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Not waiting a friggin' week this time edition. A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading. What have you been reading? What have you been writing? What have you been working on?

Me, an average human with no powers, with my average pokemon, shall best aura users, psychics, nutritionists and gamers.
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>Pokemon communicating by saying their name and variations of it like the anime
>Pokemon communicating through grunts, barks and other sounds like their game cries

What do you prefer? I've never seen a story not use the first option but I think I would prefer the second. I can't help but cringe when I read the first.
I don't think either of them are that different, i prefer just hearing the pokespeak translated and humans not understanding it (unless they do), but sometimes part of the plot is the reader being as clueless as the protagonist and in that case it really just changes what the writer will use as bullshit
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How do (You) deal with trainer ages?
>You need to be way older than 10 yo to actually go on an adventure
>It's just like that and nobody cares about child safety
>The age of adulthood in pokemon is way younger
>Pokemon communicating by saying their name and variations of it like the anime
For cute small mons
>Pokemon communicating through grunts, barks and other sounds like their game cries
For bigger, more intimidating mons
N-nani??? I'm reading this anons mind and he perfectly counters my full Psychic team as he has several counters on his multi type team. I-I yield!
You do fight kindergartners in most games, some of them holding lategame gym or Elite 4 privileges. If you write that you need to be 16+ to collect crummy Pokémon creatures then you have to explain why Acerola or Iris exist.
Stand aside junior, let this senior show you the might of his pure-blooded Dragon poke-
a F-Fairy type?! B-bakana, we had supressed all knowledge of their existence! Noooooooooo!
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>Kanto/Jhoto don't give a fuck and let 10 year olds go on an adventure
>Hoenn/Sinnoh 14
>The rest 16

If Legends Arceus is any kind of reference then the pokemon world was a REAL shitty place to live only 150 years ago and 150 years is not a lot of time at all.
These sort of living conditions force teenagers and preteens to grow up much faster. The only reason we have such delayed adulthood in the current day is due to the peaceful/no responsibility times we live in, when shit finally collapses we're going right back to 14 being treated as an adult.

>Age of adulthood
Well it's taboo to really touch on this especially in the modern year with how hysteric Americans are on this topic and anything you publish will be majority read by Americans so it's better to just stick with a safe 18 and ignore it.
In reality 18 is only 18 in some American states due to America's puritan roots, the age of adulthood/consent is going to be maximum 16 with most places putting it at 13/14
Adding onto this I don't think starting your trainer career at a younger age is an especially big advantage.
Like >>56219464 points out you've got Iris being champ at her age and shit like Poppy. Poppy says she's 9 years old but I don't know if that's localisers doing their thing or if she actually says her age in the Japanese version too. She's kinda too small for 9.

Anyway, if starting young mattered then these older aged 40+ trainers would all be the elite of elite. I think most of your pokemon's growth happens in the first year/2 of bonding with their trainer and the rest is technique/strategy.
The second. Pokemon also have an inherent ability to understand one another's rough meanings of whatever they say, a trait that separates a Pokemon soul from a human one. It doesn't work between a Pokemon and a human, so they need to actually learn how to understand human speech.

Humans' souls, on the other hand, are able to form strong soul bonds with others, even with objects and other esoteric things like ideas. Trainers who have been with a Pokemon for a long time can understand each other almost as well as Pokemon naturally understand each other.
This trait of human souls is also how the first specimens of some Ghost types come into existence, but most of them can breed natural offspring after, who come from eggs like other Pokemon.
What's your headcanon for poorly skilled trainers existing in a world whose entire society seems to function around having numerous skilled trainers?
Is it a technological limitation?
Is it something that's done intentionally due to the potential impact fucking with legendaries can cause?
Is high end trainer knowledge guarded as national secrets?
Or are people just not interested in taking this one universal constant of their life to the absolute peaks of possibility when journeys are more for finding out who you are and what you want from life?
Not everyone want or need to train to be the best. Just like in our world not everyone want to be Mike Tyson. Devon President said in the game that pokemon trainer is a new popular career compare to being an scientist in his youth. Besides, what can a bunch of dragon trainers can do when Devon show up with an heavily armed forces to gun them down and taking their rightfully own stones and secret.
Agreed. Pokémon "Language" goes beyond the actual vocalizations they make. Otherwise why would a Spearow from Kanto be able to perfectly interpret the calls of a Pidove from Unova at first encounter. Even IRL animals struggle understanding their own kind if they are from seperate regions. Like different schoolso of Dolphins that each have their own unique calls. Pokémon seem to have some sort of inherit empathetic power that most humans are deaf to.
Same as in real life. A lot of the failures among us could have probably had very successful lives if they just buckled down in college/trade school/schmoozing their way up the corporate ladder. But every world needs its worker drones, and most people will opt to take the path of least resistance even if they know they can do better.

