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Return of the Solar King Edition

>September Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

>Server Status


>Silph Road Info

>PvP IV Checkers & Battle Simulators

>Estimated Shiny Rates

>Submit Your Friend Code Here

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>Spoofing Tools

Previous Thread: >>56441450
First for Latias
First for__
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>Return of the Solar King Edition
Just got my shiny Latios
How do I know which of my normals will give me the most points for these new show case rules?
If you go to a showcase, there’s text underneath the button for submitting your largest Pokémon that says something like “Select Different Pokémon”. Tapping that will pull up your Pokémon storage with all eligible Pokémon for the showcase and their point values. If it doesn’t show your highest point-value Pokémon at the top, you can tell it to order by biggest from the bottom-right button. Works for checking point-values on all showcases.
It's just so funny how you try to pretend that people like you, and think your "memes" are funny. You're literally just an autistic and obsessed shitposter.
I enjoy them and more important than you not enjoying them (which only makes me enjoy them more)
Thanks, anon
You're hunting for a shundo or a hundo. All these raids do is give you candy and a chance of a good one.
Of course you "enjoy" your own shitposting. It's literally the only thing you have in your life.
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Just flexing on the people who don’t have this from the CD sorry
Are you the anon who fucked up his incense?
based spoofie
Surprisingly lightweight for an equine creature. Think of the possibilities.
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Hey how long does that "winner has priority" cooldown last after someone beats a gym?
>Hey how long does that "winner has priority" cooldown last after someone beats a gym?
10 minutes from the point where they beat the gym.
In my experience, approximately 10 seconds. You should know what you want to leave in the gym before flipping it.
Nah i think that's only for when someone of the same type as the gym you just defeated. My gf has been able to drop a pokemon long before the 10 minute rule
How come my random Pidove is my largest normal type in the showcase with over 1000 in score?
forgot how much of a pain groudon can be.
Why would you use dust and candies on a hundo? You're flexing but it just seems like a waste. It's not even the usable one in UL.
>get back into pogo
>shitamax everywhere on map
>postcardposter nowhere to be found
>avatars still fucking trannyfied & ugly
its gover isnt it ;_;
Yes its over, get out and never post here again.
>new feature adds tons of points of interest all over the map with every dyna-allowed mon to date being available
>this is somehow bad
the trooms won
even the youtube comments on pogos page are dying down
this is your doomed fate anonkun, accept it or move on
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Prat******r, speak up!
As we can see here, Solgaleo doesn't stand a chance against Palkia.
Anyone know if the order in which you tank in pvp makes a difference?
If I want to do the
>win 4 lose 1
>lose 5
>win 4 lose 1
>lose 5
>win 4 lose 1
and I lose my first 2 matches in the first set, does it make a difference for my rating if I go
>lose 5
>win 4
>win 4
>0/14/12 shadow toto
You guys are fucked once I tm away this frustration
Any chance you still have some of these?
its based off of how big a pokemon is compared to its normal size, then ranked as such for all of the ones you have. its not biggest one overall in the collection anymore.
an xxl midget can score higher than an xl snorlax if the xxl size difference to its normal size is greater than xl to regular snorlax's size difference
>Nah i think that's only for when someone of the same type as the gym you just defeated. My gf has been able to drop a pokemon long before the 10 minute rule
In the past I had someone else clear out a gym with one of my mons in it but not put anything new in the gym. It took me 10 minutes before I was able to put one of my mons in the empty gym.

