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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>56414273
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Post your latest EX
6EX with Malva !
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Currently thinking of EXing classic Elesa
It's crazy that there's almost nothing to spend stamina on for a full month
become your favorite's superfan if you haven't already
These retards think everyone would be using stamina for the freebie shit when most players have them already
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I love my cute wife Whitney! The prettiest girlie in the universe!!!
I'm sinking it into those dupes even though it's just for a shitty 3* ticket. I have enough feathers and cookies and crap.
She should dress more like Tron Bonne.
Not sure if there will be a /pmg/ guild but feel free to add me
Cleaning out inactives from my friends list and I've got like sixty slots
Day one daily player, moderate whale over the years but mostly just dailies lol
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luv me Cynthia
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Shillthia and Shitthia fags gtfo
Nita for HSE. Only Evelyn left exrless now
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What's her cup size?
God i wish i was that Nosepass
Haven't looked at Masters in years. Is Eureka in?
I’m just farming lucky cookies honestly
No thankfully
>luv me Cynthia
Clemont's sister
They barely give Clemont attention already
Saving my balls for Chuck
Depends, what's her height?
Careful anon, you will be accused of being Shaun by one of the Cynthiacucks
True, but unlike Clemont his sister is a loli which pedos (who unfortunately make most of the Pokemon fanbase) will love that and spend all their money on gems just so that they can roll for her. Never underestimated porn addicted autistic manchildren
Bonnie will flop though
She's one of the least popular pokegirl from the games, despite appearing in the anime for 3 years
I'm hyped for Chuck, Lear and Rachel.
Do I still fit into the fanbase?
shaun or not, its true that only mentally ill players hate Cynthia
Or maybe it's just people that are tired of the constant Cynthia spam on this board? Stop forcing Cynthia down out throats and maybe we won't develop hatred for her
Way to prove >>56441182 right
Sorry anon, I'm not >>56441204 but I agree. Cynthia has been overdone for so so long. Her two themes are still great and adding a canon loli version to the anime was a fun event, but otherwise I want no more Cynthia.
^ this, but no more Blue, Red, Steven
^ this, but no more Lillie
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Looks like autism won..yet again lads...they're a fun duo at least and 2nd and third place are based choices as well
So now we all know that The Team Skull event is loved by most people can we have Team Skull Liza ?
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say it with me again...YUMEFUJO GAME
shillie lost bigly. also that's a lot of ties, makes me kinda happy actually
>not just 1 tie, but 3 of them including 2x4 ties
fake news
more like they didn't want to separate events that had a 100 player difference
Rigged by Unovadev
>You must love Cynthia otherwise you are mentally ill
Do Cynthia schizos really? This is exactly what i meant by you fags forcing her down everyone throat, you are literally unable to access that not everyone has to like her whether you like it or not. Quick reminder that being so obsessed with a fictional character that you literally call everyone who dare insults her mentally ill makes (you) the mentally ill retards. Learn to accept that not everyone have to like your generic blonde bimbo
Arc Suit subway twins soon
Here's a crazy take:
There could be something between 100% unconditional simping and blind hate.
Life isn't about absolutes, mate.
I love mentally ill shirona (volo)
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A tied 4th here and 7th in Japan. Definitely recency bias, but if it gets her more then I won't complain. Palentine's or Summer Bianca for 2025, please.
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Based Chuckchad
God that would be fucking kino though. They'd make so much money too
Twins supremacy
>Definitely recency bias
It was a pretty nice event story so id like to think its not all recency bias (Dena seems to like writing good stuff for unova)
I'm a casual, how do people vote in these things?
Agreed, just look at the lodge spread. The guys have yumefujo picks, while the girls are just... protags and Cynthia. Lmao
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You had to post on X (Twitter) with the name of the story you wanted to vote for and add the hashtag
I agree, the story was pretty good, even when I put my biases aside. I was happy with how it turned out for her.
>Unova slop
Didn't even read the garbage with Cheren. I'm convinced anyone that gave an actual fuck about the stories in this game left years ago from how dog shit the gameplay is so now we have are the ones rigging the polls.
Bonnie isn't popular and if you hate lolisho you should fuck off and go play Mihomo slop. You are the minority here.
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The only Unova slop I want is another Iris alt.
Honestly, I wonder if the reason why they decided to randomly release Chuck from NPC hell was just because it was around HGSS's 15th anni
Probably because they have no idea for them like Drasna and Olympia. Tierno Ryuki and Lenora at least where part of an event that fit them.
At the very least the type rotation event will let you know a bit more about them and some NPC that rarely appear or that you never fight in the other events (it's the first time the player can fight Tina for exemple) so it's better than nothing
Yes, something you will never experience
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>Chase the Northern Wind hits both lists
I'm okay with this.
To be fair Silver never got a bad event
No need to share and project your inability to get laid, anon.
They all did have events that fit them when they were NPCs. No reason they couldn’t have been released then.
I demand Halloween shauntal
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I've got enough left to roll on one of the Seasonal Banners

