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This thread a successor of Novel AI request thread >>56382177

This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to make their own Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator that recently upgraded to V3. Users paying $25 a month have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations. Though some actions, such as upscaling, alternate resolutions, and image variation, require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is available for free using ‘buzz’ for currency gen and you get about 50 every day plus some more for liking models and giving genning likes and such.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation and sharing to connected email accounts, texts, and social media platforms. An ad watch is require between each image generation, but paying for the premium service nullifies this.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:
Stable Diffusion threads:

Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed) (embed) (gotobed) (embed)

Please keep in mind AI is not omniscient. Characters with under 300 images will require more tags to have them look correct. The following is a danbooru link with all Pokemon characters with over 300 images:

If you want to request something specific, please look up tags to make sure your image comes out the way you wish. This is a good website for converting a danbooru tag list to NovelAI tags:

If you plan on sharing multiple images together, we'd recommend posting just one, and give links for the rest. This way we can conserve space.
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>are these niggas for real
>you should use a sun stone NOW!
For whoever starts up new threads, try to include this additional post:

From ThatOneAiAnon, for newcomers to NovelAI:

https://mega (dot) nz (slash) file/67xwTRSB#m0fPUmJRaWd3oh47gt6nw2LKNMe820TaiKdXTAhx8tI

It's a html based tool you can run locally. It's basically for keeping track of all artists you like (including their art styles) and being able to rank etc. I also turned Danbooru's entire tag system in a collapsable list of buttons in case you're looking for that specific tag, or just looking for inspiration by thumbing through all the tags. You can edit all the js, css, html code if you want to modify the tool in any way.

My bad. I'll remember next time. If the thread is still up later in the day I'll dump some more stuff and take requests. gn thread
The bright colours are so nauseating, I love it.
Requesting Lillie with elf ears and a slingshot swimsuit in (you)r room at night.
Did u make this Nemonanon?
No, Dawnbro made it. None of the gens I post here are mine, sorry.
Oh alright, I thought you finally started using it :3
If I ever start making my own, I’ll mention it the first chance I get.
almost 69 threads
forgot name
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Bro wanted Pokémon and ended playing Demikids.
And then Red turned to the camera and had hyperrealistic blood coming from his hyperrealistic eyes and said “fuck” and my mum heard and she beat me.
Sorry they keep generating with way too much skin showing, I don't want to risk getting a ban so I can only link it through catbox which isn't as fun :( Here's an example


Hopefully someone remembers to make some snarky OP for the next thread.

Cute name
Wow! Your gems are really good! I’d like to see something with Nemona, maybe just her waving hello.
Thank you Nemonanon you are so kind. It would be my pleasure ;)
I'll gen more variations for you tomorrow night. Cya
Aww, that looks adorable! Thanks for that! She looks like she’s very excited to finally see you again after school holidays.

(I wish there was an emoticon for waving back)

That one looks even more adorable! Thank you so much. Goodnight, anon, I hope to request more from you soon!
oh that's fine, thank you for the gen :)
Arcanine, but Beagle/Basset Hound
cute seal
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Arcanine fused with Blazehowl Noct, full body

the first one was better


Cool...Jasmine? but still cool
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You still plan on doing requests, if you haven't been already? Kinda tough to tell without a screen name visible.

Posted these on dA earlier today. The middle one was done by Machine, while the rest were ones I did. All part of a series requested by the winner of a guessing game over on my page.
He did a few requests, I got >>56431930 and >>56431936 delivered.
Seems to give her green leg warmers consistently.
She doesn’t look too happy.
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Nice job on getting all those items scattered around her like that. Wanted to do something similar but ended up just genning them separately and then adding them like stickers on a little pic I was working on.

Looks crazy. Also makes me think pokemon fusions will be a gimmick one day soon. AI seems to have the potential to spur creativity and new ideas. I believe I've already started to see it play out here and there. That Hello Kitty and Yugioh crossover for McDonald's comes to mind along with other examples I can't quite recall atm.
SMT art style? Nice

She's reflecting on all her life choices and career after being beat by a 10 year old kid who barely became a trainer a few weeks ago lol
>She's reflecting on all her life choices and career after being beat by a 10 year old kid who barely became a trainer a few weeks ago lol
Kek. She puts on a chill facade, but secretly she wonders what the hell her life has become.
A Pokemon Summoner is a dangerous job.
You're welcome fren. Cheers.
Yeah true. Although I'm certain Cynthia is fairly young herself despite her mature mannerisms and whatnot so she's chilling.

