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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.

>Thread question:
Is it wise to start a story set in Lumiose City/Kalos now, knowing that PLZA might abruptly cause a massive retcon to things that will invalidate the lore that you're establishing?

>Is it wise to start a story set in Lumiose City/Kalos now, knowing that PLZA might abruptly cause a massive retcon to things that will invalidate the lore that you're establishing?
Clickbait youtubers do something similar with their what-ifs and predictions, taking advantage of the building anticipation and speculations. I have no idea how well such things would be received in fanfic communities though, but you're probably fucked once the official material starts leaking in any form and invalidates your story
>Is it wise to start a story set in Lumiose City/Kalos now, knowing that PLZA might abruptly cause a massive retcon to things that will invalidate the lore that you're establishing?
Pokémon lore is shit, always will be and whatever they decide to put won't change that. The only thing that would affect is Mons having new evolutions
Rate my fanfic idea:
Limitless potential. I'm already hooked.
Is there an actual law against having more than six pokémon on your person (aka outside of a battle) or is that a fanon meme that got out of hand.
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There's evidence both for and against it. It's 100% not something as in-your-face as fanon likes to pretend.
I thought the limit was only for in-battles like sports rules.
How do you even police carry limits outside of those? Seems retarf'ed
I thought it was stated that it was because nobody can handle more than six Pokémon.
>Jesus Christ, he was already debating Pokemon logic, just great, give it a week and he'd be deep in the woods jacking off alone in a tent as he hunted for some rare pokemon or something stupid instead of staying sane and keeping indoors.
Does "jacking off alone" mean something else in skibidi generation slang? Or did the author just not care that his main character looked "15-16 at the most" when writing this?
>>Is it wise to start a story set in Lumiose City/Kalos now, knowing that PLZA might abruptly cause a massive retcon to things that will invalidate the lore that you're establishing?
Anyone doing that right now is foolish.
The meta will be to wait until ZA comes out and then start writing Kalosfics 2.0.
I personally wouldn't but if I were someone who would I'd write a Kalos rewrite Ashfic while implementing all the new ZA things into it.
Skibidi expert here, nah. What is that quoting?
I'm writing a gaijin from Kalos that's going back there after the inevitable retcons
Are those actual poke balls or just decorations? They don’t have buttons and the black line is thinner than it should be.
They’re actual poké balls, he carries them around because he doesn’t know how to use a PC.
Did LA change anything about Sinnoh?
do 3d models count as fan work
i want to ask if anyone knows where i can find a skyla stl that doesn't suck
>introduced several species that don't exist anymore for stupid reasons (lmao at the idea that ghosts can become extinct)
>retconned Cynthia into being the last descendant of an ancient race
>turned Lucas and Dawn into paradox people who will end up giving birth to themselves as if it were Futurama
>and while not a Sinnoh thing, it fucked over a Unovan trainer who now has no memories of his own past, including his twin brother (and GF still refuses to explain how fallers work)
So yeah, it changed some things about Sinnoh.
>>turned Lucas and Dawn into paradox people who will end up giving birth to themselves as if it were Futurama
I think that's reaching too much, maybe a sister or cousin but sating it's the same person makes no sense since even the name is different.
Besides beyond that it sounds like you can still do Journeytrash without real problems
He also writes about getting "intimate" with Officer Jenny
>Of course all the witnesses always said he started it. So he got intimately acquainted with Officer Jenny and the Lavender town police department. (Not that kind of intimate, unfortunately)
I'm surprised the puritan SpaceBattlers allow this
To become intimately familiar with the police means he got arrested/detained several times.
Well yeah, but he was sad it wasn't "that kind of intimate".
Not that kind of intimate, as in, not sex.
>OC/SI into a boy in a graveyard in Kanto, his painful life exchanged for a new one, a deathly aura attracting both Ghost and Dark Pokemon to him, his abilities perfect for doing... Whatever the hell he wants - and trolling whoever he wants along the way.
This reminds me that Ash's aura bullshit can actually send human ghosts to the other side and touch them kek
Yes but he wanted to have sex, hence the unfortunately. Even though he was physically no older than 15-16.

Considering the story's still up I doubt he talks about getting intimate with other children, so at least there's that.
I've been catching up on I will touch the sky. Is there a single straight female in this? Why is everyone a fucking lesbian now?
Is this the one anons were saying got to political a couple of threads ago?
Gotta be honest bros, I can read haremslop in Pokémon but the moment you start talking about sex I will drop
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You can’t Shaun, she's Arceus's Chosen One and has a magic ring as protection
Yeah it's like being the hero fated to slay the evil dragon overlord or whatever. You're the hottest shit in the world and everyone's hurling themselves out their poop windows to suck your toes, but the instant you actually kill the evil lich king or whatever everyone's lost interest.
That's why all true dovakhin and spacetime heroes sent by arceus never finish the main quest
My problem is the exact opposite, harem slop without seggs feels like you are just wasting time and effort. Why the fuck would you try to clog the story with multiple girls pinning for the same guy and deciding to share him if you dont put seggs ln it?

Alternatively, if you want both without hindering the story, all you need to do is keep the story and the porn separated (keep the story without the harem and then make a different story collection for the haremslop)
I don't mind the fade to black sex but the moment they try to describe it or have others talk about that I will lose any interest, there are things that just shouldn't be writen
anal beads
>there are things that shouldn't be written

I didnt know the fiction gestapo was posting today
>Why is everyone a fucking lesbian now?
Because heterosexuality has been canceled.
It's insane how they keep on coming. You'd think after the mc broke up with her girlfriend, the author would cool the breaks on relationships to explore something else. But nah, 2 friendships turning into les romance and the mc gets a rebounding/cheating arc because this story hates rewarding characters.
This is a major reason I don't read they/them stories, they get so easily sidetracked with polyamorous romance plotlines that add nothing to the story. At least harem slop just throws the girl into the MC's harem without wasting so much time
>At least harem slop just throws the girl into the MC's harem without wasting so much time
>Looks at Reset Bloodlines mess
I fucking love aurashit btw
reset bloodlines had more problems than just the forced harem desu
Did that even move from the OCs match? Not even the anime did that so why would the author do?
last I saw they were still at the fucking tournament while focusing on "sidestories" or whatever the fuck they were doing
I know the anime is meme status but i remember early on the guy who abandoned what would become ash's Charmander was gonna throw out the hundred pokemon he had on him :p
Not really, even the anime got rid of that with Goh
Which is funny because probably not even a dozen episodes earlier/later Ash captures Krabby but the pokeball gets magically teleported to Oak's lab because he went over his 6 pokemon limit.
He's sponsored by the guy isn't he? It seems like it's more for convenience and also so Oak gets Pokémon to study when Ash isn't battling with them.
>dex holders are actually cucked out of carrying more than 6 pokemon at a time per the professor's contract
holy shit, I like this theory. Finally something to go against the dexholder wanking
>Finally something to go against the dexholder wanking
What? Pretty sure Kris didn't have that limit
She must have upgrades to the dexholder+ license
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boykissers with borb on the ocean update
>turned Lucas and Dawn into paradox people who will end up giving birth to themselves
what, do they fuck their counterparts and create generic anomalies or some shit?
Oh, it gets worse? I dropped it at chapter 180 after the sanctimonious bullshit at the Veilstone gate.
She and Cecilia break up, and then I guess the angry girl whose name I don’t recall and the contest girl actually get their harem with the deuteragonist?
Nah, the polyshit stuff also breaks down, because the author literally cannot have a man and a woman in a relationship.
accurate trips
Does Denzel ever get anyone? Does Chase? I’m assuming the pink-haired partner girl from the Gible cave also becomes a duke.
Denzel gets all his skin burned off, Chase gets paralyzed. I gave up on the story when Lauren sweeps Mira's entire team then somehow loses the fight by becoming a lesbian. Also I realised that had been the only fight in about 10 chapters because it's not pokemon fanfic, its lesbians. 99% sure the author is a tranny based on their pathological hatred of male sexuality.
... holy crap, I Will Touch The Skies is even more depressing than Jonny Got The Gun.
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Which Pokémon character would be the best serial killer?
I think he did come out as a 'she' some months ago just before the Galactic Arc. A damn shame that an author capable of doing 4k words a day gets bogged down in so much relationship drama and alphabet people garbage.

