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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, be edgy, be racist, just leave your ERPing and Judaism at the door.

>Thread Question: What went into the naming of your OC? What is your OC's full name?

>Thread Task: Draw your OC watching a TM with one of their Pokemon.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

>Previous thread: >>56416423

>Recent Works:

Read Hasumi's writing debut here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jh6DSGLVYuCHrwG4LEmCzuOB0qyfZ_88/edit

Watch Luke make embarrassing typos in real time while writing Nox's meeting with his friend in Gilded Platinum: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-nOYYjxC_pJ1h03frpZgCDbtlMp94oYRB43MrhMsu7sYL_dBT-ypbrrr16CIS-i_RfMgCtkwRvj98/pub
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Oh fuck, I forgot the thread question and task.
>Thread Question: Give us some (more) useless trivia about your OC.
>Thread Task: Draw a new outfit for your OC (again)
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Also, Shaunberg lost.
>Picture: /tog/ trying to shake off Shaun's shitposting
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Friendly top-of-the-thread eye catching reminder that the Schizo Resource Pack has been permanently rehomed to the
>I want to learn how to draw!
Do it for me. Do it because I told you to.
>(more) useless trivia about your OC
Here's a more meta one before I head home for the evening: you can all thank Rukanon/Yoto for the archives. The artwork of Ruka hugging Jynx was the deciding factor that led me to conclude I couldn't let the artwork in the pre-/tog/ threads be lost to the aether forever unappreciated. Here we are nine months and 1200 images later.
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So glad to finally be back at home. A while ago I posted the OC on the left, and on the right is the new design. The basic idea was simply "cute timid girl, likes fairy type, yumekawa". And I tried to lean more towards the official Pokémon style, you know, with the impossible anime hair and all. It's actually cool how some Pokémon characters' hair is shaped all crazy, but somehow I find it difficult to copy. I mean, it SHOULD be easier than drawing fine, semi-realistic hair but I'm so not used to drawing like that. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out but I'll keep experimenting with more crazy hairstyles.
Oh, that's neato. Thanks Rukanon.
It looks nice, anon! What's her team like?
Why I always post when someone else does? This happens everytime I bump as well!

That's a neat character. Really pretty, also a bit biased, because I like pink hair teenage anime heroines.
I really like the "recent works" section. Puts additional pressure on me to get stuff done.

TQ&TT: when I get home I'll do these, but since it's a redo I'll do them for Sylvie.
>This happens everytime I bump as well!
So it was you all this time! I've got my all-seeing eye on you.
Welcome home, darling. That revision is a huge glowup from the original. I like the way you weaved those pink ribbons in with her hair, very Sylveon-esque and probably intentionally so. Any chance I could commission you to give that Alice NPC from the last thread a makeover too? You've got a knack for those characterful details.
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fixed up this thing
ohhh really cute redesign, glad to see you leaning more into the fun hair shapes! the new haircut, sailor uniform inspired jacket, and the transition from monochromes to pastels convey the yumekawa style a lot better, looks adorable
Phos Guy, do you think you could add this underneath the Previous Thread part of the Pastebin and maybe also change "/tog/ archives" to "/tog/ artfaggotry"?

>Recent Works:
[When a new fic gets posted in one of the threads, post the link to it in the new thread for the next two or three threads. This is so that they can get more exposure]
Not to be pedantic but archives works better, we host more than JUST art there, even if it shares the honor with the pastebin.
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She rocks the Snom perm
Crossboarding with "that" board,
All of your posts have been read and will be read with that characters voice by default.
>Why I always post when someone else does?
IDK, I usually try to post when the thread is falling off but everybody probably thinks the same lol
>pink hair teenage anime heroines
I love them too, I'm all about that girly shit

I definitely want an OC with an Espurr, so that'll probably be her main. I'm also ogling Alolan Vulpix and Alcreamie but I'm not sure about her goals and what team would make sense for her yet. It could also be funny to give her big intimidating Pokémon in contrast to her cute appearance. I kinda wanna use her for some 4koma comics where she's always the butt of the joke.

Have you tried making Alice's hair more closely resemble Florges's? I think you could use Florges as inspiration for some poofy afro hair. I can try to come up with something that would hopefully meet your needs. My first thought was to make her more flashy but you did say she's intentionally designed to look like an NPC.

Thanks~ Yumekawa is probably my personal favorite style and it keeps bleeding into all my characters somehow. Also I looove your Lynchian animation. I wanna make one too, but I don't have any ideas yet (and also no experience so it'll look like some Windows Movie Maker stuff). What inspired you?

That picture makes me sad that summer is over. Also thirsty.
I was just thinking of doing that, it was a really clever idea. Credit where it's due, OP. I'm too sentimental about the archives title, put it up to a strawpoll vote or something.
Cheers, bud, how goes the sleep schedule? Do you plan on filling all those squares behind Bibi?
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I've been pretending to be a fruitcake for months now.
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>merely pretending
>for months
A fine jest!
Consider the following: how often do you see insecure people act tough on the internet? It's pretty much the default anywhere you go. Little chihuahuas bark the loudest. Now how often do you see the reverse where aggressively machismo skinheads act fruity? I'm pretty sure I'm the only one. And that's hilarious to me. It's the laugh that keeps on going, especially when a chihuahua tries to get yappy.
Not a jab at you. Bee urself.
I just thought it was a funny contradiction within the initial thought.
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well now i'm curious....
espurr and 4koma? i'm in love already, always good to get a bit more comedy up in here. i'd also really like to see another person's take on this animation style! i think the funniest part of it was that the most difficult aspect of making it was just. sitting down and figuring out how to reverse engineer someone else's artstyle. i was directly inspired by gekidan inu curry works (madoka, kikuo, etc), and i got into it a bit more here >>56422168. this is actually for that thread task that got floated a while ago about making mp4s/webms, and it's been a while since i made some for the general so once i finish all the other shots for this one i'm gonna make a more traditional animation also set to music
mostly fixed!.....hopefully. i'm stuck at work again so but tomorrow's friday so we'll see how it pans out for me over the weekend. hope you're doing good in that regard! and nah, this shot's about done, i have to get a start on the rest of the art meant to go along with it, but only after i finish coloring phos and azelie. also i'd only be half joking if i said i wanted you to write a romance after eif, but that pales in comparison to how much i'm dying to see you give horror a shot. frankly though i like your style enough that i'll dig into whatever you put out next
>Now how often do you see the reverse where aggressively machismo skinheads act fruity?
not fruity per se but i know dudes built almost like david who are nice, supportive, etc. no real need to talk shit when you're fully confident you can beat someones ass
No, seriously, what the fuck does he mean by that. I'm completely clueless.
>not fruity per se but
Exactly, I'm cornering a niche here.
>what the fuck does he mean by that?
Rule 15: Rarity. She says "darling" a lot.
How in the FUCK would I have ever known that.
Well, it's kind of her thing: is the fashionista of the group, so she is high class and says "darling" a lot.
In fact, one episode (and one online short) made fun about it.
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I sometimes toy with the idea that Alex learns how to do vocals just to scare people. Imagine being a slow fast food worker who messes up an order and then some tall rich kid starts screeching and growling at you about how you are NOTHING and you should KILL YOURSELF NOW, or if you're some ordinary hired muscle minding your own business and then you hear some otherwordly voice scream about how he's going to rape your soul before your head gets blown off my a Flash Cannon.
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I'll just have to take your word for it, doll.
Cherish this (you), it's all you're getting from me.
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Helpful visual guide before bed. You're up, night crew.
I did not, in fact, write today.
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I mean so little to you?
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Okay, home able to post
So, like I said before, Sylvie is a magical girl, here is her magical girl uniform, her eyes turn purple when when she transforms.

Her name is Sylvie because of the word Sylvan. All three players are going to be magical girls for this game and are fairy themed.

