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How many shiny Dynamax Adventure Pokemon do you have?
Are you going to even try to get them all?

Previous thread >>56353449
See, it's strange. Because I don't like Go that much. But the shiny 100iv best buddy pokemon I have are some of my most memorable shinys.
>Are you going to even try to get them all?
Is there a point NOT trying to get them all?
Dynamax Adventures are crazy high effort and can take up to 100 hours to get a shiny you want.
Most of them are pretty easy doe and they allow you to use any ball you want like apriballs.
If you do them with other people, sure. But the NPCs are awful and can ruin runs.
Funny, got Arceus before Litten. Less than 1000 SR i gather
I have all of them once, plus
>3 additional Zygarde for the forms
>Therian Thundurus
>Therian Tornadus
>Therian Landorus
>2 additional Necrozma for the fusions
>2 additional Kyurem for the fusions
I could go as far as
>Origin Dialga
>Origin Palkia
>Origin Giratina
But I cannot currently be fucked
Think it's just the Therians, but I store the rest in SV/SwSh Box 1 so I see them when I am transferring
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>not using one of these
PLA and SV killed shiny hunting. Hunting them takes like an hour now. They're no longer valuable.
During Gen 8 I basically did everything in DA I didn't have a shiny of up until that point. I had mascots from events, the shiny beasts events, Tapu and various shinies that I randomly hunted for. So I think I did DA for the birds, Ho-oh, Latias, Kyogre, Groudon, Heatran, pixies, Reshi/Zek, genies and most of the UB.
Well at least I was able to get a shiny bagon.
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Which shiny looks the best using Solar Beam?
>no longer
They never were valuable
Time to regular outbreak hunt then...
Pokemon GO killed shiny hunting. That game gives them out like candies and the fanbase is obsessed with them.

Both Pokemon GO & PLA shinies have no value to me though. The former has a lame mark of shame, the latter has Pokeballs that will never be supported in any future game.
>Pokemon GO killed shiny hunting.
Akschually, it was Gen VI by lowering base odds to 1/4096
Akschually, it was Gen V by introducing the shiny charm in BW2
Akschually, it was Gen IV by introducing MM and Radar
Akschually, it was Gen III by introducing the odds at all
Akschually, it was Gen II with 1/64 breeding
If you aren't yolo hunting in Gen I, you are doing it wrong!
No one thinks you're funny. You're the only person who ever tries to post this "meme".
This. Doesn't matter but it was actually Gen IV with the introduction of Masuda method. That is where focused 'hunting' became a realistic thing.

Prior to Gen IV, I only ever had a Shiny Zubat in Silver and a Shiny Tentacool in Sapphire. Back in the day they were actually sought after things in trades.

All the Action Replay / Game Shark kids were very obvious cheaters. I loved doing multiplayer battles in Gen 2 & 3 because prior to Deoxys EVs were only applied on level up. So all the cheaters who just rare candied to level 100 had Pokemon with 0 EVs in most cases. Was very easy to sweep those losers.
Still mad they shiny locked keldeo in swsh
At least I can get my fill of resets by trying to catch it in my only beast ball
>Akschually, it was Gen VI by lowering base odds to 1/4096
>Akschually, it was Gen V by introducing the shiny charm in BW2
>Akschually, it was Gen IV by introducing MM
These but unironically. Flat rate increases are incredibly lame.
Methods like Chain Fishing, Radar, and Ultra Wormholes are perfectly fine despite how quick hunts can be. You can absolutely break chains if you aren't careful and each one of them takes a while to get the hang of. It's a fair trade off to RE/SR in the sense that you need to be a lot more attentive and can't just glance over at your screen once every 15 seconds. Less time, more effort.
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Just got it. It appeared in a week of random hunting, so I consider it a win!
Good shit anon
Love seedot
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is shinny hunting a bonus Jirachi doable?
Yes but you will want to kill yourself when your done unless your very lucky and get it within a reasonable time.
Back when Dynamax Adventures first came out I was definitely trying for Shiny Zygarde. I eventually got burnt out on the hunt though. Helped create the general meta strategy the rest of the board used for that particular raid adventure in the process though.
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>bored at work
>decide to open Go see what i missed
>notice i got a reward for one of the anniversary event missions
>claim to enter the encounter
>get pic
Sadly not a hundo but hey free shiny i wont complain
My fourth on Ruby. I think I'm trying two more for the sake to complete a team!
Can you fuck off already schizo
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>gone over double odds on Reshiram
>ran out of dynite ore for the good route I had
> keeping getting knocked out because the ai teammates have room temp IQ
>People online either don't want to hunt it or are somehow dummer than the ai
> Have gotten 7 other shines along the way

I don't think I have ever gotten to a point playing these games where I have grown to hate a Pokemon, but this fucker has succeeded. I just want this part of my life to be over.
Wish you luck anon, going over odds is never fun.
Have been casually doing Giratina in BD for the last year. My soft reset count is at 17000 as of this morning. I don't even know why I am bothering anymore.

Since I started I finishing a new living dex and ran through Scat & Vomit + DLCs twice.
just a couple more
Congrats anon,
You're half-right. People who hunt normal shinies in S/V should realize that they are no longer valuable.

People who hunt marked shinies are the ones who realize what's really valuable. Not sociable or sleepy marks.
The rarest shiny to ever exist comes from Scarlet and Violet, though.