>when Lauren sweeps Mira's entire team then somehow loses the fight by becoming a lesbian.
I might have skipped this chapter, what exactly did happen?
It sucks that femmcs have to get dragged down by this crap.
Can't have one without accusations of trannyshit on the shit because of people like this.
>then somehow loses the fight by becoming a lesbian
Lmao, fucking figures
>tranny obsessed with yuri
>A damn shame that an author capable of doing 4k words a day gets bogged down in so much relationship drama and alphabet people garbage.
What does the average person/reader think of all that anyway? The other day someone posted a reddit thread talking about skies and even there the reactions were mixed.
I think most fanfic readers are willing to read something that is long and ongoing, even if its bad (I did this too)
Sarah Newman (the chick that that was obsessed with) takes Mira to Victory Road becuse Lauren is grieving there. Lauren says she'll only leave if Mira beats her, then sweeps 5 of her team with just sceptics, then has a breakdown when it gets knocked out by Miras Gengar, then they confess their love for each other despite there being no chemistry between them at all.
How do you stop characters from being indistinguishable in dialogue without them sounding unnatural instead? I wrote a gym leader as speaking overly formally, avoiding any contractions, but he just sounds like a ten year old's 'what I did at the weekend' writing.
Romance on my Pokemon creatures fanfics is cringe no matter if straight, gay, lesbian, tranny, pokefucker or anything else.
anytime people talk about this story the impression they have on their mind isn't the pokémon, they are just the vehicle for h*man dr*ma
What's odd is that there's actually a lot of worldbuilding stuff, even if it leans towards the meme politics and ow the edge side of things, but it's there and sometimes in great detail, but then it all pretty much just gets ignored and nothing meaningful is done with it since it's just going back to human drama and love octagons that wouldn't feel out of place on a random teenage girl romance novel.
You WILL read the 8k chapter od my cool OC fucking Karen and you WILL like it!
Why the fuck can't people be friends? Don't you love your friends? What is up with current generation inability to have two people supporting each other without wanting to get into their pants?

>Sarah Newman
I feel sad that my man Craig never got to score. This is something that befuddles me, Soussouni has shown that they can write good characters, but time and time again they keep writing some of the most unbearable characters outside a teen drama for tv.
Mira was also a good character compared to the rest of the group. Is every women bisexual in this universe?
As someone who has never touched that story, all these posts sound like something straight out a homestuck/undertale crossover abomination with a story script generated by a hyperactive emo tween.
This thing is a Sinnoh fic, right?
Does it adequately wank Cynthia?
When my fic gets to Sinnoh I'll make sure Cynthia gets at least White Litchi level essence.
>gets at least White Litchi level essence.
What did he mean by this?
I meant that while Cynthia is obviously on an immortal level she would not be foolish enough to upgrade to Yellow Apricot essence and have the heavens directly limit her lifespan.
Her Garchomp literally wipes out a third of team Galactic by itself.
Now im wondering if there is a cultivation style pokemon fic....
There is at least one, it's made by an anon from this thread: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/peerless-trainer-way-of-the-dao-pokemon-isekai-cultivation.1184395/
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>Too cowardly to accept the HEAVENLY TRIBULATION™ and defy the heavens
Not my (fanfic) Cynthia, her ancestors wanted to be above the llama not a slave of it
I can see the point of Sarah and Crig having a thing and never actually making it, lots of good pathos. The problem is that it's in the context of a story where there is literally two stable heterosexual couples (Volkner and Jasmine and Denzels parents) in the entire thing and it's impossible to shake the idea that Sous doesn't want men to be happy in his/her/it's fic.
There's also https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/84438/route-to-power but it hasn't gotten an update in 4 months despite the author promising another chapter the next day.
>Chapter spam
Why accept the heavens literally cucking you out of longevity when you can support a refinement pokemon path cultivator to unlock the tenth rank and skip directly to it? If they fail she can just try again with another refinement path cultivator later. Besides, by staying on level 8 Cynthia could devote herself to archeology and research while personally staying out of the "who will be the next venerable" shitshow.
Tell me more, I live for fanfic Cynthiawank.
Still, how is there even a plot if she can do that then?
Why it feels like I would need to put my brain in a blender to understand cultivationshit?
Ah, ah, ah. You can't just skip that since the world itself notices when someone tries to break its rules
You should calm yourself mortal, the path of cultivation is a treacherous one and if you lack fate, as you clearly do, then it is not a path fit for you. Don't worry, the heavenly clover sect won't let you languish under a demonic invasion.
Then Cynthia can use her deep connection with her rank 10 former disciple to have them refine a level 100 "rule breaking pokemon" and ignore the heavens either way. A teacher for a day, a father for a lifetime.
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>complaining about chapters
Cultivation is just Mornington Crescent for chinks
That's enough of a beginner mistake to tell me the story is not worth reading.
>Mornington Crescent
Never heard of it.
Look fellow anons, this mortal is talking nonsense.
>Chase gets paralyzed
He was the best character. It’s not fair.
There's something called Blossomverse or whatever and that's now what you imagine someone with issues would write
>he's never played Mornington Crescent
>he's never know the joy of pulling a Clarkson Double on Jubilee after baiting the opponent to Bond St
>has the temerity to call me mortal
I think they use psychics to get away from her initially and then hide from the League. Whenever Cynthia shows up she generally handles everything.
>Whenever Cynthia shows up she generally handles everything.
Is Cynthia the most wanked Champion? All the others are either bashed or ignored
In that story? Yeah.
>Lance is a dragonfucker nepobaby
>Steven is either a cool rock autist or a literally Seto Kaiba
>Literally nobody gives a fuck about Wallace
>Cynthia is GOAT and could solo the 40k universe
>Fanfic writers think gen 4 was the last one
>Cynthia is GOAT and could solo the 40k universe
She could yeah.
>Cynthia is GOAT and could solo the 40k universe
That verse isn't really that strong tho, nasufags always talk about how a single Servant can beat almost all Space Marines without even trying
I don't know man. The 40k universe has one billion lion-morphs.
>nasufags always talk about how a single Servant can beat almost all Space Marines without even trying
And you believe them? Foolish fool.
>cringe arguing about setting powerlevels
>Chad arguing about fandom powerlevels
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Fighting from the Shadows Chapter 2 finished: https://pastebin.com/kbGjnTcY