We have Sylvie (Sylvan), Faye (Fae), Tanya (Titania)
out of all the MS Paint stuff I've done I never thought a Sylvie picture would be used as a reaction image.
why did you stop using that tranny as the OP pic? at least the artist knows how to draw
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>question one
didn't name him lol, his real name is august if i recall correctly
>question two
only two people can call him by his real name, one of which is his sister, the other one i'm not allowed to talk about yet
This would be great for a killer OP in Halloween.
Non burger reporting. Bump.
Oh, nice, foreshadowing!
Hmm, peaceful night.
Friday! Woo! Let's have a great weekend, /tog/.
Giving her a 'cute as shit' out of 10
What's your opinion on adding Pokémon from later generations to earlier regions? Is it ok if you think they fit in with the habitat? How about Hisuian Zorua in the snowy regions of Alola, specifically?
It should be done sparingly to preserve the original identity of the region. Look at how the remakes tackle it--later gens are always rare finds in a small handful of areas hidden behind obscure features (swarms, days of the week, trades with a foreigner, however the hell the Radar works). ORAS straight up says the postgame mons that show up are due to climate change.
In your case, you can make a good argument for adding it. Not only is Zorua a native already, adding the variant would give it the same story arc as the Tapus--becoming resentful over humanity's constant island-hopping warfare and deciding to distance themselves from the world. Zorua is only found on Melemele Island, but what if it wasn't always the case? What if they were on Ula'ula toola, lost their original home to human expansion, had no way of getting off the island and instead got pushed vertically? That would certainly breed some hate in their hearts.
And, thinking about it after the fact, this also creates an ironic parallel between Zoroark getting pushed out of its home by Alolans, and Alolans risking cultural erasure to the encroachment of the Pokemon League and the Japanification osmosis we see firsthand where actual elements of Hawaiian culture are pushed off toward novelty gift shops and the remote corners of the islands in favor of such locales as "Japanese town," "Japanese town with Japanese Zen garden featuring Japanese Pokemon Gym bootleg."
>and Judaism
That wasn't in the previous OP, what exactly happened last threa- oh.
We can find fully evolved Pokemon that used to be once per game encounters or gifts if they could even be encountered at all in the wild. It's specially egregious with all these trade or item evolutions.
GF doesn't give a shit about "ecology" anymore and neither should you.
My theory is that we used to have less Pokemon back then, so they were coy about creating rarity, now we have so many that there's always "rare pokemon" by default depending on the region, they don't even need to use the same tactics from before to create "rarity" and incentivize trading.
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I suppose I'll round out this trilogy of posts by mentioning Alola's overarching theme of identity.
Beyond the driving question of "what is Nebby," we also see almost every major character and most Pokemon also reflect this motif. Kukui wants to redefine the coming-of-age Trials to better conform to the standards of the outside world after getting buck-broken on a trip to Kanto, Guzma and Team Skull create their own culture (with Guzma becoming First Citizen after being second place all his life) after being ostracized by the rest of society, Lillie tries to invent herself after leaving her mother's control, Gladion tries to reinvent himself and unwittingly ends up back in his mother's control, Hapu tries to be more like her grandfather while Hau struggles to be his grandfather's successor. The Tapus are simultaneously adored and feared by Alola; they defined what Alola is and are now obsolete after turning their backs on the world. The Ultra Beasts are defined by the question of whether or not they're really Pokemon and deserve the same protection. Necrozma lost its identity to insanity, going from Lightbringer to Light-Devourer. The Alolan forms are a case study in becoming isolated from your roots and changing for the better (A-Grimer saving the ecosystem while its progenitor species is marked for death and rapidly approaching extinction) and for the worse (A-Rattata becoming even more of a nuisance, A-Meowth is no longer worthy of the adoration of its ancestors).
This extends to the normal roster too: Lurantis is the faux mantis that is a plant pretending to be a bug pretending to be a plant, Oranguru is the Pokemon Trainer Pokemon, Dhelmise is a Grass/Ghost-Type and also a Steel-Type, Mimikyu and Minior hiding what they are inside, Oricorio has no identity at all outside of being shaped by flower nectar. I could go on and on (and have).
It's all the more reason to include H-Zorua, its ability to bend light to change its identity is a perfect match.
Personally, I would add them as hidden Pokémon.
Like, some duded dig deeper in Johto's Dark Cave: boom, Dudunsparce that evolved to survive the pressure.
Fishing near the melted areas of Mahogany: H. Qwilfish.
Lost at the top of a hidden place in Mt Coronet: H. Zoroark and H. Stantler.
Visit Sinnoh's Steelworks: find some Growlithes eat the carbon to survive the winter. This gives a different look. Boom, H. Growlithe.

Depends on how much can you justify findind some special breeds or external species in common areas. Otherwise it will be a nightmare like those "all Pokémon in one region!" hacks. And it's obvious MANY Pokémon weren't meant for that region, because is either broken or useless.
ORAS makes a few good arguments for how that's done. Haven't played it in ages, but I remember Deino being a hidden encounter in Meteor Falls that was accessible only in the endgame.
So I'd say, it's good if you do it with purpose. Like, you're in a situation where you need pokemon A in region B for one thing or another to work, which cannot be achieved by either changing the pokemon or region to make things align.
Two weeks of sleep catching up with me all at once
Let's see what trivia I can rattle off before I pass out again:
>the whole reason Phos's foreign language skills were foreshadowed in the first Gaiden episode was to provide setup for Phos calling Azelie a bitch in French in Episode 5.
>Phos caught her Scraggy first, then Murkrow, then Inkay and lastly Zorua.
>Zorua left her tribe in Lostlorn Forest to search for food in Castelia. Phos saw a little girl looking overwhelmed and decided to unwittingly take Zorua under her wing.
>While adult Zoroark are fully capable of mimicking human speech, Phos's Zorua never grew out of its timidity due to being babied by Phos and Scrafty, and badgered constantly by Inkay.
>Phos's first job was working at the record store where she loitered as a teen. Before this, her only income was from winning Pokemon battles and charging "protection money" for Trainers and tourists taking wrong turns in Castelia.
>as seen last thread, Azelie's eyes were grey before the Fairy Aura activated and turned her irises that fuschia shade. This is because purple eye colors aren't available in X&Y.
>the L'Couer nightclub is inspired by the L'Arc nightclub in Paris. The exterior description is drawn from L'Arc, while the interior description is instead a Francified take on the Chicago Theatre.
>the dialogue of Phos and Zoroark getting turned away by the bouncer is a direct quote when getting kicked out of buildings for not being fashionable enough in X&Y. Franco is allowed in not just because he's with Azelie, but because of his Premier Balls--the most time and cost effective way to max out the Lumiose style score is to buy Premier Balls from the Pokeball Boutique.
>The Rookie's real name is I never thought of it. . He caught his Lairon as an Aron in White Forest and later used it to win a round of the Driftveil Tournament at the PWT, earning him his security gig at Macro Cosmos.
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Phew, I have been writing up a storm. I think I'll be able to get my story out sometime tomorrow hopefully.
>TQ: Give us some (more) useless trivia about your OC.
While Miko absolutely adores his Electrode, he sometimes finds himself secretly missing the days when it was a Voltorb. Classic 8 year old nostalgia.
>TT: Draw a new outfit for your OC
For now here's a sketch of an idea I had for Ivy's costume change during her journey. Soft spoilers, but she drops her identity as a nurse first to focus on becoming a better trainer (especially since she's unemployed now). I tried giving her a modified version of the Unova's Battle Girl outfit (cropped top, yellow footwear) while focusing on more stereotypical trainer fashion like a hat and the classic BW protag booty shorts- not that booty shorts are anything new to Ivy. She's also wearing some heavy iron bracelets and anklets kinda like Bruno and Chun-li. Maybe I should make them spiked or something? I'll probably play around with the design some more.
Thank you Ruka-anon for being archive-anon's muse. And thank you archive-anon for all your hard work <3
While I'm a huge fan of colored eyelashes, I think the new hair and design is really cute too.
Can't stop staring at this on repeat, sooo good.
I think this magical girl trio is a super fun idea. I love the punny names. I'm sort of getting powerpuff girl vibes from them. Sounds like its going to be a fun campaign for sure.
If it makes logical sense and aids your story why not? Alolan vulpix shared a habitat with hisuian zorua in hisui so it would make sense for them to inhabit the same space like the snow regions of Alola.
I also like this anon's suggestion. Climates and habitats can change over time and the ORAS example is also another neat way of re-imagining older regions and areas.
finishing Nox's encounter today, then going to either end this chapter or start the next with a training scene.
Alright, here we go. Let me know what you think of Hunter.

and I guess also, what do you think of Luke, Suzi, and Nox and how their characters have grown in the past 7 chapters?
Ongoing post attempts: 2
>I have been writing up a storm.
Music to my ears, anon.
The battle girl vest is a nice touch, but I don't think the hat is really necessary. Maybe a headband or hair band would be a better fit? The rocking washboard abs and fingerless gloves already served to emphasize her tomboy character.
Look at you go. It's funny, and maybe for you it's just the bite-sized nature of your updates, but I don't really feel that word count when I'm reading anything written by you and >>56441870. I'll take a look next time I open my eyes and read it all from start to finish.
Sigma Update: It hurts to have my eyes open.
This concludes the Sigma Update.
thanks for the sigma update
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I refuse, ecology is fun to think about. They've definitely put enough thought into it to warrant expanding on
Where's the pelican eating Pikachu? (I forgot its name)
Cramorant. The only galar mon worth remembering.
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I really like this one, parasitism is interesting to me, and it's crazy that they included it
The future is now, old man
As a GM, I use this kind of thing a lot. I like to use their natural move list to determine how they'd interact with the world around them and have determined that Lickitung is an ambush predator. One my players fear (mostly because PTU has given it an ability that guarantees paralysis).

