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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Armarouge (September 12)
- Darkrai (October)
- Psyduck (November)

- Ho-Oh has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56360679
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first for espeon's ass
Someday the game will give me games where it isn't a 3v5.
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It what fun ways do you think Dynamax will fuck everything up?
I can't see them using it except for bosses. Maybe if they ever add Eternatus.
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Basically ultimate hoopa but maybe immune to grabs and pushes like bosses
>Greedent teammate
Well I guess we lose.
>Teammate goes Jungler Aegislash with X-Attack
>Literally only does one Clear
>24k damage
>0 KOs, 3 Assists
People like this are why Swords are given a bad rep.
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>he's just safe scoring
>new membership bonus started
>nothing new added to energy rolls
>already have all gold emblems that can be obtained from energy
>doing fashion rolls will eventually brick my account from maxing my item inventory with fashion tickets
bravo timi
>But it lets me do so much more damage than with Extreme Speed!
Only on a stationary target that isn't attacking you back, or in the PvE mode.
I'm sick of seeing Dragonites use Outrage only to waddle slowly towards the Pikachu they're chasing, never actually hitting them and then dying because they have no defense without Extreme Speed resetting Multiscale.
At this point, allow us to turn in fashion tickets for tickets or item upgrade shit.
>Kill everyone at Rayquaza
>I'm right next to the goal so I go to score
>Back off because someone is about to spawn and jump on pad to stop me
>"Doesn't matter we're about to get Ray and I'll just ambush whoever shows up"

Where do you play Dragonite and late game mons in general? Jungle and Bottom?
And in general what mons do you play on the jungle other than Speedsters? Anything that could work as an assassin to help ganks? And I guess also mons that need to get to farm a lot, but those can also go to bottom?
In general I don't know what Pokemon you're supposed to play in each lane.
And online sites or youtubers only discuss the builds themselves, like is it either obvious, or can you just play most mons wherever you want?
Wow! I'm so glad I got to be here for my team mates 100th game ever played, where they celebrated by getting exactly 0 Kos on Absol! Thank you for allowing him to be here in the highest rank of play Timi and for allowing me to share this precious moment with him!
The mons who jungle are late game hyper carries and mons who get a huge power spike around level 9. If a damage mon is also absolutely terrible in lane like Cinderace, Decidueye, Charizard ect, they also go to jungle as its the only way they'll ever be a productive member of the team. General rule of thumb is that you want your absolute strongest team member to be in jungle because they should (should) be the one who benefits the most being above everyone else in levels.Equally there is zero point in a more supporting mon jungling such as Pikachu or A9. Equally though, if your jungle clear is too slow, like on Magikarp or Mewtwo Y, you absolutely never want them to jungle, despite the fact they can be late game carries.
At the moment, the mons who should always jungle are: Ceruledge, Charizard, Cinderace, Decidueye, Dodrio, Dragapult, Dragonite, Gengar, Greninja, Meowscarada, Talonflame, Tyranitar, Urshifu, Zeraora and Zoroark.

Mons who would prefer jungle but can still lane jungle or lane are: Absol, Blaziken, Delphox, Garchomp, Gardevoir, Glaceon, Leafeon, Mimikyu, Miraidon, Scizor/Scyther, Tsareena, Venusaur and Zacian.

Mons who should never jungle is literally everyone else. The only exception is that if you already have a jungler, its okay for Charizard to go lane because its just strictly better to have a Charizard at all than to not have one.
>late game hyper carries and mons who spike at level 9
So I guess Dragonite, Tyranitar, Garchomp, maybe Cinderace and Greninja? Any other good options?
But what about bottom though? Is it good to play late game mons there too? As long as they have good secure I assume.
Oh I didn't update before posting.
Nice, this is super useful, thanks. Kill keep it as reference.
Is there any difference between mons you play top vs mons you play bottom?
Also, I've seen people play Dragonite and Meowscarada bottom, in fact I've done it too and has worked well.
> winrate is actually 49% and below
>I don't post my API because because I'm a upset no skill salty faggot who can't main a mon or improve myself what so ever, resulting in my teammates having to carry me every game.
Thanks proving my point and have a shit day as you drag your teammate down with your shit gameplay. I got into your head so badly you finally had to admit your winrate and its pathetic just I and most anons expected. I am now forever inside your head as you envy me. Cya later.
The Assassin.
Talon can lane fairly well the issue is most talonflame players suck
>Cefable's healing is so good she can singlehandedly keep her team alive regardless of enemy matchups
She's getting nerfed next patch isn't she?
Depends on E sports usage, although that shouldn't be the standard they use
my girl's creamy pulsations...
We get 2 types of nerfs. Tournament results nerf based on which mon carried the most in a comp making that team dominate. Then we have nerf results from rank base on how good the mon performs among the non tournament masses.
Support mons are more likely to get nerf from tournament results since in a tournament comp everyone knows what to do with their support mon teammate.
No, Clefable's winrate is poor and was the healer with the lowest pick priority in the most recent Worlds tournament.
Was the most picked healer Goss even after her nerf?
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Yes unless you feel Umbreon counts because of wish which it did run a lot.
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Umbreon for sure counts. Wish may not heal instantly like Clef/blissey but it heals a very good sizeable chunk after Timi buffed umbreon during its battle pass. Plus because of tournament comps, mean look is still the better move but Foul is also decent.
I feel like my matches have gotten progressively more awful these last few days of ranked.
It's almost the end of the season, people are trying their hardest to climb at this time. The best time to play ranked is at the middle part of the season
Are the Delphoxes getting WORSE!?
I forgot how annoying Electro Drift is because nobody plays Miraidon.
No just end of the season shitters. It is very hard to suck with delphox even if her early game can be trash.
Oh man, season ends in 2 days, I've been slacking hard. Not even 1400.
>finally get to 1400
>lose 3 in a row
>my team is full of single brain cell retards who play like they’ve never touched the game before

