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Kneel. Worship. Obey.

Take the quiz to see what Goddess you get:
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Respond to this post with a picture of your Goddess and write "I am a slave for Goddess ____"
I am a slave for Goddess Cynthia.
locked up and forced to watch
I am a slave for Goddess Lusamine!
Being bottomless in front of Cynthia and having her lovingly make fun of my gross penis…
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she will never kiss it.
based based based
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I am a slave for Goddess Jessie!
I’m at least glad she likes looking at it…
she's going to lock it up. It'll look better that way.
Good slave. She should be in charge of Team Rocket
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/vp/ - Femdom Erotic Roleplay
>Let's begin the tests, slave
Beautiful on-model goddesses…
>You've committed crimes against the New PokeGoddess World Order.
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>no image
Castrate yourself now.
Shit! Shit! Sorry!
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Too late for apologies. Cut it off immediately!
But I really don’t want to…
why do Pokegoddesses love turning their male slaves into girls?
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>But I really don’t want to…
Who said you're allowed to consent?
Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I'll do anything except that…
I guess permanent chastity will do for now. You'll also need to watch Cynthia with her lovers.
Alright. That's better, I guess…
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Castration is the only option. Deal with it.
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Join him in castration, too!
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/vp/ is a slave for Femdom Erotic Roleplay
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I castrated myself a long time ago for Goddess Lusamine. She fucks my holes now.
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because emasculating them gives them a feeling of power which turns them on. also humiliating to the slave which is also a turn on and hilarious! not to mention it's like a project and gives a feeling of accomplishment with each successful transformation.
File deleted.
you slaves are browsing this thread in chastity right?
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Yes Mistress
I want mommy to bimbofy me until I forget who I am.
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>Mods are letting both threads stay up
Forever Lillie's bitch

I keep getting punished, does it ever end bros

Is she EVER truly satisfied?
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Get in the bag, faggot
>posts Lusamine
can't even tell the goddesses apart, bad slave
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>doesn't post an image
Lillie will not be corrupted by your degeneracy, cumbrain!
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Other thread is on page 10. Necrobump it janny
I am not a slave.
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>bumped the thread
You're gonna be now
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How did Dawn tame your pokegoddess?
Why do these literal fetish threads been allowed to shit up the board for 4 years now? I thought fetish posting was a banneable offense so what the fuck are you doing jannies? The fact that's its literally a glorified "fapping together" thread (which belongs on >>>/trash/ ) doesnt help
kneel lol
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Imagine them walking (You) around Saffron City on a double ended leash...
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Mods actively participate in it, making you the one who posted a bannable offense.
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>Kneel. Worship. Obey.

>Take the quiz to see what Goddess you get:
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Bumped the thread award
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Fuck, this thread gave me a boner.
me too
>Mods actively ignore the rules they are supposed to enforced
Ah so they are powertripping? I'm gonna email Hiro about it and he will decide what happens from now on
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>didn't bump the other thread
You don't deserve to have this thread bumped any more!
I would never be able to look at her in the same way again.
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you only complain about this fetish thread in particular not others.
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Post underrated Goddesses
Goddess Domino
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Goddess Giselle is in charge!
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You will never be real goddesses.
Slaves for the Sensational Sisters!
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Tyra will kick your simp ass
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on my face PLEASE!
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I am a slave for Goddess Lusamine!
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Thanks for the free bump, Shaun!
Keep seething!
He's right! It's more likely to be something like shaunberg or shaunstein. Notice how shaunberg, as a yid, has no spelling errors when typing in his native language, yiddish. Meanwhile, whenever he tries to type in English, so many typos abound. This alone is enough to out shaunstein as a filthy jew, who was kicked out of Nasser Yorat University and not New York as he tries to imply, and was rejected from the University of Tel-Aviv and not UTM. As a member of a (((tribe))) with a professional victim complex, shaunberg's only available instinct when punched by a single pajeet was to curl up and beg for mercy, then play the victim later, rather than fight back like a real man would.
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I see you've evaded your ban. Thanks for another free bump, Shaun!
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Goddess Cynthia beats him again!
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Lusamine is a slave for me.
>You bumped the threa-ACK
No I didn't.
shaunstein really does like projecting
he was probably crying a river when he got beat up by those pajeets
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girlboss x malewife
Rika my beloved. Love my pale, bony goddess.
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i want to be in a FLR so bad
based, me too. i also love shiny swimsuits/clothing in general therefore i must
at this pic.
Worshipping Rika’s skinny, flat body!
damn it. i can only HNNGGG so much in one day
She’s beautiful, isn’t she? All skin and bones, waiting to be hugged!
>me: whimpers and moans gently as we hold each other*
>Rika wraps her skinny arms around you and comforts you, resting your head against her flat chest.
she bought me flowers too! my boss/wife is so thoughtful
She loves you very much! But you definitely love her even more, right?
Oh no? I tried the test and got somebody called "Cogita"...

>Cogita does not rush things, not does she mince her words. Do not expect her to show any emotions beyond a sarcastic smirk. She knows exactly what she wants - to listen to your pathetic whimpers as she stimulates you beyond limits.

Don't even know who she is, so still not a slave.
of course i do! i'd do anything to make her happy.
(I have to go now, sorry. It was nice chatting with you. Make Rika proud, alright?)
i will! thank you this was fun.
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