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Grass starter edition!
Quit spamming these threads!
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i literally have no clue where to ask so ill just ask here
i downloaded melonds
downloaded pokemon white, (ndsi) a .nds file. when i try to open it with melonds its pitch white and nothing happens
how the fuck do i play the game? ive emulated plenty of shit but never for ds.
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uh David, are you in a position?
try asking over here
thanks but i lost interest. if desmume works out the box and melonds doesnt, melonds can suck my fat fucking nuts and lick the cum off the ground. desmume is based for working at the very least.
Pretty sure you need to download some bios files for the DS somewhere to properly run MelonDS.
I've had better experiences with MelonDS, albeit on better hardware. Desmume's creator hsd something against Pokemon games and their fans iirc, so they didn't try or actively sabotaged the progress of perfect emulation for the games. Just what I heard though, godspeed anon.
i tried looking for bios files but couldnt find any, and honestly too lazy to find le super ebin sekrit club site for the files
This redd*it thread has links to drive uploads and to a website about bios with links to Mega uploads:
I recommend you at least compare the emulators a bit. I used VBA for years and loved it, but was shocked how much better MGBA looked side-by-side. BGB and MGBA had different too.

Personally I just use my Drastic on my phone, even the shittiest phones I've had since 2019 emulate Pokemon so perfectly compared to any shittop too. Might be fucked if you're trying to play something like Mario (tried playing Super Mario World GBA on MyBoy! the other day and it was rough, but RPG's are still pretty much the same, and despite owning a hacked 3DS too I can't give up the ability to speed-up. Just my 2cents anon, I think they recently made it free too! Happy emulating anon!
>Fat starter
it's going to be either unpopular as fuck or privileged by having the first stage being the popular one of it's evolution line
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thank you so much anon
sorry for being bitter, i was hungover
You're not fooling anyone David, for the love of god stop samefagging
Look, I'm not samefagging this time.
Lockstins at it again.
Perfect creature
David you replied a minute after you posted the thread you aren't fooling anyone.
I did not post this thread. Haven't you heard of trolls impersonating as me? This is why I'm using my trip from now on.
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Reposting my most recent fakemon cause last thread pretty much died right after I posted it.
Based on ghost phantom opals, hence the typing
Well the other ones Lockstin had made where not cute.
This is cool. First stage deffo needs some more work to look more unique.
>Haven't you heard of trolls impersonating as me?
Yeah, funnily enough I always hear it from you when you reply to the "imposters" a minute after they post. Which means you are either false flagging, or you sit on this board 24/7 refreshing constantly, because you are always on the scene immediately. Both are pathetic. Would you just fuck off?
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>Tfw there's no pokemon based on the longisquama
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Are you the anon that actually drew this years ago? I love it so much that I put it in game.
Yeah, I get you. I really want it to be a possessed geode rather than a little geode monster, but that limits what I can do to make it stand out. A spooky ghost fog because oooo ghost or something would also be too cliche imo. Any ideas?
I still really dislike the design. And I dislike the MumboJumbo or whatever he's called version of it, too.
Like I get where the idea comes from, but some ideas just don't lend themselves to good designs.
And David, what happened to the beetle knight starter? That design was peak.
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Don't bother with OP. He's just a troll posing as me. It's why I'm gonna use my trip from now on.
Anyway, I've given myself a lot of thought with my starters, and I decide to bring back the Japan-inspired ones. After all, I made them Japan-themed to represent the history between Japan and Seattle. I've changed the Water starter to a sumo wrestler/kappa/monkey (pic related).
Have it have little floating crystals around it. That look like eyeballs.
What is missing is a semblance of a face.
You could try a zipper formation to make ghosty teeth and cracks and shapes that form a face.
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Posting my grass starters!

Foalush (Grass)
Stalawood (Grass)
Trojahorse (Grass/Fighting)
These are boring af but your art style makes them look pretty good
I'm stealing the OP design for my hack rom

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