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Go Big Edition

>September Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

>Server Status


>Silph Road Info

>PvP IV Checkers & Battle Simulators

>Estimated Shiny Rates

>Submit Your Friend Code Here

>Find Friends Here

>Spoofing Tools

Previous Thread: >>56429713
holy based
Is there a unique autistic way I can play Pokemon go?
spoofing or actually walking and traveling as intended instead of some mix or barely playing the entire game regularly
Usually people that want to do that spoof at night and play the game in-person during the day.
I was thinking more like playing with only 1 type of pokemon.
play with both eyes closed
I guess you could try running mono-type teams in GBL. If the type is a common weakness and has enough diversity to cover the meta, there's a good chance catch people off-guard and blast through their team.
no one does type challenges or nuzlocke shit in pogo because it doesnt play like the main games and that would be too retarded when the game is already tedious enough as it is
the best challenge you can give yourself in pogo is to keep playing
I'll vlog about it and become a youtuber
Play with a light up butt plug. It would make egg hatching a lot harder and you'd get a lot of attention at the raid meetups
this, it's fun
Your idea is noted down, sir.
Ground pokemon rule GL
Dragon pokemon rule ML
What is Meta in UL?
Randomness? shadow'mon?
useless and expensive shit, so poison-dark
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i have a shadow whishcash
it will have slightly better stats if i purify
should i purify it?
PVP legendz team this season will be:
>have friend who plays game
>He's got way more shinies and raid catches that I havent had time to actually get
It's not fair I want a cute absol dammit.
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For me its Jumpluff, stunfisk and clodsire
id help you if you weren't larping as a criminally insane amerimutt
>rent free fucking KEK
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Piano GO probably is the top level autisim this game has ever seen, i play with 2 phones to trade with myself and be able to do at least some raids
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i use two phones, sometimes a 3rd to login as a spoof
but im cooling off, i hardly have activity besides daily shit now

the "game" will likely die
>have sponsored gym near me
>sudden influx of new stops a couple of weeks ago
>said gym gets a regular pokestop dupe behind it
>gym gets removed today
>i'm left with an useless stop now
wtf was this shit
>make a stop submission earlier this month
>gets approved
>it becomes a wayfarer spot not used in pogo
>sponsored gym
what's that?
big business who gets to bypass the criteria, in this case, mcdonalds
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>Work in a little strip
>Gym, 3 Pokestops, and TWO new Max points all accessible at all times within our store
I'm fucking eating bros.
>and TWO new Max points
but those suck... it's like once a day and you're locked out
Yes, but I also get two of them a day so I feel zero inclination to seek out more, and the skinner box has failed to lure me in.
until they add a badge for dynamax raids or using your own dynamax pokemon in raids for us to grind out, what does it matter
>100% unprovoked shitposting
>like always
>will try to pretend he's not the problem because "people like his memes"
>no one actually likes him
>he just shits up threads for no reason out of petty "personal" grudges
this max event fucking sucks, grabbing the auto collect mp shit ruins all your research for the day
this dynamax shit is GAY
they need to figure out a way to make getting mp outside of spots beneficial in any way
No, he's right. It's gay as fuck and should never have been a thing.
>t. old grumpy guy who never played past emerald
That wasn't me, take your meds. Unlike you I don't plan my life around tracking when a thread reaches bump limit to immediately autistically make sure I am the one to post the new one.
This OP still did a better job reading the room
This kek
Will to play at an all time low since shiny Celebi landed safely in Home
So you're from Canada?
Poor Gojo
>This OP still did a better job reading the room
Well I read the room this time, because apparently "reading the room" means giving in to 2-3 anons having autistic bitch fits. No one not obsessed with "Fake OP" cared.
>That wasn't me, take your meds.
I don't care who (You) are, go take yours.
no i'm from mexico
It's you having a bitch fit now. Sod off, it's not my fault you're on the spectrum. Nobody needs your OPs and you're not doing anyone any service. The only reason you want to be the one making threads is your own vanity and legitimate autism.
>Read raid rotation news
>Meowscarada without frenzy plant is somehow better than Kartana now
What the fuck happened
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A bunch of fast moves got buffed from the recent raid changes. By far the biggest winners were Leafage, Shadow Claw, Metal Claw and Spark (12 DPS, 18 EPS). The average sum for good fast moves used to be 20 for these stats, but now it's pretty much 28-30. Unfortunately Razor Leaf got nerfed, now being 13 DPS and 7 EPS. Point being, very few Pokémon have Leafage, and any of them with high attack have shot up the tier list. Torterra can also learn Leafage, so there's a chance Niantic makes Shadow Torterra the best grass-types for raids at some point.
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> trespass on private property into a private gated community
> solo the raid alone
> report all stops/gyms
> drive away