Chapter 1 for those who haven't read it yet: https://pastebin.com/WYBzWsdF

Also, here's a hint for what will occur in chapter 3: It's Mukboy Time.
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Mmmm, a bit boring maybe? Don't take it personal tho, I guess I just expected more over the top action since normal martial arts tend to get boring without magic bullshit for most people

Anyways, are you planing to post in FF, AO3 or SB?
honestly? no
she’s extremely overrated by the fans but I’d say the actual most wanked champ is Leon
I don't know, there are some stories where Leon gets folded outside of Galar by almost every 8 badge trainer
He's talking about canon. For some reason the gen 9 anime wanked Leon as the strongest trainer in the entire world.
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>are you planing to post in FF, AO3 or SB?
I'll be honest, I wasn't originally planning to do that, but, it's gonna get very repetitive if I post the image and links every time I update, so I'll probably make AO3 and FFnet versions at one point. When, can't say, but I'll make sure to notify the thread when I do.
Didn't the games do the same? Saying how Galar is the place where battles are the most advanced in the entire world
I might be remembering wrong but the games never directly said that Leon is objectively the strongest trainer in the entire world. There might have been some implications but there was still room for doubt iirc
Servants are powered by Earth's genius loci and the human order. A Servant powered by the Imperium could hypothetically be powerful, but any canon Servant would be entering a universe where the legend that powers them no longer exists so they're fucked and crippled.
Primarchs are minor warp gods given flesh, so they're probably comparable to a Servant, but any Chaos God mogs the Nasuverse easily. Even in universe Nasu Earth's genius loci is scared shitless of the eldritch shit in space.
Unrelated to Pokémon but nasufags don't care about other verses, they're like Stephen King where their rules are >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every other fiction in existence, so Gilgamesh can probably kill Arceus without trying or Arcueid will always be stronger than, lets say, every legendary in existence because the planet will always raise her power to enemy+1 even if she's facing universe busters like Beerus
About to put Nemona into a story of mine. Which Paldean starter do you think fits her best? I think Quaxly makes the most sense, as I can see Ququaval being as obsessed with dance as Nemona is, and for Quaquaval, every battle is a dance. Seems like they'd have good synergy.
It's not wank since she really is the best.
Not sure if they ever say he was the best in the world but he gets fellated a lot. The other champions tend to be pretty invisible, relatively speaking. Very rarely you get some reference to them being strong (Gen 2 referencing Kanto trainers being very powerful, Kukui referencing Lance having strong Pokemon).
>Resisting the urge of sexualizing my love interest
I need to write some "secret" spin-offs to get this out of my system, my readers can't find out I'm a degenerate...
She has a grand elder babysitting her every step. You just KNOW Cogita was handing her everything
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What's wrong with writing sex, just do it as a canon interlude or omake if it breaks up the chapter too much.
You’re writing Pokémon fanfiction. Writing a sex scene makes you more or less a horny normie. And if you think one sex scene makes you a degenerate in the Pokémon fanfic community, you have not read enough Pokémon fanfics.
As much as I hate Galar, the games had the decency of of keeping all the Leonwank strictly to Galar. The only and one time Galar was truly compared or referenced towards the rest of the world was with Raihan's card saying it is "rumored" he could become a Champion in other Region but stays on Galar to fight Leon, but when you turn around and hear that he's unable to beat Melony no matter what, and it's not like it is because she counter teams him considering he's got a fucking Drought Torkoal on his team, that statement becomes impossible to take seriously. It's like if Lance were unable to beat Lorelei or Pryce. It doesn't track at all.

For the anime, Leon simply got lucky that it ended up being the series where Ash got told to fuck off. Leon got set-up early as the final boss of Journeys, but it is extremely obvious that the PWC was barely on its early stages of planning. I still remember the meltdown about how they put some random literally who butch woman instead of just using Surge during that one Normal Class fight.
It's only way later that they decided to go full nostalgiawank and start bringing back previous series characters and bring back all the other Champions for the sake of "hype", do you really think Alan of all people got brought back just by coincidence?
People may not remember because of how old DP anime is now but Cynthia got wanked to hell and back and set-up early on as a "goal" for the season. It's why all the Sinnoh E4 also appeared a bunch through the season. You could tell they were desperate to try to do something with them, and were trying to plant the seeds just in case, but well, we all know how that went. Tobias happened and it ended up on nothing but even DP ended up with Ash watching Cynthia battling on TV while imagining Flint's Infernape was his and thinking about what he would be doing if were him at the stadium. It's something like what happened then that happened during Journeys. That kind of set-up.
But fuck, we already set Leon as the final boss, and we're currently on Gen 8 so he gotta be the one to shill. What do? Well, let's just fucking double down. Make Leon humiliate Alan for the sake of hype surely this way people will stop being mad about the Kalos Disaster. Let's make Leon fucking destroy Diantha with basically just two Pokemon because surely that will make people hype about how strong he is and that way we can keep the rest of his team mystery woooooooooow so hype oh wait it's just the fucking Galar starters.
In trying to make things "exciting" they ended up overcompensating like crazy and everyone suffered from it.
The weird thing is that it's not like the staff was completely lacking in self-awareness. Cynthia got put second and Steven got put third, so they're aware they're the most popular Champions of the bunch, they made Cynthia be the only one who beat the rat, to also be the other one who was cucked by the one gimmick rule, and left Mega Garchomp completely untouched. They aren't completely retarded, which just makes m wonder what the fuck went so wrong with Leon.
Leon, as much as I hate to say it, suffered from horrendously bad writing on Journeys. Which is a shame because there was some golden nuggets about him being burdened by his position and feeling lonely at the top but they were pretty much ignored in the long-run. A smarter writer would have actually made him be pushed during every M8 match showing that there's indeed strong people out there still, he just had to get the fuck out of Galar to find them.

This got way longer than expected.
I've seen Alder in quite a few fanfics but they tend to play the "old and washed up" angle with him for some reason.
Sometimes he's actually washed up, other times he's competent but the world still has that negative perception of him because he's "a depressed hermit".
>for some reason
That's exactly how he's like in the games.
it's usually the fics that take place during/after bw2 that do that IMO because of iris stepping up

fics tend to go too hard on it to the point of bashing
You always say this but you never not once have posted even a single one of these supposed stories where Leon gets trashed and stomped by Youngster Joey and treated as a completely and total fraud.
>left a constructively critical review of a story on FFN
>author deletes it
Reminder Fuggmann is still making $4.5k a month consistently
post author
Post review.
Honestly kind of envious. No shame in admitting it.
>post a review with constructive criticism on a story with an interesting premise
>author makes a chapter screaming about the review and then blocks me
>story is never updated again
I don’t get people.
OTTL, who's Fuggmann and why is it bad he's making patreon money? Does he never update?
I did that in Reset Bloodlines, I told the faggot that his political views were steeping way too hard in the story and affecting the characters.