If it's officially changed since then I haven't an official announcement.
Any ideas how long wyrdeer and kleavor will be in 3star raids? Probably just till the psychic event?
Oh fuck oh no I just realized the shitty sheeps and squirrels and junk are going to clog up Power Spots that should be going to Beldum. There goes my hopes of finally getting a perfect Metagross.
The psychic event doesn't feature any particular raids but the Beldum dmax. So they could very well stay until Groudon leaves and Zacian arrives on the 26th
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Yeeeeaaaahhhhh that’s cool and all but get gud scrub.
I saw that, but thought better of getting my hopes up
That's what i mean.
If gym is blue and red knocks the pokemon out, blue can't put a pokemon in until after 10 minutes but red and yellow can. I thought the 10 min cooldown was for everyone except the attacker but I've knocked out pokemon from a gym only for my gf to leave her pokemon. We're different teams.
yeah groudon using solar beam 3 times in 5 seconds is perfectly fair
no wonder this game isn't doing well and isn't getting any new players
no one is spending time or money on this shit when the developers just "accidentally break" raids to now start spamming 100 energy charged attacks at a rate faster than autoattacks
>fucking goddamn SEWADDLE as the October community day
And Niantic wonders why they can't recapture the 2016 craze.
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dead game
>not dragon
>not speudo
>already in sv
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I like Leavanny.
>already have a hundo
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Nieder mit den Sachsen!
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No, seriously? A community day for THIS kind of shiny?
I will show up to get the ambassador rewards (raid passes) and watch the studio Ghibli matinee special that day at my local theater.
>this green shitmon is a slightly different shade of green
>please clap...
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bad community days need to exist so that you play and pay 50x as much on the good one to make up for it
because you can really play for 150 hours of dreepy CD with lucky egg & star piece & incense on the entire time and you'd definitely want to
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Already have a hundo and maxed it out of XLs, so I guess this is just for the shiny then
Its been several months and Im still mad I never found a shiny Bellsprout on Bellsprout community day
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rowlet: 30min
porygon: skip
chansey: skip
litten: 45min
bagon: 2h 30min
bellsprout: skip
bounsweet: skip
goomy: skip
cyndaquil: 2hr
tynamo: skip
beldum: 2h 30min
popplio: would have done about 1h but was unwell
ponyta: skip
sewaddle: will skip
waiting for the "good" community day that they're apparently building up to that they expect me to "make up time" for.
rowlet: skip
porygon: skip
chansey: skip
litten: skip
bagon: skip
bellsprout: skip
bounsweet: skip
goomy: skip
cyndaquil: skip
tynamo: skip
beldum: skip
popplio: skip
ponyta: skip
sewaddle: will skip
waiting for the "good" community day that they're apparently building up to that they expect me to "make up time" for.
>new shiny
>off type CD move
I got a hundo bellsprout...from a research task the day after CD

So now I get to sit on it until december and I can get the CD move from it.
rowlet: played a lot
porygon: there was a porygon CD?
chansey: skip
litten: 3 shiny females -> off
bagon: skip
bellsprout: skip
bounsweet: got in SV ages ago
goomy: got in Legends Arceus ages ago
cyndaquil: played, he's literally me
tynamo: skip
beldum: skip, pic related
popplio: played a lot
ponyta: spoof a few Galarian form
sewaddle: will skip
>waiting for the "good" community day that they're apparently building up to that they expect me to "make up time" for.
you have one more chance this year.
isn't december cd only for moves from the previous year?
no retard
>it wasn’t Yamask cd
>isn't december cd only for moves from the previous year?
from Jan-Nov 2024.
Guarantee they're doing it for Halloween cup and not for open GL.
>transfering shinies outside of the game where they have any value
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I'm actually retarded. I didn't realize until today that bonus Pokemon sometimes are available on Dynamax spots in the lower left hand corner. Shit.
I was afraid I'd missed it to, but after autistically trying to get an encounter again, it's clearly so rare that you probably didn't miss any
I haven't seen any so either it only happens sometimes or it hasn't been added for some people.
Happened once for me. Got excited (it was a dreepy) so I tried for 3 days to take all the power spots in my area. Not a single one
Is it easy to solo a 3 star shadow raid if it's scyther? Do I just chuck rocks at it for gg?
Yes, Scyther is easily soloable if you abuse the x4 rock weakness.
do you have max purified gems to break through the rocket bullshit? if it was a regular scyther 3* then its beyond easy
Guess I'll rev up my rampardos and tyrantrum.
I have 10. Hopefully I don't run out before beating it. Can't you bypass it by leaving and rejoining? Or does that only work if there's multiple people in it?
So each player can only use 5 gems, meaning for T3's and up you're 3 gems short of cleansing the enrage. Soloing T3 shadow raids requires doing so through the enrage buff and makes all but the weakest double weak mons nearly impossible.

