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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, be edgy, be racist, just leave your ERPing and Judaism at the door.

>Thread Question: Your OC is now starring in a visual novel. What's it like (Can be Pokemon or its own separate thing)?

>Thread Task: Draw a visual novel panel with your OC.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

>Previous thread: >>56438403

>Recent Works:

Watch young Azelie frolic in a magical garden here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ZbLECCBWU2MT8Hl__EgnUMxVNAYvBy4mdn5YeK_Zk8/edit?usp=sharing
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Request denied.
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Before I remembered that the Azelie thing was a thing that existed, I considered adding a "Upcoming Works" section for stuff that people have mentioned that they are working on. I thought that it could draw more anticipation to them, but I also wasn't sure if it was too much or not. Maybe I will add it next time, maybe I will not.

>Upcoming Works

A Black Blaze In The Night Sky

Eons In Flux Fan Episode X: Control Human Delete

Eons In Flux: Episode 6

Bibi's Halloween Special

The next part of Pokemon: Gilded Platinum

Zatch and Lychee Chapters 1-3 (maybe)

Also, I forgot to add the Miko thing.

Watch Grimsley lose to a fucking child here: https://pastebin.com/vRS9cuDM
With a chibi, you can go anywhere.
Hey, spoilers, check that shit, dingus.
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Anon, I'm going to be as blunt with this as I can possibly be: If you are going to continue half-assing these garbage, uncoordinated OP posts, whinging about having to do your job properly and then failing even that, you should stop insisting on being the OP and let someone more capable take over. This is a low-traffic thread on a low-traffic board, there is no excuse for failing to follow the guide that was already provided for you, disrespecting the work of your peer by spoiling the ending of their writing before you even have the courtesy to provide the link, disregarding what other people tell you and then copping an attitude as if you know better.

Cut this shit out, you have been confronted about this on an almost weekly basis for months. This is the last time I'm warning you.
Okay, yeah, I made a mistake there. It’s past deletion time, unfortunately, but I’ll be more careful with that for future posts.
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Simply based.
Goodnight lads.
I get that Circe is le horni goth mommi, but did you really have to make it look like an Ahegao?

Rest well because I know I sure won't. I can't remember the last time I didn't go to sleep at 11 PM. Sometimes I wonder if I am just slow or if that's actually affecting the rate at which I write. I'll say it again, though, nobody is waiting on my writing.
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tilt the camera down
Let's not and say we did.
boy howdy that was exhilarating and I'm glad I saw it
Reminds me of Emily. I'm sure Goblinanon is upset already. I'm going to draw or commission Alex doing this exact pose... at some point.
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>I'm sure Goblinanon is upset already.
That's cause I was the one to post the image.
Did Grymanon get a three-day vacation for that?
Yea, probably.
But some things are worth getting banned for.
>Did you really have to make it look like an Ahegao?
If you know the software Grymanon works with, you'd know it actually is MANDATORY.
Grymanon holds dangerous (but very versatile and pretty) power
Is this a joke, or is this an actual technical limitation of Koikatsu?

Gene, is that you? where’s my model?
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>Your OC is now starring in a visual novel. What's it like (Can be Pokemon or its own separate thing)?
Considering Brent is literally a Magical Boy/Girl with a love of music... I'm gonna go with a Mahou Shoujo-themed visual novel. Make it a Visual Novel + Tactical RPG hybrid with Pokemon that also teaches people how to play guitar. Probably would have some eco-friendly messages in there too.
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>time to play another round of "What innocuous word made pastebin's censor bot shit its pants and cry this time?"
>it was the word "Schizo."
OP template is now fully up to date on every single thread task, question, and mid-thread intermission in /tog/ history.
I will die on the hill that great art can be created using any toolbrush if the creator has the will. Gene's a great example of that.
Is joke. Let's see, there's 16 different eyebrow gestures, 40 eye gestures, and 42 (I think?) mouth settings, so do the math on how many permutations you can create with just those options alone, plus the option of animating them all independently by hand.
Drip as fuck
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rumba rumba rumba rumba
(which is to say, i've stitched my gifs/images together over some audio)
And "Post of the Thread" goes to.... Bibianon!
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a real sweet tale to soothe the nerves after a rough day, it's always easy to get lost in your writing anon
this is cute, something about the shadows gets me, i guess it just adds that touch of realism to make it feel more genuine
>fighting games often never are realistic so why should I care
thaaat's the spirit. go balls to the walls with your character designs and never look back
>their odd ball archetype character.
tweny and miko feel like the go to picks for gimmick characters, miko definitely has rng based attacks which would have properties change depending on the roll. i love the vn ui mockup by the way, i forgot if we've ever seen miko in a proper uniform but it's good to see him and bibi are both in the "throw a sweater over that shit" boat. cute choice of background, it's nice that you matched the lighting too
what i'd give to see yuno parodies with all the tog ladies
now that's fucking STYLE baby. tell me more about this magical dude
>"Post of the Thread"
you fool! you've damned me to be upstaged immediately.....flattered though.
just count me in for the next grail war
Bump. I should probably stop gaming and focus on my writing, cause the gaming is just giving me headaches at this point cause the forced 50 matchmaking is making the game quality lower and lower to enforce it's system upon me.
>forced 50 matchmaking is making the game quality lower
What kind of game are you playing? Sounds like a 10/15 BR match.
Literally any team based "competitive" game ever. I don't touch BRslop though.
Ah, I see. I was mainly thinking BR because they usually go from 50 to 150 players against each other, but PvP games usually go from 5v5 to 12v12 max. I doubt a 25v25 game could be fun (unless is TF2 or Plants vs Zombies).
>you've damned me to be upstaged immediately..
I thought Bibi was a tough act to follow but this is one for the records.
>you've damned me to be upstaged immediately
>gets quads

What did you expect? You are on a roll.
I have received no vacation. Just Circe. Just Circe. Just Circe. Just Circe.
Unfortunately I did not save this scene
And besides, the imagination can be a lot more fun.
>40 eye gestures, and 42 (I think?) mouth settings
Even more now. And with new sliders I can create entirely new eue and mouth expressions
You touch gachaslop but not BRslop?
Should the New LV.X cards also include a rulebox that incorporates the prize card rule of EX cards? Especially seeing as Mega Pokémon are being reintroduced.
After some sudden consideration, I am considering replacing either Gaius or Charles in the audience of the battle during BB Chapter 2 (probably the latter). Gaius’s brand of battle autism doesn’t fit well with the rest of the poker table, I thought I could use him as the token lighthearted character but I honestly think that at this point it would be just jarring, and not in a good way. His only real purpose is to add a bit of depth to Alex speaking about the Black Tower. I won’t spoil why Charles is there, even though it’s just an extremely minor “flavoring” addition to enhance a certain thing Alex notices that I want to bring out, but let’s just say that he’s “redundant” (if you know, you know). I am considering Lucian as the replacement for Gaius/Charles since I already have a full table of ten and I don’t want to change anyone else who is there. He fits aesthetically, but my only issue is that it could lead to there simply being too many E4s at the table since Grimsley is already there (neither of them is the antagonist btw), and I also can’t think of a good justification for him being there besides ”Rich guy on a vacation has some money to burn” or “Guy who is good at reading books would be good at poker because he is also good at reading people”. I don’t think I will be putting this up to a poll.

I should also mention that I will also reveal absolutely no information about the antagonist of this story or about the other people at the table that I have not already mentioned.