He deleted it
Fuck, man. Maybe I should get into making fics for money.
Fun fact: The New Normal dude is making nearly 4k.
You don't need to bother with nutrition or anything complicated. All you need to do is write some generally written power fantasy SI slop with meme politics where Cynthia is your gf to make gangbusters.
But you have to publish chapters consistently. At least at first, and for a decent while too.
You need a audience that you got hooked on your slop to milk for later afterwards.
Holy shit I need to get to writing ASAP
Too many people don’t want to take criticism. Getting skewered in the court of public opinion should happen more
He’s a former /mlp/ smut writefag who started a pair of better than average fics, got on the patreon tit, realized the one he liked better was doing worse than the one that he was less enthusiastic about, abandoned the story he had passion for in order to focus on the paypigs and escape his McJob, then he strode too close to the fire implying things, recoiled as if burned, slowed his in-story pace to a crawl, and then slowed his update pace to a crawl.

However the paypigs persist, so he’s making above median income doing nothing at the moment.
So how come they haven't sued his ass? When money is involved they tend to be really fucking fast
Who? The people who can cancel their patreon contributions at any time?
Nintendo, I think they took down some guy doing Pokémon stuff for money a few years back

Pokémon Uranus or something
From what I know nintendo will rape any type of fan content EXCEPT fictional works (fan comics & fanfic), maybe because fanfiction isnt as prominent as fangames, romhacks & the like.
Paid games directly threaten the Nintendo copyrights. Serial web fiction does not, and the Patreon model is designed to further obfuscate the legal connection between story and payments.
>then he strode too close to the fire implying things
Pretty sure he outright says it in both of his stories.
The drawback of having all these self-inserts in peoples' fanfics is any criticism of the protag will be taken as direct criticism of the author as a person, not as a writer, because the author chose to SI. Well, that or the writers are autistic manchildren who can't handle criticism.
It depends on the SI.
For example, New Normal MC is clearly meant to be as bland and as much of a non-entity as possible. He's a SI but he's definitively not the author's SI.
Meanwhile you have the dude from Evil Trainer that is truly and indeed "he's literally me" of the author.
But then again, at the end of the day, if you're writing Pokemon fanfiction chances are that you're a manchildren anyway so any and all criticism is beyond your stunted emotional maturity to take gracefully.
>Fun fact: The New Normal dude is making nearly 4k.
His money on patreon is hidden, but the number of memebers he has is kinda low. Your math doesn't check out since fuggmann members multiplied by lowest price is more than his monthly amount, but there are obviously members who have higher tiers due to their discord level.
The reason being you can 'join for free' but you wont get the benefits, so the New Normal guy is probably way lower. My guess is he's making $400-$500 a month, unless he specifically stated he's somehow making that much which I'd have to wonder from where.
He's probably writing politics smut behind the scenes.
>The reason being you can 'join for free' but you wont get the benefits, so the New Normal guy is probably way lower.
If that so? I was assuming all the members were paying ones so that's what I did my math with. Nevermind then.
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He's back...
>He’s a former /mlp/ smut writefag
that explains so much
He went as NOF there.
In BOC it was a weak denial followed by some flirtation with the line like an April Fools joke chapter about Mega Evolution. If BOD was continued off of RR, I didn’t keep up with it. Perhaps he was more risqué other places the stories were posted, idk.
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Aurabros, how do we face those chosen by God? Not even NutriMan is at their level
The most recent chapter of BOD straight-up said the MC was browsing pokemon pornography with a VPN.

Anyway, are there any decent Legends Arceus stories?
Gods already fall to Aurachads, what good are their chosen other than to buy time for God to finish writing their manifesto?
Is the anon who wrote the SCP-style legendary Pokemon blurb here? That shit was great. Begging you to write more.
There is zero evidence that Cogita is even alive by the time Cynthia was born and started on her journey as a trainer, much less any evidence that Cogita helped her in some way on her journey, and certainly no way in hell she's responsible for Cynthia's status as the trainer with the unambiguously strongest ace in canon.
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>This got way longer than expected
>there was some golden nuggets about him being burdened by his position and feeling lonely at the top
Wait, didn't that happened to Ash in his final episode too? That trope is kino but nobody does it right
I wish his update pacing were better, it's insane how quickly it dove when he got that patreon.
He pretty much updates one fic every month at best, and it looks like his DxD OC just updated
Speaking of, I actually got the autistic idea of doing something similar to the Sacred Gears with legendaries
My current idea is having Red growing up in Saffron city, so Sabrina + [second girl] eventually join as the secondaries in a journey.

At first I thought an energetic Roxie would be a fun constrast to Sabrina, but then I realized maybe not a lot of people like Roxie's design, so I came up with the idea of having an alternate backstory for Marnie where she joins Roxie's band after her brother has to leave her life early on (still on the fence about him dying or not), so she picked up a lot of the same mannerisms from Roxie (in essence it's like using Roxie but with Marnie's design).
Then as I thought more I kinda want to make a journeyfic through Sinnoh, considered adding Dawn but that would bloat the main cast, so I started to consider swapping Marnie for Dawn, so basically the main trio would be Red + Sabrina + Rocker girl Dawn (yeah, I'm still keeping that trait).
Is the idea too far gone or I should go back a few steps?
Me again, adding a bit more to this concept:
I was planning for Sabrina to feel guilty of being able to mind-read people and even using that to lowkey manipulate others (not mindcontrol per se, but she wasn't scared of using mindreading to her advantage), by the time of chapter 1 she was rejected from the Pokemon League and got a bad reputation in her hometown, Saffron city.

Red had a self-proclaimed "girlfriend" from early childhood, the girl was a control-freak that wanted to monopolize Red for herself and gaslighted him, not in a sexual way, more like she wanted Red to only interact with her and do everything for her, so she demanded him to train throwing pokeballs at moving targets hanging from trees, like ropes with a target attached that would swing in circles, Red needed to hit a certain amount in a row for the childhood "friend" to be satisfied (she wanted him to be able to catch any Pokemon, even tricky Flying-types). In one of those long days is when he meets a strange Cubone with a black pattern between his eyes (implied to be an Alolan Cubone, how that's possible is explained later), he becomes friends with the Cubone and together they pratice throwing, Red learning from the Cubone. One day this Cubone would become his starter. Red has enough balls to end the relationship in ch1 and the ex-gf will become a rival later on.

As for the Dawn/Marnie (pending), I already explained her backstory in the post above. I intend the first scene to be a show with Roxie+Dawn+Marnie, so one of them quits the band by smashing her guitar in true rock'n roll spirit, for the public and their fans it seems she's quitting in friendly terms, but that's just a front and they had some problems behind the scenes.