Assume I haven't got any of them: are any of them actually viable units? Or is the whole appeal still just to get an alt of one of your favorite characters?
no, hes right...........
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>if you hate lolisho you should fuck off and go play Mihomo
He’s not….
Bellelba, Selene, Irida and Steven are great
If you enjoy Noland, Bugsy and Guzma you don't need Barry or Escavalier even if they are way better. Accelgor have the Bug Zone if I recall
Phanpy and Polteageist are still good
Ursaluna need dupes at 1/5 it's awful
Can't talk for the rest since I don't have them or don't use them or don't even know what they do like Keldeo. Also i don't know who is in Banner A and B but it's not male/female. Diantha is in the Brycenman one I'm sure of it
Too young looking. The hebe body plan is the prime form.
Escavalier gets mogged by Ninjask THO
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This guy gets it
Yeah, general pool units don't always get events that introduce them anymore, so for next year's type rotation event, they'll probably just drop random missing characters like Byron, Wattson, Juan, Milo, Drayden etc, with no event and just have their debut just be a simple pokecenter dialogue and the type trio stuff. Those type rotation events seem to always introduce at least 1 new character into the pool, Falkner & Sidney, Drasna & Olympia, and now Malva, Trevor, and Chuck

What's even sadder is at least Chuck, Trevor, and Chuck appeared in actual story events, I don't thin they even bothered to include Drasna in any stories yet
Probably why Bonnie failed too, most pokemon lolifags aren't interested until the girl is just short of the "budding breasts" phase
I feel as though I've plateau'd as an F2P, can't get any better units since I want to save for someone I want, can't get past any remaining challenges as my OP units are already used up/not strong enough

I guess I'll just do dailies for a long while.
This game is unbelievably low effort. People always praise the story but the story is always half assed. More and more cutting corners. It's really bad when Melony and Gordie's quarter assed introduction with Victor is now considered a luxury. That was before they turned them into generic sync animations too since they had to do unique Gigantamax animations.
I think Jasmine is the only girl in the lodge that isn' t a mainstream or shill pick like the protags, Cynthia, and Rika

She's the only one that appeals to a more hardcore or niche fanbase
Only after Cilan, Chili, and Cress become playable.
Recent seasonals/special costumes (like within the last 2 years) are mostly pretty good. If I had to give a blind rec it would be SC Steven, he’s a great “support” for pretty much any physical damage dealer.
The Geeta one wasn't bad either.
Referring to the Stadium?