I definitely don't want it to be a drag to read through. I'll probably go through and rework some stuff from start to finish when I get to chapter 10 so I can catch and correct stuff I missed and hopefully improve readability.
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aaand done
i definitely think it's fine if you can think of a decent enough in universe reason for them to be there, climate change, migration patterns, as an invasive species, or maybe they're natives that have become exceedingly rare *due to* invasive species, etc. you're a storyteller, so, tell a story, i think audiences will be receptive so long as you explain it somehow
how dare you
that bit about l'arc kinda makes me wish i wasn't as young as i was when i briefly visited france, i definitely didn't pay enough attention to the buildings or scenery (and now i'm put off by the idea of visiting again because i let my french skills completely deteriorate. fuck conjugation)
oooh love her athletic wear. i'm a tad mixed on the hat, it's very cute, very sporty, but i love ivy's bang so it feels like a shame obscuring it. i also really like the sort of eastern direction you took with her top
lot of catching up for me to do, that's a lot of writing in a pretty short time
magical sylvie is really cute, as is the theme naming
Ohhhhh! Fancy dress!
>that's a lot of writing in a pretty short time
I type a little most days. I don't procrastinate writing, I use writing to procrastinate things I actually need to do.
Oh sweet lucid nightmares how I've missed your familiar embrace most of all.
And what better way to celebrate the return of a good nightmare than waking up to a good dream come true. The ladies look lovely, lad, thank you as always so very much for the gorgeous fanart. I could gush about the little details you've put into their dresses that you already know about (nice idea to give Phos red roses for her hips), but I think what I love most is the role reversal at play where Phos looks like she's out of her element while Azelie has that self-assured grin. Very hnnng, I can feel the monkey noises hooting within the VTA of my brain whenever I stop to stare. Sparks the imagination of a dominant Azelie coaching Phos through new experiences.

I mentioned before that the thought of yuribaiting with either of those two literally never once crossed my mind before you broached the idea. I keep a pretty healthy sexual distance away from the cast in general. This may be surprising to some after drawing things like the swimsuit party and the fusion dance, but I'm not attracted to any of the characters in that way. That being said, damn if this project of yours didn't stir something intense within my blood.

Funnily enough, while staring at that lovely shading on her thighs, I still have a bit of a mental block on Phos's early two appearances when she had extremely pale skin. How pale exactly? When I was copying colors over from the first drawing to the second, I learned that I didn't make her skin a very pale white like I thought--I learned that I had forgotten to color her skin entirely. That paint brush was sitting squarely on #FFFFFF.

That's what I like to hear. You're not putting off more important things, you are simply reprioritizing your tasks and made us the more immediate priority.
I'll let you know if I have any trouble with the reread, but I want to have the trio's identities fresh in mind before answering >>56442086
Ran out of room for it, but I wanted to note that I was absolutely hammered when making Phos's original drawing back in the MS Paint days. While the design philosophy that went into defining her character is well known to me, the actual creative process was totally lost, which is how I got surprised by that color trivia.
Soooo beautiful. I'm not usually a yurifag but I like your drawings of girls being affectionate
Alright, I'm finally awake and I have ten hours to learn how to take photos in the dark. How hard can it be?
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say gex, gesbian lex
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Awfully tempting, but I will have to decline.
I will not break the thread rules by writing about any steamy out-of-context love affair between Azelie and Phos. I will not write about the way those dresses hug their bodies in all the right places to leave so much and so precious little to the carnal imagination. I will not write about Azelie teaching Phos a new language of love as she caresses Phos's bare thighs with the delicate tips of her fingers and cups her hand over Phos's quickening heart and squeezes. There is no need for me to describe Azelie pushing the soft fabric of Phos's skirt out of the way as her hand slowly climbs higher and higher up her thigh. Phos most certainly does not gasp in surprise as Azelie tentatively explores the gentle curves felt through her panties. I will not write about the taste of Azelie's strawberry lip gloss as she reaches up and slides her tongue into Phos's mouth. It would be inappropriate of me to describe the rush of serotonin sweeping from the top of Phos's head down to her trembling hips that makes her hair stand on end as she closes her eyes and surrenders control of her body for the first time in her life. I of course need not describe Azelie gently biting and sucking on the exposed skin of Phos's neck as her lover digs her nails into the bedsheets before gripping tightly onto Azelie's firm glutes. I wouldn't dare describe the frenzied hormonal yearning as they lift their dresses over their heads and press their bodies together, tender flesh against tender flesh as they wrap their arms around one another. It would be just vulgar to describe the stretchy, sticky strands of juices clinging to their panties as they pull down the last vestige of modesty separating the paramours from a hitherto unimagined level of shared ecstasy that only a woman's touch provides. I wouldn't describe the unknowable chill sending goosebumps across their tight, glistening skin as they gasp for air.

I'm not doing that.
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where are their fucking noses
I'm so glad you didn't do that.
>writing to procrastinate things I actually need to do.
and suddenly it all makes sense (i was super guilty of doing the same with art during uni)
>thank you as always
heh if anything i'm the one who should be thanking you for being a good sport about me making something so self indulgent. as much as this is yuribait, fwiw i did try and pay respect to your ocs and things i enjoy about them. a lot of the inspiration for this one came from the azelie gaiden and how her dancefloor persona was interpreted so confidently and aggressively. not every battlefield is a *battlefield*, there are myriad ways to establish dominance, intimacy just being one. as for phos, despite flaunting her sexuality we can see her act almost reservedly when emotional intimacy is involved, or at least that's what i gleaned from her thoughts about apollo. assuming her and azelie remain on good terms (and i'm making that assumption because it's clear that azelie's a compassionate person, with the tenacity to back up her words and melt through icier exteriors) i almost wonder if phos might be relatively demure when she actually has to worry about what a partner thinks and feels, giving more leeway for azelie to just take the lead. this issue isn't really present with franco since hurting each other is part of the game anyways. characterization aside i really did just want to take that line about the dress and run with it
thanks! despite the deliberately tense framing, i added the measurements angle so that yuri haters could have some plausible deniability about azelie just doing her job lol. i'm glad you wanted to engage with it despite this stuff not being your speed
sesbian lex!...yeah nah, not like i'll do anything more suggestive than this and i doubt the archivist will eit>>56444767 OH MY GOD
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What? What? I said I WOULDN'T do that!
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i'm sorry, i just couldn't resist
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A short simple explanation for LV.X cards.

For more detail, read the bulbapedia article.

The REAL issue if LV.X win the poll is having MEGA Pokémon work with it.
My personal suggestion would be to re-add the rule-box that says when you Mega-Evolve a Pokémon, your turn ends.

Poll ends in 5 days btw.
Hm. I messed up a bit in that image. Should have just been Ability and Attacks that the Pokémon can still use.
You get the idea though.
Jokes aside, I really appreciate your support. And you're absolutely right--Phos isn't really used to having people take care of her--beyond her father and grandpa, the only other human who ever looked out for her was Apollo. She's normally the one looking out for others, so she gets thrown off-balance when the roles are reversed.
You can also see some examples of LV.X cards here: https://pkmncards.com/?s=LV.X
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if it came to shit i made it'd have to be that gif, this one (which is the last wip i'll let myself post til i get the whole video done) or that image i made of bibi and wolke, which i think is still really halloween-ish
thanks for providing an explanation! nice to have on hand since i don't actually know tcg rules
>useless trivia
i suppose it's more a meta thing than about either character themselves, but it's pretty funny to me that my protagonists bibi and nyx are pretty much polar opposites, a prodigy vs a decent but comparatively lackluster trainer, a child who needs to learn to be a bit more empathetic vs a grown adult who needs to learn she shouldn't sand off all her edges to make other people happy, bright colors with dark accents vs dark colors with bright accents, an overarching theme of how the past molds identity vs a story focusing more futuristic elements and breaking away from your old self
Honestly, I’d love to see “bad end” Nyx, after sanding off all of her edges, she just becomes a comical doormat for everyone and never realizes how humiliating that is. Same thing for Bibi, I would love to see her become utterly self-absorbed. I wonder what “bad end” Alto and Tes would look like. I guess they kind of already got the bad ending, with Alto never rising to the stardom that he dreams of, and Tesoro getting Swiper No Swiping-ed by Bibi. I wonder what “bad end” Alex could look like outside of that AU idea I had.
It's amazing how I know exactly who's posting within the first five words every single time.
“Honestly, I’d love to see” is that much of an indicator? Also, Phos Guy, you’re not exactly good at blending in either.
Nobody knows my mannerisms, I am unknowable and also the coolest.
Hi dad.
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What makes you think I try to blend in? I stopped bothering trying to downplay my main support pillar status a long time ago. You don't see me in other threads, but I'm active all the same.
SO, having reread it all from start to finish, I would consider the following:
Having chapter brackets only really benefits the reader if there is also a table of contents in the beginning. Can I infer [Ch.03] after seeing [Ch.02] and [Ch.01]? Yea. But it would still be courteous to remove some of the guesswork.
The kids' personalities are fairly subdued for the most part. For example, Suzi's personality is that she's the girl. Nox's shift was a bit sudden, while Luke, maybe unsurprisingly, is the most developed of the main three. You were a bit more bold with writing the personalities for their parents (and aunt), but given one story was a short gaiden spinoff and the other is an ongoing saga, the slow burn approach is acceptable and more to the point, they have a solid "kids on a roadtrip" dynamic and that's all they really need. I was a bit disappointed that Barry got ditched so early on after a strong opening impression, but them's the breaks.
There's a few grammatical nitpicks in the shrine scene like "turtwig" and "pokémon" not being properly capitalized and also a sudden tense shift from past-tense "gave" to present tense "doesn't" then back to past-tense again. Maybe intentional, maybe not.
If you've got a whole lot of material to cover, it might behoove you to switch to a more episodic format of covering key scenes so you can take your time giving major events their due instead of hastening through everything equally. But at the same time, you've mentioned this being primarily for you and your in-group, so the intended audience has the benefit of context to fill in the blanks, so you can give this advice as much or as little attention as you'd like.
It's much appreciated. I'm not sure how to do a table of contents in a live document like this or I would. I want to avoid making Luke the main character so I will definitely try fleshing Suzi and Nox out a bit better when I do a second pass through. I thought I had alluded to Nox doing shady stuff earlier, but since it wasnt enough I'll see what I can do. Suzi just sort of played that way for a while but I'll see if i can ake her more distinct. As far as Barry goes, he shows up more later, but honestly only I gave any amount of a shit about Barry and plan to make some stuff up to include him more.