think i’m gonna get back into 1400 and wait till the next season
I've been maining chandelure this season after not playing for the last several. Was doing good, got to mid Ultra. Went on a losing streak and now I'm in the fucking mines.
>Greninja starts getting way too aggressive and gets killed
It's 1:28, stop and just wait for them with us.
She definitely wants to throw here fire balls behind a defender/all rounder body guard otherwise poke and run. She can launch over Heat while retreating and some times they give up following you after stepping in that and feel nervous starting a fight at half hp plus burn
>prefer jungle
NTA but also a scrublord - I don't get why some people say Scizor is okay in jungle while others pray that they don't get jungle Scizors (like >>56390673).
Does it have to do with staying as a Scyther or actually evolving, a lot of people not really knowing how to jungle, some other reason or a mix of stuff?
>Leech Life Jungler Buzzwole and a Mimikyu both wanted Jungle
>I'm alone for 2 minutes at Top
>Mr. Mime calls Top but goes Bottom for some reason
>Buzzwole doesn't even bother to go back and has 15k DMG total
What a disaster of a match.
I know - it doesn't help me when I'm laning with a half-afk leftovers cinderace with 2 items
>Double Hit Scizor in Jungle
>He did less damage than a Flailax
>got 10 points from one roll in the ball machine
Huh, didn't even know you could get a whole 10.
>got that once for a 12 point item
>second roll was just a +1 so need to come back after 12 fucking hours to finish it off because the system is retarded
>obviously forget since there is no way I am gonna be thinking about it 12 hours later
it's truly awesome
Had an umbreon do 9k earlier today still can’t figure out how he managed to be that shit
I wish they would make leech life good, surely it not getting canceled by EVERYTHING wouldn't be too OP.
>163k damage with the chandelier
And that's against real players, too. I'm thinking I'm back.
smooth... pristine... radiant...
Please let me level up first!
god I hate it when you have a game where you genuinely have to 1v5 an enemy team, and you're actually succeeding, but they have some fuckass mon like Zard or Slowbro that just says "nope you don't get to play actually" and there's nothing you can do about it because your team is off jerking each other in your own goal
(You) can do it!
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It brings a tear to my eye seeing how much our rock crab and water bird has grown.
Water bird has always generally been good. The only times I can think of where it wasn't was whenever it had a bug that harmed it or when they gutted the ult.
But this is a first where we have seen
hurricane finally surpass air slash. It's just crazy how every move combination cram can do is good but Hurricane/dive. The damage buff and 1 sec CD reduction for hurricane really changed things up.
Hurricane dive is great, it's surf air slash that doesn't work too well.
Patch notes today or tomorrow?
Who was the dickhead that decided 240 matches was reasonable.
You can spam quick matches
That's what I did towards the end, just finished the last one and got the last shirt box.
I abide their plea if they're a really EXP-Hungry mon and/or need to reach their powerspike faster.
3 draft matches in a row that ended early because someone dced
I let people level up if they're close to a move upgrade or evo.
Getting a 10 is the lowest chance of the table, at 0.1%
>He was the closest to T1 goal after our Cramorant died to an Azumarill
>It's an Inteleon with "Reconnecting issue" or he just likes standing around like an idiot not doing anything
I don't know which pisses me off more.

is mime being so high a product of how good all rounders are currently?
>Mimikyu has his Unite move up and doesn't use it
>There's a Tyranitar he can easily immobilize at Rayquaza
>He doesn't use it
Sub 10% pick rate so the data is only worth so much
>Surficane Cramorant (Me) / Scizor
>Tornado Guard Goss / Pulse Goodra
>Oh and a Jungler Meow
I think if Goss actually laned with Scizor, we MIGHT have had a better chance.