>Reciprocates Silver's attitude, to Lance's bewilderment
>Enters herself into the Pasio candy mascot contest without telling anyone and then wins at last second, rendering the entire story half-pointless, the boss wins again baby
>Triggers Dana's accented fury, and doesn't leap to apologizing because she didn't really do anything.
Look at her go.
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Top 15 from both sides. Having the videos only available for a limited time is still stupid.
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Wake up, pull Chuck!
I guess beggars can't be choosers but Chuck would have better benefited being a tech because there's already Wally and Bea for general pool fighting strikers.
>Unova Supremacy
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Well, one day...
>because there's already Wally and Bea for general pool fighting strikers.
but he's better than those
I like lolis but my hate for chinkshit is stronger.
stale bread thats growing mold in loli form
Dear god Candice boobs
When did that last part happen?
I love seeing Dana breaking character and her accent slipping out.
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>No naked version in Pixiv
It's joever
Good, fuck pedos
Rallies are so fucking boring
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Pick one
Any reason why the Galar Christmas event is so high, it's been so long since I watched it I don't remember anything that happens in it except for Calyrex possessing Sawyer. I remember more from the Johto and Kalos ones. Or is it just because Galar characters are really popular among normies?
Abomasnow, easy
Candice's bikini bottom has a better cut, but her top seems to be too small.
Jasmine has the correct top size for her, but that low cut bottom design is garbage tier.
>Off-topic coomer post
Kill yourself cumskull
The event had a callback to the SwSh DLC and the plot of adult friends not having as much time to hang out as they used to is pretty relatable so maybe that’s why.
It was a solo event at the end of the month she released. It had Dana battling Geeta and Palmer.
>All out defense girl
>Leaves weakest points less covered
These still look really goofy
How is this not deleted yet? They might as well be naked due to how small their bikinis are
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Much better.
Kill yourself you porn addicted tranny. Take your coom shit somewhere else
lilliebro, keep calm and read the description
>there is no ecchi variant, according to the [tapestry] distributor there seems to be a concern that the ero variant is copied and sold into a tapestry without permission, so we are keeping it private in response to the request
>We are planning to post the version that shows various things again in November or later, so we hope you will wait for it
I think I should start collecting these jp edits for the laughs
love yourself you porn enthusiast. Post your exquisite coom pictures here
sloppy schizo sex with volo
>there is no ecchi variant
>but there is an ero variant we are hiding
So I guess ero would be full frontal, ecchi would be suggestive.
You may as well be dead due to how small your brain is, yet nobody is stopping you from posting here.
"there is no ecchi variant" probably is just meant as "it exists but is not present in this set" so I believe both are the same
>Me stating that coomer shit doesn't belong on /vp/ means i am retarded
Ok retard. Now fuck off back to discord. You may come back on 4chan when you actually reach the age of 18 (which you are not)
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Kek, says the tard afraid of getting his first erections over images on 4chins.
>He gets his first erection on 4chan
>For you, the first day smut graced your eyes and got you erect was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Saturday.
Phenomenal artstyle.
I almost beat the Johto EB with SSHau/Bellelba/Classic Elesa (Bellelba is EX'd and roll'd)
What else do I do
Actually beat it?
Try giving triple Vigilance to Sycamore + SS Hau + C Elesa
This cute boy hopes you have a good day.
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Valerie alt when?
stupid fujos
they are smart about knowing what is most important for the good feel in the heart when playing
Who is all worth rolling for in the Gatcha right now? I have over 47,000 gems
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Probably never. At least be happy she got a BP alt that is a VERY good attacker.

Worth is the Arc pairs, but mainly because they are powercreep.
the arc suits. depends what character you like the most because they are all broken.
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Havent played since they added a stamina. First 10 pull!!
Kill yourself
I keep forgetting to do those daily 5 coin item exchanges
Yes, I got my first erection on 4chan back in 2003. You will get one too, eventually, no matter how much you try to avoid it, my baby.
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>what is most important for the good feel in the heart when playing
I know that as well.
>Lillie in sandals
That's lewd enough for me. Imagine the smell
Ikr, Geeta is based beyond belief like that
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Kid thinks this is twitter.com lol, go back to your catered account with "proship DNI" in bio, retard
If it wasn't for the fact you included .com, I'd call you a newfag. I have no clue what half of that newfaggled shit is or your filename reference of whatnot

