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>most anons head into the second half of the game
>rg treks up a mountain with the ugly dykecunt and beats up an old woman
>orevald, ashime and I watch mordecai get called a nigger in half a dozen different ways before doing a dogshit case
>bunken defeats the mafia using the power of slowGOD
>leonymous avoids gangs in desolation
>ose rides a romantic ferris wheel with julia in reborn
>smeargle anon begins realizing the true fucking slog that is rejuv's endgame
>and the unfezant anon finally grounds lin and her puppy, beating reborn fully

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Empire (don't play this shit)

Reborn Allgen

Ashen Frost
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mordecai won't stop spamming earthquake and killing slowbro/salazzle so fuck it. I also really should've thought of this earlier, it's almost shameful
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Was testing to see if it's working, but mostly no, I don't even really know if it's stats are correct or close to the real thing since something seems sketchy to me.
It does have Electro Shot, but I haven't tested if that's fully functional either.
Can't wait for it to never be available in Rejuvenation.
Okay, Electro Shot does work, but still it's sprites are really broken and it has no cry, wonder if I could fix that by inserting placebo files.
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bros... i hate to admit it but
this was kinda fucking cool

i am curious which character that will be, i guess i'll see in due time
oh my god it desperately needed someone to be like "wait, jesus christ, slow down"
>from what an anon who was friends with one of the devs told us, pretty much everyone besides Jan and likely Zumi think Rejuvenation's story is crap.
holy shit, every dev except the main ones thinks the story's shit? that's hilarious
rejuvenation suffers from a very unique problem of having some legitimately interesting ideas, but the issue is jan cannot stick to one of them for the life of him so it feels like there's just several undercooked stories that would be neat if isolated happening all at once
If Rejuvenation just picked one or two of its plot points (garufans, time travel, multiple melias, undertale meta shit, rift pokemon, shadow pokemon, storm 9 etc etc etc) and built around those instead of constantly adding new ones and forgetting about the old ones it would help a lot
that was fucking awful. fuck mordecai, fuck the python, fuck luciano, and fuck whoever decided to not give mordecai more then one pokemon for this fight, like god damn pokeballs are 2 bucks I'll lend him some cash to make a team ffs
Nice! gj beating the whole thing
I can post some of the files from All-Gen so you can save them to the Ashen Frost folder, unless you still have your copy there
>Goes to check LAWD's sprite page to find an workableArchaludon sprite
>Sees Meowscarada's sprite
Someone was very horny when drawing that.
Jan apparently has ADHD, which explains a lot, the game's story reflects that very well.
Didn't see this, GG.
If you could post it, I would be very thankful, I've been running low on hard drive space, so I had to delete it.
The MC's nightmare realm is the only halfway interesting part of the school of nightmares t b h
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>Flora Wo-Chien
Will probably stop fucking around the files for now, but wow do 90% of the shinies suck bad, they're worse than even base Rejuvenation's worst shinies, horribly bright or far too saturated colors that just look horrible together, that and the fucking fact these retards took some of All Gen's beautiful shinies BUT MADE THEM WORSE.
Oh nononono discord xisters....the kid doesn't want to get groomed.....
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Which ones are missing, sprites for Archaludon and Electro Shot, and the Archaludon cry?
If someone else has the cry, catbox keeps fucking up for me. I dunno if they keep banning me or something lel
dude's gonna remove some staples
Functioning backsprite and shiny sprite, the cry I already got from LAWD, thanks for the help.
No worries, I got that one.
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hit the nail on the head there
honestly, i forgot just how much of this shit was in there
i find it kinda funny how they're trying really hard to keep rift pokemon relevant with the xenpurgis
it's like jan physically cannot let a plot point rest, save for bladestar i guess