>Next game: Draft, just waiting for it to start.
Who bans Urshifu
Mimes are the Crams of Support
mommy I want red megaman give it to me NOW
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These mons will be buffed tomorrow.
Gengar getting Buffs?!
Leech lunge bros it's OUR time.
A good 70% of those games are probably bot matches as well.
Gay gay gay and gay
Apparently people play razor leaf more on Leafon now, I may try it, do you recommend it on lane or only on jungle?
The whole reason I played it on lane was because Solar Blade is good for stealing farm, so I don't know now.
Which mons do you like to spectate? Watching top ranked players play zeraora or gengar is satisfying and comfy somehow
inb4 gengar gets nerfed for no reason
Why don’t we have an X defend item? Seems like it would be useful and and no brainer
my girl's creamulous depths...
You can do both, but Razor leaf works best when people are running towards you (i.e you've ganked them and the only way to get back to their goal is through you)
most likely overhauls from the CN version not entirely buffs like sylveon's hyper voice damage.
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People play razor leaf more on leafeon because of the aerial ace buff.
The basic strategy is this.
You make sure leafeon meter and aerial ace gauge is full first.
You then locate your enemy to rush/ambush them.
First you use x-attack and throw razor leaf in one direction (since razor leaf has been set on the ground for a few milliseconds, it gets the damage boost for when it returns if it hits an enemy).
Rush the enemy by first using 1 aerial ace, then use razor leaf again so it comes back to you and it will hit the enemy, then use a boosted auto due to chlorophyll meter which gets even strong because of aerial ace, then aerial ace again.
You can use eject if you want more mobility, but x-attack has the higher win%
Leafeon doesn't take much skill and its pretty scummy/easy to abuse. Its why Leafeon is the 2nd best speeder in the game based on api results.
Nice steal BJ knew that was gonna be ugly from the start at work on mobile so I’ve got to go for now might be back on again gg dude
They want you to use potion/full heal/shedninja doll instead and defense scales terribly in this game except for scizor bullet punch stacks or goodra muddy water stacks.
Could still make it a flat reduce x amount of incoming damage % tho
They need to include ban rate as well to get the real Charizard numbers.
Sableye buff soon brothers trust the plan.
To this day I’ve still no clue what scizor’s moves do or if they do anything at all it looks like he just kinda hops around a little
I will do no such thing
>Jungler Cramorant
1 KO.
What an amazing teammate he was.
This patch will most likely only include buffs. It is similar to the last patch, a small amount of mons getting a buff similar to leaked Greninja, Glaceon and Inteleon.
We know Pika is getting a volt-t buff since it's a brain dead move.
Sylveon is getting a rework which is buff to HV since Sylveon will be able to do more consistent damage in team fights with the new damage of HV so Sylveon will be doing higher damage as a result.
Buzz will most likely get a buff towards its bug kit.
Gengar buff is unknown.
The last one was only buffs because it was a second part of the patch, this one is a big seasonal patch which means it's guaranteed to have nerfs, most likely against EX mons.
They've promised nerfs to EX.
How's glaceon been since the buff? still shit?
worst mon in the game
To play as or to fight against?
Buff mons:
Pikachu, Sylveon, Gengar, Duraludon, Buzzwole and Mimikyu
Nerfs mons:
Lucario, Zacian, Blaziken, Ceruledge and Ho-Oh

- Dream Eater CD: 8 -> 7
- Dream Eater Healing increased by 15%
- Hex Rework
- Unite CD: 134 -> 112

- Trick Room CD: 7.5s -> 6s
- Trick Room damage reduction: 50% -> 70%

- PTS Hyper Voice changes

- Damage increase on Extreme Speed is now an Atk increase

- Leech Life cool down halved to around 4 secs

- Fire Punch damage decrease

- bug fixes


Volt Tackle
Increases Move speed by 12% for 3 seconds after use
More will be coming
>Cinderace, Greninja, Venusaur, Lapras (Me) and Mimikyu
>Mimi was Jungler
it was as terrible as I imagined it,
Mimi backcapped because of course they did.
>Hex rework
Nice try timi a cooldown reduction isn't a rework
Please buff gengars passive if anything I feel like you could add 3 more random effects on top of the float stone one to have it compete with the modern mons.
The only thing you need to know about Scizor is that it's passive let's it stack up ridiculous defense(not special defense). But it needs to stack it up first, you can reliably blow up a Scizor just joining the fight with physical based abilities. Let it brawl for a little bit and it can 1v5 an entire team of attackers.
Mimikyu of all things getting another buff, someone is really biased
It's for trick room, a garbage move that is never used and will continue to be never used.
new season.
same bullshit.
abuse talonflame.
Yeah its still garbage. Trick room only gives you the 70% damage reduction buff if you are hit with a speed debuff first.
Plus no one is giving up a free teleport snipe on a all-rounder who has the range of an attackers even if shadow sneak hit box is small.
Hm, going against someone with red buff would make you pretty tanky though.
The new season doesn't start until 9 mins from now.
to be tanky you need to have a speed debuff first though. Plus you are already pretty tank since you have play rough i-frames to avoid attacks. Many players spam their attacks right before you use play rough and then they are basically helpless.
You could potentially do some nasty DR cheese paired with A9's Aurora Veil unless the game only applies the higher DR value only.
New season stared. GL climbing anon and post your best or worst match stories.
play as
loasding into my first match and realised i forgot to change my emblem set since the one i used to have for absol is now a SpA one
They changed jungle xp distribution to nerf level 4 eeveelution ganks
When is the patch going up?
>1 second reduction to leech life
>takes away 12% of the healing
>buff to smack down and lunge is untouched
Why do they hate Buzz's bug type moves?
new season same retard eevee players facechecking ray bush and throwing the game
new season and I am already tired. Out of 5 battles, I won 4 but just barely. Who knew so many shitters try to rush into masters in the early season.
Looks like there's a consecutive weekly login bonus of aeos coins now - 100 on week 1, with 200 on week 2, 300 on week 3, etc. up to 1200 on week 12. 7800 coins for 12 consecutive weeks; I'm not doing the math, but I'm pretty sure that's still less coins than the returning trainer bonus + selection box
They really like the dice, don't they?
>shell bells "buff" is +5 hp
so now its 80 hp instead of 75
unless if the sp atk scaling is better
this is fucking nothing

its like thinking the gray emblems did something (i thought it was percentage based not just a flat number (-12 damage is fucking nothing since almost every hit does more then 100 damage at level 1 )

eh its good during the downtime where you cant have the returning trainer bonus event active which is 30 days(dont play for 12 weeks straight the event + box gives you 14k coins)
new season same old team feeds enemy absol/leafeon/ceruledge so it explodes our team 1v5
hahahahahah i used my free holowear spray and I get+10 points after a match what the fuck
>Seen at least 2 BP Greninjas on rank
Why are Greniggers like this?
>BP costs 200 more gems
>same rewards as before
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I'll stick with my tiny hat Sylveon, what's the box?
Don't have a clue
Wild Pokémon in Theia Sky Ruins