>captcha H00A~
>lillie edging
Still need two more NY events to complete the Furisodes and then give her a bone
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Finally, some good edits.
irida pls
the summer event we need
I need that Emma; for research purposes only of course
Are these actual model edits or just painting over screenshots?
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All are painting over screenshots, name of the thread translates to
>[shitty collage] I was bored so I tried putting Elesa-san and Karen-san in bikinis
I haven't heard of any in-game model modding
thanks anon
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~ 3/5 of these edits are lost to time btw
Bless you anon
So who is the forced meme now that Chuck is available? Cress?
Invest in Juan stocks
Chuck wasn't in the worst position to be honest
Matt, Shelly and Tabitha are shelved since May 2021, Cress and his bros since March 2022
Is there anyone else missing in Johto now that's still waiting to get in? I guess there's Elm but a ton of regions are missing professors anyway.
Wouldn’t have to be in-game, just edited models posed in Blender or something in such a way that looks like in-game screenshots
>forced meme
Weird way to write about the best anni unit, but OK.
You now remember Wattson exists
Hasn't Brandon appeared as well?
If I were to tier the possible picks
>In the trailer for the game, but still not playable after 5 years: Cilan, Chili, Cress
>Courtney's playable, why aren't they?: Matt, Tabitha, Shelly, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Shadow Triad 1, 2, & 3
>Formerly Chuck's: Wattson, Juan, Byron, Drayden, Ilima, Milo, Opal
>The Battle Frontier Project is ongoing: Brandon, Spencer, Tucker, Mira, Buck, Benga
>Ex-Champion: Trace, Mustard, Peony
>Secret Character: Aarune
>Make Eternal Floette playable, dammit: AZ
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Untapped potential!
Can see other batch of three gen pool this year.
Hoenn and Sinnoh CS are probably next so they can release Magma/Aqua/Galactic admin in a similar way we got for Malva Chuck and Trevor and the monkeybros at some point for another event like the type rotation.
Have no hope for the Shadow Trial and the gen 6 admins ? Either never,only the dude or all of them in a giant Variety scout
NC not CS sorry
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>Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Forgot about Venus, my bad.
Personally waiting for the Kimono girls for noveber (Eevee day)

Trevor, Chuck and Malva has been in multiple events/stories, so perhaps we might get one Brandon, Shelly and Benga soon enough getting jailbroken.
Burnet, she's mentioned to have been around ever since Kukui was added yet she doesn't even have a model
Why is Professor Uranus so forgettable?
the only ones I give a fuck (with a legitimate chance of being in the game) are shelly , sada and probably katy (I guess tulip too but another pyschic is unnecesary when you have lana and lusamine)
I don't think characters who have never had unique game designs (ie. Karate King, Kimono Girls, standard NPCs) should really be included. Major characters who have historically not been Trainers you can battle should be separated. Oak is a strange case since he was meant to be battled but it never happened, so they gave him Mew and Nidorino for thematic relevance. Ball Guy is similar, and they could have given him any Poké Ball-themed Pokémon. Looker, while not someone you can battle, is shown partnered with a Croagunk in Platinum.

I always figured professors could be partnered with their "Welcome to the world of Pokémon" example, assuming they didn't already have a set team.
>RG/Blue: Professor Oak + Nidorino
>Yellow/Let's Go Pikachu: Professor Oak + Pikachu
>GS/HGSS: Professor Oak + Marill
>Crystal: Professor Oak + Wooper
>RS/ORAS: Professor Birch + Azurill
>FRLG: Professor Oak + Nidoran-F
>Emerald: Professor Birch + Lotad
>DP/BDSP: Professor Rowan + Munchlax
>Platinum: Professor Rowan + Buneary
>BW: Professor Juniper + Minccino
>B2W2: Professor Juniper + Cinccino
>XY: Professor Sycamore + Skiddo
>SM/USUM: Professor Kukui + Rockruff
>Let's Go Eevee: Professor Oak + Eevee
>SwSh: Rose + Cufant
>SV: Clavell + Pawmi
DJ Mary & Kurt are the other 2 "major" ones, the Mom, the guy who runs the pokeathlon, and Primo's brother I think?
I'm just baffled that the professors aren't even npcs in the game yet. I figured Juniper would've been in by now, she's one of the more popular ones. Like why wasn't she added as an npc at the very least with nay of Bianca's events?
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Simply because you don't fight him. Same reason Wicke is not in the game lmfao
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>yes I am going to roll for Trevor, how did you guess?
Lear at reset???
Tomorrow retard-kun
the kimono girls got a redesign in pokemon evolutions, so perhaps?
Fuck you
>Kimono Girls in GSC use 3 overworld palettes so they get close to distinct
>HGSS makes them all uniform when they had the easy method of making them all distinct with Eeveelution colored clothes
No idea why. Aren't used in the Battle Frontier and the one to appear in Pokeathalon was also one of them so no need for generics.
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First for Irida chart as mostly usual
Mistress Caitlin and side piece Bianca join in as well (you're welcome Bianca anon kun)
Yeah, but you can say that about any adaptation. The Kimono Girls have their Gen II look, their HGSS look, their first TV anime looks in Gen II, their second TV anime looks in Gen IV, their past Generations look, their Evolutions look, and a few manga looks.

