bunch of holos but the rarest cards have a pull rate of around 1/850. just completing one of the many sets they release every year is out of reach for children
theres a stamp bottom left of the art up until neo destiny
Just ordered a bundle off PC to get the Eevee and Pikachu promos.
Never got something like this before what do you guys think about them?
Think they’ll be worth anything or just a couple cool cards for my binder?
sucks to be them then
As an adult with an income, rare shinies are great
it makes sense considering how many investors there are now, i just hope it stays fun for kids. without their future nostalgia the investment scheme falls flat too.
Idgaf about invooooosting, I just like collecting cool cards
if they hold their value great, if not, I paid what I was willing for the cards I have
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I don't really care for Pikachu all that much, but E3 Pikachu is one of my favorite cards because it's a reminder of how absolutely fantastic being a Nintendo fan and having a subscription to Nintendo Power was in the 90s.
Looks like trainer gallery cards are coming back, about time:

>i just hope it stays fun for kids. without their future nostalgia the investment scheme falls flat too.
Shouldn't be a problem, it may even be stronger. For current boomers Pokemon cards are "that thing I did as a kid." For the kids now Pokemon cards will be "that thing I did as a kid with my mom or dad also"
oh, I always mix up the E3 and Poketour Pikachu, then i get excited thinking i've got some rare, expensive card in the E3 promo.
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>latest fad
kelly be slipping
these comics are about as funny as glandular fever
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damn how does Zeraora always get the best art?
Sounds like full blown Owner's Pokémon to be honest.
what happened to 1997?
It is but you just know the ARs and SARs are gonna feature the trainer as well.
Oh yeah 100 percent, TCPI likes money.
Seems a bit fuckin retarded that half this "deck" consisted of Energies, also Blend Energy (P, R, G, D) seems like a wierd choice for 2012 when they could have featured a Dragon Type Pokémon like, just spitballing here, the Shiny Rayquaza from BW Dragon Blast. Also XY being represented by a generic Electric Energy is absolutely fucking Abysmal when Xerneas and Yveltal EX were right there, they could have even used the Full Art version of Xerneas to differentiate it from the Celebrations version.
>Digimon Digital Monsters
>Digimon are the Champions
When did this obsession over completing sets begin?
Who the fuck cares about that? I surely didn't when I was a kid. I just wanted the cards I thought were cool.
Who says you have to complete a set or that it's something you're supposed to do? It sounds very entitled of you to assume such.
Yeah, it's harder to complete a set, get over it.
when I was a kid I'm pretty sure I was basically trying to complete the pokedex, but really since I had no money I was just trying to get any card I could get my hands on and depended entirely on my mom's willingness to buy me packs
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People are dumping all this money into all these flashy special arts of dumb pokemon they don't even really like

The market will retvrn to tradition in time mark my words. Short Teal Mask Ogerpon, short Sinistcha, long PIkachu, long Charmander
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Only ever felt the urge to complete the set with 151 but still own not even a single SAR. Picrel will be the only MB Holo in my collection.
You really have to fight the autism sometimes. When you notice you‘re about to buy cards you don’t even care about just to complete some kind of a pattern you created in your head take some deep breaths.
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>dude I gotta spend $50 on this gotta have it

get yourself together man
ogerpon is a wildly popular mon and the teal mask is the form you find it in
of course the first SIR of it, ever, is expensive
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>ogerpon is a wildly popular mon
Ogerpon is NOT wildly popular. Its just fucking meta rn in the tcg.
Yeah but the card is ugly
Ironically that illustrator worked on the Digimon TCG before this.
the promo from the ETB looks loads better
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The swirls on both are so neat. Mini-whirlpool in the water or a shiny sprout, which do you prefer?
I just realised Zeraora looks a lot like Pulsemon(?) too.
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silence, cretin
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Are these poygeman cards worth anything?
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How about this one?
Beautiful card anon, just noticed the doduo and hitmonchan. And I think those are pika ears?
When did the obsession with completion begin in the Catch ‘Em All franchise? It’s always been there, and we might think the set numbers on the cards themselves incentivize a completionist approach. I always liked full sets as a kid, and I do now, too. Thank god I don’t collect modern, though. Those 200-300 card sets seem like a fucking nightmare to collect.
There’s a whole set of Komiya Machop cards. The Machoke is carrying a bunch of pokemon over a river or some such if I recall.
>trainer gallery cards
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Not just trainer gallery, Trainer’s Pokemon (Lance’s Charizard, Brock’s Cocks, N’s Word)
>N’s Word
Now I really want to see a N's Unown card. Damn you.
these old Komiya cards are GOATed with the sauce
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My LCS has the Carmine SAR. Please convince me not to buy it. How long until It's a $60 card??
Buy it in 2 years
I probably won't be buying cards in 2 years. I don't plan on ever selling the Carmine but there's no way it doesn't drop soon right?
>unlimited LP holos
>no shadowless
>only gen 1

another casual collector who thinks his cheap little binder is impressive
I enjoyed looking through it, anon :)
>no cards
Alright, who put a penny in discount Kaiba over here?
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Maybe the left one. Selling one of them at some point since i really don't need 2
I kinda wanna collect every Egawa card
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>Once I complete team rocket I'll be done collecting, which will be bittersweet but I can't just keep blowing money on silly stuff endlessly
I just need to buy Rotom and Aerodactyl for my Lost Origin binder (and some reverse holos) and i will be done with it.
LO Silver tempest and Crown Zenith is all i cared about
>The market will retvrn to tradition in time mark my words.
i remember such words during the middle of Sword and Shield.
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>When did this obsession over completing sets begin?
>Who the fuck cares about that?
i do

Soon i will own an ACTUALLY complete master set of Lost Origin.
i own cards nobody knows about.

