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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56406956 (>>56406956)

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/dh6fflg8yb
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>What is the easiest dungeon you've wiped in?
>What held items/equipment do you use most often?
>To sleep comfortably, do Fire-types need their surroundings to be hot, and do Ice-types need it to be cold?
>What type-related stereotypes do you believe exist in the PMD world?
>What type-related stereotypes do you believe exist in the PMD world?
All dark types like to take it in the ass
Recap of the previous thread:

>KFC-anon's entry to the Summer Festival collab was posted: https://rentry.org/sf_ar
>Rocky the Minior (plus his partner Alex the Dolliv) joined, with an intro story: https://rentry.org/2sg48udx
>Maggie the Swadloon also joined, also with an intro story: https://rentry.org/8yyxg7pc
>Wonderful artwork for Wave 4 was made by Vee, along with plenty of nice art by other artists as well
>Discussion about legendaries, beds, and other topics

Also, we're still working on a drawboard dedicated to fulfilling requests from our request page (https://rentry.org/CloverDrawRequest). Submit new requests here: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic
>What type-related stereotypes do you believe exist in the PMD world?
Ghost-Types are reincarnated from Pokemon who suffered a traumatic death.
>>What held items/equipment do you use most often?
goggle specs, or something that has an effect that isn't 'stat buff' or something that can be done with an equivalent healing item.
>>To sleep comfortably, do Fire-types need their surroundings to be hot, and do Ice-types need it to be cold?
probably not
>>What type-related stereotypes do you believe exist in the PMD world?
psychics are probably really smart
water types are generally more attuned to water than other types
>What type-related stereotypes do you believe exist in the PMD world?
Fairy types are all femboys.
What if he isn't fairy type yet?
He's gonna be on my dick type
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>What held items/equipment do you use most often?
X-ray specs always. Also the species/type specific items have a certain charm I cannot resist. Yes I will be bringing the Pink Silk and Leafy Tie, thank you

>To sleep comfortably, do Fire-types need their surroundings to be hot, and do Ice-types need it to be cold?
Fire types can be warm anywhere they bring it with them. I imagine ice types would prefer it cold.

>What type-related stereotypes do you believe exist in the PMD world?
Region specific. The stereotypes on the Grass Continent are not the same as ones on the Water Continent. The most populous types in any area would control the social narrative.
See, rock types on the Sand Continent drive like this, but the rock types on the Mist Continent, they drive like THIS.

Also, more pointless art for no reason
I heard Fire types chimp out on the regularly, have anger issues, are weird, and like to snort each other butts.
That doesn’t sound like a Fire-type, that sounds like Chespin
Chespin’s barely a Grass type so don’t associate him with us, his aura is like a vivid red when it should be a refreshing green, you feel me?
Say that to a fire type's face they'd fucking assault you. How dare you imply they are violent
>Proves his point
Why are Burners so low IQ?
Okay, finally managed to finish most of what I felt enough to (hopefully) show that the legendaries aren't too OP. Since I couldn't just drop them into the Guild, everything written so far (and much to come) is going to be a bit of a prelude for them:


I intend to finish the 6th story by tomorrow (which should show how I intend to balance-out the legendaries and add some depth to the story) as well as the credits page.

Hope y'all enjoy (and that it's not too much)!
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Fuck me sideways, I didn’t think someone would be bold enough to actually put up a damn Legendary. Fine, I’ll be the asshole since everyone else either can’t or won’t; this isn’t gonna work and this set of characters will most likely be ignored by the vast majority of us. It’s not a question of strength, it’s a question of warping the entire world around you.
Firstly, by putting a Legendary anywhere close to the Guild, which I assume you will given that’s what this collab focuses on, you have robbed present and future characters of a potential character goal: the goal to possibly meet a Legendary, any Legendary. Now we can just point and say “look there’s a Legendary” and that goal is completely moot.
You rob characters of the “wow” factor experienced by meeting a Legendary for the first time because one is just walking around living with them.
You rob us of future plots that might’ve included the Legendary you’re using.
You rob us of future collab stories that might center on the entire Guuld handling a Legendary, since the serious nature is now diluted by the fact that we have a damn Legendary on standby.
You rob the Guild as a whole of its entire premise; instead of the Guild being a group of rejects not taken seriously by the wider world, the world is now FORCED to take the Guild seriously because there is a fucking Legendary chilling in its building. It doesn’t matter how much you balance their strength, it’s a LEGENDARY POKEMON.
By virtue of its very existence you have completely decimated multiple potential stories, present and future, and have warped the setting around a single character to an irreparable degree. It screams main character syndrome and now forces the rest of us to adjust, which is fun for no one and makes writing around your character a chore.
It is a Legendary Pokemon. It IS too much, PERIOD. Fundamentally, its existence decimates the setting it’s in.
you say this and yet super had them acting far more casual with their existence than ever.
also can you really blame people when legendaries having this status that they must be a singular entity in order to be legendary completely separate from game intentions (y'know, they're rare pokemon because you normally aren't supposed to get multiple, not that there isn't multiple in reality) is such overplayed headcanon that only has its justifications in consensus?
i get the points being made here as someone who's only been paying attention to the stories and who hasn't been participating. but at this point, it reeks in lack of proper thinking.

i'm not necessarily saying btw that i condone any random retard wanting to plow their way in with a super megazord character that completely goes against the tone of the fic and legendaries are a pretty big sign of someone attempting to sabotage it in that way, but some of the points listed here feel like they could be worked around, even taking canon mystery dungeon into account
that won't stop me from viciously snuggling him (no survivors)
Gonna be honest, you'd be better off making this a regular PMD fanfic instead of trying to fit it into the Clover Guild universe and shove a Suicune and Lugia into the guild. I don't think you should stop writing entirely, though. You could probably keep what you have here and just adjust your future plans. And you can keep posting your writing in the thread (after all, this is a PMD thread, not just a Clover Guild thread). But I really think these characters won't mesh with this collab, so it's best to make this story independent.
that's what i'd suggest too, i was gonna suggest just plastering this on AO3 or something. plenty of places that're more receptive to power-fantasy stuff like this, the tone of the clover guild is something that clearly doesn't really fit legendaries, but i don't think people here should just refuse the posting outright of writing like this because that's just a bad precedent waiting to snowball into worse

we really need more pmd here that isn't just clover guild anyway cause that's a bad look in and of itself on this site anyways, and if game talk is gonna be infrequent, then this kind of thing should be more constructive rather than less
See, I do sort of agree that legendaries in Clover Guild could be done properly. I just don't think this is how it should be done

If legendaries were going to be used, they need to be treated less like normal characters and more like entities. Forces of nature if you will. These legendary creatures are far beyond the scope of any common pokemon in terms of power. If anything, characters should be paralyzed at the idea of as little as standing in one's presence.