Masters has been able to work with sprite designs before as shown by the models for a number of the simple NPC Trainers from before the games became 3D, but I think that all the Trainer designs, regardless of importance, at least have simple concept art at Game Freak's office that the 3D modelers can reference. Even in Gen I and II, Sugimori had sketches for the Gym Leaders that matched the sprites. Other than that, they only had mugshots in printed material, more mugshots in the Stadium games, and finalized full body art all originated in the TCG. It wasn't until Ruby and Sapphire that Gym Leaders and Elite Four got finalized full body art that accompanied the release of game.

I like to think that if a character has a unique appearance and actual concept art centering around the games rather an adaptation, they have a chance of getting the Oak/Looker/Ball Guy treatment. The TCG gets game-level priority since Sugimori was pretty involved in both and gave full illustrations to a number of side characters. Give me Cal, give me Gen II mom, give me Kurt, give me Copycat, give me Johanna, give me Felicity, give me Professor Cozmo (Gen III), give me Lanette, etc.
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We really need Sina, though.
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I might not be able to chart today. Feel like shit.
maybe this is a dumb idea, but imma take 4 requests for units to throw onto my chart attempt this week.

if i don't have the unit then uuuuuh sucks, i get to use something actually good!
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Clair (either)
Sabrina (either)
avery lol
so they are basically saying gholdengo and the oc fujobait which name I dont care, are the real anniversary pairs?
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Shart ft Silver
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Put any of my cute husband Victor on the chart. If you don’t have any of him, just play the cute husband Victor/Ghost horse event currently running
Absolute shithia death.
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Full ontype. It's a good thing Liza is so overpowered. Going against Sidney, who has a special sync with a parameter that boosts special moves and using a type where I don't have any way to boost my special defense or lower their special attacks would've been pretty difficult otherwise.
Also, double Tyranitar.
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>so they are basically saying gholdengo and the oc fujobait which name I dont care, are the real anniversary pairs?
They are trying to bait you into spending gems on SS Lear with a nu-gen shillmon, even though the arcs are better, cooler and FAR stronger
Wulfric for drake
Bro really scouts unit for content easier clearing in the game with no content

I pray for your swift brain damage recovery anon
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Arc slop is boring and lame
>no content
Works fine on my machine.
You even have shitters complaining that there is too much to do/its a chore/too hard/only shilled/top pairs can clear it etc.
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Bianca's an easy one for Psychic this week thanks to the field parameter. She annihilated Wallace. And her NC makes off-typing a breeze too.
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Tina of course !
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>battle rally
>invest heavily into poison and electric power ups so I can fuck up whoever is the final ultra hard challenge with Greeta or Red
>it's Norman
Apple Cup
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And of course CharTina !
You say geeta or red, but if you invested heavily both poison and electric you should be using both of them
Just battle Hard instead of Very Hard
No I agree I wouldn't want more than we already have because I'm busy with work and other shit like being here, but when everything is clearable by invested free units advocating for pulling meta units is just stupid, because there's no reason to grab them aside screenshot value if you don't already care for the pair without looking at kit
>being this buttblasted about based Lear
is there a more annoying type of faggotry?
>everything is clearable by invested free units
1) not everything
2) they take far longer, more resets, more frustrating etc.
Stomping with op units is fun and fast
> Not everything
Yeah you're right, 1 EBE and 7 UB aren't f2pable