>Jan apparently has ADHD
well, that explains a lot
it's funny though, as a faggot with ADHD as well you'd think this story would be right up my alley, but i think this is a cut above what i have because Jesus Christ, the sheer density of plot and how everything feels like something i have to remember for later being interspersed with hehe quirkyyy funny scenes is borderline overwhelming
i wish there was more of that desu, or maybe i don't because the more screentime jan gives something the worse it gets
honestly idk why we're using the word "nightmare", it feels like a buzzword at this point. the only thing that vaguely feels like a nightmare are saki and the MC's nightmare realms
"dream casino" or "school of dreams" rolls off the tongue better too

honestly i'm glad i can just. look at shinies in the files or on the wiki because half the time shinies are a straight downgrade to the original visually
We can rebuild him.....he have the technology......
That was actually far easier than I expected, just opened the sprite files with snip and sketch and it was piss easy to edit them for suitable use, afterwards it just was a matter of finding a soundfile and party icon, name them ARCHALUDON and then just copy and drag 'em to their appropriate folders.
I could probably do the same for Walking Wake but I'm a bit overwhelmed right now from the lack of sleep and work.
The issue is how often Jan rewrites the plot to try and pretend his "ePiC tWeEsT" makes any amount of sense later, I feel like the only reason Renegade even exists is because he's burned out at this point and doesn't want to continue making the game, but he damn well knows Rejuvenation is his only mark on the map and it's keeps those goytreon bucks flowing.
He's sorta like a discount yanderedev.
>Shinies are mostly downgrades
They really are, some fangames do them justice, Desolation has some beautiful ones, All Gen aka the gen 8/9 mod for Reborn has some GORGEOUS shinies like Archaludon's and Ting-Lu's, but some games like Rejuvenation just have horrid looking ones.
If I had Dragon Dance on Tyrantrum, this would be much, much simpler......if I had Delphox I would have a way to deal with Blaziken easier, however neither are options on the table........this is gonna take some brainpower.
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Do continue, I am actually interested in this train of thought....
And the hag has PULSE 2 Pokemon.......yay.....
LilliGODS...We've won again
Whiteouts: 77
This would probably be much more annoying without Lilligant desu
I think there's not too much more bullshit until the Kaizo Forest, though I might be forgetting some shit kek
Wasn't there an npc selling resistance berries somewhere by the point you reach the chateau?
GG, this is like Crowd field all over again but somehow even worse.
gg. dancing has gotten you through some tough times recently
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I wonder if she does that because she's superstitious or because it actually works, like does she know or not?
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...This wasn't the fight Wagie was talking about right? Miraidon might've been a bit overkill.
gg, man that's an awful field effect. I can't believe frigga is faster then blaziken
>hey sport uh go get some stuff from our rival guild for me in this jungle shithole
>er also you only get 500 steps before being reset and you'll have to pay another 750 for another ticket to come back!
>now have fun out there!
Hello, hello?
Oh, the Debug department? And they're asking for me?
Oh don't worry, it's still a few ways away.
Thanks bro, fight isn't so hard if that piece of shit of a lead she has is immediately dealt with, I'm actually pretty surprised Frigga outsped the Blaziken, she's full speed investment jolly, based 87 speed compared to Blaziken's 80, I guess the AI has an adamant nature one.
They added a feature that leads you use passes while inside the place to extend your stay, that wasn't a thing last version, because Octavius is a fucking moron who wants to see the player suffer.
GG. I'm assuming this is the one?
That sounds awful.
Really nigga?
holographic meatloaf ain't cheap
>>>>>>>>>>>>I bet the kike would approve the frenchoid getting fleeced
This game is so close to being based sometimes.
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PSEUDO CHADS, DRAGON GODS......it is truly joever......
Yup, I highly recommend you keep Walking Wake at the ready.
>Pajeets trying to scam Whites at every given turn
Sasuga liberal xissies......this isn't very progressive of you.
This scene hurts to watch and makes Eloise even more unlikable than she already is.
Truffles finding a baby swinub is adorable.
Everything about these Truffles sections is wonderful.
didn't find this place last time, finally some good tutor moves
Power went out for a bit.
Remember that when you reach the chateau, you need to go get your affairs in order, since you won't be Sneedvester for a good while after this.
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It's time, need two regional, convergent or weaker Paradox suggestions.
Current ones I have are, Wugtrio, G.Slowking and Slowbro, G.Stunfisk, P.Tauros, H.Arcanine, S.Magcargo, Sinistcha and A.Golem.
Alolan Exeggutor. Embrace the meme tree.
zen mode darmanitin
>GG, this is like Crowd field all over again but somehow even worse.
Ehhh, I'd compare it to Yang's mid battle effect bullshit before that desu
You don't get punished for sweeping like you do in Crowd field, and outside of Mienshao, she doesn't really get any statboosts when you're sweeping, it's just the matter of getting over Mienshao kek
kek, I've been learning what a slow faggot Blaziken is when it doesn't have Sneed boost nearly the entire playthrough
thank god i have resigned myself to using trick room, i can't imagine having to hold X and skip through the entire "who's who" bit
the writing just does Not know what it wants to do it feels like, first we're chasing the space cops now we're doing that fucking which one is the right one trope but so easy a neanderthal could do it

