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Come one, come all, it's time for CRINGEKINO

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Download Link
I'll play for a bit so the thread isn't completely ded overnight
Rolled Steel/Rock, h-haha...
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>The first line of dialogue after the intro already has a typo
Might open up a bingo card kek, it's been a while
As I thought, these portraits are going to trigger my autism a lot when stitching dialogue together kek
It's lateish for me, I'll start in the morning or later in the night if insomnia hits.
>Can't press left to go to the run button, have to press right 3 times
I see that adding up and getting pretty annoying kek
Yeah, I'm probably only gonna play another 20-30 minutes myself
>Grass/Rock starter
>First TM is rock tomb
>>Chewtle on the first route
RockCHADS be eating good for quite possibly the first time in their life kek
>Not playing reborn/rejuvenation/empire again
Who the fuck are you and what have you done with the let's play lot?
With africanvs that's 3 fangames I've played recently that have characters show up with actual weapons, and they really need to realize how funny it is for characters to threaten violence and then throw a pokeball.

Odyssey is the funniest since they literally have a character reveal they're a murderbot and transform into kill mode... before throwing out a pokeball.
>Ch9 - you need a Pokemon with the move Boulderdash, then head to the Vulcan Tartaros Forge, dislodge a boulder stuck in some machinery there, and you can then use it to unlock a new path

Now I am right at the boulder with a Boulderdash mon, but see no way to use it?
why these three games in particular, because they're so time-consuming?
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Speaking of time consuming, finally found those fucking stairs kek. Probably just had to loop around over and over to reload the map, and hope it gets generated randomly. At least there's a pause/blink/whatever when you get to a new map. Of course one of the cuntiest gym leaders would make a "puzzle" like this.
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Of course troondev 2 Fairy Boogaloo has to rub it in
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Looks like troondev is secretly based again, and throwing in a reference to grooming.
I'll admit these knights turning to face you is a nice touch. Though that sounds more like a haunted house sort of thing than a fairy tale wonderland
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Okay, yeah, another nice touch here. The knight that turns out to be Lin uses the alelan9tales that used to belong to troondev's self insert. I hope the mod keeps that stolen mons themed champion fight. Some of the changes from vanilla just really fuck with things that could've been sovlful.
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Fuuuuuuuck I thought I was done with this fag's gayness. ffs it's like they forgot all about Cain and just put all the gay romanceshit on T*ka instead. Speaking of Cain, it's been a long time since you last fought him. It's not like you lacked opportunities to beat the fuck out of him for hitting on you or something.
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This sounds like a precursor to Titania's cuntiness in Victory Road.
>lel muh knight in shining armor is so stupid, goys
>lel the princess is the one who can kill the dragon by stabbing it in the back
Wasn't the dragon supposed to be her friend or something? And turns out it was actually protecting her from muh white knight? Wow, what an M Night Shyarmeleon twist; what a brave deconstruction and/or subversion of muh fairy tale. Is this shit supposed to imply something about Sirius?
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Welp, no need to feel guilty about getting Calm Mind "early" anymore. Though I don't think this fight had any nugen mons. Kinda weird, when the mod was all about adding gens 8 and 9 everywhere.
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Oh hey, Titania saves you from faggotry! No wonder you guys don't hate her that much.
The dragon is losing the soiduel in that case.
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Of course, you repay her by standing around as usual while Lin tries to kill her. This one doesn't bother me that much, but if you do like her, then this definitely counts as a cuckening. This is what, 19 of them by now.
>that used to belong to troondev's self insert.
Its actually a le epin deconstruction of self-inserts, because she jobs pathetically and dies the second takes action
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I was expecting a hmph, but a tch still counts, I guess. This one's actually a nice surprise. I thought Flareon would get cucked out of yet another gym, because the field fucks with Fire. Actually I'm not sure how this shit works. It adds Dragon to all Fire moves, to make them neutral to Steel. But then it boosts Dragon moves, so does that include Fire? Didn't see any messages about it.
And poor Aegislash. First she keeps smacking it against some random machines when she's pissed off. And now she makes it Swords Dance in front of something with Foul Play. I'd ask it to come with me instead, but I dunno if I'd ever use it. Still, chilling in the PC probably beats getting smacked around whenever she's in a bad mood, right
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Fuck you Lin, paralyzing and Electro Balling is a classic beauty!
kek, I thought he just killed it off because he didn't want to use a self-insert
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And yeah, if the dragon was such a good friend and was protecting her against muh white knight... then why the fuck did she backstab it in the first place?!
Actually extremely easy fight for an Empire gym leader, but then ...
... comes the next one and switches A HEATRAN INTO A GROUND MOVE, this AI is RETARDED
gj lol, I really should download it just to save the reaction pics
... aaand here's the second one.