Unrelated, but when I finally start writing Alex’s main story after this gets out, I think “Black Blaze” is actually a very good title for it. I’m open to serious suggestions but I really can’t think of anything else except maybe titling just Part 1 as “Alex’s Adventures” to reflect the less edgy tone of his childhood.
Huh. Didn't even have time to notice. How 'bout that.
Nah. Think of it as a risk vs reward thing. You can get a major power boost by going Mega at the risk of giving your opponent a chance at that prize card, or you can settle for a less powerful boost in exchange for that bit of safety.
Ebony Embers
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tq: exploring the past by locking yourself out of the future
Anna's annas
She looks like she asked what her life was gonna be to her Xatu, and it hasn't been a positive experience.
Anna’s anus
BRs are literally just overstimulation games for zoomers who can't play games that require thinking or actual gamesense.
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And gacha isnt?
Considering all the pisswhining whenever the content of a patch dries up for the next month or so cause of BR babs not understanding gachas aren't something you're meant to play as a "main game" like how they poopsock Apex or Fortnite, I'd say no. Gacha isn't.
More derogatory version of "no lifing".
Oh man, we have a greenhorn over here!
So tell me more about the sister. Is this another character from the before times or something more recent?
Never did get the chance to actually talk about how great that animation turned out. It was pretty fun being able to recognize a few specific drawings like the Kieran/Teto crossover beneath all the layers of surrealism. Very hypnotic, I hope you take pride in your work. A selfish part of me wishes it could be longer than fifteen seconds because I could get lost in that for hours. Speaking of,
>it's always easy to get lost in your writing
Y-you too. I'm just glad to be able to write something out and out positive for a change instead of just bittersweet at best. I mentioned the Queen's Garden once or twice before, but I wanted to do it a little more justice than a quick write-up since it's such an integral part of Azelie's character. All the Gaiden episodes are finished yet the side story procrastination remains. This vexes me.
>this is cute
Fun fact: it's also apparently the 78th piece of Helioptile fanart published on the internet if my one single source of danbooru is anything to go by. It's a shame too, Heliolisk is a really unique mon and 'optile is an underrated cutie.
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> Tell me more about this magical dude
He's my old Pokemon Tabletop United Trainer/PC, the guy went on a wild Pokemon meets SMT-style campaign.
He started the game as a local Flaroma Town musician with his band, they just recently finished a tour around Sinnoh and were looking for money and fame. They got invited to a big wig research cruise ship to perform for.

By the campaign's end, he and his allies did some insane stuff here's a list:
>Survived many building explosions and people with automatic weapons trying to kill them
>Unlocked magical powers within themselves (Brent unlocked Druidic [Grass] and Magical Boy/Girl [Fairy] powers])
>Freed the Lake Trio
>Dismanted & Destroyed a secret cult/organization that went by 'Schwarzschild' devoted to reshaping reality
>Met every single Legendary Pokemon (Who in his setting are Deities)
>Traveled through and survived the Distortion World, Spacial Realm, and Time Realm (All of which could shatter/destabilize their minds and physical forms)
>Learned that Free Will wasn't real.
>Raised a rebellion against God and his forces
>Was blessed/became the Champion/Messiah of a Deity/Legendary Pokemon (Brent was chosen by Shaymin)
>Fought and Killed the 18 Angels of the Elements/Types
>Fought and Killed the 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse
>Traveled to the Realm of God
>Fought and Killed the 18 Forms of God
>Fought and Killed the Devil
>Became the Gods of the New World, made some changes to reality, then gave up the power to make the Seat of God a neutral democracy
>Made friends with a lot of Pokemon, and people, and got a lot of money as a thank-you for helping the universe

Nowadays Brent's *mostly* free from this whole 'Fighting Deities' business, he's happily traveling the world performing his soul out, tutoring, training, raising his kids, and doing the whole eco-protection + Pokemon Protection/rights thing.
This escalated quickly...
>>Became the Gods of the New World, made some changes to reality, then gave up the power to make the Seat of God a neutral democracy

Bro picked Neutral, based man. Remember: Law brings order, but also slavery and stagnation. And Chaos may be free, but brings death and uncertainty.
Pick Neutrality, balance is key in this insane universe.

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You know it!
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It wasn't all that bad! There were some pretty rough moments for him, but there were some nice things too! Brent got to meet Meloetta and he got her autograph and everything. He met his now wife through the adventure. Plus- his dream of becoming a world-renowned performer alongside the friends he's made along the way is going phenomenally well.

I don't think he got rid of his fear of heights though haha!
>another PTU guy
Neat. I like Brent's team.
Brent at the end looks like motherfucking Xavion, kek.
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Ha! He kinda does huh? Pure coincidence as Brent's glamour is based around the Galactic Pretty Boy from Star Driver. Just sun-themed.
Brent went with 'Taiyō Bishōnen' for the name of his alter-ego/magical boy persona.
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Currently designing a Pokémon for a change. I mean, I wanna make this little guy stand out at least a little. His name is Little Prince so my firs tthought was a crown but idk. Still playing around with accessories.

Yo how fucking cool is this? How do you do animations? Like what software do you use?
>I don't think he got rid of his fear of heights though
Reminds me of a family story. My uncle was a Sargeant in the army, and got in the Parachute Corps (he even reached the instructor rank).
Anyway, years later after his service, my family invites him for a vacation in my country, so they get him and go to the plane. My mom said he was shivering the whole flight.
When they finally reached ground, she asked "why were you scared? You always rode in planes". He answered "I jumped off from them, I never landed in them!".
And now I closed the window without saving the file, fuck me. At least I posted this, so I can trace it later.
F. Good thing we became your (sort of) safety archive.
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AH! Sorry, zonked out and forgot to hit submit.
Look at the swagger on that little dude! The crown is adorable but remember that Espurr have extremely sensitive ears and that little accessory brushing up against its ear might result in someone/something exploding.
Consider turning that cute little ribbon into a royal cape instead. All good kittens should come pre-swaddled.
Poor unc... hope he's doing better anon!
He is. Nowadays he has his own restaurant near the coast, so he is doing alright.
But it was funny. He is big, built like a fleshtank, and was scared of heights, even when he jumped from God knows how tall.
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Gilded Platinum (the campaign) ends tomorrow.
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I think about this post sometimes.
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That's good to hear!
Go, Fight, WIN!
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
>Inb4 Luke runs towards Cyrus and headbutts him just like with Charon
Wait, Lugia had a kid in the anime?
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she appeared not long after brendoom did (i think 1 month later?) after someone suggested to add a Xatu trainer when Breloom vs Xatu meme was alive
She makes sure Brendoom doesn't go out of control when he goes on missions and acts as his manager, you can have more reasonable conversations with her but be prepared to get roasted
Bump. I'm finding myself a bit stuck on some details in chapter 3 atm.
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Well, you guys got me. A drew a chibi. At least is easier than drawing a proper body.
Also, you guys know about Power Pro Kun? Sadly is JP only, but the games are fun.

Well, I actually don't like VNs. Lots of reading, and I prefer gaming. Having said that, I am subbed to Manlybadasshero, so my VNs are either comedy or just yandere wish fulfillment (not in the sense that "you have a killer waifu!", more in the "you'll die in the end for being a dumb mf").
If David was a VN route, I feel his comedy would come from mainly callouts and burns (imagine Class of 07, but the characters are actually likeable). Still, I would hide one "ending" with him: if your character is a Hex, he is played as usual, but you get an extra "friendship" meter. At the end, your character can hook up with whoever you want, but the end is him looking (you) and your pick out of many windows while "Every breath you take" plays. He is aware all this game is a fantasy, but he wishes he could be part of that dream. (your) dream.



>Security: degenerate found in Pokémon soil. LETHAL FORCE AUTORIZED.

Reminds me of Azur Lane and Nikke chibis doing random things.

Those are Fortnite and Apex. I'm stuck in PUBG, and is basically "wanna be commando": the game.
I may play the events when is time for reward hunting, but then I'm bumbling around in Unranked until next season.

What a Chad

It begins

Yay, more Brendoom and Natty

Well, that's it. Non burger out.
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>(i think 1 month later?)
Huh, I swear this is the first time I'm seeing her. Learning something new right at the start of the day. The coloring job is really doing her justice, keep up the great work.
Ah, cute. It reminds me of a gen3 sprite, you should do that more often.
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This one, specifically.
I once posted before these threads took off and now I’m too intimidated to join.
Well there's fewer coomers, zoophiles and faggots than the previous threads, so no need to. Go ham
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No need to be shy, just be chill.
We're your friends. I'm your friends. Join us. Join me.
All those links in the OP are there to help people just like you.
Join. Join. Joinjoinjoinjoinjoin.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I encourage you and all the other lurkers to make the most of the resources provided in the OP links and make yourself at home.
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Show us your OC
I wasn’t expecting zoophiles in the trainer thread, huh.

The links are super handy, yes!! Especially the making a character one, I’ll definitely be using that.