And I also never said you can't use op units, just no reason to keep pulling the most recent ones just because they do 5-10% more than a 1/2 years old one
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Been too busy last week, back on track now!
>they do 5-10% more
Arc Steven and especially Cynthia powercrept the 3-rd and 4-th anni pairs way more than that
But you should pull them because they are the 2 best champions in the franchise
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saw an opportunity to use all Stevens this week so why not
One more reset and you can spend your stamina on shit again
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>Steven, no Cynthia or Lance in sight
They really don't hide the favoritism

>Olivia seducing Brock
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Ecchi garbage goes to >>>/e/
>B-but i want to post it here
No faggot, it's either /e/ or back to r/pokegals
OK, thread police
>talk to thorton with magnezone by his side
>he starts talking about electivire only
did they fuck up or something? is it magnezone in the japanese text? it was strange pulling electivire out of nowhere
There is a banner web ad for a game with anime woman in swimsuit right now. Seems to be okay for here.
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No one made you king, stop acting like you are.
>unironically promoting reddit
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Is this Hilda Hilda or Zelda Hilda? Dress seems to pale, but too purple.
I wish Lear was a cute girl.
He looks fabulous, but I only pull for cuties or slampig hags.
3 Candice, 2 Phoebe, 3 Irida, 4 Skyla and 3/7 Steven, 4 the chart!
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>Glacia is a stage that wants me to use special Steel
>SS Lear is tomorrow
Fuck.... do I wait and try to rush the E4 in the morning before chartanon? Or do I just do it as normal....?

Yes, Tateanon, I have Jirachi & Tate. But it'd be fun to try and do in the small window.
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Do it for your liege, do it for Pasio
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Glacia is a bitch
I must. I am prepared.

Also Jellicent Acerola is so so much healing. I consistently use 'start at 50% health' with her on team.
That’s his from his base version with Bronzong. They didn’t give him any new lines for his Variety alt.
Gradual and guaranteed team heal on any attack plus the recover refresh makes her pretty much unkillable.
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I can manage an exception for the King because he will give a +13 HP for Tina.
Not ideal but I can make a change or two just for him and Rachel/Sawyer (V and EX)
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Thanks Lear but I have all the gold shit I need
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Charting with the usual plus special guest Tina
Lear on podium in honour of Lear day tomorrow. Wish i could shart with Golden king today, ill be getting him for sure. Anyways, Eeeennnjoyyy
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All male chart.
I wish MegaLatios would show up on the podium, for color coordination...
But Lugia is a girl
Newfag here, can someone explain me why Arc Cynthia should be at least lvl 3? Also where/how do you get move candy for multi role? Do you have to use the golden ones?
>Newfag here, can someone explain me why Arc Cynthia should be at least lvl 3?
Because she is mega giga busted at 3/5 (and even more at 5/5)
But she is still very strong at 1/5

>Do you have to use the golden ones?
Go to bed, Shudo.
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Because higher copies of a character unlock more tiles in the sync grid, which you can use to customize and improve character abilities. Later tiles tend to be better than earlier tiles, naturally.
You can find the sync grid at the bottom of the character upgrade screen.
Okay but which sync grid tiles specifically make her so busted?
Ah that sucks. I thought there was a different candy for multi roles. Fucked up how stingy the game is with move candies, although I obviously get why they do that.
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cat & bat chart
>Okay but which sync grid tiles specifically make her so busted?
Sandstorm: P-Moves & S-Moves 5
Team Sandstorm Immunity
Sandstorm: Propulsion 9
Defense Crush 9
Cataclysmic Divine Earthquake: Power +50
Thanks anon, looking into it
rent free
she won
LOL, the only OC I have is rachel and only because I randomly got her in the mix scout