and then the battle against a big villain doesn't fucking matter because they either win anyway or one of the other good-aligned character that aren't you takes the win

>Jan rewrites the plot to try and pretend his "ePiC tWeEsT" makes any amount of sense later
it's like he writes something, wants to do something else, and so he rewrites his plot and tries to frame it as an epic twist
yanderedev but he actually is going to make the game, which i can at least respect that? still desperately needs an editor to trim the fat though
>some games like Rejuvenation just have horrid looking ones
christ, a lot of of rejuvenation's shinies are wretched. what were they thinking with some of these?

wait is that the level cap you're at

ok that's fucking adorable
>>>>>>>>>The jeet wins over the white girl
Who on the devteam is a jeet or a jew? There's not a chance a white person wrote this.
Wrong pic
GG bros, might not be able to do shit today

Eloise and her bitch girlfriend really are far and away the worst fucking characters in this game
I'm not even quick to go for the 'this character was thrown in for muh diversity quotas and representation' unless it's explicitly stated but she literally does fuckall to the entire story except hang around and be annoying. At least Ace or someone from Reborn was asexual rep but also at least contributed to the story if barely and mostly by mangling existing plot beats. Eloise has fucking nothing except being a cunt
That was really annoying kek
Whiteouts: 81
Jan will have a yandere dev like meltdown eventually. Calling it now.
If I huff paint thinner, I can at least see Ace as an extension of Takobell's backstory being his big sister/mother figure who's just annoyingly out of focus in the main story instead of staying in the background like their character should, but these two have done literally nothing useful or moved the plot in any way so far. If it weren't for Eloise being simply a device to draw Syl to the jeet cult, literally nothing would've changed between the Hart/Sylvester investigation here if they were removed.
Oh no... bros... were we the kikes all along too?
is that before or after the cum chalice
This path is inexplicably blocked despite nothing solid being visually in my way. Neat mapping.
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Kek, noted.
That's an alt form, regionals/convergents and Paradoxes are my specialty.
Fair enough.
Blazichuck sadly lives or dies by Speed Boost.
>Let's create an ugly lesbo character that looks like a man and only exists to emasculate our male lead and ruin every single scene she's present in
What a lovely character.
GG, this fight can be pretty tough, be ready for the big boss of the chapter.
Jan has been delaying Rejuvenation for ages at this point instead of just finishing it, the game has nowhere else to go and he's just dragging it along the floor desperately mooching for goytreon bucks by this point, he's constantly going on hiatus without actually doing anything.
Thanks, yup.
Thanks bro.
remember this cutscene for later, it gets significantly more pozzed