First attempt, really easy with a team full of ground mons
That fairytale was so shit I only remember knight bad dragon good, did she actually kill the dragon?
Maybe Titania is the princess and Amaria is the knight (eventhough Titania keeps saving Amaria). Would that make team Meteor the dragon? Or maybe Titania is the dragon and Amaria is the princess, who fucking knows man it's most likely that fairy tale was just written to subvert tropes for the sake of subverting tropes.
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Forgot the team
Nice, gj with that one too lol
Yeah looks like it lol. There's a couple lines about how the princess can slay the dragon because it has its back to her
Tit*nia was also quoting that shit later in Victory Road, with Aya as the princess, Hardy as the knight, and I guess Sirius as the dragon. Except the writers forgot the story and ended up implying Sirius should be the good guy kek
>kills dragon (good guy)
>>>says she'll have to find YET another one
Why does the princess keep killing the dragons who want to keep her save? Is she stupid? Is this some kind of dragon scale/bone/organ harvesting operation?
that's because his true self insert is adrienn
>But then it boosts Dragon moves, so does that include Fire?
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Wanted to start this during the night but my power went out again and just came back.
Anyhow, I rolled the type wheel and landed on Steel/Dragon before re-rolling and getting Psychic/Water, I'd be kinda tempted to go with the first dualtype but I don't know if this game would that generous with either of those types early on. Also, if you click on the mailbox at the start you get 80 rare candies.
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Yeah, it was probably a good call to go with the second dualtype.
a LITERAL troon with zero personality?

... well, not unlikely.
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Nice, good IVs on the first try and it seems the monke here is a special attacker too.
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Here's the encounter list for route 1 mons, Budew and Sphinx seem really rare.
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decided to do the gauntlet in the train heist. structured my team around trick room to work with hoopa and cleared the gauntlet easily
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easiest 12v6 so far. 6-0(or 12-0?) the battle with belly drum azumarill and amoongus spamming rage powder and spore
Phew, dodged a shillmon there.
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Back, had to go deal with some stuff.
The translation for characters seems decent so far, but the translation for moves and such is horrendously bad.
The weirdest part is that Octavius nerfed Venasaur to shit while leaving Charizard mostly the same outside of the type change and considerably buffing Blastoise.
I'll probably have to late start this one tomorrow or the day after. If I miss it, I'll catch the next one. Sorry bros.
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can you go away please

>hydro cannon
Yeah, it's not really a choice. Charizard is a meh Dragon Dancer, Venusaur basically vanilla (meaning it sucks ass) while Blastoise got all it could wish for.
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<- massive spoiler for Empire's plot


but either way, why do the most Reddit harmless cinnamon roll characters die the most in this game
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I was trying to find all the encounters in the routes while also hunting for a Ralts with halfway decent IVs and it took me fucking ages to find them all, there's a PBS but it's organized like shit. The two unknown pokemon are Smoliv and Tarountula, I never saw the spider even once and it took me 20 something minutes to find a Milcery, so encounter autism is in full display here.
No worries, also the game seems pretty dull so far.
Octavius seems to have a thing for killing the player's "love interests", though with Enrico it's more so a faggot forcing himself onto the player, hopefully they fixed the episode 11 bug that happens if you let the faggot die.
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>You get access to a move relearner right from the get go in the party screen and Pokemon can learn their powerful level 1 moves
Oh nononono Empirechuds.......
I read up on the apparent conditions for getting the Mega Ring - either high Self Rule and good relationship with Royale, or low Self Rule and good relationship with Council and guess what ... I DONT SATISFY ANY of course