Three segment Dudunsparce, and Family of Three Mousehold, with six 31IVs, with Jumbo/Mini Mark, and Rare Mark is 1 in 1,000,000,000 odds.
>Three segment Dudunsparce, and Family of Three Mousehold, with six 31IVs, with Jumbo/Mini Mark, and Rare Mark is 1 in 1,000,000,000 odds.
I'm not going to lie that sounds like a pain in the ass to get and the fact that some people already found it naturally blows my mind.
Nobody has found that.
Says who?
Stop being a lucklet.
>Nobody has found that.
I could easily be wrong but I remember people going crazy hunting for them because of how valuable they were.
Three segmented and family of 3 and shiny sure, but not with all the rest.
>Three segmented and family of 3 and shiny sure, but not with all the rest.
Ok that's fair.
The rare and elusive shiny woomy :o

(I wasn’t hunting, I just got lucky)
Good job, I just wish it's evolved form didn't remind me of a modern day Victreebell.
Looks ugly. Like actual shit.
Was making this webm really worth 20 dollars?
Shine I beg of you...
Do only level 3 sandwiches count in S&V? Because I've been searching for days now and have found ZILCH for my efforts. I wish they made a sound or sparkled or something.
Imagine being this cucked by a G mark
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Swablu gjinka sketch for good luck in my ORAS hunt. I'm like 50 mons into a chain and its not happening ;-;
Based drawing, I hope this is enough to summon your swablu anon.
Are you stacking it with outbreaks from your wanted target? Even non-event boosted outbreaks should yield with a shiny sando
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My first soft reset hunt
Congrats anon, Now make sure to save proper once you caught him.
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I did, thanks
>master ball
>shitty nature
Sorry, doesn't count. Start over.
>shitty nature
Youre mom gay
I don't have a switch tho :(
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Randomly found this guy quite a while ago. I love bug types so I'm hyped, even if I'm not a Spidops enjoyer. Maybe he'll grow on me.
Also found a shiny Golbat in HeartGold recently while doing a bug monotype run. Guess it's time to figure out how to transfer up to modern games. I've got the apps on my 3DS, just never used them.
Scarlet and Violet shinies dont count get the fuck out of here
I had a friend who tried transferring the shiny Darkrai he got on his Pearl to Gen 6 and higher, but it wasn't able to because it didn't have the fateful encounter flag. I looked it up and apparently if you level it up to 50 before it goes to Gen 5 it can be transferred further. If you care.
>because it didn't have the fateful encounter flag.
Which means they got it by using the void exploit, and then didn't use ACE to edit the pokemon to have the Fateful encounter.
That's actually a good shiny, I hope spidops grows on you anon.
>I cannot currently be fucked
The only believable part of this.
It took me about 3 years up until July if that's any consolation
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Oh no! This will surely affect me!
I got the set of three back when they were actually being distributed. Ended up getting some ribbons for them.
What's the accomplishment here?
Where's the hunt?
God mew has such a nice shiny, I'm gonna do it...
Hope you have a japanese copy of emerald
No, but I do have discord.
Can I not use an english copy or does it HAVE to be in japanese to be able to transport it?
I've seen reference to Taiwan also having this event, although I cannot find mention of what language games would have been imported there. I do know that English Mews do transfer up to Home
Was only ever given out in Japan. You can see the locations listed here.

>I do know that English Mews do transfer up to Home
It's the same as the 8F Mew. That's a 100% "hacked" shiny mew from Gen one, and it can go up through Bank and Home, but it's not legal, and TPC could ban your home account at any time for having it, if they felt like it.
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I am pretty sure I am close to odds for Litten, by the time I get it bank will shut down.
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I very rarely ever post here anymore, but my friends who know me from this board can verify I spent the past 2 weeks with 3873 resets of the alpha Stantler in PLA to finally get the one last shiny I wanted from the game.
Additionally I had 41 other shinies caught and 4 shiny abras lost, 3 of which were from a single massive mass outbreak spot in 20 seconds.
Goodbye y’all until Legends ZA.
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Congrats anon, I happy for you. Now I just need it to be my turn.
They would never ban your account for having glitched Pokémon present, their games are too buggy and they encourage trades. That would very much be a shotgun approach to the issue, and take a lot of innocent people down at the same time.

I can't find the original thing I read, but this:
gives Taiwan distro dates and details. That said, it does say that it was Japanese games only. I assume this also applied to the Taiwan-only DS Download Play distro method, but i could not confirm that either way
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What's a good green & red shiny I can hunt for that's available in Ultra Sun? I have a shiny Noivern and Vikavolt and want a third one.
You already have Bagon? Shiny Mega Salamence is da bees knees
I wish you LUCK anon!
Didn't know volt had such a cool shiny color. Might hunt for one myself now.
...did you find it yet so we can get the complete thing or what?
Got me a goodra but I spent so long hunting Him that I forgot the name I picked out for it if it was a boy.
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Found this guy while going to a Beldum outbreak
I actually remember what I was going to name him. Pic related. But if I get another male then I'll give him that name.
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masuda method in violet is killing me rn

1/512 my ass
Which target?
charmander, groomed my bf back into pokemon and i wanna get him a gift
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Thanks, went with this.
he's getting SV next week, so I wanted him to have one from lv. 1 to tag along through the game
Since that is the case I'd recommend breeding it on SWSH instead if possible, no picnic basket bullshit there.

