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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Armarouge (September 12)
- Darkrai (October)
- Psyduck (November)

- Ho-Oh has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56391558
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first for miltank
Do you guys use the energy balls for emblems or fashion items?
I used to do only emblems until I realized fashion items also give item enhancer, gold and other stuff, and a lot of it too, and that alone is insane, and much better once you have decent emblems already.
Mostly emblems and that's because of the dumb Item box limit (Just let me get rid of those Dorito chips.).
nothing, but only because I already have all the gold emblems I can get from rolling, besides octillery
you get plenty of item enhancers, and gold from playing the game, but you won't get many gold meta emblems without rolling
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s-shes in!
Wait what? Like, if you get more Doritos, like 99 or something, it uses a new slot on the box or something like that?
Had no idea about the limit either, what a joke.
I'm already at the point where I have almost everything from the store, so after a while I may go back to emblems.
Oh right, /pug/ squad has 5 slots available so uh ask here if you want to join or whatever
Just wanted to let you know that I tried veil Ninetales with those emblems, and it's indeed insane, just had a ranked match where I had 22 kills and 113k damage.
I played well, but also the enemy was trash and they kept ignoring me.
I want to join
Kay just write your username and I'll let you in
>Good Pokemon combination for lane? Trying to climb ranked with a buddy
comfey + all rounders that can shred objectives like Zacian, unless zacian was nerfed again.

it sort of depends more on what your team needs. Sometimes you need bulk and sometimes you need more damage. But generally if you're duoing one of you should go defender or supporter, and one should go jungle or something that can take objectives. That's the best combos from what I could see.
Zacian is still solid, just you actually have to understand its moves and how to manage your aeos energy now, and why would you do that when you could play gyarados or ceruledge at the moment?
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posting the last 3 digits of your trainer id works as well
>Pikachu + Any pokemon requiring a skill shot
>Espeon + Wigglytuff
>Mewtwo X + Buzzwole
Not that you would do much at Ray but I would recommend Comfey + Greedant for fun. Ancient power TTar is also an excellent vehicle for comfey ride as well
>hyper voice+ doesn't get the extra hit
I can deal with everything else, but this just feels bad, man.
Fashion, I just grab the gold.
>Shell Smash / Stealth Rocks AGAIN
I've never seen this combo work, EVER
Why does it keep popping up?
Quick question, so I can feel immediate anger and hatred.
Should a Stacking Blissey ever go Safeguard/ HH and Backcap?
Yes because scoring more points wins the game.
What are some additions to the game you'd like that aren't pokemon, maps, or a better ranked system?
More emblem pages
A random holowear selector that picks from a group of holowear that you have marked to allow
Aiming sensitivity can be split for adjusted differently for each pokemon (even better would be each move)
A reason to use my gorillion fashion cheese slices.
1:1 ticket trade soon
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what's the hard stack on the fashion tickets? i currently have almost 3 stacks of x999
>why would you do that when you could play gyarados or ceruledge at the moment?
I haven't played since failinks release. But back then Zacian had a bit more bulk and was much better at shredding objectives and securing them. Zacian is basically the ideal character to play. Very versatile. Huge burst, very mobile, great rip, great secure. Some of the other characters are better in certain areas but usually are missing something. For example mewtwos. They were much stronger at killing or surviving team fights but were awful at objectives and farming. Never played ceruledge. So no idea how great it is. But if you are duoing the most important thing in my experience is to be able to fill the gaps in your team and have at least one of you able to rip objectives. Preferably something that can rip and not die in 2 hits. All rounders are just so much better usually than attackers, especially so when with a healer.

>Not that you would do much at Ray but I would recommend Comfey + Greedant for fun.
I would suggest trying Comfy + Goodra. So much synergy and tanking. Can basically 1v3 to 1v5 but you'll never be able to rip Ray or any other objectives and taking objectives is more important than winning fights maybe.
Until your inventory gets maxed out
132 total item slots
Didn't they increase the item lot cap this patch?
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Imagine deleting all of those temp licenses and letting your inventory fill up with the fashion cheese.
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Would unironically be a solid improvement.
Anyone else noticed a lot more BM cunts this season than literally any other season?
just how was I supposed to win that, S
No idea, that gengar was a menace but threw at the end. GG other S
I've got 138 slots occupied so it hasn't been 132 capped in a while.
yeah I did the best I could, our ceruledge was just farming for mvp
>check profile
>20+k games
>48% wr
It sucks when you're winning all game only for one retard on your team to throw at the end, especially when that one retard is supposed to be your main teamfight carry like Ceruledge was. Still, holy fuck you and that Umbreon were annoying in lane, GG.
That 3rd Eleki at 2:30 has caused me more losses than I can count. So many pointless fights, so many cocky teammates.
what the fuck is that sentence bro
It's great for flash farming the enemy side and between double stealth rocks + crustles ult you have a pretty good chance at winning the fug flip solo.
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Loving this Pika buff. Thunder/Volt Tackle is my bread and butter and Pika is now within the top 15 in api with the highest pickrate in history at 65%!
>Scouted with Thunder and found a jungle boosted absol hiding in one of our jungle bushes during Fug.
>Absol tries to night slash me, but with Guard, I live and spam Volt-T and my Unite.
>The enemy team lost their carry so they fall apart as I stun lock each enemy mon one after the other and my teammates clean up.
Tsareena is #4 because her unite now works on unstoppable targets
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I had the misfortune of watching him switch to this build in real time.
>highest pickrate ever + Top 15 WR
The rat's getting domed with the emergency nerf hammer if this keeps up
Rat is going to get the first gold grade holowear, it's going to be OP for a long time
I doubt it. Even with its pickrate being the highest, the shitters are dragging its winrate down.
Charizard is also suffering the same issue because bot games are accounted in api results so that is why his winrate is also low.