So probably I'll go without it

I dont get the impression Mega Evolutions are that important in this game anyways (because other held items are just as OP), but eh
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>Game doesn't tell you where to go
>Expects you to walk into a random house to progress the story
>Randomly leaders from other regions are just here because hmmmm.....THEY JUST ARE OKAY?!
This game is really bland so far, the fakemon also aren't very interesting to say the least, but it's not insultingly bad I suppose.
You get the Mega Ring for all of one chapter before the commies confiscate it from you kek.
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>Place is called "Transition"
>You immediately enter the place and someone says this
Does it give you the HM Cut?
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>My character is named "Gringo"
>Region seems to be vaguely based on mesoamerica
>Every single npc here keeps telling me to "go back home" or "go away"
Seems about right.
Kek, remains to be seem.
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Dunno if this is the (not) gym leader theme, but it's pretty unique, not in a bad way though, also rate.
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I wonder what type of pokemon I'll find in those ruins
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At least the mistranslations are funny.
>starter has 0 special attack and 7 attack, shit ivs all around
>meanwhile my favorite bird
might just box the starter, never done that before
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Hopefully there's a way to fix IVs or change natures later at least.
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>My monkey evolves
>Immediately contracts rabbies
thought it was a mutant rattata in the thumbnail
>Eevee is extremely rare in this one route
>They also lowered Eevee's catch rate extremely hard to the point that it feels as annoying as most legendaries to catch
Kek, it's supposed to be a howler monkey I'm pretty sure, everything is pointing towards it becoming a Water/Ghost, this starter has literally nothing to do with Water though despite being a pokemon of that type.
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Interesting typing.
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The variety of Psychic types this early on is fantastic.
>free drilbur at first house in thundura town
sweet, never get to use the mole
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>beating cheren gets you a single oran berry
>this is in the trash next to him
seems weird
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for some reason I have an option when I select a pokemon to change moves, and it gives me this list of really good moves. idk why, it wasn't there just minutes before, but I won't turn it down
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>Legally distinct Greavard
Also damn, both Rookidee and Honedge on the same route pretty early on is pretty nice.
Yeah, it works with egg moves too, which depending on the mons can be pretty stupid.
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I can finally play the game now bros
I don't know how much it bothers everyone else, but here's the script if it does bother you kek: https://files.catbox.moe/8hz6uv.zip
tbf, we did do Z in between our replays
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>not seen: heat wave, draco meteor, dragon pulse, bug buzz, etc
bugGODS... this happened in vanguard, too
thanks for making that
These look a lot better then the pss icons t b h
No problem, the extra 2 inputs to run really start adding up when you're dealing with low% encounter autism kek
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Well, if you insist...
>Good TMs
>Good items
>Good Pokemon
Kaizoxisters...how will we ever recover...?
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>"Male" Tinkatroon
Based, I was getting pretty annoyed trying to find some of the rarer encounters due to how clunky the menu is, thanks a ton for making this.
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drillbur was able to be taught bulldoze through that menu so it was a clean sweep. what's weird is that the person who translated this was raizen, he's done a lot of other ones, but so many of the moves are misnamed, bulldoze is named earth power, skull bash is headbutt, mud shot is earth power, etc. his translation work is all over the place
>Didn't change the Rare candy prices
Yeah, there's always a couple of fucked up moves in his translations, but it feels really bad here, though that could just be because you're getting a lot more thanks to the relearner
Yeah that was ez, as expected when they give you a bulldoze tm right before it kek
Went to get dinner, back.
I got a Mime.Jr and I'm wondering how you're supposed to turn into a britbong, I know Galarian forms are in the files.
level 42. apparently there's a gender specific form for each, mr and mrs rime
Nearly got raped by the Pancham kek
>Lady says she needs to keep the fairy doggo fakemon as far away from her son as possible because of "reasons" and gives it to the player
I mean Mime.Jr to Mr.Mime, but interesting nonetheless, hopefully the new form has different stats and doesn't look as goofy.
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I feel heavily compelled to get a male Ralts now, though my luck with IV faggotry as usual is being pretty shit.
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This ain't a pokemon chief.
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shame on me for assuming kek
>Region is supposed to be based on mesoamerica
>Looks nothing like it
>Arceus autism again
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Hohohohoho, very nice.
the edge mountain section is not setup well, on the map the whole thing is just "edge mountain" but it's comprised of like 7 different route numbers
didn't even realize I was talking to the rival faggot until we started battling kek
Roxie was also ez
Yeah the route spam is really fucking retarded.
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And the autism seemingly begins, also, ulala~
>Magnemite gets Steel Beam via the relearner
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lots of mistakes in this one
I don't think 90% of the berries were named correctly in that
>Sneedvile at 22
Also yeah, Edge mountain kinda sucks kek, at least there's a shitton on healing points
It's over...
I just went through the first riddle, I don't understand if there's a joke I'm missing or it was made incorrectly, you'll see
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the other two I did made sense they were just asshole answers like a layton puzzle, that first one with the elevator I'm not sure about
>Suddenly puzzle hell
Funnily enough it isn't learning Dragon Dance naturally like it should, but it did get Scale Shot.
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>Has a signature move that hits Water super effectively
>gotta teach pokemon hms to use them
that sucks
What are the starters like?
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So you can find starters out in the wild.
Pretty bland, at least to me, water starter is a howling monkey that seems to be going into a ghostly direction, grass starter is a mountain goat and the fire starter is a stupid looking bear.
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>go back through watery cave after the lost city, which is on the right
>go right on route 117
>I am now left on the map
this might be my least favorite map
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guess you can get charcadet soon
>>>>Metal Alloy
Holly based
stopping here for now, it's kinda fun but pretty bland. I hate the route and map design so much
I'm calling it a night as well and I just noticed via some tests that the PBS is pretty incorrect regarding encounters on routes and places, great, just great. My thoughts on the game haven't changed, it's pretty bland and dull, but it's not insultingly bad or anything (besides the map design and route bloat, which is fucking horrendous), it's like the water bread of fangames.
>Metal Alloy
I knew I was going to regret not going with Dragon/Steel.
Whiteouts: 2
My team was pretty underleveled, so I rare candied them up
Also gonna stop now
Nunvia bizniz
wonder what that background is from?
Hi guys, did anyone play Floral Tempus?
In Marigold CIty an NPC said that a hooded guy would change your pokemon natures, anyone has an idea where this guy might be?
>that character design
>Dual type run
Got tired of Mono and how painful it might be, are there any specific rules to running 2 types?
Like having 3 pokemon of each type or forcefully including those who have the dual typing?
Gotta love how the black refugee camps are right next to the luxury mansions.