No, I appreciate it! Really! Sometimes I just need a push, haha.

Yesss, oki! This is my oldest oc, Molly. She’s a poison type fanatic that loves making outfits and accesoiries for them. She posts them on social media because she wants people to see the cuteness in poison types, especially her lil buddy Skorupi.

I’ve been thinking of redesigning a few of my characters. I just really like doing character design and feel like my art has definitely improved since.
Oh I like this design. Very cute.
Skorupi is a fucking great shoulder mon to have, good choice. Have you been lurking in these threads for long, or did you just drop in?
Thanks so much! I’m lowkey thinking of steamlining her design a bit, right now it feels a bit too cluttered imo. Someone did such cute art of her in a drawthread a while back that I’d feel bad changing her up again.

Right?! Skorupi is so cute too! Thanks Anon.
I posted early last year when the threads were very sporadic but I’ve been lurking the trainer oc threads since forever honestly. I just like looking at all the nice designs.
I've only been here since January, but this iteration of the OC thread pushes for long-form content. Drawing practice, animations, writing short stories and very not-short stories. You say you want to streamline the design, you should make that your project.
Don't think of it like you're undoing someone else's work, think of it as expanding the fashion designer's wardrobe.
Because our OP is a MASSIVE SCUM-SUCKING FAGGOT THAT THINKS HE KNOWS BETTER THAN THE OP TEMPLATE, it's also important to note that the
>I don't know how to draw
tab is not strictly AI-generated content, it also includes a pdf full of curated and up-to-date picrew links for quickly playing mix-and-match in an art style that suits (you). You mentioned wanting to make other OCs, this would be an option for helping to visualize basic ideas to build off of.
Coming... when I've had something to eat.
I have a horrible habit of trying to drum up hype.
Angel-bunny suit?!
She is adorable. And is great she is poison type. We were lacking a poison trainer.
We had one already but they disappeared it seems.
Alright everyone.
Age: 25
Height: 5'9
Original Region: Unova
Role: Villain

Polara was a circus performer, abducted and forced to work by a travelling carnival. Throughout her life, Polara only knew stress and showmanship under the harsh circus lights.
One day, a man named Gray rescued her, and the two ran away into the night...

Polara is the partner and "dragon" to Gray.
Her alluring looks and fierce power allows her to stop intruders before they can even hope to challenge Gray. Polara's gratitude to Gray led her to develop a strong romantic attraction to him, and Polara follows the man wherever he goes out of undying love and loyalty.
However, Gray's attitude towards life in general has caused him to become increasingly distant and focused on a goal that threatens to tip the mysterious trainer over the line. Due to this, Polara is beginning to worry that she won't be able to save Gray as he once did for her...

Polara's primary Pokémon is Blacephalon, though she does use others such as Absol, Kirlia and even Mime Jr. However, her skill in battles is so ferocious and aggressive that most opponents never get past Polara to challenge Gray.

Polara uses her cunning and gorgeous looks to her advantage to throw her opponent off-balance, and is more than happy to show off exotic and extravagant displays to disorient and confuse anyone she views as a potential threat to Gray.
Finally, Polara's dangerous looks and personality seem to be a facade for a very scared and worried woman underneath the makeup and glitter...
Good gracious that is some damgerous territory. One centimeter to the left or right and it's all over for us.
How did a carnie stumble onto an interdimensiomal alien? The fact that she found/was found by a Blacephalon and convinced it to stick around is probably a bigger story than whatever she's got going on with Gray.
Blacephalon and Polara have been together for as long as they can remember. Neither can recall how they met or what life was really like without the other.
When Polara was still a child, Blacephalon would entertain her with it's tricks and would even pop it's own head, just so Polara would have a comfy frill to sleep on.
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bothered me that my other ocs had "voice actors" but not these two so i threw something together for nyx and rina https://files.catbox.moe/257gfw.mp4
>hope you take pride in your work.
probably too much to be frank, it's why i get so touchy over how my art's used :/ that aside the kind words are always appreciated! i'm glad the visual weirdness gels well with people. while sada turning to face the viewer was really the only shot that felt "complicated" (it was the only animated part that required more than just shifting segments of the image) my personal favorite is the cutiefly swarm since i think it's got the most evocative imagery. the queen's garden helps us understand why azelie is what she is, gentle upbringings forging compassionate people, shows us that mystical and soft part of the world that manages to exist alongside the danger and cruelty. i know it feels like you're neglecting your other projects but i don't genuinely consider creating in any form to mean you're procrastinating. you're still dedicating yourself to your craft, so it's fine to focus on side projects. on that note, may more artists suddenly drop whatever they're doing to draw heliolisk
expected a magical boy and got an smt protagonist yet i'm anything but disappointed, what a lad!
fuck me thats painfully adorable, smiles to protect.
>How do you do animations?
i'm not saying this to sound humble or anything but you don't want to take animation advice from me because i'm a stubborn lazy fuck with the grimiest, most unga bunga process known to man. whenever i animate i draw each layer individually and throw them into gimp which has a convert to animation function and export them as gifs so no actual animation software enters the workflow at any point (as i'm too lazy to learn them). to make them into videos i just use some browser site called clipchamp. but it doesn't let you work frame by frame so layering it over music is a headache, hence the poor synching
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a bibi visual novel would probably just have you navigate life as a trainer in paldea or a student at naranja with bibi butting into affairs every so often, screwing with the interface, visual novel mechanics like the text log, and generally controlling or distorting the flow of the narrative. mostly because i don't think i could make a vn that wouldn't turn into a shit tier denpa title......unless it would be for nyx in which case since she goes around investigating abandoned research facilities there's a lot of potential for point and click puzzle solving mechanics like in ace attorney or prof layton
i like her color palette!
i want this funky little david on the cover of a fitness game. wii sports tog edition
this design is killer, i'm all here for the sorta menhera/jirai elements since they work super well for a poison type specialist, and the accessories on skorupi look adorable, i really hope you molly post here more!
one fucking banger design after the other eh? i like most of your designs but she, hali, and midori are all way too cute. also think the idea of an interdimensional alien being her childhood friend pretty sweet, can't wait to see how you expand on the two from here
Ah, yeah. The coughing girl. That was a shame, she was cute.

This outfit is really "anime". Change it up a bit, and I can see it in a Pokémon episode.
Not just one but three bibi king originals today. Good to see you, bud, thanks for the long posts.
Glad you like her!
You'll see a lot more of her and Gray soon enough.
Look forward to it! G'night!
Now that I'm comfortably seated at home, could you elaborate more on what you mean by
>it's why i get so touchy over how my art is used
Maybe I'm just naive and oblivious, but you've been pretty even-tempered all throughout this general's history as far as I'm aware.
Or maybe me promising to murder people with a brick just makes for a poor frame of reference.
You're still cool with me borrowing your fanart as long as I continue to credit you, right?
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ngl the true eyes of mimikyu remind me of these things
She's cute! And the Skorupi being dressed up is awesome! I hope to see more of them and your other OCs! I only joined recently myself but I love doing character design too and it's always fun discussing ideas with others.

>voice actors
That's a neat idea. At one point I thought about what Wolke might sound like but I'm not very familiar with female seiyuus. So I don't recognize the ones in your clip either. Got any more videos like that that I missed?
>animation process
Ok that sounds pretty much exactly like what I'd do since I don't have any software either and my only experience is animating short gifs. But your animations turned out amazing so who cares if it wasn't done "ideally". The results are what counts!

I've been in bed all day and it really frustrates me cause I wanna draw. It's why I lost my progress yesterday, I was feeling sick and closed everything without saving. What a shitty weekend.
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So... I couldn't do it in the previous thread, but at least I have a funny prompt to amuse myself with I suppose.

>I'm glad to know you're still thinking about us because goodness knows I think about all of you.
You kidding me? You folks live rent free in my head.

>Axel imposter
That's pretty sad...

>but life's being a bitch eh?
It's less life being a bitch and more me suffering the consequences of my accumulated inaction.

Nah, I won't say that Zeus' attack didn't/doesn't cause some frustration or even some slight depression, but for the most part it isn't lethal. The real problem is Belphegor, because when you lived with him your entire life, it's actually pretty hard to deal with... but I'll certainly try.