Experience points for Escavalier and Accelgor: decreased by 18%
Experience points for Baltoy: increased by 33%

At the beginning of the game, when the opposing team steals the last hit on Escavalier or Accelgor, the resulting experience point difference can be too significant, potentially deciding the game's outcome early on. Therefore, we adjusted the experience points of wild Pokémon. The total experience points of wild Pokémon remain unchanged until the forward goal zone is destroyed.

Jungle invade is dead?
Volt Tackle

Cooldown: 10s 9s
Pikachu's movement speed is now increased for a short duration after using the move.

Unite Move: Thunderstorm

Number of Pokémon struck by subsequent lightning bolts: 1 2

I feel terror.
It's +5 base and 60% special attack ratio, up from 45%
Was pikachu not already pretty strong despite being a baby no skill shitter pick why buff it
It's fucking Pikachu is why, pretty obvious. Buff isn't going to stop my team from feeding the enemy speedster early game so it can one shot anything and survive taking a full volt unite combo from me.
Biggest problem with shell bell is it procs even when you don’t need healing so you open up a fight it activates does nothing then goes on cool down for 8 seconds and by then you don’t have it again until you’re probably about to die or the fights over.
That's actually a pretty significant change, not just in early game but in all stages of the game.
As a jungler it means get back to the jungle ASAP since doing the bare minimum of doing your buffs won't cut it anymore if you want to reach level 7 in time for the mid altaria.
Long range mons that could steal a buff just by poking a little bit in the jungle won't be rewarded as much.
It warps the game so much it's unreal.
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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ray just spawned i better go and try and steal the enemy blue buff!!!! OH TEH NOEZ HOW CULD I DEDDED???????
So what changed for dura? Just a bug fix?
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>Bought gems just to get the battle pass
>Battle pass price increases
>Don't want to support the practice
>But this is the only reason why I bought gems
What do I do here guys?
Battlepass is still a better value than using your gems elsewhere.
Man this season is as ass as the end of the last season was, the game hates my guts now.
That unite buff is a big change though. The first lightning bolt always did the most damage before the other 3 lighting bolts. So now you get 2 big damaging lightning bolts in the first activation of pika unite then the other 3 weaker bolts
It actually fits thematically with the move volt tackle and a small movespeed buff isn't gonna make Pikachu the next Cerulege anytime soon.
Compared to it's competition Delphox fire spin alone is way more oppressive than anything that Pikachu puts out.
The start of the season is great for humbling players with main character syndrome.
Every faggot is spamming Gengar so now you have to play Sylveon new HV damage range. But that range does help you flip fug very well.
>Ninetales and Mamo both have EXP Share
Quick question, why does everyone keep using their Unite Move in an act of desperation and as a last resort.
I'm pretty sure Pikachu unite works differently from what you imagine
>On activation it launches a lightning bolt on EVERY enemy within range
>After the initial burst 1 lightning bolt gets fired randomly at an enemy within range
The changed made it so that after the initial burst there will be 2 lightning bolts looking for targets instead of just 1.
Not sure I like the slow the + version gets instead of the extra hit.
>Mamoswine, Eldegoss and a Metagross
>Sylveon goes Mystical Fire
I'm pretty sure the Elde and Mamo were the same A9 and Mamo from before. This time they got to be on the same lane (when they're not on my team of course).
>Class 3
>0 Pips
>0 Performance Points
It's like I didn't even play 20 matches today.
And I just started maining him a few weeks ago, and he was a rare pick then. Aw drats
If you don't buy it now and you want it in the future, you will have to roll for it in the prize machine
Supporting the prize machine mechanic is worse
Also, I'm skipping as much battlepasses as I can right now, so buy it for me
Just hoped on for the first time today. Does anyone else have incredibly long predicted que times? Mine is saying expected wait is 2:36 but usually if you let it go past 1 minute it puts you into extremely low ping matches, right?
why nerf ceruledge it was strong but did not need nerf at all, charizard ult and ho-oh was the only actualy braindead free win mons in this current patch
>enemy hex gengar crushing all game
>21 kills
>juke his poison during fug fight
>he hexes onto me
>kill him
I appreciate giving us the win
Buff Lapras, attackers and all-rounders are out tanking me and don't fear me one bit
>starts ripping ray
>stops at 30%
>nobody even bothers to secure but me
Sorry Sybbs...
So now that Slowbro is shit who's the best hinder Defender?
I've been buying every battle pass, but this one looks meh. Guess I'll skip it.
New Buzzwole feels busted. Definitely going to play it more for now.
Will probably get nerfed soon.