Been doing Dynamax Adventures all week and nothing. No regular mon, nor legendary. Just pure dynamite ores
Do Masuda in USUM, there’s an egg trick
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What the fuck do I do with all the shinys from wonder trade? Does anyone want them?
An egg trick is underselling the fact that breeding is completely seeded and only advances when you generate/pick up/skip an egg. If you have the patience to breed 128 magikarp for like 2 hours you could calculate your breeding seed and just get any breedable shiny you could dream of
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Back on the butterfly hunt. 4 left.
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That's prescious. I hope the hunt ends soon. MM in SV is like pulling teeth.
congrats anon
Sunkern is a fun hunt in SV :)
I'm trying to get a bunch of shinies to give out to the kiddos at the halloween party that our local con puts on every year. I'm using SV for ease. what's the absolute top fastest way to find em? I've been doing sandwich at outbreaks and picnic refreshing and it's still pretty slow going
If i had access to a hacked switch to do so, i would. but alas, i'm a poorfag
Thats the fastest way, just get lucky.
>i'm a poorfag
Sucks to suck.

Google "pokemon collection discord". Join the server. Pick a role (which game you want to trade on). Drag and drop files from PKHeX into the sysbot trade channel of the game you picked. Get whatever you want traded to you in game.
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Well, there we go. Shiny Latias. I didn't think this would be harder than her brother. Fuck Reflect Type shenanigans and fuck Surf.
Yeah i think ill just get them in USUM
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Just get them in gen 3 like me
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This larvatar outbreak by the psychic gym has got to be glitched. 1-3 larvitar only appears appears MAYBE 5-10 minuts. This is so mind numbing I JUST WANT THIS TO BE OVER ALREADY!
>It's underground, retard.
First things first, you may be right but not in the way you expected. It was on the hill UP to the waterfall. But I truly believe that they spawned underground. Either way it matters not for the outbreak killed itself and spared me my sanity though with nothing to show for it. Back to the grind I go.
Nobody cares anon. You’re that guy telling people who used summons to beat Radhan “you didn’t beat him.” Getting full odds shiny is impressive, yes. But getting a full odds shiny with 1 finger is more impressive. Did you get your shinies with 1 fingers? I bet you used your eyes too faggot. What a pointless accomplishment shiny hunting must be for you, if only to serve as a tool to waste your time.
That's ok anon, I have another outbreak so maybe that one will go better.
1. Cheating to get a welfare shiny is just that, cheating.
There is no accomplishment, there is no hunt and posting about it in this thread is plainly trolling.

>summons to beat Radhan “you didn’t beat him."
If you spend money for optional content but then rel on a crutch like summons,
you just gave up instead of overcoming an obstacle.
You did not only not beat him, you failed to understand the basic premise of the game.
So I guess that tracks with posting cheated shinies in the shiny autism thread...
Just parry the guy, bro.
There’s a difference between self imposed challenges and game imposed challenges. If the game hands you a free shiny legendary, you didn’t cheat to get it. If someone injects a legit wonder card, they obtained that shiny with MORE effort than people who did it legit did. If the game has easier shiny odds, you didn’t cheat to get it. You’re just obsessed with being the most autistic and rigid shiny hunter because that’s the only thing you can respect about yourself, and are your own greatest limitation.
Get blend master
Do literally nothing
>If someone injects a legit wonder card, they obtained that shiny with MORE effort than people who did it legit did.
If someone injects a wondercard it is by definition not legit, it is legal at best.
You could argue it also makes the injector a whiny bitch feeling entitled to things xhe did not earn
>but muh fomo gating
It's what makes the time limited event special.
People inventing reasons they deserve it 15 years later and somehow claiming it's not cheating are just hypocrites,
I don't give a shit about people being open about just cheating for different coloured pixels, just stop lying to yourself.
>Still no larvitar
>Decide to go do a bagon outbreak.
>Get a shiny before I'm even half way done with the outbreak.
Well at least I know the outbreaks aren't glitched...
Because I haven't been online and still have the outbreak from a week ago so I thought it would be faster to just do it manually instead of picnic resetting....
I will find this shiny...
No you wont.
how does that work in scarlet/violet? does importing the postcards from pokemon go change all of the vivillion? does that effect the scatterbug too? can you change freely between all of the postcards you send, or is it impossible to get a normal sv vivillion again? I always thought it just spawned a single vivi of the new postcard....
Vivillon is the change that is implemented in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. When you send a postcard to Pokémon Scarlet & Violet from Pokémon GO, it will change your game so that all Scatterbug, Spewpa and Vivillon encounters will become the Vivillon pattern associated with the location from the post card in Pokémon GO.

