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>the hidden place journey begins
>...unfortunately, the game isn't too interesting, beyond some fakemons and sexo designs
>but the gameplay is mostly okay, outside of some untested shit and the translator being off his meds when he did it
>other anons advance through reborn, empire, and i come back just to suffer through rejuv LAWDS yet again

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
This game is Hidden Place. Pretty by the numbers Spanish fangame unfortunately.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Download Link
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I had to unleash the forbidden technique of two sword dances with excadrill, almost sweeped but rime was able to clean up
Honestly I'm not touching it again until there's more new dialogue, that was the main reason I played it desu
You WILL NOT escape Arceus
if you can get speed do it, the last one is strong
this sucked nigger dick


>zoroark comes in disguised as togekiss because it thinks that will let it avoid dig
funniest shit i've seen all week. thank god the aegislash AI is retarded because i don't really know what i'd do otherwise

Whiteouts: 241

the pokemon fangame rule34 page just grows worse holy fucking shit, rejuv players really are the most deranged little faggots. holocaust 2.0 (except it will actually happen this time) when
New Grass waifumon just dropped
The Fire/fighting faggot was the scariest one for me, unsurprisingly kek, I forgot to screen it though
desu they're all really strong, and helped by being really overleveled kek
>the nigger artist managed to finally draw a straight couple fucking
>it's taelia and kenneth
>taelia is drawn as basically a man, also has prominent pit hair
>the ARCEVS faggot says that he's going to 'ruin' the image by reminding people that aelita remembers everything about taelia's life, and he does mean everything
insane in the membrane

i kind of respect how infinity just straight up tossed muttceus to the side and made their own version of pokegod kek
>You can get the old amber via mining
Neato, shame I can't use Aero.
GG and wowe, that sure looks fun.
>New stuff on rule 34
I want to rip my fucking eyes out yet again, holy fuck dude that's some hideous shit, imagine being obsessed with obese landwhales.
how did i never draw the connection
>ren lusts after nastasia
>because previously he lusted after another purple haired granny
>they even have similar names
dude rejuv really has teh DEEPEST LORE

i'm probably going to bed, i'm still exhausted and i hate this game

thanks bros
>venam fights on corrosive field
i kind of liked how the MM fights were at least trying to be creative here even if the fights sucked ass. whatever

i forgot how badly CHADusk buckbroke jan on the 'venam stole charizard' thing kek, she brings it up a lot
alright going to bed now
I'd take 1k more pokemon ecchi lewds shitting up the fangame tag if it meant this ""person"" never posts anything again and immediately deletes everything they've ever posted t b h
thanks bro
i'm honestly surprised someone like this didn't pop up sooner, rejuv really caters to 'artists' like this who do similar shit in undertale or whatever the fuck
thankfully emmie from pokerogue is fighting the good fight against the horde. i don't imagine she'll win THOUGH
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>first one kills itself with shield bash
>second one weakens itself with accelerated cut
>third one just kills my whole team in one or two hits with divine flash
>Tries to mine for a bit
>The game's screen eventually goes black and doesn't return to normal
>Game refuses to close properly and I have to shut it down via outside means
Yeah, I'm done with this crap, will probably just wait for when we're ready to try out the other spic game.
You should see some of the absolute horrors posted on Rejuvenation's fanworks threads kek.
Still ez, even with the 5-10 level advantage kek
Thanks, and gg
True, unfortunately lel
thanks bro. also I think I'm tapping out, too, it's so bland and it's starting to start sending out gauntlets.
Whiteouts: 5
God I fucking hate healspam
Fair desu
gg. thank god the guardians couldn't heal
Whiteouts: 8
Hardest fight of the game t b h, that Steel/Dragon faggot tears through my team with (I assume) specs boosted Flash Cannon/Heat Wave
Thanks, and indeed kek
GG. I can't be the only one that sees it right?
And here's the bros
Drednaw was the worst one, but he had to be here because I needed surf kek
CHADra and GODgoat (forma fakemon) were the best ones, constantly sweeping shit
Thanks, and haha...
>erm acktually, the big bad had le good reasons for what they did
yeah fuck off
Probably not going to do postgame, might write up thought later
thanks bro
it gets worse later
btw if you haven't finished that chapter yet, there is a secret underneath one of the tarp/awnings in carnival row
if you get tired of looking: it is a secret passage to a building under the largest(iirc) one. You can donate eggs to the lady behind the counter and you'll get a happiny after so many donated, something like 25
This was certainly a game

>The Good
-The visuals were (mostly) good, as per usual with the gen 5 styled spic games
-The music was also alright for the most part.

>The Neutral
-The story is basically nonexistent for most of the game, and when it IS there, it's usually really boring.
-This isn't helped by there not really being that much sidequests and whatnot, most of your time is just going from point A to point B, fighting a gym leader or evil team faggot, and then repeating the process.