Albeit in real life, its never like this.
The Entertainment District really is ... entertaining, so far
finally out of commie hell kek
game any fun so far? still pretty tired, but if so i'll join on later today

assuming you didn't figure it out yourself, you gotta talk to the bulldozer
also, apparently you need the move bulldoze? i could've sworn it was 'boulderdash' or something in an earlier update. weird
i tried looking around but it seems like the only dedicated nature mint shop in the game is postgame, unfortunately
there are some hidden nature mints around, i believe
if you need help setting up debug, that could also work too
not really any rules to it other than yeah, can only use mons that have one of those 2 types
i think in general we try to use a mix, but for particularly annoying gyms/fights we'll lean into one type more than the other
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What a shame, but it's fine my main mons have good natures and I still have some mints for replacements.
>about dual typing
Thanks for clarifying, I'll try to start a dual type run in Hidden Palace after I'm done with Floral.
Okay, I'll bring both Bulldoze and Balderdash and see what happens.
I got Squirtle and Impugil thanks to you as well, thanks a great lot.
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alright. time for elite 4: flora edition
let's see what we can do here
the gameplay is alright, but it's very bland and I hate the route setup
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whiteouts: 23
fucking bennett, and as expected flora was fucking useless on every battle except laura
Damn that's one slow team. Good luck
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Just trying to debug some games and for Rosen, I'm getting stopped because of this. Anyone know what the solution is?
Looks like it evolves into Grass/Poison and then Grass/Psychic
Welcome back kek
Like Bunken said, it's alright, but nothing really spectacular t b h
The dialogue in particular is pretty damn rough at points, not sure if that's a translation issue or not, but I'm pretty sure some of the other games that Raizen translated weren't this rough
Maybe try adding a Plugins folder? I think V19+ Essentials needs one for some reason
On second thought, that looks...uh...not like the Applin line at all
>The gym is a stealth section
Whiteouts: 3
Pretty ez otherwise, just needed to evolve Aegislash
Getting pretty annoyed at the hyper potion spam though t b h,
>Aoi Asahina with glasses
bros....should we RETVRN...?