Why aren't there any videos like this for Unite?
I lost a game we were winning handily in today, because our Ceruledge went to dunk 50 at the start of Ray. Then our a9 decided she wanted to do that too. They both died. We all died.
Worse than a focus band/aeos cookie/shell bell cinderace?
Listen, those items have a chance at doing something at some point. ALL special attack items on a physical Pokemon do literally nothing. So yes. Having something is better than having nothing you fucking retard.
shell bell still procs its shitty heal
45k coins... pick up a handful of new licenses, or just one or two and some emblem loadouts?
>Timi desperately tries to make their bot matches look like real ranked matches
>bot patterns are painfully obvious and predictable
they're just as retarded as gamefreak.
Their character screen shot pass cards are clear give aways if its a bot match or not. Humans have a more creative way on placing their stickers and character poses. AI place their stickers and character poses in a non creative and computer-like way that gives away if its a bot match.
Plus if no one claims a lane when selecting your mon, that is also a bot match. Every match 1 faggot claims jungle, this is a a known fact.
>ETA is 10-15 seconds but doesn't find a match until almost 30 seconds
>No "Expanding Parameters to Find Potential Players" message after exceeding the ETA
>bots always ready up one after another but NEVER take longer than the 7-second mark to do so
You can tell it's a bot match just from looking at the queue.
>10 games with players afk
>2 match with trolls
I mean how come I don't see this with the enemy team this much?
to be fair that could've been a disconnect. Pokemon Unite's netcode is made of duct tape and human tears after all.
>>ETA is 10-15 seconds but doesn't find a match until almost 30 seconds
that is every match for me, in fact 30 seconds is being very generous
nope it seems like their mom called since they were still moving after respawning and deiced to stay there, I guess they had something to do
Giving bad players the advice to play safe and farm isn't actually practical advice for to the vast amount of knowledge and muscle memory that requires. Moment to moment the situation changes and requires constant taxing on your mental stack, hinting that entering flow state isn't something a beginner can just do and requires hundreds if not thousands of hours of mastery. And the best way to give actionable advice is to actually observe their game play and give specific feedback then coach while observing a live game so they can focus on mechanics and not other cognitive functions that could be too overwhelming for a non master.
Or something like that.
Pikachu is free wins now the unite is so stupid strong on a low timer
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I used to hate this thing. It's just a generic anime squirrel, but Pokemon Unite gave it a charming personality through all of its unique animations. Now I love this fat son of a bitch.
Not a free win. It is squishy as fuck and easily exploitative. Pika is vulnerable when spamming volt-t on an enemy so that is your chance to kill it since Pika takes damage during volt-t stun lock. If you run full heal, you can actually kill Pika before volt-t ends.
Pika unite needed a change because it really didn't make sense his bolts only hit 1 random target considering it's a aoe unite that can move. So hitting 2 random targets at a time makes sense for a glass cannon mage.
the unite has always been a huge FUCK YOU, and volt tackle has always been a FUCK YOU IN PARTICULAR. I'm seeing plenty of pikas fuck up volt tackling a greninja clone, or personally tried not to snap my phone in half when a fucking gengar spams his little fart cloud untargetable attack. Talonflame doesn't give a shit if he's not an idiot and properly fly-autoattacks to do 80% of the pikachu's health which should already have been chipped somewhat by AoEs in the team fight.