Sylveon is much easier after the rework, but probably around the same total usefulness when played well. Expect to see much more of it.
Nah this game has no fucking future. I will be surprised if we even make it to next april for the new game mode to appear in casual only. Holy fucking EoS please.
I'll be sad if that happens. I finally feel like I got the gist of the game and I'm in a state where I can have fun even on a losing game and I'm making it to masters frequently.

Pokemon Unite is one of the few games I keep on my phone.
all the gem money stuff gives me the feeling they're trying to get one last squeeze out of people before shutting down
Ceruledge was brain dead broken and it did get nerf to both bitter end, psycho cut and phantom.
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>Been waiting on a frog-focused BP forever
>Finally happens
>Huge "we have Splatoon at home, hon" vibes
>Even the trainer clothes are a big meh as well
>Plus the BP is more expensive now
I'm not even mad, just amused for all the wrong reasons

>Ice type, Grass type, Steel type
Anon, the Sylveon was clearly going for the type advantage, have you never played Pokémon?
>Ho-oh, Umbreon, Slowbro, Buzzwole
>I decided on Talonflame because everyone wanted to go laning
I love Blind Picking
>This Charizard we had did less damage than a fucking Wigglytuff and had 0 KOs and only 3 Assists
Shell Bell worth running on anything now?
it always was good for stacking with amp to get CDR, nobody ever ran it for the healing and that will continue to be the case
still a mid item you should only run for cd on things with utility like cc or movement.
Holy fuck these games are borderline unplayable
It's good on Pika if you have amp. Right now I'm running Amp/Spoon/Exp share. I have to carry my retarded lane mates and Thunder is a good kill steal/objective flipper. The new buff to Volt-T and Pika unite is really good since your Bolts will do a shit tone of damage due to Amps damage boost.
If you don't like Exp share, Guard is also good since mini shields are helps in team fights
If you lose the first match of the season, you're just turbo cooked.
My favorite part of the greninja skin is the recall animation. He doesn't even make graffiti, just makes a cumstain on the wall and leaves
The only thing left I want to spend gems on is a new green-tier (I only use green-tier Holowear since I don't usually like effects) Duraludon Holowear since I'm surviving off Red Unite Style for now and I don't like Guardian lol. I'd orgasm if we got Neo Street Duraludon and the reason I'm getting the battle pass is because I love the aesthetic so much.
Ay this nigga playing duralodon lol
Don't underestimate the toilet dragon... It can do work behind the right team
Dude look like a giant inhaler or vape
man that gengar certainly wasn't having a good time lol
I always ruined his unite with follow me
lol yeah that was right on time every time thought we lost that last one tho
Ggs, somehow we won all those
Yeah got lucky once or thrice. Ggs dude see ya round
Damn I want to play with someone how do these groups get formed
>Getting less KOs as a Buzzwole vs a Lapras (Me)
How, I'm a beached Sea Turtle
Haven't played in well over a year damn there's so much new shit. Sad my lil Falinks niggas suck apparently.
Believe me, it was far, FAR stronger. It just got nerfed.
And done
Took 20 games with only Pika using Thunder and Volt-T. Yeah the buffs for sure worked. No way anyone should be shit with Pika unite spam targeting 2 enemies at a time now. This season was easier then last season.
IIRC, Falinks got like a 33% nerf to damage, shit was busted as fuck.
Your trainer is cute, is she single?
I should I go for the Scizor holowear, in the scam gacha, I really dig it
Tsareena unite now functions like slowbro/Charizard, working on unstoppable targets. This wasn't in the patch notes. If it's a bug I hope it stays or let this be a invisible buff for our Queen.
We need more sex mons tsareena and goodra aren’t enough
holy fuck I'll be skipping on premium BP since I cancelled my sub and they had the audacity to increase the price, how do they expect to make more money doing this?
They shot themselves in the foot when they changed the season pass subscription. Because of that change many people dropped their subs so now timi went full retard to increase the BP pass to try and make the income they lost due to their own stupidity
>someone already has the BP greninja
I know people are entitled to their money but whew
dem creamies
If this game ever stops being 10 minutes long or less I'm fucking abandoning it
Master in 9 games feels goodman
Not really, it's just that it matters more who you play against compared to other pokemon
You stand no chance against night slash meowscarada for example, but on the other hand play rough mimikyu or liquidation inteleon will always be easy targets
It's a very versatile and strong mon, people tend to underestimate it thankfully
Why do I never see intelleon with scope lens? Is there some bug that fucks with it's interaction because that item also increases crit damage on a mon that can guarantee crits it seems like a no brainer.
because that item's bonus damage comes from the attack stat which is worthless on a special attacker
>Deals additional damage equal to 45%/60%/75% of your Attack stat when dealing a critical hit with a basic attack (1s cooldown).
Yeah basically. I've uninstalled and reinstalled so fucking much over the years purely because that hard 10 minute limit drags my stupid broken brain seeking the good chemicals back easily
Much obliged, I was under the impression that it flat increased the crit damage depending on your main attacking stat
it's timi we're talking about
The bonus proc sure, but the 12% critical hit damage modifier affects all crits as it's part of the base stats of the item.
Bruh what the fuck just happened https://files.catbox.moe/y8mwvk.mp4
Azumarill ults Ceruledge, Ceruledge ults Fug, Azumarill last hits Fug.
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>Just beat a pro in ranked
Feels good.
You got literally carried to victory, kek.
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>Player Name: Black Guy
>Shell Bell and Leftovers only
>Green Badge
38 matches to reach master, was rough.
>Champion, Halloween '21, and Halloween '22 backgrounds all have the christmas music for some reason
dumb timi.
Damn, was going to get the Halloween one, the bgm slaps.
>play with discord eslut
>end up getting nudes
Why do we not like discord again?
Just got mr.mime theoretically I can hit multiple people for 4000+ damage if I use xattack and 3 glasses or is my math wrong
>trades focus and self-reflection for pornography from a wench
You are beneath me.
The '23 background has the halloween music, but only the '21 background has the shuppet, drifloon, and misdreavus floating in the sky.