Yeah I still do. Did you want to see me try something? I suppose I'll start using a name when I comeback. I don't have much new things to share atm sadly.
That looks so cute! Thanks for that. She looks cute sticking her butt out like that. Although her skin is a bit too pale.

>Yeah true. Although I'm certain Cynthia is fairly young herself despite her mature mannerisms and whatnot so she's chilling.
I always assumed she was somewhere in her early to mid thirties.
It's all a matter of the prompts used. I learned that if you want to have things like that scattered around, you need to put those in brackets like this - [x] - to ensure they aren't blocking the subject character. I'll go with [floating object], followed by whatever I want to have included. Sometimes it'll generate a bunch, while other times it's only a handful of things, as evidenced by the left and right pics.

Don't have time to think of some requests, but I'll give you one or two the next time you pop on. Won't be back until much later in the day, though.
Shit, didn’t notice you were taking requests. I’d like to see Nemona on the beach in a one piece swimsuit.
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Still on my journey to put more trainers into a playboy bunny costume.
oh that actually looks pretty hideous now that I've got it full screen.
The pixel ones are awesome but don't look as clean as human made pixel art. At least for now
I think it must just take a normal drawing then try and convert it to pixels
Something in there is going "this is what pixel art should look like." This is what it does without the pixel stuff
I don't know why cute pokemon being angry is funny

>bunny ears
I like that
I can't wait for NAI V4
If you're around, wanna give maid Iono a go? Full-body shots, if possible. Maybe she's doing a cosplay for her stream, and people are asking her to give them curtsies and other cute poses.
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Damn you, Robotnik!
Carmine's clothes look almost perfect for Lucy, with all those golden details.
I've got more planned. Much more.

First time i've ever heared of her. Looks neat.
Future paradox Carmine would definitely use Iron Chugulis as her ace.
Kindly requesting Lana's Mother lying on a towel at the beach, nude, tanlines, straw hat, sunglasses, medium breasts (not too large). In Sugimori or Pokémoa style if possible. Thank you!
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An attempt was made.
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It's been a while, but here's a big tiddy dump.

I also did some other stuff inbetween:

All my previous stuff so far can be found here:
Can you try Officer Jenny with fat tits and nipple rings?
Sweaty milky Sonia please
You guys playing with this chinkshit?
>This is a Vaporeon
It's alright for a free 10-minute shitpost factory. Imagine where it will be in another year.
did you try "cyborg"?
ty anon
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Hello, anon!
I see it's a bit slow here!
Hex is taking a break from 4chan, so that’s probably why. There was this one anon who was doing requests a couple days ago, but he vanished.
Oh I see! I'm new here.
Need this but with Roselia tbqh
Do you take requests? If so, could I request one of each Eeveelution looking shocked?
It used to be very active, but Machine (the main genner)’s subscription ran out a couple months ago. There are a few people who pop in occasionally, but it’s dried up in recent weeks.
I can do my best!
Roselia eh? I'll do that, then try to make some shocked Eeveelutions.
Ahh, I see. I've got a lovely gifted NAI sub. I love 'mons, so I thought I'd come inject some life into this thread!
>Ahh, I see. I've got a lovely gifted NAI sub. I love 'mons, so I thought I'd come inject some life into this thread!
That’s good to hear! I probably won’t request much, though, I prefer the human characters. Sorry.

That's okay! I also prompt trainers, I've just been on a 'mon kick. I have a handful of Whitney and Sabrina pics.
How shocked are we talking? This is my first attempt.
>Intentionally limiting your enjoyment of the franchise
Why be boring like that? I can understand if you don't like the newest designs of monster, but there's more than 25 years of Pokémon to derive enjoyment from.
Somewhere between "I think I left the stove on" to "He does WHAT with a grapefruit?!"
This one is...a bit more shocked.
Yeah, somewhere like that's cool lol
Accidentally left the roselia vibe transfer pic in for this one lol
>Why be boring like that? I can understand if you don't like the newest designs of monster, but there's more than 25 years of Pokémon to derive enjoyment from.
Don’t get the wrong idea, the Pokémon are part of the main appeal of the series to me, and I don’t hate any of them, it’s just that I prefer requests that involve the human characters when it comes to these threads, lewd or otherwise.
Holy based ty anon I didn't actually expect you do it haha. If you need another mon I'd suggest Meloetta! That art style is super awesome