>Ayumu only has 4% change of showing up at any given point of the game.
>Wether he shows up of not is determined when the game starts.
>Talking to him randomly throws the player into any other character route, even if the route is already locked into the bad end.
>On the other hand, can also be used to bypass requirements of any other route, but of course, is RNG based.
>There are rumors that talking to him while having certain items boost the change of being thrown into any specific route.

Heeey, I remember this name, aren't you from the old OC threa-

That's it, gotta vanish.
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>The real problem is Slakoth
I am rooting for (You), brother. Keep at it, and find the good path.
Yay! Ayumu post! Also, nice gen, I would get that Miku figurine.
>pretty even-tempered
huh, glad i come off that way, might just be a difference in standards, i figured making a point to ask for credit or expressing distaste for certain ops was a loss as far winning the idgaf war goes. that aside, i said before i'm honored to be associated with eif in some capacity, so of course you're in the clear, especially cuz you honored the aforementioned request
>Got any more videos like that that I missed?
i posted this one for my paldean ocs many a thread ago! https://files.catbox.moe/aau6ku.mp4
funnily enough, while i AM actually pretty into seiyuu, only one of the people featured in these videos fits that category, i chose KENN for alto since i think he seriously nails the snarky, bratty teenage boy vibe, so he's a great reference for alto's speaking voice (not his singing voice though, as far as alto's singing goes, just imagine something loud and terrible). yoca's some small time cover artist i stumbled upon but he's got a nice gentle voice for tesoro, nanawo akari's very expressive and can deliver dialogue with a lot of energy or at a fast pace but with sorta lazy enunciation both of which get really close to how i imagine bibi speaking, bonjour suzuki's whispery voice sells rina's mysterious and soft spoken appeal, and while i don't know much about vtubers, asahina akane's kareshi no jude cover felt like a good pick for nyx's general tone. i'd love to know if you pick a theoretical wolke VA, here's hoping that sickness clears up soon buddy, taking care of yourself is the first step to making your next piece of art
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I think I'm coming to terms with the fact that I simply do not trust my audience at all. I am making the story decisions because I feel like they will create the most compelling story, but ultimately I feel like at least a few of them can and will flop. This thing is more experimental than it may seem, and I while I'm confident in ONE aspect of my narration, I'm still not sure about the rest of my idiosyncrasies, let alone the rather lengthy plot.

By the way, there is nothing you could ever do to make me trust my audience. Also, I have just gotten to 28K words and have finally finished paving over the old stuff that I had written, and can now begin to finally start moving forward in the story. That being said, I will be busy getting reqs for the Kyurem suspect test this week.
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this is so sad
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Of course, there's also the chance that Black Blaze gets delayed again due to lack of inspiration, and I just go to work on Control Human Delete instead. I am taking alternative title suggestions.
I think I mentioned this before, but I always imagined that Alto's singing voice sounds like Knocked Loose (I fucking hate this band)
I have rarely brought this up, but while most people expect Alex to have some kind of twinkvoice like Aether or Scaramouche, the current idea is that he has that asshole gentleman's voice. An unbecomingly deep voice is one of the several uncanny similarities that Alex has with Phos.
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I want you to literally name it "Something Else" and I will not take no for an answer.
Also (young) Kathleen Turner's voice isn't unbecomingly deep, it's husky.
Forgot to link the video. Let me know if I should keep this or just give him an edgy slightly deep twinkvoice like the guys I mentioned there.
Also, Bibi, is a “seiyuu” like an idol but just for voice acting or si it literally just the word “voice actor”? I’m not sure I understand the concept.
If I stretched the meaning really fucking hard, like bulshitting about how if Mimikyu was competitively viable, then Alex wouldn’t have sent it to be disposed of by Alloyama, then the words “Something Else” allude to how Alex treats Pokemon and people based on his perception of them. But that’s a huge stretch. Also, I had another idea to tack on to it. You never actually showed what really happened with Iron Treads, is it ok if I write out that battle and just have “Damien” manage to witness it somehow, which further piques his interest about Phos and the Paradoxes leading up to The Dossier? I’m asking because it’s ultimately my interpretation of a loose end that you left.
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I'm working on maps now
>is a “seiyuu” like an idol
literally just means voice actor, i opt for weebspeak because while i do have a number of english vas that i'm fond of, i'm still more familiar with japanese vas on the whole and only used jp artists for the videos i was talking about with the other anon. that being said lots of jp voice actors have to pull double duty as singers for osts and such or, like KENN, establish their own music careers on the side, so the line may blur at points (it's been a hot minute but i feel like i remember reading a thinkpiece about how much more demanding seiyuu work has become over time as the talents in question are now asked to sing, dance, and generally conduct themselves in the way pop idols do, complete with keeping one's romantic life a secret lest the fans threaten acts of domestic terrorism)
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>I’m asking because it’s ultimately my interpretation of a loose end that you left.
I'll allow it, go nuts with it. The reason I left it out is because I couldn't (still can't) think of a good Francoism for Iron Treads. Maybe give it a cute nickname to fill in the gap. Its Trainer wasn't a bad guy, the little drone just didn't have enough Poke-respect to obey him when things got tough.
>lest the fans threaten acts of domestic terrorism
For anyone not in the know, not only is he not making this up at all, he's probably underselling the gravity of the situation. East-Asian autism is on a whole other plane of existence compared to the rest of us.
I'm off to bed.
Boys, be ambitious.
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mostly just editing existing ones. here is what that one looked like before I messed with it
Yo, Earthbound bus, cool.
Well I finally figured out dialogue for the smaller skirmish in chapter 3, now I just need to plan out choreography and all the details within the REST of the chapter outside of said fight bit. Also, Bump.
Bump before bed, see you niglets later.
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A'ight lads, after I get out of work this evening I will be out of the house for an entire week and you'll be completely on your own.
I had more to say, but it's nothing you don't already know.
I hope you have a great time! See you soon.
Y-you too. I'll still do quick posts on my breaks.
I'm super into male seiyuu and follow a bunch of them on social media but I can only recognize a handful of females by their voice. I'll have to look into some of the girls to pick a good voice headcanon for Wolke. I'm thinking maybe something like Mualani from Genshin. Idk who it is, I just heard her voice recently and it seems fitting.
Good choices for your OCs! Bibi is absolutely perfect, that's exactly what I'd imagine her to sound like! It'd be awesome to have a clip of them dubbed with some spoken lines. Maybe if you ever feel like making something like that...

My headcanon voice for Alex is Hino Satoshi. Idk I just immediately thought of him when I saw Alex https://youtu.be/d1ci6xFXcwU
That’s really good motivation, thanks anon! I felt really bad changing her up when that art was so pretty, but tweaking her design doesn’t mean her previous iteration disappears. I’ve already started sketching out some hairstyles for her.

I’m lowkey a sucker for picrews, they can be sooo helpful to visualize what you have in your brain, thanks for that heads up!

Thanks so much! She’s my baby, I think I’ve had her since 2014. Poison is nice!!

Whoaaaa mama!! She’s a bombshell, damn. Blacephalon suits her so much too, I can see them get into trouble together for sure.

Thanks so much! I have a soft spot for jfashion, I really like using it as inspo for characters, glad it shows through! I want to go a bit harder on the subcul jirai vibes for Molly, I think. I’ll definitely try to post every so often!

Thank youuu! I love Skorupi! I’m excited to share my other characters to eventually, some of them never left the paper sketch phase. Excited to see your characters too anon!