So all the 3 of them are kind of "rejects" and that's a recurring theme of their common ground. I don't want it to be the characters licking each other's wounds, it's a bit more upbeat than that, while still having humor and darker parts.
The flipside is that readers that are reading Pokemon fanfiction are man children themselves, incapable of delivering objective criticism and only wankering off about their own soapboxes. It goes both ways.
honestly using the internet for recreation at all outs you as a manchild. That time would be better spent working a mcjob and contributing to society, real grown men don't waste time on "hobbies".
>real grown men don't waste time on "hobbies"
What a miserable way to live. The mcjob exists to fund your hobbies anon. You should derive worth from what you do for yourself, from what you are passionate about and enjoy doing, not the wagecucking you do to survive.
but anon, my hobby is playing the sportsball while driving my motorcycle
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i kinda wanna see a kino sports-themed fic now with pokemon training for the big game
maybe it could be a real sport or it could be the pokeathalon, or some other hybrid that allows moves to be used
Man, I hate when the SI MC is a FAN of Pokemon.
Aren't there any fics where the MC is at most aware the franchise exists or better, doesn't even know about it?
real men sit on their couch all day losing every bit of physical fitness they have until they are unable to enjoy like, complain about back pain, and degrade to an sub 90 iq that's unable to even process enjoyment outside of big bang theory and family guy.
I think there was one in Spacebattles but sorry, I can't remember the name, it had the usual "common sense" over natives knowledge meme
>are there any decent Legends Arceus stories?
I enjoyed Sought and Found. Post game Akari gets sent back to dpp at the exact moment when Cyrus ends up in the Distortion World. It's unique in that instead of going through the gym battles again, she's running through the Battle Frontier instead.
Bro dude who only really knows the franchise exists but nothing much more
Oh, I read the first few chapters. It's not great, but it's funny, in a good way.
Something you can't say much about other fics.
Baiting faggot tries to bait, outs himself as a faggot
I sleep
I like Hard Enough, any stories like that where an isekai protag either becomes an npc and/or uses info from previous games mostly for evolutions and other forms? I wasn't a fan of the protag of type specialist just using his knowledge to stop every evil team.
As someone that liked it, how hard is the Steven bashing?
Not too bad, he's portrayed as trying to solve problems by throwing money at them, and pays people to train his pokemkn for him, but is still an absolute top tier battler. He's sort of the rival for the megastone side of things and it feels like it had to end eventually on megatyranitar vs megametagross
>and pays people to train his pokemkn for him, but is still an absolute top tier battler
That sounds pretty damn bad though, how can he command Mons that know shit about him?
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Bros, have you ever been torn between reading/watching something you for inspiration or just dropping the idea since your dislike outweights your need?
*Something you hate
Can't believe I fucked up
>I like Hard Enough, any stories like that where an isekai protag either becomes an npc and/or uses info from previous games mostly for evolutions and other forms?
You'll love The New Normal then. It's full of discovering the obvious things for MC wank purposes slop.
Turns out there’s been at least 2 chapters posted to ff.net since that one.
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Confess your fanfic sins.
Pokémon or in general?
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Did anyone read this? I like this way more than I thought I would
I wrote a 28 chapter, 2-3k word each fanfiction in a different fanficuniverse before deleting it because I realized i was being cringe and the story was entirely off beat for the actual universe for multiple reasons. There were a lot of positive replies before i purged it.
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>Oh no I accidentally made something so creative that it became a brand new thing rather of a clone!
>Better delete it
Are you stupid?
in my defense the fic sounded like my childhood trauma taking form rather than the actual genre and I realized that
I like making fanfiction more than my novels because the risk factor associated with actually having to make my ideas good, and what happens if I don't succeed at doing that.
Yeah I do that with books and certain fics. Not always interested in the premise of the story but the writing/characterization is done well and gives me new ideas. Make sure you alternate it with stuff you actually care for inbetween though or it gets tedious.
What is this about?
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Why don't more pokemon fics make their worlds big?
Reading fics where trainers can walk distances like Viridian to Pewter in 1-3 days just feels wrong, especially since they're moving through a forest and often not even on a dirt path.

I get the desire to cut the fat from travelling, but when the entire region can be walked across in a week or two it makes everything feel small and makes me wonder how there's any mystery left in the world. Someone could probably scout an entire region in just a day on a flymon.

Which is why I have decided my Sinnoh can fit 13+ god-blessed USA's inside of it. Just imagine how many fossil fuels are hiding under this ancient region, hoowee
that scale is ridiculous, normal bigness is fine but that is insane. Also it would take months for someone to walk across the US and they would have 0 time for training and battling.

Being a trainer is about learning about your region and becoming closer and understanding it so you can better be a part of it as a defender. Not something people would do irl (defend their homeland that is)
Quick estimates, from east to west, this Sinnoh would be larger then the entirely of Eurasia and would be around 40+ percent of the Earth's length.
It's only moderately insane considering pokehumans tend to be olympians compared to us and have potential access to ridemons and transport services that aren't available in the games. The instant they get a ridemon the world opens up significantly, and even before then they have public transit.

Only the victini-chosen freaks circle the whole region on foot, running and biking between battles nonstop like they're some sort of video game protagonist or aurachad. At least Arceus' chosen had the decency to ride pokemon instead of leg it everywhere.
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Why not just make the regions we know of a small place compared to the full planet? We do know space is fucked up if we go by Eternatus, Fugg, Deoxys and Necrozma chosing to stay on the planet than go back to it or how dimensional travel is okay but going to space is a big no no that would get you slammed down by a pissed off Rayquaza.
Americans cant imagine cross country because cross country is thousands of miles, unlike europe where you pass 5% of it and pre-current year didnt have to deal with vermintide.

90-80-70-60-55-55-45-end of hope
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That's sorta what I'm going for except done stupidly and to an even stupider degree.
Access to cooperative ride pokemon makes the fuckhuge regions feel smaller(especially with superfast flyers/runners and teleportation), but the regions themselves are little more than a sneeze relative to the size of the mostly-uncharted planet, which is itself hardly even a speck of dust in the galaxy at large.
Webm related: our planet's size relative to this pokemon planet's size. Asura for scale.
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There's probably some inspiration to take from Toriko as well since the Gourmet/Human World is just the Dark Continent but more fleshed out.
It's massive Jupiter sized planet with creatures that could reshape the land with ease and ancient civilizations where said creatures and humans lived in harmony.
Oh thanks for this. First chapter's already looking like it scratches that scale itch. Don't care much for the food porn but that's easy to ignore
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You already explained it yourself, it's a pacing thing, you want to show travel but too much travel between cities could get boring.
In any case, it's not like the world ends when the character finishes a single region, there's always new regions to use for "le mysterious world", or hell, make up your own regions, archipelagos and whatnot.
This is hilarious, it reads like a protein bar ad.
>I was dying, but then I gave it to me... Protein Bar Brand™
it felt like it was a shitpost that the author snuck in there
the chapter was pretty kino overall, it had a nice cliffhanger of an upcoming professor oak fight
Which fic?
traveler, the fic where chapter updates are the size of entire fics
I've read more fanfiction then any other kind of literary work for the past decade.
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For me its fanfics and korean novels
>korean novels
How can you stand more than one instance of Sum Ting Wong stepping in and sacrificing themselves to save an unrepentant scumbag?
I'm surprised more people haven't lampooned this nutrition shit, like it's some ground breaking thing which wouldn't have been discovered decades ago in a modern setting.
But anon, it's an easy way for me to show my SI is DA BESTEST without having to actually think on it. I WANT THE PATREON $$$
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Would you ever hate an SI MC down to their theme song if they pissed you off enough?
Enough nutrition. I will master the dao of economics.
Don't!!! That's a mysterious path that will led you to destroy everything

Be like me and follow the Dao of Basic Human Decency because everyone is obviously evil in that world
Basic HUMAN decency?! Humans are the least decent of them all, always abusing magikarps and feebas. With such a supbar Dao it would be a miracle if you ever passed the 5th badge realm!
Foolish Poliwag, you have eyes but cannot see Mt. Coronet.