This will last for 24 hours until the Scatterbug, Spewpa and Vivillon revert back into the Fancy Pattern.
oh, thanks, I completely misunderstood how it worked when it was announced
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can you use the event tera raids for masuda?
Why not?
>not autistic enough to go for the Catch of the Day mark shiny Milotic
Coward, secondary, and pleb.
>ZA next year
>Same engine as PLA/SV
>Scatterbug line originated in Kalos
>Pokéball Vivillion originally distributed in Paris
It's going to be the default in ZA and if I'm wrong I will cry
>find shiny cutiefly in outbreak when working on killing enough and no sandwich yet
>0 cutieflies after whittling down the horde and sandwich
After Jethro Tull songs
Idk my mind goes event = shiny locked regardless of what I'm doing
At the first Charizard one i believe something was fucked and it could never breed shiny or something, but its all fixed now and you can breed them normally.
Did they fix the first one or is it still buggy?
I think it was only something about trading the Charmanders, nothing about shiny now that i think about it yeah. Nothing is broken anymore.
Shiny Eevees? Gods/Goddesses names. Greek, Nordic, Egyptian, etc. pick as you envision your ideal according to each future eeveelution
What's your favorite shiny hunting method?

Action Replay
Ebay / Etsy
Discord SYSbots
After 6 outbreaks I finally found one anon. Thanks for believing in me.
Yes and I almost didn't notice it too because a snow storm started in game and I could barely see anything on the switch tablet. Once again thank God for let's Go mode.
I thought that only worked in narrow areas like caves and the like? Does it really save that much time? If so I'll give it a try next time. Thanks anon.
Forgot that /vp/ exists, haven't used this place since Gen VI.
Shiny hunting Lugia in Silver, just passed a week of resets. Should probably have started running a counter at some point. Looking forward to sending it to Stadium 2 when done at least.
So you're the asshole who took my luck. Prepare yourself I'm coming
Ended up doing this (mostly)
Good luck anon.
I'm optimistic, can't be worse than the Gen VI goldkarp that didn't show up in 10,000 eggs with shiny charm and masuda method. I swear that had to be some statistical improbability, but at least I hatched my perfect Beldum in 5 eggs back then though, you have to take the good with the bad.
I was catching each Lugia to check DVs for a perfect or near perfect one for the first few days, I found a couple of decent ones that I cloned before returning to the hunt but it was just demoralising me to check every big bird, so just soft resetting for now.
random encounter doing something else
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I need some help/recommendations determining what will be my next badge quest target in Heartgold.

I am at Goldenrod City awaiting taking on Whitney, I just need to target and catch my shiny first.

I have a Totodile starter, a Hoot-hoot phase, a Spinarak, and a Mareep accounted for my shinies so far.

I am hoping to target gen 2 mons largely through my first 8 badges, and I was hoping to have a diversity of shiny colors as well.

I'm not sure what other gen 2 mons are available to me at this point that I'd want to target. I believe catching a shiny pick up Aipom would be cool and fruitful, I am just avoiding adding another pink mon at the moment.

I also caught all nature dittos and synchronizers out of the grass outside goldenrod. I was thinking Ditto or Abra may have been nice targets, but I think I'm inclined to Ditto or a gen 2 mon.

Thoughts /shg/? I appreciate your responses.
>awaiting taking on Whitney
>Just get to route 43 bro
Took a few guys back to the past to get them a title and came back with a little blue orb buddy.
Based, I was thinking of doing the same with a couple of my mons.
The lati twins have such a good shiny.
Vomit and pee?
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I really like the Girafarig idea, especially since I can catch it in a moon ball, but I don't believe I have access to route 43 yet. I will look into that this evening to establish that matter. Thanks for the rec
Route 43 is to the lake of rage, so it's blocked by a fake tree
So yes, I don't have access then. I need to beat Whitney to get the watering can to bug off those Sudowoodos.

Any other gen 2 mons I'd have access to that I'm over looking? I feel like the pool is a little small at this point.
Nice anon, I always wanted to use that mon in a run but I never got a chance to.
I like PKSM.
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I remembered I needed to evolve my Hisuian Sligoo and I found a fucking shiny Dragalge before rain.
It's 2024, gramps, you can obtain any Event Item in Emerald with the Pomeg Berry Glitch.
Oh, emerald is $200. Well that sure kills my interest.
Get a modded 3ds, and then you can just download an Emerald Rom.