I think at some point I mentally went through and realized not even a single confrontation with a major villain in this game actually results in the detainment of the villain by the player without outside interference, until fucking the end of this very chapter
>Zetta: doesn't matter, Melia ends up fighting him
>Madelis: doesn't matter, Mewtwo too stronk, then Crescent
>Vitus: Marianette has to bail you out
>Geara: doesn't matter, Narcissa beats up Giratina and saves the day
>Neved: doesn't matter, Madame X comes in
>Madame X: doesn't matter, she has the KLK sword el oh el
>Geara: they run away on Giratina
>Zetta + Neved: they run away on a helicopter
>Ren and the whole squad: Crescent has to save you
>Madelis: Amber and Jenner have to save you
>Neved: Tesla has to save you
>Angie: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>Angie's cunt maid: lol teleports
>Neved: he just walks away kek? i guess there were bigger fish to fry
>Geara + Zetta: Geara just walks up to you and pushes you into the volcano
>Gardevoir: fight didn't matter
>Melanie: doesn't matter, you can't beat the Yveltal, Melia has to save yourino
>Gardevoir: You actually do win here but of course REN is the one to land the final blow
>Flora: doesn't matter, she would have lost anyway
>Madame X: You don't even actually fight her? kek
>Visorfucks: doesn't matter you just lose, Adam saves the day
>Angie, Cassandra: You win these of course when you're controlling OTHER FUCKING CHARACTERS
I'm probably missing some and this isn't even counting stuff like Melia needing to save you from Karrina trying to beat you up physically. What an absolutely dogshit game.
I could also at least see why people might like Ace, it appeals to the tumblroid demographic that likes oh so wacky characters autisming out
Eloise's whole personality is just...being a rude and unhelpful cunt? Apparently this character is liked by the 'people' on the Ashen Frostcord but other than the fact she's the only major female ally and she's a lesbian, I'm not even sure why? Unless maybe they think 'unlikable = girlboss' or some nonsense?
isn't this because 'the kids need a motherly figure for the trip' or something? hahahahaha
Do a flip
I've known her for barely 2 full cases and I despise this character. I unironically like niggercai & taka's gangster regional form more.

>Angie: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I kek'd
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new rejuv sprite
doesn't huey beat the puppet master with the power of friendship
>this isn't even counting stuff like Melia needing to save you from Karrina trying to beat you up physically
Scenes like that made me wish the game actually remembered the fucking golden tools I have in my back pocket. If they dont want me using pokemon on people, fine but I have a fucking Axe just let me brandish that against her. Those Rock Climb gloves wouldve been great to use when I was trying not to fall into lava too
Technically you still beat it, Huey just stopped it from dying for an extra 5 minutes for le rune twist iirc
is ashen frost even done yet

i'll probably just go beat up the roast chicken for today, if i have the time

i was considering doing that for the volcano tag battle instead but the brain damage from the nu-angie takedown is infinitely gayer
you beat it, huey just attacks you because he realizes the puppet master was the sister he was a parasitic asshole to
or just use your pokemon kek
i'm pretty sure your basic starter mons when you first get them could probably no diff 99% of humans, let alone the powerhouses you should have by karrina
20 of 24 cases are done
>20 out of 24
they said 19 would be the max, scope creep strikes again, did jan take over the project?
Well mate, you're already invading their territory and you outright beat the ass of one outside it, I'd say you're already well involved
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tri attack+metronome made this easy.
>acts like a bitch
>comes crawling back to ask for food
YEP ok holding X through this entire part
actually physically repulsive character

well they were at 19 before last update which was not the end
i've not kept up with the project for long (at least relatively to others) but i wouldn't be surprised if there was bloat problems
especially with a lot of these later cases being really fucking pointless or annoying (*cough* any section with eloise *cough*)
thanks. I feel like there's a specific mordecai case that has no reason to exist other then filler but I can't remember what it is
She's the worst.