Basic Human Decency and Common Sense are the strongest Dao, they are the only ones able to teach you about evolutions, stones and nutrition
I'll take this protein bar... AND EAT IT!
I sometimes pretend I'm recording my writing sessions with a webcam and screen capture to help me get the words flowing. Sometimes I pretend I'm submitting an assignment for an insane but well-meaning professor who for some reason demands video evidence of our writing, sometimes I'm a streamer, other times I'm explaining myself to aliens.
It just works.
I heard of this legit guy who had a similar method, he used a projector to create an audience on his wall + used some generic audience noise just so he could explain what he learned.
Sometimes your brain goes "yeah I get this" but trying to explain it yourself is the real test, I guess this could be used for brainstorming, never thought about this angle.
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>be me, usually writing smut oneshots
>posted edgy/cringe idea from last thread about longer form fic involving Arceus an self-insert
>was 15k in it before shelving for more oneshots, unpublished atm

The fuck do I do? I've been out of ideas for smut oneshots for weeks and comms have dried up big time. I still feel like I should be publishing something, but m a n.
Speaking of protein and all, what do humans even eat? Does Fuggman talk about that? Like eating some Pokémon meat does have an effect in his glass body or something (I forgot if his body is normal by Pokémon standards or ours)
I think there may be "normal" animals in the BOC universe, unless Im confusing it with another fanfic, he does visit an octopus farm once.
is pokemon mystery dungeon fanfic or works are allow?

Since I sort had this fanfic idea from a long time ago.
Yeah but it might be better to post in the dedicated PMD general here: >>56439655
Also I hope whatever you're planning to share has better grammar than your post
Awww, thanks man!
Those animals must be powerful to evolve like that despite Pokémon existing in the same niches for gorillions of years.
Alternatively, Arceus isekai'd earth animals to be used as food?
nta iirc the excuse given was that pokemon unironically farmed animals and avoided overhunting and whatnot
There is a niche in evolving an R selected species. You won't get anything larger then a sea turtle but the ability to just shit out offspring or have extremely large clutches would be vastly superior compared to laying and taking care of an egg for a Pokemon.
The oceans of Pokemon have to be filled with zooplankton of sorts if they want to be able to maintain life.
>compared to laying and taking care of an egg for a Pokemon.
How are wild Pokémon even a thing when raising an egg is supposed to be hard? Do they take them and after a few weeks of being born release them to the wild?
Reading BoC via Spacebattles in the comments of like chapter 2 or 3 and Fuggman instantly noticed the mistake of adding animals because it was too complicated to explain lmao
It's duct tape on top of duct tape to salvage the concept of animals existing alongside pokemon.
Would Pokemon evolving from dinosaurs that didn't go extint 65 mil years ago be a good piece of lore for a fic?
Shudo, you already made the anime.
For another example, there was one author I can't remember right now who admitted that one of the villains of his story was pretty much him at his worst.
I've heard of that, but I'm not that familiar with it and I've never read it. What other issues did it have?
Its complicated
>Goes way too far in his attempt to make Ash "average" while making his OCs overpowered
>Most of his OCs are related to Ash because that's probably the only way to make people care while giving them his tactics, gimmicks, Mons and even his canon events along with (weirdly enough) a long ass sad backstory
>Peggy Sue is annoying since it follows the same shit but "better"
>The author can't keep his politic views out of his story and has an obsession with body hair

Add to that his endles tournament arc that hasn't updated in years
>admitted that one of the villains of his story was pretty much him at his worst.
That's a genuinely cool way to write a character, I'm jealous I didn't think of it first
Part of the difficulty in eggs is that creating them requires a lot of energy. You need to be able to store enough energy in them so that the animal inside can mature to a reasonable degree. This is bypassed in animals with live birth since they can just grow the animal inside them and keep them gestating for longer.
For smaller organisms, this isn't much of an issue because there is plenty of food compared to body size so there is an incentive to feed as much as possible, fuck as much as possible, lay as many eggs as possible, and then abandon them. This could be possible in some Pokemon like Caterpie whose food is plentiful and can lay their eggs in hard to reach spots. But a Caterpie is pretty fucking huge, there would reasonably be about a single Caterpie per acre in a forest and the amount of eggs they make would be way slower then any real life insect but still faster then any Pokemon.
In larger animals, this would be way more difficult. Because eggs are more of an investment here and because of the energy needed to make them, they wouldn't increase in size as much. An eagle's egg, for example, isn't that much bigger than a chickens when you compare an adult eagle's size to an adult chicken's. And when they do hatch, the babies are especially more vulnerable due to having less energy to fully mature. As such it is incentivized for the parents to stick around or group with the other parents of the same species. The hatchlings stick around for as short as a month to as long as a year before they fuck off from the nest. It's probably reasonable to assume that the size of the yolk required to make a mature hatchling would exceed the size of the actual adult eagle based on the total amount of food a hatchling eats before leaving their parents.
Basically, majority of wild Pokemon would be smaller herbivorous species, anything around a 1ft, that can afford to lay eggs for cheap. These offspring would be able to fend for themselves quickly after hatching.
Do you have realistic biologically accurate smut in your works? Like reading same fucking "pistoning","pounding","clenching " and "milking" mashed up with corniest porn phrases becomes stale pretty fast, so I am really looking for some works where authors at least explore all that inhumannes of pokemons and their biology and how unusual would be their interaction with them?
biologyfags lack soul
Not that anon, but biologically plausible fantasy creature sex is what all true xenophiles strive for. I enjoy writing weird biology sex scenes.
What do you mean about his political views? And do I want to know about the body hair bit?
>Peggy Sue is annoying since it follows the same shit but "better"
I think the funniest part about all of this is that the entire fic is just a worse, edgier copy of a better fic from a guy known for making several ashime fics
Some anon was kind enough to post it a while back
>"Pokemon abuse laws first started being proposed 40 years ago" Misty began, "However, some regions are more progressive on them than others. Hoenn was the first to pass them, and has some of the most comprehensive. Kanto is the next most liberal; the laws are somewhat newer, but just as comprehensive. On the other end of the spectrum, Johto has barely passed any such laws, its a rural and conservative place where Slowpoke tails are still treated as a delicacy, and the Orange Islands are only slightly better. Sinnoh is somewhere in between the two extremes. I don't know the exacts of the laws in Unova and Kalos, but I'm told they are generally akin to Kanto and Hoenn in that regard."

>"Your mother didn't require mental tricks to get in bed with your father, a tall attractive man needs not a Bloodline to get many in bed with him, though he is not averse to throwing a few thoughts into the back of their minds to get things moving. However then he did make it so your mother would get pregnant when she normally wouldn't have, and did place thoughts in the back of her head to ensure that your mother wouldn't have you aborted….but he did that with all of them so it was hardly specifically aimed at you. If he hadn't done that, Belladonna certainly wouldn't exist at least."

>"Fuck 'em. Not literally of course, but if you worried about how others see you do you'd be quickly left out of doing anything not just love. It's no one's business but your own what you do. Plus we're both Bloodliners so who cares what humans think of us.""
NTA but what the fuck is a bloodliner, what the fuck is that second quote. How is this related to pokemon
The Dark Side of Worldbuilding is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
>what the fuck is a bloodliner, what the fuck is that second quote.
Basically it's a Marvel mutant, but instead of having random powers, they have the powers of Pokémon to different extents. Some have the range of an entire type, others have the range of a Pokémon species, and then there are the jobbers who can only do a move and nothing else.

