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This thread a successor of Novel AI request thread >>56366266

This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to make their own Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator that recently upgraded to V3. Users paying $25 a month have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations. Though some actions, such as upscaling, alternate resolutions, and image variation, require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is available for free using ‘buzz’ for currency gen and you get about 50 every day plus some more for liking models and giving genning likes and such.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation and sharing to connected email accounts, texts, and social media platforms. An ad watch is require between each image generation, but paying for the premium service nullifies this.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:
Stable Diffusion threads:

Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed) (embed) (gotobed) (embed)

Please keep in mind AI is not omniscient. Characters with under 300 images will require more tags to have them look correct. The following is a danbooru link with all Pokemon characters with over 300 images:

If you want to request something specific, please look up tags to make sure your image comes out the way you wish. This is a good website for converting a danbooru tag list to NovelAI tags:

If you plan on sharing multiple images together, we'd recommend posting just one, and give links for the rest. This way we can conserve space.
From ThatOneAiAnon, for newcomers to NovelAI:

https://mega (dot) nz (slash) file/67xwTRSB#m0fPUmJRaWd3oh47gt6nw2LKNMe820TaiKdXTAhx8tI

It's a html based tool you can run locally. It's basically for keeping track of all artists you like (including their art styles) and being able to rank etc. I also turned Danbooru's entire tag system in a collapsable list of buttons in case you're looking for that specific tag, or just looking for inspiration by thumbing through all the tags. You can edit all the js, css, html code if you want to modify the tool in any way.
>my favorite artist isn't in there by default
It's over...
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Happy new thread!

Unlucky, anon. Well, you can add them yourself if you want. Simply add an image to the folder, name it after the artist, add the artist to the javascript part of the html file and you're done.
Requesting Penny bottomless. Give her red pubic hair.
Good day everyone

Arcanine as some Aztec luchador from a (somewhat) mexican Cartoon Network cartoon

looks like the color trick worked
I wonder how AI would react to non-standard Pokémon given the maid treatment. Requesting enmaided Magnemite please.
Wonder what the odds of seeing an Arc Suit LoRA are gonna be in the future?
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Hey Nemonanon, got a delivery for you.

https://ibb (dot) co (slash) album/qNbnY1

I really tried to force red pubic hair, but it went for blue 80% of the time.

By the way, you should try using Novelai (or SD I guess). It's not that expensive, easy to learn and you could make images for your fanfic.

Tried removing all tags that would suggest a human is involved, but since 99% of the training data involving maid outfits is worn by humans, it will just create gjinka's or girls with magnemites. Here are the Magnemaids.
Never tell me the odds! Just for that, I'd like to request a Gyarados with a maid headdress, maid apron and specifically exclude the enmaided tag!
The Magnemaids are cute.
>https://ibb (dot) co (slash) album/qNbnY1
That turned out very nice! Penny definitely doesn’t wear pants sometimes. Although she probably keeps her undies on.

>By the way, you should try using Novelai (or SD I guess). It's not that expensive, easy to learn and you could make images for your fanfic.
That’s a lot easier said than done. I don’t have my own income, and I still live with my parents, so I don’t want to raise suspicion. I’ll definitely get it the first chance I get, though.
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It's hard to add style, since adding any artists will force certain characters that have nothing to do with pokemon. So yeah, still cool though

Ah yes, I understand anon. Before I got a credit card I believe I used my paypal account, linked to my bank. Anyway, subscribing to an image generation ai is nothing weird on its own, I have like 4 different ai subs. But, if you're using your parents money then I get it, they will want to know what you do with it. I'm sure you'll figure something out eventually.
Any chance for some Kris?
Please smug Gengar maids?
>Right image
That fucking Gyarados lol
Okay, so maybe third time's the charm with this request.
>Slowpoke, Pokemon (creature), no humans, deerstalker, smoking pipe, brown cape
And maybe an enmaided version subbing out deerstalker, smoking pipe and brown cape if that one doesn't want to play ball.
>subscribing to an image generation ai is nothing weird on its own
I’ve been very vocal about my dislike of AI (it annoys them a lot), so if I were to suddenly get a subscription to one, they would definitely be suspicious.