bit of a shame
i'll probably wait until unbreakable ties, or whatever spic game is on the lineup afterwards
you can either try what rg said, or you could try getting rid of the plugin compilation code, i'll try and show you if the first way doesn't work
no prob
if you want the rest of the secret mons by the way, via debug or something, and if you're curious to know where they were

Ch2 - larvesta, you get it by jumping off some out of the way ledges near the train station and doing some tasks
Ch3 - castform, it's some weird puzzle in the lab you visit with cheyenne
Ch5 - kubfu/poipole, requires doing a quest chain where you go back to the origen branch in polaris, then head to the capital building, then to the lab to pick up some files, you can only get 1
Ch6 - solstwins, requires two 'solstices', one is in the stealthnigger section, the other is in a strength puzzle in polaris mountain, then take it to the preacher a church in the cultural district
Ch8 - calyrex, extremely autistic but you have to beat all the desertfag gauntlets in a very specific and impossible to figure out order without going back to the pokemon center to heal

GG, annoying ass quest
I've did the first method by copy and pasting the scripts into the main directory and renaming them into Plugins, while also adding back the scripts just to fix issue, and now it kinda hangs without some of the missing data because lol.
"Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at 370:Compiler:222 - No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - PBS/ribbons.txt
Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at 370:Compiler:848 - No such file or directory @ apply2files - Data/encounters.dat
Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at 370:Compiler:848 - No such file or directory @ apply2files - Data/metadata.dat
Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at 370:Compiler:848 - No such file or directory @ apply2files - Data/ribbons.dat
Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at 370:Compiler:848 - No such file or directory @ apply2files - Data/trainer_lists.dat
Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at 370:Compiler:848 - No such file or directory @ apply2files - Data/trainer_types.dat
Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at 370:Compiler:848 - No such file or directory @ apply2files - Data/trainers.dat"
Mind if you give me the method you got?
It'd probably be best to wait until V14, then we can replay the game
>i'll probably wait until unbreakable ties, or whatever spic game is on the lineup afterwards
Yeah, from a glance, Unbreakable ties looks more interesting than this one desu, hopefully there's some cringekino there at least
Oh and I should add it basically destroys the .dat files for some reason.
well, the good news is i think this method works, the bad news is that i think it breaks a save file

all you'd have to do is head into the Main script in RPGMaker (gemini should work too, probably) and comment out the Plugin manager, and the compiler as there's no PBS, as shown
doing so fucked my previous save i had at the first gym or wherever i gave up albeit. but after deleting that it worked fine

you might need to redownload the game anyway, since you tried to run the compiler over non-existent pbs and screwed your .dat files. isn't it nice when tranny fangame makers arbitrarily decide to not include PBS for basically no reason other than to make it slightly harder to set up debug?

well, maybe we should wait for the final version at this rate, i think there was only 2 or 3 gyms left (god i hope)
>Unbreakable ties looks more interesting than this one desu
that's my bad, i just saw people playing this and it seemed okay. at least the artfagging looks nice
>bros....should we RETVRN
hell no kek
>lawdsdev finished paragon then bounced
kek, fair
might do that while the lads finish hidden place, but tomorrow albeit

i'm guessing the renegade/story mode shit will be pure deeffect from now on, can't wait