If any character of Clover Guild would have a conversation with a legendary, it would be on par with having a conversation with a God. As such, if you're gonna write it, you need to write it with utmost respect. God should not say "erm, that just happened". Clover Guild has its comedic moments, but this is not the time to use them. A creature like Dialga, appointed by Arceus to manage all of time, is not gonna let Cyndaquil go back in time to fuck himself as funny as it would be.

Also pardon me for asking, but what the fuck are you smoking?
>they're rare pokemon because you normally aren't supposed to get multiple, not that there isn't multiple in reality
In mainline games, maybe. There are no examples of legendaries working that way in PMD though. If you can find one, I'd love to see it. As far as I remember, though, there's only one Temporal Tower and one Dialga that owns it. You can bring up Super if you want, but it's much more reasonable to say that legendaries travel sometimes than it is to argue that there are multiple clones.

tl;dr you're all retarded and I hate every last one of you
CUTEE!!! i love your art so much
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Who would be the dark souls boss of Clover Guild?
>in pmd
multiple shaymin
Shaymin's a mythical, retard
>If you can find one, I'd love to see it
also two celebis.

you also have to take abstraction into account as well as the fact these are video games first with a story as secondary
Mythicals are different from legendaries. Mew is a mythical pokemon solely because it's a rare species. Dialga is a legendary because it is the lord of fucking time itself
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Last Episode: Team Cynditty defeated Uncle Badtouch the Drowzee. Unfortunately the player guiding them is an idiot and had to run the Drenched Bluffs twice because he forgot to accept the jobs after taking them from the job board.

Today's Episode: Four jobs completed later and Team Cynditty are tasked with sentry duty, because nothing deters ne'er-do-wells like the intimidating team of a Cyndaquil and Skitty.
I'm sure their squinty eyes will make it easier to analyze footprints
They're trying to earn enough pokedollars to buy prescription eyeglasses.
Probably Bean
as if beast isn't reading my inputs and catching my roll with a 12 hit pan attack
These are the same guys who did that animation a while back. I really hope they focus on this instead of the animation because I really did not give a fuck about that. I would replay EOS in the RTDX system
Weren't we talking about suicune? Suicune is closer to mythicals than it is to a god-like legendary.
PMD's actually been rather consistent in how they treat "minor" legendaries (ones that are allowed in the Battle Tower/Frontier/PWT in a mainline context), mythicals, and "major" legendaries. Typically they treat minor legendaries and mythicals in a rare, but not too special light, with some cases having duplicates of the species, while major legendaries are actual god-adjacent.
While I do think all instances should be handled with care, people really turn a blind eye to how Spike Chunsoft itself goes fanfic mode with a shiny Celebi awoogaing over shonen hero Grovyle, Virizion flat out joining Gates team and being seen in a completely average light, and Bidoof's Wish Jirachi being a part of the Expedition Society.
You're a good author and these stories are very well written, but they very plainly don't fit with the style Clover is going for. It's not just a style thing, considerations need to be taken for the collaborative nature of it. I really hate to say this after you wrote all these, but it's true. Perhaps you should post on AO3, and feel free to share in the thread obviously.
I don't like it when they go fanfic mode like that. It cheapens legendary Pokemon. Ironically, this is a place where fanfics can improve on canon, by treating legendaries as more special.
Huh, someone's apparently trying to make a 3d hack of Explorers. Who knows if it'll get anywhere.
someone beat you to it anon >>56441867
hey guys I made this OC for the clover guild thing his name is chad and he's a human reincarnated in the pmd world but instead of turning into a pokemon, he remained a human haha.
oh and he has a shotgun too but I made sure to balance it so the powerscaling chart doesn't break, powerscaling is very important after all
I hope you don't mind having an actual human in the guild haha :)
Long video, but what happens at this time stamp is just a rollercoaster
Holy shit somebody add him immediately
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I've got an itch to replay Super.
>t. Skytemple
Finally I'm seeing a good character in this stupid guild thing.
Bottomline, having a human just show up in the pokemon world as a minor legendary with no major handicaps is pretty ridiculous. Mindy showed up as a pokemon that can learn every move and she didn't know a single one. She's completely useless in a fight.
This suicune just popped in like every other human. Also, he's being accompanied by a fucking baby lugia
after reading them all, I don't really find a compelling reason for the characters to be what they are other than for the sake of it, or to play into the power fantasy overall feel of the stories, it's not narratively used for anything other than 'oh wow, I'm a legendary, I guess that's something I do now.' From a narrative standpoint, I don't see a reason to pick these species specifically over the other 900 pokemon there are.
I agree with the other anons to continue this as its own fanfic separated from clover because it will just ruin the canon, besides, you put a lot of lore in them that can be used to work with a different kind of setting.
I was more talking in a general sense than anything to do with this instance in particular but yeah
Can it be worked around? Sure. Should we? Fuck no. Forcing every participant of CG to bend over backwards with narrative justifications for a suicide and a fucking baby lugia joining the guild JUST so some retard can get his rocks off to being an ultra-special snowflake is moronic. And if there's some other actual reason for this character to exist IN clover specifically I'd love to hear it. I'm not going to accuse more than I already have but I can only imagine selfish reasons.
The Mindy stories were cringe too, Chespin's other stuff is good tho.
>The Mindy stories were cringe too
this shit is exactly why i put her on a bus and basically retconned her. Bringing her up is definitely one of my biggest regrets when it comes to writing
These stories should be on the clover guild rentry as noncanon
that would imply them being members still retard-chama
That reminds me, the rentry also includes a bunch of stories written by Popplio-anon, even though his character never joined the guild and his stories are in a totally different universe than Clover Guild, if I remember right. They're even marked as non-canon, too. I have nothing against Popplio-anon, but I don't know why those stories are in our collab's rentry if they have nothing to do with our collab.
I want to talk about the PMD dungeon-crawling gameplay, does this generally actually do that or just go on about its OCs
PMD has been dormant for a number of years, so much of the discussion in the generals has shifted to fanfiction stuff. You can post about the actual games and discussion will usually pivot as needed.
I hope the next pmd game has gameplay desu
[Bad news]
Ok, then when was the last time someone here did Purity Forest/Zero Isle South/Destiny Tower (Sky)/Path of no Return/Ultimate Wilds/Sacred Ruins?
>inb4 the next pmd is a visual novel
I've never read his stories but it has always stuck out to me when I go through the rentry. If he wanted to write for Clover Guild, I'm sure it'd be fine. I just don't really get why they're on the rentry. If every story that gets post in these threads needs to go on the rentry for archival purposes or equality, I demand that the Columbine-anon's story gets archived
At the time of it, he was rather insistent that he WOULD write something for Clover. Only that never happened before leaving among other things but everyone forgot.
It would be a good idea now to remove it from the page.
I think we should make a new rentry page called "Non-Guild stories" or something like that, and link it at the bottom of the writing section.
We can use it as an archive for whatever non-guild stories are posted in /pmdg/--whether they're originally posted in the thread, or originally posted on another site and then reposted here.
We could include a note saying that these stories have nothing to do with the guild, but we're saving them just so they can be compiled and not forgotten.
Not sure if we want to add "archiving ever pmd story that gets posted in this thread" to our list of priorities. Most people can barely handle writing around here
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Team Cynditty has impressed Chatot so much it sends us, a rookie team with 8 easy jobs under our belts (including capturing a Corsola who's heinous crime was...having bad thoughts), to investigate a fucking time distortion. Skitty is rightfully pissing herself.
Have fun, fuckers
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We're retiring and joining this team.
Then maybe we only save stories that are exclusive to this thread and aren't posted anywhere else? Popplio-anon's stories will be gone forever (unless you dig deep into a 4chan archive website) if we delete them outright.
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Wishing them the best, but this reeks of an overambitious scope project that will fizzle out and not release anything after the first demo.