>I'm sure you'll figure something out eventually.
I hope so. I’d love to live on my own and use my own money to buy stuff that I wouldn’t be able to justify or explain.
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Only just now realized that the furry model naturally is much better at this kek

I'll be back tomorrow eve anons. Really gotta get some sleep. I'll have to get up early for work. Cheers.
See you next time, anon!
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Nemona I’ve made a cute Hex Alice
And the artist it's mimicking?
She looks very cute! I love her expression, it looks like she’s snapped out of her trance because she’s found someone she truly cares about. Her wearing more presentable looking clothes as opposed to her normal outfit also fits this interpretation. She might even smell better as well!

(Do you headcanon Hex to be smelly? I do, but I understand why people might find that a bit off-putting)
I didn’t use a specific artist, otherwise I’d totally share here can this style is cool

Wasn’t that like a French stereotype. Also it’s Hex BTW. How you doing mate? I see that the last thread ended before I could say hi
It’s more a thing with her design, really. She just looks like she smells really bad, which I love (in theory, anyway).

I’m been doing pretty good at the moment. I’m basically finished with class for the time being, so I’ve got a whole month free to do whatever I want. September is going to be a very nice month. Springtime is coming, the Marvel vs Capcom collection releases, and I’ve also got my birthday to look forward to!

I’m progressing with Mega Man Zero. I’m getting quite into it (even if I missed my chance to get one of the sub tanks). I’m finally starting to grasp how the game works, which is great. My weapons are all at the very least just under max level, so I’ll definitely have an easier time (I also turned on checkpoints, so that’s also probably why I’m enjoying it more). I’ve heard the other games improve on it, so I’ve got those to look forward to as well.
That cool and yes the later games TOTALLY do!

I’m good too, just watching some analog horror before bed.
Ive heard that the later games improve in terms of soundtrack as well, so I’m definitely looking forward to that.

Have fun! Hopefully you don’t have any nightmares about nondescript screaming creatures with distorted faces.
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I have a friend to protect me from nightmares
Aww <3

Wooper is very nice, he is shaped like a friend. I have a figurine of Munna that I’ve slept with ever since I was a kid, so I can relate.
Lana’s Mother

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Yeah you get it!

I’m gonna need more of that kind sir

Does she eat them or give them a good home for relocating?
"Arcanine, but with the colors of Okidogi with a design that looks like Zamazenta"
fucking. Gave up on the whole bulletproof vest thing, but still doesn't point gun at camera with a lora that should do it.
ABSOLUTELY KEK. Godspeed anon, Godspeed
Is that Misdreavus part of a set? I feel like I've seen it before
Op image is fucking awesome btw
Anyone have Mayanons Mega? Trying to get back to their Discord since my account was hacked!
>Discord hacked
That sucks anon
Yep! Luckily there was nothing sensitive on there, mostly just me talking bullshit as usual.
It’s original, just a few threads back someone made some edits of it
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As promised
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Slowpoke Holmes, world's slowest detective at your service
I might be biased as the original requester, but that's fucking god-tier. Worth the wait, thank you.
As for tonight... How about Hilda on a couch, wearing a hoodie, holding a mug of coffee please?
If your doing requests can I get Samurai Jessie to go with Samurai James?