My retard friends don't actually read this anymore which is mostly why I want to go through and improve. Now I am my target audience and I want it to be the best it can be.
As far as not capitalizing "Pokémon" that's a choice. Like, you don't capitalize "animal" or "turtle" and I figured the capitalization is only because branding or whatever.
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It's easier than you think. Just simply have
at the start of the document so not only can we see what chapter you're up to at a glance upon first loading in, but also what we can fast travel to for ease of access.
You did allude to Nox being shady before, but it's still very sudden. Dude's been out on the road for a week and immediately gets drunk on power.
>My retard friends don't actually read this anymore
Well, make it an opportunity to tell the story you want to tell. If you don't have to worry about silly things like deadlines or being fact-checked by witnesses, really take your time with the narrative and make whatever changes you want to create a narrative that better suits (you).
>immediately gets drunk on power
You work fast. Keep it up, king. My internet just cut out so pretend I attached a winking reaction image here.
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I genuinely appreciate the support I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to stuff like this.
Hey, sometimes to defeat the fear is to put the first step. After that, an occasional push always helps.
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>I think I'll be able to get my story out sometime tomorrow hopefully.
You should honestly just assume that every writer is Alex and Emily. Stop waiting on new works because they come very sparingly.
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I FINISHED! (and it's still today :P) Here is Growing Ivy chapter 1.5. It's not quite chapter 2 since it's a side story, but it's still related to her main story. I think it might also be the longest tog work I've written so far? idk. Anyways, hope you enjoy <3


Wow I hope this doesn't inspire any yuri-centric writing, that would just be terri- >>56444767
oh noooooo

Really though I love the creative minds of tog. You guys never cease to impress me.
Speaking of impressive
I'm not finished yet, but I was reading gilded platinum on the train today and it was so good. I love distinct each character is and how you convey it so easily. I really like reading everyone's relationships with each other and their Pokemon, makes me want to practice writing even more so I can get on the level of all you and all the other talented writers here.

exnay'd the hat (is that even a term?) and added a headband. I wanted to try out new ways to frame her face with her hair so I added a little swoopy in the front and some cowlicks for itnerest, but I also have her old hairline and flat head from before too. Looking at just the profile making this, I didn't realize how much she looks like Sakura from Naruto with the red top. The design is still a WIP but thanks for the feedback. Maybe I'll look into other battle girl/blackbelt trainer designs and fighting characters for inspiration.
The term you're thinking of is "ixnay," or "nix" in pig latin/igpay atinlay. Thanks for pulling through for me.
Hmm. But you're right about the Sakura thing. The Hoenn battle girl might be a better fit?
I thought the word sounded familiar. Thank you for clearing my brain fog. The orange from hoenn’s battle girl could be an interesting color combo with the pink. I’ll give it a go. Thanks for the suggestion
Well guys, I hope you have a great day, I need some z's.
Non burger out.
Good night, bud. May you dream of goth women.
Now that was a good way to start the day. Your writing has a very infectious energy that makes it a pure joy to read. You've got a great synthesis of both game mechanics and anime creativity in your battle scenes and a very solid understanding of the characters you use. Altogether, it feels like I'm reading a script for an official OVA, and I'll be back to patiently waiting for the next one.
I absolutely fucking despise the anime Pokemon cries but I'll overlook it since we're such good friends.
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tf you mean "again"
Behold: They have been Chibi'd.
Grym and Hali and Midori look pretty cute, but there's something that just feels off about Cain and Circe. I couldn't tell you what.
That's a nice hat
Yeah, I feel that too.
They all make squeaky toy sounds when they run and collide with eachother.
Yeah I hate hats but for some reason I like that very specific TYPE of hat. It's a design choice I made like 6 months ago but haven't been able to find a RELIABLE and DECENT artist to get a new ref sheet of her updated look. The original ref sheet is 4 years old.
I sympathize. I really hate the American spelling of "gray" over "grey," so I know what it's like to get hung up on little details.
Gray gray gray gray gray gray gray
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>Gray has been summoned
Oh, damn, I forgot about him. What's he been up to lately?
He bought a segway and immediately crashed into a wall. I'm hoping to do more stuff with him soon
Fun fact, the guy who bought the Segway company fell off a cliff while riding a Segway!
Your Yuri baited me successfully.
And now I'll leave again because my life is a mess and I have no time.
But before, I'll leave this random, but related, image.
Now there's a face I was worried I'd never see again.
Keep in touch.
My nigga, that is very clearly an imposter. Just like with Axel. I knew that guy and he never showed any indication of being a yurinigger.
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Just because he didn't show indication doesn't mean be wasn't.
Volbeat in the Baltimore Regionals!!
Dude got bodied though because his team comp got walled by Struggle Bug Volcarona.
Nah this is for sure not my homie, Ayumu. He never posted with those awful filenames.
I will not stand for Ayumu impersonation!
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>not backing down despite all the intimidation tactics
goddamn i love miko. absolutely had a blast reading through this one, great use of game mechanics in a written setting. and one of my all time favorite characters getting to share in the spotlight alongside miko? couldn't have asked for more. as for ivy's redesign i think the headband and hairstyle changes look really nice, cute but still kinda messy in that tomboyish way.
i'm not entirely sold but i mean, he liked rebellion and asked about my yuri stuff once, chances are non-zero (but no migu mention? sus)
>Volbeat in the Baltimore Regionals!!
Silas is proud
That's in regH, right?
I knew I loved that regulation the second I read it, probably the most fun VGC gets
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I still wanna draw Wolke in some new clothes for the TT but at the moment I'm in a comedy mood and really want my 4koma idea to get started so I'm finalizing this OC for now. I have to keep reminding myself to not draw so many lines if I wanna do this Pokémon style hair.
She doesn't have a name yet but I'm already planning some comics.

Useless trivia: Nameless OC here is traumatized from a failed love confession in high school.
Wolke has very girly handwriting.
Kayden's Pokémon were all chosen for being helpful when gardening.

Uoooooh, they're adorable!
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Wrote a very brief and saccharine short story while waiting for some corned beef to cook. I'll be heading out to get those night photos after dinner.
>so I'm finalizing this OC for now
She's looking great. Take heart, I also get frustrated by how Sugimori draws hair when copying his style. Fairy girls will rule this thread yet.
>chances are non-zero
Damnedest thing. Why go through the trouble of playing copycat just to compliment someone and leave? This board is weird.
Pretty clever lineup, especially with Prankster Encore, but I'm surprised he didn't think that through all the way. Not a single physical move is a hell of a gamble.
That was a cute short story. For some reason reminds me of the beginning of Chrono Trigger. Fantastical, yet a familiar setting. Seeing that Florges queen and the giant oak tree would be an amazing sight.
Hai, just came again to say that I'm indeed me, and I guess I can get away with 1 round of replies.
>Keep in touch.
I shall. I'll show up "once every blue moon" as they say, to show that I'm still alive. But if I manage to put my life together (considering how I have 0 willpower), then I'll come back to being somewhat active.

I would never talk about Yuri in /vp/ unprompted, as in my understanding, most people here hate it. But like BibiAnon said, there was precedent.
. . .
There was an Axel imposter? I assume that means the original isn't... among us... anymore, right?

Kek. I never expected the filenames to be used as a reason.
But to explain: I don't remember if it happened before or after I stopped posting, but one day like any other, Zeus decided to destroy my PC, and thus, I lost everything in it. Luckily, I have some stuff in my phone, so I used whatapp web to send the images to my PC (quicker than using the cable I'd say), but since I was in a hurry, I didn't rename the files.
All that said, I suppose being labeled an imposter isn't really all that concerning, since I can't very well resume my somewhat frequent stay of this place anytime soon.

All 3 Madoka movies every Halloween, and the first 2 Nanoha movies every christmas (when I can anyways).

>(but no migu mention? sus)
Here's an appropriate image.