I live in fear they'll make volt tackle untargetable like play rough for some insane reason. The little speed boost I'm fine with, I think if they gave it a shield that'd be fucked, but a little speed boost is fine by me
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>+32% Pikachu pick-rate, +20.6% Sylveon pick-rate, +12% Buzzword pick-rate
Holy shit this playerbase is soulless, just endless meta-sluts dickriding the buffs patch after patch
>R.I.P "Top 5 WR all-rounder" Garchomp. It was a fluke. Go back into the dirt where you belong
It's just new toy syndrome anon, people want to mess around with the buffs. Buzz and Sylveon pickrates will drop just like Inteleon's has.
What does joining squads do? It's just like a friend's list?
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You get daily and weekly rewards. Right now /pug/ has been getting max rewards weekly
Timi is retarded we all known that for sure. But they are not completely brain dead to make a sure short stun like volt-t have i-frame like mimikyu play rough or Zer wild charge. That is why they gave it a speed buff and 1 sec CD buff.
> If they gave Volt-T a shield
That is actually why I run Resonate Guard/Amp and Spoon. I prioritize my CD with green/black emblems with Amp and Spoon for the added HP and ignore sp-def. Resonate guard really comes in handy because Pika needs that extra shield when using Volt-T and guard has a short CD as well. Pika may not have as much HP but I did find Guard to work much better then Buddy Barrier or Focus Band for sure when using Volt-T and Thunder. Thunder flips objectives and steals enemy farms, while Volt-Tackle deals with melee mons coming after Pika or stun lock enemies one after another in team fights, then you drop Thunder on the enemy or vice versa.
My god, I love Azumarill https://files.catbox.moe/08o3ck.mp4
>Ghatlue on my team playing TTar
>He feeds all game to Bruv on Talonflame
Should have went a pocket healer like comfey and ensured your win.
Considering how he was playing a Comfey would not have helped.
They must’ve fucked with mmr again or something this is the worst season ive seen
Did you do incredibly well last season? If so nothings changed.
Which defender can last forever while being an absolutely annoying piece of shit? Doesn't even need all that much killing potential. Just need to be a total nuisance that refuses to die
It's either Goodra Dragon Pulse or Wish Umbreon
Anyone down for a lobby?
Muddy water goodra, that stacks HP with a pocket comfy. If you time your unites to never double pop at same time you pretty much live forever. Unless there is an agislash around.
>enemy team has buzzwole and sableye
>teammates all pick non-cc options
What do ya play?
Everything, but I'm done for today
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It has been three hours since I asked
Did I ask how long it's been?
>one post every few hours
What killed the hype so hard? Even a couple months ago it wasn't like this
>no new content other than new mons
>new mons are just generic shill picks
>balance always shitty as usual
what would people talk about
Have your Inteleons not been saving their Water Gun for the two Bunnelby that are perfectly lined up?
Or is it just me who keeps getting them?
I don't know why I bother trying to play defenders in Ultra.
This balance patch was good though.
Tsareena finally gets to hit unstoppable with her Unite like every other mon who can hit through unstoppable.
Pika got a major buff to his unite fixing it's issue. The volt tackle buff is good since it didn't get i-frames like mimikyu so you can still kill the rat with AOE attacks and such.
Even though mons like Blaziken and Ceruledge got nerfed, they are still very strong and carry picks.
Ho-Ho isn't as immortal or bulky anymore
Slowbro is still a chad even after his nerf
Buzz and gengar got buffs to help fix their kits
Sylveon can contribute more in team fights.
Overall the buffs and nerfs are good because no one became overtune and the nerfs did not kill mons allowing them to still be very viable. More patches like this are welcomed.
>Pika got a major buff to his unite fixing it's issue.
It didn't need that issue fixed, it's fucking insane.
Ho oh is a generic shill pick??
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Anyone know who the fuck these INS* people are and why they keep ruining the games I'm in? I've run into people with this tag multiple times this season and every game they've been in has been awful. Are they win trading with each other or something?
>basically all physical team
>enemy has scizor
they are Indonesians
Ahh gotcha.
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Average "Scoring is how you win!" player
It did though because out of all the unites for mages/glass cannons for attack types, Pika was the only 1 who could hit 1 target at a time and it at random. Cram hits 1 target at a time when in his unite AOE range zone but you the player can choose who to target and kill first when activating his unite.
Pika couldn't do that since the bolts was random. So by allowing Pika to hit 2 targets with his bolts, even if its a random target, you have more options on who to hit.
NTA but they're right, Pikachu really didn't need that at all. A Volt Tackle Pikachu was pretty much always guaranteed to melt whatever squishy it desired and Thunder already does enough damage to multiple targets on its own, neither move was particularly lamenting the Unite being the way it was.
regarding metagross, what kinds of comps would you want to run gyro+rise into vs. meteor+headbutt?
But the unite itself was still underwhelming in the end. The final damage for Pika unite is 4388. And that is only if you used it on 1 target who was within your zone. So if it was a team fight before this buff, Thunderstorm damage would have been lackluster since the bolts are random and won't guarantee to hit the same target.
The devs had 2 choices. Either rework Thunderstorm completely or let thunder storm 3 weaker bolts be able to target 2 enemies at random.
If we got the rework option, I'm pretty sure the devs would have made thunderstorm stronger then what it was now. They could have made it like Mewtwo Unite where it stuns you for the heck of it on a short cooldown or Bright Meteor for miraidon
NTA but did you know Pikachu, is the only mon in Unite who has never once got a nerf? Its crazy right? Guess being the face and mascot of Pokemon pays off well.
How do you aim Cram unite? Do you need the lockon wheel?
Well, they need to nerf the CD on this thing now, it used to have one of the shortest unite CDs in the game for a reason.
If you are on the switch
go to settings -> controls -> attack controls and select advanced controls
If you're on mobile, you can go to the same page and scroll down 'till you find the option for a "lock on icon" and click that
A longer Unite charge would be good since a lot of Pikachu are running Amp.
Any lobbies up
filling her lobby up all night...
I sure love losing 5 times in a row cause some dumb cunt decides to backcap as we're all fighting at ray. I get it if you were there at the first burst of damage and run off witth 10% hp to do a cheeky dunk, there's been plenty of games where that wins the game, but when the fucking aoes cookie score shield assault vest ninetails fucks off at 1:40 after standing in the bush for 20 seconds watching us fight, I think it's time to forcibly uninstall the game from people's devices
Meteor + Headbutt against squishy comps
Gyro + Rise for comps that are too bulky to one shot/ half health the enemy team
>Ray stolen
>Team still fighting on top lane since second Regi
>Jungler dc'd early in the game so he's behind
>Enemy team gangbang us with CC
>Down to 1 base, enemy team still has 3 up
>Surrender vote failed
I'm so glad that I never have to listen to the regular lobby music ever again.