Two players makes the T3's pretty easy even if you don't subdue, which makes the whole fucking enrage mechanic stupid as fuck.
Manifesting shundo malewife Leavanny on community day.
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Master League is starting and I still haven't found a replacement for my Annihilape as opener
It was so good at bating shields or surprising dragons with ice punch and nuking with close combat or shadow ball
Holy shit 1 type cups are garbage
The best pokemon for the cup just had a community day. Just find two other mons and TANK
also ive been doing 4 dynamax raids everyday since the event, and i cant get anything higher than a 91% iv pokemon.
So comm day on the 5th, is we getting a classic comm day or big hallovveen event?
>finally get enough bear candy
>full moon tonight
Furfrlu CD/Fashion Week when
Out of 8-9 spots I went to earlier I got 2; 1 Dreepy and 1 Skwovet.
Anon...I have some bad news.
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Some yellow spoofer faggot tried to claim every single gym in my area, I raped him with my own spoofie.
its not happening anon
it IS shiny right anon? ....a-anon???
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this image is beyond based
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Shadow, actually. I have my shiny one from PLA.
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I've been running Wing Attack - Brave Bird/Feather Dance Pidgeot as my lead for both Great and Ultra League for over 3 years now
The will to play has never been lower. At least my Master League team is unchanged, but 2x Attack Lowering is such a good tactic for tanking.
Oh no… now I am forced to le… INVEST now
How do you live being this mentally ill?
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shut up
bit I want a fluffy black doggo, I dont even care about its stupid haircuts...
at least I got this fluffy black fren-shaped wooloo from the the professor, it is supposed to be shiny? or I just got lucky?
has decent stats
you got incredibly fucking lucky anon
Is the wiki just not complete yet or are there seriously no research tasks that give mega energy from this event?
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Pretty good last 24 hours, if I do say myself
>get a perfect dratini from research
>it isn't shiny
into the trash it goes
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Big 4* hat
Damn, judging by the one from last year I thought this event would be an easy chance to unlock some megas without having to raid but I guess the research rewards are all garbage this time
lucky ass nigger
Just got my ass kicked by a fucking beldum
I will NOT spend candy on this gynomax shit, game
thanks, but I still want my fucking shiny Furfrou
Bro just power up your dynamax charizard
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You can’t be satisfied with just one, there’s a whole collection of trims to get.
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For anyone trying to tap tap tap in ML this season but doesn't have legendaries, I can confidently recommend Rhyperior / Primarina / Togekiss. It plays identical to Ground/Fairy/Fairy elsewhere - if the lead isn't Fire, Poison or Steel, switch to Primarina to bait out their counter, then kill it with Rhyperior after saccing Primarina so Togekiss can auto down the Dragon or Dark in the back who was hoping Primarina is your only Charm.
Personally, I'm using Palkia-Origin / Landorus-Therian / Necrozma-Dusk and from testing so far I'm finding little to complain about.
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What a funny reddit post
They can't even try and say that it's "bugged" at this point, we know it's intentional.
It's even worse, on the pic you can see each message but in reality half of the time it doesn't even say that the boss is using a charged attack
Or that you dodged something
And the animation is missing too
will you stop saying retarded things for attention?
i like your name
>doesn't have a single mon because he discards literally everything that isn't a shundo.
goddamn they tuned these beldum up too much if you didn't decide to power up charizards for it
>goddamn they tuned these beldum up too much if you didn't decide to power up charizards for it
beldum is supposed to be like a 3* raid as opposed to the 1* raids we've been doing.

>tfw the best chamander I've caught is 82%.
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I have 10 shitty dreepys
any spoofers in here want to mirror trade? I'm getting kinda desperate for one that isn't shit
Who else loves how unstable thia piece of shit game has become
>click anything
>nothing happens but game won't let you do anything, forcing you to close app

Happened like 4 times in the last 90 minutes
you have the rest of the game's linespan to get a better one, anon. you don't need to have it right NOW
My game keeps freezing up when I try to feed my buddies :(
Have you gotten the dynamax raid bug where you start a dynamax raid but it kicks you back into the power point with a black screen but the raid is happening and you can't click on anything so you have to close the app and start the raid over?