….No I’m not say she could be the Scotsman- that’s gonna make her WAY too powerful.
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That looks super comfy anon
Very comfy. Next, let's try this.
>Erika, miko, red hakama, hakama skirt, white kimono, wide sleeves, holding broom, dutch angle, outdoors, torii, shrine, autumn leaves
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I reaaally tried to make her the Scotsman, but these character are very unlike one another haha. Still pretty cool results after some tweaking though. I'll post the coolest few.
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damn cute
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had some more
Such a precious flower, no matter the season. So how about Erika as a Parasol Lady?
>holding umbrella, red umbrella, yellow raincoat, rubber boots, yellow footwear, yellow skirt, bare legs, rain, day, cloudy sky, from behind, looking back
Lotad optional (because it has fewer than 300 images).
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Those are some good requests anon
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Since this is the tail-end of summer, might as well have summer Erika
>halterneck, yellow bikini, red sarong, see-through sarong, side-tie bikini bottom, selfie, v, beach, lens flare, Alolan Exeggutor

Thanks! Think you can do older Whitney in HGSS outfit next?
I got one for you: Aggressive Plumeria grabbing you for a kiss

Saying no is NOT optional with her ass
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I take it you had to drop some of the elements because they weren't playing ball? Ah well. I'll spare the winter request for another time. Thanks for all the gens.
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yep, also in bit of a hurry at the moment. If I had more time I'd have tried to incorporate it all anon.

Tagwise it was pretty tough to get the right balance between classic whitney and older whitney. But this is pretty cute, hope it was what you had in mind.

From my experience Plumeria is pretty difficult to get right, but definitely gonna try anon. This will be my last request for the day, gotta get some sleep :)
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Have Glacia as a Casino woman as thanks
>FF7 Scarlet, minus scarlet
Got the vibe I was going for!
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wow, that went better than expected. Novelai really improved, this definitely wasn't possible a few months ago. It's not perfect by all means, but pretty nice still.
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Thank you!
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And a bonus kek

Anyway guys, I'm off again. I'm probably back in a few days for more requests. Cheers anons
Can I request an gen like this but it's Erika, Leaf and Ivysaur? Thanks in advance
Damn, I missed requests :(
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No bully but her ‘husband’ kinda screams loser

I get getting attached to characters and Pokémon but there’s a limited. Just from this I feel Kiwi farms would have a field day with him as big as Chris Chan running around his neighborhood dressed as Sonichu. People here are based, this guy isn’t.
can you make this pls?
>erika lying in the grass aiming with a sniper rifle
Gardenia instead of Leaf then
Also that autist turned out to be a troll. He's not mute or autistic, just a troll
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She finally going to take out that pervy old man? Brutal.
That’s just perfect!
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Very nice Team Skull Nemona! It feels kind of odd seeing her with such an intimidating expression.
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I've come to the conclusion I'm just a degenerate, because all I want is a good picture of Misty at the beach with her feet right all up in the screen
This pic always gets a chuckle out of me.
I’m glad people remember the early DALL-E and Novel AI days where it was just people putting Ash in different scenarios

The funniest one I can think of is one where he tried to skateboard and I swear I should have kept that one
This pic also goes very hard.
I remember Pokemon and Lilo and Stitch
Here is the final bit of cover attempts of this particular scenario for this particular chapter.

On the left is an interesting take. Lillie's outfit was borrowing elements from her traditional wear, including the design on the apron. Plenty of normal sized people there for comparison, but in the end it just didn't feel quite right.

The middle picture took the silver medal in terms of personal favorites. The outfit is nearly perfect, albeit needing to change the hair bow and apron somewhat. The perspective it top-notch, as well. It was the rest of the scene that brought it down, sadly.

On the right is actually one of the better takes, even though it was some bizarre elements that were not mentioned in the prompts. The outfit looked okay, with needing to fix the bow and apron as usual. But somehow she's holding what I'd guess is a 'Drink Me' potion in her left hand, and what I assume is a large piece of mushroom in her right hand. Both are out of place in this scene, as she did not make use of any in the final act, especially not the mushroom. The size comparisons were okay, but a lot of weird looking little people that would have needed to be edited out.

We're at the home stretch in terms of cover attempts. I had quite a few attempts to go through to get to the final cover I went with, and those will be compiled into their own sets.