I hate that auto refuse to surrender option it should have never been made.
Honorable mention to ho oh, it's able to chase you down relentlessly and run away like a speedster, while having bulky hp and recovery,
I've been having good games playing as Blaze Kick Cinderace and I don't lnow why
Blaze Kick Ace will always be one of those fun mons I like to go back to every now and then
Same for both of these. I think what's currently meta is letting it shine, or maybe people just aren't used to the sheer mobility it has anymore.
Glaceon still has the worst unite for attackers in the game, she wishes she could just fart out a big field of damage, set it and forget it.
I've been saying Pikachu is too strong for how easy he is to play since before he was buffed multiple times now. His unite while random is actually very very powerful if you use it correctly. The problem is that many players do not understand how to play the character most effectively. If you're Pikachu and you eject onto pretty much any 2 squishy characters you will vaporize them the majority of the time. This was before he was buffed the last few times. I really can't understand why anyone thinks this character needed buffs. He was way too strong for how simple and devastating his unite is.

Glaceon deserves a shit unite since her Move choices are to powerful which is why they had to be nerfed.
If icy wind and blue buff didn't get a nerf Glaceon would keep infinite 8 ice stacks that can crit and be a eject button dash. That is why timi didn't buff icy wind.
If icicle spear and shard didn't get a nerf, Glaceon would machine gun you to death across the stage.
It's almost impossible to balance since she can only be broken or shit.
If Pikachu was so strong why was his win rate and pickrate terrible before his unite buff and did not see any competitive play despite how simply and devastating his unite and kit was. I doubt it's because players where shit with Pikachu. He may had a decent early game but Pikachu always fell off in mid to late games once everyone became lv 8 or 9
Do yuo think Armorouge is gonna be fun?
I hope so - it looks interesting to me, so if it's not, I have an extra 14k coins on my hands
Why are Mimes and Hoopas, so easy to piss off?
It's almost always those two who get really mad and just fuck off for the rest of the match.
>Draft Match next
Wait, already?!
my girl's legendarily leggy legacy...
>jungler cinderace does 8k damage and takes 15k
>7k battles, 40% wr
Team readies up, still needing a defender... I resign myself to playing the role, since our last player has yet to pick... they do Blastoise, so I breathe a sigh of relief and go Tsareena... Dude then switches last second to Owl and goes top lane with me... I spend most of the match getting bodied playing psuedo defender for this guy who can't hit a shot to save either of our lives... Constantly get pinged by Owl as if it's my fault he can't land shots... Manage to secure a couple of objectives and draw fire for team until Ray fight... I die weakening enemy team while owl is off doing whatever, rest of team cleans up... This owl fuck gets last hit on Ray after doing all of nothing all game

Turn off Unite
>I doubt it's because players where shit with Pikachu
Were you seeing anyone make plays similar or better than what is shown in that post? Because I wasn't. I think the issue was that most were treating Pikachu as a ranged poke mage and not as the most powerful assassin when it's unite is up. Essentially not understanding the character properly to play it most effectively.