I think that's probably happened 40% of the time in dynamax raids.
I have stage 3 ligma cancer
I'm not gonna make it that long
neither of these happen to me
git gud
>trading dreepy to a terminal ligma patient
bad investment
so what's the point of this dynamax stuff?
To "trick" you into spending money on resources that don't progress your account.
Niantic are more obsessed with "testing" and being "sneaky" than actually making a game, but that's to be expected when no one at their offices actually wants to walk on a fucking fitness app that has Pokemon creatures in it. They'd rather fetch a pail of water.
What's the point of the game?
I want to catch them all.
Has anyone solo’d a beldum with a single charizard yet?
Needed blast burn or doesn’t matter since the max strike does the most dmg?
And what lvl?
I had blast burn but dont know if its needed. Surely something like Blastoise can finish it off.
debuting a new 125 candy line while doing an event that rewards you for being able to actually hit good throws is such a fun idea, props to Niantic for this one. haven't played long and I'm already halfway done candywise. getting rewarded for hitting excellent curveballs makes me nut
Maybe I've got a lot of money and no kids
>double stardust on captures
Not bad, nianshit
>caught 10 groundies
>best was 5 from being a hundo...
I've been spoiled by earlier raid luck
Your generation literally sucks.
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Is this Hankes swansong?
Hanke probably doesn't even know who that is
This is why this is one of the best events in a long time, even if there's mostly shitmon spawns I still get a kick of seeing that 10 candys when you hit an excellent catch with pinap

ALSO, it's nice being able to stack up morelulls encounters with the event researches, then popping a starpiece for that sweet 1500 dust per catch
Pretty sure that's been around for a very long time
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Into the grinder it goes.
I was wondering what was going on, I fought a groudon that kept spamming fire blast way faster than it should’ve been able to. Still won but it was annoying
Reminder that catch rings always lie and that only a small number of catching RNG seeds actually exist (at least one of which ALWAYS has the shitmon run away)
Meds, there has never been cases where a pokemon will instantly break out of the ball no matter what and then stay in the very next ball no matter what, with accuracy, berry and ball quality having absolutely no influence whatsoever
>t. Hanke
Are Beldums supposed to always 1-shot you when they have red health or is this shit bugged?
Give me that femboy faggot
Dunno about that but I'm fairly sure the timing of your throw doesn't matter for the purpose of the candy bonus, only how centered the shot is
Resetong everyone's raid parties without deletong pokemon.
Alos it goves more XL candy than regular raids
>threw out the hatenna field research because I misread leekduck
it's fucking over
Answered my own question. Solo’d a Beldum with 15atk, lvl2 strike, lvl31 ‘Zard. No Blast Burn
can beldum be taken down with three charmanders and a dream?
Think i can do it with a level 20 Blastoise and Greedent with dark moves? I've caught like 20 Charmanders and not one I'm willing to invest in
>94 hatenna candy already
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I'm guessing Prat******r doesn't want his kanto legend dex entries anymore?
>Answered my own question. Solo’d a Beldum with 15atk, lvl2 strike, lvl31 ‘Zard. No Blast Burn
Did you dynamax? If so, how did the three attack strikes go?
uhhh i dont have any beldums in my dynamax
Yes I had to dynamax twice and won with a sliver of health. I don’t think you’d be able to do it without a strong fire Max Strike. I had a bite/pump blastoise and tackle/crunch greedent ready but didn’t get to see how they did. I don’t think lvl20s will get it done though
>Yes I had to dynamax twice and won with a sliver of health. I don’t think you’d be able to do it without a strong fire Max Strike. I had a bite/pump blastoise and tackle/crunch greedent ready but didn’t get to see how they did. I don’t think lvl20s will get it done though
Crap. I don't even have a good dynamax charmander yet.

Ah well, I have too few beldum candies to waste on a dynamax beldum even if I got one.