As for the second quote, bloodliners have the secondary superpower of attracting females for breeding purposes. It's how the author justifies Ash having a harem.
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Same anon as >>56443314, most of my oneshots are based on actual Pokemon (ferals) vs anthros Did a Deoxys fic where she glitched out and changed forms mid-fuck.

Also wrote vines and snek sex with picrel. I thought the whole point of Pokemon smutfics was because people want to fuck them as is.
Where can I read the Deoxys one
I actually have a habit of adding some of my own negative qualities to some of my antagonists.
This but I view them as positive qualities.
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>bloodliners have the secondary superpower of attracting females for breeding purposes. It's how the author justifies Ash having a harem.
That's all it took to consider himself the best haremslop writer in Pokémon fanfics? Freaking hell
>Is it wise to start a story set in Lumiose City/Kalos now, knowing that PLZA might abruptly cause a massive retcon to things that will invalidate the lore that you're establishing?

Your continuity, your rules. Though PLZA would bring new ideas and I do want to embrace them for inspiration.
Dude wanted to be special, he shittalked auraslop

>Cameron Palace...and this Cerulean thing, what did they mean?

>"Pika-pi Chuuuu" 'Okay, how much are you willing to bet that aura has something to do with it'

>Ash just stared at Pikachu as he pointed out "You do know Aura isn't the answer to everything, right Pikachu? I actually did ask Riley about it on Iron Island, and he stated that if I wanted to learn Aura, I'd have to seclude myself away from civilization for a few years. As much as I'd love to hide out as some mountain hermit with you, Charizard, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Snorlax and whoever else for a few years, I can't isolate myself like that. It's just not me."
Talking shit about Red too it seems.

>So I'll give everyone auraslop-tier powers just for existing
lol lmao
How do these people not notice the hypocrisy?
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>Read pokemon fanfic
>Its shonenshit superpower nonsense
Whats even the point.
>franchise about mystical creatures with superpowers in battles
>expecting that to not attract the shonen crowd
What is wrong with you?
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Shonenshit powers are canon tho, there's nothing wrong with trying to use that part of the lore
A lot of things

Yeah, but the shonenshit powers im talking about are a different thing. I dont remember much about what psychics/aura users can do in pokemon but. The "bloodliner" thing feelw really weird
Ash self-inserters are unable to understand the idea that Pokemon is about Pokemon and think the entire franchise revolves around him and is about him.
...? That shit is hardly exclusive to Ashfics tho? Like always your hatred makes you see things
Are you legitimately brain-damaged? No, seriously.
>Origins is shonenshit
>PokeSpe is shonenshit
>DP Adventure is shonenshit
>Contest of Champions, the literally most popular Pokémon fanwork out there, is shonenshit
How deranged do you have to be to not see that Pokémon has been filled to the brim with shonen tropes for ages now? Jesus Christ, get Ash's dick out of your ass because it's clearly now reaching your head.
Found the Ashschizos.
Can we give this clown a nickname? I believe he's pretty much earned that after this new level of schizophrenic shit.
not that schizo anon, but whenever a fic synopsis or character list suggests that Ash will be a main character it's an immediate pass for me. I don't know, but it feels like that character never provides anything good to a story when he's a focus.
does he unironically think that?
his fic isn't even the best haremslop lmao
author skill issue, unironically
some ashfics are kino but they're rare. you can usually tell which is slop and which is kino from the summary alone
Like with everything, it depends on the writers's skills. Most try to write journey trash since its the easiest instead of making the characters go in a different direction while still having the same roots.

As an example, Sanderson with WoT
wew lad
I wonder if he still gets upset when people bring up that he blatantly copied the plot from another fic
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>"In the harem field, I always do better"

Holy shit
Fanfic writers.
I am going to write a Galar fixfic/bashfic and I want strongest Galar headcanons.
Gloria's scottish ancestry has ties to their version of william wallace and his will urges her to conquer the english
Leon's "perfect record" is a massive hoax. Whether it's because he gets bodied all the time but his cult ignores those, because he bribes people to lose via match fixing, or any other interpretation depending on the writer.
He is right. Shonenshit isn't just an Ashfag thing.
Fuck, PokéSpe fics always go full shonenshit too with muh Dexholders wank and SIs nowadays are aura masters for some reason
dynamax isnt real, its all CGI and holograms
Galar and Kalos have entire books worth of slurs and curses for each other.
Yep none of that sissy OP SI-OC shit. Back in the day, all our SI's had was a dream and a fire in their eyes.
Ash is so empty and undeveloped as a character that any attempt at writing him is necessarily writing an OC into his position, at which point you may as well just write something original.
Not really but if that's how you want to play then the same goes for every Main Character in Pokémon, be it games, manga, anime, gacha or even Netflix because Pokémon as a whole sucks at storytelling.
I mean, there's a reason why there's almost no Adventures stories. They're limited as fuck since they're mostly walking archetypes, that's why everyone is doing self-insert stuff now
>Is it wise to start a story set in Lumiose City/Kalos now, knowing that PLZA might abruptly cause a massive retcon to things that will invalidate the lore that you're establishing?

You need to ask yourself how much you care about canon to cater your fanfiction to it.

Fanfiction by its inherent nature is contradictory to the source material, especially one that is actively updating. This isn't to say you should not make some modicum of efforts to respect the base of it, but you need to realize at some point you need to draw the line and section off your fic's universe from canon.

If there's one bad habit I sincerely hate in some fanfic writers, its their seeming inability to maintain an inner consistency within their world. My philosophy when going into a fic is to section it off into its own stasis universe from the date of its publication. Unless something I really like comes along, the inner universe of that fanfic stays separate from any canon afterwards no matter the details big or small. I've seen far too many works nuke themselves for the sake of appealing to canon, essentially ruining their foundation for one reason or another and end up dead because of it.

So the answer here is simple. Do the wise thing and *wait* for the source material to update fully before committing. Or if you already have one, either future proof your work or commit to what you already have and branch out. Your readers will forgive if your work deviates from canon, even majors ones as long as the inner universe is consistent within itself. Make that fic your own, and keep to it.

Or failing that, commit to smaller, shorter self contained works or ditch the concept of fanfiction and go original. If you are truly so worried about details like that, then my advice is to find another *dead* source material that isn't actively updating, or just go the original fiction route where everything is under your control.
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>betrayal Kino is dead
Man, I expected to have some based on the new anime but I guess it just didn't click as hard as its fans say
No one actually cares about Horizons. Padt likes to gaslight people into thinking it has a huge following. But most people fucked off after Ash left. It was easier for them to let go and move on.
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>I was betrayed and kicked out from my trainer's party because I evolved into a Flareon but actually it's the strongest eeveelution and only I can defeat the ice legendary that's threatening to destroy the world but I don't feel like it because I'd rather live a slow life?!
The anime's been dead for a couple dozen years now, most people fucked off long before Ash left. How many of us here actually kept up with the anime?
>another SI-OC rattata fic
Is this shitmon starter thing becoming a new trend? There were already a couple beedrill stories weren't there?
Another? Where?
I love SI-OC rattata fics. They always die an early death, just like rattata, and that's so poetic.
I don't even care, betrayal was such a fun concept it brought a smile to my face with how over the top it was

