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People who call Smogon "fanfic garbage" just simply are not intelligent enough to grasp the nuances of singles. They play a format that is based on exceedingly quick matches because that's all that their tiny attention spans can handle. The proof of this is that VGCTrannies will simply reply to this thread with "fanfic garbage, why should I care" instead of making an actual argument.
sister got assblasted so xhe made another thread
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She looks like vomit.
Most of the people who say fanfic meta don’t play past the credits so they try to fit in
Another attacker banned, what a surprise.
Noone plays VGC here, they just like to shit on omgon either because it banned something or because it's the cool 4channerz thing to do.
the problem about Smogon is simply how many things get banned to upper tiers.
the best way to play pokemon is anything goes singles.
What attacker are you talking about? Gouging Fire is just being suspect tested.
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>nuances of singles
which ends up being:
>entry hazards
>boosting 1 'mon to sweep
>also, constantly switching pokemon because of "tactics" and "outdoing" you opponent.
I think if a competitive metagame is created by the developers to be doubles, then singles probably isn't the right way to play since the game is balanced for Doubles.
>If the game isn't over in 10 turns it's stall
>But if you use hazards to cripple stall it's also bad
>But it's also bad if you use a sweeper to break stall
>Even though hazards are bad, switching is also bad
Doubles-fags have pea-brains and can't understand positioning or momentum. More news at 11
My problem with smoking is the subjectivity and rage over basic game mechanics. Like banning quick claw. Some tranny got mad because some faggot rolled the dice on their dump truck moving first and killed their speedy sweeper and in comes the ban. Lots of stuff all over smogon that stinks of that.
Smogon*, auto correct was phoneposting while taking a shit
SWSH killed smogon though
I miss gen 7
>competitive metagame is created by the developers to be doubles
Opposite way
Doubles was only used for the competitive metagame because it makes games faster
>Sleep banned which is only for 3 turns max
>Not para which is the whole game and can fuck up the entire battle
This is when i knew smogon team was retarded
OU isn't for everyone but the average pokemon player can't comprehend this and bashes their head against it instead of trying some of the other funner tiers, eventually something in their team gets banned and they rage and swear off smogon for good
if you want to play it while guzzling 3 pounds of grease, do it
I am not going to dictate how you play
t. shiny addict who doesn't play vgc or smogon
what is the point of this video? why did she grab her own waist?
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The duration isn't the issue, the impact is. Paralysis only procs 25% of the time. It's still incredibly obnoxious to deal with, but slower Pokemon basically just get a 25% miss chance since the speed drop doesn't matter to them. Meanwhile, Sleep is a full stop on Pokemon for 1 - 3 turns and it can swing games horrifically. The power level in OU is so high that sleep can effectively be a OHKO if you're fighting against anything other than Stall. Your slept Pokemon can't ever come in to burn sleep turns because you'd be giving some game ending sweeper like Dragonite, Dragapult, Kingambit, Gouging Fire, Raging Bolt, Ceruledge, Garchomp, Blaziken, Kommo-o, Great Tusk, Darkrai, Iron Valiant, Iron Moth, Zamazenta, and so on and so on a free turn.