If you disagree please feel free to post gameplay that demonstrates your point.
NTA but, Anon. You post old replays from Duelzz who rage quit /Pug and unite if you check his api. You shot any credibility you have by using Duelzz as a source.
This season has been abysmal for me, I don't know if it's the enemy team abusing ho-ohs while my team would rather pick speedsters/attackers or pikachus usage being so high(they're mostly faggots the exclusively volt tackle me) anyone else feeling like this.
>Mimikyu was suppose to help us and gank
>He goes AFK in a bush on our side
>Rock Tomb doesn't break Umbreon's Shield
Did they change it? I could've sworn that Crustle could break the Shield with RT.
Yeah I love mega man
only something that makes it unable to act, like x-scissor or crustle's unite
It's been impossible to leave Ultra for me. I started the season with a 54% WR and Im too scared to look at it now. I can only scrape by a win once every 4 or 5 matches.
So has it ever been explained why sometimes I can fingerfuck a button with the force of 10k horsepower at 800 presses per second, yet the ability will refuse to go off during a fight?
I can't tell if my teammates are mistiming Gravity or Pikachu ignores Gravity,
Considering it's Pikachu, I can believe it.
If you're a decent player the game will eventually start giving you anchors to lower your winrate
Some seasons it's almost impossible to climb until the ranking system wants you to
>using myself as a source invalidates all of my knowledge of the game, which is vastly superior to the majority of players. Ok.
Do you not know what credibility means? You have none but you can keep sucking Duelzz dick if you want. That won't make him comeback after /Pug finally got him to quit unite since he was shit at it.
Any passable jungles here want to get a group going?
English isn't your first language is it?
Volt tackle has really weird properties. There are instances where I've avoided taking lethal damage by using it or was unaffected by knockbacks etc.
There are ways to fix your mmr so that it's not such an uphill battle once you notice you are in losers queue but it takes a while. Just play nothing but supports who can't heal or tanks with low damage but lots of CC for a while.
Unstoppable will ignore Gravity if it's applied before going in the field
I’m so tired of umbreon it’s unreal. Should’ve nerfed it when they hammered ho-oh and slowbro now all those players just rotated to umbreon
Another day another bunch of window lickers who throw away the win by trying to rip ray while the enemy is alive. Doesn't matter that I can still 1v3 even against the absol and ceruledge you stupid cunts fed the fuck out of, it's also HERP DE DERP GOTTA START RIPPING RAY WHEN THE ENEMY IS ALL UP. Who's the current retard carry? I'm getting a lot of work done as leafeon and lucario, but pikachu is of course fucking me once he realises I'm the only threat, and lucario doesn't have the damage even if I can dance around and outplay the enemy constantly.
Ttar rarely ever works but man is it fun and satisfying when it does
All you did was post some lazy ''stfu Gaylzz'' cringeshit without putting any thought to it
/pug/ didn't do jackshit to make Duelzz go away
Never ever seen a decidueye call jungle they just shit up a lane every single game the absolute worst players in the game bar none.
Lane is where it belongs, the owl can't gank shit.
it'll definitely be OP at launch
Unfortunately, this is true... I almost want to learn Owl just to keep other people from picking it, but I fear I would just be adding to the problem
Literally just play goal defense and don't overextend with it and try to pick it when you're paired with a good frontliner, the multi autos fuck with stacking and the owl is decent at providing backline damage. Owl is a solid Pokémon but seriously putting it in the jungle just fucks your team's earlygame as that spot could be given to something that can crush a lane with its power spike.
What an easy game. https://files.catbox.moe/3npwmd.mp4
shut the FUCK up gaylzz
>be fat squirrel
>throw berries at low health teammates
>they avoid said berries like the plague
I assume they've been burned too many times by greedents who whine and afk if you dare take a single berry, I know I have a kneejerk NOPE reaction the first few times uintil it's clear they're doing it on purpose
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>greedents who whine and afk if you dare take a single berry
wow, that's a thing? i never encountered greedents like that before, not even in veteran rank.
Now that the dust has settled how is Armarouge?
Same, I guess this is just karma for abusing Charizard so much last season
wow! look at that. lil' unoriginal bitch does it again
suck my pity >>56436001 (you) cunt
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>deulzz bought armarouge
>deulzz bought the nu battle pass
>deulzz bought nu membership
>deulzz buys every single minipass
>whenever deulzz gets a discount coupon he HAS to use it
lol what a loser
Played Succ Buzzwole for the first time
1-why is allowed to fuck most things 1v1 for free?
2-why the hell is the model so low poly?
Armarogue, but spelled like this
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Why is every Mimikyu on my team a massively retarded pussy or extremely late to everything?