no need to thank me
am I supposed to recall my Max Pokemon so I can get more MP from spots? they are all Max gyms right now
I’ve come across 1000 Scorbunny and still no shinies
this but lillipup
I just hope this update causes another surge of Dynamax fanart
I have had a lot of success using solar beams in raids lately
Everyone knows you are """"baiting""""
do you never get tired of spamming the same messages over and over?
>broken phone
sign from God to give this up already
Can I get the gimmigoul shit with a pirate copy of scarlet obviously with a switch with chip?
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Too bad solar beam got nerfed during the recent raid changes, would have been cool if Venusaur could use it instead of FP, since vine whip got buffed.
fuck around and find out
Why is he on crack?
because fuck anticrack-kun, that's why
>it happened again
Why does my body get double hearts for walking a single route?
>am I supposed to recall my Max Pokemon so I can get more MP from spots? they are all Max gyms right now
you can recall your max pokemon to get the candy they've earned immediately instead of waiting for the power spot to despawn. you don't get MP from your max pokemon.
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Horsing around
Can you recall them and do the "raid battle" again?
probably not until the raid already scheduled on it respawns as a "new" one
>Can you recall them and do the "raid battle" again?
No. you can only do the dynamax raid once per max point spawn. you have to wait for the max point to despawn and respawn and a raid to spawn again to raid that max point.
Alright. Thanks
I'm trying to maximize my chances of getting those damn max point encounters. No luck so far
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i love my goat friend
Is this thing just going to be gated behind paid safari zone events forever?
>I'm trying to maximize my chances of getting those damn max point encounters. No luck so far
Just gotta click on every single max raid and hope there's a spawn.
But should I autistically click sport multiple times a day? Or are we sure nothing will spawn at a sport if it hasn't already?
>But should I autistically click sport multiple times a day?
I don't think so. I haven't heard if those max spot spawns are random throughout the day.

Once you've done a raid and got the max points, they can be ignored.

> Or are we sure nothing will spawn at a sport if it hasn't already?
I have no idea. Maybe someone else does.
Do frustration changing days ever happen anymore? Never heard of them for over a year now.
uhh bro we just had like 3 of those events back to back recently.....
>Do frustration changing days ever happen anymore?
a couple times a year.
You missed two back to back like 3 weeks ago
>uhh bro we just had like 3 of those events back to back recently.....
to be fair, when PoGo does have those Frustration remove events, they don't advertise it well

not niantic's fault you refuse to read the blog or look at their twitter graphics
At least one happens every season, you just have to read the fine print.
newfag here
do i need to get these gay horses? i already got a few metagrosses for a psychic team
>do i need to get these gay horses?
Not unless you frequent /mlp/
only if you want the shiny forms, some extra stardust, or an excuse to leave your basement to find some dynamax raids
>not niantic's fault you refuse to read the blog or look at their twitter graphics
actually it is their fault for not clearly explaining what the event does.
>do i need to get these gay horses?
The CD move is absolute shit. But Kanto Ponyta is regarded as one of the best shiny's so...
I wouldn't raid today anyways considering we're so close to those raids being so broken and supposedly "fixed".
thats allot of horse cock
there's no cock like horse cock
>have to do raids numerous times just because of the fact that hanke won't let a pokemon stay in the fucking pokeball despite using gold berries, curveballs, and excellent throws
i'm really considering just paying for a leveling service so i can hit 37 and be done with this garbage
all i want is to turn a game shop into a pokestop
All you have to do is ask someone here dumb ass. Stop missing your throws.
i missed only one throw, stop defending shit mechanics
you will probably need them
>trying to hit excellent throws
>wonders why he's not catching the raid bosses like everyone else
many such cases
Bro it's not my fault you only got 6 pokeballs because you got sub 20 pokemon and the game thinks you're just dodging. Get some friends for the extra balls at least
what level are you?
You. Yes, you, over here. I have a question. That game you’re playing. Do you like it? No, no I didn’t ask if you like being outside and socializing, I said, do you like that game? Is it any good?
No but it's good for my health.
The game, including the entire experience of playing it, is enjoyable to me.
Yes, and I don't like going outside.
Yes. It gives me something to kill time with my gf in between the sex and cooking
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Got my yellow “dog,” lucky me
I need that entry as well...
fucking sucks that there isn't a raid hour for stuff like this. Or at least a way to remote raid
Yeah, and since today is community day, it’s a crapshoot if people will be doing that or looking for raids. Good luck
We've got 2 weeks
Hopefully I'll stumble unto a raid group before it's out
I don’t know why I thought this was the last weekend, but you’re right.
>got shinies of both forms before even leaving my house
this is cool and all but my old blue ponyta is worthless now ;-;
>G Mr. Mime in raids
>sex and cooking