sounds fun but not even shit players are going to fall for that
i'm so tired of pokemon unite. every single game is the exact same uphill struggle with the most retarded people on the planet facing off against the most competent hyper intelligent fuckers in existence. every ally greninja is a 3-0 loser, every enemy greninja is a 19-10 giga chad. every allied slowbro is off trying to secure regeleki on their own, every enemy slowbro hunts me down and stops me from killing anyone of their team. and its all a worthless fucking coin flip at rayquaza regardless of it all. it all just comes down to dumb luck and comeback mechanics at the final team fight. this game isnt fucking fun. its just the same endless waterboarding session over and over and over and over and over and over again. not once will i ever get a team mate on my side that remotely knows what they're doing. i cant fucking stand it anymore, i really genuinely cant.
*queues up again*
that's a man.
gettin catfished
>cash shop item that stops your losses
holy shit lmao
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It's over. Unite will never recover. EoS announcement before the end of the year.
I’m half convinced the price hike isn’t even permanent they just did it because it’s greninja and everyone will eat it up even tho greninja sucks and is a complete fag
Yeah, I bet the "boycott" will work just as well as it did back when GF revealed the dex cut in SwSh haha
nah i uninstalled, i genuinely need to detox from this game, but the sad part is i know the itch will come back again eventually. god i just wish it wouldn't.
>we’re in the lead that mean it’s time to pick a fight in their jungle or push 2nd goal while jump pad is up bros!!
>EoS this, EoS that
And yet I still run into players with the new BP outfits daily
Game isn’t even out in china and that will be a cash cow. It’s got another 5 years or so minimum
I know it's "wrong" but critscle is funny as fuck.
Had a 11 win streak and already got to masters, im already at 1277. Used Venusaur and Charizard, its fun since im a defender/support main, also Cramorant is really good too.
How's your start of season?
The math behind the prize machine is actually pretty simple.
The most desirable prizes at the holowears- at a cost of 12pts / 40 pts. Realistically the only pts you will get is +1 and +2. .
You get 2 free balls every 12 hours. And it costs 120 gems to refresh the balls.
Optimally, the maximum free rolls you can get is 4 rolls + 2 really discounted rolls. Throw the balls at the exact moment the game updates for the day (+2) and at the same time 12 hours later (another +2). After another 11.5 hours, The last two balls should cost less than 50gems each if you roll it right before the game resets.
The rest is purely up to luck, stranger.
Given the 30% chance to get +2 points, getting 8~10pts is the best start you can get for rolling. 120 gems for each throw.
The range of gems you would spend for the rest of the coins would vary between 720gems (6 rolls x 120 gems: worst chance)- 240gems (2 rolls x 120 gems: luckiest roll) for a 12pt prize, though you will most likely spend around 500 gems for it.
As for the expensive holowear (god help you) the most gems you can spend for it is 4080 gems (34 rolls x 120 gems: worst luck) or 3600 gems (30 rolls x 120 gems: best luck), average at 3800 gems.
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>So you want to roll in the prize machine
If you time it correctly, 4 rolls for free + 2 rolls discounted.
120 gems for each throw after that, realistically, 120 gems for each point towards the prize you want.
12pt prize: 720 gems to 240 gems, expect to spend 500 gems
40pt prize: 4080 gems or 3600 gems, expect to spend 3800 gems
>Good luck rolling!
75% wr so far but fully anticipate it to go down
rng teammates with items that makes you question why even play not to mention nobody goes to the objective
Gambling's the devil's game. I will not be tempted by false promises of shiny cosmetics.
Ponied up for the mime skin just because I like it but wasn’t playing when it dropped but that’s all those chinks are getting from me
>Delphox and Pikachu in a death ball
I hate early season sweats
>Jungler Zeraora gets pissed off for literally no reason
I have no idea why.... We broke top goal,
Our bottom goal got broken by the Comfey and Ceruledge.... is that why?
He didn't die once, why? And then he just stayed in base, spammed Volt Switch and did nothing.
>Two Defenders, one of them slowbro
........I had a very bad feeling about my group of current Randos
>Backcapping Pink fuck
Yeah...... I was right.....
is hurricane+surf good now?
This season I'm going to play every pokemon the same amount of games. My winrate will most likely go to shit but maybe the game will be more fun this way.
>2 million + preregistrations on the Chink version
EoS never
I stopped playing after 1 months after released, is it worth coming back?
I mostly play alone or with my girlfriend
lol just lost a game cause our fucking metagoss trapped us all in his ult at ray so the enemy dragonite and cinderace just freely killed us