Seems that's it. If I can, I may reply to whatever reply I get, hopefully before this current thread dies, but otherwise, see you folks on the next blue moon, or something like that.
And one more for good measure.
It has such a cute whimsical feel to it, I could vividly picture the scene in my mind. I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy right now.
Well, as always, you're welcome to say as much or as little as you want to. I just hope you're doing well and if not, I hope things get better for you soon. I'm glad to know you're still thinking about us because goodness knows I think about all of you.
>isn't... among us... anymore
Pepsi max. :( Active as ever the night before and then got abducted by the Feds, poor guy. We had some bitter has-been try to impersonate him to see if I would delete all his stuff from the archives just because someone asked me to, but I sussed it out before I made any changes. Pretty surreal experience though.
>The guy who bought the Segway company fell off a cliff while riding a segway
I heard about this. It makes me wonder: do people still buy segways anymore?
Because I remember the president used his segway to prove they were safe and easier to use. And the guy died jumped over that cliff, due to an internal malfunction!
Are segways still sold? Because I feel your president dying due to his own commodity would TANK the stocks, making your surplus just junk.
Can't escape from them over here. You can spot the tour guides by the viking helmets they wear.
huh, woah, sorry for doubting you anon. it's good to hear from you again, but life's being a bitch eh? i only wish the best for you going forward. regardless of how often you pop in we'll all fondly think of ayumu and his team wandering snowscapes doing oddjobs
>All 3 Madoka movies every Halloween
now there's an idea to pitch to the lads this year.....
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Welp, that was a crock of shit. Drove all the way out there and got chased off by a pack of wild dogs for photos that are only marginally better than the ones I took the first time.
I am going to bed.
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Now this is a classic Ayumu post.
I thought Zeus may have put you out of commission for good, but awesome to see you're stronger than lightning and back at it.
I thought you were out for good. I'm praying that your willpower goes up by at least 5 points, so you can do what you gotta do. Want to see more Ayumu posts!
What was the name of that hat? Bonnet? Military cap? I think I have an idea.
There we go. Not Emily here, I just thought it would be more fun to see her in a more "urban" get up.
I know she doesn't have scars, and this is something she wouldn't wear, but I don't care. I pulled, and I got the SSSR Alt skin.
I like this so much more that the actual Emily gens
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Thank you so much for the kind words anon, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
to be honest, I feel pretty cringe writing out the cries so I get where you're coming from lol. I mainly do it to make the Pokemon seem livelier but after reading more of everyone else's stories, I'm sure there's better ways to do that.
These came out so cute. I think Hali and Grym's faces translated to chibi super well.
RIP Ayumu, you will be missed. Miko will always hold onto the Magic Conch Shell he gave him.
Double weather setting volbeat? holy based
Aw thank you so much bibi-anon! Means a lot <3 Truthfully I'm still struggling with Ivy designs as you might be able to tell form [picrel]. She's not even up to the point in her story where she would get an outfit change, maybe I should focus on writing more. I'm excited to flesh out her team more too. spoiler: she won't always have just 4 pokemon
cute. nameless or not I appreciate her design and traumatic backstory lol
woah young azelie looks amazing. I love the contrast between this look and what she wears as an adult. I dont know if this intentional or not, but her neck tie and the little gold clip on her purse kinda look like X and Y and I feel like that's a cute nod to her region. As for this story:
>"Thick curtains of ivy stretched across the surrounding hillsides..."
>Ivy mentioned
We fucking made it bros
In all seriousness though this was such a comfy read. I love how descriptive you are in your writing and how you don't skimp out on any of the pretty details. Little things like Azelie being too embarrassed to climb the Cyllage gym walls is so clever and a fun way to ground her in the world you created. Amazing stuff as per usual.
Bad taste.

The actual hat from the source material I saw it from or the name of the TYPE of hat it is in general?
The type of hat, but I no longer need it. I made the gen I wanted.
If anybody is curious, is a peaked cap.
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>peaked cap
It's close but NORMAL peaked caps aren't as round as the hat I chose to put on Emily's head. It's like the kind of hat May from Guilty Gear wears but idk what it's called. Wiki on May says it's a Tricorne but I'm pretty sure that's not even close considering what a Tricorne actually is.
>I dont know if this intentional or not, but her neck tie and the little gold clip on her purse kinda look like X and Y
It's intentional.
the flower filaments and the spot where her handbag meets her hip also form a Y; her vest and shoelaces are X's.
Always glad to hear you liked it, thanks for reading. I like to use the side stories as an opportunity to do something different with my writing and that afternoon I wanted to try to make a story without any conflict.
>A tricorne
I see. It looked like a peaked cap to me. Also, isn't a tricorne the hat that old colonists used to wear? It would be interesting to see Emily dress like one, but nah. I stick with the urban look. Colonists are boring, is just some old leather pants, a shirt, and a black vest. Maybe the bell would be funny, but no.
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Whoever wrote the Guilty Gear May wiki is tripping. But the closest I could find is "Puffy Flat Hat".
Just a friendly heads up that I'll be going on vacation for a week after this upcoming Sunday. I'll miss you all dearly and I'll check in periodically to update the archives, but by and large you anons will be on your own, so prepare accordingly.
Oh yeah, you mean paperboy caps. I wear one of those too. Makes me look like I'm on my way to a jazz club, very hipster, it suits Emily well. Put an action star in modern clothes and he's a hard-bitten tough guy, but with that cap on he's one of the dispossessed, an honest person who's been through the shit.
Emily's is much puffier than the normal ones though. Cause it's simply cuter.
It's a yes from me. Compliments the puffy coat.
I just wish there was a more precise term for it rather than jury rigging together "puffy newsboy hat".
Not sure about the hat in the original art >>56449065
But this >>56452141 is a leather daddy cap
Yeah, it that's a distinct character from Emily. That's her evil, anorexic parallel universe counterpart Emilia moonlighting as a dominatr--SWEET LORD OF THE DANCE WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THOSE FINGERS
Welcom to AI genning. Even machines have problems doing hands.
I hope you have a great time. Bring pictures!
I didn't notice it the first time, I just kind of skimmed over it and my brain filled in the critical details. Like not being Oswald Cobblepot's illegitimate child.
I'll be sure to keep an eye out for good photo ops to add to the Schizo pack.
Never been to the Upper Peninsula before, I look forward to all the unique experiences available like being gored by a rutting moose.
Don't worry, if I'm bleeding out I'll be sure to post EiF spoilers so you're not left hanging.
>Tourist found dead updating 4chan
forgot to do this
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one of my favorite Sylvie gens
>Reports indicate a potential right-wing extremist was trampled to death by a bull moose outside of Newberry, Michigan.
>First-responders say the unidentified man's last words were "Weight, weight, let me solve the capture first," a phrase recognized as hate speech by the ADL.
>At this time, no family members have come forward to identify the body. And now your weather on the sixes.
Have you planned out her team yet? Anything high on your wishlist?
>Weight, weight, let me solve the capture first
Based. Free 4chan user, right until the end.
Nothing yet, havent looked yet, though I do know I want mostly support mon and fairy types. Which can be a lot more Pokémon than usual since I can give them Friend Guard and Helping Hand even if they don't usually have it
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Consider the following:
>Sticky Web
>Light Screen
>and more on a mon that also has access to Belly Drum, Drain Punch, and Play Rough
Not a bad choice. I like the abilities it has
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Especially since it can have Lunchbox + Gluttony
Good to know my little nigga's still a swiss army knife in that tabletop game too.
Pretty much every pokemon is viable here one way or another.
And yet I was chiefly concerned about one.

Welp, I accomplished all my goals for today; I'm starting to feel a pulse and that means it's time for me to sleep.
Death or glory in all things, /tog/.
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>Progress Report
22K something words in and I am nowhere near completion, still. I am also coming to terms with the fact that I am going to need to do a lot of editing in order to insert things to make the background feel less static. Furthermore, against my better judgement, I have decided to add a prologue and epilogue to this thing. All that being said, I am very close to finally paving over the original Chapter 2 that I began writing all the way back in May. I stopped in the middle of an unfinished driving sequence that needs relatively little reworking, so I just need to finish up the verbal confrontation and then tweak that a bit. However, I will not be getting any progress done until Friday because I have four exams to deal with this week. Of course, that assumes that I don't get start writing the Mimikyu Disposal thing on Friday instead. Again, not like anyone is waiting on my writing.
Alex's mother has an Altaria named Tari that ferries him around and takes care of him before he can drive. I may also give her a Meowscarada that just gets referred to as "Meow" ("Meowsies" when she was a little girl). His father has a Salamence and an Inteleon. This was also mentioned in The Interview, but they also have a Frosmoth couple given to them by Alex when his first two Snoms evolved. The third one was when he put an Everstone in the snow biome capsule. Oh, he also has a Snom as a pet that he keeps in a climate controlled terrarium.
I may also give him a black cropped shirt and pants as pajamas (like this: https://qu.ax/fWgY.png) that he always has on indoors. He'd probably kill anyone who saw him wearing it, though. I question how that would happen because there are no circumstances in which he would leave the house with that thing on. Maybe I will write him waking up with it on in the Mimkyu Disposal and seeing how the audience reacts, if it gets a negative reaction I can always just edit it out in a second edition.
I was going to make a big “catchup” post like >>56447186 >>56452342 >>56451465 but the stupid system keeps flagging it as spam. Fuck you Hiro and your fucking niggerbot that goes after legitimate posts but gets easily bypassed by 15 year old shartytrannies. I’m going to fucking bed.
Obligatory baseball episode Sylvie

She's not great at Baseball, she's just happy to be out there.
Lots of planning done for chapter 3 but I am still missing stuff for smaller details and just struggling to stop being a bum and just get some shit written down. Despite these things this IDEALLY shouldn't take more almost 4-5 months like Chapter 2 did. Night, fags.
Oh yeah, and this was after I had chopped off half of the replies I was making. I’ll try to catch up with you guys tomorrow and see if it lets me then.
Well, everybody is asleep except you-know-who, so don't worry, I'll check once in a while so this place goes into slide off.
Maybe I'll answer one TQ. I wasn't because the trivia was whatever, but oh well.