then go to another one?
Yeah I tried it with my Blastoise and i fled cause shit was taking too long. He was doing 0 damage to me and i kept dodging his attack but when i finally dynamaxed and did max darkness it did like 1/6th so i abandoned it.
>every morelull is dark red
Thanks, hanke
Anyone else's Go+ not doing anything with a locked phone since updating to 331.0?
What happens when the dynamax raid counts down to zero?
it despawns and either the stop stays empty, spawns another one you can't battle due to the time, or the stop despawns with it until the next day or so
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Why do you fags still play this game even after what those DEI worshiping cucks at niantic did to the avatars?
this isn't masters, you don't play this for the npcs/pcs
It's still inexcusable and niantic deserves to rot for bending the knee to the rainbow-haired cult.
Beldum dynamax battles suck. Why can’t I just use my hundo charizard that I already invested half a million stardust and 296 XL candy in? I’m not willing to waste stardust on a non-hundo charizard for basically no reward other than a 2-star beldum that can go big
I tried upgrading the max move shit with my surplus candy and I still fucking lost
>Anyone know if the order in which you tank in pvp makes a difference?
It doesn't, anon. Any possible combination as long as you lose 2 full sets and lose one battle from each of the other 3 sets will work the same
>avoid psychic cup thinking I'll get raped
>finally bite the bullet today since I'm still not in r20 for the season
>turns out almost everyone is retarded and I get a 70% winrate
huh maybe meme cups aren't so bad
too fucking bad anon. build up a couple new charizard now and maybe niantic will throw an item in the coin shop (1000+ coins per use) to let us dynamax an old pokemon as the big feature in 2025
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Well shit, how do I bypass this? What image format even is the correct one that the game accepts?
Hope we get Primal raids soon
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im not playing pokemon go to cum bro
I already have a colñection of shiny trims on genVII so I don't care about them, just want to hang out with my black fluffy doggo, besides I have the whole collection of trims here on GO since god knows when
when are they making solosis but for bros
hatterene is such a weird pokemon, I can't really tell what it even is. minus points for tranny colors
>finally got a reason to evolve mu perfect fem Ralts
its supposed to be a. Ayyylmao + witch
>Not a femboy
Into the grinder it goes.
I didn't need to but I elite tm'd blast burn on my dynamax charizard to solo beldum a little faster. at least the IVs were 15/14/14 so it wasn't a total waste of resorces. If I still have to tag in a 2nd poke to charge the dynamax gauge for the second use that was a dumb use of an elite tm.
Depends how good at dodging you are
garbage IVs
whats the strat collecting max points? im trying to maximize how much i can collect everyday, but sometimes ill get 120 points when collecting and sometimes its 100
>sometimes ill get 120 points when collecting and sometimes its 100
I could be mistaken but I think you get an extra 20 when there's a boss available for you to fight, if you already beat it a day or two ago and left one of your pokemon there you just get 100, at least that's what it seemed like in my experience.
>whats the strat collecting max points?
Getting the absolute most per day would be collect the 300 from walking, gather 480 from 4 power spots, then another 300 from walking again. Generally though you just want to get the 300 when you have =<120 left for the day, you can see your daily limit by tapping where it shows how many you have.
What the fuck does "Unlock a Max move" mean?
solar beam
i see, thanks.
Unlock max heal/gaurd
I did these and nothing happened to my research. It's over. I'll never have that cosmetic reward.
I just unlocked max guard and it worked thoghever
ran outta ghosts that fast?
Retards missing the point.
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Will Mega Scizor be worth using against Zacian over Mega Gengar?
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I didn't do the CD but I guess I can flex these two caught the same day, days before the CD?
>Will Mega Scizor be worth using against Zacian over Mega Gengar?
Gengar has better DPS but it's a glass cannon.
That's why I was wondering, I would assume people would bring steel types and lead with Dusk Mane Necrozma if they didn't go for Dawn Wings Necrozma.
>That's why I was wondering, I would assume people would bring steel types and lead with Dusk Mane Necrozma if they didn't go for Dawn Wings Necrozma.
I'd say if you think you're going to be in a quicker raid with lots of other people, Gengar would be the way to go.

If you're in a smaller raid group, then you could go with something with more beef.
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Look at my lovely boy!
Were they boosted before the CD?
No, Mega Scizor sadly is a shitmon, got hit pretty hard with the bullet punch nerf.
Use Gengar or any of the Primals/Rayquaza
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Hope you saved those masterballs because they cost 8 dolla now.
Also shiny birds.
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is this for the daily incense?
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Seems like they are removing the birds from daily incense. Maybe paradoxmons will replace them.
Yes, last chance to get one below 1500CP.
what, no new dynamax raid boss?
They won't remove the birds from the incense for now. Especially not during an event centered around the birds appearing from the incense, now with the chance of being shiny.