It certainly helps that the pokemon world in official canon is fairly utopian. Settling for an average life will still net you something comfortable, for the most part. It's not all perfect and some people in the games do end up losing their homes at times, but the risk definitely seems much lower. and it's not like you need to be a master-class trainer to get a meowscarada wife
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My biggest headcanon for this is that being a pokemon trainer is way harder than it seems to be, maybe add the theory that every protag is special to this but being able to manage a full team is very difficult and it would be impossible to do something like using your overleveled starter to blaze through the entire pokemon league
Actual champion challenges happen in the single digits monthly and most of them end up in losses
You need luck surviving in the wilderness and finding certain Pokémon, a competitive spirit, money to bakroll your campaign and a genuine connection with your team. It's a lot for most people and being a Pokémon Trainer is pretty chaotic and dangerous if you get careless or just plain unlucky.
The smarter people interested in Pokémon just do training on the side, although their lack of "purity" (autism) results in less gains.
Battling with pokemon is sort of a requirement of ownership. They need it, so everyone does it, often casually.
>My biggest headcanon for this is that being a pokemon trainer is way harder than it seems to be
Same. It's also supported in the game too. It's rare to find NPCs with a full team of fully evolved mons even among elite trainers like Ace Trainers and Veterans. I guess monotype trainers would have an easier time raising a full team.
oh my Arceus!
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Not everyone can be a Honorable Dexholder
Always thought it was super gay how Pokespe turns having a Pokedex into something like "Chosen One" or "Jedi"
Second, first is always just embarrassing to read
Second, stories that have Pokémon just repeating their names just ends up sounding stupid.
Mix of multiple things, like the logistics of what it would actually be like to train a team of up to six Pokémon with different personalities especially money wise for feeding and type wise if they don’t get along. One time I wanted to try making a team with a theme but then I looked into the dex entries and learned that a good chunk of the team hated the other team members so it would stand to reason that a trainer like that would have a terrible time training. It seems to have in game evidence too with most trainers sticking to a theme or being monotype and the really exceptional like Champions or Veterans carrying extreme type coverage.
I absolutely loathe the name-talk, but I also acknowledge that it's a great way to ensure that customers learn the products' trademarks. Of course, I found myself stuck in the middle writing for both extremes: some have only cries and gesture and others are fluent speakers, so instead of picking one Pokemon voice style I was able to write in a tone of commentary on how being able to talk back affects a Pokemon's expressed personality.

>How do (You) deal with trainer ages? nobody cares about child safety The age of adulthood in pokemon is way younger
My stance is less about age of adulthood as proven maturity. One could waste time worldbuilding a set of rules about ages, licensing, badges, blah blah. But I think what's more important is portraying that maturity leads to training Pokemon and training Pokemon leads to maturity through the responsibility required. The most overt expression of that in my stories is Walter, who escaped responsibility, but then adopted Alice (taking on responsibility in the form of a first Pokemon, highlighting that despite his age in this world he is effectively a naive child), made mistakes again, and finally takes the responsibility he owed by ensuring her a chance at freedom while surrendering to the authorities.

I think I've clearly come down on the side of precise trainer style and technique as the biggest factor. I've portrayed the same team going farther under a different trainer's coaching, and how a given Pokemon's outward behavior can drastically change according to who's taking care of it.
The 10 year old thing has always stuck out to me because in the games, the actual age you can get a license is 11 as mentioned in a manual or in Alola’s case it’s the age you can take the trials.