>when was the last time someone here did
If you are talking about level reset challenge dungeons in general, last month.
Should've been the first suggestion. It might be easier to have them on another page or give them their own section. That way it's more clear what's part of and what's not part of the Clover Guild stories
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New teammate get!
Have you ever considered how horrible a Professor Oak’s challenge run of the Explorers games would end up being?
Trying to get Munchlax in Platinum during that challenge made me want to kill myself so I can only imagine.
Fuck Explorers. Imagine how annoying it would be in Rescue Team. It'd take weeks to finish the main story thanks to all the money you'll have to spend on friend areas
If you’re wondering, do you remember how Explorers has client recruitment as a potential job reward? That counts as a way to obtain pokemon, so you have to grind out recruiting all Beach Cave and Marowak Dojo pokemon as soon as jobs become available, Steam Cave pokemon after graduation, future dungeon pokemon after returning from the future, Zero Isle pokemon after graduation….
And if you allow wonder mail, then you also have to grind to level 99 at Waterfall Cave to recruit Kecleon
>then you also have to grind to level 99 at Waterfall Cave to recruit Kecleon
You can't recruit him without the Golden Mask, which is post-grad.
I said that’s if you allow wonder mail, because with wonder mail you can get the Golden Mask whenever you want
don't forget you'd need a specific starter that gets Fast Friend, which also needs a ton of Gummis.
Chikorita is the only starter that gets Fast Friend which is very unfortunate
Oh, and about my earlier statement, would it be fair to say that allowing WM means having to recruit Kecleon at the earliest possible chance? Enabling WM would just be to speed up getting jobs to recruit the mons that are unlocked as clients, if saying that enabling WM means that you should get the Golden Mask, can’t you also justify using WM to just recruit every potential client as soon as you can use WM, making the Oak run kind of pointless?
Personally i'd just ban anything obtained via missions.
That does make sense so you don’t lose your sanity over job recruit RNG, although there would still be two major grinds - A level, stat and IQ grind to get your Fast Friend mon up to level 99, learn Fast Friend and have the stats to clear Zero Isle North right after graduation, and a job grind to reach Guildmaster Rank right after Crevice Cave
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>Professor Oak’s challenge
A what now?
>googles it
So it is just playing the game while not being allowed to get a gym badge until you have caught+evolved all obtainable Pokémon until that point?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't get the appeal of doing that over just catching em' all in the postgame. There is no "challenge" in that, only mind-numbing grinding and time-wasting. Even if you are into autistic runs I'm sure there are options that are both more autistic and present actual challenges.
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Team Cynditty has been hard at work despite Team Skull's attempts at sabotage. We're making a name for ourselves as fearsome bounty hunters catching loathsome criminals like a Combee who stole the butterscotches and a jaywalking Shellos. Tomorrow's the big announcement for the expedition.

(the friendship between teams is cute).
Skitty is the best partner. I also chose her and she's great, really fits the partner character writing. Everyone loves kittens!
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Fuck it, only two weeks late.
Team Petal-Purr's Summer Festival entry.


I thought it'd be easier to put all the links on one page for a more cohesive experience. I also wanna thank everybody for letting me join in on this and being so chill. I'm excited to keep on writing and drawing!
based!!!! Two weeks late better than me who hasn't written anything
I wish them the best, but honestly I feel they fucked up big time and Nintendy will fuck their asses
Why in the fuck you announce such project while you barely made 10% progress? I will laugh my ass off if they ended up in same situation as berserk eclipse studio
They didn't think they would get much attention. As long as IGN and Kotaku don't advertise it they should be safe though
>the gay artstyle of DX
Hard pass.
> IGN and Kotaku
Damn it, you know they won’t keep their fucking mouths shut
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Famous last words, shit sack.
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Wigglytuff has always seemed like an odd character to me. He seems unfinished, like he was originally meant to a villain or antagonist and they took a hard turn at the last second and just kept some of the more sinister stuff.
Why is he like that?
He's not villainous or sinister at all he's just autistic
I find that hard to believe for some reason. Why did Explorers have so many weird little moments of "Oh no oh fuck what's Wigglytuff up to? Nothing suspicious I'm sure."?
Why is Chatot so incredibly frightened of him. It can't just be the tard strength
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was it egotism?
I do wonder what happens when someone builds a house that looks like their head, then they eventually try to sell it. Will only Pokemon of the same species be interested in buying it? And if another species buys it, will they remodel the house to look like their own species now?
The protag didn't ask for the house to look like himself.

The only practical reason I can think of is that they never intend to publish this game in the first place. There have been enough examples of what happens to projects that announce themselves too early and get ambitious, so my guess is that they are hoping to get a C&D to drum up some publicity for some original PMD like game that they may be making, at least upon casual inspection.

Either that, or the creator is just using this as mere practice and wishes to share it.

Alternatively, they really *are* that stupid.
Best case scenario, they get C&D'd, but they're too deep in to give up so they split it off and make their project into its own IP.
Because I'm sick of remakes, and if they are going to remake Explorers, I'd rather it not be in pig disgusting 3D.
You're overestimating this project. It's being made by like 2 or 3 EoS obsessed teenagers playing Roblox on their phones constantly inventing Discord drama so they call people pedophiles and things like that. I think the 3D maps in the mod have been in the works for a long while originally for a Roblox game or something until another guy figured out how to port them into Rescue Team DX. On Discord they made it very clear that at the moment their goal is to only make Chapter 1 (so only Beach Cave) and let the player explore the town areas, and they're almost done. It's possible that they'll continue the project, but for now it isn't all that ambitious. I know I sound negative here, but I do see some potential, I just think it will probably take a while before they make a proper release of anything interesting that isn't just a novelty (whether this project or something else).
I am currently reading all summer festival stories
Will report back soon
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>romhack of EoS using RTDX engine
coma-tier sleep
>animatic chapter of my new fixation webcomic
I have never been more awake
>easiest dungeon I wiped in
mt. bristle, the pidgey fucked me up for some reason. after that i didn't wipe again until zero isle south.
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Might play this soon. Any better hacks that are "base game with a twist"?
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We are waiting patiently
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I read most of the Summer Festival stories, so I'll share my thoughts on them. I won't go over Chespin-anon and KFC-anon's stories here, because I already reviewed their drafts earlier (I liked both of their stories, for the record). And I'll finish reading Petal-purr's stories soon.