you don't want to see all the ''''''''friends'''''''''' again? like orchedy who calls someone who tries avenging his dead parents a sociopathic narcissist? or hakon the zoroark jacob black furry? or chan the man? baka my damn head
I wonder HOW high, because that seems retarded kek
I mean, I don't hate this game at least, but man does it enjoy not telling you where to go if you're skimming the dialogue kek
>+2 at probably a 50% proc chance
Jesus kek
Actually, it seems like 70%, which is even crazier
Just need this thing to learn Horn Leech kek
Speaking of full moon kek
>Kneejerk balance faggot was some low impulse control underage
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if I wasn't stubborn trying to get a sweep with mime it would've been first try, but 3 tries.
>friends are shown in trouble at lost city
>"surely bunken will come save us, right" cut to black
>go all the way back to the lost library
>not there
Ah NOW it works. I just wanted to extract any PBS files I wanted to see in raw form.
haha....same kek
How nice of them to heal me in between, not like it actually mattered kek, my types destroy Icekeks
The puzzle was more annoying, they really should've had the camera pan to the opened up areas desu
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Thank you CorviCHAD, for saving me from backtracking hell
no acrobatics but it got by, first try. 5/8 and nothing has really happened storywise
the fuck kek
Ended up getting stuck with work all morning to the start of the afternoon and just collapsed on my couch when I got back, what did I mi-
>No more Aelitakino
>Deeffect the megafaggot takes over and adds literally nothing of worth to the mod and seething at random mons and strats becomes even more prevalent, leading to the mod's already incredibly low quality dropping even further down the abyss
Welp, it's not like this mod was going anywhere good, but this is just depressing.
How the fuck am I supposed to debug this game?
>The game gets accidentally based for a second and brings up the large inconsistencies with south and meso American built monuments and cities, monuments that couldn't have been built by the low IQ """""""""""""""natives"""""""""""""""" and that just so happen to have large similarities to European monuments and Egyptian structures built by ancient white civilizations
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Cue the credits.
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CorviGODS win again after speccing it for Bulk up/Body Press
>New area in the cave with at least 5 new encounters
>You only get one of the stupid dust clouds you need to interact with for a pokemon to show up
>Which means that you need to constantly keep entering and leaving the same damn cave to get the fucking encounter you want
I didn't mind the dust cloud encounters too much in some of the other spic games we played but it's becoming really fucking annoying as time goes on, that and holy fuck the encounter spam on water is absurd, I sadly forgot to buy repels earlier, mostly because I didn't expect it to get this bad, that paired up with the water cave having a terrible layout, makes it extremely fucking annoying.
>Get stopped by some bitch leaving, saying she's going to the grotto or some shit
>Quickly run through, don't find her
>"ok, i guess i just keep on going"
>The way is still blocked
>Check rpg maker, there's a small section of the grotto I missed both times
I really hope Unbreakable ties is at least marginally better at telegraphing where you're supposed to go
>Have to backtrack through the dogshit cave again
>Get past 3 routes that have different names but have the same encounter pools and look the fucking same
>Trainer spam out the ass
>The evil faggots just let the E4 bitch walk on by
>Then they immediately fight (you)
It's always annoying, but actually watching her walk straight past them is so much worse
Huh, so wild mons can have their hidden abilities, one of the Dewott's I caught had Shell Armor, good IVs too, shame I have no clue how to get the Hisuian form, will look in the files real quick.
Bunken, RG, did you come across nature changing mints or ability capsules yet?
Problem: trying to find the thing to extract the english text (or french in the file name apparently) is hard to do because the debug is in spanish
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it's first form was called belarve so I thought it was gonna be a big bee, but it looks nice
no mints, capsules, haven't even seen things like protein or carbos
oh wow, good job, you actually did something other than walk past seven grunts
At least I've gotten some new mons out of this shit
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found a spark on a cave wall in the cavern megazone, it lets me do the mining minigame for awhile if not indefinitely. idk if this game warrants grinding for plates or money but it's there
Hisuian Samurott has sprites and seemingly data too, but the game doesn't have a method to obtain it, pretty dumb.
Cripes that's rough.
>magic girl only has enough power to teleport everyone but me
it's like being stabbed with the tiniest pins, I've played way worse games but it's still bugging the hell outta me
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Your forced daily dosage of faggotry.
>Sig move has a chance to raise sp. atk
>Also gets a tail glow equivalent
holy kek
Yeah, none of that so far, not that this game's hard enough to really get into the autism either, I would've preferred they don't display IVs/EVs t b h
>A coming out of your shell metaphor
>Faggotry with bleaching stacked on top (Jan sama......)
Fair, as usual I've been getting completely fucked by IVs and bad natures and it irks me a lot that I can't fix 'em.
>get to city
>um actually go back and find cherrya...somewhere in the forest, idk where
>Goes from finding 5 snom on one map for an outfit to going through the entire fucking region again for 5 faggots for an outfit
Jesus fucking christ
Oh, NOW you'll teleport me somewhere?
Probably gonna stop for the night
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it's like the substitute doll fused with an avocado
>Cherry Grotto
>Route 118
>Threshold Megazone
>Winter Megazone
>Dragon Grotto
This better be a fucking good outfit