And then while you're at it. You can just use the modded 3ds to save edit your game to have shiny Mew.
Now I need a big beldum
Just make a google sheets doc
If you have a regular Ruby or Sapphire and a second GBA you can get an Emerald repro and trade to it for the upward transfer
Living dex autists how do you handle forms? Minior and Alcremie specifically because even though they have different color forms, the shiny is the exact same for all of them besides the Sweets on Alcremie. It feels redundant but at the same time not getting them would feel wrong.
I'm torn on Furfrou too because the only way to get its trim styles in Home is through Go so I would have to GTS them unless PLA makes it possible to get them.
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I think Minior has different shinies in Home but I'm not sure if they changed it. I do have 64 Milcery ready to evolve but that was only due to the outbreak event last year, it would be torture otherwise. Don't care about Furfrou unless ZA makes the trims boxable. For me I'm of the mindset that permanent forms (Regionals, Wormadam, Pumpkaboo etc.) need each form but temporary forms (Origin forms, Castform, Silvally etc.) just need the base form. I've also just started going down the gender differences rabbit hole, and some guy a few threads ago suggested Gmaxes should count as their own form, which I keep trying to talk myself out of. But really, just do what you feel like doing.
You would have to spend thousands upon thousands on travel or cheat to get furfrou trims. They’re all region locked + shiny furfrou is exceedingly rare right now
lol, they had a glitch where you could get a few of them in the last year or so.
Lando Calrissian? Nice
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Bro no way. I’m on a roll!
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Found a Shiny Pelliper while I was mid-shiny hunt for Island Scan Chesnaught. Didn't end up finding the Chesnaught, but this is an okay consolation prize.
>if i just never admit i am wrong that means i am never wrong
Literally circular logic coping.
Congrats anon, I just wish it was a better shiny.
>9 flavours
>7 toppings
>D-Max/G-Max register different in Home Dex
>Star/Square shiny til I die
378 Alcremie gang rise up
>378 Alcremie gang rise up
NTA but I don't think I have it in me to be a completionist like you anon.
Only that? I'm going for every single IV combination.
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I could never, This is what "separates the wheat from the chaff" as they say, you guys are just built entirely different.
Nice find it totally shouldn't have been me instead (It should have)
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FOUR SANDWICHES. ZERO SHINIES. I thought SV just gave them away bros?
>save scumming
Just use PKHeX.
If you're going to cheat, at least cheat in a way that respects your time.
But a white guy made PKHeX. And also runs the PKHeX forum.
>get herba from twitch streams
>date skip outbreaks
>no shiny? just reset
feels good to be a legit shiny hunterCHAD
I really want to start a shiny badge quest in something but just haven't. I'm kind of tempted to try it in Sword and just encounter grind a chosen route until I get enough encounters for increased odds.
My understanding is that you get extra shiny rolls only on Brilliant Pokemon (the ones with the aura) and that the amount of rerolls depend on the total encounter number. Is that not correct?
You have more rolls only on Brillants, you are correct. Sibuna's twitter has the info, it ends up being some 1/500~ish odds but only whenever a Brillant spawns. You'd have way better luck just cracking eggs with MM & Shiny Charm; unless you don't tolerate bike simulator
That's fine then. I specifically want a fairly mindless long term grind where the result is a surprise, rather than a shorter grind where I know what I'm getting. Encounters sounds more like what I want. I've also previously done an encounter hunt in Sword and thought it was fun (Sandygast) so I have a rough idea of what it'll be like.

I'll get the playthrough started in the next few hours. Also I suppose I'll need something separate from the main team that can gain the EXP from defeating the encounters without overleveling my team, but I'll probably just use the starter for that.
You can get it down to a 1.5-2minute reset when you optimize it. If you have everything you need for it already I would just find something you like listening to and try it. I got mine about two years ago.
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>want a shiny max size hawlucha
>someone at gamefreaks decided to make it a rare outbreak
>it's gonna appear in PLZA anyways, with PLA tier outbreaks

what should I do?, should I get one right now?
Would you mind trading one of the shiny galar ponytas in home? I dont think i'll be able to go hunting today, i have a few SV shinies and can go hunt one of your choice if you want.
>Found a shiny Wooloo on Monday
>Found a shiny Skarmory while doing a route and a shiny Jynx on Wednesday
>Found a shiny Grimer randomly and the a Galarian Darumaka from a raid on Friday
I swear some of the rates are off the charts.
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>join random minior tera raid
>shell breaks
>it's a shiny
Well not complaining, even got it in my last luxury ball i had
Most non-legendaries are flat 1/512 odds
but several of them have better (1 in 64) without an event boost which is massive vs. mainline odds. Sometimes all it takes is a single check on your GO's spawn radius
NTA but I got you anon I didn't do as good as them but I have more than enough to spare. I'm G*** just let me know when your ready.
Did you manage to hunt anything?

Here's the thing:
There is literally nothing you have I'm interested in.
But I also don't really care about soulless GO shinies.
So I guess I could just sent you one?
Also, pretty sure my HOME turns everything sent there German.
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Sorry for the late reply, here's the home room code if any one of you is interested
Fuck just realized it has a time limit, is remote trading a thing in go? If not i guess you can just send me your friend codes
Remote trading in GO is only a thing during random events.
Else it's being within 100m or something stupid like that.
HOME trading was similar but they dropped the distance restrictions.
Still wants access to your location for trading though.
Currently in the middle of something, but if you sent your FC I can add you later.
I got him anon.

I forgot to ask what do you prefer? pokeball or great ball?
Dont mind any
Wouldn't the real question be boy or girl?
Ok then sending.
Thanks man srsly, had galar ponyta in my shiny wishlist for a while but dont have swsh
>Wouldn't the real question be boy or girl?
I only found female galarian ponyta and like 2 male kantonian ones.

No problem anon, I can completely understand wanting a shiny from a game you don't have. I'm just glad me or that other anon could help.
Nice to see things worked out for you
Do it but set your date on you switch to your birthday so you can go for the Destiny Mark as well.
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>After my 7th attempt of using a sandwich and clearing an outbreak with no results I decide to try something else
>Make an electric sandwich and head to Area Zero to hunt for Sandy Shocks, but wouldn't mind a Tadbulb or Pawmi either
>20 minutes pass
>See a shiny
>It's a fucking Masquerain
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>Got a 40 ponyta chain on diamond
>around 30 minutes for the shiny patch
>another 30 for the second
>spent almost an hour trying to get a 3rd one before i gave up
my hands hurt now. fuck me for being greedy i guess
I went over an hour trying to get a second shiny patch for Swinub in Platinum earlier. I guess it balances out the fact I got Castform in one radar reset after reaching 40 yesterday but fuck me.
Sorry anon if you drop your friend code I can give you something.
Why did they make breeding in SV so dogshit?
Eugenics are morally wrong.
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This was not the alpha i was looking for
To encourage you to pay for online to farm raids for herba mystica
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Pic of ninjago sleeping
>This was not the alpha i was looking for
Many such cases.
Wash them, eat lvl 1 egg power sandwich, empty basket over 15 minutes
And that's how I ended up with 42 Bulbasaur
No shinys sadly
Finally got a shiny Heatran from the Ultra Space Wilds in US early this morning.
I've been unsuccessfully hunting for it since last month.
Just three targets left now before I can retire from shiny hunting in US.
Congrats anon, I just switch to something else if it takes more than a certain amount of resets but I'm glad you got heatran I might just try get one myself.
Started this playthrough, currently outside Turffield farming for the first shiny. I'm at 100+ encounters for Electrike, Meowth and Pumpkaboo and getting there for Yamper so those have maxed Brilliant odds (2x at 100).