Okay Caligula
Why didn't you people warn me that Shiny Rapidash is an ugly downgrade?
I don't get all yours obsession with shinies
I'm just mad I didn't get an xxl for the showcase
Shitty my little pony event...
>tranny colored unicorn
>isn't even gay type
its been worthless since arceus
don't care about outside of GO though and you can't transfer it to GO
always catch enough shinies to have every evolution stage in your collection
Galar pony is psychic/gay iirc
nope. Only psychic
have you tried stalking a local group on campfire?
I don't have that
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Are steps still counted while you're in battle league?
>l- look!! i put [shitpost] in my name field!! e- epic MEME!!! please like me!!
but are they counted???
it's also very gay
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It's also a welfare shiny in Legends Arceus
Pogo? Not one fucking bit. Spoofed for 3 Groudon raids, 2 of them ran away (17, 14 balls respectively). After I trade anon his missing dex entries, I'm taking a break until the doggos come around.
Speaking of which, is P**tt*****r around?
You can use an alt to spoof, then purify and trade it to your main, but legends take a lot of stardust if you're not at least 3/4 frienship level
gays don't own any Pokémon
You forgot to tag a few more posts solarfriend
>galar calling (8/19)
>8 out of nine fucking teen
>one task
>catch 3 pokemon
do they even know what the hell they're doing with this quest, this pacing screams "just winging it"
did they pull out that 19 step count completely out of their ass with no plan for it? why?
literally tell me how Quaquaval isn't the most flamboyant homosexual you've ever seen. go on, explain
He will never refuse to breed with female Pokémon, so he cannot be gay.
Myself, I think of Quaquaval as feminine like a Brazilian carnival dancer.
Besides, weren't you talking about fairy type?
how is fairy not a gay type?

Also >>56445492
How is fairy a gay type? It has literally nothing to do with it. And there doesn't exist a single gay Pokémon in the canon.
If I had a nickel for every gay cat then I would have two nickels.
>Do you like it?

>Is it any good?
shiny kanto rapidash actually looks amazing in this game. the mane looks like a raging storm, it's great
>And there doesn't exist a single gay Pokémon in the canon
not if my headcanon has anything to say about it
AYO wild charge sucks!?!?! Why didn’t y’all niggas tell me
fuck I evolved my gay hundo horse
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>AYO wild charge sucks!?!?! Why didn’t y’all niggas tell me
lmao why would you assume a CD move would automatically be good?
Shiny Ponyta/Rapidash is my favorite shiny in the game it just sucks that Wild Charge is so shit.
>pokedaxi said ponyta was good in pvp thooooooooooooooo
>>pokedaxi said ponyta was good in pvp thooooooooooooooo
Good in PVP means completely useless in PVE.
i almost always do my post-CD evos regardless of the move because I consider it part of the event and don't wanna regret it later if the move is good. otherwise you can always change it later
I evolved my best catches, got the cd move, and then transferred them all to the candy factory
realized I have no interest in horses - gay or straight
>need 50x shiny kanto ponyta for letsgoEevee autism
>transfering your best catches
no point in keeping something you aren't going to use. once I learned that lesson I stopped keeping all the subpar special move mons that I don't use for raids, all the extra shinies that collect dust since I have no one to trade with, and the like. hoard mentality is a disease
>"event" is clearly time-gated\throttled
>spoof and click on literally hundreds of horses
>2 shine

niantic is lying about the odds.
>completely useless in PVE.
Unless you're trying to solo as legendaries and megas, most Pokemon are decent enough, As long as pokemon has 2 STAB moves and high attack it should be usable.
how can they be lying when they've never told us the odds to begin with
Big Boys
it is implied to be 1:20 on comday
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stop meme.
implied by fans, not by niantic. you want to try and sue silphco instead?
Have you considered taking the picture and sending it to someone else in your area that’s at level 37+ so they can submit it and you don’t have to wait
>wah why won't the game give me everything I want for cheating
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>done 40+ Dynamax raids
>No shines.