Jesus it's so braindead just get the fuck in there
Initial impression on Armarouge is that fire spin/armor cannon and flame charge is the way to go, psyshock feels kinda underwhelming and so does the ult honestly.
Lmao he surrendered like a bitch
>This season has been abysmal for me
>It's been impossible to leave Ultra for me.
What's the highest elo you've been before? Do you want to get better at the game?
New survey out. Ask for French maid sylveon
>Getting more KOs and Assists as a Lapras than my Leafeon Teammate
I trust Sableye more than I trust Blissey.
I don't know why.
how the fuck did duraladon make it into unite? it's such an ugly shitmon.
Zoomers are fascinated with toilets and slightly scared of them too
>want to play Armarouge so badly that I look at the Aeos Gem screen for the first time ever despite plying since launch
>immediately remember why I never bothered before
Yeah any of these shops that don't have a "buy exact amount you need" option is automatically dogshit
Laser cannon dragon is cool, fuck you.
either gamefreak or tpci really had insane faith in the mon before swsh released considering it was one of the first mons revealed alongside route 1 mons and was Raihan's ace who received a ton of marketing as well
it's a shill pick that was planned before it flopped
Everyone else is dumb, the reason why is the same reason why Dodrio and Comfey got in which is because it fits the gameplay they wanted to add.
I'm confused. Is there an event to claim Armarouge License?
no, the paid pass is only for a armarouge holowear. basic pass is for a rental license
Loving this Pikachu buff. He is either for sure getting another Holowear or Band Pikachu will male a return for a hell amount of gache gem rolls.
Armarouge needs a buff. The mon is really weak for its release.
Also kys
You kys as well
Bitching and crying won't nerf Pikachu yet since it just got buff. You will have to deal with Pika power crippling you every match for a month so get comfey in your electric chair
This always happens to most release mons. It is planned international so timi can drop whatever holowear later and buff the mon to ensure sales. Same thing happened to Ceruledge.
Glad you killed yourself. You took the easy way out instead of going out in the stun lock electric Pikachu chair.
Duo S?
>ai-generated austistic greentext
and you really thought low effort screeching that was enough exile someone from this thread. Pathetic
Well, back to your duty as Duelzz's trumpet, wooden little retard
>Stacking Ttar Jungler
>Backcaps every time
just a casual lapras penta
Yeah that was wild
From what I'm seeing of my teammates, that Charge Shot from Armarouge doesn't work too well
It could be a bug but Armarouge feels really weaker in the main server with his range kit. In PTS Armarouge was stronger but again that PTS.
Hey gotta run S Ggs man I’ll be back around
Ah okay, ggs
>Go Buzzwole
>Eevees everywhere or Ranged Attackers that always go CC
>I dunk 30 to break instead of ally 40
>they start pinging me
Hey man, I still need to hit level 9.
Just use your Unite Moves at Rayquaza..... please....
Autoattack in progress. Or stunned. Or no target.
I'm enjoying charge shot/psyshock armarouge and then realise I should just be playing gardevoir. I can see arma/mime lane being a fucking nightmare to deal with with how many quick interupts and stalls they have, I got to play it once yesterday and felt bad for the enemy team.

fuck you it's because I got them all instead, you're welcome. Haha nah I think it may just be regional differences, like how you see the difference in tournaments in how teams pick and play. OCE is just full of shit.
>supportfaggot pinging on cooldown for nearly the entire fucking 10 minutes of a game
>because our jungler went to the other lane to gank overextended opponents
cool man
>hiding in fug bush as a burst mon waiting for enemies to come in
>adc walks into my bush and starts autoattacking the air letting the entire enemy team know we're there
>get blown up
For why.
https://user.outweisurvey.com/v2/distributes?distributeId=6683696fe743100d4a057b77 for feedback survey
Me but with the gacha machine.
>Fine I'll spend some gems for the Charizard special moves
>Whats 120 gems anyway
>What do you mean 120 gems only gives you 1 ball
>Snap out of my senses and say fuck this garbage
They could have gotten my money if they weren't such greedy jews now I'm not gonna spend just out of principle.
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four of these little shits every match
Outside of the pitiful ult and psyshock I'm surprised people think this, I've only been seeing this mon in the 80-115k damage range in my matches.
Dont mind me. Just a Sableye interrupting your succ or combo on my teammates with confuse ray.

Sableye out.
wwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyy leave a fight to backcap as a purely healing support
I get these mfers all the time experience share user fucking off on the other side of the map just take the fucking item off and quit pretending to be a support put goal getter on and go full shitter
>struggle to climb for a bit
>start spamming Ceruledge and Trevenant
>Masters in a little over an hour
Umbreon is still tops but trev and mamo are raw
>armor cannon does 2128 at level 13 with even more damage up close with an extra 643
>psykaboom does 2147 damage at the same level
No wonder the ult feels so weak, the thing is already getting to blast for more damage every few seconds.
>pikachu is objectively broken braindead horseshit
>still get the most unfathomably dumb pikachu teammates that can't crack 30k or 3 KOs and somehow lose to other squishes with volt tackle and unite up
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>Kill everyone except Leafon at Ray
>Absol decides to ditch Ray and score instead of kill Ray and then score
>Gets killed by Leafeon
>We have no damage to kill Ray
>We all die to respawning enemy team
>Time runs out and we lose
>outplay enemy team all game
>wipe them at fug
>lose any ways because their umbreon gets to walk through all cc with its bullshit ass unstoppable and lucks out a secure with the fucking tickle of snarl
god eevees make me fucking vomit
played 500 games last season with a 61% WR 1900elo and now im being punished this season by timi yayyyy :)
175 games at 66% to hit 1800 last season barely at 50% this season something ain’t right
it looks like a child drew it. getting serious chaos eater vibes from dark souls 1.
What are you expecting Armarouge's winrate to be?
Can you somehow make aiming south less shit on mobile? Feels like certain aimed skills get way less range, Heavy Slam and Rock Tomb for example.
Play with skill, pay the bill.
Armarouge is actually fun
I think it's a lot of fun too, I still need to figure out the right items for the fire spin set though.
I miss being in lower ranks, you could try pokemon, do missions or achievements, etc.
But it never lasts, because you climb quickly.
Now that I'm in ultra it's not that easy or fun anymore, and even though I don't play the most broken Pokemon, I still feel like I have to use Pokemon that at least I play well, and are not complete trash, otherwise it would be frustrating to play, and would lose too much rank.
The problem is that now I don't really have a way to realistically try a Pokemon or build. Solo mode doesn't feel like actually playing, and in casual I get either bots, or people that don't know what they're doing.
Sp Atk items synergize really well with it
>Two Attackers and Two Speedsters
>Armarogue can't get a Single KO
>I'm a Fucking Goodra because Venusaur was all "DeFENder NeEdED"
I can't wait for the "Too Weak, gets overbuffed" patch for Armarogue.......
>Armarogue goes after Flailax all game (OUR OWN DEFENDER) because he took some farm because he was still a Charcadet SOMEHOW!!
Metagross / Ceruledge 3.0, whoooooooooooooooo.....
incredibly low, paypig week + not a braindead easy carry = very bad
Just play them raw. None of the mons require that much practice to master anyway, but you need to know which move combinations NOT to use
If you do trash the algorithm will give you good team-mates to carry you anyway, don't worry
>Hyper Kiss
what are you supposed to do with limited licenses for pokemon you already own? Just take up space in your inventory?