Not keeping a manual count of total encounters but probably 400+ or so now. Will check encounter totals for everything in a given route when I do get a shiny though.

My Cinderace is nearly Lv. 40 even with the heavy drop off in EXP SwSh has when overlevelled. Wonder if I'll hit 50 or get a shiny first. Guessing 50.
Isn’t maxed odds at 500 defeated? It’s tracked in the pokedex.
Max odds for Brilliant is 100, at 2x odds of a Brilliant for that species. Max shiny odds for Brilliants is at 500 encounters for that species. So I'm getting all the common stuff in the route to 100 first as a starting goal so more Brilliants show up.
Skill issue
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Shes a big girl.
My first ever truly random shiny. I was just walking around and I found this thing floating around. Very tail end of violet. Ive been playing pokemon since yellow and my first random out of the blue shiny is basically end game violet where you see thousands of mons spawn. And its fuckin hoppip. Ah well still kinda neat.
Make sure to raise him well and take him to all the future games.
And then I get a snowrunt like an hour later. I dont even have the shiny charm. Guess im just lucky today. To bad I have a motherfuckin 12 hour shift in about an hour.
Nice find anon, It should have been I'm happy for you.
Currently soft-resetting for a shiny Groudon now.
I hope you get it faster than the last one anon.
Found me a shiny simipour in go I like the greenish blue it has.
First shiny of the run obtained! Electrike, which is cool since I've never gotten one of these shiny elsewhere. He had Brilliant aura too which is a good start. Part of why I wanted to do this run was to essentially just do lots of encounter hunts so the first being a Brilliant instead of full odds is a great start.

Total encounters for the mons on Route 4 (this might include a couple trainer or wild battles from before but a negligible if so):

Galarian Meowth - 203
Pumpkaboo - 132
Electrike - 130
Yamper - 56
Pikachu - 48
Wooloo - 48
Eevee - 44
Milcery - 38
Cutiefly - 27
Joltik - 25
Ferroseed - 2
Budew - 1