Also why does this game's framerate eat tremendous shit in grass?
Nice mapping. Also how do I proceed from here? I feel I've explored most of the possible paths in this mountain. Is there a puzzle with these rail tracks I'm missing?
probably the desert one, there's also that dumb school murder mystery case
the grass rustling animation fucks with the game
not sure why after multiple patches they identified the problem and didn't fix it
it's not obvious, but during this part of the big ice slide room you can go down this part
is amber the only normal fucking person here
if i have to see another backstory about a character i really do not care about i'm going to combust

the big boss shouldn't be too problematic i don't think
honestly at some point i wonder if zumi should take the reins, i'm sure she's just as bad as jan actually, but she kinda seems like she's actually giving a shit?
hell if i know, honestly

i hate this
i distinctly remember all of these moments frustrating me and god fucking damnit i never realized just how many times another character ends up bailing you out
is it not so hard to make you the player do Something?

don't forget the visorfucks being battled and that battle just being a distraction, which is admittedly an actually smart move on their part, less so when you realize everyone else was just standing and watching instead of jumping kieran

also the only mildly amusing part about nu-angie takedown is adam being depicted as a moai statue in the bestie beatdown graphic

from what i've seen here, this character in this game just looks fucking atrocious, and seems like the kind of character who's an asshole but people claim it's girlboss stuff
ace at least technically moves the plot sometimes
as a faggot it's a shame faggots cannot write a half-decent character

it's like in cutscenes the player character just becomes a fucking statue
just once can we get the luxury to deck someone
I'm seething that that's the solution. Thanks for the nudge.
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I don't know what I'm going for here
nvm I got it, the solution is in the same room kek
it's just the buckets nearby the sliding tile puzzle

if you want to head to the safe directly that's a bit further into the mansion, the code is 4190845

no prob
good luck for the last stretch

yeah, just didn't count that last one because it was the one you were on
i remember seeing on shitcord a faggot going 'there are other games where you get to be a god, play those' in response to the MC feeling like they have zero agency as if not losing, getting fucked over, or stood up in nearly every major plot encounter was too much to ask
doubly ironic since you DO have the power of a god in rejuv, and your entire FUCKING purpose is to change and alter fate
>is amber the only normal fucking person here
Yep, pretty much.
>is it not so hard to make you the player do Something?
Even in fucking Renegade they pull some shit to have Melia be on your side and the one who kills the majority of the people on that route, with only 3 of them being done by you (And for one of them Melia gets mad at you for it, and another is a literal who)
You're nothing but an errand boy, fuck you and everything you thought was special about you, you're never getting the actual job done. The only thing you're good for is winning the pointless pokemon battles that are constantly stated as worthless to your objectives in every way
You sure didn't think that through, did you?
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Will probably be busy for a while since I got some chores to run.
Zumi is arguably worse, she had her own fangame, which is referenced in Rejuvenation later via a sidequest, I didn't play that one at any point and it was cancelled due to failing atrociously, from what I've seen it's very much like Rejuvenation but with obnoxious puzzles shoved in, at least the cast seems far smaller.
Jan desperately wants to prop up his characters without giving a shit about the player and it's absolutely ruined so much of that miserable game, nearly every single version it's progressively gotten worse, even the one big victory the player has in beating Madame (not) Melia is "a fluke" because fuck you.
What the hell would a gligar even smell like
It's called a "Lock" Sena
Whiteouts: 87
I dont think I've heard any of them outright shit talking the south district beyond "Hey be careful down there crime is a lot higher there", which is just a factual warning. Maybe as the gym leader and closest thing to an actual leader that district has you should be making more steps towards changing that rather than encouraging it through your thug entourage and complaining about people just trying to live their lives and not get mugged like what wouldve happened to me after taking 10 steps in that district if I wasnt a good battler.
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oh hey
another battle
i'm sure i will contribute towards fucking SOMETHING RIGHT????

god fucking damnit
if these battles matter this little, it only makes using trick room that much more worthwhile. if the story isn't going to engage with the battling why should i? haha trick room go brr

add hazuki to the list, i guess
i don't understand that mindset, i like a lot of aspects of this game but still am willing to criticize the shit out of it (especially now, this game has dropped the fucking ball harder than ever) but it's like... if you criticize something you just get responses of "you don't HAVE to play this game you know???"
bitch i've spent 100+ hours on this game i'm seeing this to the end, you have absolutely no fucking agency in this game

this is so tiresome
like, i can deal with having no agency if it means i can at least have large enough chunks where i can do my own thing
but this? i can't even have that luxury, it's just walking for five seconds and then another fucking longass cutscene

>Zumi is arguably worse
ah, shit
honestly at the very least she has actual experience with a separate fangame, so there's that????