Anyways, I think the Pokémon journey is seen as more of a coming of age sort of thing and there’s clearly authorities around in places like towns and cities but once you’re in the wilderness and you go off the route pathways you’re on your own unless a Pokémon ranger happens to be patrolling the area. Later regions have the player characters looking older like Unova and Kalos so the 10-11 year old thing isn’t always the case especially when there’s clearly younger battlers in game, so maybe the license is more of a formality sort of thing.
Any Fanfiction with dead Rhydon?
Are you canon diverging right now? Cringe.
>he said the thing
More fics should diverge heavily from canon. The problem is that instead of questioning nonsensical elements of canon or realizing that things like the 4 move limit are video game abstractions that shouldn't be replicated in a written story, they all diverge from canon to write dumb edgy shit.
Blame the trAshnime for that retarded idea becoming so commonplace.
>they all diverge from canon to write dumb edgy shit.
I honestly prefer that to Journeytrash doing gym battles but with a badass team while saying something "cool"

I swear you seethe about the anime when nobody talks about it, literally the rent free definition.

Anyways, Pokespe did the same and it was only until BW they made the Black and White older and that was the first time the games did too, older looking MCs weren't a real thing and Wes doesn't count
Pokespe started the trainers at 11 iirc? 10’s an anime exclusive thing.
In my story, people can turn into mons, and so when they're trying to form human speech, it comes out as anime styled "Pika pi!" type speech (unless you're also shifted into a mon, in which case you can understand what they're saying). However, when a wild Pokemon is crying or when a shifted person is in combat or something, it comes out as roars and grunts. I just felt like this was the most consistent with the overarching canon—strange vocal patterns when they're trying to mimic human speech, animalistic grunts when they're not. Exactly like cats, they meow for our attention but hiss at each other to communicate.
First option is obnoxious and I automatically hate any story that does it
You are like great value shawn.
I like this when it isn't limited to just Arceus, it's too monotheistic for the Pokemon setting. Like when a Hoenn-raised sailor sees a fuck-huge storm forming and mutters "Kyogre's soggy ballsack" or something like that.
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Psychic fags wu@?
This is the pyschic equivalent of a 7'8 nigga saying "basketball is easy. anyone can be a pro at it" or a 3'4 actor saying "playing the role of a dwarf is easy. anyone can do it"
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Current progress on the cast. Now to give the canon guys some older redesigns. This is not gonna be fun.
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The aurafag can blitz you faster than your faggy mind trick tho, look at this man moving his aura infused hand so fast you can't see it
The funny thing I don't see people often mention about this is that DPP very strongly indicates that the name of Arceus isn't common knowledge. All the myths simply refer to it as "the original one", and the only person who actually refers to it by name is the mysterious myth-sharing Hiker in Platinum, and only after you actually get Arceus in your save. Cynthia herself, the region's resident mythologist, only faintly alludes to Arceus in the Celestic Ruins in the post-game, unsure of her own theorizing about it, and only refers to Arceus by name in the HGSS event.
Has anyone here played BDSP? Curious if that remains true in the remakes.
I've noticed that too and it's always bugged me. Knowledge on Arceus is supposed to be largely a myth that's been lost to time, same as many other box legendaries. It's like people in Galar going "Oh my Zacian!" even though knowledge of the dogs has been suppressed.
BDSP has literally and i mean literally zero lore changes that are significant
The vast majority of BDSP's script is copied outright from the original DP last I checked.
>story is interesting and has a good start
>update schedule grinds to a complete fucking halt
>lose interest in the story
>story eventually updates
>unfollow because it's been long enough that I don't remember the last few chapters and don't want to reread the whole damn thing to make the newest chapter make sense
Same. Imagine not including a quick rundown to catch people up to speed after returning from a hiatus.
I can live without a full plot summary because most of the time you only have to go back and skim the previous chapter if it was a rough stopping point.
The real killer for me is Pokemon nicknames and excessive characters, especially when the actual species of something has not been stated for several chapters and the amount of "relevant" characters has ballooned in size.
My bad.
>naruto fic dies and comes back
"oh it's just the fucking chunin exams but the original premise is still cool so let's read this chapter and then go back to ignoring the story for another 8 months. maybe I'll stop following it on the next update if there is another bad hiatus"
>dbz fic dies and comes back
"huh, they're on some weird oc planet... oh, it's a new home for saiyans i got it let's read it now"
>any other fic dies and comes back
"hmm, I'm a little lost and don't feel like reading right now, but the author has suddenly been uploading 3x per week so I'll keep it in a tab and then read it all once it's complete since the story is in the final arc!"
>pokemon fic dies and comes back
"what the fuck is going on here? oh, it's another journeyfic and the OC is still on the third fucking badge, time to remove"