Total encounters: 754

For the next hunt I'll keep a manual count but since this was the first I just used the in-game one.
to this day I am convinced MM is bugged in SV, literally every single hunt has gone over odds by a lot.
Biggest surprise for me is Elektrike is in this game
Breeding in SV in general feels like a shitshow. I hate having to sit around for half an hour to get eggs before I can start hatching them.
It doesn't help that this gen has so many dogshit shinies that aren't super noticeable.
Imagine if Alcreamy's shiny had color variations like the regular Alcreamy, literal shiny torture
Congrats anon, I hope the rest of the hunts go as smooth for you.
That's funny because all my SV eggs have been under odds and even had double shiny 4 times.
Get the last two DA Sword exclusives (Solgaleo, Reshiram), catch Yamask, or hatch G Corsola?
>the 2nd more apt nature
Now if it got 0 IV in spe and 31 IV in atk I'd sonewhat agree with you
RNGreporter time frames
>every single IV combination.
Tel me you want to stack natures in the mix, you literal madman
Male or female?
I can't fathom how some anons are able to hunt specifically for shiny mon with good natures. I just don't have it in me. Thank God nature mints exist.
Checking in, am still alive, still no shiny Lugia.
How do I tell if a pokemon in gen 4 is shiny? I think I just found my first shiny of all time but was looking away when it came on screen so couldn't see the stars. And the shiny is one of those that's almost the same as the original sprite.
Do I get to check after I catch it?
There's a red star on the summary screen and the pokedex number will be red
I still don't fucking get why in the gen they introduced the dexcut the included the two stage mono electric typed dog, while introducing a brand new two stage mono electric typed dog.
>He didn't catch 64 Milcery during the outbreak event
I just got 2 Rockruff out of pure spite.
It does, look at the eyes
>high effort cheating
Why bother?
Luck anon.
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i found these 2 during downtime between classes, eiscue was full odds, finizen was after i got charm and was prowling for TM materials
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just bred this lil guy
Very cute anon. I really want to play my Japanese copies of Gold and Silver more because it helps me get reps in and I fucking love how they layout the status screen, but my lack of NTSC-J Stadium 2 and N64 kills the motivation. Glad to see the shiny worm. Did you chain breed a female shiny gene dratini from the red Gyarados, or use some other method?
Red Gyarados, fortunately the 1/128 odds made it pretty fast despite the slow hatch rate. Should be a lot more striking once it evolves. I really should pick up a 64 again though to see this guy in 3d, japanese copies of games are still dirt cheap. pretty sure stadium would cost like $20 tops
I'm thinking of going for mareep next. as soon as I found the gyarados I kinda just stopped progress to focus on breeding. feel like gen 2 is really meant to be beat slowly though
I forget that you can just shiny hunt in this game. I need to try it out one of these days.
>taking a photo of a screenshot display on your switch
You must go deeper
Thought so, and yeah in my case it is more that I can't be bothered ordering in an NTSC-J console (I live in a PAL region country so I can't just mod my console easily like the US region people can).
One project I am looking to do after Lugia is getting a full set of breeding fathers for shiny hunting, if I remember everything except Bug, Amorphous, Human-Like and Mineral can be chained around the egg groups from the red Gyarados. Unfortunately that probably means resetting either my Gold or my backup for Sudowoodo, unless there is an easier mineral group hunt to do. At least the rest should be easy (gift Shuckle, Electrode or Koffing in rocket hideout, gift Tyrogue in Mt. Mortar).
I do find it a little sad that people didn't get into gen 2 shiny hunting more when the games came out on VC, there is so much depth to the shiny hunting mechanics with the wild shit like influenced roamer hunting and the like along with some of the most rewarding egg hunts, but people just didn't connect with the shiny hunting mechanics as much it seems. I personally love them, although my legendary birds hunt is going to be interesting when I get to it as shiny hunting in RBY is a very patient game.
I tried to get into it with the VC release but the breeding being so slow doesn't really make it feel that much faster than MMing in a newer game.
That might be a factor, but I must admit that I still think from a cartridge perspective where you have dodrio tower and stadium 2 box checking if you want to shiny breed FAST.
You can get bug! It's a bit of a lengthy chain but starting with Gyarados you can go Horsea -> Marill -> Hoppip -> Paras which is in the bug group. It's honestly a pretty nice gen to hunt in thanks to the breeding giving such high rates. I also just like how unseen a lot of these shinies are on a legit cart. Not many had all the link cables and transfer paks needed to see some of this stuff, and even if they had all the hardware not many understand the old hunting mechanics. I actually have yellow coming in today, I 100% think the legends will be worth shooting for. I mean how many have seen a legit shiny Articuno or the like on GSC? I bet very, very few people have seen a shiny RBY legendary transferred to stadium without cheats.
Neat, I was thinking of soft resetting Shuckie but didn't realise the long Paras chain breed. I hunted shinies a bit as a kid on Silver (would have been about 2003-04, I would have been about ten) but it was just soft resetting a starter (back then I actually started a new game each time, because the information about shinies weren't as good for people not online then and I remember it being the common rumour that starters and legendary dogs were set at the start of your save) and I soft reset Ho-Oh in about 2009.
>RBY shiny talk
Exactly why I want to SR the birds on my old copy of Red. Zapdos and Articuno should be fairly fine, but I am scared with Moltres because I want to win an additional coinflip (to get one of the attack DVs that give HP Grass for Stadium 2).
You presence here buoys me anon, I will try and stick around a bit more and be a bit more vocal about my GSC hunts.
>outbreak hunting Dratini because why not
>get jumped by some aggressive cunt
>Shiny Hawlucha
I guess
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are busted emerald shinies welcome here?
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Thanks anon, I was mostly informed on the breeding circle (I just hadn't realised Hoppip can jump to Paras, I was initially planning to breed a Sunkern for Grass) but for Mineral and Human-Like I still think I will do a Mahogany Electrode hunt and reset the gift Tyrogue. Amorphous is a really easy too, just the Mahogany Koffing.
Thank you for the infographic though anon, makes a great cross reference. I might be a big cheatyface and do mimic Gyara transferred back to Red to get a shiny ditto, but that would only be for Genderless/male only families (as I do want Shiny Tauros and Magneton especially)
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I just want to say Raikou is being a bitch
congrats on the shadow entei anon.
I stand by the fact that Gen 2 breeding is a meme. All my hunts have been a drag, aside from a Smoochum I got on egg 2. I want to get a second Smoochum then I'm just going for Celebi.
why 2 smoochum?
Thanks for reminding me to go hunt a milotic.
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I have a question, hopefully some anon can help me.

TLDR, In Pokemon Crystal, I have a shiny ditto which I got a shiny cyndaquil with. Using another ditto, I was able to get another female cyndaquil for it to breed with, to speed up egg production.
However, while I easily got a shiny from the ditto and typhlosion, I have been at it for over a day now and have not gotten a single shiny cyndquil from a shiny father and non-shiny mother.