So they'll most likely increase the chance of encountering the birds, not the opposite.
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Love the goofy headbutt animation buddy pokemen do when they help you with a catch.
Does tank order matter for rating?
do you get the same rating for a set of 5 no matter which order you do it in? Or is it better to alternative w-L-w-L-w?
It's gonna be the funniest thing if shiny birbs will be able to flee
fucking finally
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Will Hanke give any of them to us for Unova tour or will it only be KyuremBW?
I doubt these three will debut their shinys in PoGo. Seems more like a selling point for the gen 5 remake.
>first hattena i catch is perfect
This still doesn't make up for everything you've done, Hanke.
I got a perfect morellul.... yay
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what do you think the chances they’re gonna let the starters they’ve let us dynamax also gigantimax?
They'll come out in new raids with
*If you're lucky, you may encounter a Gigantimax one
they already have something in place for potentially spawning a gigantimax raid on a power spot. it has something to do with what pokemon you and the rest of the players nearby leave at a spot after doing a raid
So there’s no point in me trying to wait to evolve this 14/14/14 charmander I got that can dynamax?
you should see skiddo's headbutt, it's adorable
>~30 dynamix spots taken
>1 dreepy encounter
>1 rare candy XL
it just isn't worth it. absolutely pointless shit to bring into the game
does dreepy still have slightly boosted spawn odds after the first event of this season or is it as low as it could be now
I’ve only ever seen one, so I assume it’ll be like frigibax where it’ll just slowly show up more. Wait for its community day in 2027!
haven't seen a single one in the wild since the event ended...
Skiddo is still paywalled though? no?
I think he’s bragging about it anon
i will literally never accept that the entire porygon line is fucking normal-type. how
i only need one more to do the full line evo...
yeah but it costs $1. spoofers can't even get it easily because the store won't offer it unless you're really there. im really grateful I had the opportunity to get one legit
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just got my first dmax beldum
I literally had a DKO, boss lost its last sliver of HP right as my charizard died. had no clue whether I lost or won until I got to the next screen
shit ivs obv
I only evolved Frigibax when I did because my buddy had a bunch to swap trade with me. I’m super annoyed with it because the lucky I got out of that is one short of being able to hit 4k
is it actually worth investing in? i do my due diligence with IV filtering but kinda let them rot at meh CP until I actually find a use for most mona
Good ice type attacker and a DRAGON PSEUDO but have no idea if it’s good anymore or not after the whole shakeup
Lmao, just when i catch the last galarian bird last week, i use the master balls on them
not one cent since
turning off adventure sync soon too FUCK NIANTIC
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nope, they'll flee if the game crashes though
No mon is actually worth the time anon, it’s all up to how you want to play the game. It was an easy catch and easy lucky that hits 3k early, that’s all that matters to me. I have both a good kuryium and shiny giratina so neither of these pseudos are worth the effort it takes to maintain, I just have my own autism and would’ve enjoyed having another lucky 4k mon
Fuck, i want to gigamax my Charizard starter from 2016, it also have both megas
There will be at least one person with no masterballs and only the 30 free incense balls who fails to catch it 30 times and that makes me smile.
>no Charmanders nearby to rack up Charmander candy
>no Charizard for me
I can't believe I'm just going to keep losing to a fucking Beldum.
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Give me my fucking soup Hanke you faggot
just wait till more 3* dynaraids start, or they shit out the inevitable 5 or 6* ones that you won't be able to solo, especially with just three shitty mons in your party
Expect it to be a reward for a paid timed special research with shinny mythical tier tasks
That makes me sad, I itched my starter back in 2019 when I started playing the game again and had dick for space
fuck is this?
>Hope you saved those masterballs because they cost 8 dolla now.
So glad I never encountered one of those so I wasn't tempted to use a master ball on it.
>I can't believe I'm just going to keep losing to a fucking Beldum.
you're supposed to be playing with friends.
I'm at soup.
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what it do?
Make your tummy bigger :D
if you give it to a certain Pokemon it alows it to go Gigamax
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The sword wolf legendary will be in raids later this month. Is she good in PoGo?
For all you lowbies a level 30 Charizard with fire spin and over heat and 15 attack IVs will kill beldum in the second dynamax phase with over 30% up left even with shit def and hp IVs
Hey, there's always Gallade.
Excuse me, do I look like I'm made of Sinnoh Stones?
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It's not bad.
As a raid attacker, it works with the new insane metal claw buffs to functionally be on par with all the best Fairies. It's just fairy is a seldom needed type.
As a Master League mon, it's pretty much just another Xerneas, trading overall stats to be unpredictable. Xerneas exclusively runs Moonblast/Close Combat, which lets Ho-Oh wall it. Zacian can run Play Rough, Close Combat, or Wild Charge, meaning it picks it's poison between Ho-oh, Steel types, or the Giratina's, but gets the benefit of not letting the opponent know what actually beats it.
Thanks hanke
>3 star raids feel fine solo
>3 star dmax battles feel like pulling teeth solo