>The Bad
-The translation is really, REALLY rough, especially the UI, moves, items and whatnot. I don't know what happened here, but there's so many instances of a move or item having the wrong name/description that I can't just handwave it away as a couple of errors. I don't care as much about the story translation being kinda rough at points, but constantly seeing shit like "faggot used Gust!" and it turns out to be Hurricane, or "faggot used Focus Blast!" and it turned out to be Flash Cannon, and so on and on and on and on...

-The route situation was also pretty bad. There really doesn't need to be nearly 40 routes. And combine this with the map being...unreliable at times (a lot), and it makes traversing and trying to find where to go annoying at times. The only reason I'm not seething over this a lot more is thanks to there being a lot of healing points on all of the routes making traversing them a good bit more bearable.
-Speaking on finding where to go, the game is really bad at telling you at points. There's multiple times where you only get one unrepeatable line telling you where to go, and skimming over the location or just forgetting usually means flailing around to try and happen across story or opening rpg maker to read the location again.

While I don't hate the game, there's a lot of issues with it, and it'd take a lot of effort to fix all of them. Hopefully Unbreakable ties is good at least.

Thanks bros
>Empire in absolute dogshit

I'm smirking every time I see it while having Empire open in another tab

Oh well, I got a secret mon here, thanks Wagie for sharing his forbidden knowledge
So, what was the whole Full Moon update thing? Is Esteban actually trying to improve the absolute disaster that is his game? I'm curious if it would be even possible to make that catastrophe playable.
Damn Soren looks like a söylord without his scarf
Would be a hard battle considering you cannot prepare your mons. Thankfully, his sets sucked ass, if Zygarde and Aegislash had proper attacks they'd destroy me.
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Reminisces better have me looking like the ratatouille food critic.
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Give me a quick run down on full moon. It caught my interest because Cynthia on the box,
Pokemon Sky (complete, but I do recall Wagie dropping this after ten minutes)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Winter’s Fury (almost done)

They’re both on reborn forums Fan Game Expose post.
This family dinner sucks.

In this regard, its very realistic.
*tips fedora*

So this game will converge towards a Science vs Faith conflict, huh? Yawn.
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GG. Shame, as it did (and does) look interesting from the screenshots
To be absolutely fair, if you cut out a good 90% of the retarded filler content and gave the player Fly early....it would still be pretty fucking bad, but it'd be a lot more manageable
I don't get the point of the 13.5 update though, I guess they just thought that they had """"improved"""" over the course of development and a revamp to earlier sections that reflected their current skillset was needed
That's not Cynthia on the title screen...
If you want a good idea of what playing Full Moon is like, refer to pic rel
I hate that stalker bitch Shiro
I'm fucking sad as shit, what game are you playing and can you play it on a mac?
>That's not Cynthia on the title screen
Play something maximum comfy like Opalo or Reminencia.
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Playing this currently and dev said it works on mac.
But if you never played Opalo, I'd recommend doing it first.
>Goes to check on the romhack thread for a bit
>The troons who fucked over Prism are now trying to rape another romhack in Brown
As is usual, they'll force themselves upon everything to try and ruin it.
PMD is pretty boring, is there any hook for these?
I can fire up the game real quick to see the changes to chapter 1, kinda curious if the retard is actually willing to improve on this crap or if he's gonna double down on it, because it would take a serious amount of effort to make his game not suck megadick.
how'd they ruin prism? didn't notice any troonage when I played it
For Pokemon Sky, someone finished it in six hours. And for winter fury probably 3 hours playtime. No actual dungeons.
To be fair I didn't play Prism and I'm going off hearsay, but wasn't that the romhack that was abandoned by the dev and then later up picked by a bunch of trannies who started shoving a ton of pozzed shit into it?
Playtime being short isn't necessarily a hook, no dungeons in a game entirely based around those is odd, I'll probably give Winter Fury a go somewhere soon.
I really don't remember anything like that. maybe you're thinking of crystal clear, they replaced the elite 4 with self inserts along with some others
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>Downloads Full Moon
>Try to open game
>Immediately crash on the startup screen
What even?
Probably that I guess.
Just curious, do you use items (non held) in battle?
Not unless the AI starts using an insufferable amount of them first.
>decide to try out Opalo
>figure I might as well try it in Spanish to avoid dealing with any mistranslations and it's my native language anyway
>can't identify any of the moves since I don't know their Spanish names
I played myself.
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This double battle was fucking chaotic, thank god I managed to sneak in some sword dances with Scizor. He rarely gets to shine because it feels like every pokemon has a fire coverage.
Very (very) rarely, usually only towards the end of a long gauntlet or something that'd be equally tedious to redo
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let's be serious here. how many parents actually say things like this?
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alolan muk CARRIED this battle. it's funny how this guy just cucks psychic and ghost types
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>anna just senses the boy in euphie
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beat the whole gauntlet on my first try. euphie was actually a good partner (most of the time), my main strategy involved convoluted ways to switch beheeyem in to sweep. telepathy is so funny on psychic terrain

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