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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Darkrai (October)
- Psyduck (November)

- Armarouge has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56422381
Die zoophile nigger
There's 3 slots left in /pug/ squad, just ask to join.
I'm interested but at the same time I'm in the middle of a college semester honors student too, so that's more shit to do so my play schedule is going to be inconsistent at best unfortunately
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I'm not toxic enough to join.
As long as you do matches within 30 days, it should be fine
Wut? I don’t think anyone even interacts in game or here
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Oh, if it's that lenient then I might was well join. I sent a request, ign is Cooligan, ID (or whatever it is) is 4G0HH6A
Who are the best tanks and supports right now in this meta
How do you play Gyarados? Like yeah, it's super strong and deserves a nerf, but playing as Magicarp is super frustrating, by the time I evolve, I'm already mad. The enemy bullies you, gets all the farm and gets level advantage.
Like what are you even supoosed to do while you're Magicarp? Pray your jungler comes? Start stacking and escaping with splash? Try to secure some stuff with flail? Nothing works that well to be bonest if the jungler doesn't come.
I've still managed to win, or at least get mvp, just because of how strong Gyarados is.
Kay you're in. 2 more slots left in the squad
Best tanks, I say Mamoswine, Umbreon and Slowbro. Slowbro with good team with their Unite is basically a free kill on carry.

Supporter, I guess Blissey and Comfey if you're playing duo.
You fucking dink you didn't add the release dates for the new mons
Darkrai is October 17th
Psyduck is November 14th
Ah sorry I didnt know there was date
I'm on my coin break
Pray your jungle comes in for a gank
Attack air
Use your abilities on cd
Hope your opponents get cocky and get nuked by a max damage flail
You can reliably get Gyarados as 8:30 if you constantly attack air and use your skills on cd.
Play safe and pray to the rngesus gods to send you the jungler to gank your lane, if the jungler is good and not retarded enough to realize your magicarp stage is dog piss in early game then it's an opportunity for a good snowball match If everything is done right without overextending.
My boy
I want to join but I'm not brown and don't have a win rate between 48-53
That's fine, don't care
>I want to join but I'm not brown and don't have a win rate between 48-53

Don't worry about it not all pug players are pros we are just your average player who want to fuck around and have fun so that we could stumble upon a broken Asian trio that will tear Us a new one
Bros Sableye is so fun, I don't care if it's mid tier or worse. When you manage to steal the enemy jungle, they get so mad, it's so funny.
And then it's kinda relaxing to play, you only farm sometimes, and you support whatever play or kill the team is doing.
Supporters in general are chill like that, but other supporters are so boring.
Sometimes it does feel kinda bad to leave my lane partner to steal jungle at the beginning, but I try to go back quickly, and it has worked well so far, I come back stronger, and we get early kills or easy secures.
I'll try to get to masters playing him, any tips? Best lane partners? Any type of Pokemon I should avoid playing Sableye with? Any dangerous junglers that can kill me while I try to steal?
is fire spin armarouge worth it or not
>attack air
Damn I didn't know that helped. I wasn't really using my skills on cd all the time either.
I was already thinking of not playing it, but I'll try again.
It's pretty solid overall, does it's job of making you tanky.
Is Hyper Kiss as awesome as my Teammates think it is?
I've seen it 4 times yesterday.
needs a healer
>team picks two healers
>lose due to low team damage
>Any dangerous junglers that can kill me while I try to steal?
Haven't played in a while but you want to avoid leafeon, absol, gengar, and Volt Switcher. Can't think of his name right now. You can generally level 1 invade most junglers* but some are much more difficult to steal from or get away from.

I don't generally even go to lane anymore as Sableye, I pretty much stay in the enemy jungle and rotate to gank lanes and score. I also never farm. If you want specific advice or tips I'll try to answer. Keep in mind I haven't played for some time now so not familiar with new match ups.

im sick and tired of my teams picking 2 defenders. WE NEVER WIN DUE TO LOW DAMAGE OUTPUT. STOP FUCKING DOING THIS YOU RETARDS
Weird my team never picks a defender at all
>im sick and tired of my teams picking 2 defenders

Play a high damage character that can take advantage of having a strong Frontline. Such as Owl or Dragapult. It's nearly a free win if your team shows up. Just let then start a fight and wait a while before going in.