There's no point in not trying it.
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>halloween 2021 menu background has the christmas theme
i kinda hate it but i kinda like it
>Unite weekend
>3 platinum emblems
>They're reruns
We're definitely getting the chinese emblem system if they can't even be bothered to make new platinum emblems for the current system.
Im just not, my time is to precious to spend it on cheesing a shameless gacha machine to get the best discount.
Basically you need to buy $50 pack
>chinese emblem system
qrd? I haven't really followed the chinese version stuff
It's really fantastic watching your Machamp and Ceruledge teammates miss every ult really truly fantastic.
I'm here from the winter of 2024 and I can safely say nothing of interest was added to this game
If you start taking my jungle right at the start of the game, you're basically forcing me to throw.
For the rest of the match I'll take as much farm as possible, and give a free kills and buffs to the enemy.
That's thd only way to make them understand.
I'm going to boost you with my exp share and there's nothing you can do about it.
/pug/ leader if you're online let's play together I'm good at supporting
>my team never gives up when it's an obvious lost game
>their team instantly surrender when we get rayquaza
How the fuck do you play Greninja? Everything kills me instantly, I can't even use my moves.
And I have to wait so long to finally get surf, only to instantly die anyways by underlevel mons.
How long does full heal last ? Can I ignore stuff like surf or mamoswine's grab?
Not nearly long enough
Lasts like 2 seconds.
What a rip off I'll just use potion I guess
You have to think and play like a ninja/assassin.
Frog is not a frontline damage dealer, it's a backstabbing, sneaky bitch that picks off weakened prey.
You wait until they are weak and on cooldown from fighting your defender and all-rounder, then you come in to deliver the finishing blow

So many frogs are bad because they think they are the main character when they are in reality the sneaky cutthroat side character
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Haven't played since Miradon/Failinks release.

Who's been added since then? What's the current meta? Do you still get 40% win rate players on your team in masters?
I knew I would get the obvious advice of not frontlining or something.
Whatever, I'll just keep practicing.
Still feels that other mons are so much better and it's unfair.
Scizor should never jungle. Clear to slow, can't gank, not great at objectives. Top jungler choices are characters with the ability to gank, shred objectives, or secure objectives. Scizor can do none of those 3.
Funny. Pikachu was too strong even before the previous set of buffs.
when does one use shedinja doll, fluffy tail or goal getter?
>shedinja doll
Usually on speedsters that need a second to get their CDs back after diving in or something.

>fluffy tail or goal getter
You basically don't.
playing around with metagross in casuals (since I don't won it yet), I think I prefer meteor mash/zen headbutt to gyro rise.
Talonflame!.............. wait a second....
You know what? I guess I can't be too mad.... after all, how many people know about the Jungle EXP changes?
I cucked a Gengar out of his ult right as he went invisible today as Sableye with confuse ray.

Get kek'd.
What does the new jungle xp do?
Extreme large range attack with ton of damage to multiple players at once
>do some casual research
>no YouTube farmers or leddit threads talking about Jungle exp change at all
Is it real? Was it just a /pug/ hoax?
I don't know who to believe...
the total amount is the same but the Baltoys now give more EXP and the Red/Blue buffs give less.
So basically, someone who frequently only takes the Buffs would have less EXP than before the Update.
I believe it was
Buffs give 18% less than before
Boltoy give 33% more than before