Earthbound mentioned raaaaaa
Yeah, you'll do just fine here, rookie.
Chibi Polara...
And her reference sheet.
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first day on the job after a summer break
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>butt cheek star tattoo
I suppose I'll cover my bases while it's on my mind in case any of the vultures start thinking above their reading level:
>If the situation ever becomes so untenable that I can no longer host the archives, I would dox myself first. If a post isn't attached to a photo of a skinhead with a castaway beard and aviator sunglasses, it's fake news.
>If I'm literally dying, I'll post a photo of the wound. A ban is moot for me at that point.
>If I suddenly decide I don't like someone here, I would have said so by now and not while I'm driving out into moose territory.
Archivist, I’m sure you secretly dislike me anyways. You just won’t admit to it.
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you enjoy that vacation anon, you've earned it!
had to look up who voices her but toyama nao's got a really cute voice (or at least, her work as gbf's lyria is really cutesy and peppy, she has the range to sound a bit more serious like as celica from fe, but i feel like the former suits wolke a bit more than the latter) so i can definitely see the vision, or hear it rather
>soft spot for jfashion
oh kindred spirit! you and me both. i'm honestly really big on molly's original hairstyle, the spiky buns add character but that sort of jellyfish shape is really popular among the jirai crowd so it's a nice nod to current trends. i do like the super floofy and streamer twintails, but i also really like when a look is based on a specific pokemon so the drapion one's really fun too
there's something about the color coordination that really gives polara's design some oomph
>moose territory.
genuinely very few animals i would rather have to deal with, here's hoping you don't end up crossing paths with any
Just because I want to brick you over the head doesn't mean I don't like you!
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I'm hurt that you would even insinuate that. For shame.
Y'know, it's funny. I was juggling all sorts of curtain call to-dos, and it just blurred together into mush for me when I woke up this morning. I can't remember a single thing I did last night!
How about you, anon?
Do you remember?
The twenty-first night of September?
Love was changin' the minds of pretenders
While chasin' the clouds away.
>there's something about the color coordination that really gives polara's design some oomph
Thank you!
She and Gray will appear on the second /tog/ booster starting next month too.
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come to think of it, it's all been a tad fuzzy
I feel I can make a Tek War joke here.
>"You saved the day, and secure our future. But you had to take half the city with the bad guy?"
What does your OC think about Poke Mills? What do you imagine that Poke Mills look like?
What's a Poké Mill? Sounds like an old corn mill where two Mudsdales/Ponytas are tied together, walking around a mill.
I get to make this joke one day out of the year, you better believe I've pestered every single person I could about it.
He means the go-to postgame content of breeding 10,000 eggs to get a shiny or genetic god or trade fodder for Wonder Trade or your friend group.
Like puppy mills if you threw ninety shiba inu puppies out into the jungle if their tail isn't curly enough.
The concept is definitely a fascinating subject even if it isn't to the same ludicrous industrial scale shiny-hunters are used to. Like, canonically, it's just (you) doing it, but (you) can still flood Alola's waters with 53,594 Magikarp or fill that future Battle Frontier island in Hoenn with a couple hundred Deino.
Pokemon Breeding as we understand it is pretty firmly in the hands of the Day-Care Center, in which veteran trainers and extremely capable assistants watch over Trainers' mons. Since Sun and Moon eight years ago, they've been portrayed strictly as places to go for breeding, which seems to indicate those eggs aren't quite as mysterious as the coy old hands would have you believe.
I think of the Day-Care Center as an international chain with regional franchise owners. You pay for the legitimacy of the Day-Care Center name and research grants, private collectors, and price-gouging keeps things affordable for the public. Some Day-Care Center franchises are all about training (Johto) with the breeding being a natural result of opposite-sex Pokemon getting hormonal (gym exercise will do that to you); others are just there to facilitate breeding in a safe environment (Alola, et al).
On one hand, this allows extremely rare Pokemon to become widely accessible for Trainers as one Beldum plus a Ditto equals many, many Beldum; on the other hand my oft-mentioned evolutionary game theory states that mons like Metagross and Salamence are rare for a good reason. This is balanced out by the usual suspects requesting all these odd breeding jobs are Professor's Aides and Ace Trainers competing in some of the most selective battle facilities in the world.
People IRL don't understand how animals breed. People IRL don't even understand Type-matchups and we have the benefit of meta knowledge. SUCCESSFULLY breeding is an exclusive talent that limits the amount of ecological impact that can happen. Unsuccessful projects sort themselves out but law-abiding vigilance certainly doesn't hurt.
I mean, for Fug's sake, we've been plundering Africa for thousands of years and we are only just starting to understand how giraffes reproduce. Imagine the confusion of a giraffe breeding with a rhinoceros and birthing a shetland pony with a chain chomp growing out of its rump.
In Paldea pokemon are little more hotblooded (Spaniards), and are prone to make babies whenever.
>on the other hand my oft-mentioned evolutionary game theory states that mons like Metagross and Salamence are rare for a good reason.
Pokemon with a high-EXP curve take way longer to produce an egg, and they can only do it once every X months (or even years), that's what stops some dummy trainer from infesting a region with Bagons, for example.
Like a panda
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Not either of those anons, but I am taking this as a headcanon for my own writing.

Poke Mills exist but only for less dangerous/powerful Pokemon and it's often moderated by the Day-Cares as this anon implies >>56480583 to avoid flooding the wild and ruining ecosystems. In turn it's mostly just people trying to get unique superficial "trophy" Pokemon and the rejects/spares are just tossed onto the rich people's Pokemon peddling market-- like the one Emily's parents got her Mawile from for her 8th birthday. That and just people lacking meta knowledge that we have as players so nobody is literally trying to force their Pokemon to breed 24/7 for genetic gods and stuff.
I mean, that's pretty much already canon. Bagon requires over 10,000 steps ingame to hatch. Look up the IRL distance between a region's towns and cities and how long it would take to walk from one end of the region to another, then compare it to the actual amount of steps counted ingame. It's condensed for us thanks to the simulation but in-universe? Fuggedaboutit. Months and months and you better hope nothing happens to that precious cargo along the way.
I'm talking about just how rarely they produce an egg/breed at all.
Game has ended at long last. The story has been told. Wrapped up. Closed. It was a great ride.
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[Spoiler]Luke's ending[/spoiler]
So was I. We get our Trainer's perspective, but think about the trouble the biological parent/parents have to go through in their natural environment. Months and months and months of guarding those eggs, plus however long they spend nursing the offspring, then the recovery period once the adults are on their own again, then all the prep work that goes into preparing for the next mating season. No free lunches on this ride.
I ain't clicking that shit, nigga, you can tell me all about it when Gilded Platinum is finished.

A'ight lads, I'm out. Be good to each other, don't feed the trolls, and always do your best.
I'll let you know if I pet a moose.
Oh shit! I forgot something very important.
I'll say, despite the song you put there, that little video reminds me more of something "nana825763" would make. . . OR, this MV:
Also, as far as Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei goes, I'd associate it more with Zan than Zoku.
All that said, this is great, and a bit unexpected, if I'm being honest (that kind of imagery with Bibi I mean).

Useless trivia 1:
When I was in highschool, many eons ago, there was a girl I used to talk to, and one day, I was telling her about the plot of one of Zetsubou-sensei's episodes (the one they go to a purifying onsen), when I got to the main point, that the studens throw Nozomu in the onsen and only his clothes remained, meaning he was fully corrupt, she said "if it was me, not even the clothes would remain", which was a joke I was not expecting at all.

Useless trivia 2:
My phone's ringtone is the same as Meru's.
Than~k. Someday I'll show up with good news.