that's pretty much my thought process
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Give me a rec of your very favorite complete pokemon fanfic, no matter the genre please
it's a six book cringekino series with some edge for flavor.
Are there are forums that discuss fanfiction beyond Spacebattles?
I just assume they're all dead/gone as I never hear any mention of them.
Longing of the Dragon. it's a romance about Lance but its some of the most well written prose I've ever seen on AO3.
Nta but I'm fucking tired of aura since most of the time they don't put any thought how it works in their story, nowadays you can do any kind of slop SO why are they still in 2010?
What's the best Ash fic?
>best Ash fic?
There's no such a thing tho, maybe Ashes of the Past by Saph but other than that? Non-existent, Pokémon as a whole has that problem as far as fanfics go, they're mostly Journeytrash, novelization of someone's gameplay but edgy or shipping shit.
Ashes of the Past, it's not even that good honestly it's just that it doesn't commit all the obvious sins of its contemporaries and actually gets and respects the tone of Pokemon instead of trashing it for a "mature" plot
>anime-like with slice-of-life shenanigans
any fic by Saphroneth (Ashes of the Past for a finished overall plot that got plagiarized by the reset bloodline fag right down to Cyrus fucking everything up, Legendarily Popular for shitpost tier legend encounter rates, etc.)
>has ash but isn't 100% fully anime because of eventual divergences due to butterfrees
Mystery of Aura series, From One Side to Another (frontier brain Ash)
>Ash, but the world isn't anime at all
>instead of trashing it for a "mature" plot
Let me guess, Reset Bloodlines?
That fic doesn't even register in the top 100 of the worst offenders of that, the amount of edgy Ash fics out there is insane.
Spacebattles has a few offshoots made by others like QuestionableQuestion and SufficientVelocity. No idea how good they are for discussion, only that they exist.
Other than that, well, your only option is here and discord.
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The strangest yet funniest thing about Reset Bloodlines is the fact that it's inspired by Ashes. What kind of person reads that fic and produces Bloodlines in response?
I mean, you read this and ask yourself.