Which of these three is your favorite? Would you have tried going with any of them?
Requesting Erika wearing a green bunny outfit (from the vn game bunny garden) like picrel pls
The first two weeks of DALL-E 3 before both the censorship and fad ending were a magical time. Made less than a dozen myself before I ran out of credits, refused to give them my phone number nor another account.
I swear people want to go back to that just to have pics of trainers robbing stores- theirs was one pic of Ash with a shotgun going around back then and I swear it would have gotten a kick out of you all now.
Here’s another pic of Ash that goes hard.

I really like the early days of AI pics. Most of the time the prompts were funnier than the images themselves.
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Now it's Rosa's turn to get robotic enhancements.
That is awesome. Hex would definitely get a kick out of this as well. Hope he’s ok though, I like his positivity around here.

Nice file name
Yeah, I noticed he hasn’t been around lately. I hope he’s doing good.

That actually looks very nice! Rosa looks pretty good as a reploid.
Ok these are just neat!

Also sup Nemona it’s Hex
How are you doing?
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I’m good just busy with life

Since it seems like we’re remembering stuff I remember I had this old Hex gen I saved off the old Dall-E threads
That’s a very cute pic! It’s amazing how far we’ve come, but it’s nice to look back on those times. Here’s another pic I quite like. The coloured cubes really speak to me. I’m pretty sure the idea behind this pic was for a hypothetical sequel to Pokémon Puzzle League.

I’m doing pretty good. I’ve made a lot of progress in Mega Man Zero, just about to head to the final stages. I’ve gained a much greater understanding of the game. I finally understand how cyber elves work, so I’ll hopefully have a much easier time (I’ve got two sub tanks, a heart tank, an extra health bar, and a defence boost. I have a second heart tank, but I haven’t fed it yet). It’s a bit stupid that they decrease your rank, though. I had to grind a lot for these, so that was a bit time consuming (I’ve invested like four hours into the game at the moment). I’ve heard that the grinding is toned down significantly in the other games, so that’s something to look forward to.

Springtime has started where I live, and it’s going to be a pretty eventful month for me. I’m doing pretty well in the grand scheme of things.
That screams Puzzle League to me too

And yes the later games are better. Trust me. Music is a banger as well for MMZ2 intro stage.
This was another pic I found, complete with some text from the original post:

>Pokemon Puzzle League 2: Color Revolution
>new region, new gym leaders, new Pokemon
>online co-op and PVP with ranking systems
>Unravel the mystery of the Engima Cube said to hold the secrets of Poke-multiverse
>transfer new Pokemon you obtain into future mainline games through HOME

>Music is a banger as well for MMZ2 intro stage.
I’ll definitely keep that in mind!
Can I still smell cyborg Rosa's natural odor or is it gonna be like new game/freshly opened electronics smell now?
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Is there any way to draw Serena with down ponytail?
Depends what her natural odour is.
Anon you REALLY gotta try Civitai.

No anger or telling you to stop, just it’s clear you got a BUNCH of banger ideas for Serena
If Rosa’s is donuts, does that mean Hilda’s is bubble gum?
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B-Hilda Bot.
Does the B stand for Butt?
Sure, why not?
good day
I forget, but have you done anything with Iono in this set of prompts? I've seen other takes where she's made either partly or fully mechanical.
Not lately but i can try something
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More Organics than i was hoping.
Oh, so it's you who's been shitting up spaces with Alice Lillie. Good to know.
I don't know how Ai work, I have this "Anime Art" app but it keeps bringing some random characters every time I type Serena from pokemon.
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So lovely and kino
got this from /v/ a week ago. touched up the bucket to make it seem a little more realistic
Kek, that looks really funny.
Yeah it's pretty creative. Makes me want to brainstorm for something similar heh
cool zoroark
funny lop
Now THIS, this is awesome!
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Well, it is a cyborg, not an android. Organics are gonna be expected.
You survived those idiots?
Do you think it'd be possible to gen Gardevoir dressed as Rosa? There's a few images sof it but I'm wondering if NovelAI would be able to do it....
Someone already made that request months ago to a genner and he did a pretty good take on it.