This was an entertaining read with great comedic bits. The CYOA was a neat idea. The ending was satisfying and acted as a good bookend for the opening, and the surprise Dewott scene was a cool bonus.
I did feel like Toge and Pika's discussion at the start dragged on too long, and perhaps Shelby could've been more antagonistic to add more stakes to the story. On the other hand, the length of the debate did emphasize how much the characters care about the topic, and having low stakes isn't necessarily a bad thing. Overall, great story.

>Espeanon and Flareon-anon
I think you both wrote the characters very well. The way Beau and Adrian behaved and argued, and the way their relationship developed over time, felt realistic and believable.
I saw quite a few grammar issues (like improper capitalization, wrong pronouns, and random tense changes), though nothing was bad enough to ruin the story. I also felt like the way you structured dialogue became repetitive, since it was almost always written with speech first and dialogue tag second ("blah blah blah," he said). I'd suggest switching it up to add more variety.
And after the fight scene at the climax, the story kinda dragged on and fizzled out by the end. The final part of the story probably could've been shortened (for example, the poncho scene could've been moved into the body of the story instead of being in the resolution). But despite these flaws, I enjoyed reading this story because of the way Adrian and Beau were written.
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The plot was good, and Bill's fears and concerns sounded believable. You mostly did a nice job with the prose and dialogue, though there were some parts I thought were confusing or hard to follow (but maybe it was just me). The climactic concert/singing scene was nice, but I especially enjoyed the opening scene with Gill and Porygon. It felt casual and realistic, with good "slice of life" vibes.

The dialogue was alright, but the grammar needs work. Also, I highly suggest writing speech normally (Carrot said, "blah blah blah.") instead of using a "script" format (Carrot: blah blah blah.) because using a script format can look sloppy unless you're writing a screenplay.

Great job writing Mustel's personality and behavior, and conveying how stressed he feels about the festival and dealing with people. The fight scene was cool although it did feel a bit unnecessary, since it probably could've been avoided if they just handed over the missing item immediately. Also, the ending was pretty comfy, and a good way to wrap up the story especially with the final appearance of Ogerpon, which made for a nice resolution.
Thanks for the feedback!
>I did feel like Toge and Pika's discussion at the start dragged on too long,
That was my main worry but I didn't want to cut much from it, still probably should've found a way to trim it down a bit though.
>and perhaps Shelby could've been more antagonistic to add more stakes to the story.
Originally she was but I had to change it to fit her character better since it seemed too out of character. Maybe I could've added a group of more antagonistic NPC pokemon to make it have more stakes.

Anyway, glad you liked it and once again thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for the read, bruh.
>fight scene
Wouldn't be PMD or Pokemon without a battle, unnecessary or otherwise!
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>and perhaps Shelby could've been more antagonistic to add more stakes to the story.
I can take full blame for this. It's just not in Shelby's nature to be overly antagonistic, her only crime is being exceptionally annoying.
She's probably not the most exciting character that could have filled that role. But a Skitty was specifically engineered to be as cute as possible, so she absolutely had to enter. Thanks again to Toge-anon for allowing her to be included.

I also added a proper ending to the last part of Petal-Purr story, because I felt like it didn't have one.

Also working on something else gay and corny to round it all out
The random tense changes are almost certainly my fault. I am not used to writing present tense so every part I worked on, I had to adjust for that. Seriously thought I'd gone through and cleaned it all up, but oh well.
As much as I am sick of Riolu, that is a really great design for one. So much unique character. This is cute
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>it’s ANOTHER fucking Riolu
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I can't appreciate it because the way the Riolu's head is drawn just makes me think of Toriel from Undertale.
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That's what happens when non poison types try to get grimy
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>spoiler art
you are so good
How much did the Explorers protagonist being human actually add to the plot? In every other game, it's pretty important. Maybe not as big a deal in Rescue Team compared to Gates and Super, but a big part of the game. The only time I can think of where the protag being human mattered in explorers was that one twist where Dusknoir revealed to Grovyle that the protag was his partner from the future. I feel that could've been done with some time travel, devolution gimmick. The protag coming from the future should've been enough to set them apart from the regular pokemon and the partner.
Pretty sure the Dimensional Scream only works because of the human and pokemon partnership.
Why is Shellos East in the western dungeon (Beach Cave) and Shellos West in the eastern dungeon (Drenched Bluff)?
Pokemon don't have a sense of direction, maybe?
It's not about it being west or east, it's about the qualities of the area. In Sinnoh those qualities just happen to be west and east. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8yoGjGySD4 40:28
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Firstly, I'm just curious as to when that's actually mentioned in the game. I don't doubt it, I just don't remember

Secondly, the Dimensional Scream was entirely made up for PMD. They could've made the rules for it whatever they wanted. The human aspect was not necessary plot-wise and if it was cut, there would be no noticeable difference in how it functions in-game
It screws up the plot a little but it's an important aesthetic decision to make it easier for 11 year olds to self-insert into the game. t. former 11 year old, self-inserted
As with all the PMD games, it adds some mystery early on the hero being human/amnesiac does come up when you meet Uxie, although it's a red herring and contributes to a "fish out of water" feeling.
Explorers does stray the furthest from the isekai thing, which I prefer. YMMV, of course.

NTA, but Grovyle mentions it requires a "trusted Pokémon partner" to function. He doesn't specifically say anything about it being a human-only ability.
It's not a strange assumption to make, considering he did specify needing a Pokémon partner.
I should probably just bite the bullet and play Gates to Infinity on an emulator. It's the only PMD game I never played.
Only problem is, I absolutely hate the character selection. I don't want to use a pikachu and I hate using two starters from the same gen. Axew is ok, I guess but I still don't want to use it...
why the fuck would they make it that way?
There's probably a way to use custom starters, though you're limited to whatever shows up in Gates, which is mostly gen 5 pokes.
Gates was a very rushed game. Worse than the starter selection is the abysmal dexcut, as the game only includes a little under 150 Pokémon total.
Might not sound so bad considering you'd usually not use that many Pokémon in RT or Explorers, but it's a massive blow to enemy variety in dungeons.

Thankfully they at least made a point to fix this fuckup in Super.
One big issue with the limited pokes I rarely see people talk about is how a lot of that small selection seems tailor made to be as irritating as possible.
Croagunk spams the shit out of mud slap, a fact made worse by the fact all the hallways have needless S-bends in the middle of them. So many pokemon have Pluck or Bug Bite, and god help you when it comes to Pansear spamming Incinerate.
Guide is in the OP, it's listed under PSMD but works for both games
>under 150 Pokemon
are you serious? Jesus christ why did they even bother making it at all?
I feel even more justified in never having played it
3d models are hard and it needed to come out in the 3ds launch window, prease understand
Little over 150, not under.
Here you go, this is all you get.