blue eyeshadows remind me of rouge
Sassy Roselia is insane
Oh it was no prob. Doesn't cost me nothing but time. The art style is a bit inconstant but I can use vibe transfer to help get the look down. It's the big drawback of Furry v3, no artist tags.
Hey! :D Yes, I was just watching the first Rouge episode of Sonic X last night in fact. I like blue eyeshadow a lot, but I've been changing it to theme for the 'mon. For instance, this Girafarig. The pink is nice, I think!
I'll make more shortly, or soon!
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I mean... fair enough, I guess. Though it does say something about the state of things when more attention from fans and the creative team is given to the characters of the franchise rather than the titular creatures.
Loving these so far anon. I await more with great interest.
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Best Eon. Best Pokémon. Best Catfish. Simple as.
Also, I love the cryptid fella in the background.
>Verification not required
Cute too.
Eyeshadow always elevates female designs imo
Cryptid Slopmon are elusive, but fascinating.
Yes...female designs...
bonus flareon because it was too cute
Very cute floofer.
This one has total "senpai's looking at me" energy.
>Though it does say something about the state of things when more attention from fans and the creative team is given to the characters of the franchise rather than the titular creatures.
I wouldn’t say that. I only started caring about the characters when SV came around. Like I said, the Pokémon are cool, but I’d rather have AI gens of the human characters. I also come here for lewd requests mostly, so that’s probably why.
Smug break while I gen some other degenerate shit for anons
>while I gen some other degenerate shit for anons
Good to know you’re open to doing lewd requests.
Anon asked for this in the other thread
Interesting. I’m very much not into pokephilia, but I understand if people are. Are you willing to do girls that aren’t Whitney or Sabrina?

>Anon asked for this in the other thread
What other thread?
/v/ thread. And sure, I just happened to have made stuff for them already. I don't usually make explicitly lewd 'mons, just teasing stuff, but I can on request. As for the girls, sure. I've gotten some really odd ones too...look at this Whitney gen. Or should I say Whitneys?
I see. I refuse to touch /v/ with a 10 foot pole, but I’ve heard there are some good threads there.

I’d like to see something with Nemona as a test, maybe just her waving hello.

(That’s a very cute pic btw)
Don't go to /v/ it's a cesspool outside of the AI threads
I’m very much aware.
Goated. Cheers for those anon. I'll request one more before I turn in, if you wouldn't mind.
>May, strapless leotard, fishnet pantyhose, top hat, holding wand, arms up, ^ ^
The Dall-e thread there is relatively tame, for /v/. Some cool people there, imo. The rest of the board is miserable and I don't use it. In fact I used to be mostly a /vp/ goer, but I fell off a bit after SV. Anyway, your Nemoner, sir!
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and this one too, I missed the ^_^
>The Dall-e thread there is relatively tame, for /v/. Some cool people there, imo.

>In fact I used to be mostly a /vp/ goer, but I fell off a bit after SV.
Strangely enough, I’m kind of the opposite. I started going here around 2022 out of a desire to find unfiltered Pokémon discussion that wasn’t poisoned by memes, nostalgia and irony. I started coming here a lot after SV, especially this year. I mainly come here for AI threads, as well as Nemona and Penny threads. It’s comfy here sometimes, disregarding the mental illness.

That looks very cute! Id like to see her at an indoor swimming pool wearing a one piece swimsuit, if that’s alright.
Magical May!
Nice. Thanks anon.
The anime model has the artist tag advantage so I can make them much cuter, more consistently.
No prob, hope you like them.
Do you plan on being a regular around here? If so, might not be a bad idea to have a moniker. That way if people want to ask you specifically for requests, they can use your posts as anchors.
/v/ is just unusable to me at this point, literal console wars brainrot day in day out. Then again pretty much every video game discussion forum is more or less that nowadays, at least on /v/ anons don't try and hide their true agenda due to the lack of a digital reputation to uphold. So they can let their true biases rip instead of being underhanded like people are on forums. Truly I just avoid video game discussion altogether these days since there's not much space for people who just wanna play good games no matter what lump of plastic you play it on. That's unless you go to game specific discussion spaces where there's a more than 5% chance you'll find actual non shit discussion.
That's the advantage of /vp/ being such a low speed board, you can take your time and things don't move so fast that you ever feel like you're missing out (which is an unhealthy mindset to begin with, but it's good that it's something frequent users of this board don't have to worry about, they have enough issues already)
That looks so cute! Thanks for that. It perfectly captures her vibe. Would Nemona do swimming classes? I have a bit of a feeling she would.