And you do yall play this game for more than a few weeks at a time? The exact same gameplay loop in 10 minute intervals over and over and over again... and quick matches are laughable
You get 5 tickets if you use them while owning the license
Been playing it for years. It's fun. Adorable creatures murdering the absolute fuck out of each other.
>It's another Jungler on the other side of the map, isolated from team and can't help fight and tries to 1v5 at Rayquaza
That's it, I'm bringing out Aegislash
I can't even count how many times I just casually waltz in the ray pit as Umbreon pressed unite and stole fug. Many of those were 4v1s, turns out people stop trying to secure fug when they just wiped the enemy team
If you go fire spin on armarouge you genuinely should fucking kill yourself.
>pick clefable
>team has 3 exp share users by the end of the draft
>everyone jobs to the enemy absol
>delphox feeds top lane hard
>greninja is still a frogadier by the 3:40 mark
fuck this game.
Cute shota
Fuck duraladon where is My construction worker battle pass conkeldurr.
It's funny how unplayable the lane becomes for the enemy the instant you get armor cannon, especially when laning with an exp share mon.
how would you categorize each pokémons role in terms of more standard MOBAs (like league)? Unite putting pokemon like cinder and pika in the same category is just retarded and hinders team building imo
I finally found the secret sauce this season anons. It's petalsaur with the new shell bell and a potion, I carried my 40wr duoQ and knew this was it.
Is Leech Life still trash?
Still using Superpower
It's decent enough.
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new player here, using gold to buy licenses, are there any ways to get a discount or sale? these licenses are really expensive
The discounts are always for gems only, just be patient, you will get at least 2 pokemon a month of you play regularly, the game will give you some freebies like Venusaur, slow bro, cinderace
With gold? Nope
All you can do is cap your weekly match gold (2100), get your fair-play gold (20/day), your daily mission gold (100/day), join a unite squad and get missions done (300/week), you can also get 5 gold per friend that sends you gold a day. Along with all the other events going on, and rolling for gold in the fashion energy rewards (not recommended over the emblem one)
I don't know who I find more annoying to fight, Ho-oh or Umbreon.
>A role is decided by what abilities you have, and in unite your role can sometimes change dramatically depending on which moveset you use
Anyway, the roles we have are:
ADC archetypes:
>Auto-attack bursters: press A to win
>Cool-down bursters: deal damage every time the moves comes off cooldown
>Backline assassins: dash moves or invincibility moves allowing you to skip frontlines
>Melee fighter: consistent damage at short range)
>Tank brawler: shields and heals for sustain in fights
>Speedster Hybrid fighter: trade tankiness for damage and mobility
Defender and Support
>Crowd-control dispenser: make sure the enemy never moves
>Healing support: undo all that damage during or after a team fight
Sorry for the messy vocab.
I've barely even played, so my stress levels are considerably lower than they usually are this early in the season.
I'm sure that'll change once I start playing more often again lol.
It feels significantly better than Superpower in solo fights now, still underperforms in teamfights.
As a bonus: when the target is unstoppable, it deals its damage instantly, making it a decent boss finisher.
Mid season so far. 1200 for draft is AWESOME, the only really annoying mon of the season is Charizard (mostly for its ult wind-up now being unstoppable) and people usually ban it.
If I had a nickle for everytime Charizard ulted me mid Sableye ult, I'd have at least 20 cents this season. And I dont get refunded my ult.
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ah, thank you for the knowledge, appreciate it. guess i just gotta grind.
I recommend rolling fashion gacha for coins over emblems. Go roll emblems when you think you're set on pokemon and don't want anymore.
If you weren't aware, if you take a break of two weeks or more, then when you log back you'll be given some special Welcome Back challenges. Your first game it will give you 4k coins, and if you do the 7 days of challenges, you're given a license selection box that will give you a free license, or 10k coins if you already have at least one of the licenses in the box.
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really? is it that lucrative? i feel like emblems could be really useful
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oh that sounds like a good strategy, i should look into that
I mean, RNG is RNG. You could make 2000 coins off 30 rolls or zero.
>Delphox, Buzzwole, Mimikyu and Ceruledge
Weird but understandable Bans
It really depends on what you want to prioritize
I'd personally go emblems because it takes way longer to get all the decent gold emblems than it does to get all the pokemon
There are plenty of ways to get coins, but not that many for emblems, and it isn't guaranteed you'll get the ones you need
If nothing else you could do fashion rolls until you get all the different outfits and holowear, then pivot to emblems, and you'll get a lot of coins that way
If you optimize weaving the welcome back rewards with the regular weekly coin sources, you actually get coins significantly faster than by playing regularly
>Comfey: 7,665
>Mamoswine: 7,644 (AFK)
Same with me and Espeon ult. Thankfully, in masters Charizard tends to get banned.