You're right, got confused as sources usually mention the 144 total Pokémon you can recruit, but there's 7 more if you count unrecruitable bosses. There's also Bittercold.
Hot take maybe, but I don't like the GTI or Super final bosses. They feel like such massive copouts compared to what came before (Darkrai fucking sucked but at least he was an actual Pokemon and not just some pissed off unknown entity).
Sometimes I forget that Darkrai is actually the odd one out in the series and the overarching antagonist of Rescue Team was a big rock.
The meteor did contain Deoxys. Probably wasn't responsible as he just seemed confused when encountered.
Obivously, the TRUE antagonist of Explorers has to be something spherical.
They're goddamn lucky I really really like gen 5 pokemon.
I'll definitely fuck with it if I can manage to wrap my head around custom starters
Just ask in the thread if you need help or if you find the guide confusing
Did you know that the Hidden Land, Marine Resort and Surrounded Sea from Explorers all appear on Super’s world map, but can’t be visited since no dungeons in Super are in those locations?
>Grimy food
Just be steel type
The returning continents in Super would've been a neat idea, if they didn't make them look so plain and featureless. It makes you wonder if there was thought put behind the Hidden Land becoming a regular island or if it's just because Super's maps are like this.
Maybe they should've spent a little less time importing all 720 pokemon into Super and allocated some resources to the writing department. We could've gotten by with cutting the gen 6 shitters at least, like fucking Klefki.
Dialga isn’t even at the Hidden Land anymore, in fact iirc the only legendary to be in the same location between Super and any of the previous 3 games is Mesprit, with Heart Lake being at the same location on the Grass Continent’s map as Steam Cave is in Explorers
I kinda like pmd better when the antagonist isn't just some alien entity of mass destruction, but rather the forces of nature. Biased as fuck because my favorite game is Rescue Team and I hate Super
>forces of nature
What would their motivation be?
No story role and be hidden away in Gilded Hall as a very rare spawn with a low recruit rate
>"Dunno, felt like it"
given that dexcut was one of the hot topics of gates, i don't think that would have gone over well
The problem wasn't that they didn't have every pokemon in the game. That problem was that the amount was significantly lower than the previous games
oh sure and the reason pmd wasn't elevated in status compared to other spinoffs wasn't the fact it had every pokemon, sure

it was a factor, not the only factor in its demise
>looked like shit
>had the abortion dex
>~5 pc races
>couldn't be bothered to have the non nugen mons in it
didn't touch gaytes; played RRT and Explorers
one of, not the only reason that the game wasc a hot topic, but definitely a significant one; people were talking about it since launch
Having all the Pokémon that existed at the time was the biggest selling point of Super. They kept mentioning it OVER AND OVER in the trailers and commercials.
I am disappointed that people bought Let's Go and Sword/Shield. At least Gates to Infinity has a nice story.
I love it when the marketing campaign for a game is just an apology for the previous game.
Gates released during the 3DS's early underperforming period, (before AC:NL) so the few people that had a 3DS were less likely to tolerate its compromises when you could just play BRT or EoS instead on the same system.
Apart from the obvious mainline/spin-off difference, the Switch was a massive hit from the start, had no backwards compatibility and had a ravenous install base that wouldn't pass on any Pokémon game, even if it's noticeably low-effort.
Gates had it's issues but i really liked the town building aspect of it. Had to be my favorite post-game of all PMD games so far. I wish they kept this in Super.
Thanks for reading! To be quite honest i was not in the best mood when i wrote it, plus i rushed it to get it over with because the looming deadline kinda scared me, also i've been experimenting with more writting styles too but nothing seems to be working, a rewrite plus part 2 is on the way
I hate the Switch. I hate the current state of Nintendo.
I like the switch bu I hate all pokemon games that came out on it with the exception of PLA. Not a single one of these games played smoothly, they all look like shit (PLA included) and i despise the new artstyle in swsh. I like how they try to experiment with new styles but so far they had more misses than hits.
If they could manage to release a single decent game that would make me happy.
This makes a lot of sense but it still doesn't explain the comparatively low sales figures for Rescue Team DX
I think a huge part of it is that it's not just a spinoff, but also a remake. Maybe it would have sold more if it came out instead of Let's Go. I'm curious to see other replies though.
I know me and a lot of other people gave earlier 3d pokemon games a huge amount of leeway. I gave them the benefit of the doubt because it was new and fresh. Then that poor quality became the standard and I lost interest.
I was so pissed off when I completely 100% finished SPMD in like 2 weeks
Please do not eat the time gears
Forbidden donut
But they taste good. Each bite is flavored like a piece of history
I imagine history would taste pretty bad actually
it's better the more you chew
What does the holocaust taste like?
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baked pork chops
supposedly, human meat tastes like pork
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tf is up with the otter dawg :skull:
Go back to discord
Nah I will stay here and so will he and you will MALD forever, baldo.
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what the fuck is that date format?
Did this come back in time from the future?
Has anyone here ever done this?
Some countries like China and Japan use YYYY/MM/DD.
I thought about it but never bothered because it wasn't required for all recruits
Why does the elephant have to be sad at the end of the game?
his moveset made him cry ;(
I actually cleared it once back when I was a kid, I used a strange strategy involving giving every team member a Cheering Flag and keeping everyone together so the enemies could actually be killed
Slumbering Cave is still a pretty pointless dungeon and level reset though, 99 straight floors of Glacier Palace Eastern Spire music and tileset was a definitely a choice
>guaranteed replies
Obligatory response
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make sure to do this thing in your fanfics, especially with movesets, that part MUST be as similar to the games as possible
I know you're being sarcastic, but why target movesets? What's wrong with making movesets accurate to the games?
I vaguely agree with this but I can't figure out a good way to represent the Physical/Special split without calling it out explicitly.
As long as I don't bring up numbers/meta-statistics it's fair game as far as I care. If people legit complain about Pokemon moves being used in a Pokemon fiction, I think there criminally retarded and should be sent to autism jail.
"I explicitly practice skills that utilize my physical strength instead of my spiritual/auratic/magical aptitude!" If you have hangups over how to phrase this you're probably barking up the wrong fictional setting, because Pogeymon powers don't have an in-setting identifier what this shit is outside of ambiguously referring it to as energy.
I mean it in like
>oh wow... I'm in... mystery dungeon...!?
>that must mean... oh my science!
>if I concentrate, I'll know what my moves are.
>anon closed his eyes and a videogame menu appeared in front of his eyes displaying the moves this new body knew
>I just read a menu... with my freaking mind!
>I guess that's something I do now.
Remove the "with just 1 HP remaining" and it becomes infinitely better.
Nobody actually wants to see game mechanics spelled out in-universe like this.
Oh, a menu. Yeah, that is dumb. I thought you meant something like "sticking to the canon movepool is dumb, you should give Pokemon whatever moves you want even if they can't learn it in-game"
i think also the "x used <move>" is also what they meant, any simplification that comes right from the games with no proper in-universe justification is just tired cause it;s done a LOT
I like it better when the appearance of moves is described. A fight scene that's full of "he used Tackle, then she used Razor Leaf, then he used Spark" is boring and can be hard to visualize due to the lack of imagery. But I do think the specific phrase "x used <move>" is fine, as long as it's followed by a depiction of the move.
sure, i was more meaning overly literally using the lines from the game without such descriptions
It actually bothers me how many times I've read this exact scene in stories. Like this is actually a real thing that happens if anyone isn't aware
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secret bump