That one is only 35000 yens, tho finding her still available somewhere may prove dificult.
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cute family photo
there we go! i was betting that if anyone would be familiar with my source material it'd be you, you almost had me worried. can't say i'm familiar with nana825763, which is a shock considering i'm usually at least passingly familiar with these sorts but it's always nice to find something new to dig through.
>associate it more with Zan than Zoku.
i can see why, iirc zan was the season that had the "mystery trains with predetermined destinations" gag which gekidan inu curry animated in addition to their work on the openings (though i guess if anything it's the goku openings that i referenced most heavily) and my work was almost entirely inspired by them
>a bit unexpected
ha yeah, i keep it lighthearted here but i've always had a thing for avant garde aesthetics and obscure(ish) surreal horror (as evidenced by the fact that i referenced sayooshi of all things for >>56476651) given your familiarity with szs you've probably got a good idea of what the punchline to the little halloween project i've got planned is, so let's just hope i finish drawing it all sometime next month that's a damn cute miku figure btw
>I've always had a thing for avant garde aesthetics and obscure(ish) surreal horror
No lie, this is why I love your style when it gets "creepy". Reminds me of the old days of RPGMaker games when they used this style as well.
Also, strange side note: I started rewatching some of them, and I realized that many creators usually use sex as part of the character's trauma. Mainly incest.
I feel I could make a MASSIVE callout on that. "Oh, we are in fucking Hell, but you are still hang up on mommy sucking you off. How do you think we ended up stuck here, motherfucker?"
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>No lie, this is why I love your style when it gets "creepy"
thanks man! on the topic of rpgmaker games, while it didn't consciously cross my mind, i recently played little goody two shoes which was really heavily inspired by classic rpgmaker horror and delivered all the vibes of one in a more polished package. i'm also willing to bet the creators of that game drew from similar inspirations as me since they also used papercraft esque artwork and stop motion for certain cutscenes
sex is super common as a theme in horror for good reason, i believe it was archive anon who previously discussed the fact that the line between intimacy and violence is paper thin. putting a tad bit more force into an action can turn sex into murder. changing one or two aspects of a scenario turns an act of love into one of cruelty. the potential to transform something desirable into something disgusting makes the topic easy to apply in horror scenarios.......and also let's be honest a lot of the target audience for vns are coomers so chances are if you start talking that crowd about influential horror titles an eroguro like sayooshi will pop up in 5 minutes tops. though how well the theme of sexual trauma is handled is entirely dependent on title and audience interpretation, so i'm sure there's plenty of tropes or recurring themes for people to pick apart and critique
dumbest misclick ever, meant to reply to >>56481833. have nice nightmares tonight tog
>little goody two shoes
Oh, that looks really good. Neat.

Well, if it worked for Alien, Mogeko Castle, Wadanohara, and STILL lit the flames with Andrew and Andy, then is "good" for everyone.
I'd still would like a character making callouts about the situation. Not in a "oh, that's quipy" way, but more in the "I'm laughing, because if I stop, I will kill you for put me through this" way.
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you forgot SILENT HILL
Why would you hurt me like this?
Well, may as well hit while the iron is hot: I AM GOING TO ALICE!!!
Non burger reporting. Bump.
Burger Bump.
Why do I feel she is about to say "I said no pickles"?
She actually likes having thin cut pickles on her burger. No, her issue would be the cheese.
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A short list of facts about Polara
>Polara's favourite foods are all birthday cake flavoured
>Polara's design is primarily a palette swap of Ishtar from my project (pictured)
>Polara can "understand" Blacephalon perfectly, despite the two not being able to understand what the other is saying due to Blacephalon's extraterrestrial origins
>Blacephalon has a soft spot for kids, and will gladly cheer them up if they're upset. It's an alien, but it's still got empathy.
Aside from the obvious color swaps, the primary changes are her gloves, sleeves, arm decor, collar, left leg belt and of course, her new boots.
(Also Polara has TWO star tattoos on her butt that are different colors to the singular one on her "sister's" but that's a little too much ass on a monday)
Well I finally figured out a partner for Emily and she will be brought in with the next chapter.

Her name is Lillia Harlow. She is a part of a group that monitors all things relating to Infinity Energy to prevent it's abuse, said group was made in the wake of AZ's madness 3000 years ago. Said group is made up of people who have fully awoken to their connection to Infinity Energy-- unlike others that have it but remain ignorant to it like various abnormally exceptional Trainers, either in their own physical rights like Maylene and such or how their bond with their Pokemon empowers their team more than others, like Red-- otherwise known as Scions. Off-shoots of humanity. Elf-like ears is the most common, initial mutation of Scions. Emily is considered something BEYOND a mere Scion with a unique terminology defined by said group but I won't spoil any specifics like that yet beyond just the scale in which she taps into her connection to Infinity Energy and how much more extensively mutated she is compared to Scions who only have the ears.

Lillia is a Scion standing at 4'3" and 14 years old- the newest recruit (short Asian mom genes is why she is still so short and small)- who was sent to recon the activity in Kalos but wasn't really getting any leads since she does things a very old fashioned way by slowly forming in person connections and word of mouth just like in here home region of rural Johto. Arai of course with her more modern methods was able to simply brute force her way into information and set Emily on the right path.

Over the course of events in Chapter 3, Emily and Lillia end up intertwined in the story going forward and the two's relationship will be a vehicle to explore the other half of the duality Emily has-- the more "human" side of herself that paradoxically exists side by side with her otherwise alien warrior self-- in the story going forward.

I'm going to bed, see you goons later.
That’s a very interesting glove that she’s got on there.
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Mondays are why ass is needed
I should also say that Polara will be joining her sister Ishtar in Coloris as actual sisters.
But I won't get to that particular story arc for quite some time, so Polara's primary focus is as a Pokémon Trainer OC right now.
Today is monday.
Let's have a great week, /tog/!
Choose your favourite characters of mine. You can vote for up to 3 characters.
G'night. Poll ends in about 3 days.
Sorry for butting in a thread I've only ever really lurked but
Kieran caught my attention and Anon I must say your work is really fucking great and visually stunning. Looks like a cross between Madoka Magica witch visuals and music videos like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOdvwwxABoQ but still very original.
Also, based comfy general!
Can't do much about AI, just assume her hand is hidden in the sleeve.
The thread is not always comfortable, we have our fair share of argument and seething just like every other general.
Wrong post to quote anon
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With the increasing number of alternate outfits, plus his "pajamas" (iykyk) , I wonder if a tailor would try to get a little too close for comfort, and how Alex would react. I am open to suggestions for more outfits.
Well, how do you think he would react to it? >>56473178
Also, Gaius has been axed, btw.
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You know what, since I plan to feature him in a comic I'll probably just leave it at the ribbon and not give him any more accessories that I'll grow tired of drawing eventually. That said, I wanna show off this design with a cute hat before it gets scrapped.
Well, we have suit Alex, "quirky" suit Alex, and his pjs he shouldn't sleep with his belly on the matress, it will get cold, and he will wake up for a massive S.
How about a holiday outfit? Or a beach outfit? Maybe a vigilante one?

AHHHHHH!!!!! I want one!
hey lurkers are just as welcome as anyone to chat, and thanks! i'm probably making a broken record of myself at this point but i did my best to emulate the style of gekidan inu curry, the very same people who did the witch/familiar designs so you're on point there, touched you like it so much
neat! we've got the red to emily's blue now
ditching the accessories is a very smart call and you've successfully avoided the pit trap i used to fall into where i made overly complex designs that were borderline impossible to make use of in sequential art. that said i'll be sad to see the sailor hat go, so maybe you could bring it back for solo illustrations and the like......what an adorable little prince
Yeah, I'm already getting annoyed with his trainer's design (the anime hair... but I really wanna keep it). Complex designs are cool until you realize you have to draw them over and over.
But I'll bring the hat back for illustrations.

Oh, oh, outfits! Does he have a casual outfit yet? Other than that I'll second >>56485771 and say holiday/beach/seasonal clothes.
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TQ: I imagine it would be like a dating sim, but the main love interest is Ruka. Very long story over a period of years where you go from being friends to eventually dating. Jynx ends up becoming your ally if you're nice to her and she tries to help you two get together. Imagine Jynx's friendship having a affection value like Pokemon-amie/camp.
I wonder if you could accidentally get Jynx to crush on you. That would be funny.
>VNslop talk
Emily ends up as an RNG encounter where you click on one location and end up in another on a NG+ run and is aware of what is going on. The first encounter would probably be about as cold and utterly distant as one would expect.

>"You're not intended to be here. I'm not part of your little 'experience'. ...*You* are here in this exact spot by sheer accident. *You* should leave. I am simply observing before I leap again. Go back to your little intended 'story'. Play your little 'game' with the tales of these people's lives."
Grym's route wouldn't be able to be started unless you gifted her some Belue berry Pancakes and said a couple key phrases. You'd have to pick up these clues through talking to other students (which would make going for the Grym route very tricky to do on a first run for outsider players)
Bump before bed, cya niglets later.
Ditch the anime hair. Reject Main Character Syndrome, embrace being a normal person and being easy to draw.
What's this facial expression called, again?
more like hoenn hores amirite? I'm sorry, I couldn't resist
he does it because he sleeps upright and he likes to feel the blankets on his stomach, he also just thinks it's comfortable, he spends all day in his "pjs" because he's all alone and nobody has to see him dress like a slut, so he can witness his figure whenever he wants to
TQ: LukeQuest, a story about a homeschooled teenager trying to make friends after being moved to public school. Torch would help him make friends by purposefully acting up in ways that force Luke to talk to new people. Story would be about branching out and personal growth by leaving ones comfort zone.