Fuck you Stanke.
Can I solo a 4 star ponyta or is it impossible
Fuck local only raids
you aren't intended to solo 4* but some people find a way with certain ones
how many encounters?
What's this? I never played LG.
>shiny pops were almost nonexistent last month
>shiny within 5 mons this month
fuck me shiny luck
I think you unlock a special play zone or something
>4 star ponyta
wouldn't that mean mega? what
>he doesn't know about the post-CD raids
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According to pokebattler.
>Galarian with a level 50 Dawn Wings
>Kantonian with a level 50 Primal Kyogre/Shadow Kyogre and rainy weather
So, not realistically, get a friend or make an alt.
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when you transfer shitmon to letsgo games they go to a "park" you can chill with them while they display random idle animations and interact with eachother
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Will there ever be a reason to use a max move other than the demage one?
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It is what it is
I've always wondered if Dmax could work on humans.

There's nothing in the lore that explicitly states it can't. But we also never see any dynamaxed humans.
depends on how overtuned they make 5* and above dynamax raids. 3* beldum ones they tested this week seem to be nearly as easy as 1*, but something like eternatus or urshifu won't be cakewalks
do they matter?
how so?
how so?
I did not catch any Ponyta
i didnt even login
>15/15/15 cleffa
I just keep hatching useless hundos... if you're gonna give me all these hundos, at least give me a good one. And not the hundo togepi I got AFTER I fully leveled a 98
>not liking cleffa
>not staying the prevo forever
cleffa is one of the best blobmons
I don't mind it. I just have absolutely no use for it
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>146 Ponyta caught
>1 Kanto shiny
>0 Galarian shinies
>catching non-shiny
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imagine the smell
Seriously, there is something wrong with you.
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I was maratoning LotR with friends and forgot about the CD.
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no one does 5* shadow raids anymore because purified gems don't work most of the time and no one wants to sink 5+ purified gems, a raid pass and time in their day for the shadow legendary that isn't even useful to sit there with 90% DR while oneshotting your entire team with invisible shadow balls every 3 seconds
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Yeah I don’t think we’re winning this raid bros
skwovet ain't that strong bro
>he can't reliably 3man grouduorg
skill issue
Aite, everyone post their best horse
>not on his 5th shiny noddon already
I was collecting dynamax particles like the game said. Then it said i can't hold anymore. Okay. What do I do now and how do I do it?
ubercharge your sheep
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You get a dynamax wooloo from research, collect that one so you can participate in max raids.
You can also upgrade your mon.
Raikou can be duoed. I don't know if he can be soloed but we had about 100 on the clock. Shadow raids outside of Lugia have been easy.
What is Grouduorg's moveset? I need to power up some mons that resists its moves before I attempt one
Mud shot + Double solar beam
precerp blalbs and sos beeb
I've been playing on and off since release, and stopped playing as hardcore when lockdowns happened. The gf got into pogo and today was the first community day she went hard with. I asked her how many she got and she got FUCKING FOURTY SIX. WHAT. Have they made it THAT EASY to get shinies at this point? My personal best was 32 minmaxing for 3 hours with basic AR mode and the car passenger.
I got 28 but took an hour off and did a few raids too.
I only got two but on Goomy day I got tons.
Community day luck is wild.
Can I mega evolve the dynamax pokemon and still use them for the dynamax stuff?
Okay might as well make my new starter a mega as well then
For how long will Squirtle be in powerspots? I miss that one and it says that they will end today..