That makes me angry to think about
Got any examples? I think I’ve only seen it once
holy FUCK
They're coming to kill me
with cuteness
and a baseball bat
But it’s a cute pink baseball bat
Off the top of my head, there's an old fanfiction.net story I read where this happened. It's not a PMD story though. The premise for the story was that 99% of the human population just suddenly turned into pokemon for no reason and two of the main characters were in a basketball court learning how to fight.

There's another story that actually is PMD where a whole pokemon tournament group gets isekai'd and they all start getting turned into pokemon one by one. A couple of them get into a fight as practice. An aron and an oshawott. The aron has some recoil move and the ability that lets him ignore recoil damage and he's like "Woah! I have like, THE ideal ability and moveset for aron?!?" The mew that's training both of them doesn't even fucking question it.
Interesting, I never bothered with those
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Oh, that's really cool! Nice work, anon.
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>the long-awaited Gus portrait
Gus really embodies the fucking depression of the guild
They would never
I like seeing animations of guild members. I demand more
Regarding Clover Guild, how long has it been since the events of explorers? Tybo's Mt. Freeze Adventure says it was like, a year before the guild. Two and a half years ago now I guess. I feel like the time crisis would be really fucking important to the guild specifically because it's in the Grass Continent
One of Chespin's stories (The Teams Team Up) contradicts that by suggesting that Rescue Team happened quite a while ago.
The real answer is that the events of the games probably happened sometime "in the past" with respect to the guild, but it hasn't really been brought up much except for cameos and there's not (as far as I know) a proper consensus as to when.
This collab's placement on the canon timeline is one of many places where we never reached a consensus
You aren't prepared for how much more there's going to be. There has never been guild members as animated as team Petal-Purr
personally, I'm currently thinking of it as either:
>Happened so far in the past that it's not really considered a current event and everyone is sort of just over it
>events of explorers game actually happened in an alternate PMD universe from this one and this one is like a time-loop offshoot where the timeline fixed itself or whatever.

I don't really want to have to address the whole time stopping thing, since it seemed stupid and made no sense in the games
Why do people keep calling the fugitive song from Rescue Team “Run Away” when it’s official name is “The Escape” and has always been named that since Gates to Infinity?
Because people don't know the official names. It's understandable for Rescue Team since most of the soundtrack still doesn't have official names, but there are still people who use the fanmade names from 2008 for Explorers music even though Sky gave us official names for every track in 2009. It's rare nowadays though.
It's often down to whatever title is used on a Youtube upload or soundtrack rip. It's not uncommon for those videos to predate a retroactive official name, so old fan names tend to stick.
In Explorers' case we got the official names pretty quick and most pre-2009 uploads are gone anyway.
I was wondering why so many people were surprised that the official upload of the song used the proper title:
When we’ve already seen that title since 2013 in the Gates Music Paradise? Other examples include “World Calamity” instead of “The Giant Star Approaches”, “Dream” instead of “Gardevoir in a Dream” and “Buried Relic” instead of “A New Adventure”, which are all titles given in the Gates Music Paradise
These are also consistent with the official names given by the Japanese RTDX website:
Even though nobody seems to have uploaded the tracks under these names, e.g. Darkness Ridge should be “Within the Darkness” and Stormy Sea should be “Exploring the Unknown”, the official names
To be fair you have to first off care about official names and second know that these names even exist (since they're not seen in-game in RT or RTDX). Then you have to know that they're in the Gates to Infinity DLC and how to access it. I've known them since forever, but I'm not surprised most people don't. Super also gave us the name "Whispers of the Forests and Mountains"
>When we’ve already seen that title since 2013 in the Gates Music Paradise?
That's because Gates is the black sheep of PMD and players tend to skip it.
Other than that, most uploads tend to use information present in the actual game and not the sequels.
>care about official names
I care, it’s important that songs have official names so that the composers and arrangers can be properly credited to each song, except there has been no official soundtrack release for any PMD game so exact composer/arranger credits are absent, which is a huge shame. On a similar note, do you know that most people don’t know who Minako Adachi is and only think about Toby Fox for the SV OST when Minako Adachi composed and arranged East, West, and North Provinces, plus Kitakami, Loyal Three and Blueberry Academy, making up much more of what you hear throughout SV yet people don’t seem to care?
Was it really that rare to have played Gates? After playing BRT, Time and Sky as a kid, I got Gates the moment it launched in English and played it for 2 years, it was more replayable than Super too
Even if they played it, don't forget this was DLC.

I completely agree (although I don't care about SV, I'm not surprised people think like that), it's unfortunate people don't know who makes the games they like. Though in some cases it might be preferable, I feel the same people who don't care are the same people who would harass them if they knew. Nintendo in general doesn't seem to like publishing their soundtracks which is unfortunate. I like the official uploads on YouTube and other sites because they tell me who the composers are. At least for the newer PMD releases it's more straightforward. A while ago someone made a document trying to list the composers for each individual PMD track, and had some interesting links to some Twitter posts by the composers confirming which ones they did. They also claimed to have received some info by some of the composers via email, but they didn't share the details of that so I'm not sure I trust it since I can't see the original source myself. Maybe you already know what I'm talking about, but I can find the link if you want me too.