only a complete retard would ever waste its gems in puporse to get a OC
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Weekly Hoenn 15k CS clear for the chart - "Unintentional double Raihan" - "Cuck-ui replaced by Pneumonia" - "Hoenn NC when? " edition.
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For the chartanon
This is my favorite clear of all the ones I've done
Two cuties.
this was the designated special parameters abuse week, all happened to be the non shitty ones
I kneel. I wish I was this based.
>Oak vs Glacia
Okay, how? Really curious what you did and how that went down
>all OP units
>and then Oak
Seriously, how? Is he actually good?
>special dps stage
>oak is super bulky on special side
>can cap sp.def
>has a good enough chance to refresh his tm
>tm also sets light screen
>has heals and passive to apply more poison damage
>has passive that heals him everytime he does attack a poisoned opponent with his 1-bar move
>has satisfied snarl
take a guess, it's just a matter of how you mix and match the passives on his grid
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You too can be based starting from next week, anon. Just use your favorite trainers.
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Your /fa/gatha shirt?
These sweaters must be made out of super expensive shit if they think anyone would consider buying this, it better feel like the best thing I’ll ever wear
I doubt they ever sold a single item, even the ones displayed in the campaign are just graphic edits and not actual real physical prints. That's like trying to sell shirts with huge official stock Sugimori art, ugly and zero effort attempt, I doubt DeNA even believed in this meme thing.
BASED on all fronts
So you’ve made your choice
Surge is pretty memeable, he just looks like a smug army guy
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Prince Tate prepares himself for the upcoming civil war!
didn't pull for him

you're greedy lol

Need casual outfit Tate shota, Trevor is repulsive because of the awful hairstyle.
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Thank you for your service ChartAnon.

Arc Suit (Ghost) Acerola soon.
Dawnanon, is that you? Have you been hiding in plain sight all along?
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Shouldn’t have revealed your game profile on Twitter, baka desu senpai
u wot
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Pal Elesa hits surprising hard on-type
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It's my cute wife Whitney! And she's on the chart!
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Yay !
I'm ready to roll for the best anniversary unit
I wanna hug you
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T-minus 5 for our glorious leader...you ARE gonna roll for him...right? You're not a commie are you?
My King
>Can't 6EX Sawyer and Rachel
The fuck? You have to wait the 25th?
One fucking multi and I got him, that's the same as my SS Nemona luck. I have 4 Sprint candies so I'm going to 100% max him instantly

Not only that, I got Arc Suit Lance with my daily today
Gonna drop 100k sync orbs to 70/70 him now
Kind of sucks that I have to hold off on actually gridding him and giving him a candy until I make headway in the event
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>Was prepared to spark Lear
>Got him on first multi
>Fuck it, let's get the presents
>Another Lear on second multi
Ok I'm out. Not gonna push my luck.
Not him but I had 995 stamina stored for this so I can grid him right away, lol.
should I use nemona gladion or wally as main dps for the new damage challenge?
I only have Nemona and she hits pretty hard so probably her
sometimes I feel Im the only hetero guy playing this game
It's single target so the best is going to be 3/5 SS Wally just spamming sync nukes.
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Lot of Tina so it was a good event
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>Party with rich people and pairs related to Lear, Sawyer and Rachel's events
>Like always out of nowhere, Rei and Akari
Shitnoh shilling is so exhausting
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Let's Go!
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1st mult chads, how we feeling?
Holy Based
Sinnoh is the most important and popular region
Lear and Lance in one day is crazy luck, I was worried I would have to waste all my gems on Lance and still not make it before he's gone, and then have nothing left for Lear, who I really wanted to just dump all my Sprint candies onto. Somehow managed to get all the 1% characters this anniversary (not Steven yet technically, but I can spark for him pretty soon).

Got Sawyer too, hope the ticket gives me Rachel. Also got Malva on day 1 daily. At this point, the only characters I don't have from this anniversary update are
>Arc Suit Steven & Metagross (soon)
>Chuck & Poliwrath
>Trevor & Florges
>Rachel & Gimmighoul
And I'm not worried about Chuck or Trevor as much since they're general pool.
>spent all of my lousy 21k gems on Lear and didn't get him
Welp, I'm fucked.
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>Got Lear in 4 multis
>pulled Lance with a daily
Nice work
You'll need 3 theme boosts and 3 applicable damage upgrades. Ive been getting him a lot compared to others (9 clears for him, unlike anabel and darach at 2 each) all at vh.

I try to buy a set of theme boosts and power boosts and dont have to go down to hard. My spending is usually 500 limit (600 if i got lucky with 1200 per area twice or more)

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