I dropped one idea. I was thinking if my OC should meet my PUBG character, but then I said "nah, too much".
Mainly because I want to put my PUBG character in an FnF setting,
since I got into both games around the same time.

Sports clothing. I was thinking a clean grey sweatshirt, but Bing always put a sticker, so I rolled with it.
>doesn't go
I feel my grammatical errors are also a part of my thing.
I'm slightly miffed.
She looks cute. Does she have a favorite sport?
Well, I hope you guys have a great day, I'm off to bed.
There there. Be careful about putting the word "only" too close to the word "f e m a l e" or any of its derivatives, as that's an easy way to get blocked if you don't know to expect it.
If it weren't for the strange grammar, how would we ever know who's speaking?
>drunk on power
Okay, so I've been looking into this and I'm honestly confused how you reached this conclusion. If anything he's power hungry as he has none yet, and I'm unsure what context is missing or is present to lead someone to that conclusion. If that's him power drunk, boy howdy you're gonna lose it later on.

>favorite sport
Sports are more Tanya's thing, but Sylvie enjoys Volleyball the most.
>If anything he's power hungry as he has none yet
That's precisely what I meant, actually. It's implied that he gets the idea from his aunt, but if you could shine a brighter light on what exactly led him to that line of thinking while his sister is much more modest, that'd be great.
Chibi Gray!
Yeah, I just don't get it. All the other chibis look fine, but C&C continues to discomfort me.
Yeah. I can't pinpoint what's off about Chibi Cain/Circe.
Maybe the baby faces just don't work for 'em?
She prefers to have her hair up, feels too hot on her neck if she lets it down.
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after I posted this I remembered I made her a cheerleader. Def still plays volleyball though
Oh that one turned out really lovely.
Y'know, these two gens make me realize that in all the years this franchise has been running, there's never been any emphasis placed on that Magical Girl dynamic of chasing love by day, chasing Pokemon by night. Doubly odd considering the anime's original showrunner practically created the genre.
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Nope. I give the fuck up. I'm done trying. Here it is in image form. This is especially weird because I got away with putting 16 replies in a post before. Fuck you niggerbot, you win.
Break up the posts? What's going on, lad, talk to me.
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I have more than halved the amount of posts and I don't have a clue what is tipping Niggerbot off.
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Which is nonsensical considering that I managed to get this through in the past.
Her eyes remind me of the weird Sumeru eyes from Genshin Impact.
I honestly didn't notice whatever mistake there was. Best artist being best artist as usual (tied with Hasumi).
Why use heels in an athletic outfit? Guess Ivy is somehow even dumber than we thought.
Archive my love my sultry meme, why must I hold you only whilst I dream, will I be forever enslaved by your spell, why must I worship you and never ever tell, oh Archive, you make my manhood tremble
I'm honestly surprised that we have several yuri fans but not a single yaoi fan.
Is the finished product going to have a jumpscare, by any chance?
I am a huge supporter of ditching the cap and also ditching the anime cries.
What is it with bishounen bad guys wearing multiple sets of earrings?
Life is a crock of shit. You'll get used to it.
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Yeah, I dunno man, looks like a skill issue to me.
>we have several yuri fans but not a single yaoi fan.
I mean, yaoi is basically homosexuality, and that means gay so, hard pass.
Yuri is also basically homosexuality, and dykes are much worse screeds
Yeah, but I rather see cute girls doing cute "things" than cute boys doing cute "things".
Besides, if you give them a pass, some Boku No Pico shit will happen, and just... no bro, no.
We are also getting Isekai'd into the past so, tbd on that specific dynamic. I had the magical girl idea first, meant to be a 'girl out of time' or 'now I have to hide being a witch' thing and the other two just said, "well, you can't just have one magical girl". GM let out a week long sigh.
Another day, another afternoon spent disassociating with the drawing tablet following along to youtube tutorials.
Learning that folds in clothes are just triangles has been a real eye-opener, I've only ever really used curves.
You guys sure bounce around a lot of different game ideas. I won't be jealous, I'll just be happy for you.
We don't just play PTU either, in between big campaigns we do a lot of one shots with various systems. After I'm done with the campaign that I'm starting next week, I'm done GMing PTU for a long time and will only be able to play it when my GM gets off his ass.
I already said I was happy for you, you don't have to rub it in. Call me if you guys ever plan on running V:tM.
so no darjeerling posting... sadge
You know why "darling" posting would set this thread ablaze, and the poster banned on the spot. R15.
We want to but the guy who said he'd run it disappeared off the face of the earth. So it's probably the next thing I'm going to end up buckling down and learning at some point. Spent most of my day today making Pokémon character sheets, so I'm going to take a screen break. I'll keep you back of my mind
I think you vastly overestimate the amount of crossover here, but you're absolutely right about the user getting the kill-sat treatment.
discord raiders take notes
OCfags, I'm a fanfic writer, I'd like to hear your thoughts and ideas and interpretations regarding Aura/Psychics/Ghost Powers/Other types of Supernatural or Mystical powers the humans of the Pokemon world posses for the sake of inspiration since I wanna make an MC for something have something of the sort (mostly Fairy as the primary type and Ghost as the secondary type).
What do you think of humans, in this case with you guys, OCs, possessing such powers and how do you think should or could be handled best without bordering in the OC donut steel (no offense) cringe mary/gary sue parody territory? I know you shouldn't give a fuck about that and one should do whatever one wants nowadays but I like to hear opinions anyway and I want to tie-up the themes of things to those things too and not have it just be a bland power fantasy.
Thanks for any replies in advance. Pic related a Ghost and Fairy Pokemon.
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"The hook is how unique, how memorable your character is. A character without a hook is a generic character... Now there is a place for those sometimes if you're designing characters in a crowd or just random NPCs... If you want your characters to stand out, a hook is required. You'll know you have a good hook if you can describe your character with a single sentence, the shorter the better, and have someone easily pick it out from a crowd."

--this drawing tutorial I'm watching

Superhuman elements have always been around and have only gained relevance as the decades go by. We had Sabrina bend a spoon Geller-style, now we have an entire Trainer class across both sexes levitating Pokeballs and most recently had Tulip and her weird butterflies. We had shrine maidens get possessed by Gastly, we had an Elite 4 member who could commune with ghosts, then we had actual dead people and another Elite 4 member whose room is filled with ghosts. Aura is one that so far has only had one human representative in the games (Riley channels aura in his palm if you verse him in the Battle Frontier) and quite a few Pokemon reps. It has the dubious double accolade of being sorely unexplored and also a lot more limited than people expect after watching the Lucario movie.
The best way to handle it is to stick as close to the source material as you can for authenticity, or otherwise make sure there's much more to the character than just whichever supernatural gimmick you're portraying. One-note characters are good for NPCs, but for a fanfic you're probably looking for more nuance.
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And I guess only because you asked for interpretations, I'll toot my own horn to talk about Azelie, the distant descendant of an Aura Guardian. Her Aura didn't awaken until she was a pre-teen; her eyes were grey while the Aura was dormant and the only hint of it existing under the surface was persuading a Florges not to turn her into fertilizer after intruding in its garden. As an adult, her abilities manifest as a weaker version of Xerneas's Fairy Aura to beef up her team's combat power, but her real strength is in using that Aura in a supporting role to put Fairy-Types around her at ease. That's the extent of her powers. If there's no Fairies around, it's nothing more than a fancy lightshow and she's just another 21-year-old college student.
In all of her appearances, her Aura power is secondary to who she is as a person, with her compassion, femininity, and love of dancing taking center stage instead. She uses her Aura to emphasize her points, preferring to talk things out or give "Southern Kindness" style backhanded insults before the claws come out.
I feel like I've talked too much about PTU but it's relevant for this

World is made of elements, Pokémon have elemental connections to the world. In the story I'm currently writing from this campaign I am playing in. Actual spoilers: With humans and Pokémon once being indistinguishable it follows they once had these connections too. Until, Regigigas got mad at Humanity and sealed those connections away (Fighting and Psychic stayed because of human willpower) Halfway through the campaign, we defeated Regigigas and Elemental Connections returned to humans and my character got rock powers.
I of course respect everyone's personal interests and mean absolutely zero disrespect towards any of the following parties
>be me
>aren't you lucky
>wondering what /tog/'s identity is when other generals cover similar topics
>go check out the fanfic thread
>seems more like a smut review thing than a writing thing teebee-etch but that's fine
>go check out the drawthread
>go check out the AI thread
>they're still using my (gotobed) joke in the OP from when Stable Diffusion was brand new
>the AI worship is a little strange but they're surprisingly well-organized
>AI videos inspire the same revulsion in me as seeing a bleeding body or feet
Nope, I daresay I quite prefer being tucked away within our little circlejerk.
>>56457960 come back to me, I take back all the awful things I never got to say about you yet.
Is all about powerscaling and how OP you want your character to be.
You see it in this thread. First we have the normal people with quirks, like Miko (more frequent good luck), Ivy (lifter), or Bibi (Lifter + contagious positivity).
Then you have the ones who are a bit special: Azelie (powers up fairies), Luke (earth bender) and Hasumi (ghost connections).
The you have the really special cases: grim (revived "zombie"), David (New evo + Pokémon moves).
And finally you have the "how do they fit?" class: Emily (a Honkai 3 dropout that can summon weapons at will + telepathy with her Pokémon), and Tweny (an AU lad from an AU lad with a "not-from-Ben-10 Omnitrix" watch).