>Was it really that rare to have played Gates?
The fact that it wasn't a game for the second most popular console of all time definitely contributed, but I also remember, before the game even came out, a lot of people immediately decided that it was bad and they didn't want to give it a chance or pay any attention to it.
Got a link to that document? I think Arata Iiyoshi was responsible for most of Rescue Team and Explorers but I got some conflicting information about whether he was present for Sky-exclusive tracks.
>and Explorers
I've been thinking for quite some time, that was probably mostly Keisuke Ito, he's kind of the main composer of the series, I think it would make more sense. I think Rescue Team was the only game where Arata Iiyoshi had a major role, since Explorers had more composers. I'll look for the document, if I remember correctly it said Arata Iiyoshi did mainly the music for story events and only a few of the dungeons in Explorers, though it may be one of those unsourced email claims. Keisuke Ito confirmed on Twitter that he did the music for all the dark future dungeons.
I know of these sources:
But even then it’s just speculation, like “oh Arata probably composed Dialga, idk” since we don’t have credits, but I also remember reading a source that said that base Explorers OST is split between Arata and Keisuke, and an example was Keisuke doing Waterfall Cave, but I don’t remember where it was, do you have the link? I think this source also said that the exact composer credits for each Explorers song is still info that isn’t allowed to be public
>this was DLC
True, it took me a year to buy the DLC anyway, but don’t forget that the song names could be seen in the DLC shop without actually buying anything
Found it.
Also, note that it says Keisuke Ito said on his website that he composed all the new music in Sky, but in reality the website only says he composed all the new dungeon music in Sky. So I don't think the document is fully accurate, especially when we're not allowed to see the alleged emails ourselves, but I'm glad they made it anyway.
This is cool, thanks and I’m glad I started some talk about composers so I could see this doc
I also dug up the sources I think I read:
>Explorers OST is split between Arata and Keisuke
That can't be the case because base Explorers had more than 2 composers. Hideki Sakamoto apparently confirmed he composed Craggy Coast https://x.com/HidekiSakamoto/status/6361648931 Before saying this, if I had to guess, I would have said Craggy Coast was Keisuke Ito because of the unused new version in Gates to Infinity, but apparently not.

>the song names could be seen in the DLC shop without actually buying
Are you sure? I don't think they were shown, I remember there was a time I didn't know which DLC had which tracks until I made a list myself.

>Goldenrod Radio
I think that was the same people who made that document. I don't know what's up with them or what's supposedly so good or better about their uploads exactly, and it seems their video descriptions with the credits aren't as good as the document itself and don't give the source or explain what is and isn't speculation.
Does the Time and Darkness intro have an official name? The document claims its official name is "Pokémon Exploration Team Theme (Time & Darkness Version)", but the music is different from the Sky intro, so it doesn't make sense to me that it would have the same name, and I don't think I've ever seen that track being officially referred to with that name. It might be the only Explorers track left without an official name.
It doesn't, because the Sky Jukebox does not include it. Apparently it's still there in Sky's files despite this.
I still find it odd that Keisuke Ito is the composer for almost all base Explorers dungeon themes, because they sound to me like they have a different style from the new Sky tracks and Gates onward, that and the specific choice of the other 2 of the 3 unused Gates remixes being Star Cave and Vast Ice Mountain Peak, which were both new Sky songs and thus Keisuke Ito songs
>which DLC had which tracks
Yeah, this info was a shitshow, I still remember absolutely no online sources listing this back in the day until I saw them myself in the shop; but I could have sworn that the game showed you what songs came with each DLC in the pre-purchase screen but I can’t find any pic/video proof rn
>they sound to me like they have a different style from the new Sky tracks and Gates onward
I agree, I feel like Hideki Sakamoto may have had a bigger role in the soundtrack than the document gives him credit for, for some reason they assumed he played a little role overall. It's possible though, maybe Keisuke Ito wanted to do a different style for base Explorers. Most of the dungeon tracks in Gates to Infinity do that thing where they start calm and then halfway through they change and become more involved (I don't know if that's a good explanation, I don't know music terminology, but I think you get it), while a lot of the PSMD dungeons are more "cinematic", and only a few have that Gates to Infinity style. So maybe he just wanted to do something different.

Regarding the shop thing, I think I just remembered, the track names would only show when you were about to buy them, right? I didn't know that for a very long time. I have a lot of eShop screenshots, but I don't think I have that specifically unfortunately. Other than that I think the only official source was the Japanese website.
Thanks for sharing, anon.
Most interesting are definitely the directly confirmed tracks. (A New Adventure/Buried Relic, On the Beach at Dusk, Craggy Coast)

Some little known trivia: the track "Memories Returned" was revised in Sky, adding about 9 seconds. (at around 00:13) If it's true that Iiyoshi had no involvement with Sky, then Keisuke Ito seems like the most likely candidate.

The credits of Time/Darkness also mention Ryoma Nakamura and Ken-ichi Saito, who knows what their role was.
Curiously, Sky removed Ryoma Nakamura's credit and added Yoshihiro Maeda.
I heard that years ago, but I didn't know what track it was and couldn't find it last time I tried, so I've started to think that wasn't the case. Thanks for bringing it up. I'll see if I can find a Time and Darkness upload of it.

Maybe they only did the opening theme and that's why they removed them? Seems weird to have two composers for just one short track though.
Seems like this TCRF page has them for easy comparison:
All the dark future dungeon tracks are also confirmed to be Keisuke Ito
You can hear the difference in Memories Returned here
Also, I wonder if the friend area songs all have names we’ve never seen, because the RTDX website only includes Darkness Ridge (暗がりの中で), while we know that the forest friend area song has an official name from Super, but it isn’t in the website
>PSMD dungeons are more "cinematic"
I always thought Super’s dungeon songs had the same problem a lot of new game OSTs have, they’re too quiet and minimalistic with the few exceptions like Showdown Mountain, Fire Island Volcano and Mystery Jungle, which made the whole Super OST feel unmemorable
Combine that with the fact that all non-story and post-game missions and grinding occur in optional dungeons that reuse the Gates dungeon songs, Super’s dungeon songs never really stood out compared to the other games and I don’t know why people say it has a better OST than Gates
because people look at one song that's peak and go 'yep, better than this other shit game's soundtrack'
Just finsihed EoS's story, it was a pretty heart-tugging ending. I also did the graduation dungeon and man was it disappointing learning I can't evolve yet.
So what's in store for the post game? Is it mostly exploring and fighting legendaries? Or is there more story to experience still?
There's more story, it's just at a slower pace compared to pre-credits. It'll be completely done once you can evolve.
I think a huge part of it is that for whatever reason a lot of people don't look at individual parts of games and instead only look at them as a whole. It wasn't until recently that a larger amount of people started saying Gates to Infinity has good music and story, usually people would just say it's bad and so everything in it must be bad without any nuance.
To be fair, although I think Gates has the better dungeon songs, it’s undeniable that their sound quality is poorer than Super’s due to Gates being older, you can really hear the difference in sound quality in Super’s songs…. Which is why soundtrack releases need to happen so we have these OSTs in CD mastered quality
Do the GtI tracks in Super sound better? I never noticed.
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Speaking of Super, it just turned 9y old on September 17. Onwards to 10 years of no new game! ;-;