I don't have access to my computer (it broke) so I can't do the thread task the way I want. So this will have to do
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Jynx doesn't have romantic attraction to humans. She can have aesthetic attraction to someone she thinks is objectively handsome or cover people she's fond of in kisses, but that's more of a trait of her species.She just likes being complimented and pampered like a big puppy.
so cute!! love the upper ear piercings on younger ruka too. i need you to learn renpy and make this a thing
Can you bribe Jynx with PokéPuffs?

Ok I ignored it at first but the repeated mention of """"PJs"""" got me curious. What's this about?
She had to start wearing less earrings and stuff when she started roughing it in the woods. It's just not safe! But in this AU she never really leaves school.
Bribe? Maybe. But you could also probably just befriend her with them. Feed a Pokemon and they'll be pretty loyal to you, I assume.
Stop posting this ai slop. Nobody cares about your yuri lolicon fetish. Go back to erping with that fat black bitch so you can stop dragging down the quality of the threads.
I also think Emily’s yuri lolicon fetish is distasteful, but he has no connection to “that fat black bitch”. I know who you’re referring to, and Emily wasn’t even aware of this thread’s existence while the nigger landwhale was around.
>the abel route
I have not stopped crying for the past day
For me it's the power-levelling "I win no matter what" stuff but that's harmless (I think)
I do think it's very funny all the characters look exactly the same.
there's more than one?
I think these are two different characters
Good job covering for them.
fuck thank you someone finally said it
You'd get better generations if you stopped using Lalafell to get past the filter.
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Pinky promise to also get zoroark in here in a day's worth, and also do the tt, because this one actually does seem fun
Yay! Hasumi!
I use it to save space in the prompt cause it's shorter than jumping through hoops and using multiple phrases trying to get the AI to stop giving me giga-elf ears on 90% of my elf ear prompts. Lalafell on average gives me more normal sized elf ear outputs while also making the character small.
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Damn that's a whole lot of raider bait, too bad I ain't reading any of it.
The meme is justified in this case, but you are honestly a one trick pony. If you want to actually make them look bad, you should get some new material.
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They already look bad, no one needs to diversify anything and they're asshats for insinuating that people do. Not everything is intended to appeal to *them* in particular and they can cry about it till the tears run dry. Ain't changing shit.
Mine wasn't bait, I genuinely think and agree with this >>56488694

It certainly doesn't help that the pictures you post look 90% indistinguishable from one another. Not to mention the child-like chubby face in every character is off-putting
>Not to mention the child-like chubby face in every character is off-putting
That's what I call a (You) issue. I like moeblob characters. If you don't, that's your problem.
It certainly is, though you aren't beating the fetish accusations
I'm not even answering or acknowledging the nonsense about fetishes. Their brains are too rotten with porn and gooning to see someone preferring a certain aesthetic without making it inherently sexual.
Okay /tog/ which anon/s DO have good character design (and variety), and WHY?
Also, are you aware that there is a white hand on your shoulder?
Luke's design is generic and boring and is just "male".

Dude will you get a life already? You ENTIRE thing is posting vore and annoying everyone, then typing in all capitals like your have a stroke?

Seriously no one’s gonna do your shit, get over and please better yourself already.

Also if you gonna respond to this, do everyone a favor and don’t unless your gonna respond like a human being. I’m not even mad, I just think your pathetic
Don't respond to it
They asked which ones you thought were GOOD. Not to continue whinging about ones you DON'T LIKE.
This. I want to know which anons (and of course which OCs) have good design choices and general thread opinion of said OCs
Retard you admitted to being obsessed with yuri in previous threads. Feigning ignorance now is pointless.
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Doesn't mean it's straight up gooner fetishism. You're the only one unable to seperate this from porn cause it's rotten your brain so badly.
>Heh, I-I'm not gonna read it bros!!!
Say it with me...
Sorry dude, but I was there when you went on a long ass tangent about only being able to ship Emily with other young girls. Guy's right. You're not beating those allegations.
Still not a fetish or inherently sexual, cope harder.
Can't be worse than Axel or Alex or Aelx or whichever one.
>My attraction to minors isn't inherently sexual!
Yes, I'm sure. We're all the goon brained ones. Please just fuck off back to erping with Ming-Ming.
And he just keeps reaching further and further.
But he's right though?
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Except he's not. Especially since literally basically 0 of what I've posted has been inherently sexual. This space will never belong to you raiding clique-tards ever again, you will never return to what you once had here in /tog/. No amount of mental gymnastics will remove me or anyone else here you don't like that's not part of your clique, this is our show now and /vp/ as a whole clearly prefers it that way considering the good things it has mostly had to say about us since it came back in January without any of you porn addled Discord tranny drama freaks.
Guys, quit it. You know these guys come once in a while, don't let them get on your nerves.
The genwars don't work, the Palworld lawsuit won't be relevant for a long time, and the Hex Maniac thread hasn't devolved into lewd posting (one few and there, but you get what I mean).
They are bored. Ignore them and they will go away.
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4. Everyone else
I really really liked the poison type gym leader girl a few threads back. I'm fond of >>56438690 from last thread. I think Ivy's such a fun idea of a brawly Nurse Joy aesthetic character. Also love Bibi's swirly glasses. Swirly glasses are a great way to endear me to a character.
There’s two sides to this. One one hand, Emily does a good job of keeping sexual content out of his writing. On the other hand, he is very insistent on certain elements. That one guy was right, Emily did once have a rant about how he simply HAD to have a girlfriend for Emily and that he would have less internet in writing if he couldn’t get it to work. I also recall one time that I asked if Emily didn’t show her tablet to anyone because she had lesbian porn on it, and he didn’t exactly give a “no”. Lastly, he repeatedly notes Emily’s poor hygiene and her “bottom heaviness”, in addition to highlighting that Emily’s mother was “absolutely STACKED in both her breasts and ass”. Not to mention him making all three of the protagonists lolis and making it be a side effect of Infinity Energy (and in Emily’s case, also making her fat from the bottom down in tandem with “her mother’s genetics”). It’s like if I insisted that every female character in my story had to have G cups and hips as wide as a car’s bumper but then turned around and called anyone who swear it as sexualization a “gooner”. It’s very clearly ABDF, dude clearly gets so insanely much more rock hard at the sight of hips and ass than Archivist does, to the point where he regularly makes it a point that Emily and her mother are “bottom heavy”. All that being said, he has no connection to M*ng M*ng and suggesting as such is asinine.

But hey, as long as he isn’t writing actual sex scenes with kids…
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Behold my original character, June! She's CANONICALLY 10 years old, and her boobs are bigger than May's, Rosa's, and Leaf's!
>all 3 protags are lolis
Mari is like 5'2" and the normal proportioned one of the group.
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I just feel like there's not really a reason to bitch at Emily about it at this point. I don't really care for their character but they're pretty easy to ignore. I just don't give him any (you)s. If someone likes Emilyanon then that's fine. Just not for me.
Aww, I didn't make it on the list.
A little too much creativity for vp oc there bud
That tier list he posted a picture of is from MONTHS ago. Someone would probably have to make an updated "what kind of dream you'd have involving them" tier list at this point.
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Anyway, goodnight lads.
she looks like she fucks men
The whole? Only like 5 people even post anymore. The ai goon squad killed the threads. The only thing left at this point is a bunch of talentless losers insisting eventually they'll definitely write something soon or how they're finally going to learn to draw while asking asinine shit like "HOW WOULD YOUR CHARACTER CHEW BUBBLE GUM?!"
Keep imagining the discord trannies are coming to get you, schizophrenic retard. I wish you niggers would've fucked off back to your erps with your friend, Ming-Ming.
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christ bro stop posting this r*ddit shit you're making me side with the guy
You are posting that name a lot.
Are you the guy from Pokémon Ocandia? I can't remember the name of your OC, but I remember (you), stealing assets to make fangames.
Are you still mad Ming has the same gimmick as your OC, which is pokéfucking? Dude, I said it before, that's not a quirk you want to get pissed about.
Many like you or Ming are found in R34, BY THE THOUSANDS.