When 1 free turn is all it takes to win a game, sleep is way more busted. That's why Darkrai was considered one of the top 3 best Pokemon in Ubers from Gen 4 through Gen 6. The Pokemon itself wasn't all that threatening which is why it got dumpstered in Gen 7 Ubers despite a plethora of new Dark weak Ubers to prey on. Even when Xerneas and Primal Groudon were the top dogs of Ubers, Darkrai was right there alongside them because 1 turn of sleep in Ubers was enough to win a match. OU is so powercrept that it could probably genuinely beat Gen 4 Ubers at this point.
>what is the point of this video? why did she grab her own waist?
She's miming a guy grabbing her by the waist to move her out of the way. She's saying she wants to be manhandled by a gigachad.
People were complaining about the Sleep Clause so Smogon got rid of it. And now people are whining despite Smogon removing Sleep Clause.
They got rid of Sleep moves entirely
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/vp/ can't play comp for shit.
Fags complain about attackers being banned when walls and support need a lot more positive attributes to be broken.
Unless a wall has like Giratina/Lugia bulk with ways to ignore things like Toxic or Taunt, they are going to be worn down quickly.
Meanwhile, if an attacker outspeeds and KOs your entire team, you lost.
It’s much easier for attackers to be more broken and frankly VGC also proves this with shit like Flutter Mane.
/vp/ is like this because /vp/ absolutely has the most underaged users on all of 4chan.
Underages absolutely mald at the idea of being told what to do, even if the context is completely optional. Underages also have less experience in life, so they don’t know that Smogon is 100% normal for video games. Every game has community run rulesets, with bans (especially for games that lack balance patches) decided by the community. Underages don’t understand that they only play Pokemon, Smash, and Mario Kart.
It’s also just funny how these kids bitch about “Pokemon that KOs majority of Pokemon with a single move” or “Randomly spawning items that can instantly kill you” being banned while other game communities will ban maps or stages for making it slightly harder to see an attack.
>/vp/ is like this because /vp/ absolutely has the most underaged users on all of 4chan.
I'm sure there are more on /b/, /pol/, /gif/, and /v/. Per capita you might be right though.
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It's harder for a wall to be overpowered, but Smogon also blatantly ignored when walls were way too strong in the Isle of Armor meta. Toxapex and/or Clefable clearly deserved to get banned at the time because the game lacked viable wallbreakers. Nidoking and Toxtricity were OU for a good bit because they were some of the few Pokemon with a chance of breaking stall.

The Smogon users knew it too. The Toxapex thread was filled with everyone from low to high ELO complaining about the thing. Smogon didn't want to go too ban happy though, so stall ended up being the strongest playstyle in OU until Crown Tundra released and dropped some decent wallbreakers on the tier like Kartana and Lele.
>the opponent sent out a counter to my pokemon? hurr I better freely switch into one of my FIVE fucking options
ah yes so much nuance
None of those options are free. You spend a turn just to switch while you either take in damage from an attack + hazards/weather or you let your opponent set up for free while still taking damage from hazards/weather.
That’s called “defensive play”, something all games have and prevents games from being who gets the advantage first wins.
It will never not be funny to not only see Clefable in such a high tier, but also people actually thinking they should ban it.
They are all free options because opponent also switches trying to get a better situation.
It's not free if you are taking both damage on entry and get hit by whatever move the opponent has used. Said move can be something like twave, immediately removing your speed advantage if you had that, or a move that will allow the opponent to outdamage you regardless either through stat boosts or simply doing enough damage that you will get KO'd before you can do it to them.
Thats cool and all but i switched into electric type and im immune to twave. And now i setup rocks myself while you switch so its free rocks and i won the game.
>what is coverage moves
I will just hit that electric type with a different attack. Also
>win the game
It's not gen4 anymore bro, we have HBD now.
You forgot to give your mons coverage moves and i hacked your computer to remove your boots, checkmate. I also cracked your wifi and i won because you disconnected.
I just don't like smogon because showdown is ugly even when compared to SV and youtubers just go too fast on it like damn let me see the stupid little animations instead of skipping them
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Looks alright with 2d sprites.
Not so much with 3d models
what a stupid whore
I just know that if I did that to a woman, I'd get charged with assault
>Every game has community run rulesets, with bans (especially for games that lack balance patches) decided by the community.

Pokemon is an outlier in this. Almost all competitive games have their rules dictated by the company that makes the game, and then the community comes up with the meta around those rules. This kind of playground rules bullshit only happens with Smash (which is a children's game with no competitive circuit) and Pokemon, which for a lot of its competitive history by necessity required community rules because the games didn't necessarily provide their own. That hasn't been the case for Pokemon since gen 5 (if not earlier), but Smogon still insists on playing their own game instead of competitive Pokemon. I wouldn't care about Smogon doing that since that's their prerogative except that they don't stick to their own website. Any time I want to talk about competitive Pokemon I have to hear people talk about OU and AG like it has any bearing whatsoever on the cart battling experience.
Fairy type is the most busted type in the game.
Mono fairy not really.
When paired with other types it can be busted, like the infamous Steel/Fairy combo having the best defensive coverage possible.

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