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this and the surprise rival fight back in town weren't that bad.
Also, I forgot to mention it, but I think Goodra's 75 bp signature move has priority kek, which is insane considering it has a Tail Glow move
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got to dragon town and the leader ran away to dragon cave, great. also mime evolved into mrs rime. stopping here for now, kinda bored.
Holy kek that design.
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>Mimikyu does absurd amounts of damage for some bizarre reason
>Disguise doesn't damage it after it gets popped
>It just casually eats a Leaf Storm from my Ludicolo while at half health
What a weird difficulty spike, that and wow does this fucking (not) gym suck dick to traverse.
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Fuck that Mimikyu and also, this game's shitcode is starting to rear it's ugly face, Disguise popped with Mimikyu even being hit.
Anyhow, I'm calling it a night, this game is really fucking boring.
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Which one? Ability and nature dont matter, I can change them.
Id say bottom one, unless you really want it to be tanky.
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Probably won't be able to do much today
2's probably better overall, but the difference probably won't make or break a boss t b h
Oh damn, they do exist
>Fighting a Muk
>Uses Mud bomb, it's actually mud slap
>Uses Mud bomb, it's actually sludge bomb
>Uses Mud bomb, it's actually gunk shot
Fucking kek
I know it's not intentional, but man does it feel like it is right about now kwk
I just hope raizen wasn't paid for this
>>>>>>>Toxapex hit ALL TEN of it's Baneful Bunkers
I refuse to believe that isn't shitcode, holy fucking shit kek
>Have to fight all three of them back to back without healing
>They all have 2 hyper potions and a full restore
Ah, it wasn't over
But you get healed for this one, so whatever kek
oh boy, my favorite gym puzzle, trial and error
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Here's the correct route
And ez CorviCHAD sweep
I'll stop for now, I'll do more tonight if I have the time
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and hearing flora talking shit to fucking bennett after doing literally nothing fucking pisses me off
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here's the team that went through that shit. the earlier team I posted was meant to be a trick room team to help flora since her pokemon are slower but different bullshit kept beating me so I decided to take a more straight foward approach. you can see the gameplan for eaxh pokemon
G fucking G
man i know rejuv already has enough problems with its writing, but I hope during the xen raid/xenpurgis section that the prison flora is in gets nuked or something and she just dies offscreen even though they've been 'subtly' hinting at her le epic return
>that translation
>that fight design
>that gym puzzle
let's hope unbreakable ties is better yeah kek
Empire can't help itself forcing shillmon down your throat as well. Lucario isn't even that strong with its lacking speed, ordinary power and shit bulk.
>2 hours wasted trying to get metal coat on wild bronzors
It was worth it.
>they've been 'subtly' hinting at her le epic return
can't wait haha...
Imagine self-inserting yourself THIS blatantly
LMAO even
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I forgot you could fight this guy a couple badges earlier. Except his lead is the same level as I am now, and his ace is 5 levels higher, so if you fought him 10 levels ago, he'd have 10/15 levels on you, wtf.
Anyway, time to make him shut the hell up about Pikachu
kek, gj carrying that cunt
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And now for the ultimate battle between Eevee and Pikachu. This is just one slice of all that cheese this mod made available. Now I've only tried LGPE OU a few times, but this kind of shit just isn't available there. This shit is why I try to use just the Eeveelutions on bosses, and just keep their daddy Eevee as an ace if something's too tough to fight in a legit (for mainline games) way.
Yeah yeah, partner Pikachu has Light Ball+Eviolite, but partner Eevee has this Zshit. Maybe I couldn't do this if this faggot had a more offensive lead, I dunno. But after that, the Pikachus couldn't do much besides Fake Outs and I think one Extreme Speed.
You can also put Protean on the partner Eevee, and enjoy the shenanigans with the LG moves, but I'm just going with Adaptability for the main game.
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one swords dance and he swept, just iron head or earthquake the whole way.
gg. any plans to use the partner pikachu you get from that or is it banished to the box
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I thought he gives you his cosplay Pikachu?! It just disappeared on me. Dunno if it's because I picked the partner Eevee at the start, but there wasn't any dialogue about it. Oh well, probably wouldn't be able to play with it much anyway.
thx lol, he didn't even give it to me, dunno why. There's supposed to be some line about how it heard about your adventures and wants to join you, but he just gave me the ribbon and the partner PIkachu disappeared. I do have the one from Florinia's school, but I wanted to turn that one into a Raichu for the dex
kek just saw it, nice close call
the Pikachu didn't go to the box, so maybe it just didn't wanna go with a starter Eevee, kek
like the idea eevee told it to fuck off instead
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Tried reloading from right before the fight. The lead also can't do much to Jolteon, so here's some more fun. I dunno why I put Echoed Voice, I don't think I had it vs Titania, but meh, it works too kek. Either way, that was pretty fun
rg if you were talking about an opponent's maleanie with baleful bunker yeah that shit got it 10 times in a row for me as well, great coding
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about to beat the evil team leader, but who cares when this shit keeps happening. two different moves named the same thing, and I know that foul play is in the same boat, the fuck was raizen doing
alright, time to get back into it