Weird how things got interpreted here. I guess you could argue this is just the first step to her becoming more mechanical.

Not sure if you planned on other attempts while fine-tuning the prompts. If not, thanks for at least giving this one the try.
Really? I wonder if you do Gardevoir as Hilda using NovelAI since that's less common. I remember seeing Gardevoir dressed as May and it was cool, lthough it did mess the bandana pattern up a bit
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I’m not the genner anon :/, but I am knowledgeable about Novel.

Due to Gardevoir popularity she’s easy to merge with some Pokegirls. A Hilda/Gardevoir gen could be quite doable.
These threads are insufferable now
The threads here or the threads on /v/?
Requesting Shauna or Acerola with huge tits.
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That pic goes very hard, great job.
Kindly requesting any art of the Galar Mother. She doesn't have many images so I wonder if it would even gen properly. There should be some sort of system where you can use in game screenshots as an input in the future rather than just danbooru, that'd be cool. Then there's potentially infinite input data.
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easy enough
Requesting Nemona in the shower with her hair down. Don’t have her looking at the camera, just have her showering as normal. Try not to give her her arm brace.
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pretty fun
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Think you can try another Sabrina gen, namely her as a Firey yoga instructor?
Hope you like it nemonanon

https://ibb (dot) co (slash) album/Bn7KY3
That is so beautiful! Thanks a lot. Can you have her looking at the camera this time? She looks a bit wall eyed in these.
Hello. May I request the final season of Erika, please?
>snow, snowing, fur-trimmed capelet, fur-trimmed hood, hood up, mittens, covering own mouth, breath, grey sky, pine tree, mountainous horizon, looking up, walking
Actually disregard that statement, the pics are fine as they are. Sorry if I was being too picky. I’m going to bed now, I hope I’ll be able to request more soon.
threads on /v/
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did it anyway :)

https://ibb (dot) co (slash) album/gjMnNj

Psychic fire yoga instructor Sabrina, interesting combination
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and some more
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She's too cold anon
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Well, let's get her inside and warmed up.
>Indoors, reclining, armchair, fireplace, holding book, reading
Add a Leafeon curled up somewhere if you can for maximum comfy, please.
Thanks bro it looks really cool! i love it!

if is possible can make another gen please?, like make her wear her classical kimono but with a military camouflage pattern like picrel and a modern crossbow with a scope
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Was busy with Erika anyway
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Looks like it's working anon
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Bunny Erika OR here, Thanks a lot, i think is fine enough
Is she burning butane in that first one? lol
I keep looking at that Magnemaid you genned for me and now I think I need an enmaided Iono to even it out.
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didn't come out quite like I wanted. It kept rejecting the camouflage kimono and it sucks at generating crossbows :p
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super cute
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How about a Marill wearing a dixie-cup hat and blue sailor collar?
She looks awesome thanks!

I got another combo too: What about Aerobics swimmer Jasmine or Ghosty Lacey?
if you're requesting, try using nothing but danbooru tags and then a short description of what you're actually trying to see. so just tags first then explain in words.
Please may you gen Fantina in the Pokémoa style? Maybe in a bikini at the beach?
We Soul Hackers now
well i think is fine enough, Thanks, and sorry if the request was too demanding
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Not all Pokemon are perfect yet, cute nonetheless
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Absolutely top tier, thank you so much anon. Hope u had a good day btw
It's a cute little goober. Thank you.
More of this please
>https://ibb (dot) co (slash) album/gjMnNj
Those look even more beautiful! Thank you so much.
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got some more for you anon
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Requesting Nemona in the shower, from the back this time. Try to give her freckles on her butt and shoulders, if possible.
Hope there's something you like here

https://ibb (dot) co (slash) album/zG59zh
Thank you so much for that! Nemona has a very nice butt. I love when artists give her freckles there.
Requesting Nemona nude outside in a battle ready stance, holding a poké ball. Give her her arm brace. Don’t have her hair down this time.
Requesting Fantina in her iconic sparkly purple dress, but it's pulled down to below hee breasts, blushing, Pokémon style