Don’t tell me how to live my life
I'd rather have two defenders than no defenders, which is what most teams usually go for 99% of the time unless I pay the Defender Tax myself.
I'm a support player because we usually have 2 insta-lock DPS players on every team.
>i'd rather lose than lose
does not compute.
I'd rather have an extra bulky frontline with stuns than no frontline at all.
stuns dont matter when the tanks have no damage to capitalize on them with
>the word 'Bruh' is flagged as an inappropriate name in Team creation
China is retarded?
I’m with the chinks on this one
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What is the team function and what does it do? Google search only pulls up global tournament team information that has nothing to do with the in-game "Teams" feature.
It's to participate in game tournaments and that's all. You get Aeos coins and Emblems if you participate there
These are the prizes. I tried it a couple times, it was fun playing with funs but God damn some of the enemies there are tryhards.
I REALLY don't like what they did to hyper voice
Duo S?
>I'm a support player because we usually have 2 insta-lock DPS players on every team.
Why not just play draft correctly and pick what best compliments your team? You can't play only support and expect to climb.
For me it's removing the extra hit from the upgrade.
I like the double-wide surprise range, I can -live- with the damage nerf, but the upgrade not having the extra hit just feels bad man.
No one ever picks support. Are you saying supports are optional?
It feels like I miss out on a lot of kills I could've gotten before the rework
Sure it's better for the curse debuff but that's about it
I keep forgetting about Meow's Overgrow ability and it keeps screwing with me everytime it disappears.
>sits in bush and waits till everyone dies
>fails the secure miserably
>spams thanks
of course
>Are you saying supports are optional?
Did I explicitly say that? What I am saying is that if your team has 2 defenders then you should capitalize on that by picking carries that benefit the most. Most players aren't aware that they should pick something like Owl or Dragapult if they have 2 defenders, so you should pick it, and let someone else fill as support.
>but what if...
If my team picked 2 defenders, which are awful without healers, I'd rather go Dragapult to make sure we have the best chance at a win, then play a support and ensure that my team loses because no one understands how team compositions work.
Did you not read my last post? People already lock in DPS by the time the retards picking double defenders make their selections. Throwing a 3rd DPS onto this shitpile team comp is not going to magically fix things.
>meow goes invisible when its in danger
>greninja goes invisible when its in danger
>sableye goes invisible when its in danger
>glaceon goes invisible when its in danger
>dragapult goes invisible when its in danger
Yeah, they were super squishy, but it was reaaal fuckin' annoying that the entire enemy team could just disappear in the blink of an eye just cuz they got tapped once.
Couldn’t even move half that game miserable
What character did you pick?
You can't just dive in like that and expect to kill the attacker
Anyone want to party up? Just joined and I need friends for missions lol
>triple glasses dragonite
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>lane buddy dies once
>immediately afk jungles for the rest of the game
Alright yall ggs I got to goto work
Good game, sorry I didn't do much with my Azu, orange to red ping ain't helping me much here.
>damage only comes from muscle-band
>can't burn down ray if you're the last person standing
Yeah they are optional. By picking support you're saying ''I have FAITH in my team-mates, I will let them carry me to the win''
Really makes you the battered housewife for thinking that Instalock attacker shitters are worth supporting
Did great don’t think we lost lane outright a single time
dragapult has a wind up on the invisible and can still be clipped during it, unlike fucking meow invisible jesus christ i hate it so fucking much
gosh Taxi Lapras is so fun wish people would use it to kidnap teammates instead of using it as a short burst damage
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>get kidnapped by taxi lapras
>press R-stick
>no longer kidnapped
I always panic, and scoop to late because it looks we might win
Man, it feels like everytime I try to pick a mon to compliment everyone else's choices, it shoots me in the dick as my team proceeds to make the most nonsensical decisions of all time

I'm about to just auto-lock into an All-Rounder every game and just do me and let these goofs smash into the enemy goal that has two tanky ass mons and their fully online jungler en route by themselves
I started going ceruledge or pikachu and have like a 79% wr since games retarded it’s one thing to outclass other pokemon but these just delete everyone
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you little fucking /pug/ger, you think you can come into my solo queue, pick my mon, do much better at him than me and leave me a good job? you think I'm playing this game to have a good time and non-toxic teammates? try that shit again and it's gonna be your butt that i'm choking next you got that?
creamulous depthful plaps...
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>stomp enemy team the entire game
>team decides to go full retard and split up to afk jungle while the enemy mimikyu solos rayquaza
>entire enemy team respawns right before ray goes down
>get completely stomped
there are no words to describe this level of faggotry.
OwO~ Nice job~ UwU
Where is our 3 yearly starter releases it's been a fucking Year since the last starter release and it was the nympho weed cat, where is swampert, infernape, empoleon and samurott, they better release a starter in December or I am going there myself to release them from this mortal world.
blaziken 2.0
a little bit better than others but still boring
no more starters, except maybe meganium
>except maybe meganium
That's the biggest amount of cope you are trying to breath through a broken gas mask, you picked the shittest starter in the most forgettable generation for game freak, all the mons I mentioned will be long released before any of the Johto starters because no one gives a fuck about them not timi, not TPC, not game freak and not even it's give a fuck at this point they have been cucked so hard out of a potential remake that kalos got it instead.
I forgot to say not even it's fans
Only starter I'd want at this point is hisuian typhlosion. infernape is guaranteed because monkey king
We only have one month December after Psyduck release before the year ends

I know it'll happen but I'd die a happy man if M.Boarson somehow got in as a crash n basher
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Should I play this game again?
Sure it’s fun in a fucked up way like staring into the abyss or watching cartel videos
Garbage duoQs have finally reached master, I need to make sure these 2 attacker instalock pros get all the support they need
Unzips sableye
You're getting Sceptile, Incineroar, and Quaquaval and you're going to like it.
One time I got kidnapped by a Lapras while I was playing Glaceon, they proceeded to drive circles around the enemy while I pelted them to death from their back, shit was so cash.

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