>Jan desperately wants to prop up his characters without giving a shit about the player
yeah. that.
yeah, i was really starting to feel it around chapter 14, to the point that my eyes were rolling into the back of my fucking skull with braixen's whole bit
"miserable" is a great descriptor of this segment in particular, it's always just pointless battle after pointless battle that doesn't matter because the villain has a trump card and the other members of the cast save the day

this is a role playing game, what fucking role am i playing
gg, that risky chloroblast paid off
>i'm sure i will contribute towards fucking SOMETHING RIGHT????
...I mean, that battle in particular doesnt end with the enemy running away at least I'll tell you that much
Also I wouldnt say trick room isnt engaging in the battles, its just a tactic like any other moves. You dont need to restrict it thinking you arent playing the game by using it, it's not an instant win unless you specifically prepared for that battle to get a sweep
Man they eat some weird stuff in cellia
Thanks, Delcatty being a shitter and dying on the switch in wasn't expected, and I knew that Energy ball wouldn't ko, so I kinda had to kek
yeah you kinda just, left the front door unlocked
...yeah, sure whatever you wanna think
>"I'll give you this stone but you gotta battle me for it first"
>Leaves it on the fucking table with me in the room
She really is putting far too much trust in me for whatever reason
Miraidon might've been a bit overkill. 4 tries. It surprisingly wasn't quite as free as it looked since Scovillain and Baxcalibur basically solo my team if either of them get a boost, but once they were down it was no problem. There were a few options to get by Exeggutor without letting it set up screens, but debugging First Impression "early" (look at his level up pool's levels if you want a laugh) onto Slither Wing seemed like the best way to go since it'll probably be his last opportunity to do anything majorly impactful this playthrough and I really want him to contribute to at least 1 major boss.

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now I understand the true power of weak armor
I forgot to mention, if you're wondering why Screamtail is there, the AI input reads the fairy switchin and will always clicks Icicle Spear instead of the boosting Dragon Scales, so Scream Tail only exists to die so that Baxcal can be outsped by other mons. Cool AI moment indeed.
gg. you're just matching legend to legend with miraidon, it just so happens it is really good at zapping birds
From here on I need to start recording my first attempts, I perfected her again first try like with Scarlett
That's where I come in.
Hi, it's nice to finally meet you in person. I've really admired your work, at least from what I've seen in my schizophrenic mind attacks my magic sword is causing me to suffer.
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based on what though
To be fair you got close to getting Aevis killed through recoil after sucker punch, but then again literally every single major boss has had sucker punch because you all cant help yourselves
Garret is painfully incompetent as a leader, yet he places the blame solely on the people from the other districts despite the fact he does nothing to improve his own.
He's not an unbearable ass but even the game calls him out on his bullshit.
Like Wagie said yesterday, I highly recommend Desolation, the game by comparison treats the MC like a champ.
Thanks bros. If this was the hardest fight in the game, I'll probably be boxing Miraidon for a bit since it trivializes the game's difficulty, although if DemICE starts pulling particularly gay shit again, I will have no qualms bringing him back out depending on how salty the Full Restore spam makes me.
Iron Jugulis surprised me this chapter. I was expecting him to be Slither Wing-tier bad, and while he's far from anything resembling good (even with Hurricane debugged on, enjoy the gambling!), he at least offered a much needed Earthquake immunity so he's probably not going to be insta-boxed even if he's by far the least useful member of the team.