What gives? It's even got the 1/64 for the ratio too.
When you breed a male and female the egg will get the inherited DVs of the parent of the opposite sex (so a son will get mum's defence DV and her special DV+/-8, and a daughter will get dad's DVs the same way) instead of male and ditto or female and ditto where the child will always get Ditto's DVs.
From your description it sounds like you have a shiny family (well obviously if it is shiny itself!) father and a non shiny family mother. This means that they can breed as they are in different families. This means that your options are
>Female Cyndaquil, inherits dad's stats
Since dad is Shiny family, the female Cyndaquil will get the SV stats but female Cyndaquil can't be shiny. This is because gender ratio is calculated on the attack DV, and a female Cyndaquil will always have an attack DV of 0 or 1. Shinies need 10s in Speed, Defence and Special with an Attack of 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 or 15. A female Cyndaquil can never be shiny.
>Male Cyndaquil, inherits mum's stats
This Cyndaquil will have non shiny family stats and will never be shiny.
>But I want to breed shiny Cyndaquils quickly, what gives?!
The process to breed them quickly if you want multiple legitimate ones is quite simple, but unfortunately backwards from what you have done. Instead of breeding shiny dad with non shiny mum, you need to breed a shiny family mum with non shiny dad. Any of the female Cyndaquils you got in your current breeding session should be shiny family, but they won't breed with their dad because they are in the same family. Instead, use one of the males from your breeding session, they will have mum's genes and sibling incest is fine in gen 2 if the parent wasn't ditto!
Based as fuck, thank you so much for this in-depth description on what's happening.
However from what I've researched, it looks like only male cyndaquil can be shiny based on how the IVs work? If not, I'm still down for the grind for a female shiny cyndaquil with my shiny ditto, even though the process on obtaining one kinda defeats the purpose lol.
Correct, it would be more accurate to say that a shiny Cyndaquil can only be male. Since the shiny status is set by DVs AND the sex is set by DVs any DV set that makes a 1/8 female/male pokemon shiny will also make them male.
Even if you breed with a shiny ditto, your shiny cyndaquils will be male. All of your males that aren't shiny will be shiny family, and all of the females that you get will also be shiny family but will never sparkle.
The most common time this comes up for people is (unsurprisingly given the playerbase) with Eevee, who will also never shine as a girl in gen 2.
Interesting, so as long as I get a female cyndaquil from the shiny ditto, and have it breed with a non-shiny-family male cyndaquil, I should receive the desired result?
>furfags want their shiny waifu
why am I not surprised
Yep, if you breed a female cyndaquil that was a kid of a shiny ditto + cyndaquil pairing, and breed it with a non shiny family male you will crank yout shiny males at that beautiful 1/64 rate. Every attack dv that can be shiny will be male, so every shiny attack DV will inherit the 10 defence and either 2 or 10 special, meaning the full 1/64 odds. I wish you many shiny cyndaquils in your daycare, anon.
You are fantastic, thank you so much anon.
It's not much but I can doodle you something real quick as thanks, and I'll post daycare results tomorrow hopefully
No need to thank me anon, a few of us love gen 2 shinies and I'm sure that if I didn't answer, someone else would. If you were looking for excuses for inspiration though, it was funny that you are breeding Cyndaquil because my favourite pokemon of all time is Quilava (with the podium being it, Poliwhirl and Jolteon). At least one of my three favourites was saved from the furry menace, but I can't abandon my bros, maybe something involving one of those three.
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It's late and couldn't get jolteon to look right but here you go friend :>
MS Paint with a mouse because too lazy to hook up drawing pad
Thanks anon, always fun to see more art of my boys. Please don't take this as an insult (the entire above discussion should make it clear I don't mean this negatively at all) but I like the Gen I vibes you gave the posing, it has that same dynamism. Hope that the advice on shiny breeding helps!
Soul good art anon.
Congrats anon and thanks for reminding me to get a catching breloom.
Happy Friday bros

Shiny number two for the badge quest obtained - Galarian Farfetch'd. This one was not from a brilliant encounter so was full odds. Cool one too since I never got a shiny of this guy.

Encounters on Route 5 were
Stufful - 131
Swirlix - 120
Mincinno - 103
Farfetch'd - 84
Wobbuffet - 51
Drifloon - 33
Espurr - 9
Nuzleaf - 9
Dottler - 6

Total encounters: 546

On to fighting Nessa next. Shouldn't be too bad with Electrike and Farfetch'd
My love for pokeradar won. I'm gonna radarhunt all available pokemon in my Platinum save. Wish me luck anons.
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Holy shit, just got this lil shiny fennekin in 39 eggs, first time actually getting something with MM.
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Funnily enough I actually got the shiny family female on my second egg.

I will let you name it if you'd like :)
(Already named my starter Firebolt and my first shiny Cinder)
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also here's what became of last night's jolteon before I gave up
very cool, gen 2 is typhlosion's best shiny in my opinion
Side note, does anyone know of a glitch I could use to get any pokemon in Crystal? Specifically looking for the Kanto starters so I can breed them for shinies.
I know a glitch exists for G/S, but I don't have them :(
Congrats anon, Fennekin has such a good shiny.
I'm glad your shiny Quil came home, I wouldn't take the naming rights from you! Also cute Jolteon, I see what you were looking to do with it but trying to draw that pose with mouse would be hell!
A new set of batteries in the GBA and the Lugia hunt continues. I would hunt it on Stadium but the transfer Pak I have is dodgy and even leaving it in controller 2 and leaving controller 2 on a table it randomly seizes up when resetting (I think that some of the solder might actually be broken on the pins in it, fucking sucks because it is stable enough for mystery gift or loading a team to play a cup or whatever but it doesn't hold up well to GB tower duties).
>20 day old thread
This one lasted a while.
Shiny hunting does tend to be slow
Finally hatched that G Corsola.
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For those that don't know or are too new in this thread Please post or link to a picture of a shiny you recently caught or obtained so that I may use it as the OP for the New thread. As Always first come first served and I will try not to do repeats.
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Got it boss give me some time to set it up.
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>New Thread

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