I also found out that before the game's release, the JP Super website had daily posts with preview screenshots and several Mudkip drawings.
S-surely they'll release a new game soon... ;_;
Never saw those Mudkip pics before. Thanks for sharing. Wonder why they chose to use Mudkip instead of a gen 6 starter, since it's a gen 6 game.
They're not just drawings, they had a little story attached as well, the Mudkip character is a human traveling to locations from the game and explaining things about them while talking about his human life and stuff https://mysterydungeonwiki.com/wiki/Pkmn:Tsubugorou
I get the feeling a lot of Japanese video game composers prefer to be credited as a team instead of personally on a by-track basis, but this could just as well be due to industry pressure or NDAs.
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Hi sorry to interrupt whatever you're doing in this thread, but I assume some out here would like this pic from the drawthread
Carry on, maybe I'll come over to this place when my fear of spoiler dissipates (Gates and Super left)
Have a nice day.
I'm pretty sure it's more of a Nintendo thing than a Japanese thing. Unlike other major developers/publishers, Nintendo don't upload their soundtracks to video/audio streaming services, so they don't get individual credits in the descriptions.
This isn’t the case for the Pokemon soundtracks, as well as Xenoblade etc, all the mainline Pokemon soundtracks up to the recent SV release have full composer and arranger credits for every song in the game, as pic related shows
I want these credits (and a proper soundtrack release, too) for the PMD games too
Yeah, I assume that's because those got full physical releases, while PMD only got a small, partial physical and digital release. Nowadays other companies just release their full soundtracks digitally with credits on all the most popular music websites, I don't know why Nintendo doesn't.
Holy based

What do they even do with all that money?
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I guess they consider CD releases to be general enough, for CD releases the credits are usually written in the booklet and included in the metadata of each song (except for stuff like Twilight Princess HD which has no individual credits possibly because the credits got lost to time)
And I also have a collection of some of the Pokemon OSTs myself and I’d love to have a PMD OST to display next to my current CDs
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To me it just seems like they're behind the times. Maybe they think they make more money by only selling physical releases? But then they won't release soundtracks like PMD because those are probably not as popular to sell as much as the soundtracks of games like the main series or other major Nintendo series.
All the previous Pokemon OSTs got itunes releases at least so it’s a mystery as to why the 3 latest ones (SwSh, PLA, SV) don’t
Pokemon and Xenoblades are I think the only Nintendo soundtrack releases to also have itunes releases, except the aforementioned 3, other releases like Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, BOTW and TOTK, Majora, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Link’s Awakening, and Fire Emblems only have physical CDs
And that's only focusing on currently available games. Other companies have no problem making modern digital soundtrack releases for their older games. Nintendo usually only seems to care if it's in some way part of an on-going marketing campaign.

Something I wanted to say earlier and forgot, people always complain hate or ignore the Adventure Squad soundtrack, and as far as dungeons go I can sort of see why since it's a bit lazy and repetitive, probably to save space like other games, but I like the main theme/town theme. Composer choice (Kenji Ito) was also unusual for PMD.
>Adventure Squad
Only games I never experienced since those were never released in english back in the day. The main draw to me is that it uses the Sky engine instead of the 3DS-onward engine, resulting in Sky-style dungeon generation and not the lame 3DS-onward generation
I doubt even 1% of people into this series ever touched that game.
Not hard to see why, it was Japan-only and uses the same shoddy models used in Rumble and My Pokémon Ranch which everyone complained about. (probably also why we never got the Platinum update for that thing)
I played them in Japanese but I didn't reach the credits back then. I haven't touched them since the translation came out, but I want to go back to them at some point. I never had a problem with the models and I understand the WiiWare limitations so the complaints never really made sense to me.

>the lame 3DS-onward generation
The GtI one is lame, sure, but you didn't like the new one in Super? Actually, that game uses both, and I like that because it gives the game more variety, the main problem in GtI is that all the dungeons use the same dungeon generation method.
Gates generation is bad but balanced by the removal of hunger, Super’s normal generation is fine but when it uses the Gates generation and pairs it with hunger (e.g. Cape of Wonders, Lakes, Never Hungries) it’s awful; RTDX generation is “ok” but every room having to connect to 2 other rooms and no dead end rooms or corridors allowed turns RTDX floors into samey grids very fast
Oh, and speaking of Gates generation, did you know that Super contains many unused flavor text descriptions for its dungeons, and every dungeon using Gates generation is pointed out by said flavor text?
RTDX generation did feel more limited even if I didn't notice the details of how it worked when I played it.
It’s most noticeable in the ruins and sea tilesets, which unfortunately appear a lot in postgame
I am still surprised (but not upset) that RTDX didn't try to implement Z moves into the game. They carried over mega evolution so it wasn't a thing about preserving the original game. I suppose it was just because they didn't have the time to do it but how do you think Z moves would fare in PMD?
PMD with base/guild building and a more interesting recruit system seems painfully obvious. GtI failed to do this meaningfully, will they try again with the next game? If there even is a next game?
I don't remember mega evolution being in dx. I probably just forgot about it though
i'd guess something similar to emeras functionally, given the nature of the specificity of certain moves with certain mons
and then it'd otherwise work the same as the main series i'd guess with a mix of the awakening thing, like, one use per floor and they could fade out over time or some combination of it, i guess
Team Attacks from Gates to Infinity are already sort of similar to how I would expect Z moves to work
This is all I've ever wanted in life. PMD with basebuilding/decorating and other customization options sounds like the perfect game.
I want to chose one of 2 styles to wear a bandana
Mega evolution was implemented much better in DX than it was in Super
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another secret bump
this isn't the final order of these frames, but I wanted to show off character interactions
You are incredibly talented!
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I completely forgot team attacks were a thing. Been a while since I played gates but isn't it a single target attack? Feels pretty useless to me
It attacks everything in the room and then gives some statuses depending on the type
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>nuclear explosion
buy an ad lucariofag
Any stories where a team fails and the world is doomed as a result?
I don't remember the name but I'm pretty sure that was the plot of that one comic about the venom snake totodile that was basically torture porn
Yeah im basically cubone
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>Real life Wigglytuff's guild
I dont remember the name but i remember reading this years ago, there was one short fic about dusknoir succeeding in his plan to puppeteer grovyle’s corpse so he can kill the protags later on and the aftermath that follows
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>Rescue DX had several promotional videos on Youtube that consisted of cutscenes made using the game engine
>Examples are one about Spinda travelling and meeting Ninetales, one about the townsfolk cheering the protagonist and partner after a dungeon defeat, and one explaining how the partner got the house he gave to the protagonist
>There's even one showing how Team Meanies was formed and how their first mission went

Why the FUCK was none of this in the actual game? Sure they are kinda bland and don't expand on the story that much, but they could have been nice as bonus cutscenes that could be accessed from the main menu like the Special Episodes in Sky, maybe even as free DLC.
Even more baffling is how they didn't even bother translating most of them to English, it wouldn't have taken that much effort.
so what the fuck was his problem?
He's a fat fuck
god super was so incredibly ugly. Everything clashes and nothing looks like it belongs in the same scene
Looks fine to me
Chunsoft is one of those Japanese developers who made generally competent to good looking 2D games but could never quite transition to 3D properly. I always wished more of them took Alpha Dream's approach instead.
new thread >>56483764
Holy fuck that's edgy. Where can I read it?

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