Can you do her without her swimsuit?
Arcanine as Viego from League of Legends

/v/? The only reason to go there is to discover new prompts.
Hmm, like namefag? This is a wildly different environment from the /v/ thread...
I think she would, but I think she'd be too eager to race the students sometimes. Her competitive attitude would be an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on her discipline, I think. Sure!
You don't have to namefag if you don't want to. I think people tend to do it in these threads since we're kinda friendlier but what some anons do is just have their own mega/rentry if they don't wanna namefag, and people will recognize them from their past gens like this based anon >>56441107
Calling it name'fag' is kinda demeaning, isn't it? >>56442662 is right, though. There isn't any kind of judging in threads like this. We're around for the fun gens and the various ideas other anons have. If you want to come up with a nickname so you're more visible to people who want to request from you, you're more than welcome to. You're also welcome to keep things anonymous if you're uncomfortable with the idea.

The only thing nasty thing to occasionally look out for is that vore troll that pops in every few days after they make a new IP. Just report them and move on.
That sounds about right. Although I do have a bit of a fear of missing out when it comes to discussions here (I don’t want to take too long to respond to people in case they lose interest), which prevents me from doing other things like watching tv shows and the like. But the board being slow is quite nice.

Nemona definitely seems like the kind of girl who would do swimming classes, since she’s quite active. I imagine that the academy has swimming classes, you just don’t get to see them.

Thanks for that! She looks a bit squishier than usual. I prefer when characters are accurate to their in-game proportions, but she looks pretty cute like that. Maybe make her proportions a bit more accurate next time. It’s just a personal thing, sorry. I love that “indoor pool” basically defaults to that one pool from all of those Japanese photo shoots (pic related).

How about doing her without the towel?
Ohh, okay. I'll probably be checking in regularly from now on to take requests and dump stuff I thought was fun or cute or cool. I might namefag, idk. I already have an OC on the /v/ thread, so it can't get worse for me.
It's rather fascinating. Something more like this? I'm really still learning.
Thanks for the QRD. Didn't mean to be demeaning, haha. Might as well just use my OC designation.
Cute! Thanks for that. She looks great! I love Nemona very much. How about a view from the back in that same swimsuit you had her in earlier? Maybe have her head turned to face the camera.
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How corrupt is Officer Jessie, or is this the good timeline?
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She’s a lowly desk jockey, not much opportunity for corruption.
Bro, most fraud happens at a desk.
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In some alternate universe Lana is a fire trainer that's working metal and a furnace.
In that AU, Welder is an actual Pokémon Trainer class than just a TCG cameo.
We need more Welder art.
In the early threads there was a dude who requested Lana with Purple hair and made her a poison type. This feels in the same vein as that.
Thanks for that! Would it be possible to make her butt smaller? It’s still a very nice pic either way. Sorry if I’m asking too much. She looks very nice in the Naranja Academy official swimsuit!
That’s also very nice! That’s closer to how I imagine her butt to look. Maybe not as pear shaped, but still nice and round.
The design is a bit inconsistent without inpainting, but I'm glad you liked them.
Can I get that but with Hex or Flannery? I’m still trying to summon Hex back and dude like them 2 and Lana’s Mother.

He also had a thing for Lana’s Mother being tan and blonde
That one looks the best. Her butt is the perfect size, and the swimsuit looks fantastic.

One last request for today, can you do her in the same pose, nude this time?
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Not quite what I was asking for, but that’s still very nice! Nemona strikes me as more of a one piece kind of girl, but she would definitely wear a bikini on special occasions.
This one doesn't look too bad does it?
Those both look very beautiful! Nemona looks fantastic in a swimsuit. I love the “sports illustrated” vibe of the poses. I love how she still has her arm brace in the second pic. It probably wasn’t intentional, but I like to think she never takes it off. She probably needs it or else her wrist would be really weak. She probably only takes it off when she’s in the shower or when she goes to bed.
I tried. Looks kinda cool to look at though right? I'll try for a non pixelated one.
Heh, this makes me think of GIFfany for some reason. I can only imagine how crazy a GIFiono would be. Like a virus taking over all the tubes.
This one has got an instagram post vibe. Those icons are perfect. The text could easily be fixed and what not.