>"As to shipping, as to if this would imply a change in ships if I did this later….honestly I don't know. I happen to like the ships in base Reset, even Anabel, who I get the impression is the least liked of the six, has stuff I like doing with her, though you could do a lot with any character vaguely shippable with Ash. Honestly who knows…ships could stay the same, that old theoretical idea of expanding the relationship total could be done, Dawn would probably be swapped out and made into a younger sister in genetics and position, I could go full on polyamorous free love like Iris is writing the script with a multi-level system of relationship seriousnesses all around….I legit don't know. My mood is honestly influenced by, for example, how much overly dark and serious stuff I see when looking for new material that might make me want to shift more in a sillier, funner way to compensate on any given day. Only two things I'm sure of is that I'd probably lean more into the idea of the Pokemon World having different relationship standards than our own (in the last ten years I've grown more wary of settings where harems are a protagonist privilege in the style of Clan Restoration Acts and Lineage Continuation Contracts/Consort Contracts that only the special super protagonist, and pretty much only him despite characters like Neville, Kiba, Shikamaru, and Ernie McMillian being in a similar boat, and would rather either explore a society with different norms or how people exist outside of them which is what Reset itself does and while I don't mind it, a more divergent Pokemon world morality system seems more interesting)"
>in my opinion Erika is a lesbian
>And I'm apparently smarter than a vast majority of people my age when it comes to Pokemon."
>Ashes of the Past is a great story, but Ash having a Charizard before he even got to Lt. Surge pushes it. Of course, when he ran into Hunter J that was a problem, wonder what Ash will do if he was to...run into Hunter J.
>Let's be honest here; in real life, and in most fictional ones, Polygamy is tricky if it supposed to be considered healthy for all. Emotional needs are hard enough to meet with one partner, let alone six. There is also the fact that Ash has no time turner or shadow clones. There is a reason Muslims can only have a maximum of four wives; people may have abused the Islamic Religion (As all religions are abused), but Muhammad knew where to draw a line.
A college student
>fic is "inspired by" another fic
>it's the exact same fucking premise but smudged a little so that it isn't a complete rip off
Are ANY of those "inspired by xyz" fics any good?
Fuck no, just look at all the shit Gabriel Blessing inspired with his Shirou wank
holy fuck
Sometimes I wonder what that mentally ill faggot is up to since he still hasn't finished that fucking indigo tournament for his planned epic story.
Haremfags always deserve the fucking rope, especially when they go overboard with six fucking girls when they can't even develop one of them.

Harems only work in RPGmaker eroge or with a blatantly obvious main girl, and virtually all the good ones limit it to less than six anyway. It was doomed to fail for multiple reasons.
The only way a six-way haremfic would work is if it's a pokefucker story about some trainer with innawoods tier social distancing.
Never gotten into Fate because of that guy, seems like a generic MC.
QQ is SB for porn. Modern politics are banned and the rules for everything else are less strict. However the none-smut section gets no attention.
Don't know anything about SV.
>the author starts a patreon and the story suddenly starts having a lot more hiatuses, cliffhangers and dead air chapters.
I didn't even realize that Gabriel Blessing had a list of inspired fics, since most of those stories are crossover shit. It'd be harder to "be inspired" without coming off as a total fucking rip-off, but I'm also assuming that those inspired stories likely didn't get past a few chapters before getting dropped.

The Fate ones I read were a bit wanky at times, but they were reasonable with it and saved it for kino moments desu.
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>the author starts a patreon and the story suddenly starts having a lot more hiatuses, cliffhangers and dead air chapters.
Go look at Borne of Caution's spacebattles threadmarks if you want to have a giggle or two.
>I wonder what that mentally ill faggot is up
He was supposedly preparing the chapters of an Orange Islands arc but didn't progress because "muh betas" and "muh I don't have much time anymore". He's also probably wasting time doing spin-off shit with the Blossomverse girl.

Like, motherfucker, it took you *ten years* to barely get done with Kanto, and the first thing you plan is Orange Islands? Just get to the Bloodline King, or Cyrus, or whoever the fuck is the antagonist already.

I don't even know why he even chose to make it a six-girl harem when two of them are not around doing fuck all, and the other one is clearly hated by him.
>The only way a six-way haremfic would work is if it's a pokefucker story about some trainer with innawoods tier social distancing.
I agree here but that's primarily because for every girl you'd add to the story, you're most likely adding her entire Pokemon team, and that devolves into general character bloat very quickly even if you do a normal, nonharem fic with no romance whatsoever.
Even basic journeyfics with just the MC and two trainers traveling alongside him/her burn out quickly and look for an excuse to split the gang before the first region is finished, assuming that the story doesn't die earlier than that.
>Orange Islands planning
>A literal fucking filler arc before presumably going off to Johto, Hoenn, then Sinnoh, then a final arc all around the antagonist's bullshit
If he ever gets his ass in gear and finishes up Kanto, I doubt he'll ever get past Johto with this nonsense.
If an author heavily dislikes a character in a story, then they should do one of the following:
>Change small aspects of them so that they're still in character, but it would be more enjoyable to write them. Very few characters are 100% irredeemable when sticking to the bounds of canon for Pokemon between the Games/Anime/Manga. An easy example would be Iris and making her less of a whiny cunt.
>Write the character out of the story; maybe they don't exist in the fic or they're just busy offscreen doing other bullshit. You don't like Lance? Have him offscreen doing G-Men shit and other Champion things.
It's absurdly fucking obvious when an author heavily dislikes a character because the writing around them tends to be growlithe shit. Giving a character shit for their flaws is one thing, but Bashing is cringe and lazy.
Even changing the character completely so it's just someone else entirely would be an acceptable alternative in some situations if you absolutely need that character to exist for whatever reason.