If you're still doing requests, can we see some more maid Iono? Have the apron be white and frilled, please. Full-body if possible, giving a playful smile and curtsy to everyone watching her stream.
>MML Jasmine

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Magnificent Mecha Mommy Module, my man. More?
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Hog rider came back………
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So I'm trying to decide on something. I've got 30 other cover attempts to share for the final chapter of the story. Pic-related is what I cobbled together from a couple of the results.

I'm not sure how many pics to have in a single set. It would either be 3 per set, as per usual, to make it 10 total sets. Alternatively, I could do 6, so it'd be 5 sets altogether. I could go either way, but what do you guys think?
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lilligantchads rise
That pic goes very hard.
Is it possible to generate speculative design on what the pokemon girls would look like as adults?
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I have been summoned.
How you doing Machine?
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I'm doing good. I've been trying free AI platforms, I just can't find one I like. Thinking about trying civit again.
Forgot name

I think that’s the one Hex and Foot Anon use but Foot left a while ago and Hex recently vanished.

Bless you good sir.

Is there any way I could get a HGSS version by chance?
cute lil
How are you doing, Machine? (If you’re still here)
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I remember Hex mentioning taking a break from 4chan. idk if he did yet or not so that might be why.
Thx, and hey Canine.
I'm here, just kinda busy. Hey Nemonanon, I'm good, you?
I've been in touch with Hex, and they're doing okay. They wanted to shift away from 4chan for a while because of how toxic a couple spots on here have been turning. They're still genning up a storm for their latest project, which I've been assisting with in terms of brainstorming, etc.

The question I made up here >>56406602 is still open for anyone that wants to provide thoughts. I've got a poll set up on my dA page, but so far it's a dead-even split between the two options.
Hex mentioned that he was busy with real life. If he ended up taking a break from 4chan, good for him.

I’m going pretty good. I’ve been playing a lot of SV lately, mostly just messing around in the league club room to see if there are any interactions that can give more insight into the characters (Penny’s interaction with Arven seems to confirm that she has a British accent, which is cute. If they don’t give her one in the anime, I’m going to be slightly annoyed). This interaction in particular got a laugh out of me. They know.

I’ve been having a bit of writer’s block lately when it comes to my fanfic. I’ve definitely figured out what comes next, I’m just struggling to word it. I might have to take another break for the next couple days, I’m having relatives over and I cannot in good conscience indulge in this kind of thing when there’s children around. On another note, would Rika ever refer to anyone as “sugar”? She seems like the type.

I also beat Mega Man Zero, which was cool. The game was really good, if a bit grindy. It becomes a complete joke once you get enough upgrades (I had two heart tanks, two sub tanks, a defence boost and a second layer of health). The final boss in particular was surprisingly easy (just use the triple rod), and I swear that his design was the inspiration for Asriel’s second form in Undertale. The ending also goes very hard, even if it’s a bit abrupt. I’ve heard that the other games are a major improvement in both gameplay and soundtrack, so I’m excited to get to that.
It’s good to know that he’s doing well.

Maybe 3 pics? That sounds like the right amount.
Nice to know he’s ok! I just miss the guy’s positivity. Dude wasn’t an attention seeker or anything, just seemed like a alright guy from his posts
hey there Machine
is this place still alive
Have an evil Lillie.

Totally. I'll try and gen some examples tomorrow.
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That's good to hear, hopefully we see something cool from them soon. Also, hey Alice Anon.
>I’ve been playing a lot of SV lately,
>(Penny’s interaction with Arven
I was very confused until I realized SV didn't stand for Stardew Valley...
You could drop your story into an AI and prompt it to continue with what you have planned next. Might help your writer's block when you get ready to continue.
Congrats on beating Mega Man Zero, which one you tackling next?
Only on Tuesdays.
Oh dang, it is down already, can you reupload?
>You could drop your story into an AI and prompt it to continue with what you have planned next.
I appreciate the advice, but I’d rather just do things the old fashioned way. I’ve got a few ideas already regarding how to actually get my ideas down.