Why did they add this godawful mode
>pgsharp infinite loading screen
its actually fucking god damn over
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>early route shitmon
>niantroons chose it to be exclusive for some reason
I hate californian trannies
If they're gonna have such lousy shiny rates on top of the odds of meeting them in the first place, shiny hunters are going to have a miserable time
But every g-birb shiny is a downgrade (just like kaaaantoooo forms in general) so idk
kek, I was scared of that happening in 2023 when I met a wild shiny planewife, but she stayed in the ball in the end
This anon fantasizes about female dog genitals
I played in 2016, dropped it, and started back up in March and having a mostly good time
I've found out that trading some of my leftover 2016 mons is a guaranteed lucky trade apparently
What should I trade them for? I don't know anyone that plays around me, but I have a pgsharp dummy account that's like level 18
Spoof for good shundos then lucky trade them to your main so you have shundos that cost half as llmuch to power up, ultimate flex.
The 1 guy they have coding forgot to playtest it.
Trading resets IVs idiot, they 99% won't be shundos anymore even if lucky
No they definitely don't, not if it's lucky. Don't try to trick him into missing opportunities.
Thanks again hanke. Also post most recent shinies. I didn't do ponyta CD, I actually caught one and hatched another back to back two days before the cd. I evolved one on CD though for the move, but I was getting married that day.
how do you tell when something is level 30
Pokegenie overlay
Alternatively see which power up starts requiring XL candy, that point is 40->40.5
Then count down, each power up is half a level
Just evolve three shitty charmander up to charizard (or two up to charizard and one to chameleon) and you’ll win, you don’t need to invest star dust yet
3000 cp
I did that but it takes way too fucking long to do the battle, even if its a win
I hear you but at this point I have a decent charmander I’m waiting for the collective community day to evolve for blast burn so I found it easier and cheaper to just evolve a few sub optimal ones
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Caught this little garbage bunny on the way to work this morning
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Now who to believe
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Aside from a wild Lapras and a raid day Falinks, I havent had much wild shiny luck recently.
However, after a long drought, my eggs have started to be shiny once again, and the herald of that was the Sandile I hatched during the recent Beldum CD. The Amaura there is from last year's adventure week, and the first Chingling from February so I've really had nothing going for me in that area for a while
Why the carpet? That's disgusting for a school/office
The building's from the 40's, but they probably put the carpet in in the 70's. It's pretty stuck in time. I found a paper dated to '68 in a book the other day.
good get fucked
if shit then why cute
Trading resets ivs. 2016 pokemon will be lucky for the first 25 trades. Save them and trade them for shiny legendaries so you can get 3 star lucky legendary shinies or a pokemon you want. Thats all there is to it. If you download campfire you can find local players find the biggest active community near you
>and then you get a 2* lucky shiny
always hilarious
isn't it up to 2018 mons now for guaranteed lucky?
yeah and i believe the guaranteed lucky limit was increased to 22 or so
muh charizard but at least its just stickers no one cares about and nothing more
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Based, Charizard owns this franchise.
Big thanks for the information!
>perfect groud
aw yiss
now you just have to wait for primal groudon and raid it 8 times for enough energy to primal evolve it.
It's been a year since my last hundo (Shedinja) please niantic I've been a good goy
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Here you go anon
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You could've just used a search engine to find confirmation
No offence to Skiddo, he cute indeed. But he's not special in a way that makes locking him like niantroons do justifiable.
Cool, I'll make sure to download those stickers from pokeminers github when they are uploaded and post them sometimes so that others can download them too
Pokémon Legends Arceus
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>page 3
fake OP moment
Are the Beldum Max Battles soloable?
I got a morelul and a ratata a couple days ago

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