>character bloat
That's the real kicker, but I'd still be hesitant to read any other story with that many love interests. At least one or two of them is getting shafted.
What's your preferred intelligence level for Pokemon? Ranging from fully sapient to purely animalistic.
>and the other one is clearly hated by him.
>Shirou wank
My God, that shit's tiring. It's always Stay Night.
Dawn. Long story short, she's supposed to be part of the harem, as said by the author, but the thing is, Dawn is just absent, to the point where she might not even exist.

>Ash looked up for info about her, only to find none
>her mother doesn't acknowledge her existence, no one does for the matter being
>then, the author introduced Mitsumi, the green-haired version from DP Adventure
>and to top it all off, as you can see in >>56222797, the author has a weird obsession with keeping her out and turning her into Ash's sister

It's not clear why Dawn of all characters gets this bizarre loathing (the Striaton trio too, but that's beside the point). It's not like the author is above bashing characters he doesn't like, so one can only wonder what issue he has with Dawn to do that.
I haven't looked at Reset in a long time, didn't Dawn also have some weird trauma where she was clearly beaten as a child and borderline mute, or was that Serena or one of the other forced ships? I remember Anabel being made a telepath with a scarred throat or something like that.
You're probably thinking of Iris, but I can't blame you for getting them mixed. The three girls that are present all have Reborn-tier backstories:

>Misty is an accident child
>Iris was abandoned to live with dragon Pokémon
>Anabel's parents died in a car crash
Okay yeah, it was Iris. It's pretty easy to forget about with how little breathing room the girls get due to the harem being too big for the author to handle.
Fuck, now that's edgy

My ex-interpol Ash has a long way to go then if want to reach that level. But then again, I'm still undecided on his skillset.

Anyways, do you guys use Pokémon parts as armor or clothes? Like some G-Man armor using Dragonair scales or bug type threads
Pokemon parts as clothing are fine, depending on the parts and clothes. Renewable stuff like Mareep wool outfits would be commonplace in a department store or the dragon scale armor idea you mentioned for Lance work, but something like Tauros Hide that requires butchering the pokemon would probably be rarer and only worn by poachers.
Both. Sapient, with a different way of understanding the world from humans, and even from different Pokemon species.
Canonically speaking, Wooloo's wool is used to make clothing, so making stuff out of a Pokémon's parts is valid.
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Sapient, they just have different priorities than Humans.

Humans are the only animal that have ambition. For every other animal on the planet if you are fed/watered and sleeping comfortably then you've won at life and your reward is being able to sit around all day doing nothing.
Animals get bored sure but they just fuck around a little bit to ease the boredom and go back to doing nothing until they need to eat.

I imagine Pokemon are pretty similar, only "fuck around a little bit" for Pokemon = battling.

>But I'm a neet and I'm happy to spend my days neeting
Sure but you're an individual, I'm talking about Humans as a whole.
>Misty is an accident child
It kinds fits
Sapient, but with intelligence varying based on species/upbringing/type.

Pokemon raised around humans and trainers predictably develop a better understanding of how humans think, and how some human devices/concepts work (for example what a television is, or a very basic understand of currency). Additionally thanks to constant secure access to food, medical care, and shelter they have more time to spend on things than their wild counterparts. A pokemon who grows up with a kid going through school might absorb some information here and there depending on intelligence. Even if it's a basic grasp of just how extensive human civilisation is spread throughout the world from watching tv with the rest of the household, it's still far more understanding than a wild pokemon who might have seen a few trainers or farmers a few times in their lives while out foraging for food. Another effect when writing pokemon raised by humans would be a broader vocabulary and understanding of abstract concepts.