Pokémon has been really coy about humans having equal or greater powers than Pokémon. I mean, by the end of the day, is all about the magical beasts with super powers. If you add a human to the mix, is basically any JRPG setting from Dragon Quest ever made.
This doesn't mean is a bad idea. Humans can have minor powers (telepathy, hypnosis, telekinesis), some relevant moves (healing powers, Z move summoning, blocking Pokémon attacks), or even BE the Pokémon (damn it Reburst, you were too good to be true).

Powerscale your character. Make him a shitter, and turn it into a demi god by the end of his story + character arc.
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>forgetting about the team psychic
The ancient ritual persists.
Oh yeah, Ruka and Rouge. They would be the "quirky" ones. I mean, to Ruka to activate her 6th sense, Rouge had to literally headbutt her.
Bump before bed, no Chapter 3 progress yet still. Piecing lots of things together still but I'm not outright procrastinating on it at least.
Good night, have sweet dreams.
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Wanted to draw golden electrode from the miko side story shameless plug: https://pastebin.com/vRS9cuDM

>Why use heels in an athletic outfit?
Cut off jean shorts and a crop top isn't really that athletic lol. Despite being a brute Ivy is still a girly girl at heart thus the heels- and they're chunky so they're not THAT impractical. I think the heels are a fun nod to bad design tropes in female fighting game characters.
>What is it with bishounen bad guys wearing multiple sets of earrings?
The more sets of earrings you have the edgier and badder you are
I think the other anon's handled this question pretty well but I just wanted to add in addition to canon examples of auras and psychics that in the zarude movie, the monkey kid uses an actual Pokemon move (Jungle Healing).
I'm just waking up and will be unwaking shortly. I read "shameless plug" as "Shamalist plug," and rarely keeping up to speed on the latest trends but supportive all the same, I naturally assumed Shamaless was the latest spin online art galleries or maybe some patreon alternative where donators vote with their wallets to decide what the artist draws next. That's just where my mind was at.
>bad design tropes
I would like to defend heels by pointing out character heels are heels that are explicitly made with the idea of dancing and running around, and that high-heeled action characters are to women what extremely muscular fighters are for men. You're telling me someone who trained their body to superhuman form didn't also work out their ankles? That an extra inch or two or twelve can't make a difference when reaching up to punch Zangief in the nose? As if the first rule of boxing and other fighting styles didn't already ask the user to stand on their toes?
I love the way you made that metal sheen. I'm going to have to steal that technique.
>What do you think of humans possessing such powers?
As one of the "Gary Stu" OCs, I basically wanted to put a DBZ character in a Pokémon setting. But when it comes to power, I usually follow these steps:

>Is the power inherited or earned?
>What's the reach of this power?
>Can it be developed or is just a settled trait?
>If it has an "element" attached, does it have weaknesses?
>Is part of the character or just a "Deus Ex" card?

David's power started to exist when he got tainted with Mega Power during a volcano eruption. At this point I'd put him as strong as Yamcha or Krillin. After he completed his training in Lavaridge, he was as strong as Ten Shin Han.
When he used the Ultima evolution for the first time, he was as strong as Goku at the end of his fight against Piccolo. After that, I'm still trying to level his progress.
I basically wanted him to start as early Goku (a guy who happens to be strong), and end in SS3 Goku vs Majin Buu (capable of controlling Ultima and using difficult Pokémon moves). That's why I keep him training and learning. As he goes along, he lives events that makes him realize how much potential he has, and how far he can reach.
This also can be appreciated in his physique. Beyond his strength, he at first gets surrounded by a glowing aura, and by the end "electricity" surrounds him.

See how powerful you want your character, and how far can he reach. And now, to other posts.

>Golden Electrode
I feel I could call him Nugget, and see who falls first.
Nice, something to read.
>Zarude Movie
Yeah, humans in the Pokémon world may as well be extra Pokémon. This place gave A LOT of examples.
But if we start to capture humans, Pokémon will turn into Palworld, and this place wouldn't hear the end of it.

>Shamalist plug
That sounds like if I used Shazzam to find a cool song and post it here.
>Bad design
I see it more as quirky. If you can make it work, then it's not unconventional, is "unique". Plus, wacky fighters are more fun to use than straight fighters.

Well, that's it. Today is my day off, so you guys better find someone to check for the night. Peace.
Personally I find human characters with literal Pokémon powers weird (excluding the psychics who levitate things. It's also weird but has been part of canon since day 1). But it also depends on execution. I agree with a lot of what the others said and I'll add that in my humble opinion a human MC with Pokémon powers shouldn't be stronger than most Pokémon.
Oops, clonked out before I could post.
>better find someone
I'll forcefeed the boulder with a few cans of energy drinks.
Fun fact for my young urban professionals out there: drinking down three standard-sized cans of energy drinks in a short period will give you the exact same results as snorting a line of cocaine but one method is vastly more legal than the other.
>shouldn't be stronger than ANY pokemon
Fixed that for you. The moment the Pokemon aren't the most important part of the story is the moment you lose sight of what matters in a Pokemon story. A human psychic might be as strong as a Chingling, but to be any stronger than a Pokemon raises the question of why they even have Pokemon to begin with. Pokemon are there to do all the things we can't do ourselves. A human needs tools and machines to lift as much as a Machop; we need motors to swim as fast as a Magikarp. If we could properly protect ourselves from even a Rattata without relying on a partner to battle in our stead, the entire premise of the world implodes.
Page 6 Bump. Ended up having weird dreams, but nothing Pokemon related.
>but nothing Pokemon related.
I don't think it's necessary to bump at page 6 at this point; when I was rolling for quints the other night, this board was getting a whopping five posts per minute, we're not in danger anytime soon.
You never know when the hogrider or some raiders are gonna giga bump the board. Better safe than sorry.
You mean the discord raiders that always tsundere bump us so we don't get erased?
Have a little faith in your fans.
>You mean the discord raiders that always tsundere bump us so we don't get erased?
Do they always end up bumping us along side their lame raids?
>Have a little faith in your fans.
Make an inference. If the raiders are going to do something stupid, they're always polite enough to let us know first. They're not sharp enough to help themselves.
>You never know
Nah it never happens. Wait for page 9
I don't trust it
Don't worry anon. If anything, he attacks later during the night, so we will be fine if we keep an eye once in a while.
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People in the pokemon world have latent abilities, some more powerful than others. Through either training or just sheer luck someone might awaken to some supernatural powers. I also feel like people with really strong Willpower or a very intense personality/disposition usually manifest more powerful abilities.
>Sabrina was born a powerful psychic who honed her abilities as she grew up. Her powers being so significant it causes her to come across as cruel and detached.
>Hex Maniacs tend to be ghostly due to their obsession with the occult.
>Fairy Girls stay small and cute well into adulthood due to their extreme fascination with faye aesthetic.
The stronger one's feelings are reveals the stronger their abilities manifest.

For Ruka, her powerful connection with Jynx awakens a latent psychic ability. That ability only really allows her to communicate with Jynx telepathically, because that's where her emotions are strongest.
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>Ruka was a lot more of a delinquent in middleschool/early high school before her parents convinced her to take school more seriously. (mostly just skipping class to go to the mall and engaging in cliquish gyaru behavior)
>Ruka is naturally pale so she has to tan pretty regularly to keep up her browned skin.
>Rita moved from Unova to Kanto because of her father. She was excited to see Lavender Town and was infuriated to see it become a radio tower.
>Oriko smokes
Oh wow! I'm honestly flattered. I guess to return the favor I'll say I had made Ruka on a whim, for fun. These threads are what made me actually flesh her out so if it wasn't for these threads I may not have continued drawing or writing for Ruka.
This is really really good. I think you've absolutely nailed the modern pokemon style. Also I absolutely get what you mean about the hair. I try to manifest that older ken sugomori style with Ruka but that weird 90s era spikiness throws me for a loop. I really love that her outfit could read as a school uniform Or just a pretty sailor dress.
Wow so trippy and spooky. I love it!
I try to keep Ruka's version of Kanto/Johto canon to Heartgold era pokemon Where the pokemon in johto/kanto bleed into each other and there can be an "outbreak"of later gen pokemon but it's rare. That said several of her rivals are either Foreign (Rita) or can afford to import pokemon from oversees (rich boy).
If your OC was a character in a conventional anime setting outside of Pokémon, would they rely on conventional weapons, technology, “pure power”, or hax?
pistol time
>I try to manifest that older ken sugomori style with Ruka but that weird 90s era spikiness throws me for a loop
Huh. I woulda thought that would be the easy part.
Did you just pistol whip that up in five minutes or did you have that one preloaded?
whipped it up, I'll do MS Paint Luke when I get home (and will do it faster)
Draw MSP Luke like normal but then draw him holding an incredibly accurate recreation of a Glock in 4k resolution.
Like, trace over a photo of an actual glock if you have to.
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I don't have to
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just saw this, my fault
Sorry I haven't been too active here the past couple weeks.
Strawpoll for the next booster gimmick ends in a day: https://strawpoll.com/e6Z2AAQdqgN
Whatever you're doing, you're probably already too busy.
/vp/ is the slowest I've ever seen it right now, so you shouldn't be too worried.
Thank you, Bup.
>"Peace was never an option."
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This is the first time I'm seeing the small one.
Anon, meet Natalie, or "Natty". Brendoom's younger (yet more mature) sister.
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Probably definitely a bad idea, but we have a big enough roster of characters for a visual novel
A Danganronpa kind of VN or a Hatoful Boyfriend kind of VN?
NTA but knowing what I know of the former and just hearing the title of the latter, I'd say it shouldn't be based on either one.
>Pokémon strength > human strength
I could beat up a Caterpie. Or at least I wouldn't fault anyone for making an OC who can.
What I meant is murder mystery or romance. Actually both those games feature both those aspects but... I forgot what point I was trying to make. I just wanted to be funny.
yuri on ice
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>try to follow the Ruka route
>you get locked out unless you already completed the secret Jynx route first
>the Jynx route you only unlock if you talk to Tweny on the first day of school
>when he only has a 2.5% chance of appearing each time you walk through a loading zone
>talking to Tweny at any point locks you into the bad ending for the Bibi route
>you won't find out about this until four hours of gameplay later
>mfw not even the walkthrough mentions this
>do Miko route
>FBI kick down my door
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I appreciate your eagerness and willingness to go along with "Shamalist" plugs. Ya know what? Fuck it- I did mean shamalist, but I just typo'd and shameless came out instead. My bad.
>I would like to defend heels
All super valid points. I love heels even if I think their inclusion on certain characters don't seem "realistic". But then again, fighting games often never are realistic so why should I care :P I'm a form over function kinda guy so if they look good so be it.
>I love the way you made that metal sheen. I'm going to have to steal that technique.
Aw thank you! I used a few gold references for, especially the BREAK TCG cards that had a bunch of solid gold Pokemon, there's a bunch of them that are good to use to see how certain shapes or forms might look all shiny and gold
Nugget is a really good name for that lol
> Plus, wacky fighters are more fun to use than straight fighters.
So true, every good roster needs their odd ball archetype character.
Oo this came out nice. The shading on the Pokemon and the shadows on the ground make them look like 3D models, real cool.