>first thing i see is madame x shitting on huey
i do not care about winning the illusion fight, doing an autistic 12v12 probably redesigned by deeffect right after a long break sounds particularly torturous

i guess games not made by eric or elena don't get the same kind of attention to detail, kek
>the only change made to the adam vs clear fight is porygon got its new crest
kek why the fuck would you even bother?
>the whole spiel about the pyramid being a spaceship (that gets completely forgotten and will probably stay that way)
>the not-fight against madame x
>win the battle lose anyway
>figuring out the visornigger jewish tricks makes no difference for you, the 'trick' is insanely easy to see through unless you're literally single digit IQ, yet delphox using some generic psychic energy shit can see through it and this somehow allows you to beat the visornigger directly because fuck the protagonist i guess
>delphox's terrible fucking anime scene that no one wanted or asked for
if you had to judge this story from this 10 minutes it would already be in the bottom 3 of fangame stories, christ
oh yeah and who could forget
>venam's return
cringing will cease at the ring of the bell

there is no bell
never seen this before
>the training arc
>the angieshit
>the extremely boring meliashit
>the fucking nightmarishly bad schoolshit
urge to play is beginning to sap
yeah, probably they just set the warp points there incorrectly kek
also of course
>since renegade isn't altered, going to have to do paragon
how the fuck does anyone replay this game once chapter 15 was released
Gonna try and finish tonight, there shouldn't be too much left since I have 8 badges now
It's REALLY telling that Jan lets you skip the diamond and pearl routes kek
Honestly this is the one chapter I'm actually hoping gets revamped into something even halfway bearable t b h, but realistically even if it does get changed, it'll still be dogshit because that's just how the chapter's structured
Its not a mapping flaw, you just happen to be really shit at directions.
what kek
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Not sure if I'll have the will to play this game for much longer, truth be told it's just boring as shit.
>Artificial roadblocks
I don't blame you for no wanting to get through this, holy fuck it's bad.
I sincerely wished some sections of the game like this got revamped despite of all of us being sick of those, West Gearen is another example of an area that desperately needs something as well, but that would require Jan giving a fuck about gameplay.
>Naclstack was given Storm Drain
It makes thematic sense, but why even?
in twilight forest if you keep going northward you can find timeless cave, you can get the paradox/past mons for fun
>Have to fight (presumably) all the admin shitters again, even though I just fought them like an hour ago (story wise at least)
Yeah, I grabbed a couple, but I like my Steel mons, so I probably won't use them kek
>Trainer randomly has a full team of pretty high level Chansey and Blissey that will do nothing but spam Toxic+Minimize+Soft Boiled over and over and over and over
Wow, fun.
Neat, been a while since I wanted to use Iron Bundle.
I think duncan's gengar has either choice scarf or specs
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That's certainly a design, not horrible I suppose.
>It's Water/Ghost like I suspected all along
>It's signature move is a 90 power Water move that has a change of inflicting a random status on whatever it hits
and there it is
i don't want to like, rush you or anything but it might not be a bad thing because i genuinely don't know if i have it in me to play through this shit kek, chapter 15 really is the most soul draining section in any of these fucking games (other than virtualization i guess kek)
>but realistically even if it does get changed
honestly, i'd fully expect it to become even more bloated and padded
west gearen is...probably fine as it is desu, i don't think you can save that part of the game being really boring
either way, jan will probably devote thousands of hours to pointless 'fixes' that make it more unbearable

i can make new bread
god damnit I just got done with shitstones why am I back
>You WILL go back to the shitty cave map and you WILL like it chud
Image limit.
Oh for fuck's sake.
My problem with West Gearen is that it just exists and has nothing there, the whole feels like it has no reason to exist.

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