And you need 50 shinies to do that? Or is it 50 of a species regardless of shininess but anon's autism requires them all to be shiny?
He needs just 25 actually, and yes it's the latter
What's more, the minigame barely rewards anything and gets boring after playing it once.
Wait, so if i transfer away the research wooloo i'm blocked off from ever using this feature?
they don't let you transfer your last dmax mon, you can send it to home though, which is why they made it so you can get another dmax mon after walking 2km and grabbing your daily dose of max energy on the power spots tab
Right now my biggest complaint about dynamax is that the candy cost to power up the moves is way too high desu
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>He doesn't have 1k kanto starter candies ara-ara
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Team Valor is ruling all the gyms in my town like a cartel.
With Zacian raids approaching is Mega Gengar really better than Mega Scizor?
I would have thought the steel boost and Necrozma-Dusk Mane would be more effective?
You cant send your last Dmax mon to Home anymore. The anon(me) who sent his 2 Dmax Wooloo to Home before the raids had even started to appear posted a webm(few days later) with his(mine) Dmax quest being autocompleted and the Dmax Skwovet he(me) obtained from it was not able to be sent to Home but no one replied to him(me)
Why is my shadow Staraptor's Fly so fucking OP in UL?
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Calling anon who needed Zapdos and Mewtwo for his dex completion for shiny Mew.
She's not telling you about the spoofing app she's using.
If you are mystic you have no right to complain.
If you are instinct, everyone fucks our shit and this is nothing.
Kartanabros we are fucking useless.
I will never not be mad at this game for not unlocking the future evolutions in the post game
Good God Nihiligo got raped by the PvE update
How so?
Poison Jab got nerfed into the ground.
is houndoom soloable? haven't played/raided for 2 years, trying to catch up on the megas I'm missing
anything 4* and above isn't intended to be solo'd unless you have an autistic amount of level 50 perfect IV and perfect counter mons and perfect weather boost; all depending on the stats of the raid boss itself.
Why? Poison types suck enough as it is
Go on PokeRaid it’s built for shit like this and it shouldn’t be to hard to get a group together for it
Do I get premium items from showcases if I’m 3rd place or do I have to place 2-1?
only for first place and then its not guaranteed
First places usually gives lures with a rare chance to give an incubator instead. First and second usually give at least one incense guaranteed, but often give more, plus ultra balls, star pieces, lucky eggs, etc. Third and lower only give stardust.
donate it to charity for free candy
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stranger asked me to go for a walk play pogo on campfire
should I go?
rip your anal virginity
havent played in years and recently started. have read the faq and i have a question. is there any way to make it so the game doesnt reload everytime i exit? getting tired of going on discord typing a few things and then reopening pokemon go and im back at the reload screen. im not turning off the game just minimizing the app and there doesnt seem to be any settings for it. am i missing something or do i just have to cope?
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Who are good teammates for this dude?
Teddy Atlas and Freddie Roach
it's about ram/application lifecycle
how long you can spend/how much you can do outside the app without incurring a reload depends on how good your phone is
Not much you can do. Root (probably won't fix your issue and you will fuck up your phone) or get a better phone.
My old phone was always doing that upon switching out, and even was running out of memory and crashing while doing AR+.
>phone model was released 2023
its over
even phones being released in 2024 can still be shit specs and appealing for lower cost scrubs you know. niantic doesn't make the game for them since they won't be likely to spend a phone's worth of money on coins every month or two.
>Right now my biggest complaint about dynamax is that the candy cost to power up the moves is way too high desu
yeah, candy cost kills Dynamax. Either completely remove candy cost or reduce it by a minimum 80%.
>Can I mega evolve the dynamax pokemon and still use them for the dynamax stuff?
No fucking idea. I would assume yes. You can't mega and dynamax raid for sure.
Mine was from 2022 but has 8GB RAM. Can run two instances of pogo at once and rarely shuts one of them down when I minimize it.
Odds are your phone should work fine for everything, but it's niantic and their code so we have to pay the price for it with better specs
I prefer the candy cost over it being stardust, but I agree it’s to steep and not worth ANY XL candy
I'm not spending 120xl candy to get max moves on my Charmander
What are you spending the candies on instead?
Powering up more charmanders
evidently not
>I prefer the candy cost over it being stardust, but I agree it’s to steep and not worth ANY XL candy
Problem is, candy is harder to get than stardust unless you focus only on the pokemon.