Seconding Orevald's Desolation recommendation. It's easily the best of the 3 rebornlikes and while it's not done yet, I think it has potential to be one of my favorite fangames if the devs can both continue delivering on what it does well and fix the things they've said they're working on that're holding it back.
I mean as long as she's on Shiv's side I dont really care if she takes the stone, but seriously Nova you're a fucking dumbass you had no reason to just leave it on the table
Does Shiv just have a thing for retarded women?

wasn't too bad desu

just only had to rearrange my team multiple times and go grab an assload of new shit, then banged my head on the wall against shitty RNG
so, uh, why exactly does sky attack have a fucking flinch AND a high crit rate haha? were they THAT desperate for people to use this move?

initially i used gyarados instead of sceptile once magcargo died so i could bring it down low enough for golduck to finish moltres off but demice must have psychically sensed me using it and made it so sky attack crit and flinch every single fucking time, 12 attempts in a row, at the end of the fight like that, so i used sceptile to just get the chip i needed. gotta love fight design that's just 'attempt the same fight you know is winnable a billion times repeating the same inputs until the rng gods decide to let you through'. i know i'm challenge running a hardmode and this is an optional superboss but jesus FUCKING christ

Whiteouts: 65 or something idk. forgive the long pause on shiftry's sucker punch, my inner biden was acting up again

G fucking G
just one truly fucking ass fight left, haha...
also gg bros. maybe calling maisy the hardest fight in the game is jumping the gun a little, but she's up there on a more normal playthrough
keep in mind there's other contenders for that title yet to come
I mean, of course they dont there's no name on the sign outside it. You didnt really need to dig through records to find that out
Oh, fuck yeah free manor. Nothing has ever gone wrong with one of those
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I decided to at least try using Zen Mode Darmanitan but the game's coding is shit and keeps turning it back to a normal one and it keeps screwing me over.
There WILL be horrid fights later, believe me, keep your sandwich eater locked and loaded.
gg. was that pause when baxcalibur was thrown in because you were like "damn why'd you have to throw that out next"
Shit wait, it's a full on mechanic itself? That's really cool, I figured it was just going to be a place for healing and cutscenes. As worthless as it was buying stuff for the manor was one of my favorite parts of post game platinum way back when
Thanks bros
Also no I just got distracted kek, I literally repeated that exact entire battle up to Moltres way too many fucking times I knew Bax was coming out second
Based and GG.
>The visible moment of "oh fuck" when Baxcal comes out
>but she's up there on a more normal playthrough
I can see it. Part of me wants to try playing through again on another playthrough with only regular mons since I'm giving myself big "you didn't beat the game" feeld about using Miraidon here when it didn't end up being nearly as hard as I thought it'd be, but I also don't want to put up with a whole second run of Mordecai, Rosewell, Luciano, or Eloise just to acclimate to a normal team for one fight. Oh well, this has been a really interesting experiment for the strength of paradoxes for ingame use nonetheless.

What am I doing next bros, Sandy Shocks or Brute Bonnet? They're all that's left before the big boys.
No you stupid nigger, it's very simple. She's fine with fucking over the Lonardos, but she doesn't want innocent and unrelated Lafayettes to get caught in the crossfire. This is not hard to understand.
>My maid is a Gardevoir
Im going to put aside my rejuvenation trauma for a minute and say that's pretty cool, but I have to question the specifics of this. Is she considered one of Rosetta's pokemon or mine, or neither?
>just one truly fucking ass fight left, haha...
Thanks bro
And yeah, I don't think it's worth it. You beat the game kek. It's not like you're tossing some overpowered stat stick at and steamrolling her, there's still some strategy involved
Syl won't get any major fights for a few more cases, and when he does it will involve what is probably the other contender for the hardest fight in the game. You might as well just add both at this point for him
If Mordecai gets this for free doing nothing to deserve it, Syl getting the Sandwich Beast after several betrayals, near death experiences, and waging a borderline 1 man war against (((the mob))) feels more than justified in terms of karmic story weight. I'll probably box Miraidon for a bit though just so I have more time to play with Bonnet and Shocks to see how good/bad they are.
Wait never mind, Sylvester does have one major fight haha..
But still might as well add both, and Flutter M*ne + the other busted paradoxes if you want unless you think they'll make shit too easy
You gonna do sidequests like the Skorupi Nova shit as well, or wait until the end/not at all
If I remember to kek

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