Oh you're right it does have that sports illustrated vibe. In fact I will try throwing in sports illustrated into a future prompt. Good eye for this kinda stuff!
Oops meant to post this one here instead.

Indeed it does. Makes me wonder if the AI could do GIFany...
And how exactly are you supposed to finish dusting if you leave, Iono?
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>Good eye for this kinda stuff!
Thanks! I won’t be able to request any more, I’m getting ready for a big night out with my friends.
I have noticed that AI draws Dawn with hair-intake even though she has no hair-intake in her official art.

Can anybody draw open hair Dawn without hair-intake like BDSP?

These are adorbs. She does look good in an outfit like this, doesn't she?

Any chance you could do some more full-bodies when you have time? Don't need to include any of the streaming stuff on them. Just her being arorbs. As mentioned previously, a curtsy or two would be nice to see out of her.
Yeah, the attempts are funny though.
Sneak peek at Palworld 2.
Results are kinda poopy.
Zoroark or Ditto.
Call it
Over the Hedge turtle?
How do you get those eyes in particular?
Dont know if this is the kind of content you guys are looking for

Pokémon: Spinda Evolution - Dizzorda (Dizzy Disorder Pokémon)
Type: Normal/Psychic

Own Tempo: Prevents confusion.
Unstable: The user has a 20% chance to confuse the opponent with any attack.
Evolution Method: Spinda evolves into Dizzorda when leveled up while holding the item Swirling Amulet at night.

HP: 80
Attack: 60
Defense: 70
Sp. Attack: 85
Sp. Defense: 70
Speed: 80
Total: 445

Pokémon: Spindelirium (Delirium Pokémon)
Type: Normal/Psychic

Own Tempo: Prevents confusion.
Unstable: 20% chance to confuse the opponent with any attack.
Disorienting Aura (Hidden Ability): Lowers all opponents' Speed by one stage upon entering battle.
Evolution Method: Dizzorda evolves into Spindelirium when leveled up with high friendship during a foggy or rainy day in-game.

HP: 100
Attack: 80
Defense: 90
Sp. Attack: 120
Sp. Defense: 90
Speed: 100
Total: 580

unfortunately I can't get an AI to generate any proper images of these damn things
I didn't. I wasn't being particularly verbose with the prompt and just seeing what would happen with a minimum of descriptors or whether prompting in Chinese would change the accuracy or not.
I love how the salamander looks at the kid saying "the f want me to do?"
>the state of twitter screencaps and gender ragebait board
I don’t get it.
Dall-E threads were kicked off /v/
One of two: either they became too horny, or they became too shitpost-y.
What happened?
There was another thread about a video AI (Hailuo), and then someone finally figured out "how to shoot webs" and slowly killed those two threads.

The previous times, they forgot what happened, but not this time.
>someone finally figured out "how to shoot webs" and slowly killed those two threads
Damn it, Spiderman.
Sorry. This is a variation of the meme "How Do I Shot Web?", in this case, a person who has finally learned to use his abilities
The clothes didn't quite work out. Oh well.
You were wanting classic Sugimori style, perhaps?

I can tell by the stumpy limbs.
The pink lipstick kiss stamp is a little odd...

I like spinderlirium's ability. 120 sp attack is a little overkill though...
AI has a mind of its own
can we genrate bbc inside of lilligant?
Why can’t we have nice things? I haven’t even been there and I’m frustrated.
Since I wasn't able to generate a decent cover featuring the growth sequence, I decided to go with the scene right before it, where Lillie has taken back the 'Evidence' and is asking the jury and the gathered crowd to find the Knave/Sophocles innocent of the crimes he is accused of.

I ended up making a BUNCH of these trying to find a good one to use, although I was not using as many Novel points like the others ones, so it worked out.