Thought this was too fun not to put something together for [picrel]
Crazy how you programmed that working VN demo in so little time. That's why I was so eager to sign up for your shamalist.
The Ruka route is super simple once you get it though. For every dialogue choice, just choose the one that says something nice about Jynx and you basically win the game.
brendoom dies no matter what ending you get, he's only alive when you go for other routes
Luke's bad ending would be him going full doomsday prepper
Well La-Dee-Da, if you're so damn lucky why don't you play Miko's route next. Fucking shitty developers hid three routes behind RNG and turned Circe's route into a joke. I really wish they listened to me when I warned them not to do that, I would have uninstalled already if it weren't for how good the Alto storyline is.
>he doesn't know
Is there a yandere route?
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Kinda. Circe's plot is the main yandere route but the cuck devs thought it would be funny if she got arrested after the 3-heart event that is scripted to happen no matter what after her affection stat starts climbing on its own after the 2-heart event. The only way to keep Circe around is to not interact with her after class at any point.
Genuinely, what the fuck were they thinking?
>think Bibi will be wholesome and fun
>get punched right in the feels
>question everything
>might have to use a guide for the good ending
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Literally restarted my save file just to get kicked in the nuts.
>that scene where Phos tries to make Bibi more confident by letting Bibi wear her jacket
>then she sees the scars in the mirror
I was hoping for a good day today, I wasn't ready for that rollercoaster.
Whoever made Emily the Mr. Resetti of this game needs throw their computer away.
The game literally tells you that savescumming fucks up the timeline, you had to have known. It was kinda funny having her sass you for being a perfectionist though.
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Dataminers have found out that in order to get the good ending, that you need to the Bibi route doesn't actually have a good ending. One of the devs recently commented on it and said that she's supposed to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, appearing bubbly but actually being tragic.
Okay, but they didn't need to give her a counter on how many playthroughs you've had.
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oooh cool outfits. i think i'm most partial to the one on the right, makes her look like she's going to venture out into the mountains and start training under waterfalls. the left is really stylish, and kinda gives me kof vibes, as is probably obvious from my work i think black+pink is a great combination and the dark colors make the rest of ivy's palette pop. the middle somehow feels the most ivyish overall, it's girly but still practical and really makes her look like she's ready for a workout.
looking forward to reading this!
super cute! hope the poor thing didn't get wakaba'd on that love confession
i hope she ends up with a comfey, i like imagining one lazing on her head like a flower crown
your posing and expressions are always top notch, even if it might be hard to capture i definitely think you nail the soul of early pokemon art
>start playing hatoful togfriend
>have to do like 3 other routes to unlock alto's and if you take a SINGLE music class your stats will be too fucked for the genre shift jrpg style battle at the fucking ass end of his route
>bibi true end revealing she was a ghost the whole time but you gave her the peace she needed to stop haunting naranja
>it's fucking post apocalyptic
what the fuck were the devs smoking
you have to save often and remember that picking too many "nice guy" responses locks you into the bad ending she doesn't like it when you try white knighting because it makes it seem like you pity her
It's an interesting way of tying into SV's chained timelines theme. Fucking up one timeline breaks everything but jumping to a new timeline is apparently kosher with the time police?
I really like how Emily has unique dialogue for every route you try to savescum on and even has changing dialogue based on how many heart events you've done.
the writing quality is all over the damn place but I lost my sides when Emily cusses you out and leaves for the rest of the playthrough if you try to savescum while talking to her or her sisters.
The post-apocalypse setting is pretty obvious if you follow Franco's route but he's cryptic as hell about it. I won't say any more.
You can only find her from unlockable zones that you have to clear other routes first to access. Cause she's and her sisters are always sitting around in the most odd and obscure places, keeping their distance from the going-ons of normal people and to complete that "timeline aware" enigmatic character mystique.
Oh you must have just started playing.
After you let Alex out of the boiler room on the school basement, you can talk to him to find out where all the other major characters are during that phase of the day.
He would probably use his typical firearms and technology, already very strong, and only reveal his hax once someone can finally challenge him, especially when you consider the characters that he has some inspiration from.
I feel like if Alex was in a visual novel, he wouldn't fit into the usual schoolsloppa, it would probably be one of those really edgy ones. Oh I'm sorry, did I just break character? What I meant to say was
Dataminers also found out a file titled Alex_EndItAll.png, however, no such file appears in the game. Maybe his bad ending was originally supposed to be him killing himself or shooting up the school and the devs scrapped it because it wouldn't have fit the tone of the VN.
That WAS a bit of an odd choice, wasn't it?

In all seriousness, I'd love to do a /tog/ VN with you guys.
BTW, the results are in.
/tog/ Booster 2 will feature LV.X cards, powering up weaker Pokémon, adding more utility to existing cards and re-introducing MEGAS!
We'll need to have a special mini rulebox added for the LV.X cards that are made for Mega Evolution.

Booster will begin in early October, with new rules, HP limits, etc etc.
Maybe you could consider it an opportunity to get some gamedev practice in?>>56467079
Shoutouts to that one guy who voted for nothing. What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?
Such a lust for neutrality...!
Well, last 8. Anything to get off the chest before reaching limit?
Also, what's the new task and question?
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>Anything to get off the chest before reaching limit?
It's really fucking surreal getting used to the quiet now that the summerfags are well and truly gone. This board gets an average of five posts a minute now and /tog/ is back in its hibernation phase. I really enjoyed those fast threads we were having but them's the breaks. It's not just /vp/ either, but it highlights how Pokemon has been hemorrhaging fans in the past year. Out of morbid curiosity, I peeked in on /tg/ and saw that it's also more dead than ever (RIP and good riddance). There are two AI image threads that hit the image bump limit slowly floating to the bottom of the catalog alongside each other. They're on page 4, and that's going to be one hell of a metric for any other board to top. I sure hope Z-A is good enough to make up for looming Buddy Planet lawsuit but I don't think it will. Look forward to seeing a long-winded Kalosian businessman lamenting how his homeland isn't the greatest region yet come 2025.
I updated the OP template, the recent works tab will become a permanent mainstay because it was a good idea. After I'm done with my housework, I'm going to deep dive through the old threads to round up past thread tasks to add to the template file too.

We've had Trainers teaching Pokemon, for the next thread task let's have Pokemon teaching their Trainers.
Question will be to describe your first impressions of the Visual Novel and any weird secrets you've found so far.
Alternatively: Confess your /tog/-related sins and be absolved.
Alternatives lighting round:
>Crossover episode: Draw your OC interacting with another OC's Pokemon.
>Draw someone near and dear to your OC's heart.
>Draw a chibi version of your OC if you haven't already.
>Your OC goes to a new region, what's the first thing they do?
>Where and how did your OC acquire their knowledge of Pokemon? Any gaps in their education?
>What is one question your OC will never, ever answer?
>Has your OC had a real bad date before?
Back again, Gray?
Requesting Chibi edition? >>56449385

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The nice thing about chibis is that anyone with MS Paint can also follow along.
her tits are kinda saggy ngl
I'll hold em for her then
>with a chibi, you can go anywhere

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