>who cares
People who like cards?
It's about what you like. Not about what "people care" you post 2020 logan paul craze normie.
>N’s Unknown & Unknown & Unknown Tag Team Ex
>Abillity: NIG…
v-union card
Promos are part of various promos sets. A McDonald’s reprint or whatever isn’t part of the Lost Origin “master set” or whathaveyou
>Agonizing over all that crap in the image
Couldn't be me
I don't usually buy cards or boxes, but every once in awhile I get the craving. Assuming I'm stopping at target later today, is there any specific product I should look out for?
>Promos are part of various promos sets. A McDonald’s reprint or whatever isn’t part of the Lost Origin “master set” or whathaveyou
>source-my ass
Why are you saying this bullshit? You clearly dont know anything about master sets nor you care.
>complete set
A complete set according that booklet they insert in ETB cases
>master set
a set uncluding literally ALL cards that have the set-icon at the corner.
>owning a master set
>Couldn't be me

if you just want cool pulls try and get something with crown zenith in
>autism lol im better than you
Said faggot that spends money on kids animal cardboard.
You are an autist because you setting this bullshit and being unaware of how juvenile your hobby is
>He'd rather have an ulcer rather than just enjoying his cards
You do you i guess
What lol
>collect pokemon cards
>don't understand why people finish master sets
What the fuck is this normie shit
I'm neither of the anons in that conversation. I didn't say I was better than that guy, I just think having a meltdown over others' definitions of a master set is complete autism
Idgaf what he wants to collect or not. You do you
>rather than just enjoying his cards
that's exactly why i complete my master set?

are you retarded
I just told what master set is, autismo
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>normie poorfags seething of anons being able to finish sets they like
binders should be fun, not a way to wave your dick around
stop being obnoxious
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>You clearly dont know anything about master sets nor you care.
You're right, I don't care. But I know a few things about "master sets." I know "master set" is a meme classification, for instance..
Where we run into disputes as to which set a card should belong in (i.e. is PokeTour Pikachu part of Base set or part of some misc. stamped promo set?), I'm always defaulting to the means by which these cards are distributed. If it doesn't come out of a Base Set pack, it's not part of Base Set -- it's a promo, so it goes with the other promos.
And you can appeal to nothing to legitimize your Turbo-Autism over and above my regular autism.
imagine having this degree of autism and smugness over a lost origin binder
imagine buying the $500 Denny's stamped blipbug promo instead of spending that money on something not ugly and retarded
the gengar pre-release card is like 45 bucks gem mint
and there's a colress staff/champion card for sale at my local card shoppe right now for 96 canadian funbux
unless i'm missing somethign here, i hope to god you didn't buy these cards for hundreds of dollars when you first made this retarded meme
No matter how much I stare at that card, I can't make sense of the image. It just looks like Zeraora's head and an absolute mess of limbs. Which are his arms and which are the legs? Why is there a foot sticking out on the left side of the image that is seemingly attached to nothing? I feel like I am having a stroke
>a set uncluding literally ALL cards that have the set-icon at the corner.
So the Lost Origin Pre-Release Gengar isn't part of the """master set""" then?
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yeah it took me a while to get my head around it
Master set completion is genuinely soulless npc behavior. Imagine not just buying the cards you actually like.
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lol the master set autist can't even get his own definition straight
I don't even know why you would bother, reverse holos look worse than non-holos do these days
who cares you collected 5 editions of jobmon common #725?

Down to the top 100
Every single pre-release promo after Black and White Next Destinies (except for XY Base and XY Evolutions) is a black star promo, so do THEY count towards a master set?
this illustration has to be nishidas worst
wtf is that body position?
You're just proving that anon's point though. You sound fucking entitled and out of touch if you don't realize you're in the minority.
completing master sets and getting this worked up over them is the most normie shit around. it sounds like something on the reddit front page for updoots
>he thinks it's about money when it only costs a few hundred bucks to master a set
>he thinks a few hundred dollars is expensive
lmfao anon, stop outing yourself as poor
honestly, kinda based.
This may mean a return to older illustration styles that took liberty with pokemon poses. This is a good sign.
>nishidas worst
and that's truly saying something given her atrocious output
i have multiple discreet cards worth more than your entire retarded """master set,""" and i'm far from the richest of richfriends who posts here
epic larp
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lost origin's worth, what, like 600 bucks realistically?
most cringe general on 4chan
you clearly haven't been to, say, the lego general
You mean League of Legends or the Lego general in /toy/?
Like the building blocks
dude, i'm in love with all of those great absol and feraligatr pics they chose. it's a damn shame they're going to be ignored for more pikavee slop.
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>Omanyte waves hello
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I collected 251 using various cards from various sets. Why on earth would you give two shits if somethings from the same set unless it was E reader or first edition
I dunno, as far as leftist humor in the post-drumph era goes they're pretty top tier. They necessarily contain a certain level of subtlety since they have to pretend to be conservative to make the joke, rather than just bludgeoning you over the head with the Correct Opinion. He occasionally does something funny. Mostly it's just "I recognize the thing!" though. Your crying liberties, obvious self-inserts, "HEH HEH HEH!"s.
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>obvious self-inserts
always great
Hello Omanyte :)
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Screwed over by PSA edition
Opened some Ultra Wolverine because all I hear from you guys is that alt art determins the price. meanwhile you can get high quality art cards for a reasonable price.
>Claim to be a fan & collector
>Reject and shame the notion of collecting anything that isn't super expensive.
People who collect bulk cards are considerably more based then people just collecting chase cards. You'll never get to experience opening a pack and putting all the cards into a binder because you deem them unfit.
I hate this O face basedjak mind virus that's taken over almost every YouTube thumbnail.
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I agree that something else than Pikachu or Charizard would be great but look how adorable that nmanma Pikachu is.

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