On the left is an interesting take. It generated Lillie with her 'Lively' ponytail, even though there were no prompts for it. Her dress takes a lot of cues from both her traditional outfit and her Masters EX Tea Time outfit, especially in terms of the patterns. It does look nice, but it was not long enough for what I had in mind.

The middle one was very close. The outfit looks nice (still needed to fix the bow and add apron pockets), but she's holding far too many pieces of evidence. The background wasn't what I had hoped for, either.

On the right is the weakest of the three. The dress would've needed a lot of revisions, the ponytail is present, and the background wasn't that great.

Which is these is your favorite? Would you have tried going with any of them?
I like the left one the best. Lillie looks nice with a ponytail.
Is this the official amanoschizo general?
This. You have to be frustrated. No wonder more than half of the threads in that board are people posting Twitter ragebait screencaps, or discussing the pixel color of a character.

This board could be different, but TPC does everything it can to make sure fans have a frustrating experience.
Doing forget the /trash/ Ai threads
Do Nemona surfing in a sports bikini
I've never been there to know.
You can do that with anything if you felt like it.
The /trash/ AI threads can be alright. I’ve gotten some very nice deliveries from there. They can get a bit depraved sometimes, but it’s /trash/, so that’s just how it is.
Shit, forgot the name.
Requesting Nemona wishing me a happy birthday. Maybe have a cake and fireworks or something.
Is today your birthday?
based. mine was last week
Happy birthday Nemonanon! Hope you're having a great day!
Thanks! It’s been a bit of a lowkey day so far (wasn’t feeling too good, but I’m feeling better now). I had a big night out with my friends on Saturday, which was fantastic.
Happy birthday!
Thank you so much! Nemona would definitely put a lot of effort into making sure I have the best birthday possible.
You are a valued /vp/ poster and fellow pokemon fan. Will try and post more gens tomorrow.
>What do you mean I'm not your favorite Pokemon anymore anon!!
Aww, thanks. Seems like she’s given me a Pikachu as a present. It’s a very nice gift. Maybe it has a special mark?

I’m excited to see what you have in store for tomorrow!

Can you do her nude, if that’s alright? Or would that ruin the wholesome vibe? I’m fine either way, Nemona is very lovely regardless.
>Dialga and Palkia are doing what?
I'll give it a shot tomorrow or maybe later tonight. Hope I'm not too late. Wanted to post some more stuff before I left but they're not really that great which is why I'm gonna go refine some stuff right now. Cya soon :)
It doesn’t really matter if it’s late, don’t worry about that. See you soon!
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Sometimes you gotta wonder what circumstances lead to trainers into being cyborgs.
Probably the same circumstances of the animals in Mother 3 being made into cyborgs and mecha chimera.

Very traumatic, ethically questionable surgeries.
Ouch. That sounds very sad.
I am a simple man.
I need more art of this morning glory.
Any theme is fine.
Square dimensions preferred!
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Requesting Erika with baggy eyes playing videogames and surrounded by Monster energy cans
I'm so sorry I didn't notice your post last night. I'll have some better Ionos ready for you soon! I've been busy with work :(
I second this, but Chloe must show her feet too!
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Posted this on my dA today. The middle one is something I did, while the other two were done by Machine. I've got a few more I've saved up and combined with what they did on my behalf. Wanna see more?
Might as well with how slow things are
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Have some tiny Chloe, then.
Like this
you should make more
This reminds me that I started thinking about a steel type Eeveelution.

>color scheme is gray exterior yellow joints, and Orange chip on forehead
>Shiny color scheme is blue, light blue, & red (definitely not Mega Man X.)
And most importantly:
>Ears can rotate like drill bits
Not a request. Hell, it probably has been drawn already.
I agree.
More of this if you could?
Holy shit! Thanks a lots! This is perfect and hilarious! lol
Round momma
>AI: Do you want to see what a fusion of Iono and Pikachu would look like?
>Me: No.
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I'd buy this dolly
This looks like one of those “deep fried memes” from like 2018, I love it.
So glad you liked them. I'd be happy to do more requests next thread or later if this same one is still up. Let me just dump a few more I thought were of above average quality.
Are you the anon who did those birthday themed Nemona gens yesterday?
Actually there wasn't much once I rechecked the last batch. Goodnight!
Yes, I'll use a name forsure next time. Cya soon!
See you soon! You said you’d do some more (including a nude version), so I’m excited for whenever you get to that.

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