You need to let that anger go.

You made it too obvious.
Which boogeyman are you convinced is coming after you this time?
nah im tired of pretending this is okay its hard to enjoy the threads anymore over it
Wolke nr. 1 for both char design and general art quality, then me obviously for 2nd, and 3rd bibi. I will not elaborate further
Well, we all knew this was going to happen sooner or later. With exceptions, I feel we are one of the VERY FEW regular threads that still get some form of traction.
If anything, this is common anymosity. Succeds brings jealosy and envy, so people will attack rather than engage. We'll see if this gets worst or better, but we can all be happy we are trying to make something positive in this place of anger.
bro im talking about the quality not some ragebaiters. i just want to talk about ocs that arent bland ai genned garbo. they're only back because of how shit the threads are now
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>he doesn't read any of the writing
OCs are more than just about the art, ragebaiter. AI is just to give it a visual reference. Not every person can draw, not every person is meant to. Most people are only good at one thing or another. Those who do both tend to be more in the middle of both categories rather than outright excelling. You're just trying to cause issues.
its not being good at drawing or writing. the problem is how many are shit at both. are you just going to call anyone who isn't the biggest fan of the way the threads are going a shit stirrer?
Do you really think anything here is excellent? Is that the copium you inhale? That even if you're shit at art your autistic ramblings are top tier?
Lead by example?
>how many are shit at both
And this is how I know this is bait. Literally just a retard who wants everything specifically to his own tastes, trying to make all of this unravel so he can re-establish the clique, get ye gone faggot.

It's still better than old /tog/, it's still better than anything the literal trannies in the now dead and gone SV Trainer thread had. /vp/ was never.

And as this anon said >>56489334, lead by example or shut your fucking mouth basically
*was never outright "great". But this rendition of /tog/ is at least an improvement upon it over the old one.

Please stop dude. Your autism over (You)s is making us look bad man. Just ignore them.
>get ye gone faggot
>shut your fucking mouth
Sorry, even I can't get behind the internet badass paranoia posting
Don't jump on my reply cuz I'm not interested in you twos bullshit
too late
Like I said before, people exaggerate how "comfy" this thread is. All that being said, I think that he should just embrace the Mary Sue-ness of it all and give Emily four super forms and a god form. It might actually make the story more entertaining.
I'd take anything over how thinly veiled it is now. Go and turn it up to 11.
It's called gradually working up to the higher levels. Even shonenfags themselves don't like when it all happens too quickly.
>check in on phone
>hours later
>thread has been extremely derailed

Computer still broken, I'll probably have to post the VN picture on a different thread.
If only someone warned us about all these empty fish hooks.
I'm not worried about it. I'm under no illusions I'm good at this shit. Nor do I expect anyone else to be
Shut the fuck up falseflagger.
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Fuck off faggot its my oc I'll do what I want and write what I want. If you don't like yuri don't read it.
>This is the end of the thread
How did we got infected with summerfags? Is over already, and yet we somehow managed to get the same quality of those posts.
I know September is only 911 and Fire, Earth, and Wind. Maybe LivingTombstone, but that breaks rules
Can they chill for a few extra days? October is around the corner, and they will have all the spooks and candy they want.
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Hey everyone! Can't believe I missed basically this entire thread. I'll play catchup tomorrow cuz I'm sleepy, but I wanted to drop these off before I head to dreamland.
>Thread Question: Your OC is now starring in a visual novel. What's it like (Can be Pokemon or its own separate thing)?
The reason I've been inactive is cuz I was busy making this! A playable "visual novel" starring everyone's favorite little addict! It's more of an RNG simulator than it is a Visual novel, but I hope you guys have fun playing shitty little games with Miko.

Here are the links if you want to play. Just download the game (top right download button), extract/unzip the folder, then open the .exe.


Mac: (disclaimer: I did not test the mac version so sorry to any mac users if it doesn't work)

May the odds be ever in your favor and goodnight <3
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That's awesome! I thought it would be rigged in Miko's favor but I was surprised when I finally won some games. Great job!

I also sat on this all night and it's a combination of the thread task and doing a voice headcanon. I wanted to animate the mouth and do more poses but eeehhhhh it already took so long. This is good enough I guess. https://files.catbox.moe/0tvze9.mp4
At least we had a silver lining. We are a few posts before the limit. Any ideas for the next thread?
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At this point it has to be some cross-boarding fanboy.
People who may be angry at Emily? He was the only person who got banned on another board recently.
Why would they be mad anyway?
>he doesn't know
It's a good thing you don't know at this point.
Great job as always, love it
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Which isn't to say it's anything particularly bad, it just avoids drama by not having it directly discussed in detail. It was just people being mad about my boulder in a river-esque disposition in places with cliques that expect everyone to act a particular way and appeal specifically to them
It's odd honestly (not really), quite a significant bit of the criticism about Emily and the anon running it was valid when you don't consider him having aspergers, but at the same time it devolves into sperging or just gets drowned out by shitposting, so much so that the two pretty much converged into one
Really nice voicework, did you hire someone to do it?
Collab drawings maybe? I'm down to draw someone from the batch of trainers here
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Recreate a scene from the Shining using your OC.
This didn't get nearly the attention it deserves. You just upstaged /rheg/ and every OC thread before this by producing an actual fangame.
Bump before bed.
One day left until the end of the poll
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here are some Miko sprites I made for the VN including a custom Electrode sprite (I just wanted it to be bigger than to Miko)
Wow, welcome newcomer! Always happy to see another mask trainer. Love Molly's design and loving all of these cool hairstyles you sketched up too. I think her OG spikey buns look like something a bug type trainer might have since they almost look like spools of threads, but even then I think it's super fitting and is kind of like a nod to her skorupi. I love the way you drew her eyes in these sketches as well, so cool.
Woah Polara is a real big change of pace, super cool. I don't know if this was intentional or not, but the diamond around her neck kind of looks like a Z-Crystal to me which I thought was kind of cool to have it as some sort of accessory. Blacephalon is my fav ultra beast and I think you handled a Blacephalon trainer really well. Excited to see more of her
>also the stars on her ass
Ahhhh more Nyx and Rina content!!!- especially Rina, wow she's so pretty. The hoenn arc was def my fav from your poll way back and I'm glad to see some more stuff come out of it. I think the voices are super fitting and Rina's colors are eyes are so beautiful.
Speaking of color- this sunset piece is also really great. I'm a sucker for those comfy warm orangey tones and your shading is always supreme. I love Bibi's battle craziness, her and Nemona are lucky to have each other.
He's alive ;)
I personally wouldn't have expected a voice like that for Alex. I think I always imagined him having a smooth and gentlemanly, almost condescending, voice but not that deep. I think subverting expectations is pretty cool in characters though so I don't think the edgy twink voice is super necessary even if that is what he is
Very cool, love all the lights and glow effects you got going on. I think nighttime maps are super underrated.
trying to post part 2 of catchup but I'm getting flagged as spam
I'm creatively bankrupt to think up a good thread ideas right now, so I'll just repost what an anon came up with last thread. Thank you anon >>56468231

>Crossover episode: Draw your OC interacting with another OC's Pokemon.
>Draw someone near and dear to your OC's heart.
>Draw a chibi version of your OC if you haven't already.
>Your OC goes to a new region, what's the first thing they do?
>Where and how did your OC acquire their knowledge of Pokemon? Any gaps in their education?
>What is one question your OC will never, ever answer?
>Has your OC had a real bad date before?
Nah, I used voice clips from Genshin Impact that seemed fitting. That Mualani girl has not only the voice but also pretty much the personality that I imagine for Wolke, so I edited some of her lines.
>those quads
>Nah, I used voice clips from Genshin Impact that seemed fitting.
That's clever, not like anyone here could actually tell, and probably a smoother experience than training a model, good work
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Zatch and Lychee Anon here after a VERY long while gone

Chapter 2 is almost done and so far it’s about twice the length as Ch1. Once Chapter 3 done I’ll post a Pastebin or something for you guys to read my stuff finally

Lastly I leave you guys with a blonde Officer Jenny gen Why? Maybe one is gonna join soon?
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Baking in progress.
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