On the other hand, the wild pokemon are going to be far more used to surviving away from civilisation and able to endure a higher level of hardship, and so even trained and intelligent pokemon could be outwitted in the right circumstances.

As for types, I write psychic types as typically being the most intelligent of non-legend pokemon, with most of them naturally able to quickly understand and learn from unfamiliar pokemon and humans. They tend to be more human-like in their mannerisms, and often coming across as aloof to other types.

Predatory social pokemon, like some dark types, come in second on the smarts scale. I imagine packs of weavile and sneasels can come up with fairly complex plans and schemes. Special mention to ghost types as well, as they may or may not have been humans in the past and something may have carried over that gives them a spectral leg up.
What happened to all the porn?
>He doesn't know
Crunchyroll is going against all fan art because they can't make money out of it and Nintendo wants to erase it to keep their name as safe as possible
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>finish writing a chapter
>it's just thousands of words worth of filler
Get fucked reader-kun hoooly crap you can't stop losing can you? Look at you beg for more you dirty slut, maybe if you're lucky we'll get our third badge in another 20k words! Who's the king here? I'm the king here!
What? I meant in these threads
Am I weird if I'd prefer battles to be shorter and more like the games? Instead of reading an entire chapter of a bird pecking and fury attacking a grass type from all angles, I'd rather it be summoned up in a single paragraph where the bird 2shots the grass type with two pecks. It's tiring seeing "Dodge it!" over and over again.
Thinking about it, Shirou and Ash are literally the same character. Ash just happens to be a cartoon character in a cartoon world where risking your life to protect people is fine because that's Saturday Morning Cartoon morals and the worst that usually happens is funny slapstick owchies while Shirou is a deconstruction of that idea where Shirou is mentally damaged and has zero value for his life and is basically a robot that is programmed to do the most heroic action possible at every oppurtionity and has 30 something Bad Ends peppering his story (oddly most of them are from trying to be a reasonable person and not clicking the retard option).
My shitpost is up. Please let this fellow daoist know what you think. Like, really. Tear into me.
Last chapter's formatting got fucked on import and I forgot to check before pushing it. I fixed it but it's gonna take a while to update I guess.
I prefer the latter really, but I'm not going to dismiss a story because of the former, even if I find it a bit cheesy.

I do, however, find it extremely hypocritical when someone says that they will never, ever acknowledge the ashnime or any ideas they bring up but then do the former.

If you don't hold that belief, go nuts.
Even within the games themselves, the four-move limit isn't a true thing, and you can swap between moves outside of battle. Within battle you stick to those four though.
I agree completely. Depending on the mon and their circumstances there's a broad gulf between the smartest and the simplest.
How rare are "raised by the wilderness" characters in Pokemon fanfiction these days? I've considered doing it, and while only this on a very technical shouldn't-count scale, I have done a characters whose parents have become Pokemon.
I'd like to see one that doesn't end up going into gender/sex politics. It feels like most "wilderness" stories just get really weird and shoehorn the stuff in.
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Any fics centered around a mon being a pokemon trainer?
I think it could be a neat concept even if it might look a bit too much like slavery
Only as much as running a football team or a mercenary company.
Unimportant flights should be skimmed over, but major battles should just be written in an interesting way. Any story where you have trainers calling out for basic attacks and dodges is failing to do that.
A battle hardened veteran ditto leading an elite team of monsters disguised as a human trainer and taking down villain teams would be peak edge
the fic was already shit the moment it's Ash Ketchum and Harems. There's no redeeming quality out of self inserting as fucking ash of all people
Finally some good fucking food.
I'd read that if the dittos-disguised-as-human was paper thin and played for laughs. Like, someone spills some pokemon food on the floor and later the trainer is spotted eating it off the floor, and rather than regarding him as a freak or suspecting something is fishy, other people decide this must be part of some intense regimen for bonding with their pokemon and also start eating pokemon food off the floor.

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