>Congrats on beating Mega Man Zero, which one you tackling next?
I’ve just started Mega Man Zero 2. It’s more of the same at the moment (I’m struggling against the first boss because I don’t have any upgrades yet). The opening stage with Zero wandering through the desert, following up the ending from the first game goes insanely hard, as does the music. I haven’t gotten very far yet, since I’ve just started, but I’ve heard it’s an improvement over the first one (and apparently Zero 3 is even better). I’m making my way through the Mega Man Zero series because I’ve beaten the first five Mega Man X games (it was always my intention to go straight to Mega Man Zero after beating X5), and so I can get my Capcom fix before the Marvel vs Capcom collection releases.

Btw, have you read any of my other fanfics?
Zero 2 is less grind heavy than Zero 1. It also introduces a reason to pay attention the ranking system beyond bragging rights with EX Skills. If you maintain A-Rank or higher when killing a boss, you get a new skill, which makes the game risk vs. reward; do you rely purely on your own skill and have fewer physical augments to rely on for stages and bosses, or do you use your Cyber Elf augments in exchange for a more linear style of play in terms of fighting? And if you complete a mission while fulfilling certain actions (like pick up a certain number of life energy capsules or kill enough enemies with a jumping slash etc.), you get access to new forms that buff you in certain ways.
Interesting. That’s good to know, thanks for that.
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Accidental mixing of a klee and lillie model ended up making this.
Requesting more Fantina, any context, maybe her as an actress?
Arcanine as Asgore "King Fluffybuns" Dreemurr

also bump
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Anyone tried pixai.art? Seems similar to civit.

I get you, and I wish you luck.

Noice, I should go back and actually go back and play through them again. I don't think I've touched Mega Man since the first Star Force game came out.

I don't think so, I've been busy with work lately. In late October when it slows down and I start genning again I should have time to catch up on yours and Alice Anon's stuff.
It looks cool, too bad the new update ruined everything (maybe not from a prompter's perspective)

I'll miss the pokemon fusion guy
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>the new update ruined everything
Did pixai used to be better? It seems alright, but I think I'll stick with trying civit unless someone has another site to recommend.
>It looks cool, too bad the new update ruined everything (maybe not from a prompter's perspective)

It's just some enshittification update, if you have an account, it's fine

Talking about PixAI, I don't know anything about CivitAI
Okay, panicked a bit since it gave me a notification about an update.
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Tried a wedding, but forgot to include smile. Sad.
Madame Ginko
>I don't think so, I've been busy with work lately. In late October when it slows down and I start genning again I should have time to catch up on yours and Alice Anon's stuff.

No worries. Just go to this link here if you ever feel like reading them.

Requesting Dawn with this clothes and hair styles in this hair colour.
Not a genner, just know stuff about Civitai.

I like your idea though
Well I prefer anybody to take my request.
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Requesting Twintail Serena
Here's the next round of chapter 12 cover attempts. It turns out I lied - unknowingly. There was one more set of Lillie being giant that I overlooked. I found them while saving the alternate sets I mentioned last week. So let's go over these ones real quick.

The left one is a mixed bag. The outfit is SO close to being perfect, with only minor details needing to be made. The rest of the image? Forget it. She isn't nearly tall enough, and we have the creepy generated people underneath.

The middle one has some nice perspective, but that's about it. Again with the tiny people looking not right...

The right one is the weakest of the bunch. The outfit didn't look the way I'd want it to, and the rest of the background didn't look great, either.

Next time we'll start with the alternate covers, I promise. In the meantime, which of these is your favorite? Would you have tried going with any of them?
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Can this little one breath fire?

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