I mean how are we gonna get candy for say bulbasaur when its not in the rotation? it should be dynamax energy only and get rid of the daily cap on energy collection. (if not the cap on energy storage as well)
i fought a max raid yesterday and the mon i put there is still there and I can’t fight it again today, anyone know why?
the stop didn't despawn yet. raids only show up when the stop comes back or resets on its own without disappearing first
imagine if regular raids didn't have 45 minute despawn timers and they blocked raids from showing up for the next two days or so.
But there’s a max raid right next to it I fought yesterday that let me fight it again today
>or so
its not an exact two day timer on all of them, for the stop itself spawning/despawning and for the raid to refresh.
I want to take my time slowly licking and tasting every inch of her thighs before proceeding to thoroughly eat her ginormous ass out.
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Wtf I thought the community day was today and not saturday?
Isn’t it always sunday? Why the fuck was it saturday this time?
it flips between them at niantic's sole discretion.
Nothing. Not until i have more to power up a second one
Some power spots last for two days, others only one.

Had anyone figured out the wild spawns at the power spot yet? Yesterday my gf got one and i didn't. Neither of us had a pokemon there
do i purify my shadow whiscash or is it stronger in shadow form in GL?
purified it will jump to rank 68
v helpful, v informative kek
from the research i've gathered quickly here with a couple tabs open;
i would advise to NOT purify as
you can probably find a normal one to build (if you have a change of heart)
in regards to matchups it depends on the metagame in the current PVP season...
shadow can flip certain matchups in its favor
whereas the purified one will hold wins that the shadow will come up short
according to ledditors 8 months ago:
purified = holds gligar, froslass, medicham, and a.ninetails etc
shadow = beats azu and others with extra damage output (sacrificing overall bulk)

I think classics are typically on Sunday and new community days are on Saturday
What is the difference again
classic = repeat slop event for normies who missed the real one
Classics are reruns and normal Community Days are for Pokémon that haven’t gotten a Community Day before (unless you’re Charmander or Eevee, then it’s a new move). The days thing isn’t true though, they try to alternate between ALL weekend events so that people that work on specifically Saturday or Sunday are less likely to spam support with complaints.
>3 snorlaxes on a team rocket grunt
does hanke realize april fools was a few months ago
>not being able to easily solo any of the npc in game without even looking at your screen
i knew this board was filled with degenerate retarded shitters but HOLY FUCKING KEK
>take a snapshot of buddy
>even get a smeargle
>no buddy heart
is there a single part of this game that works correctly?
Did you feed him first? I’ve found that shit doesn’t work sometimes without it being on the screen
How long does it take for a power spot to respawn?
So anons, what are we getting for Halloween that's gonna cuck everything else for more years?
>Galarian Corsola
>actually fucking letting us evolve the white stripe Basculin we've had for half a year now
not playing this god forsaken game for a few years does not make one a normie
>haha wouldn't it be funny if this Pineco was shiny-
>it is
Happened to me with a random Zorua and Ditto before. At what point can I qualify for becominv a Psychic-type?
you'll get dynamax gastly line as the focus with all old spawns and you WILL like it
i pretty much only get shinies when I'm thinking about it
captcha: GAYTX
Clefable is such BS lmao. My UL roster is shit I never invested in much because I put everything in GL. This cheap ass underleveled clefable steamrolled so much at 2100 CP.

Moonblast is OP. Swift baiting is OP. Also decided to elite tm my hundo machamp because counter sucks now. Karate energy gen is OP. Not complaining though!
Fuck feraligatr though. I use him a lot but hydro cannon and blast burn are such annoying moves. I am less bothered about frenzy plant because grass is very easy to hardcounter. These moves are easy to deal with in great league because starters are glass cannons in it. But in UL they have their bulk and can spam it that much more. Also blastoise sucks ass give him a real fast move!
There go my easy wins with Celesteela
Solar Beam oneshots all three Snorlax at once
Lately I've been noticing hearts disappear and reappear minutes later for no reason
And the answer is no, even the gift count in your inventory lately is in the shitter
>send 5 gifts
>still shows 20
Dynamax Gastly is all you're going to get
KEK beat me to it
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Watched a video about the changes, but am still a bit confused as wo what exactly changed. Every move is timed by 0.5 intervals now so they're rounded to the nearest 0.5? But how was it before the change?
They used to be measured to the nearest 0.1 second. If the move got rounded up after the update, the move effectively became slower. If the move got rounded down, the move effectively became faster.
why is there a 3 star shadow lapras raid near me?
>over 200 ponytas
>tithe paid to niantic
>3 incenses and multiple lures
>not a single hundo

This is the LAST TIME I give niantic ANY MONEY!!!
I understand know, seems like a weird change to make though
How long until dreepy community day? Months or years?
I dunno why you're mad, this is a great change. instead of every flying type or steel type showcase just being a Celesteela showcase, now you can actually have a chance to win them.