You can occasionally get free licenses from events.
Usually. I had people ban some weird shit today and he got through a few times.
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do coins won from energy tank rolls count against the weekly limit?
No, that's why they're good.
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Excellent news. I shall now dump all of my aeos energy into that for the time being.
good points, i think i'll probably lean toward emblems, then.

oh, that's cool

>You can occasionally get free licenses from events.
might keep an eye out for that
Is there anything worse than queueing solo as snorlax fuck me you can’t do anything unless you’re team is somewhat helpful
So what exactly is the issue with Iron Head Aegislash?
Is there a bug or are you asking why it's shit?
>Is there a bug

Not the other anon but I played a match yesterday and after bumping and head fucking that ass hole my movement speed was like a sloth trying to pick it's ass.
Nevermind it's an effect in the move description
Man I really fucking hate people who decide sitting in a bush waiting to try to steal fug is the best tactic.
>100% sure I locked in Slowbro
>Suddenly on the loading screen I'm Clefable
>It wasn't just a visual glitch, I also load into the game as Clefable
Follow Me at least worked semi-decently as peel because the enemies had a Armarouge, Pika, and Talonflame, who all hate being forced to use autos, but it's still fucking inexcusable. This glitch could completely ruin games
works on my machine
Does pug still has room for little old me
Yes we have 5 slots open, still. Just tell your username or whatever, or was that you who requested to join the squad, the ultra 1 one?
Username: -Tetrax-
I sent a request
I replied to myself shit, any way I sent you a request.
Kay, both of you are in. There's 3 slots left.
I am too retarded today, guess I spend a lot of time on vp.
These two replies are me I am too retarded today.
Bruh, I must have let someone else in whoops whatever
Thanks man, can't wait to get demolished with you guys.
lol but I dont think we really play together as a squad, it's more like we do our own thing and we are just here for the weekly rewards
I actually got in
Yeah it's probably same for me too a few pre mades here and there, we live for the thrill of absolute faggotary that happens every match.
Definitely Umbreon. Ho-oh's more consistently annoying but it'll never hit the fucking high bullshit Umbreon can do by targetting you all match with Mean Look or walking past CC for free to steal an objective because Eevees are privileged ass motherfuckers.
On the rare occasions I play Snorlax I usually win, but yeah you can really FEEL when you're a useless piece of shit that can't stop the enemy from doing anything.
the latter. what makes that build so much worse than wide guard, is it really that bad or is it just a usage issue?
wide guard has huge cc which not only helps out the entire team but makes it safer to use since the opponents can't burn through your shield as quick
iron head having lower cooldown does not make up for that when you just get bursted away any ways
To the good guy from the squad who played with me today If you are reading this I kept replying with emojis because I am chat lobby banned because I kept inviting people from the enemy team and cursed them then left because they gave me a thumbs up, thanks man good game.
The one unique thing Iron Head has — idle boosted stacking.
Am I wrong, or does being able to quickly swap between shield and sword forms have merit, too?
Haha understood man just got off like an 1800 hour chat ban myself. Ggs nice carrying dude
Hands like a calippo
Use your gatcha roll on the lot where you can get extra coins

Njm right good game man I kept replying with emojis so any normal person would think I am retarded but I am banned unfortunately 90 hours to go.
Dont forget we're getting more emblems soon.
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Too late. I already spent 12k aeos coins on the menu backgrounds.
It's okay, I forgive you anon. You'll get it back soon.
luscious legs of lickability...
wide hips of fertility...
The game just evolved and you didn't. If you're better than other players you'll win more than 50% of your matches.
Going Iron Head basically means going full speedster.
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>mr. mime is so popular that the devs had to include him at launch
Probably cuz of his appearance in the Detective Pikachu movie.
Besides what people have said the fact that iron head holds you in place after is retarded.
Well it’s not entirely popularity I’m pretty sure his dex entry use to be “the barrier Pokémon” so he was a lock as a choice who’s schtick is use of barriers for gameplay
New thread
this thread will fade but her creaminess will remain...
>>56443802 test

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