>most people fucked off long before Ash left.
It was still kinda big tho or at least they bothered to come at every season final
This one doesn't emphasize the rat in the title or description, so I'm predicting it actually is supposed to get killed off if the story ever gets that far
Sure. Interest in the show isn't how it was in the late 90s and 2000s. But you would still get a ton of fics. Horizons doesn't really get anything in that department.
Is mightyena a shitmon (i'm killing myself if it is)
Mightyena is fine. A shitmon is weak, unpopular, and uninteresting. Something that would be looked down on in universe.
I wonder how much of that is a generational thing and how much of it is the new anime just not being ficworthy. Do new anime that aren't smash hits even get a fanfic scene?
>late 90s and 2000s.
XY was a 2013-2016 show though? That was certainly a ressurgence of sorts, even if it only lasted a while.
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>Be me
>Get a Slowpoke to hold while watching TV in bed
>They insist on each night streaming a few episodes of Becker
>It was a show about a doctor played by some guy on Cheers who is always grumpy and annoyed by everything, with a bunch of oddball side characters
>The show looks uncomfortable but becomes easier to take it as it goes on
>Slowpoke stares at the screen the entire time it's on and doesn't say a word
>We switch to the 10pm news when it's time
>End up drifting asleep after a bit
>Wake up in the middle of the night by my Slowpoke laughing loud and hysterically
>Slowpoke is just now reacting to the jokes from Becker
>My lack of sleep makes me more irritable at work and now I know how Becker feels
Becker in pokemon? now that's a fanfic idea
>I wonder how much of that is a generational thing and how much of it is the new anime just not being ficworthy.
Liko, Roy, and Friede together can't amount to even 50 fanfics after a year and a half.

Meanwhile, Goh and Chloe have surpassed the hundred fanfics mark and are still actively working.

Don't even bother looking for Coral/Sango. She doesn't even have a tag on FFnet despite being arguably Horizon's most popular character. I think it's very telling of how small Horizons' fandom actually is.
>Do new anime that aren't smash hits even get a fanfic scene?
Well, everybody hear about the Quíntuplets but they barely have fics, same with MHA being below AoT
When there's less to fix there's less incentive to fic. Everyone agrees Ash's story was dogwater and plenty also agree that Goh/Chloe were either untapped potential or had rocky starts so there's plenty of incentive to write a fic to fix it.
Horizons however is pretty much flawless 10/10 anime of the century so what even is there to write?

Shitposting aside you're extrapolating the anime series' overall popularity and claiming it's deader than dirt based off the number of fanfics it has over the past 30 years which is silly when it only came out in the last year and has a dub that hasn't even caught up with the rest of the world yet.
Can /padt/ genwarring please stay in /padt/?
Nobody cares which anime gen is most popular.
>anything Pokémon
>"flawless 10/10"
Shitposting used to be believable.
Wasn't intending to genwar at all. It's just that well, there's no real dancing around the fact that the anime's current fandom is small. It was already shrinking in size after the Kalos League fiasco, but now it feels like a wasteland compared to ten years ago.
>Horizons however is pretty much flawless 10/10 anime of the century so what even is there to write?
The sad thing is that there are faggots who unironically think that
So, I guess this is a good time to ask now that we reached bump limit: is Joyposter around or will someone else have to do the next thread?
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>people see bad story in franchise they like that has run to completion and still left them unsatisfied
>want to fix it
Yeah, Ashfics depend on the writer. Many of them try to “improve” Ash, but they strip all the personality and quirks from him which makes the fic boring.
Hey, it's a source-material approved way of improving Ash. That's the exact same way the anime did it!
>but they strip all the personality and quirks from him which makes the fic boring.
The anime did the same thing tho, they brought back his character at the very end at least...

Thought I guess that explains why they're still writing him as someone trying to be the strongest even in Paldea fics when his end of series self is completely different
Rose is suffering from onset dementia and Oleana follows him around constantly because she's become his personal tard wrangler
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As someone who didn't play SV and DLC, what's the deal with Kitakami?
>Long ago a man got shunned by Kitakami village for having an Ogerpon waifu
>wasn't allowed to participate in festivals with her
>village mask maker was pro-pokephile so he made Ogerpon four masks to disguise herself
>the masks were really fancy so three thieving pokemon came by to steal it
>they murdered Ogerpon's husband and stole three of the masks
>Ogerpon killed them in revenge
>but the village interpreted it as Ogerpon attacking the village and the three thieves trying to defend them
>Ogerpon returns to the wilds, now without any human to dick her
fast forward to the future
>you and others go to kitakami
>Carmine discovers almost immediately that Ogerpon was the good guy all along
>but she's told not to tell anyone because the Mask Maker got publicly executed for trying to reveal the truth and clear Ogerpon 's name
>things happen and the three thieves are resurrected and you defeat them together with Ogerpon
>Ogerpon directly asks to travel together with you specifically
>Kieran gets egotistical and tries to steal Ogerpon by challenging you to a battle
>you beat him and he cries about how unfair it is that pokemon would rather be with someone other than an eogtistical crybaby
Carmine doesnt discover shit, Ogerpon drops her mask after doing a sick backflip up some stairs
Player+Carmine lies about seeing the ogre to Kieran for no reason, take the mask to their grandfather, the decendant of the original mask maker who then tells player+Carmine the real story, Kieran overhears after being told by Carmine to an hero
Kieran steals the mask and accidentally resurrects the loyal three through sheer anger at his cunt of a sister
Carmine still tells Kieran to an hero, so he runs around the village telling everyone the true story while the player does all the work of beating up the lousy three
Ogerpon's pokepussy gets wet at seeing the player's power and wants to go with you despite Kieran doing something arguably more important so Kieran wants to prove himself to Ogerpon and battles you which he loses and realizes the player is the main character and revolts against that idea
Silence Kieran apologist, only villains try to steal pokemon. Pokemon have a natural vibe detector that steers them away from such egotistical wackjobs
>wanting a *wild* Ogerpon to go with him and battling you to prove his strength is somehow poketheft
kys carfag
>tfw somebody became friends with a pokemon and the pokemon asks to join them but then I suddenly chuck a master ball at it and claim it as my own
I'm the good guy wait why doesn't this pokemon like me what the fuck it hates me so much that it even broke its master ball wowwww it's because I'm not the main character isn't it #rigged
does this count as attempted NTR?>>56451606
Damn, Naruto is still up there?
Depending on the perspective it could. Kieran's story isn't too dissimilar to the pseudo-NTR stories where a geek has a crush on Stacy and then goes apeshit when he finds out she's dating Chad because obviously she should be dating a geek like him instead.
Billions must die.
At no point does Kieran even attempt to throw a pokeball at Ogerpon
You are getting confused with Terapagos who is most likely just curious and is *wild*
Boruto was so demoralizing they returned to it.
I can’t recall how heavily Traveler focuses on nutrition. A ton of the story nowadays is the pokemon practicing techniques and description vomit. The latest one was kind of nice though, I really liked Agatha and Oak.
Yeah he did it with Terapagos because he was terrified that it was choosing you over him.
At least with Ogerpon there was wiggle room for denial. But then his true colors revealed themselves. Pokemon can smell that bad aura from miles away
Boruto is really bad, I don't care about Horizons but I hope they do better than Bort
new thread where...

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