Legit a great move from Niantic, from a company that normally only puts out complete garbage.
pseudo leggo dragon gets a shiny unlock at gofest, then a CD the following summer. goomy cd and jangmo-o shiny unlock was this year, so dreepy shiny unlock and jangmo-o cd should be next year, then frigibax shiny unlock and dreepy cd in 2026.
if the game lasts that long, if niantic doesn't change the pattern.
So two years?
Fuck... so I'm gonna have to settle for a 10/13/14 dragrapult for ML...
It is clearly explained. You’re just an illiterate moron.
>>Galarian Corsola
Paid research reward
>>actually fucking letting us evolve the white stripe Basculin we've had for half a year now
Lol no
Not a chance
No way
Absolutely not
Idek what that is
0% chance

Enjoy a new costume shitmon and the previous years' costume shitmons. Also mega banette again
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Sockbros, post yer weekly report.
I just want a chance for spiritomb.
Hate I keep missing it.
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>have 3 lucky friends
>all three are from here and nowhere near my country
And none of them are spoofters, right?
No idea
We just exchange gifts
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Ah yesh, size points totally make sense
>fighting gym with buddy
>knock out 3 pokes for hearts
>back out and swap buddy
>go back into gym to get 3 more hearts
>team reverts to the previous team
Wow very cool bug that has apparently been in the game for years and years now. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with the 5 employees at niantic? They are trusted with the most valuable IP in the world, this should be a top tier polished, incredible game and they just piss and shit all over it at every turn and disrespect the players and fans at every step. Fuck niantic
It's size relative to their species. It's a much better system then the old way, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just retarded.
Shaking a sock to simulate walking 200k has to be more aggravating than actually walking it
Well who are they? I friended a dude from here that’s literally from the next town over from me and he doesn’t want to do our lucky trade
Groudon went from easy duo raid to fucking solar beam spam fest, barely winning even with level 50 counters and party play
I wish all the trannies at niantic testicular cancer.
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>Well who are they?
Not gonna post their names, but I guess I can shout out my own
If anyone here spoofs and is lucky friends with ShxtfaceGG, let's trade
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200 isn't even enough to have an expected value of 1 with eggs or raids, retard
>He doesn't have a friend to mirror trade with in a year and trigger 40 lucky trades with
Why 3 incenses? a incense lasts 3 hours during community day.
I think they last 2 hours, one for sure ran out so I used another + the 15 minute one.
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>CD starts
>anon spends his daily incense
>it only lasts 15 minutes. wtf?
>uses an ordinary
>doesn't get his hundo gay pony
>exaggerates and cries about it on vp
Tell me with a straight face this isn't true
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Is this good enough to invest my hard earned stardust and candies in?
Purify it. Save some dust
the moment you've spend the last of those 600k dust you will catch a 15 15 14
never invest in non hundo
Raids are broken and everything is subject to change, the only good and safe investments right now are the Necrozmas, Primals and Mega Rayquaza.
How does that work btw?
I've caught and assload of kyogre and plan on catching some groudon as well. But I have no idea what the primal stuff is
megas with a different name. you'll only primal evolve them with energy from primal raids just like a regular mega
It's just a mega evolution, you need to raid primal groudon and kyogre to get energy.
They are good because on top of having great DPS, they also boost your party damage (30% if the moves type match whatever primal you are using, 10% for the rest) and boost XL candy drops for 6 different types.
New Thread, Migrate Whenever:
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I just want a gay pony hundo, why must you hate me? ;-;
Guessing I shouldn't hold my breath for those raids
But isn't it stupid to catch a lot of primals in ordinary raids, then? If you have to catch a lot again just to get the energy
You are literally the most mentally ill person to ever exit, !Akemi.
Yeah it’s pretty good, just wait to see if you can get its community day move
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how fucking retarded are the devs? literally punjabi arent they
i hate niantic
w t f
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