....At least, it FEELS less...
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>pick defender
>another player also picks defender
>lose due to low team damage
why do people not realize that double defenders NEVER works?
who tf three-stacks gengar/comfey/mimikyu in casuals
Is Hyper Voice Sylveon worse now? It's supposed to be a buff in general, but they nerfed the damage, so I don't know.
Can you guys recommend me a chill attacker? I don't usually like them, but for some reason I like Sylveon.
I don't know about hyper voice now, but I love mystical fire too, will keep playing that.
This is only for surf build though. The fact is with surf 1 hit damage but instant CD reset when used and Smokescreen long CD but invisible, this build for greninja needs to camp more to execute enemies when they are vulnerable which most Speeders do. Gengar is literally doing that after its new buffs with dream/ball. I'm not a fan if either build.
Greninja can only mid to Frontline only when using shuriken/double team. The build for shuriken/double is muscle, rapid and scope or replace scope with weight.
Rapid/muscle is needed for Shuriken/double because Greninja range autos reset the CD for shuriken and surf, while close range autos do more damage. Once lv 5 and 7. You are basically either playing cleaning or staying in somewhere in the mid to Frontlines but not extending to far in. Shuriken gives a movement speed buff and heals. This adds pressure when pushing forward in the Frontline or retreating from the Frontline. You want to use shuriken first, then start mashing range autos to get shuriken back quickly. With double team that is your retreat option, add pressure option or set up option. Use double team if you need to fall back from the Frontline or escape.
Use double team to add pressure on the enemy by chasing them and wiping them out. Use double team as a set up option. The set up option is tricky because the basic idea is to mix yourself up with the clones in double team to confuse the enemy.
So if you use double team into a grass and wait a sec, the clones can come out and that can trick the enemy, then you can fire shuriken and autos with the clones.
If you use double team first with in an open field try to angle it where you can see a clear mental path of the 2 clones and yourself surrounding an enemy then fire off shuriken or autos.
If you have eject button, you can double team in 1 direction then eject in the opposite direction and start firing of shuriken and autos to really screw with the enemy using misdirection.
Any lobbies?
the apex... the pinnacle... of creamitude...
gengar buffs giving me season 1 ptsd... it needs to be gutted again.
just eject away from him bro
The hyper voice change is a sidegrade, it helps with team fights and lets you zone better with the slow and extra range to work with but you lose out on that oppresive early game and the extra hit.
Don't know much, but it seems like instead of equipping emblems, you equip specific sets which contain certain emblems, and the sets give bonuses based on the quality of the emblems you have in it.
I've seen a lot of good ones but it doesn't seem too broken to me.
Sorry, I keep accidentally double-tapping Machamp's ult.
Kill Pikachu players. Behead Pikachu players Roundhouse kick a Pikachu players into the concrete. Slam dunk Pikachu players babies into dumpsters. Crucify stupid Pikachu players. Defecate in a Pikachu players food. Launch Pikachu players into the sun. Stir fry Pikachu players in a wok. Toss Pikachu players into active magma geysers. Urinate into a Pikachu players gas tank. Judo throw Pikachu players into a wood chipper. Twist Pikachu players heads off. Report Pikachu players to Karl. Pickaxe bash Pikachu players in half. Curb stomp pregnant non-dwarf Pikachu players. Trap Pikachu players in goo. Crush Pikachu players under supply pods. Liquefy Pikachu players in a vat of sludge. Eat Pikachu players. Dissect Pikachu players. Exterminate Pikachu players in the gas chamber. Stomp Pikachu players skulls with steel spikes. Cremate Pikachu players in the oven. Lobotomize Pikachu players. Mandatory abortions for Pikachu players. Grind Pikachu players fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Pikachu players in blackout stout. Vaporize Pikachu players with anti-matter. Kick old Pikachu players down the stairs. Feed Pikachu players to bulk detonators. Slice Pikachu players with a breach cutter.
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>volt tackles you into a chain stun death
nothing pikannel kiddo
>why do people not realize that double defenders NEVER works
It can work. It's ideal If you're playing something like Dragapult to take advantage of a massive front line.

The problem is that most of the community doesn't understand how to build strong team compositions or how to team fight properly. Just curious but what character did you pick after seeing that you had 2 tanks?
I first picked Goodra then a teammate locked in Slowbro.
I know your pain, man. Ever try jungle for solo queue? I tend to win more than lose that way, it's easier to have control over the pace of the game. Having said that you can still have the most retarded teammates come Rayquaza
Allied team:
>Let me soften up Rayquaza for you, opponents!
I want some adc attackers for when I'm forced to play lane. Opinions on aurora veil ninetales? I think it's fun, but I played it on lane a few times and felt kinda trash, but maybe it's because of my bad positioning, I'm practicing, but it's harder on ninetales because you also have to be inside your veil ideally too. I also usually play melee mons so I'm used to being closer.
Any other adc-like mons or builds I can play on lane? I like Duraludon too, maybe it's better?
I know mages are better but I don't really like the gameplay of just throwing stuff from far away, I like Sylveon though, but it's kinda trash now I think.
Otherwise I'll just play all rounders if I have to play lane, and Slowbro when I feel like playing something dumb.
Aurora Ninetails is decent. Are you using the right items for it? It needs rfs and muscle even though it's special attack
Acro/liquid inteleon, dura, psystrike/tele mewtwoY
You can recover from a bad lane deficit with frog or pult, but you have play well, and you're lanemate will hate you for it
>Stacking Mime
>Goes AFK
I'm getting sick of Mime teammates.
Forgot to add, aurora ninetails also needs 7 red emblem bonus
How do we fix the Rayray problem?
Good Pokemon combination for lane? Trying to climb ranked with a buddy
alolan ninetales + mamoswine synergizes well. Make sure to go ice build on ninetales.
Yes, I'm using those items.

But I'm not doing this, even though the guys in the videos I watched do it. I just don't have enough emblem slots. But I guess I could drop the emblems I was using for mystical fire Sylveon, since it honestly feels trash.
Or I could just play Duraludon and go 6 white 6 brown.
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Yeah, the emblems make a big difference
7red, the attack speed items, x attack all with the aurora veil buff turn you into a stunning turret once you hit level 12
Are the EX pokemon balanced now? And how do you play Mewtwo X? I never learned the role of that one, it's weird with that ranged move.
Interesting, I decided to play Duraludon, but I wanna try this now.
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This shit is the exact reason I run 5Red/6White with Scarf on Mamo, to emulate Muscle Band (Cookie+Guard are way too useful) & get as many boosted Auto freezes as possible

Despite slightly lacking in damage it's so fucking cool to literally trudge through various teamfights with an actual backline cleaning up behind you
Miraidon is a little overtuned, but manageable
Haven't played mewtwo X in a while, but the best way to play him was as a defender with exp share and potion. Sounds weird, but it's because he is extremely slow at farming, but is tanky when he megas. Recover is a must, not sure which is picked these days between future sight and psystrike, it used to be future sight for pulling the enemy in
They just removed the EX label on those. Outside of Zacian, they haven't changed anything. Sorry, never played Mewtwo X so I have nothing to say on that. But man, dealing against them when they got released is a pain in the ass
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last for my girl's eternally silky smoothness...

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